Keith A. Kvenvolden
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Keith A. Kvenvolden's Degrees
- PhD Chemistry University of Washington
- Bachelors Chemistry University of Washington
Why Is Keith A. Kvenvolden Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Keith A. Kvenvolden's Published Works
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Published Works
- Gas hydrates—geological perspective and global change (1993) (1307)
- Methane hydrate — A major reservoir of carbon in the shallow geosphere? (1988) (1032)
- Evidence for Extraterrestrial Amino-acids and Hydrocarbons in the Murchison Meteorite (1970) (718)
- Potential effects of gas hydrate on human welfare. (1999) (494)
- A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate (1995) (398)
- A primer on the geological occurrence of gas hydrate (1998) (341)
- Methane and other Hydrocarbon Gases in Marine Sediment (1983) (314)
- Gaia's breath—global methane exhalations (2005) (297)
- Methane hydrates and global climate (1988) (272)
- Organic geochemistry applied to environmental assessments of Prince William Sound, Alaska, after the Exxon Valdez oil spill—a review (1996) (267)
- Nonprotein amino acids in the murchison meteorite. (1971) (260)
- Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates (1993) (243)
- The Global Occurrence of Natural Gas Hydrate (2013) (235)
- Abstracts of Contributed Papers (1973) (175)
- Hydrates of natural gas; a review of their geologic occurrence (1980) (149)
- Ubiquitous tar balls with a california-source signature on the shorelines of prince william sound, alaska. (1995) (131)
- Methane hydrate in the global organic carbon cycle (2002) (126)
- Diagenesis and interstitial-water chemistry at the Peruvian continental margin; major constituents and strontium isotopes (1990) (120)
- Chemistry, isotopic composition, and origin of a methane-hydrogen sulfide hydrate at the Cascadia subduction zone (1998) (104)
- A record of hydrocarbon input to San Francisco Bay as traced by biomarker profiles in surface sediment and sediment cores (1999) (101)
- A primer on gas hydrates (1993) (98)
- Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrence and Issues (1994) (97)
- The nature, distribution, and origin of gas hydrate in the Chile Triple Junction region (1996) (97)
- Natural Hydrocarbon Background in Benthic Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska: Oil vs Coal (1999) (93)
- Gas Hydrates of the Blake Outer Ridge Site 533, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 (1983) (92)
- Gas Hydrate Formation in the Deep Sea: In Situ Experiments with Controlled Release of Methane, Natural Gas, and Carbon Dioxide (1998) (90)
- Amino Acids Indigenous to the Murray Meteorite (1971) (90)
- Attention turns to naturally occurring methane seepage (2001) (90)
- Carbon Isotopic Studies of Organic Matter in Precambrian Rocks (1972) (90)
- Hydrothermally derived petroleum: examples from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, and Escanaba Trough, northeast Pacific Ocean (1990) (88)
- Deep-ocean field test of methane hydrate formation from a remotely operated vehicle (1997) (81)
- Hydrocarbons in oil residues on beaches of islands of Prince William Sound, Alaska (1993) (79)
- Geochemical changes in crude oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez supertanker into Prince William Sound, Alaska (1994) (78)
- Hydrates of natural gas in continental margins (1982) (77)
- Biogenicity and significance of the oldest known stromatolites (1971) (71)
- Normal fatty acids in sediments (1967) (70)
- Leg 84 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (1982) (69)
- Hydrocarbon gas in sediment from the shelf, slope, and basin of the Bering Sea (1980) (68)
- Correlation and chronology of Pacific Coast marine terrace deposits of continental United States by fossil amino acid stereochemistry technique, evaluation, relative ages, kinetic model ages, and geologic implications (1977) (68)
