Martin Paul Eve
Most Influential Person Now
British university lecturer and writer
Martin Paul Eve's Rankings
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Martin Paul Eve's Degrees
- PhD English Literature University of Sussex
- Masters English Literature University of Sussex
- Bachelors English Literature University of Sussex
Why Is Martin Paul Eve Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Martin Paul Eve is a British academic, writer, computer programmer, and disability rights campaigner. He is the Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing at Birkbeck College, University of London, Principal R&D Developer at Crossref, and was Visiting Professor of Digital Humanities at Sheffield Hallam University until 2022. He is known for his work on contemporary literary metafiction, computational approaches to the study of literature, and open-access policy. Together with Dr Caroline Edwards, he is co-founder of the Open Library of Humanities .
Martin Paul Eve's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Erratum: “Excellence R Us”: university research and the fetishisation of excellence (2017) (150)
- Pynchon and Philosophy (2014) (73)
- Discipline-specific open access publishing practices and barriers to change: an evidence-based review (2018) (42)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future (2014) (37)
- XSS Cheat Sheet (2007) (32)
- Who is Actually Harmed by Predatory Publishers (2017) (30)
- Open Peer Review (2016) (29)
- Whose line is it anyway?: enlightenment, revolution, and ipseic ethics in the works of Thomas Pynchon (2012) (28)
- Cost Estimates of an Open-Access Mandate for Monographs in the UK’s Third Research Excellence Framework (2017) (25)
- The future of peer review (2013) (18)
- Literature Against Criticism: University English and Contemporary Fiction in Conflict (2016) (15)
- All That Glisters: Investigating Collective Funding Mechanisms for Gold Open Access in Humanities Disciplines (2014) (15)
- “You have to keep track of your changes”: The Version Variants and Publishing History of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2016) (14)
- Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Utility and Markets (2013) (14)
- Tear it down, build it up: the Research Output Team, or the library-as-publisher (2012) (13)
- “A Shorthand of Stars”: From John to Thomas Pynchon (2016) (13)
- Background to contemporary Greece (1990) (12)
- Discipline-specific open access publishing practices and barriers to change: an evidence-based review. (2018) (11)
- Reassembling Scholarly Communications (2020) (11)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Contents (2014) (10)
- The Open Library of Humanities (2014) (10)
- Before the law: open access, quality control and the future of peer review (2013) (10)
- Co-operating for gold open access without APCs (2015) (9)
- Open Access publishing and scholarly communications in non-scientific disciplines (2015) (9)
- Can’t Disrupt This: Elsevier and the 25.2 Billion Dollar A Year Academic Publishing Business (2015) (9)
- MyCites: a proposal to mark and report inaccurate citations in scholarly publications (2020) (9)
- Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and the problems of 'metamodernism': post-millennial post-postmodernism? (2012) (8)
- Open Access and the humanities (2014) (8)
- Open access in humanities and social sciences: visions for the future of publishing (2015) (8)
- Open access infrastructure: where we are and where we need to go (2014) (8)
- On the mark? Responses to a sting (2013) (7)
- The Transition to Open Access: The State of the Market, Offsetting Deals, and a Demonstrated Model for Fair Open Access with the Open Library of Humanities (2017) (7)
- Open Access Publishing Models and How OA Can Work in the Humanities (2017) (6)
- The principles of tomorrow's university (2018) (6)
- Debating Open Access (2017) (6)
- Open Publication, Digital Abundance, and Scarce Labour (2017) (6)
- Thomas Pynchon & the Dark Passages of History / Pynchon and Relativity: Narrative Time in Thomas Pynchon's Later Novels (2012) (5)
- Close Reading with Computers: Genre Signals, Parts of Speech, and David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas (2017) (5)
- “Too many goddamn echoes”: Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo's Point Omega (2014) (5)
- Janeway: a scholarly communications platform (2018) (5)
- COPIM - Revenue models for Open Access monographs 2020 (2020) (4)
- Review of James Gourley, Terrorism and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013) (2013) (4)
- Keep writing: the critique of the university in Roberto Bolaño's 2666 (2016) (4)
- Referring Elsevier/RELX to the Competition and Markets Authority (2016) (4)
- As Grows, Some Scholars Voice Concerns (2015) (4)
- "You will see the logic of the design of this": from historiography to taxonomography in the contemporary metafiction of Sarah Waters's Affinity (2013) (4)
- The Botnet: Webs of Hegemony/Zombies Who Publish (2013) (4)
- Open Access journals in the humanities (2014) (4)
- Scarcity and Abundance (2017) (4)
- Communities, Commoning, Open Access and the Humanities: An Interview with Martin Eve (2021) (3)
- Clarifying a few facts for Elsevier and their response to Lingua (2015) (3)
- OPERAS White Paper: Open Access Business Models (2018) (3)
- Reading Peer Review (2020) (3)
- What Open-Access Publishing Actually Costs (2015) (3)
- Open Access and Monographs (2019) (3)
- Flawed sting operation singles out open access journals (2013) (3)
- On Freedom of Speech (2012) (3)
- Open Letter to The American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014) (3)
- What's open got to do with it? (2013) (3)
- On the Political Aesthetics of Metadata (2016) (3)
- Opening the Open Library of Humanities (2015) (3)
- Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon (2011) (3)
- Reading Very Well for Our Age: Hyperobject Metadata and Global Warming in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven (2018) (3)
- Forthcoming book: Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future (Cambridge UP, 2014) (2014) (2)
- How much does it cost to run a small scholarly publisher (2017) (2)
- Transparency agendas are being used to legislate against consortial open-access models even though it has good cost outcomes (2018) (2)
- Open Access: free ‘from having to sell’ (2014) (2)
- Stern’s review of the REF: what will it mean for academics? (2016) (2)
- Interdisciplinarity [2nd edition] by Joe Moran (2011) (2)
- More on new Thomas Pynchon novel, Bleeding Edge (2013) (2)
- Re-Decentralizing the Web (2012) (2)
- Points from my first reading of the Consultation on the Second Research Excellence Framework (2016) (2)
- “some kind of thing it aint us but yet its in us” (2014) (2)
- Who will disrupt the disruptors (2015) (2)
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator: writing, labour, computers (2017) (2)
- Mythbusting: A Proposed List — 60 Things Journal Publishers Do (2012) (2)
- On the OA mandate for books in the Third REF and the worry over trade books (2018) (2)
- Lessons From the Open Library of Humanities (2020) (2)
- Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno (2014) (2)
- Review of The Cambridge companion to Thomas Pynchon by Inger H. Dalsgaard, Luc Herman, and Brian McHale (Eds.) (2012) (2)
- Historical Sources for Pynchon's Peter Pinguid Society now available for download (2011) (2)
- Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide part 2 (2012) (2)
- The Silicon Valley Novel (2018) (2)
- A minor correction to Anne Mangel''s Maxwell''s Demon, Entropy, Information: (2011) (2)
- Violins in the Subway: Scarcity Correlations, Evaluative Cultures, and Disciplinary Authority in the Digital Humanities (2020) (2)
- Pondering a solution to the problem of Learned Societies and the transition to open access (2014) (2)
- Angry young academics: striving for more than consumerism (2011) (1)
- Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing (2016) (1)
- Open Access in the United Kingdom (2017) (1)
- My forthcoming book: Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno (Palgrave, 2014) (2013) (1)
- The UK copyright exemption for text and data mining vs. the DMCA and EUCD (2016) (1)
- The Means of (Re-)Production: Expertise, Open Tools, Standards and Communication (2014) (1)
- On the practical implementation of Plan S (2018) (1)
- David Foster Wallace's The Pale King: Bonnie Nadell and Michael Pietsch (2011) (1)
- More unpaid academic positions and apparent culture of entitlement (2012) (1)
- Utopia Fading: Taxonomies, Freedom and Dissent in Open Access Publishing (2013) (1)
- The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust by Robert David Steele (review) (2016) (1)
- We're a small learned society charging £25. What are we doing wrong?: OA for small society journals (2014) (1)
- 100 people in a room: on the distributional effects of different open-access funding models (2017) (1)
- Textual Scholarship and Contemporary Literary Studies: Jennifer Egan’s Editorial Processes and the Archival Edition of Emerald City (2020) (1)
- Transformative agreements in the time of COVID-19 (2020) (1)
- Review of Humanities In the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Utility and Markets by Eleonora Belfiore and Anna Upchurch (Eds.) (2013) (1)
- Evaluating the Open Access software toolchain (2013) (1)
- On speed and open access (2016) (1)
- Focus on research ‘excellence’ is ‘damaging science’ (2016) (1)
- On Daniel Domscheit-Berg''s Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange (2011) (1)
- JSON-Encoded Textual Variance Between the Published Versions of David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas in “an Orison of Sonmi ~451” (2016) (1)
- If I still subscribed to Elsevier's Lingua, I'd demand a refund (2017) (1)
- [Review] Joe Moran (2010) Interdisciplinarity, 2nd edition (2011) (1)
