Peter T. Fox
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American neuroimaging researcher, neurologist, and professor
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Medical Biology
Peter T. Fox's Degrees
- Masters Medicine Harvard University
Why Is Peter T. Fox Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Peter T. Fox is a neuroimaging researcher and neurologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He is a professor in the Department of Radiology with joint appointments in Radiology, Medicine, and Psychiatry. He is the founding director of the Research Imaging Institute.
Peter T. Fox's Published Works
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Published Works
- Correspondence of the brain's functional architecture during activation and rest (2009) (4621)
- Automated Talairach Atlas labels for functional brain mapping (2000) (3386)
- Positron emission tomographic studies of the cortical anatomy of single-word processing (1988) (2517)
- Reciprocal limbic-cortical function and negative mood: converging PET findings in depression and normal sadness. (1999) (2324)
- Focal physiological uncoupling of cerebral blood flow and oxidative metabolism during somatosensory stimulation in human subjects. (1986) (2058)
- A probabilistic atlas and reference system for the human brain: International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). (2001) (2057)
- Nonoxidative glucose consumption during focal physiologic neural activity. (1988) (1717)
- Coordinate‐based activation likelihood estimation meta‐analysis of neuroimaging data: A random‐effects approach based on empirical estimates of spatial uncertainty (2009) (1571)
- Practice-related changes in human brain functional anatomy during nonmotor learning. (1994) (1550)
- The Human Brainnetome Atlas: A New Brain Atlas Based on Connectional Architecture (2016) (1451)
- Localization of cognitive operations in the human brain. (1988) (1407)
- Localization of a human system for sustained attention by positron emission tomography (1991) (1299)
- Bias between MNI and Talairach coordinates analyzed using the ICBM‐152 brain template (2007) (1294)
- Positron Emission Tomographic Studies of the Processing of Singe Words (1989) (1169)
- Activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis revisited (2012) (1079)
- A link between the systems: functional differentiation and integration within the human insula revealed by meta-analysis (2010) (1059)
- Cingulate function in depression: a potential predictor of treatment response (1997) (1058)
- Cortical thickness or grey matter volume? The importance of selecting the phenotype for imaging genetics studies (2010) (984)
- Identification of a common neurobiological substrate for mental illness. (2015) (977)
- Behavioral Interpretations of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks (2011) (949)
- The hubs of the human connectome are generally implicated in the anatomy of brain disorders (2014) (895)
- Minimizing within‐experiment and within‐group effects in activation likelihood estimation meta‐analyses (2012) (885)
- Activation of extrastriate and frontal cortical areas by visual words and word-like stimuli. (1990) (854)
- ALE meta‐analysis: Controlling the false discovery rate and performing statistical contrasts (2005) (797)
- Modelling neural correlates of working memory: A coordinate-based meta-analysis (2012) (743)
- Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures (2015) (731)
- Automated labeling of the human brain: A preliminary report on the development and evaluation of a forward‐transform method (1997) (719)
- Use of implicit motor imagery for visual shape discrimination as revealed by PET (1995) (694)
- Cerebellum Implicated in Sensory Acquisition and Discrimination Rather Than Motor Control (1996) (687)
- Neural network of cognitive emotion regulation — An ALE meta-analysis and MACM analysis (2014) (672)
- The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data (2014) (646)
- Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes (2012) (617)
- Meta-Analysis of Gray Matter Anomalies in Schizophrenia: Application of Anatomic Likelihood Estimation and Network Analysis (2008) (591)
- Stimulus rate dependence of regional cerebral blood flow in human striate cortex, demonstrated by positron emission tomography. (1984) (503)
- Investigating the Functional Heterogeneity of the Default Mode Network Using Coordinate-Based Meta-Analytic Modeling (2009) (492)
- Neuroanatomical correlates of phonological processing of Chinese characters and alphabetic words: A meta‐analysis (2005) (490)
- Behavior, sensitivity, and power of activation likelihood estimation characterized by massive empirical simulation (2016) (466)
- BrainMap - The social evolution of a human brain mapping database (2005) (454)
- Mapping context and content: the BrainMap model (2002) (447)
- Genetic control over the resting brain (2010) (447)
