Mireille Broucke
Electrical and computer engineer
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Engineering Computer Science
Mireille Broucke's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering Stanford University
Why Is Mireille Broucke Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Mireille Esther Broucke is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Toronto, interested in control theory, mathematical systems theory, and swarm robotics. Broucke did her undergraduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where her father Roger A. Broucke, an immigrant from Belgium, was a professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics. She graduated in 1984, with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. She went on to graduate study in electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, earning a master's degree in 1987, with summer jobs working on missile tracking software for Texas Instruments, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Corporation.
Mireille Broucke's Published Works
Published Works
- Local control strategies for groups of mobile autonomous agents (2004) (860)
- Formations of vehicles in cyclic pursuit (2004) (664)
- Stabilisation of infinitesimally rigid formations of multi-robot networks (2009) (476)
- Stabilization of infinitesimally rigid formations of multi-robot networks (2008) (216)
- Pursuit formations of unicycles (2006) (189)
- A hierarchical cyclic pursuit scheme for vehicle networks (2005) (117)
- A Theory of Traffic Flow in Automated Highway Systems (1996) (96)
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Reachability on a Simplex (2005) (84)
- A fault tolerant control architecture for automated highway systems (2000) (74)
- Curve Shortening and the Rendezvous Problem for Mobile Autonomous Robots (2006) (67)
- A geometric approach to bisimulation and verification of hybrid systems (1998) (54)
- Time optimal swing-up of the planar pendulum (2007) (53)
- Experiments in multirobot coordination (2006) (52)
- Reach control on simplices by continuous state feedback (2009) (52)
- Stabilizing a Multi-Agent System to an Equilateral Polygon Formation (2006) (49)
- The Automated Highway System: A Transportation Technology for the 21st Century (1996) (49)
- Design of an extended architecture for degraded modes of operation of IVHS (1995) (43)
- Reach control on simplices by piecewise affine feedback (2011) (38)
- Continuous selections of trajectories of hybrid systems (2002) (37)
- One parameter bifurcation diagram for Chua's circuit (1987) (35)
- Regularity of solutions and homotopic equivalence for hybrid systems (1998) (34)
- A pursuit strategy for wheeled-vehicle formations (2003) (34)
- Stability and controllability of planar, conewise linear systems (2007) (31)
- Theory of Optimal Control Using Bisimulations (2000) (29)
- Local control strategies for groups of mobile autonomous agents (2003) (27)
- Monotonic reach control on polytopes (2011) (20)
- Efficient Solution of Optimal Control Problems Using Hybrid Systems (2005) (20)
- Geometric control of patterned linear systems (2012) (19)
- Time-varying affine feedback for reach control on simplices (2013) (19)
- Unicycles in cyclic pursuit (2004) (18)
- On a reachability problem for affine hypersurface systems on polytopes (2011) (18)
- Reachability of a Set of Facets for Linear Affine Systems With n-1 Inputs (2007) (17)
- On Invariance of Cyclic Group Symmetries in Multiagent Formations (2005) (17)
- Reachability and control of affine hypersurface systems on polytopes (2007) (16)
- Resolving Control to Facet Problems for Affine Hypersurface Systems on Simplices (2006) (16)
- Monotonic Reach Control on Polytopes (2013) (15)
- Reach controllability of single input affine systems (2011) (15)
- Towards A Fault Tolerant Ahs Design Part I: Extended Architecture (1996) (14)
- Patterned linear systems (2012) (14)
- Reach Controllability of Single Input Affine Systems on a Simplex (2014) (14)
- Towards a Fault Tolerant AHS Design (1995) (13)
- On the Reach Control Indices of Affine Systems on Simplices (2010) (13)
- Pursuit Strategies for Autonomous Agents (2005) (13)
- Optimal Control Using Bisimulations: Implementation (2001) (12)
- Flow functions, control flow functions, and the reach control problem (2015) (12)
- Block circulant control: A geometric approach (2013) (11)
- A Theory of Traac Ow in Automated Highway Systems (1995) (10)
- Disjoint path algorithms for planar reconfiguration of identical vehicles (2003) (10)
- An Automated Parallel Parking Strategy Using Reach Control Theory (2017) (10)
- Design of reach controllers on simplices (2013) (10)
- Experimental validation of multi-vehicle coordination strategies (2005) (10)
- Symmetry Invariance of Multiagent Formations in Self-Pursuit (2008) (9)
- Formation control of balloons: A block circulant approach (2015) (9)
- Patterned linear systems: Rings, chains, and trees (2010) (9)
- Generalized flow conditions for reach control on polytopes (2012) (9)
- Safe and robust robot maneuvers based on reach control (2016) (8)
- Control of a gantry crane: A reach control approach (2014) (8)
- Continuous Interpolation of Solutions of Lipschitz Inclusions (2001) (8)
