Matthias Vojta
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German researcher
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Matthias Vojta's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Cologne
- Masters Physics University of Cologne
- Bachelors Physics University of Cologne
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Matthias Vojta's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Fermi-liquid instabilities at magnetic quantum phase transitions (2006) (1099)
- Weak magnetism and non-Fermi liquids near heavy-fermion critical points (2003) (361)
- Lattice symmetry breaking in cuprate superconductors: stripes, nematics, and superconductivity (2009) (344)
- Quantum phase transitions (2000) (295)
- Fractionalized fermi liquids. (2002) (260)
- TOPICAL REVIEW: Rare region effects at classical, quantum and nonequilibrium phase transitions (2006) (218)
- Numerical renormalization group for bosonic systems and application to the sub-ohmic spin-boson model. (2003) (170)
- First Order Transitions and Multicritical Points in Weak Itinerant Ferromagnets (1998) (138)
- Numerical renormalization group for quantum impurities in a bosonic bath (2004) (124)
- Impurity quantum phase transitions (2004) (123)
- Nonanalytic behavior of the spin susceptibility in clean Fermi systems (1996) (114)
- Field-induced quantum criticality in the Kitaev system α − RuCl 3 (2017) (113)
- Magnetization processes of zigzag states on the honeycomb lattice: Identifying spin models for α − RuCl 3 and Na 2 IrO 3 (2017) (109)
- Quantum phase transitions in the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: failure of the quantum-classical mapping. (2004) (108)
- Charge Order, Superconductivity, and a Global Phase Diagram of Doped Antiferromagnets (1999) (108)
- Quantum Griffiths Effects and Smeared Phase Transitions in Metals: Theory and Experiment (2010) (103)
- The physics of Kondo impurities in graphene (2012) (95)
- Indications of Unconventional Superconductivity in Doped and Undoped Triangular Antiferromagnets (1998) (88)
- Competing orders and quantum criticality in doped antiferromagnets (2000) (85)
- Quantum phase transitions in models of coupled magnetic impurities (2001) (83)
- Impurity in a d-wave superconductor: Kondo effect and STM spectra. (2000) (82)
- Quantum phase transition in the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: quantum Monte Carlo study with a continuous imaginary time cluster algorithm. (2008) (79)
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium dynamics of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model. (2006) (78)
- Metastable superfluidity of repulsive fermionic atoms in optical lattices. (2008) (76)
- Quantum impurity dynamics in two-dimensional antiferromagnets and superconductors (1999) (76)
- Disorder-induced rounding of certain quantum phase transitions. (2002) (74)
- Phase transitions in the pseudogap Anderson and Kondo models: Critical dimensions, renormalization group, and local-moment criticality (2004) (74)
- Honeycomb-Lattice Heisenberg-Kitaev Model in a Magnetic Field: Spin Canting, Metamagnetism, and Vortex Crystals. (2016) (72)
- Quantum criticality in a double-quantum-dot system. (2006) (71)
- Critical and strong-coupling phases in one- and two-bath spin-boson models. (2011) (68)
- Heisenberg–Kitaev physics in magnetic fields (2018) (68)
- Frustration and quantum criticality (2017) (67)
- Spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases of doped cuprate superconductors. (2005) (63)
- Strong enhancement of superconducting T(c) in ferromagnetic phases. (2001) (63)
- Spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases of doped cuprate superconductors. (2005) (63)
- Orbital-Selective Mott Transitions: Heavy Fermions and Beyond (2010) (62)
- Superconducting charge-ordered states in cuprates (2002) (58)
- Magnetic excitations in a bond-centered stripe phase: spin waves far from the semiclassical limit. (2004) (57)
- Quantum Griffiths Effects in Itinerant Heisenberg Magnets (2004) (57)
- Parasitic small-moment antiferromagnetism and nonlinear coupling of hidden order and antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2 observed by Larmor diffraction. (2009) (56)
- Magnetic properties and spin waves of bilayer magnets in a uniform field (2001) (53)
- Towards a complete theory of high Tc (2006) (53)
- Gate-controlled Kondo screening in graphene: Quantum criticality and electron-hole asymmetry (2010) (50)
- Quantum phase transitions in electronic systems (1999) (48)
- Phases and phase transitions in disordered quantum systems (2013) (46)
- Upper critical dimension in a quantum impurity model:Critical theory of the asymmetric pseudogap Kondo problem (2003) (46)
- Fate of topological-insulator surface states under strong disorder (2012) (45)
- Quantum phase transitions out of the heavy Fermi liquid (2004) (45)
- Kondo effect of impurity moments in d-wave superconductors: Quantum phase transition and spectral properties (2001) (44)
- Disorder in Quantum Many-Body Systems (2018) (42)
- Signatures of low-energy fractionalized excitations in α−RuCl3 from field-dependent microwave absorption (2017) (41)
- Physical states and finite-size effects in Kitaev's honeycomb model: Bond disorder, spin excitations, and NMR line shape (2015) (40)
- From itinerant to local-moment antiferromagnetism in Kondo lattices: Adiabatic continuity versus quantum phase transitions (2008) (40)
- Signatures of a noise-induced quantum phase transition in a mesoscopic metal ring. (2005) (40)
- Superconducting d -wave stripes in cuprates: Valence bond order coexisting with nodal quasiparticles (2007) (39)
- Fractional Brownian motion in a finite interval: correlations effect depletion or accretion zones of particles near boundaries (2019) (39)
- Quasiparticle Nernst effect in stripe-ordered cuprates (2009) (39)
- Nernst-effect anisotropy as a sensitive probe of Fermi-surface distortions from electron-nematic order (2009) (39)
- Translational symmetry breaking in two-dimensional antiferromagnets and superconductors (1999) (39)
- Quantized charge transport in chiral Majorana edge modes (2017) (37)
- Criticality and quenched disorder: Harris criterion versus rare regions. (2014) (35)
- Mass-flow error in the numerical renormalization-group method and the critical behavior of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model (2009) (35)
- Smearing of the phase transition in Ising systems with planar defects (2003) (35)
- Nonequilibrium transport at a dissipative quantum phase transition. (2008) (34)
- Zeeman-driven Lifshitz transition: a model for the experimentally observed Fermi-surface reconstruction in YbRh2Si2. (2010) (34)
- Cubic interactions and quantum criticality in dimerized antiferromagnets (2011) (34)
- Pinning of dynamic spin-density-wave fluctuations in cuprate superconductors (2002) (34)
- Quantum phase transition of Ising-coupled Kondo impurities (2003) (33)
- Renormalization Group Analysis of Quantum Critical Points in d-WAVE Superconductors (2000) (32)
- Time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in topological materials (2015) (32)
- Kondo effect on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators: Signatures in scanning tunneling spectroscopy (2012) (32)
- Quantum Coulomb Glass within a Hartree-Fock Approximation (1997) (31)
- Dynamical structure factors and excitation modes of the bilayer Heisenberg model (2015) (31)
- Magnetism in spin models for depleted honeycomb-lattice iridates: Spin-glass order towards percolation (2013) (31)
- Fractional Brownian motion with a reflecting wall. (2017) (31)
- Longitudinal magnon in the tetrahedral spin system Cu 2 Te 2 O 5 Br 2 near quantum criticality (2003) (30)
- Erratum: Quantum Phase Transitions in the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model: Failure of the Quantum-Classical Mapping [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 070604 (2005)] (2009) (30)
- Quantum Griffiths Phase Inside the Ferromagnetic Phase of Ni_{1-x}V_{x}. (2016) (29)
- Phase diagram of the quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a two-leg ladder (2000) (28)
- Quantum impurity in an antiferromagnet: Nonlinear sigma model theory (2003) (28)
- Unconventional superconductivity from local spin fluctuations in the Kondo lattice. (2013) (26)
- Protecting clean critical points by local disorder correlations (2010) (26)
- Pressure-induced magnetic transition and volume collapse in FeAs superconductors: an orbital-selective Mott scenario (2008) (25)
- Numerical renormalization group for the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: A conspiracy of errors (2012) (25)
- Nonequilibrium phase transition on a randomly diluted lattice. (2005) (25)
- Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Metallic Quasicrystals with Local Magnetic Moments. (2014) (24)
- Probability density of the fractional Langevin equation with reflecting walls. (2019) (24)
- Infinite-noise criticality: Nonequilibrium phase transitions in fluctuating environments (2015) (24)
- Quantum critical behavior of clean itinerant ferromagnets (1996) (23)
- Field-induced intermediate ordered phase and anisotropic interlayer interactions in α−RuCl3 (2020) (23)
- Disorder promotes ferromagnetism: rounding of the quantum phase transition in Sr(1-x)Ca(x)RuO3. (2012) (23)
- Kondo effect in bosonic spin liquids. (2005) (23)
- Phase transitions on random lattices: how random is topological disorder? (2014) (22)
- Spin orthogonality catastrophe in two-dimensional antiferromagnets and superconductors. (2000) (22)
- Emerging Criticality in the Disordered Three-Color Ashkin-Teller Model (2015) (21)
- Field-induced transitions in the Kitaev material α−RuCl3 probed by thermal expansion and magnetostriction (2020) (21)
- Percolation quantum phase transitions in diluted magnets. (2005) (21)
- Strongly inhomogeneous phases and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in randomly depleted Kondo lattices (2006) (21)
- Universal crossovers and critical dynamics of quantum phase transitions : A renormalization group study of the pseudogap Kondo problem (2006) (21)
- Landau Levels of Majorana Fermions in a Spin Liquid. (2015) (21)
- Cluster-Glass Phase in Pyrochlore XY Antiferromagnets with Quenched Disorder. (2017) (21)
- Two-bath spin-boson model: Phase diagram and critical properties (2014) (21)
- Quantum Critical Behavior of the Superfluid-Mott Glass Transition (2016) (21)
- Excitation spectra of disordered dimer magnets near quantum criticality. (2013) (21)
- Integer quantum Hall transition on a tight-binding lattice (2018) (21)
- Smeared phase transition in a three-dimensional Ising model with planar defects: Monte Carlo simulations (2003) (20)
- Strain-Induced Landau Levels in Arbitrary Dimensions with an Exact Spectrum. (2016) (20)
- Quantum phase transition of itinerant helimagnets (2000) (20)
- Charge-order transition in the extended Hubbard model on a two-leg ladder (1999) (20)
- Distinct Topological Crystalline Phases in Models for the Strongly Correlated Topological Insulator SmB_{6}. (2015) (20)
- Finite-temperature spectra and quasiparticle interference in Kondo lattices: From light electrons to coherent heavy quasiparticles (2011) (19)
- Critical properties of the Fermi-Bose Kondo and pseudogap Kondo models: Renormalized perturbation theory (2003) (19)
- Non-Fermi-liquid scattering rates and anomalous band dispersion in ferropnictides (2015) (19)
- Disorder and two-particle interaction in low-dimensional quantum systems (2000) (18)
- Dynamical conductivity at the dirty superconductor-metal quantum phase transition. (2010) (17)