- Racemization of amino acids in marine sediments determined by gas chromatography (1973) (64)
- Modern biogenic gas-generated craters (sea-floor “pockmarks”) on the Bering Shelf, Alaska (1979) (63)
- Gas hydrates on the northern California continental margin (1985) (62)
- Racemization of Amino Acids in Sediments from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia (1970) (61)
- Early developments in petroleum geochemistry (2002) (60)
- Stereoisomers of isovaline in the Murchison meteorite (1975) (60)
- Low-temperature formation of hydrocarbon gases in San Francisco Bay sediment (California, U.S.A.) (1982) (59)
- The Beaufort Sea continental shelf as a seasonal source of atmospheric methane (1993) (58)
- Gas Hydrates of the Middle America TrenchDeep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84 (1985) (56)
- PAH refractory index as a source discriminant of hydrocarbon input from crude oil and coal in Prince William Sound, Alaska (1999) (54)
- Geologic interrelations relative to gas hydrates within the North Slope of Alaska (1988) (53)
- Amino-acid racemizarion in Quaternary shell deposits at Willapa Bay, Washington (1979) (53)
- Natural gas hydrate; introduction and history of discovery (2003) (50)
- Pressure core barrel; application to the study of gas hydrates, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 533, Leg 76 (1983) (49)
- Petroleum formation and occurrence—A new approach to oil and gas exploration: by B.P. Tissot and D.H. Welte, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978, XVIII + 538 pp., 58 tables, 243 figures. (1980) (49)
- Organic Geochemistry on the JOIDES Resolution: An Assay (1986) (47)
- Geochemistry of a naturally occurring massive marine gas hydrate (1984) (47)
- Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals from South-West Africa (1971) (46)
- Possible connection between two Alaskan catastrophes occurring 25 yr apart (1964 and 1989) (1993) (46)
- Organic Matter in Meteorites (1972) (44)
- Advances in the Geochemistry of Amino Acids (1975) (44)
- Organic geochemistry - A retrospective of its first 70 years (2006) (42)
- Concentrations and carbon isotopic compositions of CH4 and CO2 in gas from sediments of the Blake Outer Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 (1983) (42)
- Gas hydrates in oceanic sediment (1988) (41)
- Early history of the Atlantic Ocean and gas hydrates on the Blake Outer Ridge: Results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 (1982) (41)
- Optical Configuration of Amino-acids in Pre-Cambrian Fig Tree Chert (1969) (41)
- Gas hydrates of the Arctic Ocean region (1990) (39)
- Comparison of 14C ages of hydrothermal petroleums (1994) (38)
- Shipboard Organic Geochemistry on JOIDES Resolution (1986) (38)
- Introduction to microbial and thermal methane (1993) (37)
- Reassessment of the Rates at which Oil from Natural Sources Enters the marine environment (1983) (37)
- Use of geochemical biomarkers in bottom sediment to track oil from a spill, San Francisco Bay, California (1992) (37)
- Alkylcyclohexanes in Environmental Geochemistry (2002) (35)
- Thermogenic hydrocarbons in unconsolidated sediment of Eel river basin, offshore northern California (1981) (34)
- Evidence for porphyrins in early precambrian Swaziland System sediments (1969) (34)
- Amino acids in Precambrian sediments: an assay. (1968) (34)
- Carbon, Carbides, and Methane in an Apollo 12 Sample (1971) (34)
- Seismic and Geochemical Evidence for Shallow Gas in Sediment on Navarin Continental Margin, Bering Sea (1985) (32)
- Search for Organic Compounds in the Lunar Dust from the Sea of Tranquiblity (1970) (32)
- Hydrocarbon gas seeps of the convergent Hikurangi margin, North Island, New Zealand (1989) (31)
- Natural Gas Hydrate: Background and History of Discovery (2000) (31)
