Peter Sterling
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Neuroscientist and coiner of "allostasis"
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Why Is Peter Sterling Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Peter Sterling is an American anatomist, physiologist and neuroscientist and Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is the author of What Is Health? Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design , and with Simon Laughlin, is an author of Principles of Neural Design.
Peter Sterling 's Published Works
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Published Works
- Allostasis: A new paradigm to explain arousal pathology. (1988) (1570)
- Allostasis: A model of predictive regulation (2012) (563)
- Structure and function of ribbon synapses (2005) (337)
- Microcircuits for Night Vision in Mouse Retina (2001) (318)
- Principles of Neural Design (2015) (317)
- Visual receptive fields in the superior colliculus of the cat. (1969) (313)
- Principles of Allostasis: Optimal Design, Predictive Regulation, Pathophysiology, and Rational Therapeutics. (2004) (305)
- Influence of visual cortex on receptive fields in the superior colliculus of the cat. (1969) (293)
- Evidence That Vesicles on the Synaptic Ribbon of Retinal Bipolar Neurons Can Be Rapidly Released (1996) (292)
- Why Do Axons Differ in Caliber? (2012) (256)
- Microcircuitry of the cat retina. (1983) (253)
- Microcircuitry of bipolar cells in cat retina (1984) (251)
- How Much the Eye Tells the Brain (2006) (251)
- Microcircuitry of the dark-adapted cat retina: functional architecture of the rod-cone network (1986) (245)
- The Synaptic Organization of the Brain (1998) (227)
- Microcircuitry and Mosaic of a Blue–Yellow Ganglion Cell in the Primate Retina (1998) (220)
- Architecture of rod and cone circuits to the on-beta ganglion cell (1988) (215)
- Localization of mGluR6 to dendrites of ON bipolar cells in primate retina (2000) (212)
- The Light Response of ON Bipolar Neurons Requires Gαo (2000) (198)
- Evidence That Different Cation Chloride Cotransporters in Retinal Neurons Allow Opposite Responses to GABA (2000) (195)
- Bipolar Cells Contribute to Nonlinear Spatial Summation in the Brisk-Transient (Y) Ganglion Cell in Mammalian Retina (2001) (191)
- Functional Circuitry of the Retinal Ganglion Cell's Nonlinear Receptive Field (1999) (182)
- M and L cones in macaque fovea connect to midget ganglion cells by different numbers of excitatory synapses (1994) (181)
- Biological basis of stress-related mortality. (1981) (178)
- Mammalian rod terminal: Architecture of a binary synapse (1995) (177)
- Synaptic termination of afferents from the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus in the cat motor cortex. A light and electron microscope study (1974) (170)
- Anatomical organization of the brachial spinal cord of the cat. II. The motoneuron plexus. (1967) (169)
- The ON-alpha ganglion cell of the cat retina and its presynaptic cell types (1988) (168)
- How the Optic Nerve Allocates Space, Energy Capacity, and Information (2009) (164)
- Synaptic Ribbon Conveyor Belt or Safety Belt? (2003) (157)
- Demonstration of cell types among cone bipolar neurons of cat retina. (1990) (155)
- Retina is structured to process an excess of darkness in natural scenes (2010) (154)
- Visualizing Synaptic Ribbons in the Living Cell (2004) (153)
- Anatomical organization of the brachial spinal cord of the cat. 3. The propriospinal connections. (1968) (148)
- Microcircuitry of beta ganglion cells in cat retina (1986) (148)
- Receptive fields and synaptic organization of the superficial gray layer of the cat superior colliculus. (1971) (141)
- Electrical Coupling between Mammalian Cones (2002) (136)
- Macaque Retina Contains an S-Cone OFF Midget Pathway (2003) (134)
- A systematic approach to reconstructing microcircuitry by electron microscopy of serial sections (1980) (133)
- Anatomical organization of the brachial spinal cord of the cat. I. The distribution of dorsal root fibers. (1967) (126)
- Light Response of Retinal ON Bipolar Cells Requires a Specific Splice Variant of Gαo (2002) (124)
- Streamlined Synaptic Vesicle Cycle in Cone Photoreceptor Terminals (2004) (123)
- Endocytosis and Vesicle Recycling at a Ribbon Synapse (2003) (119)
- Microcircuitry of cat visual cortex: Classification of neurons in layer IV of area 17, and identification of the patterns of lateral geniculate input (1979) (118)
- Receptive fields and functional architecture in the retina (2009) (117)
- Evidence that Circuits for Spatial and Color Vision Segregate at the First Retinal Synapse (1999) (117)