- Martin Eve: building the Open Library of the Humanities (2014) (1)
- fetishisation of excellence (2020) (1)
- Imagining Tomorrow's University: Rethinking scholarship, education, and institutions for an open, networked era (2017) (1)
- UCL to launch open-access megajournal (2017) (1)
- Consortial funding and downward price pressure for open access (2016) (1)
- Structures, Signposts, and Plays: Modernist Anxieties & Postmodern Influences in Tom McCarthy's C (2016) (1)
- New rhetorics: disciplinarity and the movement from historiography to taxonomography (2014) (1)
- An old tradition and a new technology: notes on why open access remains hard (2016) (1)
- Information Labour and Shame in Farmer and Chevli’s Abortion Eve (2019) (1)
- Things (@academia) should do (hint: work with green OA) (2014) (1)
- 'The time that remains: Elia Suleiman and the London Palestinian Film Festival 2010' [Review] Elia Suleiman (2009) The time that remains (2010) (1)
- 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (2012) (1)
- Punchdrunk's The Drowned Man (2013) (1)
- How ironic are the open access irony awards (2013) (1)
- Cloud Atlas 'astonishingly different' in US and UK editions, study finds (2016) (1)
- Logical Ethics: Early Wittgenstein and Pynchon (2014) (1)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Open licensing (2014) (1)
- An Open Library of Humanities? Adeline Koh interviews me at the Chronicle's ProfHacker (2014) (1)
- Of LaTeX and labour (2016) (1)
- "Freedom To" vs. "Freedom From" (2015) (1)
- "The Open Letter: Reaction of Researchers to Plan S: too far, too risky" - a response of the Fair Open Access Alliance (2018) (1)
- Open access in humanities and social sciences (2015) (1)
- Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy (2021) (1)
- Station Eleven and Twenty-First Century Writing How to Cite : Eve , M P 2018 Reading Very Well for Our Age : Hyperobject Metadata and Global Warming in Emily St (2018) (1)
- Open Library of Humanities aims to ‘flip’ journals to open access (2015) (1)
- Russell Hoban in Conversation with Will Self at the British Library (2011) (1)
- What is Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow about? (2011) (1)
-’s peer-review experiments (2015) (1)
- “Structural Dissatisfaction”: Academics on Safari in the Novels of Jennifer Egan (2015) (1)
- Building a real XML-first (XML-in) workflow for scholarly typesetting (2015) (1)
- Transcript of meeting between Elsevier and the Minister for Higher Education in the UK, Jo Johnson (2016) (1)
- Visualizing Gravity's Rainbow (2015) (1)
- Open Access needs terminology to distinguish between Gold OA funding models (2012) (1)
- Publishing and Information (2019) (1)
- Open Access in the humanities (2014) (1)
- Flipping journals to OA while supporting existing OA publications (2015) (1)
- Sci-Hub domains inactive following court order (2017) (1)
- Brian Lobel: BALL and Other Funny Stories About Cancer (2011) (1)
- Open Access, Neoliberalism, Impact and the Privatisation of Knowledge (2013) (1)
- A research tool I want (but probably won't get): cross-reference/intersect bibliographies of books and articles (2014) (1)
- How a Browser Extension Could Shake Up Academic Publishing (2017) (1)
- How can Elsevier claim that its OA revenue stream is separate from subscriptions in a hybrid environment (2015) (1)
- A New Model for Open Access: The Open Library of Humanities One Year On (2016) (0)
- On the overhead of 'business models (2020) (0)
- COPIM's toolkit for running an Opening the Future programme at an academic press (2022) (0)
- Starting a Digital Humanities Project: epiLog (2012) (0)
- Worried societies air their concerns as they search for Plan S solutions (2019) (0)
- Access Problems for the Contemporary History of the Book (2018) (0)
- Mediating forms and free thinking (or on selecting journals) (2017) (0)
- My short additional response to the HEFCE metrics consultation (2014) (0)
- Automated CPanel Backups with SCP (2011) (0)
- Opening the Future: A New Model for Funding Open Access Monographs (2022) (0)
- Building a robust, SSL, CRC-Verified server/client solution in the .NET Framework with C# (2008) (0)
- Passwords: An Abridged and Discontinuous Cultural History (2016) (0)
- Change of license: all content now CC-BY (2011) (0)
- He doesn’t talk politics any more': Politics and Postmodernism; Morality and Metafiction; Nihilism and the Novel? (2015) (0)
- What do we mean when we call scholarly communications platforms 'sustainable'? (2016) (0)
- Day 2 of Twenty-First-Century Literature Conference at Birkbeck (2012) (0)
- Learned Societies Plan S report and a note on double dipping (2019) (0)
- Stephen Curry (@Stephen_Curry) reviews Open Access and the Humanities (2015) (0)
- The only known inscribed Pynchon book with a presentation letter (2012) (0)
- Five un-busted aspects of the TEF (2016) (0)
- Trying to understand Ofqual's inter-subject comparability Rasch model tests for easy/hard subjects at GCSE and A-Level (2016) (0)
- JavaScript Referrer Scripts XSS Injection (2007) (0)
- Alluvium 2nd Birthday Panel Event (2014) (0)
- Flipping humanities journals to open access with the OLH (2015) (0)
- Publication: 'Whose line is it anyway?: enlightenment, revolution, and ipseic ethics in the works of Thomas Pynchon', Textual Practice, 26, 5 (2012) (0)
- Open Access and the Open Library of Humanities (2014) (0)
- Dropbox: you''ve missed the real problem (2011) (0)
- Is UK humanities research reaching the widest possible audience (2014) (0)
- Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: Live Stage Version at the ICA (2012) (0)
- On open-access books and “double dipping” (2015) (0)
- The Difficulties of Humanities Data Analytics (2017) (0)
- Publication: 'Thomas Pynchon & the Dark Passages of History (review)', Textual Practice, 26, 5 (2012) (0)
- How to Get Published as an Early Career Academic (2017) (0)
- The undervalued book collection and peer review (2012) (0)
- Two fundamental challenges for a transition to open-access monographs (2015) (0)
- Additional contexts for reading the emergence of new UK university presses (2015) (0)
- What's it like to publish in SAGE Open? (2014) (0)
- Using Elliptical Curve Cryptography in OpenSSH (2011) (0)
- Plan S: Origins, Developments, Speed (2019) (0)
- CaSSius: a PDF typesetter using CSS regions (via polyfill) (2015) (0)
- In Dubio Contra Reum: a definition (2011) (0)
- Open Access, Monographs and working for publishers for free (2014) (0)
- Some numbers on book processing charge scalability (2015) (0)
- What can we do, as individuals and members of our communities, to make Open Research a reality? (2017) (0)
- First draft of my Ph.D is done (2012) (0)
- The Evolving Present of Scholarly Communications (2016) (0)
- 6. Labour and Theory (2016) (0)
- Crossword Helper for Android (2011) (0)
- Installing Office 2007 on wine 1.1.24 (2009) (0)
- 'It sure's hell looked like war': terrorism and the Cold War in Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day and Don DeLillo's Underworld (2010) (0)
- Things to do when you get a new Android phone (2011) (0)
- Conference Paper: Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and Twenty-First-Century Utopianism, 16-18 July, 2012, University of Lincoln (2012) (0)
- Martin Eve on William Gaddis’s JR (2016) (0)
- Mendeley Android Client Progress (w/ Video, Source and APK) (2011) (0)
- If we choose to align open access to research with geo-political borders we negate the moral value of open access (2019) (0)
- The Universal Library: Open Access and Why It Is So Hard (2016) (0)
- Above and beyond: “good” and “bad” surpluses in academic publishing (2014) (0)
- Conference Paper: 'It sure's hell looked like war': Terrorism and the Cold War in Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day and Don DeLillo's Underworld', 2010-06-09, University of Lublin (2011) (0)
- First meeting of HEFCE Expert Reference Group on Open Access Monographs (2013) (0)
- Vince Cable's Orwell-esque doublethink (2010) (0)
- Getting free_cite running on your own server (2013) (0)
- The humanities in the digital age: access, equality and education (2015) (0)
- Adorno terminology: intentio recta and intention obliqua (2011) (0)
- Open Access Week: Birkbeck, University of London 2016 (2016) (0)
- “Maybe, but it’s code’s all it is”: Thomas Pynchon, Cow Country, and Computational Stylometry (2017) (0)
- Doing a Ph.D using only free, open source software (2012) (0)
- Forthcoming workshops: academic websites & protecting your assets (2011) (0)
- 5. Violins in the Subway (2020) (0)
- “Vivid tenuousness”: off the page and into the academy in the novels of Jennifer Egan (2013) (0)
- In or out, green or gold? Plan S raises questions for the REF (2019) (0)
- The Future of the Open Library of Humanities: Milestones, Governance, and Sustainability (2021) (0)
- Rancière misreading Kautsky (2014) (0)
- Preferential Consideration: Bartleby, Class, and Genocide in David Foster Wallace’s “Consider the Lobster” (2017) (0)
- Open Access Monographs Misrepresented (2017) (0)
- Publication: Local Transcendence: Postmodern Historiography and the Database (2011) (0)
- Buy This Album: Mountain of Love (ex-Alabama 3) (2013) (0)
- On the ownership, portability and accreditation of research (2016) (0)
- Impossible Objects: Preservation and Extinction (on the First Folio) (2012) (0)
- Dual Stage SQL Injection Attacks (2009) (0)
- 7. Genre and Class (2016) (0)
- Review of Terrorism and Temporality In The Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo by James Gourley (2013) (0)
- The Werritty Feasel (2011) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Citing this work (2014) (0)
- Academic Businesss Cards (2011) (0)
- Regular Expressions for Humanists (2017) (0)
- The Democracy We Do Not Want (2013) (0)
- It's not about stifling academic freedom (2015) (0)