- Local versus nonlocal order-parameter field theories for quantum phase transitions (2001) (17)
- Fractional impurity moments in two-dimensional noncollinear magnets. (2011) (17)
- Indications of spin-charge separation at short distance and stripe formation in the extended t-J model on ladders and planes (2000) (17)
- Kondo lattices with inequivalent local moments: Competitive versus cooperative Kondo screening (2011) (17)
- Reflected fractional Brownian motion in one and higher dimensions. (2020) (17)
- Random fields at a nonequilibrium phase transition. (2012) (16)
- Spin textures on general surfaces of the correlated topological insulator SmB 6 (2016) (16)
- Microscopic models for Kitaev's sixteenfold way of anyon theories (2020) (16)
- Heavy-fermion metals with hybridization nodes: Unconventional Fermi liquids and competing phases (2007) (16)
- Electronic structure and ultrafast dynamics of FeAs‐based superconductors by angle‐ and time‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy (2016) (16)
- Kondo Impurities in the Kitaev Spin Liquid: Numerical Renormalization Group Solution and Gauge-Flux-Driven Screening. (2016) (16)
- High-field thermal transport properties of the Kitaev quantum magnet α−RuCl3 : Evidence for low-energy excitations beyond the critical field (2020) (16)
- Critical points and quenched disorder: From Harris criterion to rare regions and smearing (2004) (16)
- Pseudogap Fermi-Bose Kondo model. (2002) (16)
- Kondo volume collapse, Kondo breakdown, and Fermi surface transitions in heavy-fermion metals (2007) (16)
- Fractionalized Fermi liquids and exotic superconductivity in the Kitaev-Kondo lattice (2017) (15)
- Quantum Phase Transitions of the Diluted O(3) Rotor Model (2006) (15)
- Destruction of long-range order in noncollinear two-dimensional antiferromagnets by random-bond disorder (2019) (15)
- Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and surface quasiparticle interference in models for the strongly correlated topological insulators SmB 6 and PuB 6 (2014) (15)
- Heisenberg-Kitaev model in a magnetic field: 1/S expansion (2020) (15)
- Magnon dispersion and dynamic spin response in three-dimensional spin models for α−RuCl3 (2020) (15)
- Stripes and electronic quasiparticles in the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors (2012) (15)
- Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy of Topological Superconductor Candidate Nb$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ (2017) (15)
- Quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets (1999) (14)
- Monte Carlo simulations of the clean and disordered contact process in three dimensions. (2012) (14)
- Serotonergic Axons as Fractional Brownian Motion Paths: Insights Into the Self-Organization of Regional Densities (2019) (14)
- Disorder, cluster spin glass, and hourglass spectra in striped magnetic insulators. (2012) (14)
- Observation of a random singlet state in a diluted Kitaev honeycomb material (2020) (14)
- Contact process on generalized Fibonacci chains: infinite-modulation criticality and double-log periodic oscillations. (2013) (13)
- Multichannel pseudogap Kondo model: large-N solution and quantum-critical dynamics. (2001) (13)
- Quantum phase transitions and dimensional reduction in antiferromagnets with interlayer frustration (2007) (13)
- Mott quantum criticality in the one-band Hubbard model: Dynamical mean-field theory, power-law spectra, and scaling (2019) (13)
- Disordered bosons in one dimension: from weak- to strong-randomness criticality. (2012) (13)
- Tendencies toward nematic order in YBa2Cu3O6+δ: Uniform distortion vs. incipient charge stripes (2010) (13)
- Monte Carlo simulations of the smeared phase transition in a contact process with extended defects (2004) (13)
- Contact process with temporal disorder. (2016) (13)
- Field-induced intermediate phase in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$: Non-coplanar order, phase diagram, and proximate spin liquid (2018) (13)
- Search for Electronic Phase Separation at Quantum Phase Transitions (2010) (12)
- Reduced dimensionality in layered quantum dimer magnets: Frustration vs. inhomogeneous condensates (2007) (12)
- Pressure dependence of the magnetization of URu2Si2 (2006) (12)
- Bilayer Kitaev models: Phase diagrams and novel phases (2018) (12)
- Non-linear bond-operator theory and 1/d expansion for coupled-dimer magnets I: Paramagnetic phase (2014) (12)
- Spin collective mode and quasiparticle contributions to STM spectra of d-wave superconductors with pinning (2002) (12)
- Quantum phase transitions in a resonant-level model with dissipation: Renormalization-group studies (2007) (12)
- Rounding of a first-order quantum phase transition to a strong-coupling critical point (2012) (12)
- Spherical random-field systems with long-range interactions: general results and application to the Coulomb glass (1993) (12)
- Quantum phase transitions and thermodynamics of the power-law Kondo model (2013) (12)
- Doped bilayer antiferromagnets: Hole dynamics on both sides of a magnetic ordering transition (1999) (12)
- Quantum critical behavior of two-dimensional Fermi systems with quadratic band touching (2018) (12)
- Fractionalized Fermionic Quantum Criticality in Spin-Orbital Mott Insulators. (2020) (12)
- Two-channel pseudogap Kondo and Anderson models: Quantum phase transitions and non-Fermi liquids (2011) (11)
- A fractional-spin phase in the power-law Kondo model (2001) (11)
- Breakdown of Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory for certain quantum phase transitions (1995) (11)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Damage spreading and dynamic stability of kinetic Ising models (1996) (11)
- Influence of Generic Scale Invariance on Classical and Quantum Phase Transitions (2004) (11)
- Nonequilibrium magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetically coupled Kondo spins (2009) (11)