- Comparisons of In Situ and Core Gas Measurements in ODP Leg 164 Bore Holes (2000) (31)
- Organic markers as source discriminants and sediment transport indicators in south San Francisco Bay, California (1989) (31)
- Comparison of marine gas hydrates in sediments of an active and passive continental margin (1985) (28)
- Geochemical evidence for gas hydrate in sediment near the Chile Triple Juction (1995) (26)
- Characterization of hydrocarbon gas within the stratigraphic interval of gas-hydrate stability on the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A. (1990) (25)
- Multiple sources of alkanes in Quaternary oceanic sediment of Antarctica (1987) (25)
- Hydrocarbon geochemistry of hydrothermally generated petroleum from Escanaba trough, offshore Californi U.S.A. (1990) (23)
- Geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbons in the outer continental shelf, Southern Bering Sea, Alaska (1981) (23)
- Geochemistry of amino acid enantiomers - Gas chromatography of their diastereomeric derivatives. (1972) (23)
- GLC of amino acids: a survey of contamination. (1972) (23)
- Natural Offshore Oil Seepage and Related Tarball Accumulation on the California Coastline - Santa Barbara Channel and the Southern Santa Maria Basin: Source Identification and Inventory (2009) (22)
- History of the recognition of organic geochemistry in geoscience (2002) (22)
- Methane and other hydrocarbon gases in sediment from the southeastern North American continental margin (2000) (22)
- Chemical and isotopic evidence of gas‐influenced flow at a transform plate boundary: Monterey Bay, California (1997) (22)
- Molecular and isotopic compositions of hydrocarbons at Site 533, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 (1983) (21)
- Carbon Isotopic Composition of Crude Oils from Ellenburger Group (Lower Ordovician), Permian Basin, West Texas and Eastern New Mexico (1967) (21)
- Origin of Gasoline-Range Hydrocarbons and Their Migration by Solution in Carbon Dioxide in Norton Basin, Alaska (1980) (21)
- Response to Comment on “Natural Hydrocarbon Background in Benthic Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska: Oil vs Coal” (2000) (20)
- Global occurrences of gas hydrate (2001) (20)
- Geologic interrelations relative to gas hydrates within the North Slope of Alaska: Task No. 6, Final report (1988) (20)
- Amino Acid Geochemistry of Fossil Bones from the Rancho La Brea Asphalt Deposit, California (1982) (19)
- Isotopic Analysis of Core Gases at Sites 565-570, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84 (1985) (19)
- Response to comment by Bence et al. (2000) (19)
- Hydrocarbons in recent sediment of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (2002) (18)
- Methane in permafrost : preliminary results from coring at Fairbanks, Alaska (1993) (18)
- A mathematical model of a geochemical process: Normal paraffin formation from normal fatty acids (1967) (18)
- Organic geothermometry of petroleum from Escanaba Trough, offshore northern California (1988) (18)
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea (1979) (17)
- Stereochemistry of amino acids in surface samples of a marine sediment (1978) (17)
- Carbon isotope systematics of individual hydrocarbons in hydrothermal petroleum from Escanaba Trough, northeastern Pacific Ocean. (1997) (17)
- Application of Organic Geochemistry to Coastal Tar Residues from Central California (2000) (17)
- Geology and geochemistry of gas-charged sediment on Kodiak Shelf, Alaska (1981) (16)
- Search for Porphyrins in Lunar Dust (1970) (16)
- Hydrocarbon geochemistry of cold seeps in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (2002) (16)
- A search for amino acids in Apollo 11 and 12 Lunar fines (1971) (16)
- Subsurface and petroleum geology of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley ("Silicon Valley"), California (2002) (16)
