Paolo Samorì
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Italian chemist
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Paolo Samorìchemistry Degrees
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Organic Chemistry
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Paolo Samorì's Degrees
- PhD Chemistry University of Bologna
- Masters Chemistry University of Bologna
- Bachelors Chemistry University of Bologna
Why Is Paolo Samorì Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Paolo Samorì is an Italian physical chemist and Distinguished Professor and director of the Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires of the Université de Strasbourg & CNRS where he is also head of the Nanochemistry Laboratory.
Paolo Samorì's Published Works
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Published Works
- Graphene via sonication assisted liquid-phase exfoliation. (2014) (838)
- Conductivity in organic semiconductors hybridized with the vacuum field. (2014) (402)
- Electronic Characterization of Organic Thin Films by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (2006) (366)
- Cyclodextrin-threaded conjugated polyrotaxanes as insulated molecular wires with reduced interstrand interactions (2002) (348)
- 2D Materials Beyond Graphene for High‐Performance Energy Storage Applications (2016) (324)
- Adsorption of Aromatic and Anti-Aromatic Systems on Graphene through π−π Stacking (2010) (307)
- Chemical sensing with 2D materials. (2018) (283)
- Light-powered electrical switch based on cargo-lifting azobenzene monolayers. (2008) (270)
- Organic Radical-Assisted Electrochemical Exfoliation for the Scalable Production of High-Quality Graphene. (2015) (255)
- High-contrast visualization of graphene oxide on dye-sensitized glass, quartz, and silicon by fluorescence quenching. (2009) (253)
- Towards Supramolecular Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials: Pre‐Programming Multi‐Component 2D Self‐Assembly at Solid‐Liquid Interfaces (2010) (246)
- Production and processing of graphene and related materials (2020) (244)
- Charge transport and mobility engineering in two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenide semiconductors. (2016) (242)
- Cooperative light-induced molecular movements of highly ordered azobenzene self-assembled monolayers (2007) (240)
- Azobenzenes as light-controlled molecular electronic switches in nanoscale metal-molecule-metal junctions. (2008) (237)
- Flexible non-volatile optical memory thin-film transistor device with over 256 distinct levels based on an organic bicomponent blend. (2016) (233)
- 25th Anniversary Article: Organic Electronics Marries Photochromism: Generation of Multifunctional Interfaces, Materials, and Devices (2014) (217)
- Coherent Coupling of WS2 Monolayers with Metallic Photonic Nanostructures at Room Temperature. (2016) (215)
- Degradation of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Structures through Light and Electron Beam Driven Ion Migration (2016) (206)
- Dispersibility-Dependent Biodegradation of Graphene Oxide by Myeloperoxidase. (2015) (202)
- Optically switchable transistor via energy-level phototuning in a bicomponent organic semiconductor. (2012) (199)
- Coupling carbon nanomaterials with photochromic molecules for the generation of optically responsive materials (2016) (189)
- Predicting self-assembly: from empirism to determinism. (2012) (170)
- Nonvolatile Memories Based on Graphene and Related 2D Materials (2019) (167)
- When 2D Materials Meet Molecules: Opportunities and Challenges of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic van der Waals Heterostructures (2018) (164)
- Molecular self-assembly across multiple length scales. (2007) (160)
- Tuning the Work‐Function Via Strong Coupling (2013) (155)
- Blueprinting macromolecular electronics. (2011) (152)
- Nanoscale quantitative measurement of the potential of charged nanostructures by electrostatic and Kelvin probe force microscopy: unraveling electronic processes in complex materials. (2010) (152)
- Processing of giant graphene molecules by soft-landing mass spectrometry (2006) (144)
- Optically switchable transistors by simple incorporation of photochromic systems into small-molecule semiconducting matrices (2015) (142)
- Dynamers at the solid-liquid interface: controlling the reversible assembly/reassembly process between two highly ordered supramolecular guanine motifs. (2010) (142)
- Local current mapping and patterning of reduced graphene oxide. (2010) (140)