- Userspace responsiveness .bashrc alternative (Ubuntu 10.10: Working) (2010) (0)
- A kinder, gentler REF? Reflections on Stern (2016) (0)
- Jo Johnson: your proposals for British higher education will not yield the competitiveness you seek (2015) (0)
- Djiscography: a Django-based discography generator (2010) (0)
- v0.8.14 error: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory (2016) (0)
- The rivalrous parts of non-rivalrous digital forms (2017) (0)
- Digital Myles Letter of Support (2019) (0)
- Scholars and scientists who work in languages other than English: please help (2014) (0)
- I've gone to IPv6 (2012) (0)
- Selling Shakespeare's first folio: is this the future of humanities research? (2013) (0)
- Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide. Table of contents. (2012) (0)
- My book, Password, is out now (2016) (0)
- CrossRef deposit: a scholar-publisher experience (2015) (0)
- (C)SRF one-time token bypass using AJAX and XSS (2007) (0)
- Using British Library wifi when DHCP fails (2010) (0)
- Who was actually responsible for the Toby Young OfS debacle (2018) (0)
- Dark cloud looming (2010) (0)
- C# DataExecutor class available (2007) (0)
- My responses to the Consultation on the Second Research Excellence Framework (2017) (0)
- Financing for fee-driven gold open access (2015) (0)
- Conditional CSS in Open Journal/Conference Systems (2010) (0)
- On critical design and designing for provocation (2020) (0)
- Reading the "My Marxist Feminist Dialectic Brings all the Boys to the Yard" T-Shirt (2011) (0)
- Some of the arguments, counter-arguments, and political alignments for and against open access (2016) (0)
- Donne it wrong: Holy Sonnet numbering confusion (2011) (0)
- Cambridge University Press and Censorship (2017) (0)
- The starting pistol has been fired – now is the time to heed the drive towards open access books (2017) (0)
- First Fictions launch weekend: 20-22 January, 2012 (2011) (0)
- Signing over copyright vs. licensing your journal articles (2012) (0)
- HEFCE board appointments: learning through Argos (2011) (0)
- An irony of the 'hierarchy of journals (2019) (0)
- Implementing full open access - repositories, monographs and methods of delivery (2018) (0)
- Upcoming performance: Lucy and Martha: Fine Bone China (2010) (0)
- My thoughts on DT Max's biography of DFW (2012) (0)
- Coping with Illness (2016) (0)
- A consumerist rant: what's wrong with banks (2014) (0)
- Another great source for free images to use in blogging (2012) (0)
- Open access in a time of illness (2016) (0)
- "A Web of Rights": Roundtable and Conversation at the British Library (Feb 19th, 2015) #bldigital (2015) (0)
- An important note if you have a Lenovo G580 (2017) (0)
- Late Modernism, Postmodernism and After (2019) (0)
- Enslavement Conference, Portsmouth, 17th June 2011 (2011) (0)
- CrossRef, DOIs and Preparing for Future Assignment (2013) (0)
- Auto-renewing SSL Certificates with Let'sEncrypt (2015) (0)
- Live Q&A: Life after a PhD [Friday 15th April 2011, 13.00-16.00] (2011) (0)
- DOIs: What you need to know (2012) (0)
- Review of Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War by Warren Montag (2015) (0)
- Gold Open Access and Article Processing Charges: Point of Risk and the Risk Pool (2014) (0)
- Community-Led Infrastructures for Open Access Books: A Sustainable Model and Platform (2022) (0)
- Ann Wordsworth, Critical Theory, Faculty Contingency and the University in Ruins (2014) (0)
- Work on open access technology, get a masters degree in Computer Science: funded place (2013) (0)
- 'Don't just sit there, do something!': On open access activism, the future of scholarly communications and crystal- (not navel-) gazing (2013) (0)
- Using tech to help with structure (2010) (0)
- Delay to Report on First UKPN Meeting (2011) (0)
- Can''t receive emails from Hotmail: fixing their buggy DNS process (2012) (0)
- How not to apply to give a conference paper (2011) (0)
- Janeway. An Open Insights interview with Martin Paul Eve, Andy Byers and Mauro Sanchez (2019) (0)
- Protecting Your Assets: Backing up your Academic Work (2012) (0)
- New Leaves: Riffling the History of Digital Pagination (2022) (0)
- Pynchon in Public Day 2012: our meetup details (2012) (0)
- OAuth for Mendeley on Android: solved and a bug (2011) (0)
- Fixing broken spellcheck in Thunderbird 24 (2013) (0)
- Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar Write-Up: Martin Amis'' Money (2012-04-28) (2012) (0)
- Perverse advert for BITE: Keep Calm About University Fees (2012) (0)
- More on fair-use of screengrabs (2015) (0)
- Open access and the humanities: an overview (2014) (0)
- Theory, Methodology and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- E-Books: Copyright Infringement, Theft, Materiality and the Virtual (2012) (0)
- UKSG Conference: photos and slides (2012) (0)
- Fixing mpd segfault on Ubuntu 12.10 on ARM devices (Mele, Pandaboard etc) (2013) (0)
- The Stern review of REF (2016) (0)
- Institutional Cultures, Patents, and Open-Source Software for Open Access (2018) (0)
- Tied to the mast? A response to RMS's principles for loyal computers (2014) (0)
- Close Reading with Computers (2018) (0)
- Theory, Methodology and Pynchon: What Matter Who’s Speaking? (2014) (0)
- Speaking of Open Access... (2010) (0)
- Handling the absence of a (newline) break tag in JATS (2014) (0)
- New York Times writes about my Ph.D. thesis work (2012) (0)
- Troy Davis: Innocence and Execution; If This is a Man (2011) (0)
- He Doesn't Talk Politics Anymore: The Role of Politics in Contemporary US Fiction (2017) (0)
- Two-thirds of UK academics back open access, survey finds (2016) (0)
- Upcoming Workshop: Inbox zero and tech-task lists: getting things done (2011) (0)
- On neural networks and health data privacy (2016) (0)
- Open Access: Movement in a Digital World (2016) (0)
- Book reviews (2010) (0)
- CFP: Excursions Journal: States of Emergence, States of Emergency (2011) (0)
- REF: funders ‘running out of time’ on open access monographs (2018) (0)
- The Big Society and Mythical Structure (2011) (0)
- This is a test article (2018) (0)
- Tech things I have learned in the last 12 hours (2012) (0)
- But the public don't need access to humanities research (2016) (0)
- IE7 Javascript - modify the DOM without crashing the browser (2007) (0)
- G247 Role of the deprivation of liberty process in specialist paediatric neurorehabilitation practice (2019) (0)
- I have nothing to do with this dissertation writing service (2011) (0)
- Roundtable on the Academic Book of the Future (2015) (0)
- Blog inequality in scholarly research will not end until digital preservation techniques improve (2012) (0)
- Current working music (2014) (0)
- Open access, humanities activism and scholar agency: re-imagining our future (2013) (0)
- Reports from the frontline of humanities OA in Japan (2013) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Economics, Books, and the Coming Storm (2018) (0)
- Wikipedia Stats Visualized (2012) (0)
- Sharing in online research communities (2014) (0)
- The real ethics of AI are about the labour underpinning it (2018) (0)
- Conference Paper: "The Future of Peer Review", University of Sussex, 14th March 2013, 12-2pm (2013) (0)
- Introducing eprintsCV: a python script to create an academic web CV from your eprints record (2014) (0)
- Open Humanities 101 (2017) (0)
- The human side of open-access publishing (2013) (0)
- XML and HTML for scholarly communications (2017) (0)
- Running unoconv on Ubuntu 18.04 and Libreoffice 6 (2019) (0)
- Running the PreSonus Quantum interfaces on Windows 7 (2019) (0)
- Picture this: Postcards Competition (2011) (0)
- Historical Sources for Thomas Pynchon’s “Peter Pinguid Society” (2009) (0)
- Humanities mega journal seeks UK backing (2015) (0)
- Guest post at PhD2Published (2011) (0)
- A matter of distribution: APC logic against consortial funding mechanism (2017) (0)
- Will Blockchain Revolutionize Scholarly Journal Publishing (2018) (0)
- Typesetting JATS bibliographies using CSL and Zotero (2014) (0)
- Alluvium: Journal of 21st-Century Literary Criticism (2012) (0)
- Where we are with the OA monograph mandate for the Third Research Excellence Framework (2018) (0)
- sshsplit: a dynamic tunnel multiplexer (2010) (0)
- UK HE White Paper day (2011) (0)
- Contemporary Textual Scholarship, Canon, and Publishing (2017) (0)
- Where to start with Thomas Pynchon (2010) (0)
- I have suffered from an episode of cerebral vasculitis and a stroke (2016) (0)
- Object Thinking, Systems Description Languages and the Future of the Book (2015) (0)
- Martin Eve on The Man Who Knew Infinity (2016) (0)
- Moving on from Sussex and joining the University of Lincoln (2012) (0)
- Dear top journal: 1 year and 4 months to review is too long (2013) (0)
- Open access and academic publishing – an interview with Dr. Martin Paul Eve (2017) (0)
- Rendering MathML in XSL:FO to PDF using fop (2013) (0)
- Martin Eve on Nice Fish at the Harold Pinter Theatre (2017) (0)
- Corporate interest is a problem for research into open-access publishing (2014) (0)
- Open library of humanities: a community-grounded approach to academic publishing (2013) (0)
- Reading Potter Stewart on recognition (2016) (0)
- update-grub/os-prober not detecting Windows 7 (2014) (0)
- Review of Enumerations: Data and Literary Study by Andrew Piper (2019) (0)
- Open Library of Humanities project (2013) (0)
- A Thomas Pynchon tattoo recruit (2011) (0)
- Un)Reasonable fees by which metric (2011) (0)
- Review of James Gourley, Terrorism and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo (2013) (2013) (0)
- Is open access a solution without a problem for the humanities (2014) (0)
- We shouldn't waste time teaching students basic IT skills (2012) (0)
- A few initial notes on David Golumbia's 'Marxism and Open Access in the Humanities' (2016) (0)
- Arts Week 2017: What goes around. Fifty years of ‘The Third Policeman’ (2017) (0)