- Map showing the depth to the base of the deepest ice-bearing permafrost as determined from well logs, North Slope, Alaska (1989) (15)
- Amino acid racemization dating of fossil bones, I. inter-laboratory comparison of racemization measurements (1979) (15)
- Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbons in Sediments from San Francisco Bay, California (1962) (14)
- Methane in coastal sea water, sea ice, and bottom sediments, Beaufort Sea, Alaska (1995) (14)
- Thermogenic Gases In Near-Surface Sediments Of Norton Sound, Alaska (1978) (14)
- Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of Sediments Offshore from Antarctica: Wilkes Land Continental Margin (1987) (14)
- Age estimations based on amino acid racemization: Reply to comments of J.F. Wehmiller (1981) (14)
- Natural Gas Generation in Sediments of the Convergent Margin of the Eastern Aleutian Trench Area (1985) (13)
- Carbon compounds in lunar fines from Mare Tranquillitatis. IV - Evidence for oxides and carbides (1970) (13)
- Hydrocarbon gas in sediment of the Southern Pacific Ocean (1988) (12)
- Preliminary evaluation of the petroleum potential of the Tertiary accretionary terrane, west side of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington (1988) (12)
- Bottom sediment along oil spill trajectory in Prince William Sound and along Kenai Peninsula, Alaska; Chapter B, Comparison of Exxon Valdez oil with extractable material from deep-water bottom sediment in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska (1990) (12)
- Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of Sediments Offshore from Antarctica (1987) (12)
- Organic geochemistry of Early Precambrian sediments (1972) (12)
- Biogenic And Thermogenic Gas In Gas-Charged Sediment Of Norton Sound, Alaska (1979) (11)
- Dipping reflectors in the Norwegian Sea—ODP Leg 104 drilling results (1986) (11)
- National workshop on gas hydrates (1991) (11)
- Carbon isotopic comparisons of oil products used in the developmental history of Alaska (1998) (10)
- Carbon and sulfur in the Swaziland sequence (1974) (10)
- Amino and fatty acids in carbonaceous meteorites (1974) (9)
- Lunar pigments - Porphyrin-like compounds from an Apollo 12 sample (1971) (9)
- Geochemistry of amino acids in shells of the clam Saxidomus (1980) (9)
- Origins of organic geochemistry (2008) (8)
- Comparison of Molecular Markers in Crude Oils and Rocks from the North Slope of Alaska: SOURCE ROCK EVALUATION AND BIOMARKERS (1985) (8)
- Carbon compounds in lunar fines from Mare Tranquillitatis. II - Search for porphyrins (1970) (8)
- Fate of spilled oil in Prince William Sound; diary of a forensic geology study (1997) (8)
- Carbon compounds in lunar fines from Mare Tranquillitatis. I - Search for molecules of biological significance (1970) (8)
- Hydrologic setting and geochemical characterization of free-phase hydrocarbons in the alluvial aquifer at Mandan, North Dakota, November 2000 (2001) (8)
- Preliminary report on gaseous hydrocarbons in sediment and seeps, offshore Eel River basin, California (1987) (8)
- Review of methods used in lunar organic analysis: Extraction and hydrolysis techniques (1972) (7)
- Biomarkers in Tertiary mélange, western Olympic Peninsula, Washington, U.S.A. (1991) (7)
- Carbon compounds in lunar fines from Mare Tranquillitatis. III - Organosiloxanes in hydrochloric acid hydrolysates (1970) (7)
- Sedimentology and geochemistry of surface sediments and the distribution of faults and potentially unstable sediments, St. George Basin region of the outer continental shelf, southern Bering Sea (1979) (7)
- Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Natural Gas from Seeps in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, Wyoming (1989) (7)
- Criteria for distinguishing biogenic and abiogenic amino acids — Preliminary considerations (2007) (7)
- Amino acid analyses of Apollo 14 samples. (1972) (6)
- Marine chemistry. (1980) (6)
