Peter L. Hammer
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American mathematician
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Peter L. Hammer's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Peter L. Hammer Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Peter Ladislaw Hammer was an American mathematician native to Romania. He contributed to the fields of operations research and applied discrete mathematics through the study of pseudo-Boolean functions and their connections to graph theory and data mining.
Peter L. Hammer's Published Works
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Published Works
- Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Error-Correcting Codes (2010) (891)
- Pseudo-Boolean optimization (2002) (858)
- Discrete Applied Mathematics (1993) (504)
- Aggregation of inequalities in integer programming. (1975) (458)
- Vectorial Boolean Functions for Cryptography (2010) (443)
- An Implementation of Logical Analysis of Data (2000) (435)
- Boolean Functions - Theory, Algorithms, and Applications (2011) (388)
- Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0–1 optimization (1984) (344)
- Quadratic knapsack problems (1980) (311)
- Difference graphs (1990) (277)
- Logical analysis of numerical data (1997) (274)
- Cause-effect relationships and partially defined Boolean functions (1988) (258)
- Facet of regular 0–1 polytopes (1975) (240)
- Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas (1968) (231)
- The splittance of a graph (1981) (201)
- Consensus algorithms for the generation of all maximal bicliques (2004) (188)
- Completely separable graphs (1990) (161)
- Local search heuristics for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) (2007) (135)
- Boolean Models and Methods in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering (2010) (134)
- Time‐minimizing transportation problems (1969) (124)
- Logical analysis of data—An overview: From combinatorial optimization to medical applications (2006) (123)
- Approximations of pseudo-Boolean functions; applications to game theory (1992) (118)
- Pareto-optimal patterns in logical analysis of data (2004) (105)
- Some remarks on quadratic programming with 0-1 variables (1970) (105)
- Coronary Risk Prediction by Logical Analysis of Data (2003) (92)
- The Maximum Box Problem and its Application to Data Analysis (2002) (91)
- The max-cut problem and quadratic 0–1 optimization; polyhedral aspects, relaxations and bounds (1991) (90)
- Cutting and Surrogate Constraint Analysis for Improved Multidimensional Knapsack Solutions (2002) (89)
- Preprocessing of unconstrained quadratic binary optimization (2006) (89)
- Recognition of q-Horn Formulae in Linear Time (1994) (83)
- Optimal Compression of Propositional Horn Knowledge Bases: Complexity and Approximation (1993) (78)
- Spanned patterns for the logical analysis of data (2006) (77)
- Stability in Circular Arc Graphs (1988) (77)
- Breast cancer prognosis by combinatorial analysis of gene expression data (2006) (76)
- Maximum patterns in datasets (2008) (73)
- Polynomial-time inference of all valid implications for Horn and related formulae (1990) (71)
- Dual subimplicants of positive Boolean functions (1998) (71)
- Boolean Functions (2013) (71)
- Modeling country risk ratings using partial orders (2006) (67)
- Equational characterizations of Boolean function classes (2000) (65)
- Vertices Belonging to All or to No Maximum Stable Sets of a Graph (1982) (64)
- Split Graphs Having Dilworth Number Two (1977) (63)
- Logical Analysis of Data: From Combinatorial Optimization to Medical Applications (2005) (61)
- Cut-Polytopes, Boolean Quadric Polytopes and Nonnegative Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean Functions (1993) (61)
- Polynomial-Time Recognition of 2-Monotonic Positive Boolean Functions Given by an Oracle (1997) (60)
- Laplacian Spectra and Spanning Trees of Threshold Graphs (1996) (60)
- Coefficient reduction for inequalities in 0–1 variables (1974) (58)
- Pseudo-Boolean functions and stability of graphs (1984) (58)
- Quasi-Acyclic Propositional Horn Knowledge Bases: Optimal Compression (1995) (57)
