Norman Sleep
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Earth Sciences
Norman Sleep's Degrees
- PhD Geophysics Stanford University
- Masters Geophysics Stanford University
- Bachelors Geophysics Stanford University
Why Is Norman Sleep Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Norman H. Sleep is an American geophysicist and professor of geophysics at Stanford University. He has done internationally recognized research on plate tectonics and many other areas of geology and planetology.
Norman Sleep's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Hotspots and Mantle Plumes' Some Phenomenology (1990) (1062)
- The habitat and nature of early life (2001) (763)
- Cenozoic magmatism throughout east Africa resulting from impact of a single plume (1998) (732)
- Thermal Effects of the Formation of Atlantic Continental Margins by Continental Break up (1971) (482)
- Carbon dioxide cycling and implications for climate on ancient Earth (2001) (469)
- H2-rich fluids from serpentinization: geochemical and biotic implications. (2004) (449)
- Annihilation of ecosystems by large asteroid impacts on the early Earth (1989) (435)
- Creep, compaction and the weak rheology of major faults (1992) (411)
- Formation of oceanic crust: Some thermal constraints (1975) (400)
- Hydrothermal Circulation and Geochemical Flux at Mid-Ocean Ridges (1976) (383)
- Archean Plate Tectonics: Constraints and Inferences (1982) (338)
- Tectonic stress in the plates (1979) (336)
- Emergence of a Habitable Planet (2007) (308)
- Martian plate tectonics (1994) (291)
- Evolution of Marginal Basins (1971) (272)
- Tapping of melt by veins and dikes (1988) (257)
- Some simple physical models for absolute plate motions (1974) (232)
- Sensitivity of heat flow and gravity to the mechanism of sea‐floor spreading (1969) (232)
- Dynamically supported geoid highs over hotspots - Observation and theory (1988) (225)
- No climate paradox under the faint early Sun (2010) (223)
- Habitable zone limits for dry planets. (2011) (222)
- A Mid‐Ocean Ridge Thermal Model: Constraints on the volume of axial hydrothermal heat flux (1985) (210)
- Tapping of magmas from ubiquitous mantle heterogeneities: An alternative to mantle plumes? (1984) (210)
- Lateral flow and ponding of starting plume material (1997) (188)
- Segregation of Magma from a Mostly Crystalline Mush (1974) (183)
- Thermal Contraction and Flexure of Mid-Continent and Atlantic Marginal Basins (1976) (178)
- Thermal and mechanical models of continent‐continent convergence zones (1975) (172)
- Evolution of the mode of convection within terrestrial planets (2000) (170)
- Origin and thermal evolution of Mars. (1990) (166)
- Numerical Modelling of Tectonic Flow behind Island Arcs (1974) (163)
- Isostasy and Flexure of the Lithosphere (2002) (162)
- Initiation of clement surface conditions on the earliest Earth (2001) (162)
- Lateral flow of hot plume material ponded at sublithospheric depths (1996) (159)
- High-Mg, low-Al bulk composition of the Talkeetna island arc, Alaska: Implications for primary magmas and the nature of arc crust (1991) (159)
- Topography and tectonics of the intersections of fracture zone with central rifts. (1970) (156)
- Passive Margin Earthquakes, Stresses and Rheology (1989) (153)
- Serpentinite and the dawn of life (2011) (153)
- Antler orogeny and foreland basin: A model (1982) (149)
- The Hadean-Archaean environment. (2010) (146)
- Earthquakes along the passive margin of eastern Canada (1979) (142)
- Refugia from asteroid impacts on early Mars and the early Earth (1998) (137)
- Ductile creep, compaction, and rate and state dependent friction within major fault zones (1995) (134)
- The Bent Hawaiian-Emperor Hotspot Track: Inheriting the Mantle Wind (2009) (134)
- Thick shell tectonics on one-plate planets - Applications to Mars (1982) (131)
- Topography and tectonics of Mid‐Oceanic Ridge axes (1979) (129)
- Mantle plumes from top to bottom (2006) (128)
- Mantle plume influence on the Neogene uplift and extension of the U.S. western Cordillera (1994) (127)