- David Leigh and Luke Harding's WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy (2011) (0)
- Accreditation and research-assessment practices (on DORA and the Tickell review) (2016) (0)
- Still here: post-millennial metafiction and crypto-didacticism (2012) (0)
- Upcoming workshop: Using Twitter for Research (2011) (0)
- BIS, metrics and non-selective QR allocation (2015) (0)
- Open Access, Economic Models, and Challenges (2017) (0)
- Some lessons in writing Python web scrapers (2015) (0)
- Publication: David Mitchell, Russell Hoban, and Metafiction After the Millennium (2014) (0)
- First Fictions Festival at Sussex (2012) (0)
- Review of Local Transcendence: Postmodern Historiography and the Database by Alan Liu (2010) (0)
- Mendeley for Android: Progress update (2011) (0)
- Bypassing firewalls using SSH Reverse Forwarding (2008) (0)
- Identifying 26GB of JSON Novel Data (2016) (0)
- Front line of OA in humanities and social sciences (2013) (0)
- Open Access, Books, and the Tricky Transition (2017) (0)
- More on OJS and CLOCKSS (2012) (0)
- 64bit GNU/Linux and Webcams (Logitech Quickcam Express) (2011) (0)
- Questions about APC-free models (2016) (0)
- Open Access & the Open Library of Humanities (2014) (0)
- Review of Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age by David M. Berry and Anders Fagerjord (Eds.) (2018) (0)
- Determining glyph availability for FOP (2013) (0)
- Open Access in the humanities: benefits, challenges and economics (2015) (0)
- On #PhDchat: Call for Collaboration/History, Overview, Themes and Response (2011) (0)
- Keith McMillen K-Mix on Linux (2018) (0)
- Quibbling with the LRB over Hackers (2012) (0)
- Prisoner Rights, Overcriminalisation and Reform in Democracy (2011) (0)
- Stefano Ercolino, The Maximalist Novel: From Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow to Roberto Bolaño's 2666 (2017) (0)
- Germans lose access to Elsevier as talks stall (2017) (0)
- Visualizing textual variance/genetics with SankeyVariant (2015) (0)
- On academic journals as clubs (2020) (0)
- Publishers: Serving Authors or Readers? (2015) (0)
- Thomas Pynchon, Michel Foucault and philosophico-literary hospitality (2011) (0)
- Online p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ webinar to talk open access with @mweller and me: Tuesday (2014) (0)
- Peer review in the open-access humanities (2016) (0)
- The Ice Bucket challenge and the waste of water critique (2014) (0)
- Pynchon reference in the Economist (2011) (0)
- A note on moral relativism and unthinkable liberalism (2017) (0)
- Because we care about our planet... (2014) (0)
- Call For Participants to Build a PLOS-style Model for the Humanities and Social Sciences (2013) (0)
- Creating an IRC front/back-end from a C# web application (2008) (0)
- The Time That Remains (2019) (0)
- Debugging meTypeset using a git filesystem (2014) (0)
- Q&A with me in Library Journal: Why We Need a Public Library of the Humanities (2013) (0)
- Thomas Pynchon critical bibliography Zotero group (2010) (0)
- Our Duty to Minorities (2010) (0)
- British Library usage made clear (2010) (0)
- Judith Butler at Sussex on Arendt, Cohabitation, and the Dispersion of Sovereignty (2011) (0)
- Modernist Intimacies conference (2013) (0)
- Overriding hypothesis's interface the right way (2016) (0)
- Creating the future of academic publishing (2017) (0)
- The humanities, cultural 'data' and the problematic resistance to openness (2013) (0)
- Aren't you just being driven by technology? (2016) (0)
- Conversation on Disability Activism (2017) (0)
- On /That/ Statement by History Journal Editors (2012) (0)
- The importance of weaponization in exploit development (2008) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Bibliography (2014) (0)
- My recent work at Berfrois (2011) (0)
- Plan S: a shock or a solution for academic publishing? (2018) (0)
- Publication: Gatekeepers in a digital wasteland, The Author (2013) (0)
- Publishing and Technology (2015) (0)
- Fetching files via echo, FTP in a non interactive shell environment (2008) (0)
- Review of Alexander R. Galloway, 'Laruelle Against the Digital' ("Digital Revision") (2016) (0)
- MyCites: a proposal to mark and report inaccurate citations in scholarly publications (2020) (0)
- Open Metrics for Monographs Experiment: Final Report (2019) (0)
- Vint Cerf on Digital Preservation at AAUP 2015 (2015) (0)
- Thoughts in response to Michael Chibnik's editorial on OA and American Anthropologist (2015) (0)
- It is no use trying to replace the Impact Factor (2015) (0)
- Our epistemic gap: actually, we need to re-think "unemployment", "underemployment" and "benefits" entirely (2012) (0)
- Fix some of your writing tics with a bit of technology (2015) (0)
- Librarian Evaluation of Non-APC OA Models in the Age of Open Access (2017) (0)
- Alternative/Complementary Medicine and Mass Anecdotal Evidence as Theological in Structure (2010) (0)
- My 2018 in review (2018) (0)
- Gearing up for OLH in the UK and the resolution to the VAT question (2015) (0)
- Innovation in digital publishing in the humanities (2015) (0)
- JavaScript internal numerical representations (2007) (0)
- Why I''m a fan of open source software: An argument by anecdote/example (2013) (0)
- Fact and Fiction, Proximity and Profundity, Distance and Depth (2019) (0)
- Object Lessons: a conversation about the hidden meaning of ordinary things (2016) (0)
- Wordpress for Academics (2012) (0)
- HEFCE's Post-2014 Open Access Policy: the short "what you need to know" version (2014) (0)
- International Pynchon Week: Day 1 (2010) (0)
- Digital) Ways of Looking (2019) (0)
- Review of Warren Montag, Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War (2015) (0)
- Joe Orton's Defaced Books at the Islington Museum (2012) (0)
- Where next for open access? Plan S, Brexit, and the Need for Leadership (2018) (0)
- Why Open Book Publishers for my next book (2016) (0)
- International Pynchon Week 2013 Conference: Website and CFP (2012) (0)
- Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon is now digitally preserved by CLOCKSS (2012) (0)
- Conference on China Miéville: Weird Council (2012) (0)
- Academic Libraries and Non-Disclosure Clauses: institutions should internally mandate against them (2014) (0)
- Review of Making Literature Now by Amy Hungerford; Mere Reading: The Poetics of Wonder in Modern American Novels by Lee Clark Mitchell; and Anti-Book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing by Nicholas Thoburn (2019) (0)
- On Siân Adiseshiah and Louise LePage's Twenty-First-Century Drama (2016) (2016) (0)
- Foucauldian methodologies for considering emerging archives (2015) (0)
- Picture This: Postcards Exhibition (2011) (0)
- OLH and monographs (2013) (0)
- heise Security reports backdoor in Artmedic CMS (2007) (0)
- Re-hosting the 2014 British Academy report on OA Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (2015) (0)
- Book: Open Access and the Humanities (2014) (0)
- Post-Submission Weirdness (2012) (0)
- If the REF ain't broke... (2017) (0)
- Book review: A new republic of letters: Memory and scholarship in the age of digital reproduction (2016) (0)
- Opening up humanities sources (2013) (0)
- The Clause Model of Adorno's Dialectical Sentences (2012) (0)
- Thoughts on the UUK offer and why I voted yes (2018) (0)
- Whose Line is it Anyway?: Late Foucault and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- A Brave New World of Open Access Publishing (2016) (0)
- Astrid and Producteev (2012) (0)
- G479(P) Use of the rehabilitation complexity scale to assess dependency and rehabilitation complex in patients receiving in-patient neurorehabilitation at a region neuroscience centre (rnsc) (2019) (0)
- Academic Structures of Exclusion (2015) (0)
- Installing Zotero on Ubuntu Natty (11.04/Beta) (2011) (0)
- Intellectual property and impact (2014) (0)
- Beware the next wave of academic publishing grimness: apps. (2012) (0)
- Libraries and academics (2013) (0)
- ERC backtracks on open-access embargo period (2013) (0)
- How much do you really understand about the peer-review process? (2017) (0)
- My review of The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon at Berfrois (2012) (0)
- Exactly half-way through my PhD timetable (2011) (0)
- Plagiarism by Semiotext(e) translations (2010) (0)
- International Pynchon Week 2010 Abstracts (2010) (0)
- ADAM KOEHLER. Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities. (2017) (0)
- Mendeley for Android Update (2011) (0)
- C# MySql DataExecutor class (2007) (0)
- APCs and Uneven Distribution (2015) (0)
- Innovative publishing models (2014) (0)
- On automatically detecting parenthetical citations (2017) (0)
- Is academic work commercial? How does this affect libre licensing? (2011) (0)
- Judging the Safety of an Open Access Journal (2012) (0)
- Enlightenments: Early Foucault and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- The 'net was never free from commercial interest; it's not a "new" threat to democratic speech (2010) (0)
- Speaking at SPARC Japan (2013) (0)
- Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo's Point Omega (preprint, forthcoming (2014) (0)
- Correction to: Pynchon and Philosophy (2014) (0)
- Preferential consideration: David Foster Wallace, Melville and behaviourism (2015) (0)
- The F-Word (2017) (0)
- Publication: 'Review of Theophilius Savvas, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past', Literature and History, 21, 2 (Autumn 2012), pp. 106-108 (2012) (0)
- The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) (2013) (0)
- Wordpress php eval attacks (2015) (0)
- Open Access: where are we now? (2014) (0)
- The postponed REF consultation document (2016) (0)
- The tax his land meme and its discontents (me) (2014) (0)
- Technologies, Subjectivities, Culture, and Power (2018) (0)
- Why handling Book Processing Charges from a purchasing library is hard (2016) (0)
