Juana Muñoz-Liceras
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Hispanic Linguistics professor
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Juana Muñoz-Liceras's Degrees
- PhD Hispanic Linguistics University of Salamanca
- Masters Hispanic Linguistics University of Salamanca
- Bachelors Hispanic Philology University of Salamanca
Why Is Juana Muñoz-Liceras Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Juana Muñoz-Liceras is Professor of Hispanic and General Linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. Her main research focus on the acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language as well theoretical linguistics and language contact. She was recognized as one of the 10 most influential Hispanics of 2013 in Canada.
Juana Muñoz-Liceras's Published Works
Published Works
- Linguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition: On some properties of the “pro-drop” parameter: looking for missing subjects in non-native Spanish (1989) (136)
- Functional Categories and Acquisition Orders (1994) (135)
- The role of formal features in second language acquisition (2008) (130)
- Gender and gender agreement in bilingual native and non-native grammars: A view from child and adult functional–lexical mixings (2008) (130)
- Topic-drop versus pro-drop: null subjects and pronominal subjects in the Spanish L2 of Chinese, English, French, German and Japanese speakers (1999) (84)
- Proceedings of the 6th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition conference (GASLA 2002) : L2 links (2003) (71)
- Overt subjects and copula omission in the Spanish and the English grammar of English–Spanish bilinguals: On the locus and directionality of interlinguistic influence (2012) (65)
- The acquisition of Spanish morphosyntax : the L1/L2 connection (2002) (60)
- Bilingual early functional-lexical mixing and the activation of formal features (2005) (46)
- The value of clitics in non-native Spanish (1985) (42)
- La Adquisición de las lenguas extranjeras : hacia un modelo de análisis de la interlengua (1992) (40)
- Placeholders in the English Interlanguage of Bilingual (Basque/Spanish) Children (2005) (37)
- Copula omission in the English developing grammar of English/Spanish bilingual children (2010) (35)
- 5. Syntax and stylistics: more on the pro-drop parame (1988) (34)
- La Adquisición de las lenguas segundas y la gramática universal (1996) (34)
- Triggers in L2 Acquisition: The Case of Spanish N-N Compounds (2000) (33)
- Language dominance and language nativeness: the view from English-Spanish codeswitching (2016) (30)
- 'Living with Optionality':Root Infinitives, Bare Forms and Inflected Forms in Child Null SubjectLanguages (2006) (26)
- The Acquisition of Spanish Morphosyntax (2002) (25)
- Linguistic theory and second language acquisition: the Spanish nonnative grammar of English speakers (1986) (25)
- La lingüistica y el análisis de los sistemas no nativos (1995) (24)
- Beyond the subject DP versus the subject pronoun divide in agreement switches (2016) (23)
- L1/L2 Spanish grammars and the pragmatic deficit hypothesis (1999) (22)
- On the Nature of the Relationship between Morphology and Syntax (1998) (21)
- The acquisition of L3 English negation by bilingual (Spanish/Basque) learners in an institutional setting (2009) (20)
- The representation of gender in the mind of Spanish-English bilinguals: Insights from code-switched Adjectival Predicates (2017) (19)
- Subjective frequency norms for 330 Spanish simple and compound words (2010) (18)
- Null subjects in non-native grammars: The Spanish L2 of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Korean speakers (1999) (17)
- N-drop and Determiners in Native and Non-native Spanish: More on the Role of Morphology in the Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge (2000) (17)
- The Compounding Parameter and the Word-Marker Hypothesis (2002) (17)
- Second Language Acquisition and Syntactic Theory in the 21st Century (2010) (16)
- Linguistic theory and the Synthesis Model: Beyond feature matching restrictions (2016) (15)
- L2 Learnability: Delimiting the Domain of Core Grammar as Distinct from the Marked Periphery (1988) (12)
- The Distribution of Null Subjects inNon-native Grammars: Syntactic Markedness and Interface Vulnerability (2010) (11)
- Subject omission/production in child bilingual English and child bilingual Spanish: the view from linguistic theory (2019) (10)
- Functional-Lexical Code-Mixing Patterns as Evidence for Language Dominance in Young Bilingual Children: A Minimalist Approach (2003) (10)