- An obstruction to solvability of the reach control problem using affine feedback (2016) (8)
- Adaptive Internal Model Theory of the Oculomotor System and the Cerebellum (2021) (7)
- The Regular Indefinite Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problem: Stabilizable Case (2018) (7)
- Curve Shortening and its Application to Multi-Agent Systems (2005) (7)
- A framework for multi-vehicle navigation using feedback-based motion primitives (2017) (7)
- Reach control of single-input systems on simplices using multi-affine feedback (2014) (7)
- Characterization of a topological obstruction to reach control by continuous state feedback (2015) (6)
- Chattering in the Reach Control Problem (2018) (6)
- Viability Kernels for Nonlinear Control Systems Using Bang Controls (2010) (6)
- A reach control approach to bumpless transfer of robotic manipulators (2014) (6)
- On the necessity of the invariance conditions for reach control on polytopes (2016) (5)
- Characterization of a topological obstruction to reach control by continuous state feedback (2017) (5)
- Reach control problem: Well-posedness and structural stability (2012) (5)
- A topological obstruction in a control problem (2017) (5)
- A Modular Framework for Motion Planning Using Safe-by-Design Motion Primitives (2019) (5)
- On a Topological Obstruction in the Reach Control Problem (2016) (4)
- Model of the oculomotor system based on adaptive internal models (2020) (4)
- Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems with Linear Dynamics (2002) (4)
- Some Results on an Affine Obstruction to Reach Control (2015) (4)
- Pattern preserving pole placement and stabilization for linear systems (2016) (4)
- A Viability Problem for Control Affine Systems with Application to Collision Avoidance (2006) (4)
- Controllability is not sufficient for pole placement in patterned systems (2015) (3)
- Characterizing Equilibria in Reach Control Under Affine Feedback (2016) (3)
- Reconfiguration of identical vehicles in 3D (2003) (3)
- Visuomotor Adaptation is a Disturbance Rejection Problem (2020) (3)
- A method to construct viability kernels for nonlinear control systems (2009) (3)
- A Dynamic Model for Traffic Flow on Automated Highway Systems (1997) (2)
- Reach control problem with disturbance rejection (2014) (2)
- A viability approach to the Output Reach Control Problem (2016) (2)
- Discrete-time Output Regulation and Visuomotor Adaptation (2021) (2)
- Triangulations, Subdivisions, and Covers for Control of Affine Hypersurface Systems on Polytopes (2009) (2)
- Simulation Techniques for Automotive Subsystems (1993) (1)
- Adaptive Internal Models in the Optokinetic System (2021) (1)
- Future Research Directions (2012) (1)
- Getting Mobile Autonomous Robots to Form a Prescribed Geometric Arrangement (2008) (1)
- A graph-theoretic approach to the reach control problem (2017) (1)
- Decidability of Hybrid Systems with Linear and Nonlinear Differential Inclusions (1996) (1)
- Pattern identification in distributed systems (2016) (1)
- Hierarchically Consistent Motion Primitives for Quadrotor Coordination (2019) (1)
- Control of a class of patterned systems (2018) (1)
- A nerve-theoretic result on the problem of a topological obstruction in reach control (2017) (1)
- On the Use of Regulator Theory in Neuroscience with Implications for Robotics (2021) (1)
- Adaptive Internal Models in Neuroscience (2022) (1)
- Qualitative analysis, model checking, and controller synthesis of hybrid systems (2000) (0)
- Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue of the IEEE L-CSS on Learning and Control (2020) (0)
- Conference: Open Problems in Nonsmooth Dynamics (2016) (0)
- Time-varyingAffineFeedback forReachControl onSimplices (2013) (0)
- Adaptive Internal Models: Explaining the Oculomotor System and the Cerebellum (2019) (0)
- Robust parameter adaptation and the μ-modification (2023) (0)
- Gait Control of a Fully Actuated Walking Robot (2020) (0)
- U09: License Plate Recognition (Phase B) (2010) (0)
- Robust parameter adaptation and the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e120" altimg="si2.svg"><mml:mi>μ</mml:mi></mml:math>-modification (2023) (0)
- Chebyshev Parametrization of Identification Algorithms for Linear Systems (1993) (0)
- Necessary andSufficientConditions forReachability on a Simplex ⋆ (2007) (0)
- Effective synthesis of optimal controllers using bisimulations (2002) (0)
- A State Space Model of a Visuomotor Rotation Experiment (2017) (0)
- Patterned Linear Maps (2012) (0)
- Stability of Discrete-Time Switched Systems With Multiple Equilibria Using a Common Quadratic Lyapunov Function (2022) (0)
- Efficient Method for Integration of Stiff, Nearly Linear Systems (1993) (0)
- A theory of tra c ow in automated highway systems (2005) (0)
- Continuous selections oftrajectories ofhybrid systems (2002) (0)
- to Form a Prescr ibed Geometr ic Arrangement (0)
- AHierarchicalCyclicPursuit Scheme forVehicleNetworks 1 (2005) (0)
- Adaptive Cruise Control Design Using Reach Control (2018) (0)
- Stabilizing Patterned Distributed Systems by State and Measurement Feedback (2017) (0)
- Structural stability of Filippov automata (2001) (0)
- On control policies for automated traffic (1997) (0)
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