
Ngosa Simbyakula

Most Influential Person Now

Zambian diplomat

Ngosa Simbyakula's Academic­ Rankings

Ngosa Simbyakula
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
Ngosa Simbyakula
World Rank
Historical Rank
law Degrees
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  • Political Science
  • Law

Why Is Ngosa Simbyakula Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Robert Ngosa Simbyakula is a Zambian diplomat, the current and 17th Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations and a former ambassador to the United States of America in Washington DC, he succeeded Palan Mulonda, who served starting in 2013.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ngosa Simbyakula?

Ngosa Simbyakula is affiliated with the following schools: