Kevin Folta
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- Bachelors Biology Northern Illinois University
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Why Is Kevin Folta Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Kevin M. Folta is a professor of the horticultural sciences department at the University of Florida. From 2007 to 2010 he helped lead the project to sequence the strawberry genome, and continues to research photomorphogenesis in plants and compounds responsible for flavor in strawberries. Folta has been active as a science communicator since 2002, especially relating to biotechnology. He has faced controversy over what his critics say are his industry connections. In 2017 he was elected as a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.
Kevin Folta's Published Works
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Published Works
- The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) (2011) (1073)
- Green light: a signal to slow down or stop. (2007) (345)
- Unexpected roles for cryptochrome 2 and phototropin revealed by high-resolution analysis of blue light-mediated hypocotyl growth inhibition. (2001) (269)
- Rapid and accurate pyrosequencing of angiosperm plastid genomes (2006) (248)
- Multiple Models for Rosaceae Genomics[OA] (2008) (199)
- Strawberry Flavor: Diverse Chemical Compositions, a Seasonal Influence, and Effects on Sensory Perception (2014) (194)
- Green Light Stimulates Early Stem Elongation, Antagonizing Light-Mediated Growth Inhibition1 (2004) (168)
- Contributions of green light to plant growth and development. (2013) (164)
- Light as a Growth Regulator: Controlling Plant Biology with Narrow-bandwidth Solid-state Lighting Systems (2008) (160)
- Green Light Induces Shade Avoidance Symptoms1[C][W][OA] (2011) (158)
- Genomic and physiological studies of early cryptochrome 1 action demonstrate roles for auxin and gibberellin in the control of hypocotyl growth by blue light. (2003) (155)
- Whole genome wide expression profiles of Vitis amurensis grape responding to downy mildew by using Solexa sequencing technology (2010) (141)
- Strawberry Genes and Genomics (2006) (140)
- An enhanced microsatellite map of diploid Fragaria (2006) (124)
- Polyhydroxy Fullerenes (Fullerols or Fullerenols): Beneficial Effects on Growth and Lifespan in Diverse Biological Models (2011) (119)
- Photocontrol of stem growth. (2001) (115)
- Genetics and genomics of rosaceae (2009) (108)
- Light Quality Dependent Changes in Morphology, Antioxidant Capacity, and Volatile Production in Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (2016) (104)
- Illuminating topics in plant photobiology (2005) (96)
- Identification of flowering genes in strawberry, a perennial SD plant (2009) (88)
- Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) Marker Platforms for Diversity Analysis and Linkage Mapping in a Complex Crop, the Octoploid Cultivated Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) (2015) (85)
- An inbred line of the diploid strawberry Fragaria vesca f. semperflorens for genomic and molecular genetic studies in the Rosaceae (2009) (85)
- Design and fabrication of adjustable red-green-blue LED light arrays for plant research (2005) (84)
- Light modulation of volatile organic compounds from petunia flowers and select fruits (2013) (79)
- Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies (2012) (77)
- Primary Inhibition of Hypocotyl Growth and Phototropism Depend Differently on Phototropin-Mediated Increases in Cytoplasmic Calcium Induced by Blue Light1 (2003) (75)
- The 14-3-3 Proteins μ and υ Influence Transition to Flowering and Early Phytochrome Response1[C][OA] (2007) (75)
- Identification and Validation of Reference Genes for Transcript Normalization in Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) Defense Responses (2013) (74)
- Isolation of Arabidopsis nuclei and measurement of gene transcription rates using nuclear run-on assays (2006) (74)
- Identification of a strawberry flavor gene candidate using an integrated genetic-genomic-analytical chemistry approach (2014) (71)
- Green light signaling and adaptive response (2012) (70)
- Identification of candidate flavonoid pathway genes using transcriptome correlation network analysis in ripe strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) fruits (2015) (68)
- Photoreceptors and Control of Horticultural Plant Traits (2015) (67)
- ASAP: Amplification, sequencing & annotation of plastomes (2005) (66)
- Sequential light programs shape kale (Brassica napus) sprout appearance and alter metabolic and nutrient content (2014) (66)
- Phototropin 1 is required for high-fluence blue-light-mediated mRNA destabilization (2003) (62)
- Opposing roles of phytochrome A and phytochrome B in early cryptochrome-mediated growth inhibition. (2001) (62)
- Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) (2005) (57)
- Green Light Adjusts the Plastid Transcriptome during Early Photomorphogenic Development1[W] (2006) (54)
- A Review of Photoperiodic Flowering Research in Strawberry (Fragaria spp.) (2010) (48)
- Invited review: Transformation of strawberry: The basis for translational genomics in Rosaceae (2006) (48)
- Framing the perfect strawberry: An exercise in consumer-assisted selection of fruit crops (2012) (48)
- The Arabidopsis NPR1 gene confers broad-spectrum disease resistance in strawberry (2015) (47)
- Environmentally Modified Organisms – Expanding Genetic Potential with Light (2014) (46)
- Sensory sacrifices when we mass-produce mass produce (2016) (45)
- Microsatellite markers for Fragaria from ‘Strawberry Festival’ expressed sequence tags (2006) (45)
- Characterization of LF9, an octoploid strawberry genotype selected for rapid regeneration and transformation (2006) (45)
- Genetic diversity of some wild almonds and related Prunus species revealed by SSR and EST-SSR molecular markers (2011) (40)
- The 14-3-3 Proteins mu and upsilon influence transition to flowering and early phytochrome response. (2007) (40)
- Implementation of simple sequence repeat markers to genotype Florida strawberry varieties (2010) (36)
- Phototropin 1 and cryptochrome action in response to green light in combination with other wavelengths (2012) (35)
- Validation of reference transcripts in strawberry (Fragaria spp.) (2013) (35)
- Blue Light–Directed Destabilization of the Pea Lhcb1*4 Transcript Depends on Sequences within the 5′ Untranslated Region (1999) (33)
- Simple Sequence Repeat Marker Development and Mapping Targeted to Previously Unmapped Regions of the Strawberry Genome Sequence (2011) (33)
- Tracing the Diploid Ancestry of the Cultivated Octoploid Strawberry (2020) (33)
- NPR1 as a transgenic crop protection strategy in horticultural species (2018) (31)
- Identification of Novel Growth Regulators in Plant Populations Expressing Random Peptides1[OPEN] (2017) (31)
- Somatic embryogenesis, tetraploidy, and variant leaf morphology in transgenic diploid strawberry (Fragaria vesca subspecies vesca ‘Hawaii 4’) (2014) (30)
- Breeding new varieties for controlled environments. (2018) (30)
- An examination of targeted gene neighborhoods in strawberry (2010) (30)
- Preparation of transcriptionally active nuclei from etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana (2000) (29)
- Green light augments far-red-light-induced shade response (2015) (28)
- Agroinfiltration of Strawberry Fruit — A Powerful Transient Expression System for Gene Validation (2016) (25)
- A Transcript Accounting from Diverse Tissues of a Cultivated Strawberry (2010) (25)
- Methyl anthranilate and γ-decalactone inhibit strawberry pathogen growth and achene Germination. (2013) (25)
- Regions of the pea Lhcb1*4 promoter necessary for blue-light regulation in transgenic Arabidopsis. (1999) (23)
- Genetics, genomics and breeding of berries. (2011) (23)
- Gene Content and Distribution in the Nuclear Genome of Fragaria vesca (2009) (23)
- A High‐Density Linkage Map of the Ancestral Diploid Strawberry, Fragaria iinumae, Constructed with Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers from the IStraw90 Array and Genotyping by Sequencing (2016) (22)
- Transgene-induced silencing of Arabidopsis phytochrome A gene via exonic methylation. (2007) (22)
- Detection of the linalool-producing NES1 variant across diverse strawberry (Fragaria spp.) accessions (2012) (22)
- A Strawberry KNOX Gene Regulates Leaf, Flower and Meristem Architecture (2011) (22)
- Overexpression of Muscadinia rotundifolia CBF2 gene enhances biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis (2015) (21)
- A genome-enabled, high-throughput, and multiplexed fingerprinting platform for strawberry (Fragaria L.) (2013) (21)
- Identification of a methyltransferase catalyzing the final step of methyl anthranilate synthesis in cultivated strawberry (2017) (19)
- 14-3-3 isoforms participate in red light signaling and photoperiodic flowering (2008) (16)
- The Genetics of Differential Gene Expression Related to Fruit Traits in Strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) (2020) (15)
- Physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of grafting in fruit trees (2022) (15)
- The Arabidopsis ELP3/ELO3 and ELP4/ELO1 genes enhance disease resistance in Fragaria vesca L. (2017) (13)
- Green light control of anthocyanin production in microgreens (2016) (13)
- Assessment of promoters and a selectable marker for development of strawberry intragenic vectors (2017) (13)
- Disease Resistance Genetics and Genomics in Octoploid Strawberry (2019) (13)
- Evidence of physiological phototropin1 (phot1) action in response to UV-C illumination (2010) (11)