- Signatures of a quantum Griffiths phase in a d-metal alloy close to its ferromagnetic quantum critical point (2010) (10)
- Extinction phase transitions in a model of ecological and evolutionary dynamics (2017) (10)
- Critical behavior of disordered quantum magnets: The relevance of rare regions (1999) (10)
- Spin freezing in the disordered pyrochlore magnet NaCaCo 2 F 7 : NMR studies and Monte Carlo simulations (2016) (10)
- Kondo holes in topological Kondo insulators: Spectral properties and surface quasiparticle interference (2014) (10)
- Incommensurate short-range multipolar order parameter of phase II in Ce 3 Pd 20 Si 6 (2016) (10)
- Infinite randomness and quantum Griffiths effects in a classical system: The randomly layered Heisenberg magnet (2009) (10)
- New Angles on the Border of Antiferromagnetism in {{NiS2}} and {{URu2Si2}} (2009) (10)
- Percolation transition and dissipation in quantum Ising magnets (2006) (10)
- Quantum phase transitions in antiferromagnets and superfluids (1999) (10)
- Dissipation effects in random transverse-field Ising chains (2012) (10)
- Infinite-randomness fixed point of the quantum superconductor-metal transitions in amorphous thin films (2018) (10)
- Signatures of a Quantum Griffiths Phase Close to an Electronic Nematic Quantum Phase Transition. (2021) (10)
- Bethe-Peierls-Weiss approximation for the two- and three-dimensional Coulomb glass: zero-temperature and finite-temperature results (1993) (10)
- Spin-glass state and reversed magnetic anisotropy induced by Cr doping in the Kitaev magnet α−RuCl3 (2019) (10)
- Spin polarons in triangular antiferromagnets (1998) (9)
- Role of commensurate and incommensurate low-energy excitations in the paramagnetic to hidden-order transition of URu2Si2 (2011) (9)
- Singular field response and singular screening of vacancies in antiferromagnets. (2012) (9)
- Open Wilson chains for quantum impurity models: Keeping track of all bath modes (2016) (9)
- Quantum Phase Transitions in Models of Magnetic Impurities (2002) (9)
- Competing orders, competing anisotropies, and multicriticality: The case of Co-doped YbRh2Si2 (2013) (9)
- Extinction transitions in correlated external noise. (2018) (9)
- Quantum disordered insulating phase in the frustrated cubic-lattice Hubbard model (2015) (9)
- Kondo screening in unconventional superconductors : The role of anomalous propagators (2005) (9)
- Quantum percolation phase transition and magneto-electric dipole glass in hexagonal ferrites (2017) (9)
- Nonequilibrium quantum transport through a dissipative resonant level (2012) (9)
- Strong-randomness phenomena in quantum Ashkin–Teller models (2014) (9)
- Kondo screening in d-wave superconductors in a Zeeman field and implications for STM spectra of Zn-doped cuprates (2002) (9)
- Electronic properties of disordered valence-bond stripes in cuprate superconductors (2008) (9)
- Anderson localization and momentum-space entanglement (2014) (9)
- Tunable Kondo-Luttinger systems far from equilibrium (2010) (8)
- Susceptibility anisotropy and its disorder evolution in models for Kitaev materials (2020) (8)
- Strong-randomness infinite-coupling phase in a random quantum spin chain (2013) (8)
- Phenomenological lattice model for dynamic spin and charge fluctuations in the cuprates (2004) (8)
- Localization and conductance in the quantum Coulomb glass (2001) (8)
- Enhanced rare-region effects in the contact process with long-range correlated disorder. (2014) (8)
- Quantum phase transition of the sub-Ohmic rotor model (2011) (8)
- Anomalously elastic intermediate phase in randomly layered superfluids, superconductors, and planar magnets. (2010) (8)
- Quantum magnets with weakly confined spinons: Multiple length scales and quantum impurities (2009) (8)
- Hall effect across the quantum phase transition of CeCu6-xAux (2005) (8)
- Impact of disorder on unconventional superconductors with competing ground states (2004) (8)
- Flux crystals, Majorana metals, and flat bands in exactly solvable spin-orbital liquids (2020) (8)
- Critical quasiparticles in single-impurity and lattice Kondo models (2015) (7)
- In an Ising model with spin-exchange dynamics damage always spreads (1998) (7)
- Triangular-lattice anisotropic dimerized Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Stability and excitations of the quantum paramagnetic phase (2011) (7)
- Conductance Spectroscopy of Exfoliated Thin Flakes of Nb xBi2Se3. (2018) (7)
- Numerical renormalization group for impurity quantum phase transitions: structure of critical fixed points (2005) (7)
- Composition-Tuned Smeared Phase Transitions (2011) (7)
- Linked-cluster expansions for quantum magnets on the hypercubic lattice (2016) (7)
- Theory of partial quantum disorder in the stuffed honeycomb Heisenberg antiferromagnet (2018) (7)
- Rare regions and Griffiths singularities at a clean critical point: the five-dimensional disordered contact process. (2014) (7)
- Two interacting particles in a random potential : Numerical calculations of the interaction matrix elements (1999) (7)
- Cuprate superconductivity: Magnetic fluctuations revealed (2011) (7)
- Heisenberg-Kitaev models on hyperhoneycomb and stripy-honeycomb lattices: 3D-2D equivalence of ordered states and phase diagrams (2019) (7)
- Random field disorder at an absorbing state transition in one and two dimensions. (2015) (6)
- Collective Modes at a Disordered Quantum Phase Transition. (2019) (6)
- Quantum Coulomb Glass - Hartree-Fock Approximation versus Exact Diagonalization (1997) (6)
- Kondo Breakdown in a Spin-1/2 Chain of Adatoms on a Dirac Semimetal. (2020) (6)
- Atypical is normal at the metal-insulator transition (2009) (6)
- Non-linear bond-operator theory and 1=d expansion for coupled-dimer magnets II: Antiferromagnetic phase and quantum phase transition (2014) (6)
