Maria Vittoria Salvetti
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Computer Science
Maria Vittoria Salvetti's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science University of Milan
- Masters Computer Science University of Milan
- Bachelors Computer Science University of Milan
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Why Is Maria Vittoria Salvetti Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Maria Vittoria Salvetti is an Italian aerospace engineer specializing in computational fluid dynamics and especially in the large eddy simulation of turbulence and complex flows. She is a professor of fluid dynamics at the University of Pisa, where she directs the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering.
Maria Vittoria Salvetti's Published Works
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Published Works
- A Priori Tests of a New Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Model for Finite-Difference Large-Eddy Simulations (1995) (242)
- Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder: An overview after the first four years of activity (2014) (128)
- Direct numerical simulation of particle wall transfer and deposition in upward turbulent pipe flow (2003) (126)
- Some issues concerning large-eddy simulation of inertial particle dispersion in turbulent bounded flows (2008) (102)
- A low-diffusion MUSCL scheme for LES on unstructured grids (2004) (98)
- A parallel multiphase flow code for the 3D simulation of explosive volcanic eruptions (2007) (89)
- Classical and variational multiscale LES of the flow around a circular cylinder on unstructured grids (2010) (85)
- Investigation of the steady engulfment regime in a three-dimensional T-mixer (2013) (85)
- Variational multiscale large-eddy simulations of the flow past a circular cylinder: Reynolds number effects (2011) (82)
- Low-dimensional modelling of a confined three-dimensional wake flow (2006) (79)
- Automatic evaluation of arterial diameter variation from vascular echographic images. (2001) (78)
- Steady and unsteady regimes in a T-shaped micro-mixer: Synergic experimental and numerical investigation (2018) (75)
- Flow regimes in T-shaped micro-mixers (2015) (74)
- Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps (2008) (65)
- Simulation of the three-dimensional flow around a square cylinder between parallel walls at moderate Reynolds numbers (2005) (63)
- Mechanisms for deposition and resuspension of heavy particles in turbulent flow over wavy interfaces (2006) (57)
- Stability analysis and control of the flow in a symmetric channel with a sudden expansion (2012) (52)
- Impact of uncertainties in outflow boundary conditions on the predictions of hemodynamic simulations of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms (2018) (50)
- Large-eddy simulation of free-surface decaying turbulence with dynamic subgrid-scale models (1997) (47)
- Intrinsic filtering errors of Lagrangian particle tracking in LES flow fields (2011) (47)
- Large‐eddy simulation of a bluff‐body flow on unstructured grids (2002) (45)
- Separation control and drag reduction for boat-tailed axisymmetric bodies through contoured transverse grooves (2017) (44)
- Unsteady asymmetric engulfment regime in a T-mixer (2014) (42)
- Appraisal of energy recovering sub-grid scale models for large-eddy simulation of turbulent dispersed flows (2008) (42)
- Epistemic uncertainties in RANS model free coefficients (2014) (41)
- Validation of Numerical Simulations of Thoracic Aorta Hemodynamics: Comparison with In Vivo Measurements and Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis (2018) (39)
- Large-eddy simulation of the flow around a triangular prism with moderate aspect ratio (2006) (35)
- Stochastic sensitivity analysis of large-eddy simulation predictions of the flow around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder (2017) (35)
- A numerical method for 3D barotropic flows in turbomachinery (2006) (34)
- Simulation of the flow past a circular cylinder in the supercritical regime by blending RANS and variational-multiscale LES models (2014) (32)
- Seismic qualification of transformer high voltage bushings (1998) (31)
- Quantification of errors in large-eddy simulations of a spatially evolving mixing layer using polynomial chaos (2012) (31)
- Stochastic analysis of the impact of freestream conditions on the aerodynamics of a rectangular 5:1 cylinder (2016) (30)
- Numerical simulations of transitional axisymmetric coaxial jets (1996) (29)
- An Overview of Flow Features and Mixing in Micro T and Arrow Mixers (2020) (29)