- On Opposition to *any* APC model (2013) (0)
- Martin Eve catches up with Contemporary Slo-Mo Electro (2017) (0)
- SA4QE 2011: Spreading the Word of Russell Hoban (2011) (0)
- Open Access, Peer Review, and Editorial Workflows (2017) (0)
- Being called to account: tax considerations for UK-based collectively-funded open access publishers (2015) (0)
- My response to the NHS consultation (2015) (0)
- Evolving notes on the political philosophy of David Willetts (2016) (0)
- Satchmo payment modules (2011) (0)
- 'Paying it forward' to fund scholarly communications? (2016) (0)
- Pynchon in public: holiday special (2013) (0)
- Conference Paper: "Too many goddamn echoes": Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo's /Point Omega/', Birkbeck (2013) (0)
- Talawa's Waiting for Godot (2012) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Notes (2014) (0)
- Weird Council: The first international conference on the works of China (2012) (0)
- Conference Paper: "Autosubversive Practices in Academic Publishing", UKSG, 2012-03-26 (2011) (0)
- Fixing headphone jack on Toshiba Satellite C650D under Ubuntu Linux Maverick (2010) (0)
- Sussex-Southampton Initiative: SuShI. An interdisciplinary fusion. (2012) (0)
- Humanities mega journal given a year to build a business (2014) (0)
- Rockaby: Mission Statement and Implementation Plans (2011) (0)
- Futurity, Books, Marx, Labour (2013) (0)
- A dissenting voice on #AcBoWriMo (2011) (0)
- Redux Online Webinar 3: Open Access: Sales - Open Access business models for books and journals (2020) (0)
- Using Producteev to manage overbearing Inboxes (2010) (0)
- Review of Thomas Pynchon and the American Counterculture by Joanna Freer (2015) (0)
- Account aggregation with UK banks and a free software Lloyds TSB scraper (2011) (0)
- Professorial Inaugural Lecture: Digital Architextures: Literature, Interpretation, and Computation (2018) (0)
- Using git in my writing workflow (2013) (0)
- An update on the PLOHSS project (2013) (0)
- Guarding your academic ideas (2011) (0)
- Dear Publisher (#2) (2014) (0)
- Publication: 'The Botnet: Webs of Hegemony/Zombies Who Publish', in Zombies in the Academy (Bristol: Intellect, 2013) (2013) (0)
- Humanities publishing needs a green growth spurt (2014) (0)
- Happy 85th Birthday, Michel Foucault (2011) (0)
- Jeffrey Archer's 140-character story and plagiarism (2012) (0)
- Fixing scp completion in Ubuntu 9.10 (2009) (0)
- A Brief Intro Pynchon Bibliography (Biographical and Gravity's Rainbow) (2011) (0)
- Open Access in the Humanities and the Open Library of Humanities (2017) (0)
- Martin Paul Eve on talking disability activism with Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Judith Butler (2017) (0)
- My AHEA success featured in RUSTLE (2011) (0)
- Opening the book: reading and the evolving technology(ies) of the book (2015) (0)
- Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and 21st-Century Utopianism (presentation) (2012) (0)
- Academia is right to be wary of philanthropy (2012) (0)
- Two types of post-critique (2017) (0)
- It is never a good time to start a new journal (2015) (0)
- Publication: 'Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors' (2013) (0)
- Motivations for the OLH Model (2017) (0)
- Open publishing models for the humanities (2017) (0)
- Dissemination and Assessment: Open Access, Reputation and Economics (2015) (0)
- Review of Foucault on the Politics of Parrhesia by Torben Bech Dyrberg (2016) (0)
- The methodology of literary taxonomy: HARKing and p-hacking (2016) (0)
- Adorno Greek Lexicon project (2012) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Economics and Politics (2018) (0)
- A few notes on some of Jacques Derrida's writings (2010) (0)
- Library Publishing, the Humanities & Open Access (2015) (0)
- 2012: Year of the PhD Completion / Guardian Higher Education Top 10 posts (2011) (0)
- Is what I do digital humanities (2013) (0)
- Hostility or tolerance? Philosophy, polyphony and the novels of Thomas Pynchon (2012) (0)
- Forthcoming Books in the New Horizons in Contemporary Writing Series (2018) (0)
- Publication: Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo’s Point Omega (2014) (0)
- Excursions Journal Vol 3: Launch Party (2012) (0)
- Action Short of a Strike Must Recognize That 9-5 is Not Always Helpful (2018) (0)
- Gold Open Access does **NOT** mean: author pays (2012) (0)
- The politics of style: on styleguides in scholarly communications (2015) (0)
- Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms (2022) (0)
- University Presses and Commercial Publishers should start offering green OA (2014) (0)
- Disable incoming call voice announcement on the Nexus 6 (2015) (0)
- Conference Panel: Pynchon Now (Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar) (2012) (0)
- Conference Paper: Thomas Pynchon, Materialism and Negative Dialectics, 28-29 May, 2012, Northumbria University (2012) (0)
- My 2019 in review (2019) (0)
- BBC News: fathoming financial terms (2011) (0)
- Five minutes with John Holmwood and Martin Eve – discussing the future of academic publishing (2017) (0)
- Designing an open source OA toolchain for books (2014) (0)
- FTP URL FastSnap Parsing in .NET (2009) (0)
- Have you read David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas? If so, which of the two very different versions? (2016) (0)
- On digital publishing and third-party rights (2017) (0)
- "Opening children's eyes": overloaded forms and the didactic function (2012) (0)
- Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon receives funding from Ludwig Maximilian University (2012) (0)
- Alluvium technical news: DOI numbers, CLOCKSS and MLA Bibliography (2012) (0)
- NETIDS development restarted. Participants wanted. (2011) (0)
- Bypass ASP.NET XSS Protection in Internet Explorer (2007) (0)
- My new book, Literature Against Criticism, is published today (2016) (0)
- 3. Aesthetic Critique (2016) (0)
- Mendeley Android client; first preview and OAuth problem (2010) (0)
- New David Foster Wallace book Fall 2010 (2010) (0)
- Getting Published in Academia (2011) (0)
- Publication: "Terrorism and the Cold War in Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day and Don DeLillo's Underworld" (2013) (0)
- Selecting specified text ranges in a browser using javascript and xpath (2016) (0)
- Rockaby refactoring and abstraction (2010) (0)
- Open access payments pose tracking problem (2020) (0)
- More on my experience with Open Book Publishers (2016) (0)
- Academia, EdTech, Blogging and Twitter: Enough with the Meta, Already? (2011) (0)
- Reviewing with Kindness (2012) (0)
- Gov and RCUK responses to Open Access Inquiry: eradicating non-disclosure clauses (2013) (0)
- What is it like to publish in the journal 'Neo-Victorian Studies'? (2013) (0)
- 8. Discipline and Publish (2016) (0)
- Conference paper: 'Opening children's eyes': Overloaded Forms and the Didactic Function (Westminster University) (2012) (0)
- Starting an Open Access Journal (2019) (0)
- Gatekeepers in a digital wasteland (2013) (0)
- On ORCID, accreditation structures and altmetrics (2012) (0)
- Open Access Monographs: Making Mandates Reality (2022) (0)
- What we mean when we ask whether open access is sustainable (2016) (0)
- Publication: 'Tear it down, build it up: the Research Output Team, or the library-as-publisher', Insights, 25, 2 (July 2012), pp. 158-162 (2012) (0)
- Review of Laruelle Against the Digital by Alexander R. Galloway (2016) (0)
- A new funding model for open-access monographs (2020) (0)
- Plan S, Alternative Business Models, and Open Access Monographs (2019) (0)
- Philosophy (2019) (0)
- Photograph and Interview in the Guardian (2011) (0)
- 1 In-sight (2020) (0)
- The supervisory frustrations of AHRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (2019) (0)
- Three reasons why I think journal prestige is a broken system (2013) (0)
- Joanna Freer, Thomas Pynchon and the American Counterculture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, £60.00). Pp. 165.isbn 978 1 1070 7605 1. (2015) (0)
- Low staffing levels leave little time for care. (2001) (0)
- Open Access Resources and Evaluation; or: why OA journals might fare badly in terms of conventional usage (2018) (0)
- Android and Eduroam (2011) (0)
- Jake Wilson: All's Well. Website and Music up (2012) (0)
- LUKS encrypting multiple partitions on Debian/Ubuntu with a single passphrase (2012) (0)
- My personal response to the TTIP consultation (2014) (0)
- Teaching undergraduates to use secondary sources (2012) (0)
- DeLillo, aesthetics, the Cold Iraq War (2013) (0)
- The Future of Open Research and its Impact on Humanities and Social Science (2019) (0)
- Redeemable Savings, or How to Become Ascetic through Consumption (2014) (0)
- Close Reading Cloud Atlas with Computers (2017) (0)
- Converting Zotero Documents to Mendeley (2010) (0)
- On the Impurity of the Humanities and Critical University Studies (2012) (0)
- Academic discourses have been shaped by the material forms of dissemination (2016) (0)
- HEFCE, the State of Open Access in the UK and Post-2014 REF (2013) (0)
- Britain or America for the PhD in English? Part 2 (2011) (0)
- SXSW Panel: Vote to get Open Access on the agenda (2013) (0)
- The Conservatism of Cloud Atlas (2015) (0)
- Right-To-Left and Left-To-Right characters (2007) (0)
- Internal review of FOI2015/25797 (2015) (0)
- Distance and Depth, Computers and Close Reading (2020) (0)
- Where Next for the Open Library of Humanities (2018) (0)
- The Anxiety of Academia: Academics, Legitimation and Discipline in Contemporary Metafiction (2015) (0)
- On responses and rebuttals in the discipline of English literature (2017) (0)
- Conference paper: “The Driver's Whip is an evil thing”: Enlightenment as Mass Enslavement in the Works of Thomas Pynchon, 2011-06-17, University of Portsmouth (2011) (0)
- Arts Week 2017: Grin and Bear It: Peter Fifield on Virginia Woolf’s Teeth (2017) (0)