- The Neural System Underlying Chinese Logograph Reading (2001) (443)
- A PET study of the neural systems of stuttering (1996) (438)
- Ten simple rules for neuroimaging meta-analysis (2018) (438)
- Mosaic evolution of brain structure in mammals (432)
- The role of cerebral cortex in the generation of voluntary saccades: a positron emission tomographic study. (1985) (418)
- Differential limbic–cortical correlates of sadness and anxiety in healthy subjects: implications for affective disorders (2000) (409)
- Co-activation patterns distinguish cortical modules, their connectivity and functional differentiation (2011) (405)
- Mapping human visual cortex with positron emission tomography (1986) (397)
- Stuttered and fluent speech production: An ALE meta‐analysis of functional neuroimaging studies (2005) (397)
- Clustered pixels analysis for functional MRI activation studies of the human brain (1995) (386)
- Functional coactivation map of the human brain. (2008) (380)
- Interregional connectivity to primary motor cortex revealed using MRI resting state images (1999) (354)
- Noninvasive functional brain mapping by change-distribution analysis of averaged PET images of H215O tissue activity. (1989) (344)
- Neural systems of second language reading are shaped by native language (2003) (342)
- Is There “One” DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation (2012) (329)
- Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: A pilot project of the ENIGMA–DTI working group (2013) (328)
- Anatomical and Functional Connectivity of Cytoarchitectonic Areas within the Human Parietal Operculum (2010) (327)
- An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala (2012) (327)
- ALE Meta-Analysis Workflows Via the Brainmap Database: Progress Towards A Probabilistic Functional Brain Atlas (2009) (325)
- A comparison of label‐based review and ALE meta‐analysis in the Stroop task (2005) (318)
- Neuroanatomical correlates of a lactate-induced anxiety attack. (1989) (315)
- Brain activation in the processing of Chinese characters and words: A functional MRI study (2000) (309)
- Retinotopic organization of human visual cortex mapped with positron- emission tomography (1987) (307)
- The Talairach Daemon a database server for talairach atlas labels (1997) (301)
- Metaanalytic connectivity modeling: Delineating the functional connectivity of the human amygdala (2009) (299)
- Comparison of the disparity between Talairach and MNI coordinates in functional neuroimaging data: Validation of the Lancaster transform (2010) (286)
- The temporal response of the brain after eating revealed by functional MRI (2000) (285)
- Mapping human somatosensory cortex with positron emission tomography. (1987) (277)
- The application of positron emission tomography to the study of panic disorder. (1986) (276)
- Application of Information Technology: A Four-Dimensional Probabilistic Atlas of the Human Brain (2001) (275)
- Altered hypothalamic function in response to glucose ingestion in obese humans. (1999) (274)
- A modality‐independent approach to spatial normalization of tomographic images of the human brain (1995) (273)
- Brainmap taxonomy of experimental design: Description and evaluation (2005) (270)
- Neuroanatomical correlates of anticipatory anxiety. (1989) (266)
- The role of the right temporoparietal junction in attention and social interaction as revealed by ALE meta-analysis (2014) (259)
- Brain structure anomalies in autism spectrum disorder—a meta‐analysis of VBM studies using anatomic likelihood estimation (2012) (258)
- Meta-analytic clustering of the insular cortex Characterizing the meta-analytic connectivity of the insula when involved in active tasks (2012) (256)
- Lie detection by functional magnetic resonance imaging (2002) (250)
- Stimulus rate determines regional brain blood flow in striate cortex (1985) (246)
- Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume (2017) (238)
- A Highly Accurate Method of Localizing Regions of Neuronal Activation in the Human Brain with Positron Emission Tomography (1989) (237)
- Characterization of the temporo-parietal junction by combining data-driven parcellation, complementary connectivity analyses, and functional decoding (2013) (234)
- Prefrontal hyperactivation during working memory task in untreated individuals with major depressive disorder (2007) (229)
- Relationship between white matter fractional anisotropy and other indices of cerebral health in normal aging: Tract-based spatial statistics study of aging (2007) (229)
- The functional connectivity of the human caudate: An application of meta-analytic connectivity modeling with behavioral filtering (2012) (223)
- Introspective Minds: Using ALE Meta-Analyses to Study Commonalities in the Neural Correlates of Emotional Processing, Social & Unconstrained Cognition (2012) (223)
- Cerebellum and auditory function: An ALE meta‐analysis of functional neuroimaging studies (2005) (215)
