Peter Zoller
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Austrian theoretical physicist
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Peter Zoller's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Innsbruck
Why Is Peter Zoller Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Peter Zoller is a theoretical physicist from Austria. He is professor at the University of Innsbruck and works on quantum optics and quantum information and is best known for his pioneering research on quantum computing and quantum communication and for bridging quantum optics and solid state physics.
Peter Zoller's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles and linear optics (2001) (2662)
- Cold Bosonic Atoms in Optical Lattices (1998) (2280)
- Quantum Repeaters: The Role of Imperfect Local Operations in Quantum Communication (1998) (2280)
- Quantum State Transfer and Entanglement Distribution among Distant Nodes in a Quantum Network (1996) (1689)
- Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics (2004) (1336)
- Dipole blockade and quantum information processing in mesoscopic atomic ensembles. (2000) (1045)
- An open-system quantum simulator with trapped ions (2011) (764)
- The cold atom Hubbard toolbox (2004) (732)
- A toolbox for lattice-spin models with polar molecules (2005) (719)
- Goals and opportunities in quantum simulation (2012) (667)
- Many-particle entanglement with Bose–Einstein condensates (2000) (649)
- Entanglement of Atoms via Cold Controlled Collisions (1998) (599)
- Quasiparticle engineering and entanglement propagation in a quantum many-body system (2014) (587)
- A Rydberg quantum simulator (2009) (573)
- Geometric Manipulation of Trapped Ions for Quantum Computation (2001) (552)
- Quantum repeaters based on entanglement purification (1998) (538)
- Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer (2016) (529)
- Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in synthetic Hall ribbons (2015) (528)
- Complete Characterization of a Quantum Process: The Two-Bit Quantum Gate (1996) (516)
- Creation of effective magnetic fields in optical lattices: the Hofstadter butterfly for cold neutral atoms (2003) (503)
- Topological quantum matter with ultracold gases in optical lattices (2016) (483)
- Universal Digital Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions (2011) (469)
- Dynamics of a quantum phase transition. (2005) (454)
- Condensed matter theory of dipolar quantum gases. (2012) (446)
- Preparation of entangled states by quantum Markov processes (2008) (441)
- A scalable quantum computer with ions in an array of microtraps (2000) (433)
- Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms (2009) (432)
- Creation of entangled states of distant atoms by interference (1998) (422)
- Majorana fermions in equilibrium and in driven cold-atom quantum wires. (2011) (422)
- Self-verifying variational quantum simulation of lattice models (2018) (394)
- Repulsively bound atom pairs in an optical lattice (2006) (370)
- Probing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements (2018) (359)
- A coherent all-electrical interface between polar molecules and mesoscopic superconducting resonators (2006) (346)
- Topology by dissipation in atomic quantum wires (2011) (344)
- Reduced Quantum Fluctuations in Resonance Fluorescence (1981) (324)
- Optomechanical transducers for long-distance quantum communication. (2010) (321)
- Cavity opto-mechanics using an optically levitated nanosphere (2009) (319)
- Hybrid quantum processors: molecular ensembles as quantum memory for solid state circuits. (2006) (319)
- A quantum spin transducer based on nanoelectromechanical resonator arrays (2009) (318)
- Strongly correlated 2D quantum phases with cold polar molecules: controlling the shape of the interaction potential. (2006) (296)
- Fault-tolerant architecture for quantum computation using electrically controlled semiconductor spins (2005) (292)
- Quantum Kibble–Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator (2018) (292)
- High-temperature superfluidity of fermionic atoms in optical lattices. (2002) (292)
- Standard Pressure Volume Temperature Data for Polymers (1995) (286)
- Quantum Superposition States of Bose-Einstein Condensates (1997) (285)
- Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies (2019) (285)
- Optomechanical quantum information processing with photons and phonons. (2012) (275)
- Laser cooling of a nanomechanical resonator mode to its quantum ground state. (2003) (273)
- Quantum information processing and communication (2005) (267)
- Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates: Variational solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations (1997) (259)
- Cold atoms in non-Abelian gauge potentials: from the Hofstadter "moth" to lattice gauge theory. (2005) (256)