- FairOA and Consortial Models (2017) (0)
- Who does the work of implementing DORA (2018) (0)
- Additional points in my Plan S response (2019) (0)
- My Draft Plan S Implementation Guidance Feedback (2019) (0)
- Warren Montag, Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War (Durham: Duke University Press, 2013), 256pp., $23.95 pb ISBN: 978-0-8223-9904-9. (2015) (0)
- Getting Humanities Research Published and Read: Transformations in the Publication Landscape (2015) (0)
- What has social media ever done for me (2011) (0)
- Finishing a UK Ph.D. within 3 years (2012) (0)
- Pynchon is here: The Cambridge companion to Thomas Pynchon (2012) (0)
- A Complete List of the Ancient Greek Terms in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory (2012) (0)
- Publication: 'Review of Joe Moran, Interdisciplinarity 2nd edition', Rupkatha, 3, 1 (April 2011) (2011) (0)
- The critique of utopia (2016) (0)
- Challenges and opportunities (Open Access monographs) (2014) (0)
- Richard Stallman at the University of Sussex (2011) (0)
- Universities, DH, “the crowd”, and labour that looks like a game (2014) (0)
- Global and historical reasons why it is utterly innapropriate, even to joke, about killing trade unionists (2011) (0)
- The Tender Document for the European Commission's Open Access Platform Asks for an Awful Lot for Not Very Much (2018) (0)
- SA4QE2011: The Drops (2011) (0)
- Wikileaks is about capitalist paradigm shift, not single government overthrow (2010) (0)
- The Ontological Problems of Contemporary Fiction Studies are Actually its Ontological Prerequsites (2012) (0)
- A Public Library of the Humanities? An interview with Martin Paul Eve (2014) (0)
- Publishing articles in PDF via XML/XSLT using Open Journal Systems 2.3.6 (2011) (0)
- HEFCE (REF2020), IR deposit and embargoes (2014) (0)
- Only Revolutions: Transitioning to a Digital Publication Environment for Humanities Scholarship (2015) (0)
- Pynchon's Friends in Gravity's Rainbow (2011) (0)
- Ph.D. criterion: to 'merit publication' (2016) (0)
- The first OA liberated article from my Leverhulme Prize: The Critique of Metamodernism (2019) (0)
- These games we play (in ScholComms) (2016) (0)
- Guardian Q&A Summary: Life After a PhD (2011) (0)
- The Analytic of Patriotism: On Greg Mitchell''s The Age of WikiLeaks (2011) (0)
- What’s so moral about the “moral rights” of copyright for academics? (2014) (0)
- Writing a plugin for Open Journal Systems: Part 2 (2011) (0)
- NETIDS v. released (2007) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Economic Distribution and Political Will (2018) (0)
- Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly (2021) (0)
- Pynchon, philosophy, ethics (2012) (0)
- Metrics in the Arts and Humanities (2015) (0)
- Real time simulation of fax transmission on the transparent GSM data service (1994) (0)
- Every generation has its philosopher (2014) (0)
- Another copyright absurdity: using film screenshots (2015) (0)
- On Blog Inequality in Scholarly Research (2012) (0)
- Software, markup languages, preservation (2015) (0)
- Martin Eve on Ben Jonson, The Alchemist at The Barbican (2016) (0)
- Introduction: The Abolition of the University (2021) (0)
- Implementing the Stern Review (2017) (0)
- Metadata handling for Open Access Journal PDFs (2012) (0)
- Project idea/request for comment: OpenDOI (2012) (0)
- XSS for the common good - GreaseMousey (2007) (0)
- Review of Literature and the Public Good by Rick Rylance (2016) (0)
- It looks unlikely that UK universities are going to get out of the Freedom of Information Act (2016) (0)
- On ten years of chronic illness (2016) (0)
- Doctoral Thesis Editing: Cutting Words (2012) (0)
- MOSEB month of search engine bugs (2007) (0)
- The Historical Imaginary of Nineteenth-Century Style in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas (2018) (0)
- Predatory Publishers: Not Just OA (and who loses out?) (2014) (0)
- Distance and Depth (2018) (0)
- Open to Adaptation (2017) (0)
- Open Cultural Data: Discussing Digitisation (2017) (0)
- Some jottings on academic freedom and Plan S/open access (2018) (0)
- Publication: Utopia Fading: Taxonomies, Freedom and Dissent in Open Access Publishing (2013) (0)
- XSS in eXceSS: A "learn-XSS tool" (2007) (0)
- Open Hardware: the Netgear WNR3500L (2011) (0)
- Review of The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust by Robert David Steele (2016) (0)
- Evaluating the security of the JSONRequest object (2007) (0)
- Who owns a Prezi (2014) (0)
- Art, Society and Ethics (2014) (0)
- Displaying EE mobile data usage in Conky (2013) (0)
- Overriding AngularJS directives' isolate scopes (2016) (0)
- Open Knowledge and Monographs: Economics, Plan S, and Academic Freedom (2018) (0)
- Publication: Review of 1Q84 in 1001 Books to Read Before You Die (London: Cassell Illustrated, 2012) (2012) (0)
- In the beginning was the Word (2015) (0)
- Creating the Future of Academic Publishing: Strengthening the Research Ecosystem (2017) (0)
- CSRF being used in latest IPB vuln – what about PHP web request? (2007) (0)
- Researchers, Libraries and Publishers: What does the future hold? (2010) (0)
- Journal’s plan to review preprints aims to kill ‘desk rejects’ (2019) (0)
- Applying for AHRC BGP Doctoral Grants (2010) (0)
- Applications now open for OpenCon 2015 (2015) (0)
- The part of the open access debate that is, irritatingly, ignored (2012) (0)
- Chapter Four: Academic Fiction (2015) (0)
- Another Adorno-against-Wittgenstein moment (2012) (0)
- Two Roads Diverged: Open Access Monographs in the United Kingdom (2018) (0)
- Amendments to the British Computer Misuse Act (2007) (0)
- Conference paper: Geo-specificity of Enlightenment in Mason & Dixon, 2011-06-24, University of Glasgow (2011) (0)
- Some thoughts on repealing the Human Rights Act (2015) (0)
- What TEF is really for (2015) (0)
- Sussex Research Hive Seminars (2011) (0)
- The tension between dissemination and measurement (2014) (0)
- On Academic Blogging (2012) (0)
- Using bumblebee for opteron graphics on Ubuntu 12.10 on a Samsung Chronos 7 (2012) (0)
- Thoughts from "Calling All Agents": The first symposium on the work of Tom McCarthy (2011) (0)
- Creating a generic loader for Annotator.js plugins inside a extension project (2016) (0)
- Learned societies in the humanities, open access, and paying for disciplinary goods (2017) (0)
- Firefox 3 disallows cross-site XBL (2008) (0)
- First Fictions conference (2010) (0)
- Google Scholar will count a blog post as an article if it's cited: a preservation suggesstion (2014) (0)
- What has to teach scholarly publishing: altruism has been forgotten (2012) (0)
- On the economics of flipping subscription journals (2017) (0)
- Open access: what it is, why we need it, how we fund it (2013) (0)
- Picture This: Postcards and Letters Beyond Text (2010) (0)
- Words in memory of Troy Davis (2011) (0)
- Getting your research published and read: transformations in the publication landscape (2015) (0)
- Digital Literatures; Digital Democracies; Digital Threats? (2013) (0)
- Pynchon and New Materialism (2019) (0)
- IE7 Remote File Access (2008) (0)
- Secondary schools are not adequately preparing students for higher education (2011) (0)
- Notes on Raym Crow. (2009). Income Models for Open Access: An Overview of Current Practice. SPARC. (2020) (0)
- Open access for HSS journals (2015) (0)
- On Being Open In Practice: Giving Credit Where it is Due (2017) (0)
- Why do some academic publishers think they should charge extra for more liberal licenses (CC BY) (2014) (0)
- Review of American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past by Theophilus Savvas (2012) (0)
- Autosubversive practices in scholarly publishing (2012) (0)
- Firefox nested comment fragmented XSS (2007) (0)
- Internationalisation of New Open Access Initiatives (2013) (0)
- wp-aspxrewriter alpha test (2008) (0)
- Ubuntu Natty Beta 1: My Upgrade Experience (2011) (0)
- Binding to RadioButtons in .NET Windows Forms (2008) (0)
- Does Amazon kill a revenue channel for open access monographs (2014) (0)
- The real problem with this mode of curbing grade inflation (2012) (0)
- “The driver's whip is an evil thing”: enlightenment as mass enslavement in the works of Thomas Pynchon (2011) (0)
- Only Revolutions: The Evolving Present of Scholarly Communications (2016) (0)
- Enumerations: Data and Literary Study. Andrew Piper. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. Pp. xiii+243. (2019) (0)
- Stern and REF: assessing the past to fund the future with non-portability (2016) (0)
- Openness for society or for profit (2014) (0)
- It’s time to heed the drive towards open books (2017) (0)
- TEF, REF, QR, deregulation: thoughts on Jo Johnson's HE talk (2015) (0)
- Two free copies of Pynchon and Philosophy to win and/or a 25% discount (2014) (0)
- What will the Humanities do Post-Finch? (or: where are the OA venues?) (2012) (0)
- On consortial OA funding models and renewals (2017) (0)
- First Impressions From Paul Thomas Anderson’s film of ‘Inherent Vice‘ (2014) (0)
- Moving from Ubuntu to Fedora (2011) (0)
- Book Groups Beware (2016) (0)
- Towards the digital preservation of DOM-node-keyed scholarly web annotations (2017) (0)
- The Final Week (2012) (0)
- Review of The Time That Remains by Elia Suleiman (2010) (0)
- Openness, Politics and Power (2017) (0)
- 'Structural dissatisfaction': academics on safari in Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad (2014) (0)
- A Fork in the Road: OA Books and Visibility-Value in the Humanities (2022) (0)
- My day as a Higher Ed researcher (2012) (0)
- “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching” : The Mediated Shame of Academic Publishing (2018) (0)
- Pynchon Character Etymology: Étienne Cherdlu (2012) (0)
- 1. Authors, Institutions, and Markets (2016) (0)
- My navy days with Thomas Ruggles Pynchon (2010) (0)