- Column‐based model of electric field excitation of cerebral cortex (2004) (207)
- Altered Brain Activity in Unipolar Depression Revisited: Meta-analyses of Neuroimaging Studies (2017) (206)
- Brain correlates of stuttering and syllable production. A PET performance-correlation analysis. (2000) (200)
- The BrainMap strategy for standardization, sharing, and meta-analysis of neuroimaging data (2011) (197)
- Regional Spatial Normalization: Toward an Optimal Target (2001) (196)
- Functional Specialization and Flexibility in Human Association Cortex. (2015) (195)
- Age‐related morphology trends of cortical sulci (2005) (195)
- Gender differences in neural correlates of recognition of happy and sad faces in humans assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (2002) (194)
- Functional Specialization and Flexibility in Human Association Cortex. (2016) (192)
- Implementation errors in the GingerALE Software: Description and recommendations (2017) (192)
- Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association (2016) (192)
- The song system of the human brain. (2004) (192)
- Retinotopic organization of early visual spatial attention effects as revealed by PET and ERPs (1997) (187)
- Segregation of the human medial prefrontal cortex in social cognition (2013) (186)
- Nonlinear coupling between cerebral blood flow, oxygen consumption, and ATP production in human visual cortex (2010) (184)
- Heritability of fractional anisotropy in human white matter: A comparison of Human Connectome Project and ENIGMA-DTI data (2015) (183)
- Definition and characterization of an extended social-affective default network (2015) (178)
- High Dimensional Endophenotype Ranking in the Search for Major Depression Risk Genes (2012) (175)
- Cytoarchitecture, probability maps and functions of the human frontal pole (2014) (174)
- Subspecialization in the human posterior medial cortex (2015) (164)
- The neural basis of implicit movements used in recognising hand shape (1998) (163)
- Psychosocial versus physiological stress — Meta-analyses on deactivations and activations of the neural correlates of stress reactions (2015) (163)
- Functional mapping of the human cerebellum with positron emission tomography. (1985) (162)
- Genetics of microstructure of cerebral white matter using diffusion tensor imaging (2010) (161)
- Convergent functional architecture of the superior parietal lobule unraveled with multimodal neuroimaging approaches (2015) (160)
- Characterization of cerebral blood oxygenation and flow changes during prolonged brain activation (1997) (160)
- An Optimized Individual Target Brain in the Talairach Coordinate System (2002) (158)
- Chronic Rapamycin Restores Brain Vascular Integrity and Function Through NO Synthase Activation and Improves Memory in Symptomatic Mice Modeling Alzheimer’s Disease (2013) (157)
- Networks of task co-activations (2013) (152)
- Intersubject variability of functional areas in the human visual cortex (1998) (151)
- ICA model order selection of task co-activation networks (2013) (149)
- Tackling the multifunctional nature of Broca's region meta-analytically: Co-activation-based parcellation of area 44 (2013) (145)
- Meta-analysis in human neuroimaging: computational modeling of large-scale databases. (2014) (145)
- Functional Segregation of the Human Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex. (2016) (138)
- The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control (2014) (137)
- An fMRI study with written Chinese (2001) (137)
- Processing speed is correlated with cerebral health markers in the frontal lobes as quantified by neuroimaging (2010) (134)
- Fractional anisotropy of cerebral white matter and thickness of cortical gray matter across the lifespan (2011) (133)
- The power of spectral density analysis for mapping endogenous BOLD signal fluctuations (2008) (133)
- Directly mapping magnetic field effects of neuronal activity by magnetic resonance imaging (2003) (132)
- Computational approaches to network analysis in functional brain imaging (1994) (130)
- Amygdala hyperactivation in untreated depressed individuals (2009) (130)
- On the genetic architecture of cortical folding and brain volume in primates (2010) (130)
- Beyond the single study: function/location metanalysis in cognitive neuroimaging (1998) (128)
- Reduced Amygdala Activation in Young Adults at High Risk of Alcoholism: Studies from the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns Project (2007) (127)
- Changes occur in resting state network of motor system during 4weeks of motor skill learning (2011) (127)
- The temporal dynamics of the effects in occipital cortex of visual-spatial selective attention. (2002) (126)
- Three‐pool model of white matter (2003) (126)
- A study of the reproducibility and etiology of diffusion anisotropy differences in developmental stuttering: A potential role for impaired myelination (2010) (123)
- Left inferior parietal lobe engagement in social cognition and language (2016) (122)