- On clustering problems with connected optima in euclidean spaces (1989) (57)
- Accelerated algorithm for pattern detection in logical analysis of data (2006) (54)
- A logical analysis of banks' financial strength ratings (2012) (54)
- A computational approach to predicting cell growth on polymeric biomaterials. (2005) (54)
- Threshold Numbers and Threshold Completions (1981) (53)
- Use of the Logical Analysis of Data Method for Assessing Long-Term Mortality Risk After Exercise Electrocardiography (2002) (53)
- Bipartite dimensions and bipartite degrees of graphs (1996) (53)
- A max-flow approach to improved lower bounds for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) (2008) (51)
- Horn Functions and Their DNFs (1992) (50)
- A Complexity Index for Satisfiability Problems (1994) (50)
- Comprehensive vs. comprehensible classifiers in logical analysis of data (2008) (48)
- Upper-bounds for quadratic 0-1 maximization (1990) (46)
- Logical analysis of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (2005) (44)
- Logical analysis of data: classification with justification (2011) (40)
- The Dilworth Number of a Graph (1978) (39)
- Linear Separation of Dominating Sets in Graphs (1978) (39)
- Chvátal Cuts and ODD Cycle Inequalities in Quadratic 0 - 1 Optimization (1992) (38)
- The struction of a graph: Application toCN-free graphs (1985) (37)
- Pattern-based feature selection in genomics and proteomics (2006) (35)
- Bisplit graphs (2005) (35)
- From Linear Separability to Unimodality: A Hierarchy of Pseudo-Boolean Functions (1988) (34)
- Submodularity, Supermodularity, and Higher-Order Monotonicities of Pseudo-Boolean Functions (2005) (33)
- Communication on “the bottleneck transportation problem” and “some remarks on the time transportation problem” (1971) (33)
- Node-weighted graphs having the König-Egerváry property (1984) (33)
- Variable and Term Removal From Boolean Formulae (1997) (32)
- Decomposability of Partially Defined Boolean Functions (1995) (31)
- Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) model for the early diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke (2008) (31)
- Predicting Cause-Effect Relationships from Incomplete Discrete Observations (1994) (30)
- Stability in CAN-free graphs (1985) (30)
- A Satisfiability Formulation of Problems on Level Graphs (2001) (29)
- Logical analysis of Chinese labor productivity patterns (1999) (29)
- On the Stability Number of Claw-free P5-free and More General Graphs (1999) (29)
- Reverse-engineering country risk ratings: a combinatorial non-recursive model (2011) (28)
- Saturated systems of homogeneous boxes and the logical analysis of numerical data (2004) (27)
- Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 37-38 (1992) (26)
- Boolean Functions: Special Classes (2011) (25)
- On the Maximization of a Pseudo-Boolean Function (1972) (25)
- Boolean and Graph Theoretic Formulations of the Simple Plant Location Problem (1987) (25)
- Identifying 2-Monotonic Positive Boolean Functions in Polynominal Time (1991) (25)
- Pattern-based clustering and attribute analysis (2006) (25)
- Pseudo-Boolean Programming (1969) (24)
- Quadratic functions of binary variables (1989) (23)
- Convexity and logical analysis of data (2000) (23)
- A note on Hamiltonian split graphs (1980) (23)
- Threshold characterization of graphs with dilworth number two (1985) (23)
- Maximizing the Product of Two Linear Functions In 0-1 Variables (2002) (22)
- On Domination Elimination Orderings and Domination Graphs (Extended Abstract) (1994) (22)
- Split graphs of Dilworth number 2 (1985) (22)
- Horn Functions and Submodular Boolean Functions (1997) (22)
- Constraint Pairing In Integer Programming (1975) (21)
- Applications of pseudo-Boolean methods to economic problems (1971) (21)
- Struction revisited (2003) (20)
- On Connected Boolean Functions (1999) (20)
- Pseudo-Boolean remarks on balanced graphs (1977) (19)
- Logical Analysis of Data (2005) (19)
- Distance-Based Classification Methods (1999) (19)
- Logical Analysis of Computed Tomography Data to Differentiate Entities of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias (2007) (19)
