Niky Kamran
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Niky Kamran's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of British Columbia
- Masters Mathematics University of British Columbia
- Bachelors Mathematics University of British Columbia
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Why Is Niky Kamran Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Niky Kamran is a Belgian and Canadian mathematician whose research concerns geometric analysis, differential geometry, and mathematical physics. He is a James McGill Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University.
Niky Kamran's Published Works
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Published Works
- An extended class of orthogonal polynomials defined by a Sturm-Liouville problem (2008) (302)
- An extension of Bochner's problem: Exceptional invariant subspaces (2008) (221)
- Dynamics with infinitely many derivatives: The Initial value problem (2007) (192)
- Symmetry reduction for the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation using a loop algebra (1986) (155)
- Lie algebras of vector fields in the real plane (1992) (152)
- Exceptional orthogonal polynomials and the Darboux transformation (2010) (144)
- Normalizability of one-dimensional quasi-exactly solvable Schrödinger operators (1993) (132)
- Decay of Solutions of the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry (2005) (129)
- Two-step Darboux transformations and exceptional Laguerre polynomials (2011) (114)
- Lie algebras of differential operators and Lie-algebraic potentials (1990) (106)
- On orthogonal polynomials spanning a non-standard flag (2011) (88)
- Internal, External, and Generalized Symmetries (1993) (85)
- The long-time dynamics of Dirac particles in the Kerr-Newman black hole geometry (2000) (81)
- The variational bicomplex for hyperbolic second-order scalar partial differential equations in the plane (1997) (79)
- The local equivalence problem for $d^2 y/dx^2=F(x,y,dy/dx)$ and the Painlevé transcendents (1985) (71)
- A Conjecture on Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials (2012) (70)
- Dynamics with infinitely many derivatives: variable coefficient equations (2008) (68)
- Lie algebras of differential operators in two complex variables (1992) (66)
- On Differential Equations Describing Pseudo-Spherical Surfaces (1995) (63)
- Nonexistence of time‐periodic solutions of the Dirac equation in an axisymmetric black hole geometry (1999) (60)
- Classification of second-order ordinary differential equations admitting Lie groups of fibre-preserving point symmetries (1989) (59)
- Exhaustive integration and a single expression for the general solution of the type D vacuum and electrovac field equations with cosmological constant for a nonsingular aligned Maxwell field (1984) (59)
- Decay Rates and Probability Estimates¶for Massive Dirac Particles¶in the Kerr–Newman Black Hole Geometry (2001) (58)
- The inverse problem of the calculus of variations (2002) (57)
- Separation of variables and symmetry operators for the neutrino and Dirac equations in the space‐times admitting a two‐parameter abelian orthogonally transitive isometry group and a pair of shearfree geodesic null congruences (1984) (57)
- REPLY TO COMMENT: Reply to comment on 'The Darboux transformation and algebraic deformations of shape-invariant potentials' (2003) (57)
- Quasi-exactly solvable Lie algebras of differential operators in two complex variables (1991) (53)
- Supersymmetry and algebraic Darboux transformations (2004) (50)
- New quasi-exactly solvable Hamiltonians in two dimensions (1994) (49)
- Invariant modules and the reduction of nonlinear partial differential equations to dynamical systems (1999) (48)
- Symmetry operators for neutrino and Dirac fields on curved spacetime (1984) (46)
- Characteristics and the Geometry of Hyperbolic Equations in the Plane (1993) (42)
- Equivalence of differential operators (1989) (42)
- Selected topics in the geometrical study of differential equations (2002) (38)
- Characteristic cohomology of differential systems (2002) (38)
- Laplace transformation in higher dimensions (1996) (35)
- Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces (2004) (34)
- On form-preserving transformations for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (1998) (34)
- Quasi-exact Solvability (1994) (33)
- An Integral Spectral Representation of the Propagator for the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry (2003) (30)
- Differential equations and conformal geometry (2002) (30)
- Non-factorizable separable systems and higher-order symmetries of the Dirac operator (1990) (28)
- Erratum: Decay of solutions of the wave equation in the kerr geometry (Communications in Mathematical Physics (2006) 264 (465-503 ) doi:10.1007/s00220-006-1525-8) (2008) (27)
- Complex structures on jet spaces and bosonic Fock space dynamics for causal variational principles (2018) (27)
