Maya Paczuski
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Maya Paczuski's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of California, Santa Cruz
- Masters Physics University of California, Santa Cruz
- Bachelors Physics University of California, Santa Cruz
Why Is Maya Paczuski Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Maya Paczuski is the head and founder of the Complexity Science Group at the University of Calgary. She is a well-cited physicist whose work spans self-organized criticality, avalanche dynamics, earthquake, and complex networks. She was born in Israel in 1963, but grew up in the United States. Maya Paczuski received a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from M.I.T. in 1986 and then went on to study with Mehran Kardar, earning her Ph.D in Condensed matter physics from the same institute.
Maya Paczuski's Published Works
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Published Works
- Price Variations in a Stock Market with Many Agents (1996) (402)
- Complexity, contingency, and criticality. (1995) (310)
- Scale-free networks of earthquakes and aftershocks. (2003) (307)
- Percolation theory on interdependent networks based on epidemic spreading (2011) (225)
- Edge direction and the structure of networks (2009) (205)
- Explosive percolation is continuous, but with unusual finite size behavior. (2011) (113)
- Complex networks of earthquakes and aftershocks (2004) (98)
- Self-Organization of Complex Systems (1999) (89)
- Analysis of the spatial distribution between successive earthquakes. (2005) (83)
- Interoccurrence times in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model: a comparison with the observed statistics of solar flares. (2005) (77)
- Solar flares as cascades of reconnecting magnetic loops. (2002) (74)
- Intensity thresholds and the statistics of the temporal occurrence of solar flares. (2004) (71)
- Correlated dynamics in human printing behavior (2004) (68)
- Networks of recurrent events, a theory of records, and an application to finding causal signatures in seismicity. (2007) (67)
- Percolation transitions are not always sharpened by making networks interdependent. (2011) (57)
- Clustering Drives Assortativity and Community Structure in Ensembles of Networks (2010) (55)
- Self-organized criticality and universality in a nonconservative earthquake model. (2000) (53)
- Coexistence of self-organized criticality and intermittent turbulence in the solar corona. (2006) (52)
- Discontinuous percolation transitions in epidemic processes, surface depinning in random media, and Hamiltonian random graphs. (2012) (51)
- Field Theory for a Model of Self-Organized Criticality (1994) (50)
- Earthquake recurrence as a record breaking process (2005) (45)
- Interpretation of link fluctuations in climate networks during El Niño periods (2013) (44)
- Nonconservative earthquake model of self-organized criticality on a random graph. (2002) (43)
- Simple Model of Superconducting Vortex Avalanches (1998) (38)
- 1/f(alpha) noise from correlations between avalanches in self-organized criticality. (2001) (34)
- Network analysis of the state space of discrete dynamical systems. (2006) (32)
- Large scale structures, symmetry, and universality in sandpiles. (2001) (29)
- Subgraph ensembles and motif discovery using an alternative heuristic for graph isomorphism. (2006) (29)
- Scaling in fracture and refreezing of sea ice (2003) (29)
- Communities, clustering phase transitions, and hysteresis: pitfalls in constructing network ensembles. (2009) (28)
- Why Nature is complex (1993) (27)
- Fusion, space and solar plasmas as complex systems (2007) (27)
- A heavenly example of scale-free networks and self-organized criticality (2003) (27)
- Self-Organized Criticality and $1/f$ Noise in Traffic (1995) (26)
- Simple model for plastic dynamics of a disordered flux-line lattice (2000) (24)
- Sampling properties of directed networks (2012) (24)
- Aging in a Model of Self-Organized Criticality (1997) (23)
- Sequence Alignment, Mutual Information, and Dissimilarity Measures for Constructing Phylogenies (2010) (21)
- Scaling in a nonconservative earthquake model of self-organized criticality. (2001) (20)
- A Simple Model of Large Scale Organization in Evolution (1996) (19)
- Spatial competition and price formation (2000) (19)
- Reinforced walks in two and three dimensions (2008) (18)
- Graph animals, subgraph sampling, and motif search in large networks. (2007) (15)