- Teleseismic p-wave transmission through slabs (1973) (126)
- Application of a unified rate and state friction theory to the mechanics of fault zones with strain localization (1997) (126)
- Gradual entrainment of a chemical layer at the base of the mantle by overlying convection (1988) (124)
- Re–Os isotopic evidence for long-lived heterogeneity and equilibration processes in the Earth's upper mantle (2002) (119)
- Hydrothermal circulation, anhydrite precipitation, and thermal structure at ridge axes (1991) (118)
- Survival of Archean cratonal lithosphere (2003) (116)
- Intraplate stress as an indicator of plate tectonic driving forces (1976) (111)
- Egress of hot water from midocean ridge hydrothermal systems: Some thermal constraints (1978) (105)
- The rise of continents¿An essay on the geologic consequences of photosynthesis (2006) (102)
- Gravity and lithospheric stress on the terrestrial planets with reference to the Tharsis Region of Mars (1985) (96)
- Host rock rheology controls on the emplacement of tabular intrusions: Implications for underplating of extending crust (1992) (96)
- Long lasting epeirogenic uplift from mantle plumes and the origin of the Southern African Plateau (2003) (95)
- Niches of the pre‐photosynthetic biosphere and geologic preservation of Earth's earliest ecology (2007) (93)
- Magmatism and extension: The thermal and mechanical effects of the Yellowstone Hotspot (1992) (91)
- Plate effects in North Pacific subduction zones (1977) (87)
- Relic magma chamber structures preserved within the Mesozoic North Atlantic crust (1988) (86)
- Membrane stresses near mid-ocean ridge-transform intersections (1978) (85)
- The double seismic zone in downgoing slabs and the viscosity of the mesosphere (1979) (83)
- Monteregian hotspot track: A long-lived mantle plume (1990) (82)
- Mass balance calculations for two sections of island arc crust and implications for the formation of continents (1990) (81)
- Reinterpretation of seismic reflection data over the East Pacific Rise (1982) (79)
- Platform Subsidence Mechanisms and “Eustatic” Sea-Level Changes (1976) (78)
- Thermal History and Degassing of the Earth: Some Simple Calculations (1979) (77)
- Are high 3He/4He ratios in oceanic basalts an indicator of deep-mantle plume components? (2003) (76)
- Impacts and the Early Evolution of Life (2006) (76)
- Deflection of mantle plume material by cratonic keels (2002) (75)
- Implications of magma convection for the size and temperature of magma chambers at fast spreading ridges (1988) (72)
- Ductile creep and compaction: A mechanism for transiently increasing fluid pressure in mostly sealed fault zones (1994) (72)
- Lithospheric thinning by midplate mantle plumes and the thermal history of hot plume material ponded at sublithospheric depths (1994) (69)
- Explosive eruption of coal and basalt and the end-Permian mass extinction (2011) (69)
- Thermal contraction and flexure of intracratonal basins: a three-dimensional study of the Michigan basin (1984) (69)
- Archean plate tectonics: what can be learned from continental geology? (1992) (66)
- An isostatic model for the Tharsis ProvinceMars (1979) (65)
- Evolutionary ecology during the rise of dioxygen in the Earth's atmosphere (2008) (64)
- Physics of friction and strain rate localization in synthetic fault gouge (2000) (63)
- Structure of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge from seismic reflection records (1987) (62)
- Thermal Subsidence and Generation of Hydrocarbons in Michigan Basin (1985) (61)
- Seismic Reflections from a Lau Basin Magma Chamber (1985) (61)
- Ridge‐crossing mantle plumes and gaps in tracks (2002) (56)
- Onset of mantle plumes in the presence of preexisting convection (1988) (56)
- Mechanical models for absolute plate motions in the Early Tertiary (1977) (55)
- A deep borehole in the Michigan Basin (1978) (54)
- Principles of geophysics (1997) (53)
- Geological and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Life. (2018) (53)
- Local lithospheric relief associated with fracture zones and ponded plume material (2002) (52)