- Parallel‐propagated frame along the geodesics of the metrics admitting a Killing–Yano tensor (1986) (27)
- Equivalence problems for first order Lagrangians on the line (1989) (26)
- A Rigorous Treatment of Energy Extraction from a Rotating Black Hole (2007) (25)
- A singular initial-boundary value problem for nonlinear wave equations and holography in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces (2013) (24)
- The multidimensional Darboux transformation (1996) (24)
- Real Lie algebras of differential operators and quasi-exactly solvable potentials (1996) (24)
- Linear waves in the Kerr geometry: A mathematical voyage to black hole physics (2008) (23)
- Lorentzian Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity (2014) (22)
- Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (2012) (20)
- The Lie Algebraic Structure of Differential Operators Admitting Invariant Spaces of Polynomials (1996) (20)
- A single expression for the general solution of Einstein's vacuum and electrovac field equations with cosmological constant for Petrov type D admitting a non-singular aligned Maxwell field (1983) (17)
- Non-uniqueness results for the anisotropic Calderón problem with data measured on disjoint sets (2015) (17)
- On the Hidden Mechanism Behind Non-uniqueness for the Anisotropic Calderón Problem with Data on Disjoint Sets (2017) (17)
- Separation of variables for the Rarita--Schwinger equation on all type D vacuum backgrounds (1985) (16)
- Separation of variables and quantum numbers for Weyl neutrino fields on curved space-time (1983) (16)
- Equivalence of Higher Order Lagrangians I. Formulation and Reduction (1989) (15)
- A differential geometric characterization of the first Painlevé transcendent (1987) (15)
- Quasi-exact solvability in a general polynomial setting (2006) (15)
- Structure theorems for linear and non-linear differential operators admitting invariant polynomial subspaces (2006) (14)
- Symmetries of second-order ordinary differential equations and Elie Cartan's method of equivalence (1988) (14)
- Quasi-exact solvability beyond the sl(2) algebraization (2006) (14)
- Separation of variables and symmetry operators for the conformally invariant Klein-Gordon equation on curved spacetime (1985) (13)
- Equivalence of higher-order Lagrangians. III. New invariant differential equations (1992) (13)
- Projective connections, double fibrations, and formal neighbourhoods of lines (1992) (13)
- Periodic systems for the higher-dimensional Laplace transformation (1998) (13)
- Inverse scattering at fixed energy on asymptotically hyperbolic Liouville surfaces (2014) (12)
- Lie Algebras of Differential Operators and Partial Integrability (1996) (12)
- Equivalence of higher‐order Lagrangians. II. The Cartan form for particle Lagrangians (1989) (12)
- Conservation laws and the variational bicomplex for second-order scalar hyperbolic equations in the plane (1995) (11)
- Determining an asymptotically AdS Einstein spacetime from data on its conformal boundary (2015) (11)
- The anisotropic Calderón problem for singular metrics of warped product type: the borderline between uniqueness and invisibility (2018) (10)
- Spinors on Singular Spaces and the Topology of Causal Fermion Systems (2014) (10)
- Editorial note to: Brandon Carter, Black hole equilibrium states Part I. Analytic and geometric properties of the Kerr solutions (2009) (10)
- Causality and the conformal boundary of AdS space in real time holography (2012) (9)
- The linear dynamics of wave functions in causal fermion systems (2021) (8)
- The eikonal equation, envelopes and contact transformations (2003) (8)
- A survey of non-uniqueness results for the anisotropic Calder{\'o}n problem with disjoint data (2018) (8)
- Third-order differential equations and local isometric immersions of pseudospherical surfaces (2015) (7)
- Local energy decay of massive Dirac fields in the 5D Myers–Perry metric (2012) (7)
- Fermionic Fock Spaces and Quantum States for Causal Fermion Systems (2021) (7)
- The classification of complete sets of operators commuting with the Dirac operator in Minkowski space-time (1988) (6)
- Decay of Solutions of the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry (2008) (6)
- Local Isometric Immersions of Pseudo-Spherical Surfaces and Evolution Equations (2015) (6)
- Stability in the Inverse Steklov Problem on Warped Product Riemannian Manifolds (2018) (6)
- Lie algebras, cohomology, and new applications to quantum mechanics : AMS Special Session on Lie Algebras, Cohomology, and New Applications to Quantum Mechanics, March 20-21, 1992, Southwest Missouri State University (1994) (6)
- Second-order equations and local isometric immersions of pseudo-spherical surfaces (2013) (6)
- Normal forms and focal systems for determined systems of two first-order partial differential equations (1995) (5)