- Location-Probability Profiles for the Mouth Region of Human Primary Motor–Sensory Cortex: Model and Validation (2001) (121)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mapping of Brain Function: Human Visual Cortex (1992) (119)
- Changes in regional activity are accompanied with changes in inter-regional connectivity during 4 weeks motor learning (2010) (118)
- 3D modeling of the total electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation using the boundary element method (2009) (118)
- Putamen lesions and the development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptomatology. (2002) (117)
- Computing the Social Brain Connectome Across Systems and States (2018) (115)
- Acute effects of hydrocortisone on the human brain: An fMRI study (2010) (113)
- Multimodal Abnormalities of Brain Structure and Function in Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies. (2020) (112)
- Neuroscience on the net. (1994) (112)
- Detailed 3D models of the induced electric field of transcranial magnetic stimulation coils (2007) (111)
- Multi-site study of additive genetic effects on fractional anisotropy of cerebral white matter: Comparing meta and megaanalytical approaches for data pooling (2014) (111)
- Is left inferior frontal gyrus a general mechanism for selection? (2004) (111)
- Functional connectivity mapping of regions associated with self‐ and other‐processing (2015) (111)
- Is Overt Stuttered Speech a Prerequisite for the Neural Activations Associated with Chronic Developmental Stuttering? (2000) (108)
- Evaluation of new algorithms for the interactive measurement of surface area and volume. (1994) (107)
- The brain basis of piano performance (2005) (107)
- Neural correlates of feigned memory impairment (2005) (106)
- Lateral cerebellar hemispheres actively support sensory acquisition and discrimination rather than motor control. (1997) (106)
- Automated regional behavioral analysis for human brain images (2012) (105)
- Brain correlates of stuttering and syllable production: gender comparison and replication. (2004) (103)
- Preoperative assessment of the cerebral hemispheric dominance for language with CBF PET (1993) (102)
- Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates incomplete myelination in 18q- syndrome: evidence for myelin basic protein haploinsufficiency. (1997) (102)
- Heritability of brain volume, surface area and shape: An MRI study in an extended pedigree of baboons (2007) (101)
- Across-study and within-subject functional connectivity of a right temporo-parietal junction subregion involved in stimulus–context integration (2012) (100)
- Relationship among neuroimaging indices of cerebral health during normal aging (2008) (99)
- Assessment and optimization of functional MRI analyses (1996) (99)
- Intersubject Variability in Cortical Activations during a Complex Language Task (2000) (99)
- CBF changes during brain activation: fMRI vs. PET (2004) (98)
- Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus (2015) (97)
- High Prevalence of Pineal Cysts in Healthy Adults Demonstrated by High-Resolution, Noncontrast Brain MR Imaging (2007) (97)
- Neural Bases Of Food Perception: Coordinate-Based Meta-Analyses Of Neuroimaging Studies In Multiple Modalities (2013) (95)
- Structural and functional neural adaptations in obstructive sleep apnea: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis (2016) (93)
- The central sulcus: an observer-independent characterization of sulcal landmarks and depth asymmetry. (2008) (93)
- Amygdalar and hippocampal volumetry in control participants: differences regarding handedness. (2001) (92)
- Long-term motor training induced changes in regional cerebral blood flow in both task and resting states (2009) (91)
- Neural correlates of efficacy of voice therapy in Parkinson's disease identified by performance–correlation analysis (2009) (90)
- Global spatial normalization of human brain using convex hulls. (1999) (90)
- Genetics of primary cerebral gyrification: Heritability of length, depth and area of primary sulci in an extended pedigree of Papio baboons (2010) (89)
- Bridging the gap between functional and anatomical features of cortico‐cerebellar circuits using meta‐analytic connectivity modeling (2014) (89)
- Resting-state functional reorganization in Parkinson's disease: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis (2017) (89)
- Towards effective and rewarding data sharing (2003) (89)
- Stuttering, induced fluency, and natural fluency: A hierarchical series of activation likelihood estimation meta-analyses (2014) (87)
- Quantitative assessment of blood inflow effects in functional MRI signals (1996) (86)
- Evaluation of MRI models in the measurement of CMRO2 and its relationship with CBF (2008) (85)
- Differentiated parietal connectivity of frontal regions for “what” and “where” memory (2012) (84)
- Distributed processing; distributed functions? (2012) (84)