- Studies of Permafrost and Gas-Hydrates as Possible Sources of Atmospheric Methane at High Latitudes (1993) (6)
- Comparison of offshore and onshore gas occurrences, Eel River basin, northern California (1998) (5)
- Radiocarbon Dating of Size Fractions of a Sample of Bahama Carbonate Sediment (1965) (5)
- Petroleum from northeast Pacific Ocean hydrothermal systems in Escanaba Trough and Guaymas basin (1987) (5)
- Future of gas hydrate research (1999) (5)
- Evidence of naturally occurring Gas Hydrates on the North Slope of Alaska (1987) (5)
- Spilled oil and infaunal activity: modification of burrowing behavior and redistribution of oil (1984) (5)
- Hydrates of Natural Gas in Continental Margins: Environmental Processes: Model Investigations of Margin Environmental and Tectonic Processes (1982) (5)
- Natural Gas Hydrates of the Offshore Circum-Pacific Margin--A Future Energy Resource? (1986) (5)
- A comparison of hydrocarbon gases from natural sources in the northwestern United States (1993) (5)
- Geochemistry of amino acids in sediments from Clear Lake, California (1981) (5)
- A survey of molecular marker compounds in sediments of San Francisco Bay, California (1994) (4)
- A quest for porphyrins in lunar soil: Samples from Apollo 11, 12 and 14 (1972) (4)
- Aspects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill — a forensic study and a toxics controversy (1999) (4)
- The Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea A Frontier Area For Hydrocarbon Exploration (1978) (4)
- Distribution and significance of carbon compounds on the moon. (1972) (3)
- Seafloor discoveries: seabed pockmarks and seepages. (1989) (3)
- Gas Hydrates Offshore Alaska and Western Continental United States (1987) (3)
- Organic geochemistry on Leg 104 (1989) (3)
- Potential for generation of natural gas in sediments of the convergent margin of the Aleutian Trench Area (1984) (3)
- 14. ORGANIC MATTER AT SITES 642, 643, AND 644, ODP LEG 104 1 (1989) (3)
- Contributions from the combined 7th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments and the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Seafloor Hydrocarbon Seeps, Geology Institute, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, 7–11 October 2002 (2003) (3)
- Organic contaminants in peninsula berms and agricultural soils at the Sonoma Baylands Wetland Demonstration Project site and adjacent seasonal wetlands, Sonoma County, California (1998) (3)
- Natural evidence for chemical and early biological evolution (1974) (3)
- Composition of gas seeps in northwestern Wyoming (1991) (3)
- Organic Geochemistry in the Deep Sea Drilling Project (1981) (3)
- Diapir-Like Ridges and Possible Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Northern California Continental Margin: ABSTRACT (1980) (3)
- Hydrocarbon Gases in Surface Sediments of the South Aoba Basin, Vanuatu (1988) (2)
- Organic Geochemistry, Leg 38: Introduction to Studies (1976) (2)
- Chemical evolution and the origin of life (2005) (2)
- Laboratory simulation of hydrothermal petroleum formation from sediment in Escanaba Trough, offshore from northern California (1994) (2)
- Methane in coastal sea water, sea ice, and bottom sediments, Beaufort Sea, Alaska; results from 1995 (1997) (2)
- Solvent purification procedures used in organic geochemistry laboratories (1969) (2)
- Analysis of lunar samples for carbon compounds. (1971) (2)
- Geochemistry of Organic Molecules (1979) (2)
- Gas hydrates at DSDP Leg 84 (1985) (2)
- Thermogenic Hydrocarbon Gases in Unconsolidated Seafloor Deposits, Northern California Continental Margin: ABSTRACT (1980) (2)
- Global Occurrences of Marine Gas Hydrate Beyond Active and Passive Continental Margins (2003) (2)
- Hydrocarbon geochemistry of petroleum associated with sediment-hosted sulfides from Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge (1987) (2)
