Keith Olive
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American theoretical physicist
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Keith Olive's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Keith Olive Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Keith Alison Olive is a theoretical physicist, and director at the William I Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, specializing in particle physics and cosmology. His main topics of research are: big bang nucleosynthesis, which is an explanation of the origin of the light element isotopes through 7Li; particle dark matter; big bang baryogenesis, which is an explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in nature; and inflation which is a theory constructed to resolve many outstanding problems in standard cosmology.
Keith Olive's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Review of Particle Physics (1996) (26369)
- Review of Particle Physics: Particle data group (2012) (2901)
- Review of Particle Physics (RPP) (2012) (2847)
- Oxford University Press : Review of Particle Physics, 2020-2021 (2020) (2111)
- Review of Particle Physics, 2008-2009 (2000) (1471)
- Supersymmetric relics from the big bang (1984) (1325)
- Review of Particle Physics, 1996-1997 (1996) (995)
- The Snowmass Points and Slopes: benchmarks for SUSY searches (2002) (621)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis redux (1991) (576)
- Big bang nucleosynthesis: Present status (2016) (446)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis: a critical comparison of theory and observation (1984) (436)
- Review of Particle Properties, 1988-1989 (1988) (403)
- Neutralino-Stau Coannihilation and the Cosmological Upper Limit on the Mass of the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (1998) (351)
- Supersymmetric dark matter in light of WMAP (2003) (335)
- Calculations of neutralino-stau coannihilation channels and the cosmologically relevant region of MSSM parameter space (1999) (333)
- Calculations of relic densities in the early universe (1988) (331)
- Hadronic uncertainties in the elastic scattering of supersymmetric dark matter (2008) (327)
- Re-evaluation of the elastic scattering of supersymmetric dark matter (2000) (322)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis: Theory and observations (1999) (296)
- Updated Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Unstable Relic Particles (2002) (293)
- New BBN limits on physics beyond the standard model from 4He (2004) (282)
- An update on the big bang nucleosynthesis prediction for 7Li: the problem worsens (2008) (275)
- Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project (2005) (258)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: 2015 (2015) (257)
- No-scale supergravity realization of the Starobinsky model of inflation. (2013) (256)
- The CMSSM parameter space at large /tanβ (2001) (254)
- The effects of He I λ10830 on helium abundance determinations (2015) (254)
- Physics at the CLIC multi-TeV linear collider (2004) (242)
- Environmental Dependence of Masses and Coupling Constants (2007) (239)
- Starobinsky-like inflationary models as avatars of no-scale supergravity (2013) (233)
- Heavy sneutrinos as dark matter (1994) (231)
- Primordial Lithium and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (1999) (229)
- Exploration of the MSSM with non-universal Higgs masses (2002) (226)
- Calculations of Neutralino-Stop Coannihilation in the CMSSM (2001) (215)
- The MSSM Parameter Space with Non-Universal Higgs Masses (2002) (215)
- Primordial Nucleosynthesis in Light of WMAP (2003) (214)
- Revisiting the Higgs mass and dark matter in the CMSSM (2012) (194)
- A Realistic Determination of the Error on the Primordial Helium Abundance: Steps toward Nonparametric Nebular Helium Abundances (2004) (189)
- Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis after Planck (2019) (184)
- After Primordial Inflation (1983) (182)
- Gravitino dark matter in the CMSSM (2003) (180)
- Higgs and supersymmetry (2011) (173)
- Update on the direct detection of supersymmetric dark matter (2005) (173)
- Updated post-WMAP benchmarks for supersymmetry (2003) (171)
- The CMSSM and NUHM1 in light of 7 TeV LHC, Bs→μ+μ− and XENON100 data (2012) (161)