- Temporal dissociation of parallel processing in the human subcortical outputs (1999) (83)
- Fronto-limbic circuitry in euthymic bipolar disorder: Evidence for prefrontal hyperactivation (2008) (81)
- Psychiatric disorders after childhood stroke. (2002) (81)
- MR imaging volumetry of subcortical structures and cerebellar hemispheres in normal persons. (2003) (80)
- Modulation of neural connectivity during tongue movement and reading (2003) (79)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and neurocognitive correlates after childhood stroke (2003) (78)
- Evaluation of hemispheric dominance for language using functional MRI: A comparison with positron emission tomography (1998) (78)
- Correspondent Functional Topography of the Human Left Inferior Parietal Lobule at Rest and Under Task Revealed Using Resting‐State fMRI and Coactivation Based Parcellation (2017) (78)
- Loss of cerebral white matter structural integrity tracks the gray matter metabolic decline in normal aging (2009) (78)
- Chronic cigarette smoking is linked with structural alterations in brain regions showing acute nicotinic drug-induced functional modulations (2016) (77)
- The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity (2016) (77)
- Perisylvian sulcal morphology and cerebral asymmetry patterns in adults who stutter. (2008) (77)
- Spatial normalization origins: Objectives, applications, and alternatives (1995) (75)
- The Challenge of Connecting the Dots in the B.R.A.I.N. (2013) (75)
- Longitudinal relaxation and diffusion measurements using magnetic resonance signals from laser-hyperpolarized 129Xe nuclei. (1997) (74)
- Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Newly Diagnosed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (2008) (74)
- Functional characterization and differential coactivation patterns of two cytoarchitectonic visual areas on the human posterior fusiform gyrus (2014) (73)
- Evidence for an anterior–posterior differentiation in the human hippocampal formation revealed by meta-analytic parcellation of fMRI coordinate maps: Focus on the subiculum (2015) (72)
- Dysregulated left inferior parietal activity in schizophrenia and depression: functional connectivity and characterization (2013) (72)
- Neuroanatomic changes and their association with cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis (2011) (71)
- MR imaging volumetry of subcortical structures and cerebellar hemispheres in temporal lobe epilepsy. (2006) (71)
- Age-related differences in neural activities during risk taking as revealed by functional MRI (2007) (70)
- Differential activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and caudate nucleus during a gambling simulation in persons with a family history of alcoholism: studies from the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns Project. (2009) (70)
- Influence of age, sex and genetic factors on the human brain (2014) (69)
- Coordinate‐based voxel‐wise meta‐analysis: Dividends of spatial normalization. Report of a virtual workshop (2005) (69)
- The human red nucleus and lateral cerebellum in supporting roles for sensory information processing (2000) (69)
- Multimodal Parcellations and Extensive Behavioral Profiling Tackling the Hippocampus Gradient. (2019) (69)
- The growth of human brain mapping (1997) (69)
- Increased detectability of alpha brain glutamate/glutamine in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. (2000) (68)
- Exenatide improves both hepatic and adipose tissue insulin resistance: A dynamic positron emission tomography study (2016) (68)
- Dissociable attentional and inhibitory networks of dorsal and ventral areas of the right inferior frontal cortex: a combined task-specific and coordinate-based meta-analytic fMRI study (2016) (68)
- Sex-Related Differences in Neural Activity during Risk Taking: An fMRI Study (2008) (68)
- Digital brain atlases (1995) (67)
- Hypophonia in Parkinson’s disease: Neural correlates of voice treatment revealed by PET (2003) (66)
- Shared Genetic Factors Influence Head Motion During MRI and Body Mass Index (2016) (65)
- Investigating function and connectivity of morphometric findings — Exemplified on cerebellar atrophy in spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (SCA17) (2012) (64)
- Intensity modulation of TMS‐induced cortical excitation: Primary motor cortex (2006) (64)
- A Multimodal Assessment of the Genetic Control over Working Memory (2010) (64)
- Evaluation of an image‐guided, robotically positioned transcranial magnetic stimulation system (2004) (63)
- Children's Brain Activations While Viewing Televised Violence Revealed by fMRI (2006) (63)
- Verbal learning and memory after childhood stroke (2004) (63)
- Genetic basis of neurocognitive decline and reduced white-matter integrity in normal human brain aging (2013) (62)
- Methylene Blue as a Cerebral Metabolic and Hemodynamic Enhancer (2012) (62)
- The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization (2017) (62)