- Improved screening for growth hormone deficiency using logical analysis data. (2009) (19)
- Optimal Cell Flipping to Minimize Channel Density in VLSI Design and Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (1999) (19)
- A Boolean measure of similarity (2006) (18)
- Boolean Normal Forms, Shellability, and Reliability Computations (2000) (17)
- On renamable Horn and generalized Horn functions (1990) (17)
- Order Relations of Variables in 0-1 Programming (1987) (17)
- A new imputation method for incomplete binary data (2011) (17)
- Strong unimodularity for matrices and hypergraphs (1986) (16)
- Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of pseudo-Boolean functions (2000) (16)
- An Algorithm to Dualize a Regular Switching Function (1979) (16)
- Approximation of the Quadratic Set Covering problem (2007) (15)
- Evaluation, Strength, and Relevance of Variables of Boolean Functions (2000) (15)
- Quasimonotone Boolean Functions and Bistellar Graphs (1980) (15)
- Logical Analysis of Data in Structure-Activity Investigation of Polymeric Gene Delivery. (2011) (14)
- On a Transformation which Preserves the Stability Number (1991) (14)
- A Polynomial Algorithm for Balancing Acyclic Data Flow Graphs (1992) (14)
- Pseudo-Boolean Functions and Their Graphs (1984) (13)
- Pattern-Based Discriminants in the Logical Analysis of Data (2007) (13)
- The Satisfiability Problem (1999) (13)
- Linear Decomposition of a Positive Group-Boolean Function (1974) (12)
- Boolean regression (1995) (12)
- Maximally Disjoint Solutions of the Set Covering Problem (2001) (12)
- Boolean techniques for matroidal decomposition of independence systems and applications to graphs (1985) (11)
- New algorithms for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (qubo) with applications in engineering and social sciences (2008) (11)
- More characterizations of triangulated graphs (1990) (11)
- On Universal Threshold Graphs (1994) (11)
- A Heuristic for Boolean Optimization Problems (2003) (11)
- Balancing Problems in Acyclic Networks (1994) (11)
- Boolean-Combinatorial Bounding of Maximum 2-Satisfiability (1992) (10)
- Essential and redundant rules in Horn knowledge bases (1995) (10)
- Predicting secondary structures of proteins (2005) (10)
- A Characterization of a Cone of Pseudo-Boolean Functions via Supermodularity-Type Inequalities (1989) (9)
- On the Role of Generalized Covering Problems. (1972) (9)
- Prediction of protein secondary structure using logical analysis of data algorithm (2001) (9)
- Some properties of 2-threshold graphs (1989) (9)
- Proceedings of the 6th conference on Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics (1995) (9)
- Reverse-Engineering Country Risk Ratings: Combinatorial Non-Recursive Model (2007) (9)
- Some Remarks on Conflict Graphs of Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean Functions (1980) (8)
- Computing low-capacity 0–1 knapsack polytopes (1982) (8)
- A bound on the roof-duality gap (1989) (8)
- Learning Boolean Functions with Queries (2010) (8)
- Reverse-Engineering Banks ’ Financial Strength Ratings Using Logical Analysis of Data 1 (2007) (7)
- Decomposition of Boolean Functions (2010) (7)
- Recognition of Quadratic Graphs and Adjoints of Bidirected Graphs a (1989) (7)
- Neural Networks and Boolean Functions (2010) (7)
- Monotone, Horn and Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean Functions (2000) (6)
- A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for a Family of Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Problems (2007) (6)
- Proceedings of the 2nd Slovenian conference on Algebraic and topological methods in graph theory (1994) (6)
- Disjunctive and conjunctive representations in finite lattices and convexity spaces (2002) (6)
- Using a similarity measure for credible classification (2009) (6)
- Product form parametric representation of the solutions to a quadratic boolean equation (1987) (6)
- Bipartite bithreshold graphs (1993) (6)
- Bimatroidal independence systems (1989) (6)
- Boolean Functions: Notations (2011) (6)
- Cut-threshold graphs (1991) (6)
- Preperfect graphs (1993) (6)
- Boolean Elements in Combinatorial Optimization (1995) (5)
- Equivalent Forms of Zero-One Programs (1972) (5)