- Book reviewPetroleum geochemistry and geology: By John M. Hunt. 2nd Edition. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. 1995. 743 pp. ISBN 0-7167-2441-3. Hardback. Price $59.95 (1996) (2)
- A search for carbon and its compounds in lunar samples from Mare Tranquillitatis (1970) (2)
- Preface to thematic issue on hydrocarbon seeps in marginal seas (2004) (2)
- Carbon, nitrogen and sulfur released during pyrolysis of bulk Apollo 15 fines (1972) (2)
- Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbons in Recent Sediments from San Francisco Bay, California: ABSTRACT (1962) (2)
- Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediments of Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, Washington (1982) (2)
- Comment and Reply on “Gas hydrates on the northern California continental margin”REPLY (1986) (2)
- Location and hydrocarbon content of a gravity core from the offshore Eel River basin, northern California (1979) (2)
- Amino acids in sediments from Leg 68, Site 502 (1982) (2)
- Hydrate formation during controlled release of CH4 and CO2 in Monterey Bay (1997) (1)
- Amino acids in meteorites. (1973) (1)
- Natural gas hydrates of Circum-Pacific margin-a future energy resource (1986) (1)
- Amino Acid Dating of Bone Nuclei in Manganese Nodules from the North Pacific Ocean (1979) (1)
- Methane and other hydrocarbon gases in sediments of the southern Pacific Ocean (1987) (1)
- Hydrocarbon Gas In Bottom Sediment from Offshore the Northern Islands of Papua New Guinea (1988) (1)
- The effect of sterilization on biological, organic geochemical and morphological information in natural samples (1974) (1)
- Preliminary Results, DSDP Leg 84, Middle America Trench Off Guatemala: ABSTRACT (1982) (1)
- California State Waters Map Series: offshore of Coal Oil Point, California (2014) (1)
- Natural gas hydrate occurrence and issues: Large amounts of methane in gas hydrates are potential energy sources; role in climate change? (1995) (1)
- Racemization and epimerization. (1971) (1)
- Gas Hydrates of Outer Continental Margins: ABSTRACT (1990) (1)
- Geochemistry of a Marine Gas Hydrate Associated with a Bottom Simulating Reflector: ABSTRACT (1981) (1)
- Gas hydrates of outer continental margins (1990) (1)
- (Table 4) Comparision of C2 and C3+ normalized to C1=100% for gas released from gas hydrates and from sediments near where gas hydrates were found at DSDP Leg 84 Holes (1985) (1)
- Records of contaminant input to San Francisco Bay (1994) (1)
- REVIEW PAPER A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate (1995) (1)
- Geochemical investigation of an oil spill in San Francisco Bay, California (1991) (1)
- Biogenic Methane and gas hydratehydrate (1998) (1)
- Molecular and isotopic compositions of hydrocarbons at DSDP Site 76-533 (1983) (1)
- Integrated strategy urged to address coastal contamination issues (2001) (1)
- Gas hydrates beneath continental slope off northern California (1985) (1)
- Fifty years of IMOG (International Meetings on Organic Geochemistry) (2012) (1)
- Chemical evolution and the origin of life (2005) (1)
- Gas hydrates (clathrates) in the geosciences -- resource, hazard, and global change (1993) (1)
- Geochemical Conditions in Sediment Containing Gas Hydrates of Active and Passive Continental Margins: ABSTRACT (1985) (1)
- Comment and Reply on ‘Geochemistry of amino acids in sediments from Clear Lake, California’ REPLY (1982) (1)
- Hydrocarbons of Low Molecular Weight in Sediments from Norton Sound, Alaska: ABSTRACT (1978) (1)
- Amino-acid diagenesis and its implication for late Pleistocene lacustrine sediment, Clear Lake, California (1988) (1)
- Geochemistry of coastal tarballs in southern California—A tribute to I. R. Kaplan (2004) (1)
- Organic geochemistry of sediments on the flanks of Tanner and Cortes banks offshore from southern California (1982) (0)
- Carbonaceous meteorites: B. Nagy, 1975. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 747 pp., Dfl. 210.00, US $ 80.95 (1975) (0)