- Consistent Neurodegeneration and Its Association with Clinical Progression in Huntington's Disease: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis (2012) (61)
- Sensory and cognitive functions. (1997) (61)
- Neural networks related to dysfunctional face processing in autism spectrum disorder (2015) (61)
- Functional organization of the fusiform gyrus revealed with connectivity profiles (2016) (60)
- Perfusion‐weighted imaging of interictal hypoperfusion in temporal lobe epilepsy using FAIR‐HASTE: Comparison with H215O PET measurements (2001) (59)
- Positron emission tomography scanning in essential blepharospasm. (2003) (58)
- Thalamic medial dorsal nucleus atrophy in medial temporal lobe epilepsy: A VBM meta-analysis☆ (2012) (58)
- A View Behind the Mask of Sanity: Meta-Analysis of Aberrant Brain Activity in Psychopaths (2018) (58)
- BrainMap VBM: An environment for structural meta‐analysis (2018) (57)
- Utilization of Alzheimer's disease community resources by Asian‐Americans in California (2000) (57)
- Functional-lesion investigation of developmental stuttering with positron emission tomography. (1996) (57)
- Cerebral hemodynamic response in Chinese (first) and English (second) language processing revealed by event-related functional MRI. (2001) (57)
- The pharmacokinetics of hyperpolarized xenon: Implications for cerebral MRI (1997) (56)
- Modeling motor connectivity using TMS/PET and structural equation modeling (2008) (56)
- Anatomical Global Spatial Normalization (2010) (55)
- Meta-analytic connectivity and behavioral parcellation of the human cerebellum (2015) (55)
- A noninvasive imaging approach to understanding speech changes following deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease. (2009) (54)
- Time-dependent correlation of cerebral blood flow with oxygen metabolism in activated human visual cortex as measured by fMRI (2009) (54)
- Comparison of structural covariance with functional connectivity approaches exemplified by an investigation of the left anterior insula (2014) (53)
- Improving the temporal resolution of functional MR imaging using keyhole techniques (1996) (53)
- Brain structural alterations are distributed following functional, anatomic and genetic connectivity (2018) (53)
- Neural systems for word meaning modulated by semantic ambiguity (2004) (52)
- Human pulvinar functional organization and connectivity (2015) (52)
- Prefrontal and executive attention network lesions and the development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptomatology. (2005) (51)
- Neuroimaging evidence of white matter inflammation in newly diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus. (2011) (50)
- Broca's Area (2002) (50)
- Electrophysiological and functional connectivity of the human supplementary motor area (2012) (50)
- Analysis of Genetic Variability and Whole Genome Linkage of Whole-Brain, Subcortical, and Ependymal Hyperintense White Matter Volume (2009) (49)
- Thalamic structural connectivity in medial temporal lobe epilepsy (2014) (49)
- Determination of the posterior boundary of Wernicke's area based on multimodal connectivity profiles (2015) (48)
- Co-Activation-Based Parcellation of the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Delineates the Inferior Frontal Junction Area. (2016) (48)
- Meta-Connectomic Analysis Reveals Commonly Disrupted Functional Architectures in Network Modules and Connectors across Brain Disorders (2018) (48)
- Functional Imaging and Language: Evidence from Positron Emission Tomography (1994) (47)
- Rate dependence of human visual cortical response due to brief stimulation: an event-related fMRI study. (2001) (47)
- Testing the three‐pool white matter model adapted for use with T2 relaxometry (2005) (47)
- Towards a functional neural systems model of developmental stuttering. (2003) (47)
- Does inter-subject variability in cortical functional organization increase with neural 'distance' from the periphery? (1991) (46)
- Lost in localization? The focus is meta-analysis (2009) (46)
- Adult age-dependent differences in resting-state connectivity within and between visual-attention and sensorimotor networks (2013) (45)
- PET-Based Confirmation of Orientation Sensitivity of TMS-Induced Cortical Activation in Humans (2013) (45)
- Functional topography of the right inferior parietal lobule structured by anatomical connectivity profiles (2016) (45)
- How do morphological alterations caused by chronic pain distribute across the brain? A meta-analytic co-alteration study (2017) (44)
- Exenatide Regulates Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Brain Areas Associated With Glucose Homeostasis and Reward System (2015) (44)
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain: What is stimulated? – A consensus and critical position paper (2022) (44)
- Structure--function spatial covariance in the human visual cortex. (2001) (44)
- A coordinate‐based meta‐analytic model of trauma processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (2013) (44)