- Optical Modulation of the Charge Injection in an Organic Field‐Effect Transistor Based on Photochromic Self‐Assembled‐Monolayer‐Functionalized Electrodes (2011) (136)
- Charge transport in graphene–polythiophene blends as studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and transistor characterization (2011) (133)
- Engineering Chemically Active Defects in Monolayer MoS2 Transistors via Ion‐Beam Irradiation and Their Healing via Vapor Deposition of Alkanethiols (2017) (131)
- Supramolecular Approaches to Graphene: From Self‐Assembly to Molecule‐Assisted Liquid‐Phase Exfoliation (2016) (130)
- Concentration-dependent supramolecular engineering of hydrogen-bonded nanostructures at surfaces: predicting self-assembly in 2D. (2013) (130)
- Scanning probe microscopies beyond imaging (2004) (126)
- Tuning the energetics and tailoring the optical properties of silver clusters confined in zeolites. (2016) (125)
- Tailoring bicomponent supramolecular nanoporous networks: phase segregation, polymorphism, and glasses at the solid-liquid interface. (2009) (124)
- Molecular chemistry approaches for tuning the properties of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. (2018) (123)
- Self‐Assembly of a Conjugated Polymer: From Molecular Rods to a Nanoribbon Architecture with Molecular Dimensions (1999) (123)
- Epitaxial composite layers of electron donors and acceptors from very large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. (2002) (123)
- Molecule–Graphene Hybrid Materials with Tunable Mechanoresponse: Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensors for Health Monitoring (2018) (117)
- Nanoscale insight into the exfoliation mechanism of graphene with organic dyes: effect of charge, dipole and molecular structure. (2013) (117)
- Self‐Assembly of a Donor‐Acceptor Dyad Across Multiple Length Scales: Functional Architectures for Organic Electronics (2009) (115)
- Ultrafast Delamination of Graphite into High-Quality Graphene Using Alternating Currents. (2017) (114)
- Unraveling Unprecedented Charge Carrier Mobility through Structure Property Relationship of Four Isomers of Didodecyl[1]benzothieno[3,2‐b][1]benzothiophene (2016) (113)
- Electrochemical Functionalization of Graphene at the Nanoscale with Self-Assembling Diazonium Salts. (2016) (109)
- Photovoltaic charge generation visualized at the nanoscale: a proof of principle. (2008) (108)
- Nucleation-Governed Reversible Self-Assembly of an Organic Semiconductor at Surfaces: Long-Range Mass Transport Forming Giant Functional Fibers (2007) (107)
- Dynamic covalent chemistry of bisimines at the solid/liquid interface monitored by scanning tunnelling microscopy. (2014) (104)
- Reversible, Fast, and Wide‐Range Oxygen Sensor Based on Nanostructured Organometal Halide Perovskite (2017) (102)
- Molecular tectonics on surfaces: Bottom-up fabrication of 1D coordination networks that form 1D and 2D arrays on graphite. (2007) (98)
- Supramolecular helices via self-assembly of 8-oxoguanosines. (2003) (96)
- Harnessing the liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene using aliphatic compounds: a supramolecular approach. (2014) (96)
- Engineering of supramolecular H-bonded nanopolygons via self-assembly of programmed molecular modules. (2009) (94)
- Optically switchable organic light-emitting transistors (2019) (92)
- Light-enhanced liquid-phase exfoliation and current photoswitching in graphene–azobenzene composites (2016) (90)
- Tuning the photoresponse in organic field-effect transistors. (2012) (89)
- Self-assembly of electron donor-acceptor dyads into ordered architectures in two and three dimensions: surface patterning and columnar "double cables". (2004) (86)
- Electric‐Field‐Assisted Alignment of Supramolecular Fibers (2006) (85)
- A supramolecular strategy to leverage the liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene in the presence of surfactants: unraveling the role of the length of fatty acids. (2015) (82)
- Large Work Function Shift of Gold Induced by a Novel Perfluorinated Azobenzene‐Based Self‐Assembled Monolayer (2013) (80)
- Guanosine‐based Hydrogen‐bonded Scaffolds: Controlling the Assembly of Oligothiophenes (2008) (80)
- Extended triphenylenes: synthesis, mesomorphic properties and molecularly resolved scanning tunneling microscopy images of hexakis(dialkoxyphenyl)triphenylenes and dodeca(alkoxy)tris(triphenylenylene)s (2000) (79)
- Non‐conventional Processing and Post‐processing Methods for the Nanostructuring of Conjugated Materials for Organic Electronics (2011) (79)