- Separability and Symmetry Operators for Painlevé Metrics and their Conformal Deformations (2019) (5)
- On the Equivalence of Matrix Differential Operators to Schrödinger Form (1997) (5)
- An Exact Expression for Photon Polarization in Kerr Geometry (2013) (5)
- Green’s Function for the Hodge Laplacian on Some Classes of Riemannian and Lorentzian Symmetric Spaces (2008) (4)
- On the parametrization problem of Lie pseudogroups of infinite type (2000) (4)
- Quasi-Exactly Solvable Time-Dependent Potentials (1997) (4)
- An infinite-dimensional manifold structure for analytic Lie pseudogroups of infinite type (2004) (4)
- Global causal propagator for the Klein-Gordon equation on a class of supersymmetric AdS backgrounds (2010) (4)
- Local isometric immersions of pseudo-spherical surfaces and kth order evolution equations (2017) (3)
- Separation of variables for the Dirac equation in an extended class of Lorentzian metrics with local rotational symmetry (1991) (3)
- The inverse Darboux transformation and exactly solvable deformations of shape-invariant potentials (2003) (3)
- Hydrodynamic Systems and the Higher-Dimensional Laplace Transformations of Cartan Submanifolds (2001) (3)
- Differential Invariants, Double Fibrations and Painlevé Equations (1992) (3)
- Killing-Yano tensors and their role in separation of variables. (1988) (3)
- Abstract structure for Lie pseudogroups (1997) (2)
- External and generalized symmetries (2002) (2)
- On the scalar spectrum of the Yp,q manifolds (2012) (2)
- Exterior differential systems and normal forms of parabolic systems (1997) (2)
- A Conjecture on Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials (2012) (2)
- Entangled Quantum States of Causal Fermion Systems and Unitary Group Integrals (2022) (1)
- Normalizability of One-dimension al Quasi-exactly Solvable Schrόdinger Operators (1993) (1)
- The anisotropic Calderón problem on 3-dimensional conformally Stäckel manifolds (2021) (1)
- The solution of the cartan equivalence problem for $$\frac{{d^2 y}}{{dx^2 }} = F(x,y,\frac{{dy}}{{dx}})$$under the pseudo-group $$\bar x = \varphi (x),\bar y = \psi (x,y)$$ (1988) (1)
- Empty spaces and perfect fluids with homothetic transformation (1982) (1)
- Differential equations and their geometry (2002) (1)
- Conformal Geometry, Differential Equations and Associated Transformations (2002) (1)
- Internal Symmetries of Differential Equations (1993) (1)
- Gaussian measures on the of space of Riemannian metrics (2015) (0)
- Transformations of surfaces (2002) (0)
- Ramified local isometric embeddings of singular Riemannian metrics (2020) (0)
- Exterior differential systems (2008) (0)
- Spinor Green’s functions via spherical means on products of space forms (2010) (0)
- Exterior Differential Systems and Cartan–Kähler Theory (2005) (0)
- On the Hidden Mechanism Behind Non-uniqueness for the Anisotropic Calderón Problem with Data on Disjoint Sets (2019) (0)
- The Cartan equivalence problem and the Painlevé transcedants (1987) (0)
- Fe b 20 04 Supersymmetry and algebraic deformations (2008) (0)
- On the scalar spectrum of the Yp,q manifolds (2012) (0)
- Fermionic Fock Spaces and Quantum States for Causal Fermion Systems (2021) (0)
- Matrix Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonians and the multi-dimensional Darboux transformation (1999) (0)
- Gaussian measures on the of space of Riemannian metrics (2013) (0)
- Hölder Stability in the Inverse Steklov Problem for Radial Schrödinger operators and Quantified Resonances (2022) (0)
- Separation of Variables and Quantum Numbers for Neutrino Fields on a Curved Spacetime (1983) (0)
- H\"older Stability in the Inverse Steklov Problem for Radial Schr\"odinger operators and Quantified Resonances (2022) (0)
- On the Darboux transformation for the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (1998) (0)
- Se p 19 98 On the Darboux transformation for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (1998) (0)
- Real structures in asymptotically flat ℋ spaces (1983) (0)
- Conservation laws and Darboux integrability (2002) (0)
- Determining an asymptotically AdS Einstein spacetime from data on its conformal boundary (2015) (0)
- The anisotropic Calder{ó}n problem on 3-dimensional conformally St{ä}ckel manifolds (2019) (0)
- A Green’s function for the source-free Maxwell equations on AdS × S × S (2022) (0)
- Boundary rigidity, and non-rigidity, of projective structures (2023) (0)
- Impressions of Shing-Tung Yau and his mathematical world (2019) (0)
- Focal Systems for Pfaffian Systems with Characteristics (2009) (0)
- Hamiltonian systems of conservation laws (2002) (0)
- Invariant polynomial subspaces (2007) (0)
- Tranformations of submanifolds (2002) (0)
- Algebraic exact solvability of trigonometric-type Hamiltonians associated to root systems (1998) (0)
- The variational bi-complex (2002) (0)
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