Peter B. Kronheimer
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British mathematician
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Why Is Peter B. Kronheimer Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Peter Benedict Kronheimer is a British mathematician, known for his work on gauge theory and its applications to 3- and 4-dimensional topology. He is William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and former chair of the mathematics department.
Peter B. Kronheimer's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The construction of ALE spaces as hyper-Kähler quotients (1989) (649)
- The Genus of Embedded Surfaces in the Projective Plane (1994) (521)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds (2008) (399)
- Yang-Mills instantons on ALE gravitational instantons (1990) (314)
- Khovanov homology is an unknot-detector (2010) (271)
- Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, II (1993) (267)
- Monopoles and lens space surgeries (2003) (260)
- A Torelli-type theorem for gravitational instantons (1989) (235)
- Embedded surfaces and the structure of Donaldson's polynomial invariants (1995) (198)
- Monopoles and contact structures (1997) (181)
- Instantons and the geometry of the nilpotent variety (1990) (161)
- Knots, sutures, and excision (2008) (153)
- Gauge theory for embedded surfaces , II (1997) (144)
- Witten's conjecture and Property P (2003) (137)
- A Hyper‐KÄHlerian Structure on Coadjoint Orbits of a Semisimple Complex Group (1990) (135)
- Knot homology groups from instantons (2008) (131)
- Recurrence relations and asymptotics for four-manifold invariants (1994) (90)
- FLOER HOMOLOGY GROUPS IN YANG–MILLS THEORY (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 147) By S. K. D ONALDSON : 236 pp., £50.00 (US$75.00), ISBN 0 521 80803 0 (Cambridge University Press, 2002). (2003) (76)
- Minimal genus in S1×M3 (1999) (74)
- Dehn surgery, the fundamental group and SU(2) (2003) (73)
- Embedded Surfaces and Guage Theory in Three and Four Dimensions (1996) (68)
- Scalar curvature and the Thurston norm (1997) (57)
- A hyperkahler structure on the cotangent bundle of a complex Lie group (2004) (56)
- Instanton Floer homology and the Alexander polynomial (2009) (53)
- Four-manifold invariants from higher-rank bundles (2004) (47)
- Minimal genus in S 1 × M 3 (1997) (46)
- Gauge theory and Rasmussen's invariant (2011) (44)
- Some non-trivial families of symplectic structures (1997) (37)
- Tait colorings, and an instanton homology for webs and foams (2015) (34)
- An obstruction to removing intersection points in immersed surfaces (1997) (27)
- Dehn surgery, the fundamental group and {\itshape SU}(2) (2004) (26)
- Filtrations on instanton homology (2011) (20)
- Instanton invariants and flat connections on the Kummer surface (1991) (20)
- {\boldmath{$\operatorname{PU}(2)$} monopoles and a conjecture of Mariño, Moore, and Peradze (1998) (17)
- A deformation of instanton homology for webs (2017) (17)
- The genus-minimizing property of algebraic curves (1993) (15)
- The structure of Donaldson ’ s invariants for four-manifolds not of simple type (1997) (15)
- Exact triangles for SO(3) instanton homology of webs (2015) (15)
- The Dehn twist on a sum of two $K3$ surfaces (2020) (15)
- The Tripos Problem (1981) (14)
- Instantons and some concordance invariants of knots (2019) (14)
- Bézout’s theorem (2007) (11)
- Instantons and Bar-Natan homology (2019) (6)
- Casson's invariant and quadratic reciprocity (1991) (6)
- Dehn twist on a sum of two K 3 surfaces (2020) (3)
- Mutation and instanton knot homology (2010) (2)
- Kakutani’s theorem for real-valued maps on a compact surface (1982) (1)
- Instantons, Bar-Natan homology, and some concordance invariants of knots. (2019) (1)
- Memories of Sir Michael Atiyah (2019) (1)
- Developments in Symplectic Topology (1998) (1)
- Corrigendum to : Gauge theory and Rasmussen ’ s invariant (2019) (1)
- Level triangles on a surface with boundary (1985) (1)
- The n -Dimensional Simple Tripos Problem (1985) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: References (2007) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: Moduli spaces and transversality (2007) (0)
- Slice Knots and the Concordance Group (2009) (0)
- New Developments in the Theory of Knots; The Geometry and Physics of Knots; The Geometry of Four‐Manifolds (1992) (0)
- MSRI Hot Topic: Floer homology for 3-manifolds. (2003) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: Floer homology (2007) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: Non-exact perturbations (2007) (0)
- ec 2 00 3 Witten ’ s conjecture and Property P (0)
- Relations in singular instanton homology (2022) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: Compactness and gluing (2007) (0)
- The Seiberg–Witten equations and compactness (2007) (0)
- Cobordisms and invariance (2007) (0)
- Hilbert manifolds and perturbations (2007) (0)
- AND CIPRIAN MANOLESCU in the sense (2014) (0)
- Monopoles and Three-Manifolds: Further developments (2007) (0)
- Random Fourier series and Brownian motion (2010) (0)
- 3 0 N ov 2 00 3 Witten ’ s conjecture and Property (2008) (0)
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