- Facile covalent functionalization of graphene oxide using microwaves: bottom-up development of functional graphitic materials (2010) (78)
- Supramolecular staircase via self-assembly of disklike molecules at the solid-liquid interface. (2001) (76)
- The relationship between nanoscale architecture and function in photovoltaic multichromophoric arrays as visualized by Kelvin probe force microscopy. (2008) (76)
- Enhancing the Liquid-Phase Exfoliation of Graphene in Organic Solvents upon Addition of n-Octylbenzene (2015) (74)
- Self‐Assembly of an Amphiphilic π‐Conjugated Dyad into Fibers: Ultrafast and Ultrasensitive Humidity Sensor (2015) (74)
- Shape-persistant macrocycles with terpyridine units: synthesis, characterization, and structure in the crystal. (2003) (73)
- Graphene nanoribbon blends with P3HT for organic electronics. (2014) (73)
- Dynamic materials through metal-directed and solvent-driven self-assembly of cavitands. (2003) (73)
- Liquid-Phase Exfoliation of Graphite into Single- and Few-Layer Graphene with α-Functionalized Alkanes. (2016) (72)
- Poly-para-phenylene-ethynylene assemblies for a potential molecular nanowire: an SFM study (1998) (71)
- Single Component Self‐Assembled Monolayers of Aromatic Azo‐Biphenyl: Influence of the Packing Tightness on the SAM Structure and Light‐Induced Molecular Movements (2008) (71)
- Self-Assembly and Manipulation of Crown Ether Phthalocyanines at the Gel-Graphite Interface. (2001) (70)
- Atomistic simulations of 2D bicomponent self-assembly: from molecular recognition to self-healing. (2010) (70)
- Charge Transport and Mobility Engineering in Two‐Dimensional Transition Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors (2016) (70)
- Supramolecular Complexes of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes with Poly(ethylene oxide): Multifunctional Luminescent Semiconductors Exhibiting Electronic and Ionic Transport (2005) (69)
- Multicomponent monolayer architectures at the solid-liquid interface: towards controlled space-confined properties and reactivity of functional building blocks. (2007) (69)
- Scanning probe microscopy explorations on conjugated (macro)molecular architectures for molecular electronics (2002) (68)
- Exploring supramolecular interactions and architectures by scanning force microscopies. (2005) (67)
- Photoswitching vertically oriented azobenzene self-assembled monolayers at the solid-liquid interface. (2010) (67)
- High Shape Persistence in Single Polymer Chains Rigidified with Lateral Hydrogen Bonded Networks (2002) (66)
- Synthesis of robust MOFs@COFs porous hybrid materials via aza-Diels-Alder reaction: towards high performance supercapacitor materials. (2020) (66)
- Organic photodetectors based on supramolecular nanostructures (2020) (64)
- Optically switchable organic field-effect transistors based on photoresponsive gold nanoparticles blended with poly(3-hexylthiophene) (2012) (63)
- Scanning probe microscopies beyond imaging : manipulation of molecules and nanostructures (2006) (63)
- Solvent vapour annealing of organic thin films: controlling the self-assembly of functional systems across multiple length scales (2010) (63)
- A Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study of the Photogeneration of Surface Charges in All‐Thiophene Photovoltaic Blends (2007) (63)
- A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowire optoelectronic devices. (2016) (63)
- Graphene oxide-branched polyethylenimine foams for efficient removal of toxic cations from water (2018) (62)
- Graphene–organic composites for electronics: optical and electronic interactions in vacuum, liquids and thin solid films (2014) (61)
- Ordered architectures of a soluble hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene-pyrene dyad: thermotropic bulk properties and nanoscale phase segregation at surfaces. (2003) (60)
- Tip-Sample Interactions in Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: Quantitative Measurement of the Local Surface Potential (2008) (60)
- Electronic Transport Properties of Ensembles of Perylene‐Substituted Poly‐isocyanopeptide Arrays (2008) (59)
- Pre-programmed bicomponent porous networks at the solid-liquid interface: the low concentration regime. (2008) (59)
- Hybrid Copper‐Nanowire–Reduced‐Graphene‐Oxide Coatings: A “Green Solution” Toward Highly Transparent, Highly Conductive, and Flexible Electrodes for (Opto)Electronics (2017) (59)
- STM insight into hydrogen-bonded bicomponent 1D supramolecular polymers with controlled geometries at the liquid-solid interface. (2009) (59)