- Unsteady Flow Regimes in a T-Shaped Micromixer: Mixing and Characteristic Frequencies (2019) (28)
- Connection between base drag, separating boundary layer characteristics and wake mean recirculation length of an axisymmetric blunt-based body (2015) (28)
- Application of a wavelet cross-correlation analysis to DNS velocity signals (1997) (27)
- Mechanisms for microparticle dispersion in a jet in crossflow (2005) (25)
- Uncertainty quantification in numerical simulations of the flow in thoracic aortic aneurysms (2016) (25)
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Two In-Line Turbines in a Wind Tunnel with Different Inflow Conditions (2017) (25)
- Impact of dynamic subgrid-scale modeling in variational multiscale large-eddy simulation of bluff-body flows (2014) (24)
- Effect of geometry modifications on the engulfment in micromixers: Numerical simulations and stability analysis (2016) (24)
- Separation delay through contoured transverse grooves on a 2D boat-tailed bluff body: Effects on drag reduction and wake flow features (2019) (23)
- Steady flow regimes and mixing performance in arrow-shaped micro-mixers (2019) (23)
- A non-linear observer for unsteady three-dimensional flows (2007) (22)
- Separation control and efficiency improvement in a 2D diffuser by means of contoured cavities (2013) (22)
- Large eddy simulations of the flow around a circular cylinder: effects of grid resolution and subgrid scale modeling (2003) (22)
- The effect of the numerical scheme on the subgrid scale term in large-eddy simulation (1998) (22)
- Three-dimensional coarse large-eddy simulations of the flow above two-dimensional sinusoidal waves (2001) (21)
- Use of multiple local recirculations to increase the efficiency in diffusers (2015) (20)
- The role of flow features and chemical kinetics on the reaction yield in a T-shaped micro-reactor (2020) (20)
- An implicit low-diffusive HLL scheme with complete time linearization: Application to cavitating barotropic flows (2010) (20)
- An immersed boundary method for compressible multiphase flows: application to the dynamics of pyroclastic density currents (2007) (19)
- Control of the turbulent flow in a plane diffuser through optimized contoured cavities (2014) (19)
- Particle tracking in LES flow fields: conditional Lagrangian statistics of filtering error (2014) (18)
- Flow around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder: Effects of upstream-edge rounding (2020) (18)
- Linearized implicit time advancing and defect correction applied to sediment transport simulations (2012) (17)
- Unsteady flow regimes in arrow-shaped micro-mixers with different tilting angles (2021) (17)
- Nonlinear V6 schemes for compressible flow (2008) (14)
- Towards the Large-Eddy simulation of complex engineering flows with unstructured grids (1999) (12)
- A Lagrangian probability-density-function model for collisional turbulent fluid–particle flows (2018) (12)
- Approximation and reconstruction of the electrostatic field in wire-plate precipitators by a low-order model (2001) (12)
- Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines (2017) (12)
- Effects of the Subgrid-Scale Modeling in the Large-Eddy Simulations of Wind Turbines (2018) (11)
- Seismic risk evaluation for high voltage air insulated substations (1997) (11)
- Correction of Wall Interference in Wind Tunnels: A Numerical Investigation (2001) (10)
- Appraisal of Numerical Methods in Predicting the Aerodynamics of Forward-Swept Wings (1998) (10)
- A simple model for deep dynamic stall conditions (2020) (10)
- Effect of stratification on the mixing and reaction yield in a T-shaped micro-mixer (2021) (10)
- Parallel simulation of three-dimensional complex flows: Application to two-phase compressible flows and turbulent wakes (2007) (10)
- Large-eddy simulation of pyroclastic density currents (2011) (9)
- Numerical evaluation of airfoil friction drag (2000) (9)
- Hybrid RANS/LES simulations of a bluff-body flow (2005) (9)
- Large-eddy simulations of a Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder (2011) (9)
- Application of a wavelet cross-correlation technique to the analysis of mixing (1999) (8)
- Current-density approximation for efficient computation of the electrostatic field in wire-plate precipitators (2002) (8)
- A Preconditioned implicit Roe's scheme for barotropic flows: towards simulation of cavitation phenomena (2003) (8)
- Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps - CISM Courses and Lectures (2007) (7)