- A new approach to systematic uncertainties and self-consistency in helium abundance determinations (2010) (158)
- The Primordial Abundance of 4He: An Update (1996) (154)
- Proposed Post-LEP benchmarks for supersymmetry (2001) (152)
- Constraints on Axions from SN 1987a (1988) (149)
- Big-bang nucleosynthesis revisited (1990) (146)
- Benchmark models, planes, lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC (2011) (141)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as a Probe of Cosmology and Particle Physics (1981) (141)
- Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: beyond the Standard Model phenomena (2016) (140)
- Preserving flat directions during inflation (1995) (137)
- Density-dependent couplings and astrophysical bounds on light scalar particles (1989) (137)
- The CMSSM and NUHM1 after LHC Run 1 (2013) (126)
- Constraining supersymmetry (2002) (124)
- A Bitter Pill: The Primordial Lithium Problem Worsens (2008) (124)
- Supersymmetric dark matter after LHC run 1 (2015) (121)
- More on electric dipole moment constraints on phases in the constrained MSSM (1996) (120)
- The Supersymmetric Parameter Space in Light of $B^-$ physics Observables and Electroweak Precision Data (2007) (119)
- Chaotic inflation and supersymmetry breaking (2011) (119)
- Bound-state effects on light-element abundances in gravitino dark matter scenarios (2006) (119)
- Likelihood functions for supersymmetric observables in frequentist analyses of the CMSSM and NUHM1 (2009) (117)
- Evolution of the fine structure constant driven by dark matter and the cosmological constant (2001) (117)
- High-energy neutrinos from the sun and cold dark matter (1987) (116)
- MSSM predictions for the electric dipole moment of the 199Hg atom (1999) (115)
- Supersymmetric dark matter in the light of CERN LEP and the Fermilab Tevatron collider (2000) (114)
- Likelihood analysis of the pMSSM11 in light of LHC 13-TeV data (2017) (113)
- Coupled Variations of Fundamental Couplings and Primordial Nucleosynthesis (2006) (113)
- On the abundance of primordial helium (1994) (112)
- Cosmological 3-brane solutions (1999) (111)
- The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider (2010) (111)
- The NACRE thermonuclear reaction compilation and big bang nucleosynthesis (2001) (110)
- Charginos and neutralinos in the light of radiative corrections: Sealing the fate of Higgsino dark matter (1998) (110)
- Electric dipole moments in the MSSM at large tanβ (2003) (110)
- Predictions for supersymmetric particle masses using indirect experimental and cosmological constraints (2008) (107)
- Primordial supersymmetric inflation (1983) (106)
- Strong moduli stabilization and phenomenology (2012) (106)
- Cosmological Inflation Cries Out for Supersymmetry (1982) (103)
- Probing CP Violation with the Deuteron Electric Dipole Moment (2004) (102)
- The effects of unstable particles on light-element abundances: Lithium versus deuterium and 3He (2005) (101)
- The pMSSM10 after LHC run 1 (2015) (100)
- Constraints on the variations of the fundamental couplings (2002) (100)
- Supersymmetry in light of 1/fb of LHC data (2011) (100)
- Constraints on neutralino dark matter from LEP 2 and cosmology (1997) (97)
- Limits on New Superweakly Interacting Particles from Primordial Nucleosynthesis (1981) (97)
- Constraints on light particles from supernova SN 1987A (1987) (96)
- Erratum to ``Calculations of neutralino-stau coannihilation channels and the cosmologically relevant region of MSSM parameter space'' [Astroparticle Physics 13 (2000) 181-213] (2001) (96)
- Primordial Inflation in Simple Supergravity (1983) (95)
- Supersymmetric benchmarks with non-universal scalar masses or gravitino dark matter (2005) (94)
- Dark matter and gauge coupling unification in nonsupersymmetric SO(10) grand unified models (2015) (93)
- Gluino coannihilation revisited (2015) (93)
- On the realization of assisted inflation (1999) (92)
- The thermodynamics of the quark-hadron phase transition in the early universe (1981) (92)
- Nucleosynthesis and the time dependence of fundamental couplings (1994) (92)
- Towards a singularity - free inflationary universe? (1995) (88)
- Calculations of inflaton decays and reheating: with applications to no-scale inflation models (2015) (88)
- Assisted chaotic inflation in higher dimensional theories (1999) (88)