- 14-3-3 Proteins, red light, and photoperiodic flowering (2008) (11)
- Explants Used for the Generation of Transgenic Plants (2010) (11)
- The FveFT2 florigen/FveTFL1 antiflorigen balance is critical for the control of seasonal flowering in strawberry while FveFT3 modulates axillary meristem fate and yield (2021) (11)
- Effects of Light Quality on Vegetative Cutting and In Vitro Propagation of Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides) (2019) (11)
- The strawberry genome is coming into view. (2009) (11)
- Manipulation of Seedling Traits with Pulsed Light in Closed Controlled Environments (2019) (10)
- Genomic Characterization of the Fruity Aroma Gene, FaFAD1, Reveals a Gene Dosage Effect on γ-Decalactone Production in Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) (2021) (9)
- Genetic Analysis of Methyl Anthranilate, Mesifurane, Linalool, and Other Flavor Compounds in Cultivated Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) (2021) (9)
- Abiotic Stress‐Related Expressed Sequence Tags from the Diploid Strawberry Fragaria vesca f. semperflorens (2011) (9)
- The 14-3-3 Proteins m and y Influence Transition to Flowering and Early Phytochrome Response 1[C][OA] (2007) (9)
- The strawberry genome: a complicated past and promising future (2019) (8)
- Manipulation of sensory characteristics and volatile compounds in strawberry fruit through the use of isolated wavelengths of light. (2020) (8)
- Genetic Analysis of Methyl Anthranilate, Mesifurane, Linalool and Other Flavor Compounds in Cultivated Strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) (2020) (7)
- Green Light Effects on Plant Growth and Development (2005) (7)
- Functionalizing the Strawberry Genome—A Review (2013) (7)
- A comparison of wild and cultivated strawberries for nitrogen uptake and reduction (2014) (6)
- Evolution of the MLO gene families in octoploid strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) and progenitor diploid species identified potential genes for strawberry powdery mildew resistance (2021) (5)
- Genomic structure and transcript analysis of the Rapid Alkalinization Factor (RALF) gene family during host-pathogen crosstalk in Fragaria vesca and Fragaria x ananassa strawberry (2020) (5)
- Molecular-genetic Extensions of Vavilov’s Predictions (2015) (5)
- Can Anyone Hear Us? An Exploration of Echo Chambers at a Land-Grant University (2019) (5)
- Analysis of Block of cell proliferation 1 (BOP1) activity in strawberry and Arabidopsis. (2016) (5)
- Genomics tools available for unravelling mechanisms underlying agronomical traits in strawberry with more to come (2017) (4)
- Limitations of morphological ploidy estimation methods in Fragaria (2013) (4)
- The Inheritance and Linkage Mapping of Ferredoxin-1 in Pea (1991) (4)
- Pigments in Strawberry (2015) (4)
- Identification of a strawberry flavor gene candidate using an integrated genetic-genomic-analytical chemistry approach (2014) (3)
- Identification of Genes Responsible for Natural Variation in Volatile Content Using Next-Generation Sequencing Technology. (2016) (3)
- Genomics-Based Opportunities in Apricot (2009) (3)
- A multi‐omics framework reveals strawberry flavor genes and their regulatory elements (2022) (3)
- Low-Chill Apple Cultivars for North Florida and North Central Florida (2022) (3)
- An effective substitute for triisopropylnaphthalenesulfonic acid in the preparation of plant RNA. (2004) (2)
- Transformation improvement with the Standardized Pressure Agrobacterium Infiltration Device (SPAID) (2019) (2)
- Phylogenetic relationships among the first and second introns of selected Prunus S-RNase genes (2015) (2)
- CRISPR Gene Editing in Strawberry (2018) (2)
- Food-o-science Pseudoscience: The Weapons and Tactics in the War on Crop Biotechnology (2018) (2)
- Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies (2012) (2)
- Gene editing isn’t just about food: comments from U.S. focus groups (2021) (2)
- A synthetic peptide encoded by a random DNA sequence inhibits discrete red light responses. (2019) (2)
- Somatic embryogenesis, tetraploidy, and variant leaf morphology in transgenic diploid strawberry (Fragaria vesca subspecies vesca ‘Hawaii 4’) (2014) (1)
- A synthetic peptide encoded by a random DNA sequence inhibits discrete red light responses (2019) (1)
- Genetic transformation of Fragaria with candidate genes involved in drought stress (2012) (1)
- Letter to the editor. retraction of the Séralini et al. article. (2014) (1)
- Evidence of physiological action of phototropin1 in response to UV-C illumination (2009) (1)
- TEMPRANILLO homologs in apple regulate flowering time in the woodland strawberry Fragaria vesca (2022) (1)
- Green light control of plant form and function (2007) (1)
- In vitro propagation of the Amazonian medicinal plant guayusa (Ilex guayusa) and effects of light in the growth and development of this shade tolerant plant (2021) (1)