- Non-Gaussian behavior of reflected fractional Brownian motion (2018) (6)
- Spins in superconductors: Mobile or not? (2009) (6)
- Two interfacing particles in a random potential: The random model revisited (1998) (6)
- Influence of super-ohmic dissipation on a disordered quantum critical point (2010) (6)
- Spatiotemporal generalization of the Harris criterion and its application to diffusive disorder. (2016) (6)
- Magnetic excitations in the spinel compound Lix[Mn1.96Li0.04]O4 (x=0.2,0.6,0.8,1.0): How a classical system can mimic quantum critical scaling (2009) (6)
- Dimensional crossover in quantum critical metallic magnets (2008) (6)
- Erratum: Quantum Phase Transitions in d-Wave Superconductors [Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4940 (2000)] (2008) (5)
- Smeared quantum phase transition in the dissipative random quantum Ising model (2008) (5)
- Criticality and quenched disorder: rare regions vs. Harris criterion (2013) (5)
- Quantum critical behavior of a three-dimensional superfluid-Mott glass transition (2018) (5)
- Magnetic field tuning of charge and spin order in the cuprate superconductors (2001) (5)
- Green’s functions on a renormalized lattice: An improved method for the integer quantum Hall transition (2021) (5)
- Nonequilibrium dynamical renormalization group: Dynamical crossover from weak to infinite randomness in the transverse-field Ising chain (2013) (5)
- Interplay of charge density waves, disorder, and superconductivity in 2H-TaSe2 elucidated by NMR (2022) (5)
- Monte Carlo Simulations of the Disordered Three-Color Quantum Ashkin-Teller Chain (2016) (5)
- Stripe order and quasiparticle Nernst effect in cuprate superconductors (2010) (5)
- Quantum Coulomb Glass: Anderson Localization in an Interacting System (1997) (5)
- The one-dimensional Coulomb glass within the Bethe-Peierls-Weiss approximation (1993) (5)
- Photoemission signatures of valence-bond stripes in cuprates: Long-range vs. short-range order (2008) (5)
- Superfluid density and compressibility at the superfluid-Mott glass transition (2017) (5)
- Disorder correlations at smeared phase transitions (2011) (5)
- Picking the cuprates’ Fermi pockets (2011) (4)
- Cotunneling into a Kondo lattice with odd hybridization (2016) (4)
- Current localization in nonlinear inhomogeneous media (1996) (4)
- Boundary quantum criticality in models of magnetic impurities coupled to bosonic baths (2007) (4)
- Bound states of fractionalized excitations in a modulated Kitaev spin liquid (2017) (4)
- Hour-glass magnetic spectrum arising from a striped cluster spin-glass ground state in La1.75Sr0.25CoO4 (2013) (4)
- Differences between regular and random order of updates in damage-spreading simulations (1998) (4)
- Quantum Griffiths singularities in ferromagnetic metals (2012) (4)
- Metallic and Deconfined Quantum Criticality in Dirac Systems. (2021) (4)
- Generalized contact process with two symmetric absorbing states in two dimensions. (2010) (4)
- Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet (2022) (4)
- Soliton Fermi sea in models of Ising-coupled Kondo impurities (2002) (4)
- Transport in disordered interacting systems: numerical results for one-dimensional spinless electrons (1998) (4)
- Strong-disorder magnetic quantum phase transitions: Status and new developments (2013) (4)
- Soluble fermionic quantum critical point in two dimensions (2020) (4)
- Dissipation effects in percolating quantum Ising magnets (2007) (3)
- Magnetic Grüneisen ratio of the random transverse‐field Ising chain (2009) (3)
- Cumulant approach and coupled-cluster method for many-particle systems (1998) (3)
- Numerical method for disordered quantum phase transitions in the large‐N limit (2013) (3)
- Limits to magnetic quantum criticality from nuclear spins (2020) (3)
- Surface reconstruction in a tight-binding model for the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 (2015) (3)
- Superuid-Mott glass quantum multicritical point on a percolating lattice (2016) (3)
- Tuning a random-field mechanism in a frustrated magnet (2018) (3)
- Infinite-randomness criticality in a randomly layered Heisenberg magnet (2011) (3)
- Viewpoint: Atypical is normal at the metal-insulator transition (2009) (3)
- Dynamics at a Smeared Phase Transition (2004) (3)
- A mean-field theory for strongly disordered non-frustrated antiferromagnets (2006) (3)
- Modification of smeared phase transitions by spatial disorder correlations (2012) (3)
- Density of states, relaxation dynamics, and hopping conductivity of disordered many-electron systems with long-range correlation (1995) (3)
- Edge-state critical behavior of the integer quantum Hall transition (2020) (3)
- Damage spreading in random field systems (1997) (3)
- Non-Fermi liquid transport and "universal" ratios in quantum Griffiths phases (2011) (3)
- Transport properties in antiferromagnetic quantum Griffiths phases (2011) (3)
- Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition (2018) (3)
- Magnetotransport in CeCu6-xAux (2006) (3)
- Probability density of fractional Brownian motion and the fractional Langevin equation with absorbing walls (2020) (3)
- Dynamics of symmetry breaking during quantum real-time evolution in a minimal model system. (2014) (3)
- Two interacting particles in a random potential: The random matrix model revisited (1997) (3)
- Nematic Quantum Criticality in Dirac Systems. (2021) (3)
- Charge correlations in the weakly doped t-J model calculated by projection technique (1998) (3)
- Observation of a gapless spin liquid in a diluted Kitaev honeycomb material (2020) (3)
- SU(2)-Symmetric Spin-Boson Model: Quantum Criticality, Fixed-Point Annihilation, and Duality (2022) (3)
- Unconventional Josephson junctions with topological Kondo insulator weak links (2019) (2)
- Phase transitions of the generalized contact process with two absorbing states. (2010) (2)