- Quantitative Measurement of the Local Surface Potential of π‐Conjugated Nanostructures: A Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study (2006) (58)
- Photoinduced work function changes by isomerization of a densely packed azobenzene-based SAM on Au: a joint experimental and theoretical study. (2011) (58)
- "Helter-skelter-like" perylene polyisocyanopeptides. (2009) (57)
- Organic Reactivity in Confined Spaces under Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Control: Tailoring the Nanoscale World (2007) (55)
- Modulating the charge injection in organic field-effect transistors: fluorinated oligophenyl self-assembled monolayers for high work function electrodes (2015) (55)
- Production and Patterning of Liquid Phase–Exfoliated 2D Sheets for Applications in Optoelectronics (2019) (54)
- Light-responsive reversible solvation and precipitation of gold nanoparticles. (2010) (54)
- Periodic potentials in hybrid van der Waals heterostructures formed by supramolecular lattices on graphene (2017) (54)
- Graphene transistors via in situ voltage-induced reduction of graphene-oxide under ambient conditions. (2011) (54)
- Self-assembly of discotic molecules into mesoscopic crystals by solvent-vapour annealing (2008) (53)
- Macromolecular Fractionation of Rod‐Like Polymers at Atomically Flat Solid–Liquid Interfaces (2000) (51)
- Temperature-enhanced solvent vapor annealing of a C3 symmetric hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene: controlling the self-assembly from nano- to macroscale. (2009) (50)
- Self‐Assembly of Perylene Monoimide Substituted Hexa‐peri‐hexabenzocoronenes: Dyads and Triads at Surfaces (2006) (49)
- Modifying the Size of Ultrasound-Induced Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Graphene: From Nanosheets to Nanodots. (2016) (49)
- Collective molecular switching in hybrid superlattices for light-modulated two-dimensional electronics (2018) (47)
- Direct Photolithography on Molecular Crystals for High Performance Organic Optoelectronic Devices. (2018) (47)
- Electronic structure of highly ordered films of self-assembled graphitic nanocolumns (2003) (47)
- Self‐Organization and Nanoscale Electronic Properties of Azatriphenylene‐Based Architectures: A Scanning Probe Microscopy Study (2006) (47)
- Electronic characterization of supramolecular materials at the nanoscale by Conductive Atomic Force and Kelvin Probe Force microscopies (2014) (47)
- Supramolecular assembly/reassembly processes: molecular motors and dynamers operating at surfaces. (2011) (47)
- Graphene Oxide Hybrid with Sulfur-Nitrogen Polymer for High-Performance Pseudocapacitors. (2018) (46)
- Photoinduced structural modifications in multicomponent architectures containing azobenzene moieties as photoswitchable cores (2009) (46)
- Light‐Modulation of the Charge Injection in a Polymer Thin‐Film Transistor by Functionalizing the Electrodes with Bistable Photochromic Self‐Assembled Monolayers (2016) (45)
- Self-assembly of an alkylated guanosine derivative into ordered supramolecular nanoribbons in solution and on solid surfaces. (2007) (45)
- High‐Performance Graphene‐Based Cementitious Composites (2019) (44)
- Optically switchable transistors comprising a hybrid photochromic molecule/n-type organic active layer (2015) (44)
- Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots/TiO2 Nanoparticle Composites for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation (2020) (44)
- Doping of Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides via Physisorption of Aromatic Solvent Molecules. (2019) (44)
- Self-assembly of Natural and Unnatural Nucleobases at Surfaces and Interfaces. (2016) (43)
- The relationship between nanoscale architecture and charge transport in conjugated nanocrystals bridged by multichromophoric Polymers. (2009) (42)
- Pyrazolino[60]fullerene-oligophenylenevinylene dumbbell-shaped arrays: synthesis, electrochemistry, photophysics, and self-assembly on surfaces. (2005) (42)
- Modulating large-area self-assembly at the solid-liquid interface by pH-mediated conformational switching. (2009) (42)
- Chemical Approaches to 2D Materials (2016) (42)
- Self-templating 2D supramolecular networks: a new avenue to reach control over a bilayer formation. (2011) (42)
- Optically Transparent, Ultrathin Pt Films as Versatile Metal Substrates for Molecular Optoelectronics (2006) (41)
- SFM Characterization of Poly(isocyanodipeptide) Single Polymer Chains in Controlled Environments: Effect of Tip Adhesion and Chain Swelling (2005) (40)
- Covalently interconnected transition metal dichalcogenide networks via defect engineering for high-performance electronic devices (2021) (40)