- Typological proximity in L2 acquisition: The Spanish non-native grammar of French speakers (2015) (10)
- On parameters, functional categories and features … and why the trees shouldn't prevent us from seeing the forest … (2009) (9)
- On the specific nature of non-native grammars: the whys, whens, wheres and... hows (1998) (8)
- Complex Wh-questions in Non-nativeSpanish and Non-native German: Does Input Matter? (2011) (7)
- Some Remarks on the Realization of the Realis/Irrealis Opposition in Child Language: Towards a Universal Characterization of the Root Infinitive Stage Across Languages (2006) (7)
- Accounting for Optionality in Nonnative Grammars: Parametric Change in Diachrony and L2 Development as Instances of Internalized Diglossia (2005) (7)
- Markedness and permeability in interlanguage systems (1981) (6)
- To “grow” and what “to grow,” that is one question (1996) (6)
- Early Phonological Acquisition in a Set of English-Spanish Bilingual Twins (2011) (6)
- La adquisición en el aula sin input formal : los compuestos 'exocéntricos' de las interlenguas del español (2004) (5)
- Linguistic theory and the analysis of minority languages: native, immigrant and heritage Spanish (2009) (5)
- Agreement in the English Interlanguage of Basque/Spanish Bilinguals (2006) (5)
- Licensing and identification of null categories in Spanish non-native grammars (1998) (5)
- The now and then of L2 growing pains (1997) (5)
- El tema de las variedades del español en los programas de español como lengua extranjera. (1994) (5)
- La evolución del concepto de parámetro en la teoría lingüística y las consecuencias para la gramática comparada (1997) (5)
- A “linguistic approach” to the idiosyncratic nature of second language acquisition: Monosyllabic place-holders and morpheme orders (2007) (4)
- Progressing beyond the NeutralPerfective: Acquisition of English Aspect by Native Speakers of Japanese (2008) (4)
- Modality, Non-Finite Forms and the Manifestation of the RI Stage in Null and Non-Null Subject Languages (2008) (4)
- The Nature of the Pronominal Systemand Verbal Morphology in Bilingual Spanish/English Child Data: LinguisticTheory and Learnability Issues (2008) (4)
- Sobre el concepto de permeabilidad (1986) (4)
- There is Hope for Japanese Learners of English: the Case of Telicity (2008) (4)
- Los Juicios de Gramaticalidad en Terreno Movedizo (1994) (4)
- Bilingualism as a first language: language dominance and crosslinguistic influence (2018) (4)
- Formulación de parámetros y adquisición de lenguas extranjeras (1990) (4)
- L2 Acquisition as a Process of Creolization: Insights from Child and Adult Code-Mixing (2006) (3)
- Spanish L1/L2 Crossroads: Can We Get ‘There’ from ‘Here’? (2003) (3)
- On Linguistic Theory and Spanish Grammars (1989) (3)
- Can an On-line Response Latency Task Shed Light on Native and Non-native Competence in the Deverbal Compounds of Spanish? (2003) (3)
- La interlengua del español en el siglo XXI (2009) (3)
- La teoría lingüística y la composición nominal del español y del inglés (2001) (3)
- Atando cabos: pedagogía y ciencias cognitivas en el estudio de la adquisición del español como segunda lengua (1994) (3)
- La teoría lingüística y la adquisición del español como lengua segunda (1986) (3)
- Language dominance and language nativeness (2016) (2)
- The Multiple Grammars Theory and the nature of L2 grammars (2014) (2)
- Beyond (or besides) interfaces?: On narrow syntax, directionality and input (2011) (2)
- Compounding and derivation: On the ‘promiscuity’ of derivational affixes (2019) (2)
- Linguistic theory and bilingual systems: Simultaneous and sequential English/Spanish bilingualism (2008) (2)
- Se hace camino al ...investigar (2003) (2)
- Interlinguistic influence in simultaneous bilingualism: core syntax phenomena and lexical transparency (2012) (2)
- Unexpected Constructions in SLA: ADiachronic Approach (2009) (2)
- Un lugar para cada cosa y cada cosa... ¿en qué lugar?: La lengua materna, el input y las técnicas de obtención de datos (2013) (2)
- La adquisición del léxico (2009) (2)
- La morfología léxica del español y el llamado problema lógico de la adquisición del lenguaje no nativo (2009) (2)
- Adquirir, aprender y enseñar el español como lengua extranjera (1998) (2)
- Comodines "is" y "he" en el inglés / castellano-euskera (2003) (2)
- Lexically-Based Interlinguistic Influence at the Syntax-Semantic Interface: Copula Omission in the English Grammar of English-Spanish Bilinguals (2010) (2)
- Operaciones sintácticas y estrategias de focalización (1992) (1)
- Null subjects in non-native grammars (1999) (1)
- Spanish L1/L2 Crossroads (2003) (1)
- La idiosincrasia de los sistemas no nativos (1988) (1)