- The primordial helium abundance from updated emissivities (2013) (87)
- Physics at the $$e^+ e^-$$e+e- linear collider (2015) (87)
- Supersymmetric Dark Matter Candidates (2010) (86)
- Radiative processes in LSP annihilation (1989) (85)
- Supersymmetric dark matter in the light of LEP 1.5 (1996) (84)
- Metallicity-constrained merger rates of binary black holes and the stochastic gravitational wave background (2016) (84)
- Gauge coupling unification and nonequilibrium thermal dark matter. (2013) (83)
- Cosmological baryon asymmetry constraints on extensions of the standard model (1991) (83)
- Varying the universality of supersymmetry-breaking contributions to MSSM Higgs boson masses (2008) (83)
- On the thermal regeneration rate for light gravitinos in the early universe (1995) (83)
- Indirect sensitivities to the scale of supersymmetry (2004) (83)
- Nucleosynthesis constraints on a massive gravitino in neutralino dark matter scenarios (2009) (82)
- Cosmological Constraints on Superweak Particles (1979) (82)
- Supersymmetry and dark matter in light of LHC 2010 and XENON100 data (2011) (80)
- On the Feasibility of a Stop NLSP in Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios (2007) (80)
- Exploration of elastic scattering rates for supersymmetric dark matter (2000) (78)
- Likelihood analysis of the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model parameter space (2004) (78)
- Implications of initial LHC searches for supersymmetry (2011) (77)
- Post-inflationary gravitino production revisited (2015) (77)
- Prospects for detecting supersymmetric dark matter at Post-LEP benchmark points (2001) (76)
- A case against baryons in galactic halos (1986) (76)
- Big bang nucleosynthesis constraints on scalar-tensor theories of gravity (2006) (76)
- Static solutions for brane models with a bulk scalar field (2000) (75)
- Axion hair for Kerr black holes (1990) (75)
- Enhancement of the dark matter abundance before reheating: Applications to gravitino dark matter (2017) (75)
- New Limits on Parameters of the Supersymmetric Standard Model from Cosmology (1989) (75)
- The extent of the stop coannihilation strip (2014) (75)
- Spin-2 portal dark matter (2018) (74)
- On the Evolution of Helium in Blue Compact Galaxies (1998) (74)
- Inflation, neutrino baryogenesis, and (s)neutrino-induced baryogenesis (1993) (74)
- Strangeness, glue and quark matter content of neutrons stars (1991) (73)
- Single-brane cosmological solutions with a stable compact extra dimension (1999) (73)
- Gravitational dynamics with Lorentz Chern-Simons terms (1991) (73)
- End of the CMSSM coannihilation strip is nigh (2012) (73)
- Implications of improved Higgs mass calculations for supersymmetric models (2013) (72)
- The impact of star formation and gamma-ray burst rates at high redshift on cosmic chemical evolution and reionization (2014) (71)
- An MCMC determination of the primordial helium abundance (2011) (71)
- Fluctuations in a Supersymmetric Inflationary Universe (1983) (71)
- B -> X_s gamma in Supersymmetry with Explicit CP Violation (2001) (70)
- Reexamination of the 187 Re bound on the variation of fundamental couplings (2003) (70)
- CP-odd Phase Correlations and Electric Dipole Moments (2005) (69)
- Thermodynamics of Hadrons: Delimiting the Temperature (1983) (69)
- Uncertainties in 4He abundance determinations in extragalactic H II regions (2001) (68)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis and the abundances of beryllium and boron (1992) (68)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis with CMB inputs: probing the early universe and light element astrophysics (2001) (67)
- A no-scale inflationary model to fit them all (2014) (67)
- Very Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Models (2004) (67)
- Combining the muon anomalous magnetic moment with other constraints on the CMSSM (2001) (66)
- How finely tuned is supersymmetric dark matter (2001) (65)
- Cosmic Star Formation, Reionization, and Constraints on Global Chemical Evolution (2004) (65)
- SU(N, 1) inflation (1985) (64)
- Does string theory lead to extended inflation (1991) (64)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Quark - Hadron Transition (1989) (64)
- The Revival of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Nucleosynthesis? (1998) (64)