- Open Access: The State of Play, or why it should be easy but why it isn’t... (2016) (0)
- Why OA mandates don't compromise academic freedom (2014) (0)
- Encrypted Partition Recovery on Ubuntu 10.10 (2011) (0)
- New review published of Joanna Freer, Thomas Pynchon and the American Counterculture (2015) (0)
- William Gibson, Cory Doctorow, Diane Coyle and Mark Stevenson at the British Library (2011) (0)
- REF submission rules ‘could increase burden’ on departments (2018) (0)
- Six lines to get Sun Java running on Fedora 15 x64 (2011) (0)
- An XML based XSS PoC platform (2008) (0)
- Review of Joanna Freer, Thomas Pynchon and the American Counterculture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) (2015) (0)
- Open Access in the Humanities, Or: The Internet is not Going Away (2017) (0)
- HttpOnly cookies in .NET 2.0 (2007) (0)
- Adorno, Benjamin and Wittgenstein (!): knowledge is not property (2011) (0)
- Next book project: The Aesthetics of Metadata: Redaction, Reference, & the Archive in Contemporary Fiction (2016) (0)
- Rockaby: text annotation software [GPL, alpha, announcement] (2010) (0)
- Thinking Feeling Conference at the University of Sussex (2012) (0)
- Expanding a treeview to a specific node in WPF (2008) (0)
- Guest piece in the Guardian: Secondary schools are not adequately preparing students for higher education (2011) (0)
- Blank Generation: Encryption and Metadata in the Network of Mark Blacklock’s I’m Jack (2016) (0)
- Chapter Two: Self-Canonisation, Literary-Historical Fictions and Aesthetic Critique (2015) (0)
- Ethics of a Journal's Surplus (2015) (0)
- Convert Excel to Serif Webplus SDB format (2008) (0)
- The Economics and Political-Economics of Open-Access Monograph Publishing (2019) (0)
- Installing Zotero on Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10/Beta) (2011) (0)
- Helping learned societies explore Plan S-compliant business models - A proposal (2019) (0)
- Local transcendence: postmodern historiography and the database [Alan Liu] (2010) (0)
- Moving to Birkbeck (2015) (0)
- International Pynchon Week 2010: Day 3 (2010) (0)
- Funding for the Open Library of Humanities from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2014) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Innovations (2014) (0)
- Review of The Maximalist Novel: From Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow to Roberto Bolaño's 2666 by Stefano Ercolino (2017) (0)
- Heidi's Years of Learning and Travel: Late-Pynchon's Academics (2015) (0)
- Comments on the interim Royal Historical Society response to Plan S (2019) (0)
- Martin Eve on the 'The Ferryman' (2017) (0)
- Using Unison to synchronize and backup your work [Part 1] (2010) (0)
- Jakt på «excellence» skadar forskinga (2016) (0)
- Review of Torben Bech Dyrberg, Foucault on the Politics of Parrhesia (2016) (0)
- Dumping JATS from Zotero (2014) (0)
- XSF: Cross Site Flashing (2007) (0)
- Open Access and its Politics (2016) (0)
- How long does it take to examine a PhD thesis (2019) (0)
- FOAA Board recommendations for the implementation of Plan S (2018) (0)
- Stern review leaves early-career researchers cold (2016) (0)
- Whose line is it anyway? Geographical specificity of enlightenment in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon (2011) (0)
- Huge cash injection for open-access humanities project (2015) (0)
- Chair's Opening Remarks (2018) (0)
- Discussing/annotating The History Manifesto and the open access effect(?) (2014) (0)
- Open access: effective measures to put UK research online under threat? (2014) (0)
- Immanent critique of closed access publication (2011) (0)
- Review of The Cruft of Fiction: Mega-Novels and the Science of Paying Attention by David Letzler (2018) (0)
- Hack and Yack (2018) (0)
- Some evil stuff from sla.ckers (2007) (0)
- Designing an open source, open access monograph workflow (2014) (0)
- Media piece: Taking Back the University, The Guardian (2011) (0)
- Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon is live (2012) (0)
- Research exploitation, Intellectual Property Rights, and Open Access Policy (2017) (0)
- On ECRs, long-form-outputs, and the non-portability of outputs for REF (2017) (0)
- Equivocationary Horseshit: Post-Correlationist Aesthetics and Post-Critical Ethics in the Works of David Foster Wallace (2020) (0)
- Work Package 3: Transitioning the Central European University Press to Open Access (2020) (0)
- Chapter Three: Political Critique and the University in Roberto Bolaño's 2666 (2015) (0)
- Full response to Science-Metrix report on gold OA citation rates (2013) (0)
- Has the licensing battle been deferred in the latest HEFCE document (2013) (0)
- The development of travel related insurance protection and its role in the growth of the travel market. (1987) (0)
- Notes on Adorno's The Essay as Form (2012) (0)
- Osama Bin Laden and Nuremberg Precedent (2011) (0)
- Enabling a triple-head (3 monitor) setup on Linux Mint 16 (Petra) with two (2014) (0)
- Now accepting proposals to 'New Horizons in Contemporary Writing' series (2016) (0)
- Review of Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities by Adam Koehler (2017) (0)
- The Anti-Distributional Economics of Open Access (2018) (0)
- On business model generation for open access monographs (2020) (0)
- Q&A: Martin Eve on why we need a public library of the humanities and social sciences (2013) (0)
- Pynchon and Wittgenstein: ethics, relativism and philosophical methodology (2014) (0)
- The Folio Society Edition of Riddley Walker (2017) (0)
- On Pynchon and Privacy (2011) (0)
- Open Access in the Humanities and The OLH Project (2017) (0)
- Judging the painting (research) without the frame (the journal) (2017) (0)
- Upcoming journal publishing workshop (2010) (0)
- Wireless when housesitting (airmon-ng) (2010) (0)
- The impact of Open Access for the humanities (2014) (0)
- httpOnly Cookie Detection (2007) (0)
- The Grim Phoenix: The New Challenges for Open Access (2012) (0)
- Did Thomas Pynchon write Cow Country? Stylistic affinities and divergences (2017) (0)
- Orbit 1.2 is now open and our rolling format is live (2012) (0)
- Linking Liability: Sci-Hub, a repository for pirated research papers, is widely acknowledged to be illegal. But is sharing a link to the site illegal, too? (2019) (0)
- Computational reading as 'reading against the reader' (2016) (0)
- COPIM Publishers Workshop: Cost and Revenue Models (2020) (0)
- The Faber Finds edition of Rex Warner's The Professor is very poorly formatted and proofed (2016) (0)
- HTC Wildfire Stage 1 Soft-Root (2010) (0)
- I am joining the OAPEN-UK, Open Access Monograph, Steering Group (2012) (0)
- Open Access monograph publishing: 3 academics who just got on and did it (2014) (0)
- The Sacred Unreadable Artefact: Digital Preservation, Computational Abundance, and Scarce Access (2019) (0)
- When Publishers Aren’t Getting It Done (2015) (0)
- How to do a hard reset on a Jaybird Reign (2015) (0)
- More thoughts on metrics, link-rot, canonical URLs (2012) (0)
- Humanities research, publics and access (2015) (0)
- Why isn't academic research free to everyone? (2014) (0)
- Getting started typesetting with CaSSius (2015) (0)
- UK Pynchon Network: Site Up and Programme Announced (2011) (0)
- Mendeley for Android: screenshot of collection display (2011) (0)
- A bad day for browsers (2007) (0)
- Envisioning a World Beyond APCs/BPCs (2016) (0)
- Open Journal Systems now supports archiving with CLOCKSS out of the box (2012) (0)
- Bitmask values for w:tblLook w:val attribute in OOXML (2014) (0)
- Reading Redaction: Symptomatic Metadata, Erasure Poetry, and Mark Blacklock’s I’m Jack (2019) (0)
- Interview with the Pynchonite (2014) (0)
- The prestige economy of academia (2015) (0)
- 5. Sincerity and Truth (2016) (0)
- Exposing XML data for Orbit (2013) (0)
- Relativize and Historicize: Open Access, Article Processing Charges and Transparency (2012) (0)
- The Aesthetics of Metadata in Contemporary Fiction: Reference, Redaction, and the Archive (2017) (0)
- Symposium on David Mitchell: 9th May, London (2014) (0)
- Some diagrams of Jennifer Egan novels (2013) (0)
- Some brief thoughts on Slavoj Žižek at LSE (2010) (0)
- What does Open Access to Research Mean for the Humanities (2016) (0)
- Publishing technologies and digital preservation (2018) (0)
- Publication: Pynchon and Wittgenstein: Ethics, Relativism and Philosophical (2014) (0)
- Open access and the humanities: reimagining our future (2013) (0)
- The Rhetoric of Fighting Illness and Disability (2011) (0)
- Keeping up with Research (in response to @PlashingVole) (2012) (0)
- ‘What was knowledge for, I would ask myself’: Science, technology and pharmakon in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas (2019) (0)
- “Excellence R Us”: university research and the fetishisation of excellence (2017) (0)
- House of Commons BIS Inquiry on Open Access Evidence Published (2013) (0)
- Here by the Sea and Sand: A Symposium on Quadrophenia (2014) (0)
- How to read a (blank) page: on redaction in contemporary fiction (2019) (0)
- Using Twitter for Research (2011) (0)
- The HEFCE report on Open Access Monographs: some reflections (2015) (0)
- Martin Eve on Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? (2017) (0)
- On International Pynchon Week (2013) (0)
- Scalability, Sustainability, Market Responsiveness and Mandates in OA (2015) (0)
- Android Rom Update Utility extractor for Linux (2011) (0)
- A world reimagined without the university (2016) (0)
- Open access journals: are we asking the right questions? (2012) (0)
- Publication: 'Historical Sources for Pynchon’s Peter Pinguid Society', Pynchon Notes, 56-57 (Spring-Fall 2009 (2011)), pp. 242-245 (2011) (0)
- Designing a UK undergraduate English literature course (2011) (0)
- My critique of metamodernism (2018) (0)
- OCZ RevoDrive on Abit Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI (2011) (0)
