Lee Cronbach
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American educational psychologist
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Lee Cronbach's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Iowa
- Bachelors Psychology University of Iowa
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Why Is Lee Cronbach Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Lee Joseph Cronbach was an American educational psychologist who made contributions to psychological testing and measurement. At the University of Illinois, Urbana, Cronbach produced many of his works: the "Alpha" paper , as well as an essay titled "The Two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology", in the American Psychologist magazine in 1957, where he discussed his thoughts on the increasing divergence between the fields of experimental psychology and correlational psychology .
Lee Cronbach's Published Works
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Published Works
- Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests (1951) (37287)
- Construct validity in psychological tests. (1955) (10068)
- Essentials of psychological testing (1960) (3437)
- How we should measure "change": Or should we? (1970) (2418)
- The two disciplines of scientific psychology. (1957) (2377)
- Beyond the Two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology. (1975) (2160)
- The Dependability of Behavioral Measurements: Theory of Generalizability for Scores and Profiles. (1974) (1586)
- My Current Thoughts on Coefficient Alpha and Successor Procedures (2004) (1504)
- Aptitudes and instructional methods: A handbook for research on interactions (1977) (1431)
- Processes affecting scores on understanding of others and assumed similarity. (1955) (1390)
- Assessing similarity between profiles. (1953) (1154)
- Psychological tests and personnel decisions (1958) (1100)
- Statistical tests for moderator variables: flaws in analyses recently proposed (1987) (1066)
- Designing evaluations of educational and social programs (1983) (1025)
- Response Sets and Test Validity (1946) (887)
- Further Evidence on Response Sets and Test Design (1950) (753)
- Essentials of psychological testing, 2nd ed. (1960) (739)
- Time-limit tests: Estimating their reliability and degree of speeding (1951) (628)
- Five perspectives on the validity argument. (1988) (502)
- Test “reliability”: Its meaning and determination (1947) (418)
- Course Improvement through Evaluation (1963) (365)
- Statistical methods applied to Rorschach scores; a review. (1949) (308)
- Research on Classrooms and Schools: Formulation of Questions, Design and Analysis. (1976) (289)
- Conceptual and methodological problems in interpersonal perception. (1955) (271)
- Construct validation after thirty years. (1989) (259)
- Remaking the Concept of Aptitude: Extending the Legacy of Richard E. Snow (2001) (253)
- Aptitude and instructional methods (1977) (233)
- Educational psychology (2nd ed.). (1963) (221)
- Five Decades of Public Controversy over Mental Testing. (1975) (220)
- Toward Reform of Program Evaluation: Aims, Methods, and Institutional Arrangements. (1982) (185)
- Generalizability Analysis for Performance Assessments of Student Achievement or School Effectiveness (1997) (183)
- The Gifted Group in Later Maturity (1995) (178)
- Mental tests and cultural adaptation (1972) (171)
- Alpha Coefficients for Stratified-Parallel Tests (1965) (148)
- Studies of acquiescence as a factor in the true-false test. (1942) (146)
- Individual Differences in Learning Ability as a Function of Instructional Variables. Final Report. (1969) (144)
- Between-class and within-class effects in a reported aptitude * treatment interaction: Reanalysis of a study by G. L. Anderson. (1975) (141)
- Internal consistency of tests: Analyses old and new (1988) (114)
- An Analysis of Techniques for Diagnostic Vocabulary Testing (1942) (106)
- Assessment of individual differences. (1956) (106)
- Research for Tomorrow's Schools: Disciplined Inquiry for Education. Report of the Committee on Educational Research of the National Academy of Education (1970) (104)
- Generalizability of stratified-parallel tests (1965) (91)
- Experimental design for research in psychotherapy. (1952) (72)
- Intelligence? Creativity? A Parsimonious Reinterpretation of the Wallach-Kogan Data1 (1968) (70)
- Heredity, Environment, and Educational Policy. (1969) (69)
- Improving inquiry in social science : a volume in honor of Lee J. Cronbach (1991) (58)
- An experimental comparison of the multiple true-false and multiple multiple-choice tests. (1941) (57)
- Correlations between persons as a research tool. (1953) (56)
- On estimates of test reliability. (1943) (50)
- The Signal/Noise Ratio in the Comparison of Reliability Coefficients (1964) (50)
- Equity in Selection--Where Psychometrics and Political Philosophy Meet. (1976) (49)
- Internal-Consistency Reliability Formulas Applied to Randomly Sampled Single-Factor Tests: an Empirical Comparison (1962) (48)
- Report on a psychometric mission to clinicia (1954) (48)
- The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery—A Test Battery in Transition (1979) (44)
- Giving method variance its due. (1995) (44)
- Efficiency of multiple-choice tests as a function of spread of item difficulties (1952) (43)
- A case study of the splithalf reliability coefficient. (1946) (42)
- Interpretation of reliability and validity coefficients: Remarks on a paper by Lord. (1959) (31)
- "Pattern Tabulation": a Statistical Method for Analysis of Limited Patterns of Scores, with Particular Reference (to the Rorschach Test (1949) (30)
- A validation design for qualitative studies of personality. (1948) (29)
- A case study of the split-half reliability coefficient. (1946) (29)
- Measuring Knowledge of Precise Word Meaning (1943) (28)
- Playing with Chaos (1988) (28)
- Year-to-year correlations of mental tests: a review of the Hofstaetter analysis. (1967) (23)
- Statistical methods for multi‐score tests (1950) (23)
- Measurement in Today's Schools. (1955) (23)
- Four Psychological Bulletin articles in persepctive. (1992) (23)
- Cue-Response Correlations in the Attainment of a Scalar Concept (1966) (23)
- A Mathematical Structure for Analyzing Fairness in Selection. (1980) (22)
- A Research Worker's Treasure Chest. (1984) (22)
- Acceleration among the Terman males: Correlates in midlife and after. (1996) (21)
- Selection Theory for a Political World (1980) (21)
- Five Decades of Public Controversy Over Mental Testing (2005) (20)
- Essentials of psychological testing / Lee J. Cronbach (1970) (19)
- UCLA's Center for the Study of Evaluation & The National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing Generalizability Analysis for Educational Assessments 1 (1995) (19)
- Intraclass Correlation as an Approximation to the Coefficient of Generalizability (1964) (18)
- Text materials in modern education : a comprehensive theory and platform for research (1955) (17)
- A Note On Negative Reliabilities (1954) (17)
- Emerging views on methodology. (1991) (17)
- Summary and commentary (1972) (17)
- "Exploring the Wartime Morale of High-School Youth." (1943) (16)
- Studies of the Group Rorschach in relation to success in the college of the University of Chicago. (1950) (15)
- What Price Simplicity (1983) (15)
- Note on the multiple true-false test exercise. (1939) (15)
- The Reliability of Ratio Scores (1941) (14)
- Learning research and curriculum development (1964) (14)
- Suggestions Regarding a Possible Measure of Personality: the Squares Test (1956) (13)
- Educational Psychology (1930) (13)
- Contemporary Studies in the Curriculum (1975) (12)
- Generalizability Analysis for Educational Assessment (1995) (11)
- Lives Through Time. Jack Block. In collaboration with Norma Haan. Bancroft, Berkeley, Calif., 1971. xxii, 314 pp., illus. $12.50 (1972) (11)
- Issues Current in Educational Psychology (1965) (9)
- Handbook of Evaluation Research (1976) (9)
- Ninety-five Theses for Reforming Program Evaluation (1983) (9)
- Analysis of Covariance: Angel of Salvation, or Temptress and Deluder?. (1976) (8)
- A Practical Procedure for the Rigorous Interpretation of Test-Retest Scores in Terms of Pupil Growth (1943) (7)
- A Model for Studying the Validity of Multiple-Choice Items (1955) (7)
- Similarity between persons and related problems of profile analysis report No. 2 (1952) (7)
- Dissent from Carver. (1975) (6)
- Handbook of Evaluation Research: Essay Review. (1976) (6)
- Some empirical studies of the reliability of interpersonal perception scores (1952) (5)
- The peer review question. (1981) (5)
- Measuring Students' Thinking about a Presidential Election (1941) (5)
- Belief and desire in wartime (1944) (5)
- The Description of Aptitude and Achievement Tests in Terms of Rotated Factors. (1953) (5)
- CHAPTER 3 – Construct Validity in Psychological Tests† (1966) (5)
- Signs of Optimism for Intelligence Testing (1986) (5)
- Hearnshaw on burt. (1979) (4)
- In praise of uncertainty (1982) (4)
- A Moderate View: Response to Ellis and Blustein (1991) (4)
- Readings for educational psychology (1964) (3)
- The Porteus Maze Test and Intelligence. (1950) (3)
- Robert R. Sears (1908–1989). (1990) (3)
- Student guide for Cronbach's educational psychology (1965) (3)
- Book Review:Creativity and Intelligence: Explorations With Gifted Students. Jacob W. Getzels, Philip W. Jackson (1962) (3)
- Intellectual development as transfer of learning. (1963) (3)
- An introduction to the learning process. (1963) (3)
- Are Australian Boys Underachieving ? An Analysis Using a Validity – Reliability Framework Based on the Work of (2001) (3)
- Note On the Reliability of Ratio Scores (1943) (2)
- Are Australian Boys Underachieving (2001) (2)
- A word on 16 PF and reliability: Comment. (1964) (2)
- Review of Developments in Rorschach Technique. Volume I: Technique and Theory. (1955) (2)
- Is There Rest for the Test Weary (1960) (2)
- Some choices in factor analysis (1992) (1)
- Can a Machine Fit an Applicant To Continuing Education (1969) (1)