- Rod bipolar array in the cat retina: Pattern of input from rods and GABA‐accumulating amacrine cells (1987) (112)
- Gap junctions between the pedicles of macaque foveal cones (1992) (107)
- The light response of ON bipolar neurons requires G[alpha]o. (2000) (107)
- Evidence That Vesicles Undergo Compound Fusion on the Synaptic Ribbon (2008) (104)
- Absence of spectrally specific lateral inputs to midget ganglion cells in primate retina (1996) (102)
- Neurochemistry of the mammalian cone `synaptic complex' (1998) (102)
- Retinal neurons and vessels are not fractal but space‐filling (1995) (100)
- Stress-Related Mortality and Social Organization (1977) (99)
- An electron microscope study of motoneurones and interneurones in the cat abducens nucleus identified by retrograde intraaxonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (1977) (99)
- Subcellular localization of GABAA receptor on bipolar cells in macaque and human retina (1994) (96)
- Roles of ATP in depletion and replenishment of the releasable pool of synaptic vesicles. (2002) (95)
- Quantitative mapping with the electron microscope: retinal terminals in the superior colliculus. (1973) (94)
- Efficiency of Information Transmission by Retinal Ganglion Cells (2004) (93)
- Two types of GABA‐accumulating neurons in the superficial gray layer of the cat superior colliculus (1982) (93)
- Neurons in cat lateral geniculate nucleus that concentrate exogenous [3H]‐γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) (1980) (92)
- Cell density ratios in a foveal patch in macaque retina (2003) (92)
- Natural Images from the Birthplace of the Human Eye (2011) (90)
- Allostasis: A Brain-Centered, Predictive Mode of Physiological Regulation (2019) (87)
- Accumulation of (3H)glycine by cone bipolar neurons in the cat retina (1986) (86)
- Horizontal cells in cat and monkey retina express different isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase (1994) (86)
- Interplexiform cell in cat retina: identification by uptake of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid and serial reconstruction. (1980) (85)
- Microcircuitry and functional architecture of the cat retina (1986) (85)
- Identification of a G-protein in depolarizing rod bipolar cells (1993) (80)
- Immunoreactivity to GABAA receptor in the outer plexiform layer of the cat retina (1992) (79)
- Cellular Basis for the Response to Second-Order Motion Cues in Y Retinal Ganglion Cells (2001) (77)
- Convergence and divergence of cones onto bipolar cells in the central area of cat retina. (1990) (74)
- How retinal microcircuits scale for ganglion cells of different size (1995) (74)
- Design of a Neuronal Array (2008) (72)
- Transmitter concentration at a three-dimensional synapse. (1998) (71)
- Encoding Light Intensity by the Cone Photoreceptor Synapse (2005) (69)
- Function of the projection from the visual cortex to the superior colliculus. (1970) (67)
- Effect on the Superior Colliculus of Cortical Removal in Visually Deprived Cats (1969) (65)
- Toward a functional architecture of the retina: serial reconstruction of adjacent ganglion cells. (1980) (64)
- Microcircuitry for Two Types of Achromatic Ganglion Cell in Primate Fovea (2007) (64)
- Four types of amacrine in the cat retina that accumulate GABA (1983) (64)
- Foveal Cones form Basal as well as Invaginating Junctions with Diffuse ON Bipolar Cells (1996) (63)
- AMPA Receptor Activates a G-Protein that Suppresses a cGMP-Gated Current (1999) (60)
- Homeostasis vs allostasis: implications for brain function and mental disorders. (2014) (59)
- Cortical suppression of the ritino‐collicular pathway in the monocularly deprived cat. (1976) (58)
- Chromatic Properties of Horizontal and Ganglion Cell Responses Follow a Dual Gradient in Cone Opsin Expression (2006) (56)
- Microcircuitry related to the receptive field center of the on-beta ganglion cell. (1991) (55)
- Computational model of the on-alpha ganglion cell receptive field based on bipolar cell circuitry. (1992) (55)
- A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade (2004) (52)
- Timing of Quantal Release from the Retinal Bipolar Terminal Is Regulated by a Feedback Circuit (2003) (52)
- Functional architecture of primate cone and rod axons (1998) (51)
- Parallel Circuits from Cones to the On‐Beta Ganglion Cell (1992) (50)
- Two ribbon synaptic units in rod photoreceptors of macaque, human, and cat (2003) (49)
- Physiology and Morphology of Color-Opponent Ganglion Cells in a Retina Expressing a Dual Gradient of S and M Opsins (2009) (49)
- Mobility and Turnover of Vesicles at the Synaptic Ribbon (2008) (48)
- Evidence that certain retinal bipolar cells use both glutamate and GABA (2004) (45)