- Stagnant lid convection and carbonate metasomatism of the deep continental lithosphere (2009) (52)
- Evolution of the Downgoing Lithosphere and the Mechanisms of Deep Focus Earthquakes (2009) (51)
- Lithospheric heating by mantle plumes (1987) (51)
- Weathering of quartz as an Archean climatic indicator (2006) (51)
- Thermal structure and kinematics of mid-oceanic ridge axis, some implications to basaltic volcanism (1978) (50)
- The Tethered Moon (2015) (48)
- Subduction zone Calibration and teleseismic relocation of thrust zone events in the central Aleutian Islands (1981) (48)
- Crustal processes of the mid-ocean ridge. (1981) (48)
- Permanent uplift in magmatic systems with application to the Tharsis Region of Mars (1990) (47)
- Geodynamic implications of xenolith geotherms (2003) (45)
- 9.06 – Plate Tectonics through Time (2007) (42)
- On the Forces Driving Plate Tectonics: Inferences from Absolute Plate Velocities and Intraplate Stress (2007) (42)
- Osmium isotopic compositions of Os‐rich platinum group element alloys from the Klamath and Siskiyou Mountains (2004) (41)
- Terrestrial aftermath of the Moon-forming impact (2014) (41)
- Channeling at the base of the lithosphere during the lateral flow of plume material beneath flow line hot spots (2008) (40)
- Paleontology of Earth's Mantle (2012) (39)
- Anoxic oxidation of chromium (2016) (38)
- The nature of oceanic lower crust and shallow mantle emplaced at low spreading rates (1997) (37)
- KamLAND: A Liquid scintillator anti-neutrino detector at the Kamioka site (1998) (36)
- More about the moment of inertia of Mars (1989) (36)
- Did earthquakes keep the early crust habitable? (2007) (36)
- Time dependence of mantle plumes: Some simple theory (1992) (34)
- Plate-tectonic evolution of the Earth: bottom-up and top-down mantle circulation (2016) (33)
- The Michigan Basin (2013) (33)
- Edge‐modulated stagnant‐lid convection and volcanic passive margins (2007) (33)
- Carbon dioxide cycling through the mantle and implications for the climate of ancient Earth (2002) (32)
- Frictional heating and the stability of rate and state dependent frictional sliding (1995) (32)
- Real contacts and evolution laws for rate and state friction (2006) (31)
- Dioxygen over geological time. (2005) (31)
- A Thermal Constraint on the Duration of Folding with Reference to Acadian Geology, New England (USA) (1979) (30)
- Fast instantaneous oceanic plate velocities recorded by the Cretaceous Laytonville limestone: Paleomagnetic analysis and kinematic implications (1990) (29)
- The Eons of Chaos and Hades (2009) (26)
- Hydrothermal Convection at Ridge Axes (1983) (24)
- Physical basis of evolution laws for rate and state friction (2005) (24)
- Rate‐ and state‐dependent friction of intact rock and gouge (1999) (24)
- Stress and Flow beneath Island Arcs (2007) (24)
- Fate of mantle plume material trapped within a lithospheric catchment with reference to Brazil (2003) (23)
- Thermal Evolution of the Earth: Some Recent Developments (1981) (23)
- Geophysical Constraints on the Volume of Hydrothermal Flow at Ridge Axes (1983) (22)
- Models for noble gases in mantle geochemistry: Some observations and alternatives (2005) (21)
- Production of brief extreme ground acceleration pulses by nonlinear mechanisms in the shallow subsurface (2008) (21)
- Simple features of mantle-wide convection and the interpretation of lower-mantle tomograms (2003) (20)
- Small-scale convection beneath oceans and continents (2011) (20)
- Physics of crustal fracturing and chert dike formation triggered by asteroid impact, ∼3.26 Ga, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa (2014) (20)
- Nonlinear attenuation and rock damage during strong seismic ground motions (2008) (19)
- Effect of latent heat of freezing on crustal generation at low spreading rates (2014) (18)
- Comment on ``the use of the minimum-dissipation principle in tectonophysics'' by P. Bird and D.A. Yuen (1979) (18)
- Origins of the plume hypothesis and some of its implications (2007) (18)