- The Bender-Gestalt Test: Quantification and Validity for Adults. (1951) (1)
- Review of The Aviation Psychology Program in the Army Air Forces. (1948) (1)
- Mental Testing: Its History, Principles, and Applications: Review. (1950) (1)
- Quantal and Graded Analysis of Dosage-Effect Relations (1961) (1)
- Racial IQ Differences: The Causes are Still Unknown. (1976) (1)
- Rorschach's test. Vol. III. Advances in interpretation. (1953) (1)
- The Guidance Function of the School (1941) (1)
- Book Reviews: Musgrave, P. W. (Ed.) Contemporary Studies in the Curriculum. Sydney, Australia: Angus and Robertson, 1974. 234 pp. $7.50 (1975) (1)
- Review of Thematic Test Analysis. (1952) (0)
- Individual Differences in Learning to Reproduce Forms: A Study in Attention (1941) (0)
- A Tribute to Robert R. Sears (1990) (0)
- Update on the Terman project (and Dahlstrom). (1994) (0)
- Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. II. (1952) (0)
- Development and Learning: The Psychology of Childhood and Youth in a Democratic Society. William F. Bruce , Frank S. Freeman (1942) (0)
- Consistency and Stability of Interaction Effects from Classroom to Classroom: Pilot Studies. (1974) (0)
- Book reviews (1958) (0)
- "Publication Problems in Psychology": Comment. (1953) (0)
- Book reviews (1972) (0)
- What teachers are trying to accomplish. (1963) (0)
- Improving understanding and thinking. (1963) (0)
- Assessing readiness: Abilities. (1963) (0)
- Purposes and aspirations. (1963) (0)
- The Diagnostic Use of Tests in Counseling and Personnel Work (1951) (0)
- Statistical Methodology Reviews. (1952) (0)
- Assessing readiness: Personality and motivation. (1963) (0)
- The Third Mental Measurements Yearbook. (1949) (0)
- The Fourth Mental Measurements Yearbook. (1954) (0)
- The Cognitive-Affective-Conative Triad (2001) (0)
- Robert L. Thorndike (1910–1990): Obituary. (1992) (0)
- Book Review:From Infancy to Adolescence: An Introduction to Child Development Frieda Kiefer Merry, Ralph Vickers Merry (1941) (0)
- The stream of development. (1963) (0)
- The APA publications program: status and prospects, 1955. (1955) (0)
- Selected References on Educational Psychology (1948) (0)
- Handbook of Research Methods in Child Development. Paul H. Mussen, Ed. Wiley, New York, 1960. 1061 pp. Illus. $15.25 (1961) (0)
- Talent and Society . New perspectives in the identification of talent. David C. McClelland, Alfred L. Baldwin, Urie Bronfenbrenner, Fred L. Strodtbeck. Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1958. vii + 275 pp. $3.75. (1958) (0)
- Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards for 1977 (1973) (0)
- Offerings for Educational Evaluators. (1988) (0)
- Processes affecting "understanding of others" and "assumed similarity." report No. 10 (1954) (0)
- The Measurement and Appraisal of Adult Intelligence . David Wechsler. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, ed. 4, 1958. 297 pp. $5. (1958) (0)
- 13. Three handbooks on crosscultural testing (1972) (0)
- Personnel Selection: Test and Measurement Techniques. (1949) (0)
- Book Reviews: Exploring the Distant Stars. Thrilling Adventures in Our Galaxy and Beyond (1958) (0)
- Volume Information (1971) (0)
- Book reviews (1954) (0)
- Healthy adjustment to difficulties. (1963) (0)
- Handbook of Research Methods in Child Development . Paul H. Mussen, Ed. Wiley, New York, 1960. 1061 pp. Illus. $15.25. (1961) (0)
- The Psychology of Teaching. Asahel D. Woodruff (1947) (0)
- Identification and the learning of attitudes. (1963) (0)
- How psychology contributes to education. (1963) (0)
- Studies of Concept Invention (1963) (0)
- The Dynamics of Psychological Testing. (1953) (0)
- Quantal and graded analysis of dosage-effect relations. (1961) (0)
- Postdoctoral Research Traineeship Program. Final Report. (1970) (0)
- The College Training Detachment Previews Post-War Education (1944) (0)
- The interpretation and application of ability tests. (1963) (0)
- The teacher as classroom leader. (1963) (0)
- 46. Judging how well a test measures New concepts, new analysis (1972) (0)
- The Art of Asking Questions. (1952) (0)
- "Mental Tests" by Frank N. Freeman (1967) (0)
- Differences in pupil characteristics: Illustrative cases. (1963) (0)
- Setting Cut Scores in Selection: A Mathematical Structure for Examining Policies. (1979) (0)
- Book Review:The Validity of Occupational Aptitude Tests. Edwin E. Ghiselli (1967) (0)
- Intellectual Status at Maturity as a Criterion for Selecting Items in Preschool Tests. Katharine M. MaurerThe Application of the Rorschach Test to Young Children. Mary Ford (1947) (0)
- Side Dish on Testing. (1964) (0)
- Selected References on Educational Psychology (1947) (0)
- Book Reviews: Talent and Society. New Perspectives in the Identification of Talent (1958) (0)
- Robert L. Thorndike (1910-1990): Obituary. (1992) (0)
- Rorschach Interpretation: Advanced Technique. (1954) (0)
- The American Psychological Foundation: A ten-year report. (1964) (0)
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