- A high-energy neutrino signature from supersymmetric relics (1986) (63)
- Phenomenological Constraints on Patterns of Supersymmetry Breaking (2003) (63)
- QCD phase transitions in an effective field theory (1990) (63)
- Problems for (2, 0) compactifications (1986) (62)
- Resurrecting quadratic inflation in no-scale supergravity in light of BICEP2 (2014) (61)
- Universality in pure gravity mediation (2013) (61)
- The Effects of an Early Galactic Wind on the Evolution of D,3He, and Z (1996) (61)
- Updated constraints on axions from SN1987A (1989) (60)
- Cosmological bounds on the masses of stable, right-handed neutrinos (1982) (60)
- The evolution of 6Li in standard cosmic-ray nucleosynthesis (1998) (60)
- The moduli and gravitino (non)-problems in models with strongly stabilized moduli (2013) (59)
- Supersymmetry breaking due to moduli stabilization in string theory (2011) (59)
- Resurrecting no-scale supergravity phenomenology (2010) (59)
- Evaluating the price of tiny kinetic mixing (2019) (58)
- Solar neutrino constraints on the BBN production of Li (2003) (58)
- Case for an EeV Gravitino. (2017) (58)
- Classical hair for Kerr-Newman black holes in string gravity☆ (1992) (58)
- 6-dimensional brane world model (2001) (58)
- Axion hair and dynamical torsion from anomalies (1992) (58)
- The Higgs mass beyond the CMSSM (2012) (57)
- Big-bang cosmology (1986) (57)
- A reexamination of the cosmological bound to the number of neutrino flavors (1986) (56)
- Beyond the CMSSM without an accelerator: proton decay and direct dark matter detection (2015) (56)
- Reheating and post-inflationary production of dark matter (2020) (55)
- A no-scale supergravity framework for sub-Planckian physics (2013) (55)
- Phenomenological indications of the scale of supersymmetry (2006) (55)
- Frequentist analysis of the parameter space of minimal supergravity (2010) (55)
- Reconstructing the dark energy equation of state with varying couplings (2006) (54)
- Weakly-interacting massive particles in non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified models (2015) (54)
- Theories of inflation and conformal transformation (1990) (54)
- Uncertainties in WIMP dark matter scattering revisited (2018) (54)
- The NUHM2 after LHC Run 1 (2014) (54)
- On the Galactic Evolution of $D$ and $^3He$ (1993) (53)
- Monochromatic neutrinos generated by dark matter and the seesaw mechanism (2014) (53)
- Quintessence models and the cosmological evolution of α (2004) (51)
- Inflationary fluctuations, entropy generation and baryogenesis in a cold universe☆ (1987) (51)
- Radiative production of nonthermal dark matter (2019) (50)
- Direct detection of dark matter in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with non-universal Higgs boson masses (2003) (50)
- Flipped heavy neutrinos. From the solar neutrino problem to baryogenesis (1992) (50)
- Inflation and high-scale supersymmetry with an EeV gravitino (2017) (50)
- LiBeB production by nuclei and neutrinos (1995) (50)
- On the Baryometric Status of 3He (2002) (49)
- Constraints from Inflation and Reheating on Superpartner Masses (1996) (49)
- Two-field analysis of no-scale supergravity inflation (2014) (49)
- Phases in the MSSM, electric dipole moments and cosmological dark matter (1995) (48)
- OB associations and the nonuniversality of the cosmic abundances - Implications for cosmic rays and meteorites (1982) (48)
- The super-GUT CMSSM revisited (2016) (48)
- Variations of the neutralino elastic cross-section with CP-violating phases (1999) (47)
- Lower limits on soft supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses (2001) (47)
- Phenomenology and cosmology of an electroweak pseudo-dilaton and electroweak baryons (2011) (47)
- Gravitino decay in high scale supersymmetry with R -parity violation (2018) (46)
- Hierarchical Growth and Cosmic Star Formation: Enrichment, Outflows, and Supernova Rates (2005) (46)
- Physical properties of four-dimensional superstring gravity black hole solutions (1993) (45)
- Sneutrino NLSP Scenarios in the NUHM with Gravitino Dark Matter (2008) (45)
- A No-Scale Supergravity Realization of the Starobinsky Model (2013) (45)
- Non-universalities in pure gravity mediation (2013) (45)
- Flipped angles and phases: a systematic study (1993) (45)
- Cosmological limits on massive LSP ' $s$ (1991) (45)