- The single largest challenge for information publishing in the digital age (2016) (0)
- The 8th Biennial Symbiosis Conference: Day 1 (2011) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Introduction, or why open access? (2014) (0)
- Open Access in the Humanities and a New Funding Model (2016) (0)
- By the time you read this, I will be... (2012) (0)
- Humanities takes over (2015) (0)
- Art, Society and Ethics: Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment, Aesthetic Theory and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- Karl Marx, that sly old racist (2012) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Monographs (2014) (0)
- Alternative open access-models: Open Library of Humanities (2014) (0)
- Digital Revision (Review of Alexander R. Galloway, Laruelle Against the Digital) (2016) (0)
- Mass Deception: Adorno’s Negative Dialectics and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- Open access in the humanities: why we need it and how to do it (2015) (0)
- Conference Paper: The F Word, 2011-04-01, University of Durham (2011) (0)
- The new REF individual circumstances setup: the good and the bad (2019) (0)
- meXmlGalley now supporting image insertion (OJS: XML to PDF) (2011) (0)
- CFP: First Conference of the UK Academic Pynchon Network (2011) (0)
- Martin Eve on The White Devil at the Wanamaker Playhouse (2017) (0)
- Teaching Post-Millenial Fiction Conference archive (2012) (0)
- JavaScript eval String.fromCharCode encoder (2007) (0)
- What does the academic monograph market look like for a new open-access publisher? (2015) (0)
- Book Reviews (2018) (0)
- Fixing scanning on an HP Photosmart C6300 series in Ubuntu 12.10 (2012) (0)
- Modularizing the meTypeset typesetter for the user interface phase (2014) (0)
- The Open Library of the Humanities: building an open, scalable, massive, sustainable, humanities megajournal (2013) (0)
- Review of A New Republic of Letters: Memory and Scholarship in the Age of Digital Reproduction by Jerome McGann (2016) (0)
- Running Zotero on Ubuntu Lucid (2010) (0)
- The Nobel Prize for Literature 2011 Hoax (2011) (0)
- David Foster Wallace archive material (2010) (0)
- Open Access needs terminology to distinguish between funding models: Platinum OA/Gold NON-APC (2012) (0)
- "Structural dissatisfaction": the role of academics in Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad (2014) (0)
- An update on Orbit 1.1 (2012) (0)
- Conducting non-commercial research on in-copyright Amazon Kindle books (2017) (0)
- Pynchon in Public Day 2013 (2013) (0)
- Bypassing Same Origin Policy using Mash-Ups (2007) (0)
- Institutional Finance and Academic Freedom (2016) (0)
- RSnake + Jeremiah Grossman's Book Released (2007) (0)
- OA in Dry Funding Climates: Consortial Business Models (2017) (0)
- OUSU Freedom of Information requests (2010) (0)
- On music, life, Tici Taci, and a new release (2019) (0)
- Joining the UK National Monographs Strategy Expert Panel (2013) (0)
- Open Access: What it is and why it matters (2016) (0)
- Undergraduates, digital humanities, and visualization: looking back on my early visualizations of Gravity's Rainbow (2016) (0)
- Review of Interdisciplinarity (2nd edition) by Joe Moran (2011) (0)
- Thomas Pynchon, materialism and negative dialectics (2012) (0)
- The problems for small Open Access journals in terms of digital preservation (2012) (0)
- Announcing the Digital Availability of Pynchon Notes (2016) (0)
- The Problems of Copyleft, Twitter and Tweets (2010) (0)
- C# MemoryManagement Class (2008) (0)
- Open Access in the Humanities: What, Why, and How (2016) (0)
- Whose Line is it Anyway (2014) (0)
- Copyright and academia, particularly for Ph.Ds (2012) (0)
- Open Access and the Slow Onset Storm for the Humanities (2019) (0)
- A final example to show that misquotation is nothing to do with open licensing (2015) (0)
- Gold or green? Elsevier proposes regional open access model (2017) (0)
- Podcast on Open Source, Open Access publishing (2012) (0)
- It's not P.T. Anderson, but someone has started an Inherent Vice adaptation (2012) (0)
- Dial S for Strategy (2018) (0)
- Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and twenty-first-century utopianism (2012) (0)
- A Statistical History of UK Pynchon Doctorates (2011) (0)
- Crypto-didacticism and theoretical considerations in Roberto Bolaño's 2666 (2012) (0)
- Is it worth presenting at postgraduate conferences (2011) (0)
- CaSSius now supports full headless PDF creation from JATS XML (2016) (0)
- How Learned Societies Could Flip to OA Using a Consortial Model (2018) (0)
- HE Green Paper: response to question 20 (2015) (0)
- Scholar, meet Author – Author, meet Scholar... (2016) (0)
- Continuing javascript execution after total DOM body replacement using DOM mutation observers (2016) (0)
- CFP: Feminism, Influence, Inheritance (2012) (0)
- Digital Economics, Abundance and Symbolic Economies for Academic Open Access (2017) (0)
- Consortial Funding Models: What are they and how do they work? (2019) (0)
- Mere Reading: The Poetics of Wonder in Modern American NovelsAnti-Book: On the Art and Politics of Radical PublishingMaking Literature Now (2019) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Digital economics (2014) (0)
- Romeo Castellucci / Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio's "On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God" (2011) (0)
- What is the future for the academic book (2015) (0)
- Researchers are altering their methods because of uncertainty over Creative Commons licenses (2015) (0)
- Crude, but helpful, typesetting script from meXml (2012) (0)
- Conference Paper: Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Finch: Adorno, Utopia and Open Access Publishing" (Lincoln University) (2013) (0)
- Technology Changes Everything and Nothing in Scholarly Communications (2018) (0)
- Academic Publishing and Open Access (2018) (0)
- Initial parsing work on large JSON corpus (2016) (0)
- Prestige and Non-APC OA Journals (2015) (0)
- Video of my #uksglive presentation on the future of academic publishing (2012) (0)
- Teaching Post-Millennial Literature: A HEA and University of Brighton Symposium (2012) (0)
- NETIDS can now detect fragmented XSS (2007) (0)
- "What was knowledge for, I would ask myself": Science, Technology, and Pharmakon in David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2019) (0)
- Simon F. Davies' Open Educational Resource on Literary Terms (2011) (0)
- How to block distributed brute-force attacks against Wordpress using fail2ban (2015) (0)
- My 2016 academic year in review (2013) (0)
- What do we mean by the standing and reach of research (2014) (0)
- PoC Code for Facebook Friend Profile Gatherer (2010) (0)
- Introducing Cemmento: A digital preservation tool for annotations (2016) (0)
- Thinking more about EU law and UK copyright exemptions (2017) (0)
- Space and Visualization (2022) (0)
- Problematic indexing in Paul Rabinow's edited Foucault volume, Ethics (2010) (0)
- Open Access and the Humanities: Glossary of open access terms (2014) (0)
- "We've met before, haven't we?": Spatio-Temporal Distortion in David Lynch's Lost Highway (2011) (0)
- LSE launches new open-access publishing platform (2018) (0)
- Dialectic of Enlightenment, 2011 (2011) (0)
- The thing that's gone missing in the revisions to the REF consultation between February and December 2016: the 5* category (2016) (0)
- Metrics, Open Access and publishing (2015) (0)
- Alternatives to the monograph: new ways of publishing for doctoral researchers (2015) (0)
- 4. Political Critique (2016) (0)
- New Pynchon Novel! Fall 2013: "Bleeding Edge" (2013) (0)
- REF open-access requirement for books ‘worth the outlay’ (2018) (0)
- Episode one: beyond the zero (2013) (0)
- Why arts events and academia make a winning partnership (2012) (0)
- Getting a custom Sync Service and Adapter to show up under Data and Synchronization (2011) (0)
- My 2014 round-up (2014) (0)
- Booting Ubuntu from devices invisible to GRUB2 (2011) (0)
- Semantically marking up JATS bibliographies using meTypeset and Zotero (2014) (0)
- Death, Politics and the Archive: the two editions of David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas (2016) (0)
- Submitted my Ph.D (in memory of my grandfather, John Gray [10/02/1920 - 14/06/2012]) (2012) (0)
- Linux CPU Frequency Scaling on the Intel i9 7980XE (2018) (0)
- Is this a picture of Thomas Pynchon aged 51 (2012) (0)
- Notes and Presentation from my Open Access talk (2010) (0)
- Crime Writers in Conversation (2016) (0)
- Open Access, libraries and cooperation (2015) (0)
- My response to the HE Green Paper (2016) (0)
- Open Access Week at the University of Sussex (2011) (0)
- A little more on defamation and CC BY (2019) (0)
- The link between teaching, tuition fees and research publication economics (2015) (0)
- Can we avoid the S word regarding David Foster Wallace (2010) (0)
- Mendeley Android Client: now implemented as a user account with sync (2011) (0)
- C# DataExecutor class again (2008) (0)
- Martin Eve on Hermann Hesse, The Glass Bead Game (2016) (0)
- Undergraduates in the British Library reading rooms (2010) (0)
- Martin Eve & Peter Fifield on ‘No’s Knife’ at the Old Vic (2016) (0)
- Therapeutics: Late Wittgenstein and Pynchon (2014) (0)
- Technology and Publishing: The Work of Scholarship in the Age of its Digital Reproducibility (2016) (0)
- Guest post on Google Scholar Citations (2011) (0)
- I'm appearing before the House of Commons BIS Select Committee into Open Access (2013) (0)
- English: The Future of Publishing (2018) (0)
- Flipping to Open Access Using Consortial Funding Models (2017) (0)
- Four implementation questions about open access and monographs (2017) (0)
- The future of academic publishing Q&A (2012) (0)
- Angry Young Academics: The Directors'' Cut (2011) (0)
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Martin Paul Eve is affiliated with the following schools: