Lera Boroditsky
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American psychologist
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Cognitive Psychology
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Lera Boroditsky's Degrees
- PhD Psychology Stanford University
- Bachelors Psychology Northwestern University
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Why Is Lera Boroditsky Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Lera Boroditsky is a cognitive scientist and professor in the fields of language and cognition. She is one of the main contributors to the theory of linguistic relativity. She is a Searle Scholar, a McDonnell Scholar, recipient of a National Science Foundation Career award, and an American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientist. She is Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego. She previously served on the faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Stanford.
Lera Boroditsky's Published Works
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Published Works
- Metaphoric structuring: understanding time through spatial metaphors (2000) (1290)
- Does Language Shape Thought?: Mandarin and English Speakers' Conceptions of Time (2001) (1269)
- Time in the mind: Using space to think about time (2008) (946)
- Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning (2011) (754)
- The Roles of Body and Mind in Abstract Thought (2002) (726)
- Russian blues reveal effects of language on color discrimination (2007) (715)
- Language acquisition and conceptual development: Individuation, relativity, and early word learning (2001) (546)
- Sex, syntax and semantics. (2003) (383)
- As time goes by: Evidence for two systems in processing space → time metaphors (2002) (324)
- Cross-Cultural Differences in Mental Representations of Time: Evidence From an Implicit Nonlinguistic Task (2010) (317)
- Do English and Mandarin speakers think about time differently? (2011) (315)
- Remembrances of Times East (2010) (214)
- Natural Language Metaphors Covertly Influence Reasoning (2013) (211)
- Space and Time in the Child's Mind: Evidence for a Cross-Dimensional Asymmetry (2010) (208)
- On the Experiential Link Between Spatial and Temporal Language (2005) (181)
- How Linguistic and Cultural Forces Shape Conceptions of Time: English and Mandarin Time in 3D (2011) (177)
- How Linguistic Metaphor Scaffolds Reasoning (2017) (151)
- How language shapes thought. (2011) (149)
- Who dunnit? Cross-linguistic differences in eye-witness memory (2011) (146)
- Constructing Agency: The Role of Language (2010) (135)
- Subtle linguistic cues influence perceived blame and financial liability (2010) (120)
- How Languages Construct Time (2011) (99)
- A Motion Aftereffect From Still Photographs Depicting Motion (2008) (92)
- The Immediate and Chronic Influence of Spatio-Temporal Metaphors on the Mental Representations of Time in English, Mandarin, and Mandarin-English Speakers (2013) (89)
- How deep are effects of language on thought? Time estimation in speakers of English, Indonesian, Greek, and Spanish (2004) (89)
- Patients With Left Spatial Neglect Also Neglect the “Left Side” of Time (2014) (87)
- Can Quirks of Grammar Affect the Way You Think? Grammatical Gender and Object Concepts (2003) (79)
- Visual motion aftereffect from understanding motion language (2010) (65)
- A motion aftereffect from visual imagery of motion (2010) (64)
- Do English and Mandarin Speakers Think Differently About Time (2008) (62)
- Effects of Language on Visual Perception (2020) (60)
- Measuring Effects of Metaphor in a Dynamic Opinion Landscape (2015) (58)
- Emotional Implications of Metaphor: Consequences of Metaphor Framing for Mindset about Cancer (2018) (54)
- Early acquisition of nouns and verbs evidence from Navajo (2008) (49)
- Comparison and the development of knowledge (2007) (41)
- Effects of language on color discriminability (2010) (35)
- What thoughts are made of (2008) (32)
- Do we think about time in terms of space (2003) (30)
- Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving? (2011) (29)
- Mental Time-Lines Follow Writing Direction: Comparing English and Hebrew Speakers (2007) (27)
- New Space-Time Metaphors Foster New Nonlinguistic Representations (2017) (25)
- Language and the Construction of Time through Space (2018) (24)
- Grammar in Art (2010) (24)
- Spatialization of Time in Mian (2012) (23)
- Linguistic Relativity (21)
- Time in terms of space (2013) (20)
- Time, Motion, and Meaning: The Experiential Basis of Abstract Thought (2009) (20)
- Do we think about music in terms of space? Metaphoric representation of musical pitch. (2003) (18)