- Book-Review - Grand Unification with and Without Supersymmetry and Cosmological Implications (1985) (45)
- Cosmic strings and inflation (1987) (44)
- Testing Spallation Processes with Beryllium and Boron (1999) (44)
- Phenomenological aspects of no-scale inflation models (2015) (44)
- Dilatons in string cosmology (1993) (43)
- Chemical evolution of Mg isotopes versus the time variation of the fine structure constant. (2003) (43)
- Higher D or Li: probes of physics beyond the standard model (2012) (43)
- Axions and the graceful exit problem in string cosmology (1995) (43)
- What is the problem with He-3 (1994) (43)
- Publisher’s Note: No-Scale Supergravity Realization of the Starobinsky Model of Inflation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 , 111301 (2013)] (2013) (42)
- Inflation can solve the rotation problem (1983) (41)
- Inflaton oscillations and post-inflationary reheating (2020) (41)
- Prospects for sparticle discovery in variants of the MSSM (2004) (40)
- Singularities in scalar-tensor cosmologies (1997) (40)
- Resonant destruction as a possible solution to the cosmological lithium problem (2010) (40)
- On Bs→μ+μ− and cold dark matter scattering in the MSSM with non-universal Higgs masses (2006) (40)
- Scenarios for gluino coannihilation (2015) (40)
- Mapping systematic errors in helium abundance determinations using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2010) (40)
- Lithium abundances of halo dwarfs based on excitation temperatures. II : Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (2008) (39)
- Astrophysical 7Li as a product of Big Bang nucleosynthesis and galactic cosmic-ray spallation (1992) (39)
- Comments on intermediate-scale models (1987) (39)
- TASI Lectures on Dark Matter (2003) (39)
- Likelihood analysis of the sub-GUT MSSM in light of LHC 13-TeV data (2017) (39)
- Cosmological Cosmic Rays and the Observed 6Li Plateau in Metal-poor Halo Stars (2004) (39)
- Phenomenology of GUT-less supersymmetry breaking (2007) (39)
- Model independent predictions of big bang nucleosynthesis from He and Li: consistency and implications (1996) (39)
- Nuclear reaction uncertainties, massive gravitino decays and the cosmological lithium problem (2010) (39)
- The CMSSM and NUHM1 in light of 7 TeV LHC, Bs→μ+μ− and XENON100 data (2012) (38)
- Gravitational production of dark matter during reheating (2021) (38)
- What if supersymmetry breaking unifies beyond the GUT scale? (2010) (38)
- No-scale inflation (2015) (38)
- Further aspects of supercosmology (1982) (38)
- Effective lagrangian approach to QCD phase transitions (1990) (37)
- A new dark matter candidate in the minimal extension of the supersymmetric standard model (1990) (37)
- Stop coannihilation in the CMSSM and SubGUT models (2018) (37)
- New constraints on superpartner masses (1995) (37)
- Starobinsky-like inflation and neutrino masses in a no-scale SO(10) model (2016) (37)
- Observability of the lightest CMSSM Higgs boson at hadron colliders (2001) (37)
- De Sitter vacua in no-scale supergravity (2018) (37)
- What if supersymmetry breaking appears below the GUT scale (2006) (37)
- The decay of the inflaton in no-scale supergravity (2006) (37)
- Dark matter induced neutrinos from the sun: Theory versus experiment (1987) (37)
- Population III Generated Cosmic Rays and the Production of 6Li (2006) (36)
- Axion hair for dyon black holes (1991) (36)
- Starobinsky-like inflation, supercosmology and neutrino masses in no-scale flipped SU(5) (2017) (36)
- Light heavy MSSM Higgs bosons at large tanβ (2007) (36)
- Neutrino degeneracy and cosmological nucleosynthesis, revisited (1991) (35)
- Can galactic halos be made of baryons (1983) (35)
- DUSEL Theory White Paper (2008) (35)
- Population II 6Li as a Probe of Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Structure and Evolution (1993) (35)
- WMAP-compliant benchmark surfaces for MSSM Higgs bosons (2007) (35)
- Lithium abundances of halo dwarfs based on excitation temperature. I. LTE (2008) (35)
- SU(5) grand unification in pure gravity mediation (2015) (35)
- Neutron stars and white dwarfs in galactic halos (1989) (34)
- Wall of fundamental constants (2010) (34)
- Likelihood analysis of the minimal AMSB model (2016) (34)
- Hierarchy of Cosmological Baryon Generation (1980) (34)