- Measuring entanglement growth in quench dynamics of bosons in an optical lattice. (2012) (252)
- Extended Bose-Hubbard models with ultracold magnetic atoms (2015) (244)
- Spectroscopic observation of SU(N)-symmetric interactions in Sr orbital magnetism (2014) (244)
- Hybrid quantum devices and quantum engineering (2009) (227)
- Strongly correlated gases of Rydberg-dressed atoms: quantum and classical dynamics. (2010) (222)
- Autoionizing states in strong laser fields (1981) (219)
- Speed optimized two-qubit gates with laser coherent control techniques for ion trap quantum computing. (2003) (215)
- Measuring multipartite entanglement through dynamic susceptibilities (2015) (214)
- Atomic Bose and Anderson glasses in optical lattices. (2003) (213)
- Mesoscopic Rydberg gate based on electromagnetically induced transparency. (2008) (211)
- Dynamical phase transitions and instabilities in open atomic many-body systems. (2010) (208)
- Engineered Open Systems and Quantum Simulations with Atoms and Ions (2012) (206)
- Atomic quantum simulation of dynamical gauge fields coupled to fermionic matter: from string breaking to evolution after a quench. (2012) (206)
- Atomic quantum simulation of U(N) and SU(N) non-Abelian lattice gauge theories. (2012) (203)
- Topology by dissipation (2013) (201)
- Quantum communication between atomic ensembles using coherent light. (2000) (200)
- Sonic black holes in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates (2000) (199)
- Phonon-induced spin-spin interactions in diamond nanostructures: application to spin squeezing. (2013) (198)
- A quantum annealing architecture with all-to-all connectivity from local interactions (2015) (188)
- Three-body interactions with cold polar molecules (2007) (183)
- Quantum optics of chiral spin networks (2014) (182)
- Spin-based all-optical quantum computation with quantum dots: Understanding and suppressing decoherence (2003) (178)
- Quantum phases of cold polar molecules in 2D optical lattices. (2009) (172)
- Quantum computation using vortices and majorana zero modes of a px + ipy superfluid of fermionic cold atoms. (2006) (169)
- Quantum computing with alkaline-Earth-metal atoms. (2008) (169)
- Quantum simulation of dynamical maps with trapped ions (2012) (157)
- Matrix solidification and the resulting residual thermal stresses in composites (1985) (156)
- Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom. (2009) (154)
- 1/2-anyons in small atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. (2001) (147)
- Supersolid droplet crystal in a dipole-blockaded gas. (2010) (147)
- Continuous mode cooling and phonon routers for phononic quantum networks (2012) (147)
- Cavity-assisted squeezing of a mechanical oscillator (2009) (146)
- Cold polar molecules in two-dimensional traps: Tailoring interactions with external fields for novel quantum phases (2007) (145)
- Establishing Einstein-Poldosky-Rosen channels between nanomechanics and atomic ensembles. (2008) (144)
- Atomic three-body loss as a dynamical three-body interaction. (2008) (144)
- Entanglement purification of Gaussian continuous variable quantum states (1999) (144)
- Squeezing and entanglement of atomic beams. (2000) (136)
- Rényi Entropies from Random Quenches in Atomic Hubbard and Spin Models. (2017) (134)
- Coupled ion-nanomechanical systems. (2004) (132)
- Photonic Circuits with Time Delays and Quantum Feedback. (2016) (131)
- Feedback cooling of a single trapped ion. (2005) (131)
- Designing frustrated quantum magnets with laser-dressed Rydberg atoms. (2014) (131)
- Apparatus for measuring pressure–volume–temperature relationships of polymers to 350 °C and 2200 kg/cm2 (1976) (131)
- Creation of a molecular condensate by dynamically melting a Mott insulator. (2002) (129)
- Direct imaging of topological edge states in cold-atom systems (2012) (128)
- Laser excitation of electronic wave packets in rydberg atoms (1991) (127)
- Ground-state cooling of mechanical resonators (2003) (126)
- Creation of Dark Solitons and Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates (1997) (125)
- Constrained dynamics via the Zeno effect in quantum simulation: implementing non-Abelian lattice gauge theories with cold atoms. (2013) (125)
- Topological Quantum Optics in Two-Dimensional Atomic Arrays. (2017) (125)
- Simulation of quantum dynamics with quantum optical systems (2002) (124)
- Laser-driven atoms in half-cavities (2002) (123)
- A study of the pressure‐volume‐temperature relationships of four related amorphous polymers: Polycarbonate, polyarylate, phenoxy, and polysulfone (1982) (121)
- Driven-dissipative preparation of entangled states in cascaded quantum-optical networks (2011) (121)
- Atomic quantum dots coupled to a reservoir of a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate. (2005) (121)
- Coherent quantum optical control with subwavelength resolution. (2007) (120)