- Comparison Between Numerical and MRI Data of Ascending Aorta Hemodynamics in a Circulatory Mock Loop (2019) (7)
- Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation XI (2019) (7)
- Appraisal and calibration of the actuator line model for the prediction of turbulent separated wakes (2019) (7)
- A numerical study of non-cavitating and cavitating liquid flow around a hydrofoil (2005) (7)
- BARC: a Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder (2009) (7)
- T-mixer operating with water at different temperatures: Simulation and stability analysis (2018) (7)
- Hemodynamics and stresses in numerical simulations of the thoracic aorta, Part I: Stochastic sensitivity analysis to inlet flow-rate waveform (2021) (7)
- Grain size distribution uncertainty quantification in volcanic ash dispersal and deposition from weak plumes (2016) (7)
- Development of a BEM-CFD tool for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines based on the Actuator Disk Model (2018) (6)
- A Study on the Effect of Flow Unsteadiness on the Yield of a Chemical Reaction in a T Micro-Reactor (2021) (6)
- Benchmark test on particle-laden channel flow with point-particle LES (2011) (6)
- Correction Of The Wall Interference Effects In Wind Tunnel Experiments (2001) (6)
- Computation of complex unsteady flows around bluff bodies through VMS-LES modeling (2007) (6)
- Numerical simulation of a jet in crossflow. Application to GRID computing (2005) (6)
- Flow regimes, mixing and reaction yield of a mixture in an X-microreactor (2022) (5)
- Stochastic calibration of cavitation model parameters for simulations of 3-phase injector internal flows (2020) (5)
- Simulation of Bluff-Body Flows Through a Hybrid RANS/VMS-LES Model (2009) (5)
- On the approximate treatment of wall-boundary conditions in large-eddy simulation (2002) (5)
- Strategies for RANS/VMS-LES coupling (2006) (5)
- Stochastic sensitivity analysis of numerical simulations of injector internal flows to cavitation modeling parameters (2019) (5)
- Variational Multiscale LES and Hybrid RANS/LES Parallel Simulation of Complex Unsteady Flows (2008) (4)
- Drag prediction over steep sinusoidal wavy surfaces (2001) (4)
- A conditional stability criterion based on generalized energies (2007) (4)
- Effects of the Distribution in Space of the Velocity-Inlet Condition in Hemodynamic Simulations of the Thoracic Aorta (2020) (4)
- Variational multiscale large-eddy simulations of the BARC flow configuration (2011) (4)
- Linearised implicit time-advancing applied to sediment transport simulations (2010) (4)
- Inviscid non-equilibrium flow in the vicinity of a stagnation point (1993) (4)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of a Compressible Multiphase Flow Through the Eulerian Approach (2014) (3)
- Implicit time advancing combined with two finite-volume methods in the simulation of morphodynamic flows (2014) (3)
- Towards the simulation of cavitating flows in inducers through a homogeneous barotropic flow model (2007) (3)
- Numerical Diffusion Based on High-Order Derivatives in MUSCL Schemes for LES on Unstructured Grids (2001) (3)
- Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations: Benchmarking and Uncertainty Quantification (2018) (3)
- [Rare vascular complications of Behçet's disease (so-called angiobehçet)]. (1989) (3)
- An Hybrid RANS/LES Approach Applied to Bluff-Body Flow Simulation (2004) (3)
- Further generalized energies for the application of an energy criterion of conditional stability (2011) (3)
- Bluff-body flow simulation by an hybrid RANS/LES approach (2005) (3)
- Mixing Improvement in a T-Shaped Micro-Junction through Small Rectangular Cavities (2022) (3)
- A numerical method for large-eddy simulation on unstructured grids (2008) (3)
- On the closure of particle motion equations in large-eddy simulation (2006) (3)
- Reliability of LES Simulations in the Context of a Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder (2015) (3)
- A preconditioned compressible flow solver for numerical simulation of 3D cavitation phenomena (2004) (3)
- Concurrent theoretical, experimental and numerical analyses of mixed-flow turbopump design (2022) (2)
- Uncertainty Quantification Applied to Hemodynamic Simulations of Thoracic Aorta Aneurysms: Sensitivity to Inlet Conditions (2020) (2)
- An in progress experience on seismic qualification of gas insulated substations (1993) (2)
- Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder: an overview four years later (2012) (2)
- Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Simulations of High-Pressure Injectors to Cavitation Modeling Parameters (2017) (2)