- Thermal haloes around plume tails (2004) (17)
- Asteroid bombardment and the core of Theia as possible sources for the Earth's late veneer component (2016) (17)
- Stagnant lid convection and the thermal subsidence of sedimentary basins with reference to Michigan (2009) (17)
- Biogeochemistry: Oxygenating the atmosphere (2001) (16)
- Grain size and chemical controls on the ductile properties of mostly frictional faults at low-temperature hydrothermal conditions (1994) (15)
- Seismically damaged regolith as self‐organized fragile geological feature (2011) (15)
- Nonlinear attenuation of S‐waves and Love waves within ambient rock (2014) (15)
- Deep‐seated downslope slip during strong seismic shaking (2011) (14)
- Maintenance of permeable habitable subsurface environments by earthquakes and tidal stresses (2012) (14)
- An analytic model for a mantle plume fed by a boundary layer (1987) (14)
- Self-Organization of Crustal Faulting and Tectonics (2002) (13)
- Depth of Rock Damage from Strong Seismic Ground Motions near the 2004 Parkfield Mainshock (2009) (13)
- Nonlinear Behavior of Strong Surface Waves Trapped in Sedimentary Basins (2010) (12)
- Rosing, Bird, Sleep & Bjerrum reply (2011) (12)
- Strong seismic shaking of randomly prestressed brittle rocks, rock damage, and nonlinear attenuation (2010) (11)
- Scaling relationships for chemical lid convection with applications to cratonal lithosphere (2008) (11)
- Microscopic elasticity and rate and state friction evolution laws (2012) (11)
- Implications of absolute plate motions and intraplate stress for mantle rheology (1977) (11)
- Frictional dilatancy (2006) (10)
- Evolution of the Earth: Plate Tectonics Through Time (2015) (10)
- Application of rate and state friction formalism and flash melting to thin permanent slip zones of major faults (2010) (10)
- A kinematic thermal history of the Earth's mantle (1982) (9)
- A re-examination of the seismicity of Michigan (1991) (9)
- Rake dependent rate and state friction (1998) (9)
- Thermal Weakening of Asperity Tips on Fault Planes at High Sliding Velocities (2019) (9)
- Remote Faulting Triggered by Strong Seismic Waves from the Cretaceous–Paleogene Asteroid Impact (2018) (9)
- Deep structure and geophysical processes beneath island arcs (1973) (9)
- A constraint on the earth's lateral heterogeneity from the scattering of spheroidal mode Q−1 measurements (1981) (8)
- A wayward plume? (1995) (8)
- Ambient tectonic stress as fragile geological feature (2014) (8)
- Palaeoclimatology: Archaean palaeosols and Archaean air (2004) (7)
- Discussion: mantle plumes: Mantle plumes? (2003) (7)
- Nonlinear attenuation from the interaction between different types of seismic waves and interaction of seismic waves with shallow ambient tectonic stress (2015) (7)
- Seismically observable features of mature stagnant‐lid convection at the base of the lithosphere: Some scaling relationships (2011) (7)
- Site Resonance from Strong Ground Motions at Lucerne, California, during the 1992 Landers Mainshock (2012) (6)
- Constraint on the recurrence of great outer-rise earthquakes from seafloor bathymetry (2012) (6)
- Comment and Reply on Northeastern Basin and Range province active tectonics: An alternative view (1990) (6)
- Strategy for Applying Neutrino Geophysics to the Earth Sciences Including Planetary Habitability (2007) (6)
- The physical setting for early life (2003) (5)
- Sudden and gradual compaction of shallow brittle porous rocks (2010) (5)
- Weak thermal convection within tilted plume conduits (2007) (5)
- Nonlinear Suppression of High‐Frequency S Waves by Strong Rayleigh Waves (2016) (5)
- Nonlinear Attenuation of S Waves by Frictional Failure at Shallow Depths (2017) (5)
- Telescope to Observe Planetary Systems (TOPS): a high throughput 1.2-m visible telescope with a small inner working angle (2006) (5)
- Geophysics: Contraction and stretching in basin formation (1984) (4)
- Planetary Interior-Atmosphere Interaction and Habitability (2018) (4)
- Cutting anthropic knots and the rise of O2. (2005) (4)