- Real-time Dynamics in U(1) Lattice Gauge Theories with Tensor Networks (2015) (120)
- Atomic quantum simulator for lattice gauge theories and ring exchange models. (2005) (120)
- Quantum computations with atoms in optical lattices: marker qubits and molecular interactions (2004) (119)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of bosonic atoms in optical lattices: Decoherence of many-body states due to spontaneous emission (2010) (119)
- Quantum Simulation of a Lattice Schwinger Model in a Chain of Trapped Ions (2013) (119)
- Optical pumping of quantum-dot nuclear spins. (2003) (118)
- Quantum Chaos in an Ion Trap: The Delta-Kicked Harmonic Oscillator (1997) (116)
- U(1) Wilson lattice gauge theories in digital quantum simulators (2016) (115)
- Interfacing quantum-optical and solid-state qubits. (2003) (114)
- Quantum spin-ice and dimer models with Rydberg atoms (2014) (112)
- Three-dimensional theory for interaction between atomic ensembles and free-space light (2002) (108)
- Quantum kinetic theory: A quantum kinetic master equation for condensation of a weakly interacting Bose gas without a trapping potential (1996) (107)
- Single-photon nonlinearities in two-mode optomechanics (2012) (106)
- New frontiers in quantum information with atoms and ions (2004) (106)
- Nonlinear quantum optomechanics via individual intrinsic two-level defects. (2013) (104)
- Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions (2017) (104)
- A coherent nonlinear mechanism for optical bistability from three level atoms (1980) (104)
- Tensor Networks for Lattice Gauge Theories and Atomic Quantum Simulation (2013) (103)
- Creation of a dipolar superfluid in optical lattices. (2002) (101)
- Quantum Kinetic Theory of Condensate Growth: Comparison of Experiment and Theory (1998) (101)
- Nanoplasmonic lattices for ultracold atoms. (2012) (100)
- Quantum spin dimers from chiral dissipation in cold-atom chains. (2014) (100)
- Two-dimensional lattice gauge theories with superconducting quantum circuits (2014) (99)
- Generation of squeezed states of nanomechanical resonators by reservoir engineering (2004) (98)
- Crystallization of polypropylene, nylon‐66 and poly(ethylene terephthalate) at pressures to 200 MPa: Kinetics and characterization of products (1994) (98)
- Spin-charge separation in ultracold quantum gases. (2002) (97)
- Alkaline-earth-metal atoms as few-qubit quantum registers. (2008) (96)
- Universal photonic quantum computation via time-delayed feedback (2017) (96)
- Mixed-state entanglement from local randomized measurements (2020) (92)
- Trapping and manipulation of isolated atoms using nanoscale plasmonic structures. (2009) (90)
- Optomechanical transducers for quantum-information processing (2011) (90)
- Quantum State Transfer via Noisy Photonic and Phononic Waveguides. (2016) (89)
- Single atom transistor in a 1D optical lattice. (2004) (88)
- Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation (2018) (87)
- Quantum communication with dark photons (1998) (86)
- Superconducting circuits for quantum simulation of dynamical gauge fields. (2013) (84)
- The Quantum World of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Light Book II: The Physics of Quantum-Optical Devices (2015) (84)
- Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics (2009) (84)
- Symmetry-resolved entanglement detection using partial transpose moments (2021) (83)
- Probing topology by “heating”: Quantized circular dichroism in ultracold atoms (2017) (83)
- Holonomic quantum computation with neutral atoms (2002) (83)
- Coherent control of trapped ions using off-resonant lasers (13 pages) (2004) (82)
- Quantum simulation and spectroscopy of entanglement Hamiltonians (2017) (81)
- Nonlinear matter wave dynamics with a chaotic potential (1999) (81)
- Pressure–volume–temperature relationships of solid and molten polypropylene and poly(butene‐1) (1979) (80)
- Erratum: Non-Lorentzian laser line shapes and the reversed peak asymmetry in double optical resonance (1980) (80)
- Subradiant Bell States in Distant Atomic Arrays. (2019) (80)
- Suppression of inelastic collisions between polar molecules with a repulsive shield. (2008) (79)
- Quantum kinetic theory. III. Quantum kinetic master equation for strongly condensed trapped systems (1997) (79)
- Digital quantum simulation, Trotter errors, and quantum chaos of the kicked top (2018) (78)
- Measurement Protocol for the Entanglement Spectrum of Cold Atoms (2016) (78)
- Quantum kinetic theory. V. Quantum kinetic master equation for mutual interaction of condensate and noncondensate (1999) (78)
- Enforcing Coherent Evolution in Dissipative Quantum Dynamics (1996) (77)
- Practical quantum advantage in quantum simulation (2022) (77)
- Stability and collective excitations of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensed gas: A moment approach (1997) (77)