- Processing unrelated language can change what you see (2010) (17)
- What is universal in event perception? Comparing English & Indonesian speakers (2019) (17)
- The experiential basis of meaning (2003) (16)
- When a bad metaphor may not be a victimless crime: The role of metaphor in social policy (2009) (14)
- How Language Affects Thought in a Connectionist Model (2007) (14)
- How language shapes the way we think (2018) (12)
- NLS: A Non-Latent Similarity Algorithm (2004) (12)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Psycholinguistics: How the Languages We Speak Shape the Ways We Think (2012) (10)
- English and Spanish Speakers Remember Causal Agents Differently (2008) (10)
- Constructing mental time without visual experience (2015) (9)
- Brain embodiment of category-specific semantic memory circuits (2008) (8)
- First, we assume a spherical cow.. (2001) (8)
- Language, Categorization, and Visual Search (2004) (7)
- Semantic Coherence Facilitates Distributional Learning. (2017) (7)
- New space-time metaphors foster new mental representations of time (2015) (7)
- Time in space (2008) (7)
- Language and the brain (2019) (6)
- The experiential basis of motion language (2004) (6)
- Emotional Implications of Metaphor : Consequences of Metaphor Framing for Mindset about Hardship (2016) (6)
- Effects of Grammatical Gender on Object Description (2017) (5)
- Metaphor & Emotion: Metaphorical Frames for Coping with Hardship (2016) (5)
- Reversing the direction of time: Does the visibility of spatial representations of time shape temporal focus? (2013) (4)
- Semantic Coherence Facilitates Distributional Learning of Word Meanings (2012) (4)
- Language Changes Causal Attributions about Agents and Objects (2007) (4)
- A Motion Aftereffect from Literal and Metaphorical Motion Language: Individual Differences (2010) (4)
- Left of Zero: Representing Negative Numbers on the Mental Number line (2003) (3)
- The role of language in eye-witness memory: Remembering who did it in English and Japanese (2009) (3)
- Common mechanisms for processing of perceived, inferred, and imagined visual motion (2010) (3)
- Effects of lexical structure on picture comparison (2004) (2)
- How Looking at Someone You Don't Know Can Help You to Recognize Someone You Do (2006) (2)
- Motor Affordances in Object Perception (2010) (2)
- Causal priming: How a language production mechanism guides representation (2008) (2)
- Linguistic Metaphors Shape Attitudes towards Immigration (2021) (1)
- Motor Affordances in Mental Rotation: When minds reflect the world and when they go beyond (2009) (1)
- 1 Sex , Syntax , and Semantics (2015) (1)
- Motion Language Shapes People's Interpretation of Unrelated Ambiguous Figures (2008) (1)
- Cross-linguistic differences in the representations of events: Verb aspect and completion in English and Russian (2003) (1)
- Linguistic Contributions to Reasoning about Causal Agents (2006) (1)
- First-Language Thinking for Second-Language Understanding: Mandarin and English Speakers’ Conceptions of Time (2020) (1)
- 9.402 Language and Thought, Fall 2002 (2002) (0)
- Beyond Whorf: How Language Affects Thought (2006) (0)
- Metaphor and Causal Reasoning (2014) (0)
- Linguistic Relativity Does Language Shape Thought? (0)
- SEMANTIC COHERENCE AND DISTRIBUTIONAL LEARNING 3 Semantic coherence facilitates distributional learning 1 (2016) (0)
- Time in terms of space [Research topic] (2012) (0)
- Does Language Comprehension Affect Visual Motion Perception (2009) (0)
- Left-right mental timeline is robust to visuospatial and verbal interference (2016) (0)
- Language affects memory, but does it affect perception? (2001) (0)
- Acknowledgement of Reviewers (2003) (0)
- How much for a transitive? Subtle linguistic cues influence blame and punishment (2010) (0)
- Do Object Affordances affect Hand Identification (2009) (0)
- Viewing and performing actions can change what you see (2012) (0)
- Comparison and the development of knowledge 1 Comparison and the development of knowledge (2002) (0)
- Dehaene-Lambertz, G., 261 Dijkstra, K., 139 Dumay, N., 341 (2007) (0)
- The visual motion aftereffect from mental imagery depends on speed (2013) (0)
- Language and Thought (2004) (0)
- Cultural Impacts on Cognition (2006) (0)
- Origins of time: New insights into the psychological foundations of time (2014) (0)
- Embodiment and Embodied Cognition (2011) (0)
- Displacement affects duration estimation, but not the other way around. (2019) (0)
- The interface between language and thought: Current directions [Symposium moderator] (2009) (0)
- Grasping the Ungraspable: How do motor actions and motor metaphors interact? (2009) (0)
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