- Pseudo-boolean Optimization Pseudo-boolean Optimization (2001) (5)
- Matroids arisen from matrogenic graphs (1997) (5)
- Construction of a Maximum Stable Set with $k$-Extensions (2005) (5)
- Optimization in logical analysis of data (2007) (5)
- Synthesis of Multilevel Boolean Networks (2010) (5)
- Pseudo-Boolean Regression (2007) (5)
- A note on the dynamic planning of investment projects (1970) (4)
- Boolean Functions: Fundamental concepts and applications (2011) (4)
- Weighted stability number of graphs and weighted satisfiability: The two facets of pseudo-Boolean optimization (2007) (4)
- Pseudo-Boolean methods for bivalent programming : lecture at the first European meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences and of the Econometric Institute, Warsaw, September 2-7, 1966 (1966) (4)
- Logical Analysis of Data as a Predictor of Protein Secondary Structures (2004) (4)
- Mathematical programming in theory and practice : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, June 12-23, 1972 (1974) (4)
- Boolean elements in combinatorial optimization : a survey (1975) (4)
- Equational Theories of Boolean Functions (1997) (4)
- Special classes of boolean functions (1997) (4)
- Combinatorial Analysis of Breast Cancer Data from Gene Expression Microarrays (2003) (3)
- Probabilistic Learning and Boolean Functions (2010) (3)
- Compositions and Clones of Boolean Functions (2010) (3)
- Discrete Optimization: The State of the Art (2003) (3)
- The Role of Master Polytopes in the Unit Cube (1977) (3)
- Optimization Methods in Logic (2010) (3)
- Closed Sets and Generators in Ternary Hamming Spaces (1998) (3)
- Graph-based methods for Horn knowledge compression (1994) (3)
- Large Margin LAD Classifiers (2007) (3)
- Proceedings of the 4th Twente workshop on Graphs and combinatorial optimization (1997) (3)
- Matchings of Bipartite Graphs (1968) (2)
- Artificial attributes in analyzing biomedical databases (2008) (2)
- Algebraic and topological closure conditions for classes of pseudo-Boolean functions (2009) (2)
- Combinatorial problems related to origin-destination matrices (2001) (2)
- Packing, Covering and Partitioning Problems with Strongly Unimodular Constraint Matrices (1990) (2)
- Predicting secondary structures of proteins. Recognizing properties of amino acids with the logical analysis of data algorithm. (2005) (2)
- Decision Lists and Related Classes of Boolean Functions (2010) (2)
- Probabilistic Analysis of Satisfiability Algorithms (2010) (1)
- Pseudo-Boolean programming and applications : presented at the Colloquium on Mathematics and Cybernetics in the Economy, Berlin, October 1964 (1965) (1)
- On connected Boolean functions : Boolean Functions (1999) (1)
- Fourier Transforms and Threshold Circuit Complexity (2010) (1)
- A note on the monotonicity of pseudo-Boolean functions (1974) (1)
- Optimal Cell Ipping to Minimize Channel Density in Vlsi Design and Pseudo-boolean Optimization 1 (1998) (1)
- Proceedings of the third international conference on Graphs and optimization (1999) (1)
- Introduction to special volume of Discrete Applied Mathematics (2004) (1)
- Forbidden Subsystem Characterization of Matroids and Applications to Classes of Matroid Generating Graphs Forbidden Subsystem Characterization of Matroids and Applications to Classes of Matroid Generating Graphs (2001) (1)
- Proceedings of the second international colloquium on Graphs and optimization (1997) (1)
- Volume Contents (2004) (0)
- Proceedings of the first Malta conference on Graphs and combinatorics (1994) (0)
- Hardware Equivalence and Property Verification (2010) (0)
- Maximum weight archipelago subgraph problem (2014) (0)
- Volume Index (2004) (0)
- On the Complexity of Generation in Ternary Hamming Spaces 1 (1998) (0)
- Logical analysis of numerical data 1 (0)
- RRR 10 – 2006 , April , 2006 Preprocessing of Unconstrained Quadratic Binary Optimization (2006) (0)
- Disjunctive analogues of submodular and supermodular pseudo-Boolean functions (2004) (0)
- Discrete Applied Mathematics: Preface (2006) (0)
- Discrete Optimization. Ed. North-Holland 2003 (2003) (0)
- Discrete Methods and their Applications (1993) (0)