- Simulated Solar Wind Implantation of Carbon and Nitrogen Containing Ions into an Analogue of Lunar Fines (1973) (0)
- Preliminary geochemical studies of pollutant and natural organic compounds in sediments from Sonoma Baylands; a wetland restoration project in San Francisco Bay, California (1996) (0)
- (Table 2) Residual hydrocarbon gas concentrations at ODP Sites 164-991, 164-992, 164-993 and 164-996 (2000) (0)
- (Table 3) Residual hydrocarbon gas concentrations at ODP Sites 164-994, 164-995 and 164-997 (2000) (0)
- Organic Geochemistry of Sediments Recovered by DSDP/IPOD: ABSTRACT (1979) (0)
- Geochemical studies of anthropogenic and natural organic compounds at the Sonoma Baylands Wetland Demonstration Project site and adjacent marshlands, Sonoma County, California (1998) (0)
- Alkytcyclohexanes in Environmental Geochemistry (2002) (0)
- Carbon Dreams: Susan Gaines: Creative Arts Book Company, Berkeley, California, 2001, 351 pages, paperback, ISBN 088739-3063, US$17.25 (2001) (0)
- Biogenic and anthropogenic organic markers as source discriminants and sediment transport indicators in south San Francisco Bay, California (1988) (0)
- Chemistry of interstitial waters of ODP Leg 112 samples (1990) (0)
- A tribute to Lloyd Snowdon (2016) (0)
- Nonprotein Amino Acids in the Murchisoz (2016) (0)
- 13. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY ON LEG 1041 (1989) (0)
- Geochemistry of hydrate gas and water at DSDP Hole 84-570 (1985) (0)
- (Appendix 2) Total aromatic hydrocarbon concentration of ODP Hole 104-643A (1989) (0)
- Chemical and isotope composition of poor fluid from gas-hydrate samples of ODP Site 146-892 (1998) (0)
- Book Review: Proceedings of the third conference on origins of life-planetary astronomy. edited by LYNN MARGULIS. Springer-Verlag, New York (1973) 268 pp. $14-80 (1973) (0)
- Reply Response to Comment by Bence et al (2000) (0)
- (Table 3) Pressures and volumes of gases of DSDP Hole 84-570 (1984) (0)
- Microbial formation of ethylene and ethane in anoxic estuarine sediments (1980) (0)
- Hydrocarbon gas potential of accretionary melange terranes: an example from the olympic peninsula, Washington (1985) (0)
- Bibliography of USGS marine organic geochemistry; 1976-1995 (1995) (0)
- Terpane biomarkers and carbon isotopes in environmental geochemistry-application of a case study from Prince William Sound, Alaska (1996) (0)
- Biogeologic Control of Methane--Implications for Global Climate Change (2001) (0)
- Criteria for abiogenicity: Clues from carbonaceous chondrites. (1973) (0)
- (Table 4) Gas composition of DSDP Hole 84-570 samples (1984) (0)
- Gas hydrates on continental margins of the United States based on occurrence of bottom simulating reflectors on marine seismic records (1983) (0)
- Letter from Keith A. Kvenvolden to Joshua Lederberg (1973) (0)
- Isotopic analysis of core gases at DSDP Leg 84 Holes (1985) (0)
- Geochemistry of gas hydrates of DSDP Hole 84-570 (1984) (0)
- Reclamation of Bay wetlands and disposal of dredge spoils: meeting two goals simultaneously (1997) (0)
- Analysis of Carbon and Its Compounds in an Apollo 12 Sample (1971) (0)
- (Table 2) Isotopic compositions and hydrocarbon isomer ratios of core gases at DSDP Hole 84-566C (1985) (0)
- 7. PRESSURE CORE BARREL: APPLICATION TO THE STUDY OF GAS HYDRATES, DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT SITE 533, LEG 76 Keith A. Kvenvolden, Pacific-Arctic Branch of Marine Geology, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California (2006) (0)
- A comparison of hydrocarbon gases from springs and seeps of varied geologic provinces of the northwestern US (1993) (0)
- Gas Hydrates at Two Sites of an Active Continental Margin (1985) (0)
- (Appendix 1) Alkane concentration of ODP Hole 104-644A (1989) (0)
- (Table 5) Pressure core barrel variables at DSDP Hole 84-568 (1985) (0)