- Molecular‐Scale Tracking of the Self‐Healing of Polycrystalline Monolayers at the Solid–Liquid Interface (2004) (40)
- Synthesis and solid state structures of functionalized phenyleneethynylene trimers in 2D and 3D (2003) (40)
- Exploring nanoscale electrical and electronic properties of organic and polymeric functional materials by atomic force microscopy based approaches. (2007) (40)
- Surface-induced selection during in situ photoswitching at the solid/liquid interface. (2015) (39)
- Elucidating the nanoscale origins of organic electronic function by conductive atomic force microscopy (2014) (39)
- Chemical conversion and locking of the imine linkage: enhancing the functionality of covalent organic frameworks. (2021) (39)
- Photoelectrochemical response of carbon dots (CDs) derived from chitosan and their use in electrochemical imaging (2018) (39)
- Influence of molecular order on the local work function of nanographene architectures: a Kelvin-probe force microscopy study. (2005) (39)
- Atom‐Thick Membranes for Water Purification and Blue Energy Harvesting (2019) (38)
- Reversible interconversion between a supramolecular polymer and a discrete octameric species from a guanosine derivative by dynamic cation binding and release. (2006) (38)
- Molecular Tectonics at the Solid/Liquid Interface: Controlling the Nanoscale Geometry, Directionality, and Packing of 1D Coordination Networks on Graphite Surfaces (2009) (37)
- Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites for Supercapacitors (2017) (37)
- Photoresponse of supramolecular self-assembled networks on graphene–diamond interfaces (2016) (36)
- Macromolecular Scaffolding: The Relationship Between Nanoscale Architecture and Function in Multichromophoric Arrays for Organic Electronics (2010) (35)
- Functional polymers: scanning force microscopy insights. (2006) (35)
- Molecular tectonics based nanopatterning of interfaces with 2D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). (2014) (35)
- Ultrathin pi-conjugated polymer films for simple fabrication of large-area molecular junctions. (2007) (34)
- Nanoribbons from Conjugated Macromolecules on Amorphous Substrates Observed by SFM and TEM (1999) (33)
- Supramolecular Crystal Engineering at the Solid–Liquid Interface from First Principles: Toward Unraveling the Thermodynamics of 2D Self‐Assembly (2009) (33)
- Micron-sized [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester crystals grown by dip coating in solvent vapour atmosphere: interfaces for organic photovoltaics. (2010) (33)
- Charge transport in fibre-based perylene-diimide transistors: effect of the alkyl substitution and processing technique. (2012) (33)
- A Universal Approach toward Light-Responsive Two-Dimensional Electronics: Chemically Tailored Hybrid van der Waals Heterostructures. (2019) (32)
- Self-organized nanofibers from a giant nanographene: effect of solvent and deposition method (2006) (32)
- Multiresponsive Nonvolatile Memories Based on Optically Switchable Ferroelectric Organic Field‐Effect Transistors (2021) (32)
- Guanosine-based hydrogen-bonded 2D scaffolds: metal-free formation of G-quartet and G-ribbon architectures at the solid/liquid interface. (2015) (31)
- Quantitative analysis of scanning tunneling microscopy images of mixed-ligand-functionalized nanoparticles. (2013) (31)
- Nanoscale Electrical Investigation of Layer‐by‐Layer Grown Molecular Wires (2014) (31)
- A multifunctional polymer-graphene thin-film transistor with tunable transport regimes. (2015) (31)
- Self‐Organization of Semiconducting Polysiloxane‐Phthalocyanine on a Graphite Surface (2005) (31)
- Self-assembly of diphenylalanine backbone homologues and their combination with functionalized carbon nanotubes. (2015) (31)
- Imine-Based Architectures at Surfaces and Interfaces: From Self-Assembly to Dynamic Covalent Chemistry in 2D. (2018) (31)
- Chemical sensing with Au and Ag nanoparticles. (2020) (31)
- Tuning the charge injection of P3HT-based organic thin-film transistors through electrode functionalization with oligophenylene SAMs (2010) (30)
- Functionalization of 2D Materials with Photosensitive Molecules: From Light‐Responsive Hybrid Systems to Multifunctional Devices (2019) (30)
- MoS2 nanosheets via electrochemical lithium-ion intercalation under ambient conditions (2018) (30)
- Graphene oxide-mesoporous SiO2 hybrid composite for fast and efficient removal of organic cationic contaminants (2020) (30)