- Uncertainty quantification of a rectangular 5:1 cylinder (2015) (2)
- A UQ based calibration for the CFD modeling of the gas dispersion from an LNG pool (2022) (2)
- Inertial particle segregation and deposition in large-eddy simulation of turbulent wall-bounded flows (2011) (2)
- Numerical investigation of skewed spatially evolving mixing layers (2020) (2)
- LES and hybrid RANS/LES simulation of complex flows on unstructured grids (2007) (2)
- Effects of flow unsteadiness and chemical kinetics on the reaction yield in a T-microreactor (2022) (2)
- A Hybrid Model Based on Continuous Fluctuation Corrections (2008) (2)
- Analysis and Low-order Modeling of the Three-dimensional Flow Past a Confined Square Cylinder (2006) (2)
- Validation of Numerical Simulations of Thoracic Aorta Hemodynamics: Comparison with In Vivo Measurements and Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis (2018) (2)
- Assessment of VMS-LES and hybrid RANS VMS-LES models (2011) (2)
- Mixing sensitivity to the inclination of the lateral walls in a T-mixer (2021) (2)
- The Role of Different Errors in Classical LES and in Variational Multiscale LES on Unstructured Grids (2010) (2)
- A passive method for flow separation control: application to a 2D diffuser conguration. (2012) (1)
- Numerical Simulation of the Flow in a Turbopump Inducer in Non-Cavitating and Cavitating Conditions (2011) (1)
- Effects of uncertainties of image-based material properties of great vessels on vascular deformation (2022) (1)
- Large Eddy Simulation of a Wind Farm Experiment (2019) (1)
- Validation of a Wall Interference Correction Procedure in Subsonic Flow (2003) (1)
- Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Time Advancing in the Simulation of a 2D Sediment Transport Problem (2011) (1)
- LES, variational multiscale LES and hybrid models (2011) (1)
- Integrating in-vivo Data in CFD Simulations and in in-vitro Experiments of the Hemodynamic in Healthy and Pathologic Thoracic Aorta (2022) (1)
- Unstructured-Grid Algorithms for High-Speed CFD Analysis (1992) (1)
- Mechanisms for Microparticle Dispersion in a Jet (2005) (1)
- Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Unsteady Flow Regimes and Mixing in a Micro T-Mixer (2018) (1)
- Unstable and unsteady aerodynamics: compared information from different numerical models (2000) (1)
- Hemodynamics in healthy and pathological thoracic aorta: integration of in-vivo data in CFD simulations and in in-vitro experiments (2022) (1)
- Effect of a Splitter Plate on Transonic Wing Flow: a Numerical Study (1999) (1)
- Flow Separation Control and Drag Reduction for a Two-Dimensional Boat-Tailed Bluff Body Through Transverse Grooves (2018) (1)
- Appraisal of Numerical Methods in Predicting the Aerodynamics of Forward Sweep Wings (1996) (1)
- Three-Dimensional Effects on Mixing in a Coaxia Jet Configuration (1998) (1)
- Numerical Analysis of Blockage Effects in Slotted Wind Tunnels (2000) (1)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Jets: State of the Art and Open Problems (2003) (1)
- [Giant juvenile angiofibroma: which surgical approach?]. (1992) (1)
- Non-Equilibrium Double-Ellipse Flows by Adaptive Upwind Finite-Elements (1992) (1)
- Dynamic variational multiscale LES of bluff body flows on unstructured grids (2013) (1)
- Investigation on numerical schemes in the simulation of barotropic cavitating flows (2009) (1)
- Experimental and numerical study on the shear-layer instability in a 5:1 benchmark rectangular cylinder (2018) (1)
- Development of a surrogate model for wind farm control (2019) (1)
- Large-eddy simulation of heavy particle dispersion in wall-bounded turbulent flows (2015) (0)
- Uncertainty quantification of the aerodynamics of a rectangular 5:1 cylinder (2014) (0)
- Large-eddy simulation of the flow around a forward-swept wing at high angle of attack (2001) (0)
- Impact of uncertainties in free stream conditions on the aerodynamics of a rectangular cylinder (2015) (0)
- State of Art Review of Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies [GRA-2.2.6-DL(D2.2.6-02)-Air Green-TECH-209064 A] (2009) (0)
- Non-equilibrium external flows including wall-catalysis effects by adaptive upwind finite elements (1993) (0)
- Quality of classical and variational multiscale LES simulations of the flow around a circular cylinder (2011) (0)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around Finite-Length Triangular Prisms (2003) (0)
- New Results - Mathematical Modeling in CFD (2006) (0)