- Contrast threshold of a brisk-transient ganglion cell in vitro. (2003) (44)
- Neurons and glia in cat superior colliculus accumulate [3H] gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) (1981) (44)
- How Müller glial cells in macaque fovea coat and isolate the synaptic terminals of cone photoreceptors (2002) (44)
- Inner S‐cone bipolar cells provide all of the central elements for S cones in macaque retina (2003) (44)
- Synaptic Ca2+ in Darkness Is Lower in Rods than Cones, Causing Slower Tonic Release of Vesicles (2007) (43)
- Design of a Trichromatic Cone Array (2010) (42)
- Anatomy and physiology of goldfish oculomotor system. II. Firing patterns of neurons in abducens nucleus and surrounding medulla and their relation to eye movements. (1977) (42)
- Anatomy and physiology of goldfish oculomotor system. I. Structure of abducens nucleus. (1977) (41)
- Rate of quantal transmitter release at the mammalian rod synapse. (1994) (41)
- "Collective coding" of correlated cone signals in the retinal ganglion cell. (1990) (37)
- ECT damage is easy to find if you look for it (2000) (36)
- Loss of Sensitivity in an Analog Neural Circuit (2009) (36)
- Cone receptive field in cat retina computed from microcircuitry (1990) (36)
- Vesicle recycling at ribbon synapses in the finely branched axon terminals of mouse retinal bipolar neurons (2009) (35)
- How scientists can reduce their carbon footprint (2016) (35)
- Four types of neuron in layer IVab of cat cortical area 17 accumulate 3H‐GABA (1983) (35)
- Matching neural morphology to molecular expression: Single cell injection following immunostaining (2003) (33)
- Different types of ganglion cell share a synaptic pattern (2008) (33)
- Molecular specificity of defined types of amacrine synapse in cat retina (1986) (33)
- Ultrastructure of synapses from the A‐laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus in layer IV of the cat striate cortex (1987) (29)
- Structure of the starburst amacrine network in the cat retina and its association with alpha ganglion cells (1989) (29)
- Cost of cone coupling to trichromacy in primate fovea. (2000) (29)
- How retinal ganglion cells prevent synaptic noise from reaching the spike output. (2004) (28)
- Localization of Type I Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate Receptor in the Outer Segments of Mammalian Cones (1999) (27)
- Preparing autoradiograms of serial sections for electron microscopy (1979) (27)
- What Is Health?: Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design (2020) (26)
- Functional architecture of mammalian outer retina and bipolar cells (1995) (25)
- Evidence That Each S Cone in Macaque Fovea Drives One Narrow-Field and Several Wide-Field Blue-Yellow Ganglion Cells (2004) (25)
- Tuning retinal circuits (1995) (23)
- Displaced GAD65 amacrine cells of the guinea pig retina are morphologically diverse (2006) (23)
- Sluggish and brisk ganglion cells detect contrast with similar sensitivity. (2005) (23)
- Pattern of lateral geniculate synapses on neuron somata in layer IV of the cat striate cortex (1987) (20)
- Microcircuitry of the on-beta ganglion cell in daylight, twilight, and starlight. (1987) (19)
- cGMP modulates spike responses of retinal ganglion cells via a cGMP-gated current (2002) (17)
- How robust is a neural circuit? (2007) (14)
- Numbers of specific types of neuron in layer IVab of cat striate cortex. (1984) (14)
- Neurons in cat lateral geniculate nucleus that concentrate exogenous [3H]-gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). (1980) (12)
- Simultaneous demonstration of normal boutons and degenerating nerve fibres and their terminals in the spinal cord. (1966) (12)
- Granule cells in the rat olfactory tubercle accumulate 3H‐γ‐aminobutyric acid (1983) (11)
- Some principles of retinal design: the Proctor lecture. (2013) (10)
- Neuroscience: How neurons compute direction (2002) (9)
- Goldfish abducens motoneurons: physiological and anatomical specialization. (1975) (9)
- Deciphering the retina's wiring diagram (1999) (9)
- Evidence that Circuits Review for Spatial and Color Vision Segregate at the First Retinal Synapse (1999) (7)
- Predictive regulation and human design (2018) (7)
- Ganglion cell circuits in primate fovea (1995) (6)
- Cone synapses in macaque fovea: II. Dendrites of OFF midget bipolar cells exhibit Inner Densities similar to their Outer synaptic Densities in basal contacts with cone terminals (2011) (6)
- Design for a Binary Synapse (2004) (6)
- Vision. Tuning retinal circuits. (1995) (5)
- Retinal circuits for daylight: why ballplayers don’t wear shades (1992) (5)
- Report How Much the Eye Tells the Brain (2006) (4)