- Mapping Primary Gyrogenesis During Fetal Development in Primate Brains: High-Resolution in Utero Structural MRI of Fetal Brain Development in Pregnant Baboons (2010) (43)
- White matter hyperintensities on MRI in high-altitude U-2 pilots (2013) (43)
- Shared Genetic Factors Influence Amygdala Volumes and Risk for Alcoholism (2015) (43)
- Functional volumes modeling: Theory and preliminary assessment (1997) (42)
- The morphometric co‐atrophy networking of schizophrenia, autistic and obsessive spectrum disorders (2018) (42)
- More workload on the central executive of working memory, less attention capture by novel visual distractors: evidence from an fMRI study (2004) (42)
- Automated analysis of meta‐analysis networks (2005) (42)
- Complex spatio-temporal dynamics of fMRI BOLD: A study of motor learning (2007) (41)
- Computational and experimental analysis of TMS-induced electric field vectors critical to neuronal activation (2015) (41)
- Functional brain alterations in acute sleep deprivation: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. (2019) (40)
- Physiological ROI Definition by Image Subtraction (1991) (40)
- Asymmetry of the brain surface from deformation field analysis (2003) (40)
- Meta-analytic connectivity modeling revisited: Controlling for activation base rates (2014) (40)
- Assessment of whole brain white matter integrity in youths and young adults with a family history of substance‐use disorders (2014) (39)
- Attention function after childhood stroke (2004) (39)
- Progressive pathology is functionally linked to the domains of language and emotion: meta-analysis of brain structure changes in schizophrenia patients (2011) (39)
- Patterns of gray matter atrophy in atypical parkinsonism syndromes: a VBM meta-analysis (2015) (39)
- Cognitive processing in Chinese literate and illiterate subjects: An fMRI study (2006) (39)
- Comparison of heritability estimates on resting state fMRI connectivity phenotypes using the ENIGMA analysis pipeline (2018) (38)
- Comparison of the temporal response in perfusion and BOLD‐based event‐related functional MRI (2000) (38)
- The intrinsic resting state voice network in Parkinson's disease (2015) (38)
- Parcellation of the cingulate cortex at rest and during tasks: a meta-analytic clustering and experimental study (2013) (38)
- Magnetization and diffusion effects in NMR imaging of hyperpolarized substances (1997) (37)
- Meta-connectomics: human brain network and connectivity meta-analyses (2016) (37)
- Genome‐wide significant localization for working and spatial memory: Identifying genes for psychosis using models of cognition (2014) (37)
- Decreased in vitro Mitochondrial Function is Associated with Enhanced Brain Metabolism, Blood Flow, and Memory in Surfl-Deficient Mice (2013) (36)
- Multimodal connectivity of motor learning-related dorsal premotor cortex (2015) (36)
- ANIMA: A data-sharing initiative for neuroimaging meta-analyses (2016) (36)
- Non-invasive quantification of cerebral blood flow for rats by microPET imaging of 15O labelled water: the application of a cardiac time–activity curve for the tracer arterial input function (2005) (36)
- Hyperintense white matter lesions in 50 high-altitude pilots with neurologic decompression sickness. (2012) (36)
- Multi-region hemispheric specialization differentiates human from nonhuman primate brain function (2013) (35)
- Thalamic functional connectivity predicts seizure laterality in individual TLE patients: Application of a biomarker development strategy (2014) (35)
- Structural imaging biomarkers for bipolar disorder: Meta‐analyses of whole‐brain voxel‐based morphometry studies (2018) (35)
- Corrigendum to “Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: A pilot project of the ENIGMA–DTI working group” [NeuroImage 81 (2013) 455–469] (2014) (33)
- Dissociable meta‐analytic brain networks contribute to coordinated emotional processing (2018) (33)
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- Modeling the effective connectivity of the visual network in healthy and photosensitive, epileptic baboons (2015) (0)
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- Using the Schmahmann Syndrome Scale to Assess Cognitive Impairment in Young Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: a Hypothesis-Generating Report (2020) (0)
- Use of cyclotron produced oxygen-15 to study oxygen carrying capacity of free and liposome encapsulated hemoglobin (1994) (0)
- Reliable heritability clustering - finding distinct genetic factors that influence cortical thickness (2010) (0)
- Models Structure – Function Spatial Covariance in the Human Visual Cortex (2001) (0)
- PET Scanning in Essential Blepharospasm (2003) (0)
- Cocktail-party listening and cognitive abilities show strong pleiotropy (2023) (0)
- Beyond the single study : cognitive neuroimaging function / location metanalysis in (2001) (0)