- Carrier dynamics in doped bilayer iridates near magnetic quantum criticality (2018) (2)
- Localization of the Higgs mode at the superfluid–Mott glass transition (2021) (2)
- Non-magnetic impurities as probes of insulating and doped Mott insulators in two dimensions (2000) (2)
- Multifractal analysis of electronic states on random Voronoi-Delaunay lattices (2015) (2)
- Single-impurity Kondo physics at extreme particle-hole asymmetry (2013) (2)
- Hackl and Vojta reply. (2011) (2)
- An unexpected difference between regular and random order of updates in damage spreading simulations (1998) (2)
- Phase boundary near a magnetic percolation transition (2020) (2)
- Accurate Numerical Calculation of the Electron Density at a Bijellic Interface within the Gradient Expansion Method (1990) (2)
- Defect-induced spin-glass magnetism in incommensurate spin-gap magnets (2011) (2)
- Interlayer Josephson coupling in stripe-ordered superconducting cuprates (2009) (2)
- Effect of rare locally ordered regions on a disordered itinerant quantum antiferromagnet with cubic anisotropy (2000) (2)
- Cumulant approach to the low-temperature thermodynamics of many-body systems (1997) (2)
- Critical points and non-Fermi liquids in the underscreened pseudogap Kondo model (2005) (2)
- Divergence of the Grüneisen ratio at symmetry-enhanced first-order quantum phase transitions (2021) (2)
- Monte-Carlo simulations of the dissipative random transverse-field Ising chain (2013) (2)
- Construction of size-consistent effective Hamiltonians for systems with arbitrary Hilbert space (1999) (2)
- Random-bond disorder in two-dimensional noncollinear XY antiferromagnets: From quasi-long-range order to spin glass (2020) (2)
- Impurity bound states as detectors of topological band structures revisited (2020) (2)
- Diluting a triangular-lattice spin liquid: Synthesis and characterization of NaYb$_{1-x}$Lu$_{x}$S$_2$ single crystals (2022) (2)
- Doping-induced band shifts and Lifshitz transitions in heavy-fermion metals (2012) (2)
- Emerging critical behavior at a first‐order phase transition rounded by disorder (2016) (2)
- Inhomogeneous mean-field approach to collective excitations near the superfluid–Mott glass transition (2021) (1)
- Infinite randomness and activated dynamical scaling in itinerant antiferromagnets (2007) (1)
- The Hartree-Fock based diagonalization - an efficient algorithm for the treatment of interacting electrons in disordered solids (2001) (1)
- Rare region effects at a non-equilibrium phase transition (2005) (1)
- Percolation transition in quantum Ising and rotor models with sub-Ohmic dissipation (2012) (1)
- Random strain induced correlations in materials with intertwined nematic and magnetic orders (2021) (1)
- Electronic transport in disordered interacting systems (1998) (1)
- Inhomogeneous mean-field approach to collective excitations in disordered interacting bosons (2021) (1)
- Which Quantum Phase Transitions are Described by Local Order Parameter Field Theories (2001) (1)
- Evidence for magnetic clusters in Ni1-xVx close to the quantum critical concentration (2014) (1)
- Hartree–Fock based diagonalization: An efficient method for simulating disordered interacting electrons (1998) (1)
- Memory-multi-fractional Brownian motion with continuous correlations (2023) (1)
- Order-parameter symmetry and mode-coupling effects at dirty superconducting quantum phase transitions (2002) (1)
- The Coulomb glass on a fractal lattice (1995) (1)
- Contact process with simultaneous spatial and temporal disorder. (2022) (1)
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- Spin chain on a metallic surface: Dissipation-induced order versus Kondo entanglement (2022) (1)
- Quantum Phase Transitions and Collective Modes in d-Wave Superconductors (2001) (1)
- Magnetic order in lightly doped cuprates: Coherent versus incoherent hole quasiparticles and nonmagnetic impurities (2005) (1)
- Hole dynamics and photoemission in a t-J model for SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 (1999) (1)
- Thermal and Quantum Phase Transitions (2015) (1)
- Zeeman-driven Lifshitz transition: A scenario for the Fermi-surface reconstruction in YbRh2Si2 (2011) (1)
- The Coulomb glass on a fractal lattice (1995) (1)
- Quantum Statistics of the Toda Oscillator in the Wigner Function Formalism (1988) (1)
- Charge correlations and optical conductivity in weakly doped antiferromagnets (1997) (1)
- Quantum phase transition between one-channel and two-channel Kondo polarons (2013) (1)
- Magnon Landau Levels and Emergent Supersymmetry in Strained Antiferromagnets. (2019) (1)
- Spontaneous interlayer coherence in bilayer Kondo systems (2004) (1)
- Unconventional spin freezing in the disordered pyrochlore magnet NaCaCo$_2$F$_7$: NMR studies and Monte-Carlo simulations (2016) (1)
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- New magnetic order revealed in α-RuCl 3 at intermediate magnetic fields using neutron diffraction (2020) (0)
- Kondo breakdown transitions and phase-separation tendencies in valence-fluctuating heavy-fermion metals (2022) (0)
- Comment on "Zeeman-Driven Lifshitz Transition: A Model for the Experimentally Observed Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in YbRh_2Si_2" Reply (2011) (0)
- Dispersive Impurities in one-dimensional Fermi Gases: From one to two Channel Kondo Polarons (2012) (0)
- Impurities in d-wave superconductors: Kondo spin dynamics and tunneling spectra (2001) (0)
- Magnetic quantum phase transition in a metallic Kondo heterostructure (2022) (0)
- Inhomogeneity induced instability of the ordered-by-disorder state in frustrated magnets (2017) (0)
- Critical behavior of the disordered three-color Ashkin-Teller Model - A Monte Carlo study (2015) (0)
- Spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases (2005) (0)
- DMRG-optimized NRG treatment of sub-ohmic spin-boson model (2011) (0)