- “Knocking out” a Neural Circuit (1998) (4)
- Granule cells in the rat olfactory tubercle accumulate 3H-gamma-aminobutyric acid. (1983) (4)
- Cone synapses in macaque fovea: I. Two types of non-S cones are distinguished by numbers of contacts with OFF midget bipolar cells (2011) (4)
- Spatial summation by ganglion cells: some consequences for the efficient encoding of natural scenes. (1991) (4)
- Anatomical basis of receptive field properties of the superficial cells. (1975) (4)
- Needle from a Haystack Optimal Signaling by a Nonlinear Synapse (2002) (3)
- Encoding Light Intensity by the Cone Photoreceptor Synapse (2005) (3)
- How efficiently a ganglion cell codes the visual signal (2001) (2)
- Toxic Chemical Exposure in Schools: Our Children at Risk. (1998) (2)
- Reciprocal Expression of Cation Chloride Cotransporters (NKCC and KCC2) in Mouse Retina May Cause the Switch of GABA from Excitatory to Inhibitory (2003) (2)
- Principles of Efficient Wiring (2015) (1)
- Edgar Allan Poe: A Centenary Tribute. (1)
- Mammalian photo receptors express IP3 receptor type I and phospholipase c-β4 (1997) (1)
- The retina. An approachable part of the brain By J. E. Dowling. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (1987). 282 pp $37.50 (1988) (1)
- Review of The Conquest of Disease Through Animal Experimentation. (1)
- Peter Sterling (2021) (1)
- Negative Contrasts Predominate in Natural Images (2005) (1)
- Beyond the Retina: Pathways to Perception and Action (2015) (1)
- Design of Neural Circuits: Recoding Analogue Signals to Pulsatile (2015) (0)
- The Fly Lamina: An Efficient Interface for High-Speed Vision (2015) (0)
- Design of Neurons (2015) (0)
- Inhibition by BDS-I Toxin Spikes of Rat Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons: Voltage-Dependent Potassium Currents During Fast (2015) (0)
- We are all mutts Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality David J. Linden (Basic Books, New York, NY; 2020) ISBN: 978-1-541-69887-1. (2020) (0)
- Patchy mosaic of L and M cones permits efficient tradeoff between spatial and color vision (1993) (0)
- Photoreceptorsof Exocytotic Response in Vertebrate (2015) (0)
- inactivedeletion renders the TRPM1 channel in retina (2012) (0)
- Behavioral / Systems / Cognitive Why Do Axons Differ in Caliber ? (2017) (0)
- Color-Opponent Ganglion Cells in Guinea Pig Retina (S+/M- and S-/M+) Co-Stratify in the ON Stratum of the IPL (2008) (0)
- Psychophysics to Biophysics: How a Perception Depends on Circuits, Synapses, and Vesicles (2003) (0)
- Synaptic Connectivity series Structure and function of ribbon synapses (2004) (0)
- Three-dimensional analysis of retinal neurons identified autoradiographically by utilizing selective uptake of [3H]-GABA: An electron microscope study in the cat (1979) (0)
- Micro circuitry of the beta x ganglion cell in dark adaptation (1982) (0)
- Neighboring Retinal Ganglion Cells Provide Independent Channels for Contrast Detection (2005) (0)
- Information Processing: From Molecules to Molecular Circuits (2015) (0)
- How Photoreceptors Optimize the Capture of Visual Information (2015) (0)
- Responses of Different Retinal Ganglion Cell Types to Motion of 'Natural' Scenes (2005) (0)
- Information Processing in Protein Circuits (2015) (0)
- Molecular Visualizing Synaptic Ribbons in the Living Cell (2004) (0)
- Learning as Design/Design of Learning (2015) (0)
- Sluggish Ganglion Cells Fire Precisely and Transmit Information Efficiently (2003) (0)
- Why an Animal Needs a Brain (2015) (0)
- Richard H. Masland (1942–2019) (2020) (0)
- Retinal Development, edited by E. Sernagor, S. Eglen, W. Harris, and R. Wong (2007) (0)
- Mlcroclrcuitry and nctional archlt tu re of the cat retina (1986) (0)
- Supplemental Data S 1 How Much the Eye Tells the Brain (0)
- Vesicle traffic in cone synaptic terminal (1998) (0)
- Metabolic capacity of mammalian axons (2007) (0)
- Retinal Processing of Color Information in Guinea Pig (2005) (0)
- Review Synaptic Ribbon: Conveyor Belt or Safety Belt? (2003) (0)
- Author response: Predictive regulation and human design (2018) (0)
- Principles of Retinal Design (2015) (0)
- Comments on Brain Damage and Memory Loss from Electroconvulsive Shock. (2002) (0)
- What Engineers Know about Design (2015) (0)
- Why a Bigger Brain (2015) (0)
- "Collective coding": A mechanism to improve the signal/noise ratio of the retinal ganglion cell (1988) (0)
- [Action of THAM on experimental respiratory acidosis]. (1961) (0)
- Sensory Neurophysiology.James C. Bourdreau , Chiyeko Tsuchitani (1976) (0)
- How Bigger Brains Are Organized (2015) (0)
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