Paul Churchland
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Canadian philosopher
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Paul Churchland's Degrees
- Bachelors Philosophy University of British Columbia
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Why Is Paul Churchland Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Paul Montgomery Churchland is a Canadian philosopher known for his studies in neurophilosophy and the philosophy of mind. After earning a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh under Wilfrid Sellars , Churchland rose to the rank of full professor at the University of Manitoba before accepting the Valtz Family Endowed Chair in Philosophy at the University of California, San Diego and joint appointments in that institution's Institute for Neural Computation and on its Cognitive Science Faculty.
Paul Churchland's Published Works
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Published Works
- Eliminative materialism and the propositional attitudes (1993) (1651)
- A Neurocomputational Perspective: The Nature of Mind and the Structure of Science (1989) (727)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind (1980) (670)
- Matter and Consciousness (1984) (653)
- Reduction, Qualia, and the Direct Introspection of Brain States (1985) (470)
- A neurocomputational perspective (1989) (347)
- Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (1984) (290)
- Perceptual Plasticity and Theoretical Neutrality: A Reply to Jerry Fodor (1988) (272)
- Could a machine think? (1990) (241)
- Functionalism, Qualia, and Intentionality (1981) (230)
- The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul (1995) (206)
- Stalking the wild epistemic engine (1983) (162)
- Some reductive Strategies in Cognitive Neurobiology (1986) (159)
- Images of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism (1992) (134)
- Neurophilosophy at Work (2007) (117)
- Folk Psychology and the Explanation of Human Behavior (1989) (116)
- The Logical Character of Action-Explanations (1970) (114)
- Folk Psychology and the Explanation of Human Behaviour (1988) (114)
- The Rediscovery of Light (1996) (113)
- Plato's Camera: How the Physical Brain Captures a Landscape of Abstract Universals (2012) (97)
- Cognitive neurobiology: a computational hypothesis for laminar cortex (1986) (95)
- On the Contrary: Critical Essays, 1987-1997 (1998) (89)
- Conceptual similarity across sensory and neural diversity : The Fodor/Lepore challenge answered (1998) (82)
- Toward a Cognitive Neurobiology of the Moral Virtues (1998) (77)
- On the Reality (and Diversity) of Objective Colors: How Color‐Qualia Space Is a Map of Reflectance‐Profile Space* (2007) (68)
- On the nature of theories: a neurocomputational perspective (1990) (68)
- The Ontological Status of Observables: In Praise of the Superempirical Virtues (1985) (67)
- Intertheoretic reduction: A neuroscientist's field guide (1992) (66)
- The Churchlands and their critics (1996) (61)
- Neural worlds and real worlds (2002) (60)
- Chimerical colors: some phenomenological predictions from cognitive neuroscience (2005) (55)
- Functionalism at Forty: A Critical Retrospective (2005) (43)
- Conceptual Progress and Word/World Relations: In Search of the Essence of Natural Kinds (1985) (39)
- Matter and sense (1982) (37)
- Could a Machine Think?: Classical AI Is Unlikely to Yield Conscious Machines; Systems That Mimic the Brain Might (1994) (34)
- Knowing Qualia: A Reply to Jackson (2006) (33)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Toward a Cognitive Neurobiology of the Moral Virtues (2007) (32)
- A deeper unity: some feyerabendian themes in neurocomputational form (1993) (31)
- Content: Semantic and information-theoretic (1983) (30)
- Rules, Know-How, and the Future of Moral Cognition (2000) (28)
- Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics: Toward a cognitive neurobiology of the moral virtues (2010) (28)
- Is Thinker a Natural Kind? (1982) (28)
- Internal states and cognitive theories (1978) (25)
- State-Space Semantics and Meaning Holism (1993) (24)
- Recent work on consciousness: philosophical, theoretical, and empirical. (1997) (23)
- Evaluating Our Self Conception (1993) (22)
- Cognitive activity in artificial neural networks (1990) (20)
- Cleansing Science (2005) (20)
- Plasticity: conceptual and neuronal (1980) (16)
- The ontological status of intentional states: Nailing folk psychology to its perch (1988) (15)
- Activation Vectors versus Propositional Attitudes: How the Brain Represents Reality (1992) (15)
- On the nature of explanation: a PDP approach (1990) (13)
- Outer Space and Inner Space: The New Epistemology (2002) (13)
- In defense of naturalism (1980) (13)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Catching Consciousness in a Recurrent Net (2007) (12)
- Perceptual plasticity and theoretical neutrality (1988) (12)
- Consciousness and the introspection of 'qualitative simples' (2011) (11)
- Replies from the Churchlands (1996) (10)
- Cognition and the Brain: Chimerical Colors: Some Novel Predictions from Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) (9)
- Is Evolutionary Naturalism Epistemologically Self-Defeating (2009) (9)
- Semantic content: In defense of a network approach (1986) (8)
- Representation and high-speed computation in neural networks (1990) (8)
- Two Grades of Evidential Bias (1975) (8)
- What Can Moral Philosophers Learn from the Study of the Brain?The Engine of Reason, the Seat of Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain (1998) (8)
- Learning and Conceptual Change (2019) (7)
- To Transform the Phenomena: Feyerabend, Proliferation, and Recurrent Neural Networks (1997) (7)
- Karl Popper's Philosophy Of Science (1975) (7)