- High-Performance Phototransistors Based on PDIF-CN2 Solution-Processed Single Fiber and Multifiber Assembly. (2016) (29)
- Fabrication of large-scale ultra-smooth metal surfaces by a replica technique (2001) (29)
- Influence of the Morphology on the Electronic Structure of Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Thin Films† (2000) (29)
- Growth of solution cast macromolecular π-conjugated nanoribbons on mica (1998) (29)
- STM and AFM studies on (bio)molecular systems : unravelling the nanoworld (2008) (29)
- Unconventional Nanofabrication for Supramolecular Electronics (2019) (29)
- Nanopatterning of Surfaces with Monometallic and Heterobimetallic 1D Coordination Polymers: A Molecular Tectonics Approach at the Solid/Liquid Interface. (2015) (29)
- Functional supramolecular architectures : for organic electronics and nanotechnology (2011) (29)
- Design, synthesis, chemical stability, packing, cyclic voltammetry, ionisation potential, and charge transport of [1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene derivatives (2016) (28)
- Atomically Precise Prediction of 2D Self-Assembly of Weakly Bonded Nanostructures: STM Insight into Concentration-Dependent Architectures. (2016) (28)
- Selective Formation of Bi‐Component Arrays Through H‐Bonding of Multivalent Molecular Modules (2009) (28)
- A conjugated thiophene-based rotaxane: synthesis, spectroscopy, and modeling. (2010) (28)
- Highly Sensitive Strain Sensors Based on Molecules-Gold Nanoparticles Networks for High-Resolution Human Pulse Analysis. (2021) (28)
- Enhanced mobility in P3HT-based OTFTs upon blending with a phenylene-thiophene-thiophene-phenylene small molecule. (2012) (27)
- Boosting and Balancing Electron and Hole Mobility in Single- and Bi-Layer WSe2 Devices via Tailored Molecular Functionalization. (2019) (27)
- Phase separation and affinity between a fluorinated perylene diimide dye and an alkyl-substituted hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (2010) (27)
- Morphology and Electronic Properties of Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene. (2017) (27)
- Photoswitching Azobenzene Derivatives in Single Molecule Junctions: A Theoretical Insight into the I/V Characteristics (2014) (27)
- Charge Transport Over Multiple Length Scales in Supramolecular Fiber Transistors: Single Fiber Versus Ensemble Performance (2014) (27)
- Multiscale charge injection and transport properties in self-assembled monolayers of biphenyl thiols with varying torsion angles. (2012) (26)
- Self‐Assembled Conjugated Thiophene‐Based Rotaxane Architectures: Structural, Computational, and Spectroscopic Insights into Molecular Aggregation (2011) (26)
- Leveraging the Ambipolar Transport in Polymeric Field‐Effect Transistors via Blending with Liquid‐Phase Exfoliated Graphene (2014) (26)
- Synthesis, characterization, and surface initiated polymerization of carbazole functionalized isocyanides (2010) (26)
- The Influence of Thermal Annealing on the Morphology of Sexithienyl Thin Films (1998) (26)
- Liquid‐Gated Transistors Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Flexible and Wearable Electronics (2019) (25)
- Self‐Suspended Nanomesh Scaffold for Ultrafast Flexible Photodetectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Crystals (2018) (25)
- Ordered nanostructures of a [2]catenane through self-assembly at surfaces--an STM study with sub-molecular resolution. (2001) (25)
- Molecular Approach to Electrochemically Switchable Monolayer MoS2 Transistors (2020) (25)
- Novel Keplerate type polyoxometalate-surfactant-graphene hybrids as advanced electrode materials for supercapacitors (2019) (25)
- Graphene-based nanocomposites for structural and functional applications: using 2-dimensional materials in a 3-dimensional world (2015) (25)
- Thermal insulation with 2D materials: liquid phase exfoliated vermiculite functional nanosheets. (2018) (25)
- Electronic Decoupling in C3-Symmetrical Light-Responsive Tris(Azobenzene) Scaffolds: Self-Assembly and Multiphotochromism. (2018) (25)
- Supramolecular Self-Assembly in a Sub-micrometer Electrodic Cavity: Fabrication of Heat-Reversible π-Gel Memristor. (2017) (25)
- Competitive physisorption among alkyl-substituted pi-conjugated oligomers at the solid-liquid interface: towards prediction of self-assembly at surfaces from a multicomponent solution. (2009) (25)
- A New Class of Rigid Multi(azobenzene) Switches Featuring Electronic Decoupling: Unravelling the Isomerization in Individual Photochromes. (2019) (25)
- Optical Input/Electrical Output Memory Elements based on a Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Polymer. (2016) (24)