- Vacuum Stability and Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in an SO(10) Dark Matter Model (2016) (34)
- Collider Interplay for Supersymmetry, Higgs and Dark Matter (2015) (34)
- A cosmological upper limit on the mass of heavy neutrinos (1979) (34)
- Cosmic-ray models for early Galactic lithium, beryllium, and boron production (1994) (34)
- On the interpretation of $B_s \to \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ in the CMSSM (2005) (34)
- Against Tachyophobia (2008) (34)
- Gravitino decays and the cosmological lithium problem in light of the LHC Higgs and supersymmetry searches (2013) (34)
- Axion kinetic misalignment and parametric resonance from inflation (2020) (33)
- New contributions to neutralino elastic cross sections from CP violating phases in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (1999) (33)
- Supersymmetric proton decay revisited (2019) (33)
- Relating the CMSSM and SUGRA models with GUT-scale and super-GUT-scale supersymmetry breaking (2012) (33)
- Implications of a New Temperature Scale for Halo Dwarfs on LiBeB and Chemical Evolution (2004) (33)
- Standard cosmic ray energetics and light element production (2000) (33)
- Universality in pure gravity mediation with vector multiplets (2014) (32)
- Sparticle discovery potentials in the CMSSM and GUT-less supersymmetry-breaking scenarios (2008) (32)
- Effects of the variation of fundamental constants on Population III stellar evolution (2010) (32)
- Evolution of cosmological baryon asymmetries. I. The role of gauge bosons (1980) (32)
- A light-dark-matter candidate in an extended supersymmetric model (1991) (31)
- Problems for superstring models with vacuum expectation values for conjugate sneutrinos (1986) (31)
- Update on the direct detection of dark matter in MSSM models with non-universal Higgs masses (2009) (31)
- Constraints from accelerator experiments on the elastic scattering of CMSSM dark matter (2001) (31)
- Quantum Corrections to the Cosmological Evolution of Conformally Coupled Fields (2009) (31)
- Gravitational waves from the first stars (2006) (31)
- Gauge hierarchy generation and cosmology in locally supersymmetric guts (1983) (31)
- Likelihood analysis of supersymmetric SU(5) GUTs (2016) (31)
- The Local Abundance of $^3$He: A Confrontation Between Theory and Observation (1995) (30)
- Systematic study of the stochastic gravitational-wave background due to stellar core collapse (2017) (30)
- Influence of Population III stars on cosmic chemical evolution (2008) (30)
- On B and L violation in the laboratory in the light of cosmological and astrophysical constraints (1992) (30)
- The inflatino problem in supergravity inflationary models (2001) (30)
- Frequentist estimation of cosmological parameters from the MAXIMA-1 cosmic microwave background anisotropy data (2001) (30)
- Inner Space/Outer Space: The Interface Between Cosmology and Particle Physics (1986) (30)
- Forward-backward asymmetry of B-->(π,K)l + l - : Supersymmetry at work (2002) (30)
- The quark-hadron transition in systems with net baryon number (1982) (29)
- Constrained supersymmetric flipped SU(5) GUT phenomenology (2011) (29)
- Sensitivities to the SUSY Scale from Electroweak Precision Observables (2005) (29)
- The impact of new d(p,γ)3 rates on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (2021) (29)
- Unified no-scale attractors (2019) (29)
- Neutrino Fluxes from CMSSM LSP Annihilations in the Sun (2009) (29)
- Improving helium abundance determinations with Leo P as a case study (2020) (29)
- Model of the stochastic gravitational-wave background due to core collapse to black holes (2015) (28)
- Solar neutrino searches and cold dark matter (1988) (28)
- Introduction to supersymmetry: Astrophysical and phenomenological constraints (1999) (28)
- Production of Li, Be \& B from Baryon Inhomogeneous Primordial Nucleosynthesis (1993) (28)
- What if the Higgs boson weighs 115 GeV (2000) (27)
- Symmetry breaking and reheating after inflation in no-scale flipped SU(5) (2018) (27)
- On the Possible Sources of D/H Dispersion at High Redshift (2001) (27)
- The Fine-Structure Constant as a Probe of Chemical Evolution and Asymptotic Giant Branch Nucleosynthesis in Damped Lyα Systems (2004) (27)
- Affleck-Dine baryogenesis and inflation in supergravity with strongly stabilized moduli (2013) (27)