- Volume Contents (2004) (0)
- Proceedings of the 5th Twente workshop on on Graphs and combinatorial optimization (2000) (0)
- Volume Contents (2004) (0)
- Combinatorics, Geometry and Probability: On Universal Threshold Graphs (1997) (0)
- Letter from Peter L. Hammer, Discrete Mathematics to Joshua Lederberg (1972) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Bibliography (2011) (0)
- Extensions of Pseudo-Boolean Programming (1968) (0)
- Rutcor Research Report RRR 9 , 2006 Maximum Patterns in Datasets (2006) (0)
- 2009-02 February 2009 Logical Analysis of Data : Classification with Justification 1 by (2009) (0)
- Proceedings of the workshop on Discrete algorithms (1995) (0)
- Proceedings of the first International conference on Linear spaces (1994) (0)
- Discrete Mathematics Volume 197-198 (1997) (0)
- Preface (2006) (0)
- Selected papers from the second Krakow conference on Graph theory (1997) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Regular functions (2011) (0)
- Selected papers of the 14th British conference on Combinatorial conference (1995) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Threshold functions (2011) (0)
- Proceedings of an international symposium on Graphs and combinatorics (1997) (0)
- Volume Contents (2004) (0)
- Circuit Complexity (2010) (0)
- A Logical Analysis of Banks’ Financial Strength Ratings (2009) (0)
- Proceedings of the conference on Discrete metric spaces (1998) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Graphs and hypergraphs (2011) (0)
- Convexity and Logical Analysis of Data Convexity and Logical Analysis of Data (2000) (0)
- Minimization of Linear Pseudo-Boolean Functions (1968) (0)
- Selected papers from the 16th British conference on Combinatorial (1999) (0)
- Pattern-based Clustering and Attribute Analysis Pattern-based Clustering and Attribute Analysis (2003) (0)
- The use of combinatorial synthesis, testing, and computational modeling in biomaterials design (2004) (0)
- Proof Theory (2010) (0)
- Boolean Aspects of Network Reliability (2010) (0)
- Maximum weight archipelago subgraph problem (2014) (0)
- Binary Decision Diagrams (2010) (0)
- Logical Analysis of NumericalDataEndre Borosa (1997) (0)
- Stable Sets, Kernels and Chromatic Decompositions of Graphs (1968) (0)
- Discrete Mathematics Volume 60 (1986) (0)
- List of papers citing (2008) (0)
- JBool: A software tool (2011) (0)
- Discrete Mathematics Volume 106-107 (1992) (0)
- Nonlinear pseudo-boolean equations and inequalities (1968) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Pseudo-Boolean functions (2011) (0)
- Acknowledgement (1994) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Orthogonal forms and shellability (2011) (0)
- Discrete Mathematics Volume 161-170 (1997) (0)
- 1 Country Risk , Country Risk Ratings and Objectives of the Paper 1 . 1 Country risk (2003) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Preface (2011) (0)
- Flows in Networks and Chains in Partially Ordered Sets (1968) (0)
- Orthogonalization of a Boolean Function (2000) (0)
- Optimization and Artificial Intelligence. (1996) (0)
- A RUTCOR Project in Discrete Applied Mathematics (1989) (0)
- Volume Contents (2004) (0)
- Feature Selection with the Logical Analysis of Data (2005) (0)
- Editorial (1998) (0)
- Discrete, Stochastic, and Optimization Approaches to Problems of Networks and Scheduling. (1995) (0)
- Proceedings of the conference on Chromatic polynomials and related topics (1997) (0)
- Volume Index (2004) (0)
- Boolean Functions: Boolean equations (2011) (0)
- Connectedness and Path Problems in Graphs (1968) (0)
- Selected papers of the 13th British Combinatorial Conference on British combinatorial conference (1994) (0)
- An Implementation of LogicalAnalysis of DataEndre Borosa (1996) (0)
- Preface (1995) (0)
- Minimization Problems in Automata Theory (1968) (0)
- Publisher's Note (2004) (0)
- Volume Index (2004) (0)
- Integer Mathematical Programming (1968) (0)
- Proceedings of the international conference on Combinatorics '94 (1997) (0)
- Minimization of Nonlinear Pseudo-Boolean Functions (1968) (0)
- Learning Boolean Functions (2005) (0)
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