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- Influence of age, sex and genetic factors on the human brain (2013) (0)
- Functional subsystems of the resting brain: A BrainMap® meta-analysis (1996) (0)
- Cross-modal comparison of seed-based structural and functional covariance (2014) (0)
- Parietal Opercular Cortex Structural and Functional Asymmetry in the Human (2015) (0)
- Flow-metabolism Uncoupling and Extended Longevity as Observed with a Transgenic Mice Model (2010) (0)
- Correction strategies of image shift induced by B0 shift in EPI fMRI (1999) (0)
- Co-activation based parcellation of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (2012) (0)
- Multimodal evidence of a rostro-caudal and ventro-dorsal organization in the dorsal premotor cortex (2016) (0)
- Finger Movements in Humans Decoupling the Cortical Power Spectrum Reveals Real-Time Representation of Individual (2009) (0)
- Endophenotype Ranking Facilitates Identification of Novel QTLs for Recurrent Major Depression (2011) (0)
- The effects of undersampling and discontinuities in Keyhole fMRI (1997) (0)
- Cell Survival in Corneal Endothelial Dystrophies Characterizing the Neural Signature of Metabolic Syndrome (2019) (0)
- VKučinskas-2001-2016 (2016) (0)
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- Co-alteration Network Architecture of Major Depressive Disorder: A Multi-modal Neuroimaging Assessment of Large-scale Disease Effects (2022) (0)
- Pediatric Anoxic Brain Injury - A Possible Locked-In Syndrome (2019) (0)
- Meta-analytic connectivity modelling of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies in autism spectrum disorders (2023) (0)
- Archives of Neuroimaging Meta Analyses (ANIMA): a data sharing initiative (2015) (0)
- Connecting the BrainMap Database to the World Wide Web (1996) (0)
- Brain response in the processing of Chinese characters: an event-related fMRI study (2000) (0)
- Multi-region hemispheric specialization differentiates human from nonhuman primate brain function (2013) (0)
- Cingulate function in depression (multiple letters) (1997) (0)
- Investigating brain dynamics and connectivity with functional MRI (2004) (0)
- Psychometric Properties of the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview-Short Form Among U.S. Active Duty Military Service Members and Veterans. (2023) (0)
- Genome-Wide Combined Linkage/Association Scan Localizes Two QTLs Influencing Human Caudate Volume (2010) (0)
- Erratum to: Multi-region hemispheric specialization differentiates human from nonhuman primate brain function (2013) (0)
- M16 Epigenetic Age Acceleration Assessed In White-Matter Integrity: Towards A Biomarker of Successfully Brain Aging (2017) (0)
- Cross-modal identification of six subregions within the left PMd and their functional characterization (2015) (0)
- Multisite study of cortical variability in normal adults (2000) (0)
- Automated Global Spatial Normalization Using Convex Hulls (1998) (0)
- Resting-state causal connectivity of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in panic disorder (2019) (0)
- Title A meta-analytic study of the neural systems for auditoryprocessing of lexical tones (2017) (0)
- Dissociable attentional and inhibitory networks of dorsal and ventral areas of the right inferior frontal cortex: a combined task-specific and coordinate-based meta-analytic fMRI study (2015) (0)
- TENNET VII: Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology (1996) (0)
- Assessment of human red nucleus activation with fMRI (1997) (0)
- Use of gradient insert coil for single-shot trace imaging (1999) (0)
- Justine Sergent memorial issue (1995) (0)
- Functional brain mapping and activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis (2008) (0)
- An efficient method for 3-D spatial normalization using an octree decomposition (1997) (0)
- Un atlas del cerebro en internet (1996) (0)
- Hemispheric asymmetry in reading Chinese characters and words: Functional MRI findings (2000) (0)
- FMRI demonstration of hypothalamic dysregulation in obesity (1999) (0)
- Temporal Dissociation of the Human Subcortical Outputs During a Tactile Discrimination Task (1998) (0)
- Beyond Consensus: Embracing Heterogeneity in Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis (2017) (0)
- M18 An Exploratory Study of The Genetic Relationships Between Plasma-Based Measures of Inflammation And Brain Anatomy (2017) (0)
- Investigating the interaction of transcranial magnetic stimulation with a model cortical neuron (2008) (0)
- Comparison of half-k and full k-space functional MRI (1997) (0)
- Genetic Control Over the Default Mode Network (2010) (0)
- Resting-state Functional Connectivity across Primate Species : Implications of Evolutionary Hemispheric Asymmetry (2010) (0)
- Front & Back Matter (2013) (0)
- Adaptive threshold for SVD technique on dynamic perfusion MRI (1999) (0)
- Positron emission tomography and radiation oncology (2002) (0)
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