- Subnanometer-resolved patterning of bicomponent self-assembled monolayers on Au(111). (2008) (24)
- Self-assembly of alkoxy-substituted bis(hydrazone)-based organic ligands and of a metallosupramolecular grid on graphite. (2009) (24)
- Enhancing the Charge Transport in Solution‐Processed Perylene Di‐imide Transistors via Thermal Annealing of Metastable Disordered Films (2014) (24)
- Local surface potential of π-conjugated nanostructures by Kelvin probe force microscopy: effect of the sampling depth. (2011) (24)
- Modular Graphene-Based 3D Covalent Networks: Functional Architectures for Energy Applications. (2016) (24)
- Water-Dispersed High-Quality Graphene: A Green Solution for Efficient Energy Storage Applications. (2019) (24)
- Graphene: A Disruptive Opportunity for COVID‐19 and Future Pandemics? (2021) (24)
- Perchlorination of Coronene Enhances its Propensity for Self-Assembly on Graphene. (2016) (24)
- Nanopatterning the surface with ordered supramolecular architectures of N(9)-alkylated guanines: STM reveals. (2010) (23)
- Bottom‐Up Fabricated Asymmetric Electrodes for Organic Electronics (2010) (23)
- Integration of self-assembled discotic-based fibres into field-effect transistors: a comparison of preparation approaches (2011) (22)
- Template-Stripped Gold Supported on Ni as a Substrate for SAMs (1999) (22)
- Modulating the self-assembly of rigid "clicked" dendrimers at the solid-liquid interface by tuning non-covalent interactions between side groups. (2011) (21)
- Simultaneous Optical Tuning of Hole and Electron Transport in Ambipolar WSe2 Interfaced with a Bicomponent Photochromic Layer: From High‐Mobility Transistors to Flexible Multilevel Memories (2020) (21)
- Punctured Two-Dimensional Sheets for Harvesting Blue Energy. (2017) (21)
- Controlling the morphology of conductive PEDOT by in situ electropolymerization: from thin films to nanowires with variable electrical properties. (2013) (21)
- Growth of Ordered Hexakis-dodecyl-hexabenzocoronene Layers from Solution: A SFM and ARUPS Study (2001) (20)
- Exploring electronic transport in molecular junctions by conducting atomic force microscopy. (2008) (20)
- Scanning probe microscopy investigation of self-organized perylenetetracarboxdiimide nanostructures at surfaces: structural and electronic properties. (2007) (20)
- Conformationally pre-organized and pH-responsive flat dendrons: synthesis and self-assembly at the liquid-solid interface. (2012) (20)
- Graphene‐Based Cementitious Composites: Toward Next‐Generation Construction Technologies (2021) (20)
- Light-induced reversible modification of the work function of a new perfluorinated biphenyl azobenzene chemisorbed on Au (111). (2014) (19)
- The Relationship between Structural and Electrical Characteristics in Perylenecarboxydiimide‐Based Nanoarchitectures (2015) (19)
- All-thiophene donor–acceptor blends: photophysics, morphology and photoresponse (2005) (19)
- Rigid dimers formed through strong interdigitated H-bonds yield compact 1D supramolecular helical polymers. (2011) (19)
- Tuning the Optical and Electrical Properties of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus via Physisorption of Small Solvent Molecules. (2019) (19)
- Engineering optically switchable transistors with improved performance by controlling interactions of diarylethenes in polymer matrices. (2020) (19)
- Ultrafast and Highly Sensitive Chemically Functionalized Graphene Oxide Based Humidity Sensors: Harnessing the Device Performances via the Supramolecular Approach. (2020) (19)
- Collective Dipole‐Dominated Doping of Monolayer MoS2: Orientation and Magnitude Control via the Supramolecular Approach (2020) (19)
- Exfoliation of Few-Layer Graphene in Volatile Solvents Using Aromatic Perylene Diimide Derivatives as Surfactants. (2017) (18)
- Modulating the Charge Transport in 2D Semiconductors via Energy‐Level Phototuning (2019) (18)
- Harnessing Selectivity and Sensitivity in Electronic Biosensing: A Novel Lab-on-Chip Multigate Organic Transistor (2020) (18)
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- A Graphene Oxide–Thioamide Polymer Hybrid for High‐Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes (2023) (0)
- Supramolecular self-assembly in submicron electrodic cavity : fabrication of heat reversible π-gel memristor (2017) (0)
- Nano for Chemists (2009) (0)
- A Photo-Responsive Organic Electrochemical Transistor (2023) (0)
- Organic Electronics: Charge Transport Over Multiple Length Scales in Supramolecular Fiber Transistors: Single Fiber Versus Ensemble Performance (Adv. Mater. 3/2014) (2014) (0)