- Non-equilibrium spin dynamics in quantum impurity systems (2011) (0)
- Effects of rare regions on magnetic quantum phase transitions (1999) (0)
- Dynamical crossover from weak to infinite randomness in the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model at criticality (2013) (0)
- 0 A pr 2 00 1 Quantum Phase Transitions and Collective Modes in d-wave Superconductors (2001) (0)
- Melting at the absolute zero of temperature: Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter (2008) (0)
- Melting at the absolute zero of temperature: Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter (2008) (0)
- Small and large Fermi surfaces in metals with local moments (2002) (0)
- Fluctuation-induced ferrimagnetism in sublattice-imbalanced antiferromagnets with application to SrCu2 ( BO3)2 under pressure (2021) (0)
- Quantum critical behavior of 2D Fermi systems with quadratic band touching (2018) (0)
- Rounding the First-Order Quantum Phase Transitions by Disorder in the Quantum Ashkin-Teller Model (2017) (0)
- SpincollectivemodeandquasiparticlecontributionstoSTMspectra ofd-wavesuperconductorswithpinning (2002) (0)
- Fractionalized Fermi liquids in metals with local moments (2003) (0)
- Magnetic percolation transition in diluted hexaferrites (2019) (0)
- Symbiosis of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in topological insulators (2015) (0)
- Anomalous elasticity in a disordered layered XY model (2012) (0)
- Amplitude (Higgs) mode at the superfluid-Mott glass transition (2019) (0)
- Boundary critical behavior of the integer quantum Hall transition (2019) (0)
- Power-law Griffiths singularities in a randomly layered Heisenberg magnet (2011) (0)
- Exotic quantum criticality in Dirac systems: Metallic and deconfined (2021) (0)
- Interacting electrons in parabolic quantum dots (2001) (0)
- Temperature dependent cloaking of the Quantum Griffiths Singularity in LaScO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ heterostructures (2022) (0)
- Marginal Fermi liquid at magnetic quantum criticality from dimensional confinement (2022) (0)
- Erratum to: Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition (2019) (0)
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- Critical quasiparticles in single-impurity and lattice Kondo models (2015) (0)
- Non Fermi liquid properties of Ni-V close to the ferromagnetic quantum critical point (2011) (0)
- O ct 2 00 6 Quantum criticality in a double quantum-dot system (2008) (0)
- Supplemental Material for : Heisenberg-Kitaev Models on Hyperhoneycomb and Stripyhoneycomb Lattices : 3 D – 2 D Equivalence of Ordered States and Phase Diagrams (2019) (0)
- Magnetic cluster glass formation in Ni-V close to the disordered ferromagnetic quantum phase transition (2013) (0)
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- Infinite-randomness criticality in disordered metals and superconductors (2012) (0)
- M ar 2 01 6 Spatio-temporal generalization of the Harris criterion and its application to diffusive disorder (2016) (0)
- Electronic transport in disordered interacting systems (1998) (0)
- Novel critical point in the random quantum Ashkin-Teller model (2012) (0)
- Strong-disorder renormalization group approach to the integer quantum Hall effect (2020) (0)
- Tempered fractional Brownian motion on finite intervals (2021) (0)
- Reply to Comment by V. R. Shaginyan et al. on "Zeeman-Driven Lifshitz Transition: A Model for the Experimentally Observed Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in YbRh_2Si_2" (2012) (0)
- Smearing of a nonequilibrium phase transition by extended impurities (2004) (0)
- Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition (2018) (0)
- O ct 2 00 0 Quantum Phase Transitions (2003) (0)
- Randomly Depleted Kondo Lattices (2006) (0)
- Fractional Brownian Motion with an Absorbing Wall (2019) (0)
- Non-Fermi liquid properties of Ni$_{1-x}$V$_{x}$ close to the disordered ferromagnetic quantum critical point (2015) (0)
- Universal spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases (2005) (0)
- An Anomalously Elastic, Intermediate Phase in Randomly Layered Planar Magnets, Superfluids, and Superconductors (2011) (0)
- Impurity spin dynamics in 2D antiferromagnets and superconductors (2000) (0)
- Extinction phase transitions in a model of ecological and evolutionary dynamics (2017) (0)
- Rare regions, local moments, and annealed disorder: A novel mechanism for metal-insulator transitions (1999) (0)
- Ju l 1 99 9 Quantum phase transitions in antiferromagnets and superfluids (1999) (0)
- Non-Fermi-liquid scattering rates and anomalous band dispersion in ferropnictides-- an ARPES study (2015) (0)
- Erratum to: “Spin collective mode and quasiparticle contributions to STM spectra of d-wave superconductors with pinning” [Physica C 388–389 (2003) 19–24] (2003) (0)
- Rare regions and annealed disorder in quantum phase transitions (1999) (0)
- Erratum to: Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition (2019) (0)
- Unconventional Josephson Effect in a topological Kondo insulator (2019) (0)
- High-precision Monte-Carlo study of the two-dimensional contact process (2014) (0)
- Quantum phase transitions in impurity models: What is needed to spoil the quantum-to-classical correspondence? (2011) (0)
- 21aGE-1 Effect of disorder on the quantum phase transition in the itinerant ferromagnet Sr_ Ca_xRuO_3 (2011) (0)
- How random is topological disorder? Phase transitions on random Voronoi lattices (2014) (0)
- Critical dynamics of randomly layered magnets (2011) (0)
- From Localization to Delocalization in the Quantum Coulomb Glass (2000) (0)
- Rounding of the first-order phase transition in the four-color Ashkin-Teller model (2016) (0)
- Revealing quantum Griffiths singularities inside the ferromagnetic phase (2017) (0)