- Braided Rivers and Superconducting Vortex Avalanches (1999) (14)
- Link and subgraph likelihoods in random undirected networks with fixed and partially fixed degree sequences. (2006) (13)
- Agglomerative percolation in two dimensions (2010) (13)
- Avalanches and waves in the Abelian sandpile model (1997) (12)
- Irreversible aggregation and network renormalization (2010) (11)
- Attractor and basin entropies of random Boolean networks under asynchronous stochastic update. (2010) (11)
- dc = 4 is the upper critical dimension for the Bak-Sneppen model. (1999) (11)
- PageRank and rank-reversal dependence on the damping factor (2012) (10)
- Agglomerative percolation on bipartite networks: nonuniversal behavior due to spontaneous symmetry breaking at the percolation threshold. (2012) (10)
- Mass extinctions vs. uniformitarianism in biological evolution (1995) (10)
- Interacting branching process as a simple model of innovation. (2010) (10)
- Random Sequential Renormalization of Networks I: Application to Critical Trees (2010) (9)
- Activity-dependent branching ratios in stocks, solar x-ray flux, and the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model. (2009) (9)
- Solitons in the one-dimensional forest fire model. (2000) (8)
- Exact solutions for mass-dependent irreversible aggregations. (2011) (8)
- Comment on "Dynamic opinion model and invasion percolation". (2012) (7)
- Random sampling versus exact enumeration of attractors in random Boolean networks (2009) (7)
- Luminous matter may arise from a turbulent plasma state of the early universe (2002) (7)
- Complex network analysis of state spaces for random Boolean networks (2007) (7)
- Node similarity within subgraphs of protein interaction networks (2007) (6)
- Random sequential renormalization and agglomerative percolation in networks: application to Erdös-Rényi and scale-free graphs. (2011) (6)
- How far away is the next earthquake? (2004) (5)
- Scale-Free Magnetic Networks: Comparing Observational Data with a Self-Organizing Model of the Coronal Field (2003) (5)
- Networks as Renormalized Models for Emergent Behavior in Physical Systems (2005) (4)
- A dynamical model of a GRID market (2004) (4)
- Symbiotic Self-Organized Criticality and Intermittent Turbulence in an MHD Current Sheet with a Threshold Instability (2007) (4)
- Son, Grassberger, and Paczuski reply. (2013) (3)
- Intensity Thresholds and Superstatistics in the Temporal Occurrence of Solar Flares (2004) (3)
- Flux flow noise and braided rivers of superconducting vortices (2001) (2)
- Scaling law for seismic hazard after a main shock (2004) (2)
- Avalanche Dynamics of Crack Propagation and Contact Line Depinning (1996) (1)
- Sequence alignment and mutual information (2008) (1)
- Broad universality in self-organized critical phenomena (1997) (1)
- Complexity and extremal dynamics (1994) (1)
- Agglomerative Percolation on Bipartite Networks: A Novel Type of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (2012) (1)
- Principles of Phase Transitions in Two-dimensional Systems (1994) (1)
- Avalanches, branching ratios, and clustering of attractors in random Boolean networks and in the segment polarity network of Drosophila (2008) (1)
- Cellular Model of Superconducting Vortex Dynamics (2002) (0)
- Using Networks to Find Signatures of Causality in Seismicity (2009) (0)
- J un 2 00 0 Spatial competition and price formation (2000) (0)
- Complexity and Extrema1 Dynamics (1994) (0)
- Off-Equilibrium Dynamics and Aging in a Model of Self-Organized Criticality (1997) (0)
- Finite-size scaling in layered systems with surface ordering (1991) (0)
- Complexity and Extrema 1 Dynamics (1994) (0)
- Blasting and Zipping: Sequence Alignment and Mutual Information (2009) (0)
- Link likelihoods in random networks with fixed and partially fixed degree sequence (2006) (0)
- Random Sequential Renormalization (2011) (0)
- Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Complex networks of earthquakes and aftershocks (2005) (0)
- Colloquium Paper : Bak and Paczuski (2005) (0)
- Dynamics of a self-repelling random walker (1999) (0)
- Davidsen and Paczuski Reply (2007) (0)
- N ov 2 00 0 Solitons in the one-dim ensionalforest re m (2016) (0)
- 1/f noise at long time scales in self-organized criticality (2001) (0)
- Avalanches, Waves, and Memory in Self-Organized Criticality (1998) (0)
- Continuum Theory with Memory for Avalanches in Self-Organized Criticality (1996) (0)
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