- Topological R 4 inflation (1998) (26)
- Likelihood Analysis of the CMSSM Parameter Space (2003) (26)
- Grand unification with and without supersymmetry cosmological implications (1984) (26)
- Model-independent predictions of big bang nucleosynthesis (1995) (26)
- Nonuniversal scalar-tensor theories and big bang nucleosynthesis (2008) (26)
- Constraints on light particles from stellar evolution (1983) (26)
- On the Higgs mass in the CMSSM (2005) (26)
- More about baryon number violation catalyzed by grand unified monopoles (1983) (26)
- Light-neutralino interactions in matter in an extended supersymmetric standard model (1991) (25)
- Relic densities of neutralinos (1992) (25)
- The boron-to-beryllium ratio in halo stars - A signature of cosmic-ray nucleosynthesis in the early Galaxy (1993) (25)
- Precision analysis of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson at future colliders (2002) (25)
- Asymmetric dark matter models in SO(10) (2016) (25)
- LiBeB, Cosmic Rays, and Gamma‐Ray Line Astronomy (1999) (25)
- The impact of XENON100 and the LHC on Supersymmetric Dark Matter (2012) (24)
- Regulating the Baryon Asymmetry in No-Scale Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis ∗ (1998) (24)
- A general classification of Starobinsky-like inflationary avatars of SU(2,1)/SU(2)×U(1) no-scale supergravity (2018) (24)
- High-energy constraints on the direct detection of MSSM neutralinos (2003) (24)
- The origin of dispersion in DLA metallicities. (2015) (24)
- Fate of supersymmetric flat directions and their role in reheating (2006) (24)
- The gravitino coupling to broken gauge theories applied to the MSSM (2010) (24)
- LiBeB, cosmic rays, and related X-and gamma-rays : proceedings of a conference held at Institute d'Astrophisique de paris, France 9-11 December, 1998 (1999) (23)
- A new look at neutrino limits from big bang nucleosynthesis (1995) (23)
- Galactic-centre gamma rays in CMSSM dark matter scenarios (2011) (23)
- Low-mass photinos and supernova 1987A (1988) (23)
- Particle physics summary (1996) (23)
- Superstring dark matter (1986) (23)
- Building models of inflation in no-scale supergravity (2020) (23)
- Supersymmetric dark matter after LHC run 1 (2015) (23)
- Supersymmetric models in light of improved Higgs mass calculations (2018) (23)
- Solving the Hierarchy Problem in Two-Brane Cosmological Models (2000) (22)
- Finite temperature effects in primordial inflation (1983) (22)
- Cosmology with a master coupling in flipped SU(5)×U(1): The λ6 universe (2019) (22)
- Recent heavy-particle decay in a matter-dominated universe (1985) (22)
- Proton decay: flipped vs. unflipped SU(5) (2020) (22)
- Superstring-inspired particle cosmology: inflation, neutrino masses, leptogenesis, dark matter & the SUSY scale (2019) (22)
- The variation of fundamental constants and the role of A = 5 and A = 8 nuclei on primordial nucleosynthesis (2012) (22)
- Baryon number violation catalyzed by grand unified monopoles (1982) (22)
- Generalized limits to the number of light particle degrees of freedom from big bang nucleosynthesis (1998) (22)
- Cosmic Ray Production of Beryllium and Boron at High Redshift (2007) (22)
- Neutrino fluxes from nonuniversal Higgs mass LSP annihilations in the Sun (2011) (22)
- Neutrino fluxes from constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model lightest supersymmetric particle annihilations in the Sun (2010) (22)
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- Inflationary gravitational leptogenesis (2022) (3)
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- Revisiting the Higgs mass and dark matter in the CMSSM (2012) (3)
- More on the realization of new inflation (1985) (3)
- Neutrino mass effects in a minimally extended supersymmetric standard model (1994) (3)
- Dark matter and dark matter candidates (2008) (2)
- Variable Constants - A Theoretical Overview (2009) (2)
- Supersymmetric versus SO(10) models of dark matter (2017) (2)
- Astroparticle physics beyond the Standard Model (1992) (2)
- B → X S Γ in Supersymmetry with Explicit Cp Violation Typeset Using Revt E X 1 (2001) (2)
- An MCMC determination of the primordial helium abundance (2012) (2)