- Special Issue: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (2018) (0)
- Stochastic modeling of fluid-particle flows in homogeneous cluster-induced turbulence (2016) (0)
- Variational MultiScale LES and hybrid RANS/LES simulations of the flow past a circular cylinder at various Reynolds numbers (2009) (0)
- A locally superconvergent scheme for the simulation of turbulent flows in complex geometries (2009) (0)
- Control of laminar and turbulent flows in diffusers by means ofmultiple contoured cavities (2013) (0)
- Blended RANS/LES simulations of massively separated flows (2005) (0)
- Hybrid RANS/LES simulations of bluff-body flows on unstructured grids (2004) (0)
- Effects of subgrid-scale modeling on wind turbines flows (2015) (0)
- Probability Distribution of Intrinsic Filtering Errors in Lagrangian Particle Tracking in LES Flow Fields (2014) (0)
- [Evaluation of the results obtained in thromboembolic vascular lesions with 2 platelet aggregation inhibitors]. (1983) (0)
- Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a 5:1 Rectangular Cylinder: Further Experimental and LES Results (2019) (0)
- VMS-LES and hybrid models for flows past a circular cylinder at various Reynolds numbers (2011) (0)
- A stochastic approach to predict flow properties over irregular rough walls (2018) (0)
- Flow regimes and instabilities in a T-mixer operating with a binary mixture (2016) (0)
- Particle tracking in LES flow fields: Lagrangian conditional statistics of filtering error (2012) (0)
- Flow Around a 5:1 Rectangular Cylinder: Effects of the Rounding of the Upstream Corners (2019) (0)
- Application of hybrid and VMS-LES models to risers and unusual geometries (2009) (0)
- Implicit time advancing applied to shallow water problems coupled with different models of sediment transport (2012) (0)
- Stochastic calibration of the actuator line model parameters (2018) (0)
- Towards the prediction of the disturbance amplitude threshold in the subcritical regime through a generalized energetic criterion (2007) (0)
- Sensitivity of the engulfment to inlet flow conditions in a T-shaped micro-mixer:CFD and perturbation analysis (2012) (0)
- Error response surfaces in large eddy simulation of a spatially evolving mixing layer (2011) (0)
- Burgers' viscous equation model to investigate large-eddy simulation approaches (2003) (0)
- New Results - Mathematical Modelling (2008) (0)
- Drag Reduction of Boat-Tailed Bluff Bodies Through Transverse Grooves (2016) (0)
- New Results - Modelling (2003) (0)
- Special Issue: Progress in Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (2020) (0)
- Flow Separation Delay and Drag Reduction Through Contoured Transverse Grooves (2018) (0)
- Propagation of Source Grain-size Distribution Uncertainty by Using a Lagrangian Volcanic Particle Dispersal Model (2014) (0)
- Flow around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder: effects of corner roundings (2019) (0)
- Passive control of the flow in a symmetric channel with a sudden expansion based on linear stability analysis (2011) (0)
- Stochastic sensitivity analysis to grid resolution and modeling in LES of the flow around a rectangular cylinder (2015) (0)
- Unsteady engulfment regime in a three dimensional T-mixer: stability and sensitivity analyses (2013) (0)
- Lagrangian Tracking of Heavy Particles in Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow (2008) (0)
- Quality and Reliability of Larege-Eddy Simulations (2011) (0)
- On the Numerical Evaluation of Airfoil Drag (1999) (0)
- Towards the evaluation of the pathological state of ascending thoracic aneurysms: integration of in-vivo measurements and hemodynamic simulations (2016) (0)
- Effect of corner rounding on the flow around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder. A paradox explained? (2019) (0)
- Effects of Spanwise-Discontinuous Contoured Transverse Grooves on Flow Separation and Vortex Shedding (2019) (0)
- Special Issue: Progress in Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (2020) (0)
- Impact of dynamic subgrid-scale modeling in variational multiscale large-eddy simulation of bluff-body flows (2014) (0)
- Dynamics of the shear layers detaching from the upstream corners of an elongated rectangular cylinder (2019) (0)
- Generalized energies for stability analysis and application to a low-order model of the plane Poiseuille flow (2006) (0)
- Multigrid sequential data assimilation for the large-eddy simulation of a massively separated bluff-body flow (2022) (0)
- Effects of Shear-Layer Roll-Up on Axisymmetric DNS Velocity Signals in a Coaxial Jet Configuration (1996) (0)