- Hispanic Linguistics at the Crossroads: Theoretical linguistics, language acquisition and language contact. Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2013 (2015) (1)
- El saber ocupa, ¿qué lugar?: El acceso indirecto a las intuiciones del nativo (2013) (1)
- El papel de la morfología en la adquisición de la sintaxis del español como lengua materna y como lengua segunda (2001) (1)
- La adquisición de la lengua materna y las lenguas segundas: ¿qué caminos llevan a qué Roma? (2005) (1)
- Modalidad e infinitivos independientes en la adquisición de lenguas (2007) (1)
- Compuestos N-N y derivación en español y portugués brasileño: en la encrucijada morfología, sintaxis y semántica (2020) (1)
- Incorporating Second Language Acquisition Research into Teacher Education (2014) (1)
- Los procesos de selección, instrucción y representación en la adquisición del lenguaje no nativo. (1995) (1)
- Artículos definidos y clíticos del español no nativo. ¿Problemas gramaticales o problemas de procesamiento? (2012) (0)
- (Published in Studia Linguistica 2002 Volume 54 (2):197-211) (2002) (0)
- Parte I. La teoría lingüistica y la adquisición de lenguas segundas: Los principios de la gramática universal y la adquisición de lenguas segundas (1993) (0)
- Teaching Spanish as a non-primary language in the twenty-first century: insights from linguistic theory, psycholinguistic theory, and empirical research on language acquisition (2014) (0)
- La gramática de la interlengua española (1996) (0)
- Special issue: Language acquisition in the 21st century (2016) (0)
- Qué nos dicen los juicios de gramaticalidad sobre la competencia gramatical y el procesamiento de los compuestos deverbales del español (2005) (0)
- Los datos de adquisición bilingüe inglés/español:: separación y mezcla de códigos (2007) (0)
- Double-Gapped Restrictive Relatives in Chinese: A Syntactic or a Processing Account? (2005) (0)
- Chapter 8. On the nature of crosslinguistic influence (2021) (0)
- Adquisición del español como segunda lengua: sintaxis (2015) (0)
- Las primeras etapas de la adquicision del Español no nativo en un contexto institucional : mas alla de los parametros (1995) (0)
- Las relaciones anafóricas de los sujetos nulos y explícitos del español y del portugués brasileño: la proximidad tipológica... funciona (2020) (0)
- El diseño experimental, la gramática descriptivo-pedagógica y la formación de profesores de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) (2018) (0)
- ¿Gramática o gramáticas del español no-nativo? (1991) (0)
- La adquisición de los sujetos nulos y los sustantivos nulos del español: De los paradigmas morfológicos al conocimiento sintáctico (1998) (0)
- El "cambio o la alternancia de código" del lenguaje infantil de los bilingües y la activación de los rasgos formales del input lingüístico (2005) (0)
- Book Reviews (1996) (0)
- Grammatical Gender in Atypical Language Development (2019) (0)
- L2 Acquisition as a process of Creolization (2006) (0)
- Languages Will Apply a Double-Blind Review Process (2018) (0)
- Mind and Context Interactions In the Lab , and in the Wild (2018) (0)
- Chapter 3. Perspectives on L2 teacher’s nearnativeness: Linguistic, psycholinguistic, contact linguistics and pedagogical approaches (2017) (0)
- SLABank English-Spanish Liceras Corpus (2010) (0)
- Introduction. Language acquisition and cognitive science at the crossroads (2016) (0)
- Juana Muñoz Liceras (ed.). La lingüística y el análisis de los sistemas no nativos. Ottawa : Ottawa Hispanic Studies, 1993. 277 p. (1994) (0)
- THE CURRENT STATE OF INTERLANGUAGE: STUDIES IN HONOR OF WILLIAM E. RUTHERFORD.Lynn Eubank, Larry Selinker, and Michael Sharwood Smith (Eds.). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1995. Pp. vii + 293. $57.00 cloth. (1997) (0)
- Romance Languages at the Forefront of Language Acquisition Research. Volume 2 (2018) (0)
- La adquisición de L2: la perspectiva "lingüística" (1990) (0)
- Entrevista a Juana M. Liceras, a cargo de Lourdes Díaz (2010) (0)
- Enseñanza de lenguas: ¿qué sucede cuando la gramática ya 'te ha crecido'? (2007) (0)
- La adquisición de la gramática del español no nativo de adolescentes y adultos en un contexto institucional (1998) (0)
- Acquisition of aspect in L2: The computation of event completion by Japanese learners of English (2020) (0)
- Las preferencias anafóricas de los sujetos implícitos y explícitos en el español nativo y no nativo (2014) (0)
- La integración de los datos de la teoría lingüística en la gramática descriptiva de lo español (1992) (0)
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