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- Proceedings of the Conference on Continuous Advances in QCD 2002 : Arkadyfest : honoring the 60th birthday of Arkady Vainshtein : William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 17-23 May, 2002 (2002) (2)
- Sugra Dark Matter (2003) (2)
- A minimal supersymmetric SU(5) missing-partner model (2021) (2)
- The CMSSM survives Planck, the LHC, LUX-ZEPLIN, Fermi-LAT, H.E.S.S. and IceCube (2022) (1)
- Chemical Origins : Nuclear Chemistry in the Early Universe (2007) (1)
- Likelihood analysis of the minimal AMSB model (2017) (1)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the Post‐WMAP Era (2004) (1)
- The Evolution of 4 He and LiBeB (2000) (1)
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- Cosmology and Particle Physics: A General Review (1986) (1)
- New Discoveries in the Galactic Neighborhood through Advances in Laboratory Astrophysics (2009) (1)
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- Likelihood analysis of the pMSSM11 in light of LHC 13-TeV data (2018) (1)
- Supersymmetric Dark Matter Detection at Post-LEP Benchmark Points (2001) (1)
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- New Discoveries in Stars and Stellar Evolution through Advances in Laboratory Astrophysics (2009) (1)
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- New Discoveries in Cosmology and Fundamental Physics through Advances in Laboratory Astrophysics (2009) (1)
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- Corrections to bino annihilation II: one-loop contribution to B̃B̃ → Z (1994) (0)
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- Supersymmetric Dark Matter in Light of Recent LHC Results (2013) (0)
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- Aspects of the quark - hadron phase transition (1995) (0)
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- How to best reconcile big bang nucleosynthesis with Li abundance determinations?: Exotic BBN (2012) (0)
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- Constraining models of Population III stars using gravitational-wave observations (2014) (0)
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- Proton decay: flipped vs. unflipped SU(5) (2020) (0)
- UMN-TH-3903/19, FTPI-MINN-19/26, LPT-Orsay-19-37 Inflation and Leptogenesis in High-Scale Supersymmetry (2019) (0)
- Primordial Inflation and Super-Cosmology (1984) (0)
- Dark matter as a probe of the early universe (1986) (0)
- The Neutron Mean Life and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (2023) (0)
- String corrections to the gravitational equations of motion and inflation (1989) (0)
- Cosmology II: From the Planck Time to BBN (1999) (0)
- LCTS / 2015-33 , CERN-PH-TH / 2015-239 ACT-10-15 , MI-TH-1541 UMN-TH-3511 / 15 , FTPI-MINN-15 / 48 Post-Inflationary Gravitino Production Revisited (2015) (0)
- Abundances of light nuclei (2006) (0)
- Roles and Needs of Laboratory Astrophysics in NASA's Space and Earth Science Mission (2009) (0)
- The Galactic Evolution of Beryllium and Boron (1999) (0)
- From $R^2$ Gravity to No-Scale Supergravity : arXiv (2017) (0)
- The primordial helium abundance from updated emissivities (2013) (0)
- Beyond the CMSSM without an accelerator: proton decay and direct dark matter detection (2016) (0)
- UMN – TH – 2416 / 05 , FTPI – MINN – 05 / 43 , ACT-0905 , MIFP-05-23 On the Higgs Mass in the CMSSM (2005) (0)
- SUSY from the sky: Theory (1992) (0)
- The Relic Neutrino Backround from the First Stars (2006) (0)
- KCL-PH-TH / 2017-05 , CERN-TH / 2017-010 KIAS-P 17008 , UT-1703 ACT-01-17 ; MI-TH-1738 UMN-TH-3618 / 17 , FTPI-MINN-17 / 02 No-Scale SU ( 5 ) Super-GUTs (2017) (0)
- Big bang nucleosynthesis: A status report (2013) (0)
- Cosmological and astrophysical aspects of the quark - hadron phase transition (1990) (0)
- Non-universalities in pure gravity mediation (2013) (0)
- Are baryonic galactic halos possible (1986) (0)
- A Short Course on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (2000) (0)
- Uncertainties in WIMP dark matter scattering revisited (2018) (0)
- arXiv : Supersymmetric Proton Decay Revisited (2019) (0)
- Protecting the Prim ordialB aryon A sym m etry From Erasure by Sphalerons (1994) (0)
- Stop coannihilation in the CMSSM and SubGUT models (2018) (0)
- Dark Matter after LHC Run I: Clues to Unification (2017) (0)
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