- Improving Fruit and Vegetable Flavors with ‘Consumer Assisted Selection’ (2016) (0)
- A point mutation in the gene encoding Mg-chelatase subunit I influences strawberry leaf color and metabolism. (2023) (0)
- Assessment of promoters and a selectable marker for development of strawberry intragenic vectors (2016) (0)
- Rapid Alkalinization Factor (RALF) gene family genomic structure and transcriptional regulation during host-pathogen crosstalk in Fragaria vesca and Fragaria x ananassa strawberry (2019) (0)
- 267) A Rapid Transformation System for Octoploid Strawberry (2005) (0)
- Advances and challenges in strawberry genetic improvement (2019) (0)
- An anti-biotechnology activist group has targeted 40 scientists, including myself. I am Professor Kevin Folta from the University of Florida, here to talk about ties between scientists and industry. Ask Me Anything! (2015) (0)
- Counter-Point: Activists Operate By Outrage, Not Fear (2020) (0)
- A genome-enabled, high-throughput, and multiplexed fingerprinting platform for strawberry (Fragaria L.) (2013) (0)
- 2014 General Session Speaker: Science communicaion at the public interface: transgenic (GMO) technology (2018) (0)
- Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of MLO Gene Family in Octoploid Strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) (2020) (0)
- Silent science: a mixed-methods analysis of faculty engagement in science communication (2021) (0)
- Evolution of the MLO gene families in octoploid strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) and progenitor diploid species identified potential genes for strawberry powdery mildew resistance (2021) (0)
- Molecular Characterization of Photoperiodic Flowering in Cultivated Strawberry (2005) (0)
- Identification of a methyltransferase catalyzing the final step of methyl anthranilate synthesis in cultivated strawberry (2017) (0)
- General Session Speaker: Kevin Folta (2018) (0)
- Methods and libraries for identifying biologically active random peptides in plants and/or procaryotic cells (2016) (0)
- Transformation improvement with the Standardized Pressure Agrobacterium Infiltration Device (SPAID) (2019) (0)
- Overexpression of Muscadinia rotundifolia CBF2 gene enhances biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis (2016) (0)
- New Genomics Resources for Strawberry (2005) (0)
- NPR1 as a transgenic crop protection strategy in horticultural species (2018) (0)
- Optimization of Microenvironments by Multi-colored Plastic Mulch Improves Earliness and Total Yield of Strawberry (2017) (0)
- 266) Gene Discovery in Octoploid Strawberry (2005) (0)
- Rapid volatile metabolomics and genomics in large strawberry populations segregating for aroma (2017) (0)
- The strawberry genome: a complicated past and promising future (2019) (0)
- Growing Feijoa Fruit in Florida (2021) (0)
- Genetic diversity of some wild almonds and related Prunus species revealed by SSR and EST-SSR molecular markers (2011) (0)
- Comprar Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae | Folta, Kevin M. | 9780387774909 | Springer (2008) (0)
- Green light augments far-red-light-induced shade response (2015) (0)
- The Guiding Force of Photons (2012) (0)
- The Arabidopsis ELP3/ELO3 and ELP4/ELO1 genes enhance disease resistance in Fragaria vesca L. (2017) (0)
- NYT's Eric Lipton Defends Anti-Vaxxers as Measles Ravages Europe (2020) (0)
- Phototropin 1 and cryptochrome action in response to green light in combination with other wavelengths (2012) (0)
- | Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Berries | Taylor & Francis Group (2016) (0)
- seasonal flowering in strawberry while FveFT 3 modulates axillary meristem fate and yield (2021) (0)
- Editorial: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improve Quality of Soft Fruit Berries (2020) (0)
- Validation of reference transcripts in strawberry (Fragaria spp.) (2013) (0)
- The Arabidopsis NPR1 gene confers broad-spectrum disease resistance in strawberry (2015) (0)
- Coupling Gene to Function in Strawberry (2015) (0)
- Talking to a concerned public about genetic engineering (2016) (0)
- In Vivo Chemical Genomics with Random Cyclized Peptides. (2021) (0)
- Growing Feijoa Fruit in Florida1 (2021) (0)
- In Vivo with Random Cyclized Peptides (2020) (0)
- The High Price for Telling the Truth (And Why You Need to Do It Anyway) (2020) (0)
- Podcasts in Production: An Examination of Current and Best Practices for Agricultural and Natural Resource Podcast Producers (2023) (0)
- 2 The Guiding Force of Photons (2018) (0)
- The Photoperiod Pathway in Fragaria (Rosaceae) (2006) (0)
- 734 Engaging the public about science - it is not about science (2017) (0)
- Reply to Standing up for transparency (2016) (0)
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