- Statistical properties of an ideal subgrid-scale correction for Lagrangian particle tracking in turbulent channel flow (2011) (0)
- Appraisal of ALM predictions of turbulent wake features (2017) (0)
- Base-drag reduction of an axisymmetric bluff body through boundary-layer and near-wake modifications. (2014) (0)
- A-priori reconstruction of ideal stochastic forcing for particle motion in turbulent flow (2010) (0)
- On the Explicit Filtering of the Non Linear Term in Large Eddy Simulation (1998) (0)
- Comparison of Numerical Simulations to a Reduced-Order Model Extended with Splitter Blades (2020) (0)
- Direct numerical simulation of a compressible multiphase flow through the fast Eulerian approach (2014) (0)
- Generalized energies for the stability analysis of plane Pouiseuille flow (2005) (0)
- Cardiovascular structural changes in patients with pheochromocytoma (1995) (0)
- A stochastic model for Lagrangian particle tracking in large-eddy simulation velocity fi elds (0)
- Stability and sensitivity analyses of the engulfment regime in a three dimensional T-shaped micromixer (2012) (0)
- Quantification of epistemic uncertainties in RANS turbulence models (2012) (0)
- Variational Multiscale LES Investigation of Drag and Near-Wake Flow of an Axisymmetric Blunt-Based Body (2015) (0)
- Particle Dispersion in Large-Eddy Simulations: Influence of Reynolds Number and of Subgrid Velocity Deconvolution (2010) (0)
- On the influence of boundary layer thickness on the base drag and on the near-wake flow of an axisymmetric blunt-based body (2013) (0)
- Experimental and numerical analyses of flow and mixing regimes in a micro T-mixer (2017) (0)
- Experimental and numerical study of viscosity effects on the dynamics of the Benjamin bubble (2014) (0)
- Flow regimes in a T-mixer operating with a binary mixture (2015) (0)
- Unsteady regimes in a T-mixer (2014) (0)
- Multiple local recirculations to reduce flow separation and increase efficiency of diffusers (2013) (0)
- Application of hybrid and VMS-LES models to risers and unsual geometries, (2009) (0)
- Turbopump Design: Comparison of Numerical Simulations to an Already Validated Reduced-Order Model (2021) (0)
- Towards the numerical simulation of bluff-body flows through POD reduced-order models (2005) (0)
- Reliability of LES simulations in the context of a benchmark on the aerodynamics of a 5:1 rectangle (2015) (0)
- Special Issue: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (2018) (0)
- Cavitation Model Parameter Calibration for Simulations of Three-Phase Injector Flows (2020) (0)
- On the capabilities of a POD based estimation technique (2008) (0)
- Experimental and numerical analyses of flow and mixing regimes in an arrow-like micro mixer (2017) (0)
- Stability analysis of the flow inside a T-shaped micromixer. (2012) (0)
- Stochastic quantification of errors in large-eddy simulations of a spatially-evolving mixing layer (2011) (0)
- Large-eddy simulations of the flow around a finite-length triangular prism (2004) (0)
- Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flows in Complex Geometries (2017) (0)
- Uncertainty propagation analysis applied to volcanic ash dispersal at Mt. Etna by using a Lagrangian model (2015) (0)
- Parallel Simulation of Complex Unsteady Flows with Variational Multiscale LES and Hybrid RANS/LES (2009) (0)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the reaction yield in a T-microreactor (2019) (0)
- In Vitro Analysis of Hemodynamics in the Ascending Thoracic Aorta: Sensitivity to the Experimental Setup (2023) (0)
- Uncertainty Quantification in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Flow Around a 5:1 Rectangular Cylinder (2018) (0)
- Uncertainty Quantification applied to flow simulations in thoracic aortic aneurysms (2015) (0)
- Computation of Catalycity Eeects in Hypersonic Non-equilibrium Flows (2007) (0)
- ECINADS-D6.2c: Impact of dynamic SGS models in variational multiscale LES on unstructured grids : application to bluff body flows (2013) (0)
- On the relationship between boundary-layer thickness, base drag and near-wake flow of an axisymmetric bluff body (2013) (0)
- Mixed subgrid scale models for classical and variational multiscale large-eddy simulations on unstructured grids (2011) (0)
- Reaction performance in T-, X- and arrow-shaped microdevices (2023) (0)
- Quantifying uncertainties for the numerical simulation of gas dispersion from a liquified natural gas pool (2020) (0)
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