- Reply to a Comment by D. R. Lowe on “Weathering of quartz as an Archean climatic indicator” by N. H. Sleep and A. M. Hessler (2007) (4)
- Application of rate-and-state friction laws to creep compaction of unconsolidated sand under hydrostatic loading conditions (2007) (4)
- Evaluation of Seismic Hazard Models with Fragile Geologic Features (2020) (4)
- Earth science: The puzzle of the South Pacific (1997) (4)
- Cratonic basins with reference to the Michigan basin (2018) (4)
- Effects of the extrusion of fault gouge on frictional sliding (1999) (4)
- Long‐term deformation driven by small ambient tectonic stresses and strong oscillating tidal within Enceladus with analogy to rock behavior near the San Andreas Fault (2015) (4)
- Anthropic knots and the rise of life. (2009) (3)
- Plate tectonics and the evolution of climate (1995) (3)
- Mineralogical constraints on Precambrian p CO 2 ARISING (2011) (3)
- Carbon Dioxide Cycling and the Climate of Ancient Earth (2001) (2)
- The Virtual Planetary Laboratory: Towards Characterizing Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets (2001) (2)
- Hydrothermal Resources At Mid-Oceanic Ridge Axes (1983) (2)
- Shallow Sedimentary Rock as a Fragile Geological Feature: Effects of Clay Content and Hydrology on Frictional Strength (2016) (2)
- Physical conditions on early earth: Implications for the origin of life (1986) (2)
- Impact Production of NO and Reduced Species (1988) (2)
- Telescope to Observe Planetary Systems (TOPS): A High Efficiency Coronagraphic 1.2-m Visible Telescope (2006) (2)
- Who needs astronauts (1997) (2)
- Heat flow, strong near‐fault seismic waves, and near‐fault tectonics on the central San Andreas Fault (2016) (2)
- The Search for Habitable Environments and Life in the Universe (2009) (2)
- Earth science: Kinks and circuits (2004) (2)
- Shallow S‐Wave Well Logs as an Indicator of Past Strong Shaking from Earthquakes on the Newport–Inglewood Fault (2015) (2)
- Polytype Distribution in (2002) (2)
- Geoscience and the Search for Life Beyond the Solar System (2018) (2)
- Top-down convection (1993) (2)
- Hydrothermal reaction at mid-ocean ridges: some implications and constraints (Abstract) (1975) (2)
- Reply to: ‘Comments on “Thermal Effects of the Formation of Atlantic Continental Margins by Continental Break up”’ (by N. Sleep) as made by J. P. Foucher and X. Le Pichon (1972) (1)
- Nonlinear Rheology at Shallow Depths with Reference to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes (2019) (1)
- Correction to “Ridge‐crossing mantle plumes and gaps in tracks” by Norm Sleep (2003) (1)
- Carbon Dioxide Cycling and a Methane Greenhouse on Ancient Earth (2003) (1)
- Self‐organization of elastic moduli in the rock above blind faults (2013) (1)
- Os Isotopes, Deep-rooted Mantle Plumes and the Timing of Inner Core Formation (2002) (1)
- Point-Counterpoint: Did Mars have plate tectonics? (1995) (1)
- Thermal Contractions Beneath Atlantic Margins (2013) (1)
- Thermal Contraction and Petroleum Maturation in Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT (1980) (1)
- Life: asteroid target, witness from the early Earth, and ubiquitous effect on global geology. (2012) (1)
- Effect of Latent Heat of Freezing on Crustal Generation at Ultraslow Spreading Rates (2013) (1)
- Upwelling beneath ocean ridges (1993) (1)
- Where do we go from here? Astrobiology editorial board opinions. (2014) (1)
- Friction in Cold Ice Within Outer Solar System Satellites With Reference to Thermal Weakening at High Sliding Velocities (2019) (1)
- Annihilation of Life by Very Large Impacts on Earth (1990) (1)
- Nonlinear Interaction of High‐Frequency Seismic Waves With Sliding Fault Planes (2019) (1)
- Integrating Laboratory Compaction Data With Numerical Fault Models: a Bayesian Framework (2004) (1)
- Antler orogeny and foreland basin: A model: Discussion and reply (1983) (1)
- The Virtual Planetary Laboratory: Towards Characterization of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets (2004) (1)