- Evidence for power-law Griffiths singularities in a layered Heisenberg magnet (2010) (0)
- Erratum: Limits to magnetic quantum criticality from nuclear spins [Phys. Rev. B 103 , 064405 (2021)] (2021) (0)
- Universal spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases (2005) (0)
- Monte Carlo Calculations of the Specific Heat in Quantum Critical Metals (2009) (0)
- Scholars' Mine Scholars' Mine Extinction Transitions in Correlated External Noise Extinction Transitions in Correlated External Noise (2020) (0)
- Quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets (1999) (0)
- Nonequilibrium phase transitions in a model of ecological and evolutionary dynamics (2017) (0)
- Scholars' Mine Scholars' Mine Percolation Quantum Phase Transitions in Diluted Magnets Percolation Quantum Phase Transitions in Diluted Magnets (2020) (0)
- Generalized contact process in two dimensions (2010) (0)
- Superfluid density and compressibility at the superfluid-Mott glass transition (2019) (0)
- Editorial (2015) (0)
- Unconventional Superconductivity in Doped Triangular Antiferromagnets (1998) (0)
- Annealed Local Magnetic Moments and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Disordered Electronic Systems (2002) (0)
- A pr 2 00 9 Absorbing-state phase transitions on percolating lattices (2008) (0)
- Monte Carlo simulations of the magnetic behavior of diluted hexaferrites (2018) (0)
- Influence of correlated temporal disorder on an extinction phase transition (2019) (0)
- Extinction phase transitions in correlated external noise (2018) (0)
- Surface Superconductivity in the `Partial' Superconductor BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ (2010) (0)
- Parallel Simulations of Phase Transitions in Disordered Many-Particle Systems (2006) (0)
- Quantum Superconductor-Metal Transitions in the Presence of Quenched Disorder (2020) (0)
- Transport properties in magnetic Griffiths phases (2011) (0)
- Ju l 2 00 0 Quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors (2015) (0)
- Predicting the Distribution of Serotonergic Axons: A Supercomputing Simulation of Reflected Fractional Brownian Motion in a 3D-Mouse Brain Model (2023) (0)
- Multifractal analysis of electronic states on random Voronoi-Delaunay lattices (2015) (0)
- Slow dynamics at the smeared phase transition of randomly layered magnets (2006) (0)
- Tagungen: Tagungsberichte/Strukturfunktionen und hadronische Wellenfunktionen 209. WE‐Heraeus‐Seminar/Energetic Processes on the Sun and in the Heliosphere 208. WE‐Heraeus‐Seminar/Percolation, Interaction, Localization: Simulations of Transport in Disordered Systems 210. WE‐Heraeus‐Seminar/Nanomagne (1999) (0)
- Scholars' Mine Scholars' Mine Quantum Griffiths Effects in Itinerant Heisenberg Magnets Quantum Griffiths Effects in Itinerant Heisenberg Magnets (2020) (0)
- Amplitude (Higgs) Mode at a Disordered Quantum Phase Transition (2017) (0)
- Evidence of magnetic clusters in the disordered ferromagnet Ni-V close to the quantum critical concentration (2015) (0)
- Stripe order, impurities, and symmetry breaking in a diluted frustrated magnet (2021) (0)
- 2 7 Se p 20 04 Dynamics at a smeared phase transition (2004) (0)
- Critical theories for the pseudogap Kondo problem (2004) (0)
- Infinite-randomness critical point in the itinerant quantum antiferromagnet (2002) (0)
- Crossover from interaction induced localization to delocalization in disordered electron systems (1999) (0)
- Ordered droplets in quantum magnets with long-range interactions (2007) (0)
- Further reading: K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics (2016) (0)
- Fock space localization, return probability, and conductance of disordered interacting electrons (2001) (0)
- Diluting a triangular-lattice spin liquid: Synthesis and characterization of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>NaYb</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Lu</mml:mi><mml:mi>x (2022) (0)
- Random field mechanism in the diluted J1-J2 model (2018) (0)
- Fractional Lengevin equation with reflecting barrier (2019) (0)
- Integer quantum Hall transitions on tight-binding lattices (2018) (0)
- Random fields at an absorbing state transition (2012) (0)
- Theory of a smeared quantum phase transition (2008) (0)
- Disordered contact process in two and three dimensions: rare regions, Griffiths effects, and infinite randomness (2008) (0)
- Unusual phase diagram of the generalized contact process with two absorbing states (2010) (0)
- Spin excitations in fluctuating stripe phases (2005) (0)
- Quantum Superconductor-Metal Transitions in the Presence of Quenched Disorder (2019) (0)
- Monte-Carlo simulations of the clean and disordered contact process in three space dimensions (2013) (0)
- Scalar susceptibility of a diluted classical XY model (2022) (0)
- 0 10 41 76 10 A pr 2 00 1 Quantum Phase Transitions and Collective Modes in d-wave Superconductors (2001) (0)
- Viewpoint: Picking the cuprates’ Fermi pockets (2011) (0)
- Hidden Order. Does a New Theory Solve the Decades‐old Puzzle of Phase Transition in URu2Si2? (2014) (0)
- UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Role of commensurate and incommensurate low-energy excitations in the paramagnetic to hidden-order transition of URu 2 Si 2 (2015) (0)
- Spin excitations in cuprates with fluctuating stripe order (2005) (0)
- Hackl and Vojta Reply : Our (0)
- Quantum critical Kondo screening in graphene (2011) (0)
- Strain tuning of highly frustrated magnets: Order and disorder in the distorted kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (2021) (0)
- Modelling SmB$_6$: Distinct topological crystalline phases, surface states, and surface reconstruction (2017) (0)
- Competing orders in the cuprate superconductors (2004) (0)
- Spin waves and static susceptibility in the weakly doped t-J model (2010) (0)
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