- Into the brain: where philosophy should go from here (2006) (7)
- Densmore and Dennett on Virtual Machines and Consciousness (1999) (7)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Neurosemantics: On the Mapping of Minds and the Portrayal of Worlds (2007) (6)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind: Sentential epistemologies and the natural science of epistemic engines (1979) (6)
- 1. The Continuity of Philosophy and the Sciences (1986) (6)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: On the Reality (and Diversity) of Objective Colors: How Color-Qualia Space Is a Map of Reflectance-Profile Space (2007) (5)
- Subjective Qualia from a Materialist Point of View (1984) (5)
- How parapsychology could become a science (1987) (5)
- McCauley's demand for a co-level competitor (2001) (4)
- Science, Religion, and American Educational Policy (2007) (4)
- Reductionism, Connectionism, and the Plasticity of Human Consciousness (1988) (3)
- Joseph Margolis: Persons and Minds: The Prospects of Nonreductive materialism (1980) (3)
- What Happens to Reliabilism When It Is Liberated from the Propositional Attitudes (2001) (3)
- Recent work on consciousness: philosophical, theoretical, and empirical (1997) (2)
- What are beliefs?: Patricia S. Churchland and Paul M. Churchland (2012) (2)
- Mind , Mathematics and the Ignorabimusstreit (2007) (2)
- Rules: The Basis of Morality… ? (2014) (2)
- Churchland Symposium@@@The Engine of Reason, the Seat of Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain (1998) (2)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: On the Nature of Intelligence: Turing, Church, von Neumann, and the Brain (2007) (2)
- Clark's connectionist defense of folk psychology (1996) (2)
- The virtuosity of the sensory cortex and the perils of common sense (1978) (2)
- Responses to ‘Computationalism‘ (1990) (1)
- A New Approach to Human Cognition and its Significance for the Philosophy of Science (2000) (1)
- On the Speculative Nature of Our Self Conception: A Reply to Some Criticisms (1985) (1)
- Response to Torin Alter (2014) (1)
- Cognition and Conceptual Change: A Reply to Double (1986) (1)
- Discussions: Theory, Taxonomy and Methodology: A reply to Haldane's Understanding Folk (1993) (1)
- Phase-space representation and coordinate transformation: A general paradigm for neural computation (1986) (1)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Functionalism at Forty: A Critical Retrospective (2007) (1)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind: Preface (1979) (1)
- On the Nature of Intelligence (2009) (1)
- Machine stereopsis: a feedforward network for fast stereo vision with movable fusion plane (1995) (1)
- Neural Networks and Commonsense (1996) (1)
- Content and Its Vehicles in Connectionist Systems (2013) (1)
- 1 Catching Consciousness in a Recurrent Net (2001) (1)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind: The plasticity of understanding (1979) (0)
- George Englebretsen: Speaking of Persons (1976) (0)
- Our self-conception and the mind/body problem (1979) (0)
- of 'qualitative simples' (2011) (0)
- Do Seated Souls Experience Slumberous Sensations? of The Engine of Reason, The Seat of the Soul by (1996) (0)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Bibliography (2007) (0)
- Philosophy of Mind Meets Logical Theory: Perry on Neo-Dualism (2004) (0)
- Reviews-On the Contrary: Critical Essays 1987-1997 (2000) (0)
- 5.1 'A REFUTATION OF DUALISM' (2001) (0)
- Philosophy and Cognitive Science (2010) (0)
- Precis of the Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain@@@The Engine of Reason, the Seat of Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain (1998) (0)
- The Gulf Between the Ears (1999) (0)
- Shifting Position?The Engine of Reason, the Seat of Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain (1998) (0)
- 8. Recent work on consciousness (2003) (0)
- Nancy J. Nersessian.Creating Scientific Concepts. xiv + 272 pp., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2008. $32 (cloth). (2009) (0)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind: The plasticity of perception (1979) (0)
- Conceptual and neuronal plasticity in visual processing (1988) (0)
- Mind and Common Sense: Folk Psychology and the Explanation of Human Behavior (1991) (0)
- Thanks to our guest reviewers (1985) (0)
- A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Science and Philosophy (1999) (0)
- Do Seated Souls Experience Slumberous Sensations ? Review of The Engine of Reason , The Seat of the Soul by Paul Churchland (2008) (0)
- Three Books and One Story: Making Connections to Learning@@@Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies@@@The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain@@@Galatea 2.2 (1997) (0)
- DIA volume 21 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- Observation and Objectivity. Harold I. Brown (1989) (0)
- A neuroscientist's field guide In W. Bechtel, P. Mandik, J. Mundale & RS Stufflebeam (2001) (0)
- Churchland on Cognitive Creativity and the Understanding of Science@@@The Engine of Reason, the Seat of Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain (1998) (0)
- Scientific realism and the plasticity of mind: Bibliography (1979) (0)
- Foreword to the Second Edition (2017) (0)
- A Skeptical Note on Bibliometrics (2015) (0)
- Neurophilosophy at Work: Chimerical Colors: Some Phenomenological Predictions from Cognitive Neuroscience (2007) (0)
- Turing, Church, von Neumann, and the Brain (2009) (0)
- Is the World Really What Science Tells Us It Is?: A Summer Debate at Dalhousie (1984) (0)
- Rebuttal to Keith Augustine ' s attack of " Does Consciousness depend on the Brain ? (2007) (0)
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