- The Events of February 4, 1883, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois (1981) (1)
- Comparisons of the Hawaiian and Louisville volcanic chains: Implications for frames of reference and processes causing hotspot motion (Invited) (2010) (0)
- Thermal structure of ultraslow and transitional ridge axe (2008) (0)
- Venus and the Archean Earth: Thermal considerations (1989) (0)
- Europa's Asymmetric Shell: Stress And Rotation (2006) (0)
- Biological Modulation of Deep Earth Process (2011) (0)
- TOPS: a small space telescope using phase induced-amplitude apodization (PIAA) to image rocky and giant exo-planets (2007) (0)
- Blunt Words (1970) (0)
- Brittle Ice Tectonics within Enceladus: Analogous Behavior within Shallow Terrestrial Rocks (2014) (0)
- Sleep receives Walter H. Bucher medal (1999) (0)
- Core of Theia as source of much of the Earth's late veneer and implications of a relatively benign Late Heavy Bombardment (2015) (0)
- Mild Displacements of Boulders during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes (2020) (0)
- Dynamics of flowline Hotspots (2007) (0)
- Shallow near-fault material self organizes so it is just nonlinear in typical strong shaking (2011) (0)
- Heat flow and helium and argon degassing in whole mantle convection (2003) (0)
- Solid Earth The Eons of Chaos and Hades (2010) (0)
- News & Views Cutting Anthropic Knots and the Rise of O 2 (2005) (0)
- 100 and 50 years ago (2004) (0)
- Reevaluating Links Between Meteorite Impacts and Early Cenozoic Global Warming (2022) (0)
- Waking the Giant • Bill McGuire (2013) (0)
- Nonlinear Attenuation Caused by the Wave Interaction in the Near Surface (2017) (0)
- The Standard Model for Noble Gases in Mantle Geochemistry: Some Observations and Alternatives (2004) (0)
- A reprieve for ocean crust (1990) (0)
- Plate tectonics [book review] (1975) (0)
- An expanding Earth on the basis of sea-floor spreading and subduction rates: Comments and reply (1978) (0)
- Mars as a time machine to Precambrian Earth (2022) (0)
- Avoided object: The negatives of sound (1997) (0)
- Subsidence of atlantic contiental margins (1987) (0)
- Are We Alone? An Interview with Dr. Norman Sleep. (2020) (0)
- Dune: How Much Sunlight is Too Much? (2006) (0)
- Seismic Tomography and Mantie Circulation. R. K. O'Nions and B. Parsons, Eds. Royal Society, London, 1989. viii, 152 pp., illus. {pound}37.50. Reprinted from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, vol. 328 (1989). From a meeting, London, U.K., April 1988. (1990) (0)
- Biological modulation of tectonics (2008) (0)
- Two-way feedback between biology and deep Earth processes (2012) (0)
- Nonlinear Suppression of High‐Frequency S Waves by the Near‐Field Velocity Pulse With Reference to the 2002 Denali Earthquake (2020) (0)
- Regarding an Oceanic Crust/Upper Mantle Geochemical Signature at the KT Boundary: If not from Chicxulub Crater, then Where Did it Come from? (2017) (0)
- Small-scale convection and the seismic structure of the base of the lithosphere (Invited) (2010) (0)
- Out, out, brief candle? (2003) (0)
- Egress of hydrothermal fluid at mid-oceanic ridges (1977) (0)
- Letter to the editor (1970) (0)
- Flexurally-resisted uplift of the Tharsis Province, Mars (1987) (0)
- What can be learned about geodynamics from craton mantle xenoliths (2002) (0)
- Habitability of Terrestrial Planets in the Early Solar System (2001) (0)
- Tectonics and the photosynthetic habitable zone (Invited) (2009) (0)
- Microphysics of Self-Organization (2001) (0)
- Nonlinear interaction of strong S-waves with the rupture front in the shallow subsurface (2017) (0)
- Planetary Perspective on Life on Early Mars and the Early Earth (1996) (0)
- Feedback between mantle and biological cycles over the Earth's history (2005) (0)
- Free Oxygen: Interaction of Biology and Tectonics (2010) (0)
- Life and Death on Mars and Earth (1999) (0)
- Tharsis and the Early Evolution of Mars (1989) (0)
- Late Iron Loss from the Martian Lithosphere: Not a Likely Cause of Vertical Tectonics (1989) (0)
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