- Book review (1993) (0)
- Introduction to organic geochemistry studies, DSDP Leg 44 (1978) (0)
- Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Origins of Life—Chemistry and Radioastronomy: edited by Lynn Margulis. Springer-Verlag, New York (1973) 291 pp, $17.20 (1974) (0)
- (Table 1) Gases from gas hydrates of DSDP Hole 84-570 (1984) (0)
- Acceptance Speech for the 1995 Alfred E. Treibs Award (1996) (0)
- In reply: racemization dating. (1990) (0)
- Seafloor Discoveries: Seabed Pockmarks and Seepages . Impact on Geology, Biology and the Marine Environment. M. Hovland and A. G. Judd. Graham and Trotman, London, 1988 (U.S. distributor, Kluwer, Norwell, MA). xii, 293 pp., illus. $117. (1989) (0)
- Organic Geochemistry Leg 41, Introduction and Summary (1978) (0)
- Chart showing concentration and isotopic composition of hydrocarbon gases from selected springs and seeps of the northern California coast ranges (1995) (0)
- Natural-Gas Hydrates of Blake Ridge Region, Atlantic Continental Margin: ABSTRACT (1981) (0)
- Spilled Oil and Infaunal Activity--Modification of Burrowing Behavior and Redistribution of Oil: ABSTRACT (1979) (0)
- Organic matter: Productivity, accumulation, and preservation in recent and ancient sediments: Jean K. Whelan and John W. Farrington (Eds) Columbia University Press; 1992; 533pp. ISBN 0 231 07162 0; Price $79.00 (1994) (0)
- Geochemistry and the origin of life (1974) (0)
- (Table 10) Interstitial-water chemistry of ODP Hole 112-682A (1990) (0)
- Organic Geochemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416: Introduction and Summary (1980) (0)
- Alkane and hydrocarbon concentrations of ODP Leg 104 sites (1989) (0)
- (Table 11) Interstitial-water chemistry of ODP Site 112-688 (1990) (0)
- Hydrothermal Tar Mounds in Escanaba Trough, Southern Gorda Ridge (2002) (0)
- (Table 2) Isotopic analysis of hydrate gas and water at DSDP Hole 84-570 (1985) (0)
- Hydrocarbon gas concentrations in sediments from ODP Leg 164 sites (2000) (0)
- Marine Chemistry: Petroleum in the Marine Environment . Papers from a symposium, Miami Beach, Sept. 1978. Leonidas Petrakis and Fred T. Weiss, Eds. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1980. x, 372 pp., illus. $42. Advances in Chemistry Series, 185. (1980) (0)
- Search for Extraterrestrial Life (1974) (0)
- Table 2) Description of gas hydrates encountered on DSDP Leg 84 (1985) (0)
- Seafloor Discoveries. (Book Reviews: Seabed Pockmarks and Seepages) (1989) (0)
- Diagenesis of Amino Acids and Their Enantiomers: ABSTRACT (1973) (0)
- Geochemical and geologic factors effecting the formulation of gas hydrate: Task No. 5, Final report (1988) (0)
- Response : Racemization and Epimerization (1971) (0)
- Geochemical Prospecting for Hydrocarbons in Navarin Basin Province: ABSTRACT (1981) (0)
- Hydrocarbon Gases in Sediments of Eastern Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT (1977) (0)
- Table 3) Gas hydrates at DSDP Leg 84 (1985) (0)
- Evidence for an oil-bearing sedimentary basin of probable Miocene age beneath [open quotes]Silicon Valley,[close quotes] California (1996) (0)
- Organic Geochemistry—Principles and applications: Edited by Michael H. Engel and Stephen A. Macko. Plenum Press, New York. 1993. 961 pp. ISBN 0-306-44378-3. U.S. $79.50 (1994) (0)
- Hydrocarbon gases in sediments from Navarin Basin, Bering Sea; results from 1982 field season (1984) (0)
- (Table 7) Methane/ethane ratios at DSDP Leg 84 Holes (1985) (0)
- Maps Showing Isotopic Composition of Methane in Seawater of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, 1994 (1995) (0)
- (Table 6) Hydrocarbons in serpentinite at DSDP Holes 84-566C and 84-570 (1985) (0)
- (Table 3) Chemical composition of pore fluid samples from gas-hydrate interval at ODP Hole 146-892A (1998) (0)
- Gas in marine sediments and seafloor hydrocarbon seeps (2003) (0)
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