Joseph H. M. Steenbrink
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Dutch mathematician
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Joseph H. M. Steenbrink's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Amsterdam
Why Is Joseph H. M. Steenbrink Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joseph Henri Maria Steenbrink is a Dutch mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry. Steenbrink received in 1974 his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam with thesis advisor Frans Oort and thesis Limits of Hodge Structures and Intermediate Jacobians. He is now a professor at Radboud University Nijmegen.
Joseph H. M. Steenbrink's Published Works
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Published Works
- Mixed Hodge Structure on the Vanishing Cohomology (1977) (437)
- Limits of Hodge structures (1976) (381)
- Variation of mixed Hodge structure. I (1985) (318)
- Mixed Hodge structures (2008) (270)
- Intersection form for quasi-homogeneous singularities (1977) (221)
- On the mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of the Milnor fibre (1985) (160)
- Mixed Hodge structures associated with isolated singularities (1983) (155)
- Magnetostratigraphy-based astronomical tuning of the early Pliocene lacustrine sediments of Ptolemais (NW Greece) and bed-to-bed correlation with the marine record (1998) (91)
- Global smoothing of Calabi-Yau threefolds (1995) (90)
- Sedimentary cycles and volcanic ash beds in the Lower Pliocene lacustrine succession of Ptolemais (NW Greece): discrepancy between 40Ar/39Ar and astronomical ages (1999) (76)
- Semicontinuity of the singularity spectrum (1985) (75)
- The spectrum of hypersurface singularities (1989) (71)
- On the topology of smoothable singularities (1981) (66)
- Present status of the astronomical (polarity) time-scale for the Mediterranean Late Neogene (1999) (63)
- 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages of tephras intercalated in astronomically tuned Neogene sedimentary sequences in the eastern Mediterranean (2004) (62)
- Logarithmic embeddings of varieties with normal crossings and mixed Hodge structures (1995) (44)
- Late Miocene to Early Pliocene depositional history of the intramontane Florina-Ptolemais-Servia Basin, NW Greece: Interplay between orbital forcing and tectonics (2006) (42)
- Refinement of the Messinian APTS from sedimentary cycle patterns in the lacustrine Lava section (Servia Basin, NW Greece) (2000) (41)
- Some remarks about the hodge conjecture (1987) (40)
- Degeneration of the Leray spectral sequence for certain geometric quotients (2001) (35)
- Millennial-scale climatic cycles in the Early Pliocene pollen record of Ptolemais, northern Greece (2006) (35)
- Spectral pairs and the topology of curve singularities (1991) (30)
- Cohomologically insignificant degenerations (1980) (30)
- Millennial-scale climate variations recorded in Early Pliocene colour reflectance time series from the lacustrine Ptolemais Basin (NW Greece) (2003) (29)
- Monodromy of Variations of Hodge Structure (2003) (24)
- Du Bois invariants of isolated complete intersection singularities (1997) (24)
- A supplement to the monodromy theorem (1989) (22)
- Orbital signatures in lacustrine sediments : the Late Neogene intramontane Florina-Ptolemais-Servia Basin, northwestern Greece (2001) (20)
- Spectral Pairs, Mixed Hodge Modules, and Series of Plane Curve Singularities. (1995) (19)
- Reduced Hilbert schemes for irreducible curve singularities (1992) (17)
- On the picard group of certain smooth surfaces in weighted projective spaces (1982) (16)
- Motivic Milnor fibre for nondegenerate function germs on toric singularities (2013) (15)
- A short-term cooling event, 4.205 million years ago, in the Ptolemais Basin, northern Greece (2001) (14)
- Topological invariance of the weight filtration (1984) (13)
- Monodromy and weight filtration for smoothings of isolated singularities (1995) (12)
- Proof of a conjecture of W. Veys (1995) (11)
- Vanishing theorems on singular spaces (2019) (11)
- Adjunction conditions for 1-forms on surfaces in projective three-space (2004) (11)
- Picard numbers of surfaces in 3-dimensional weighted projective spaces (1991) (10)
- The configuration of bitangents of the Klein curve (1994) (9)
- On the local invariant cycle theorem. Appendix to: On the monodromy at infinity of a polynomial map, by R. Garcia Lopez and A. Nemethi (1996) (9)
- Singularities : the Brieskorn anniversary volume (1998) (8)
- Computing Hodge-theoretic invariants of singularities (2001) (7)
- Polar curves, resolution of singularities and the filtered mixed hodge structure on the vanishing cohomology (1987) (7)
- Spectra of K–Unimodal Isolated Singularities of Complete Intersections (1999) (6)
- Applications of Hodge Theory to Singularities (1990) (5)
- Hodge number polynomials for nearby and vanishing cohomology (2005) (4)
- On Huh’s conjectures for the polar degree (2018) (3)
- Polar degree and Huh's conjectures (2018) (3)
- Extending Hodge bundles for abelian variations (1996) (3)
- On the monodromy of curve singularities (1996) (3)
- Cup products and mixed Hodge structures (1999) (1)
- On the monodromy of curve singularities (1996) (1)
- Quartic double solids with ordinary singularities (2008) (1)
- Mediterranean Neogene cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology: Recent progress and new developments. (2005) (1)
- Orbital forcing in the geological record lacustrine ptolemais basin: age maodel & correlation to the marine record. (1998) (0)
- The Netherlands Cup products and mixed Hodge structures (1999) (0)
- Algebraic geometry : proceedings of the conference at Berlin, 9-15 March 1988 (1990) (0)
- Hodge Theory: the search for purity (2007) (0)
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (2012) (0)
- The impact of astronomical forcing on the coeval evolution of marine and continental Pliocene depositional systems in the Mediterranean (1997) (0)
- Extendability of holomorphie differential forms near isolated hypersurfaee singularities (1985) (0)
- Millennial-scale Climate Variations Recorded As Far Back As The Early Pliocene (2002) (0)
- Spherical algebraic knots increase with dimension (1991) (0)
- Direct intercalibration of astronomical and radioisotopic time in the Mediterranean Neogene. (1999) (0)
- Workshop "Cohen-Macaulay modules, singularities and Cohen-Macaulay approximation" (1994) (0)
- Multiplier Ideals, B-function, and Spectrum of a Hypersurface Singularity (2007) (0)
- Some Remarks on Hyperresolutions (2017) (0)
- Manifold destiny: justification or canonization? (2007) (0)
- Direct intercalibration of astronomical and radioisotopic time: the sedimentary tephra record of the Mediterranean Neogene (1998) (0)
- Geometry and cohomology of discriminants and moduli spaces (2000) (0)
- , Seamounts, Metamorphic belts and Volcanic ash layers and Sediments: 5 years of 40Ar/39Ar geochronology in the Netherlands. (1998) (0)
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