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- Molecular Self-Assembly Across Multiple Length Scales (2007) (0)
- Halide Perovskites: Reversible, Fast, and Wide‐Range Oxygen Sensor Based on Nanostructured Organometal Halide Perovskite (Adv. Mater. 38/2017) (2017) (0)
- Modular preparation of novel graphene-based functional architectures using two steps organic reactions : towards high performance energy storage (2018) (0)
- Influence of the side functionalization of quinquethiophene-S,S-dioxides on the morphology of blends with poly(3-hexylthiophene): scanning force microscopy reveals. (2006) (0)
- Modulating the charge transport in two-dimensional semiconductors via energy level phototuning (2019) (0)
- Biomedical applications: general discussion. (2021) (0)
- Flexible Electronics: Transparent And Finally Competitive Electrodes (2017) (0)
- 1 Flexible non-volatile optical memory TFT device with an unprecedented number of distinct levels based on an organic bi-component blend (2016) (0)
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- Supporting Information Predicting Self-Assembly : From Empirism to Determinism (2012) (0)
- Covalently Functionalized MXenes for Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensors. (2023) (0)
- Freeing electrons from extrinsic and intrinsic disorder yields band-like transport in n-type organic semiconductors (2019) (0)
- Strain Sensors: Highly Sensitive Strain Sensors Based on Molecules–Gold Nanoparticles Networks for High‐Resolution Human Pulse Analysis (Small 8/2021) (2021) (0)
- Publisher Correction: Collective molecular switching in hybrid superlattices for light-modulated two-dimensional electronics (2018) (0)
- Interface Engineering in Organic Devices (2019) (0)
- Optically addressable transistors by mixing small molecule semiconductors and photoswitches (2016) (0)
- Influence of the supramolecular design on the electrical properties of coordination polymers based materials (2015) (0)
- Collective molecular switching in hybrid superlattices for light-modulated two-dimensional electronics (2018) (0)
- Chemiresistors: Harnessing Selectivity and Sensitivity in Ion Sensing via Supramolecular Recognition: A 3D Hybrid Gold Nanoparticle Network Chemiresistor (Adv. Funct. Mater. 10/2021) (2021) (0)
- Hybrid Organic/Photochromic Approaches to Generate Multifunctional Materials, Interfaces, and Devices (2016) (0)
- The Role of Superadsorbent Polymers on Covalent Organic Frameworks‐Based Solid Electrolytes: Investigation of the Ionic Conductivity and Relaxation (2023) (0)
- From the Synthesis to the Device: Elucidating Structural and Electronic Properties of C7-BTBT-C7 (2023) (0)
- Isothermal titration calorimetry study of a bistable supramolecular system: reversible complexation of cryptand[2.2.2] with potassium ions. (2014) (0)
- Molecular Wires: Nanoscale Electrical Investigation of Layer-by-Layer Grown Molecular Wires (Adv. Mater. 11/2014) (2014) (0)
- Organic Optoelectronics: Self-Suspended Nanomesh Scaffold for Ultrafast Flexible Photodetectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Crystals (Adv. Mater. 28/2018) (2018) (0)
- Supramolecular engineering of guanine-based self-assembled architectures at surfaces and interfaces (2015) (0)
- Space confinement of silver clusters in zeolites : Tuning the energetics and tailoring exceptional optical properties (2015) (0)
- A Universal Approach towards Light-Responsive Two-Dimensional Electronics : Chemically Tailored Hybrid van der Waals Heterostructures (2019) (0)
- Boosting the electronic and catalytic properties of 2D semiconductors with supramolecular 2D hydrogen-bonded superlattices (2022) (0)
- Taming Complexity: From Supramolecules to Suprafunctions (2009) (0)
- High Selectivity and Sensitivity in Chemiresistive Sensing of Co(II) Ions with Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Functionalized MoS2 : A Supramolecular Approach. (2023) (0)
- Molarnet Project: Molecular Architectures for QCA-Inspired Boolean Networks (2012) (0)
- Physisorption Competitive Physisorption Among Alkyl-Substituted p-Conjugated Oligomers at the Solid – Liquid Interface : Towards Prediction of Self-Assembly at Surfaces from a Multicomponent Solution * * (2009) (0)
- Predicting Self-Assembly: From Empirism to Determinism (2012) (0)
- An Electrochemical‐Electret Coupled Organic Synapse with Single‐Polarity Driven Reversible Facilitation‐to‐Depression Switching (2022) (0)
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