- Trapped Rydberg ions: from spin chains to fast quantum gates (2007) (76)
- Pressure‐volume‐temperature properties of blends of poly(2,6‐dimethyl‐1,4‐phenylene ether) with polystyrene (1982) (76)
- Analogue quantum chemistry simulation (2018) (76)
- Dynamical Buildup of a Quantized Hall Response from Nontopological States. (2016) (74)
- Quantum Information Scrambling in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator with Tunable Range Interactions. (2020) (74)
- Anyonic interferometry and protected memories in atomic spin lattices (2007) (73)
- Defect-suppressed atomic crystals in an optical lattice. (2003) (73)
- Non-Markovian dynamics in chiral quantum networks with spins and photons (2016) (73)
- Quantum gates with hot trapped ions (1997) (73)
- Superconducting vortex lattices for ultracold atoms. (2013) (72)
- Cross-Platform Verification of Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices. (2019) (71)
- Spectrum of squeezing in resonance fluorescence (1984) (71)
- State-dependent, addressable subwavelength lattices with cold atoms (2008) (70)
- Quantum computing with neutral atoms (1999) (70)
- Cold atoms and molecules in self-assembled dipolar lattices. (2007) (69)
- Topological flat bands from dipolar spin systems. (2012) (69)
- Dark-state cooling of atoms by superfluid immersion. (2006) (68)
- Quantum entanglement in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (2001) (68)
- A coherent quantum annealer with Rydberg atoms (2016) (67)
- The pressure–volume–temperature properties of three well‐characterized low‐density polyethylenes (1979) (67)
- Variational Spin-Squeezing Algorithms on Programmable Quantum Sensors. (2019) (67)
- Dissipative preparation of Chern insulators (2014) (67)
- Spin-dependent Hubbard model and a quantum phase transition in cold atoms (2004) (67)
- Nonequilibrium phase diagram of a driven and dissipative many-body system (2010) (66)
- Single-atom cooling by superfluid immersion: A nondestructive method for qubits (16 pages) (2003) (65)
- Statistical correlations between locally randomized measurements: A toolbox for probing entanglement in many-body quantum states (2018) (65)
- Universal rates for reactive ultracold polar molecules in reduced dimensions. (2010) (64)
- Photon-Wavepackets as Flying Quantum Bits (1998) (63)
- Molecular Dipolar Crystals as High Fidelity Quantum Memory for Hybrid Quantum Computing (2007) (62)
- Mimicking a squeezed bath interaction: Quantum reservoir engineering with atoms (1997) (62)
- d-Wave resonating valence bond states of fermionic atoms in optical lattices. (2005) (62)
- Controlled collisions of a single atom and an ion guided by movable trapping potentials (2007) (62)
- Emerging Two-Dimensional Gauge Theories in Rydberg Configurable Arrays (2019) (61)
- Quantum information processing with cold atoms and trapped ions (2005) (61)
- Reservoir engineering and dynamical phase transitions in optomechanical arrays (2012) (61)
- Efficient quantum repeater based on deterministic Rydberg gates (2010) (60)
- Probing Scrambling Using Statistical Correlations between Randomized Measurements (2018) (60)
- Coherent and incoherent phonon processes in artificial atoms (2003) (60)
- The heat of fusion of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (1983) (60)
- The heat of fusion of polytetrafluoroethylene (1982) (59)
- Dark State Optical Lattice with a Subwavelength Spatial Structure (2017) (59)
- Majorana modes in driven-dissipative atomic superfluids with a zero Chern number. (2012) (59)
- Quantum Computers, Algorithms and Chaos (2006) (58)
- Quantum nondemolition measurement of transverse atomic position in Kapitza-Dirac atomic beam scattering (1992) (58)
- Unitary n -designs via random quenches in atomic Hubbard and spin models: Application to the measurement of Rényi entropies (2018) (58)
- Bilayer superfluidity of fermionic polar molecules: Many-body effects (2010) (58)
- Brownian motion of a parametric oscillator: A model for ion confinement in radio frequency traps (1986) (57)
- Many-body topological invariants from randomized measurements in synthetic quantum matter (2019) (57)
- Resonant multiphoton ionization by finite-bandwidth chaotic fields (1979) (57)
- Specific volume of polysulfone as a function of temperature and pressure (1978) (57)
- The Quantum World of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Light Book 1: Foundations of Quantum Optics (2014) (57)
- Laser probing of atomic Cooper pairs. (2000) (56)
- Majorana edge States in atomic wires coupled by pair hopping. (2013) (55)
- Simulating open quantum systems: from many-body interactions to stabilizer pumping (2011) (55)
- Quantum kinetic theory. IV. Intensity and amplitude fluctuations of a Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature including trap loss (1997) (55)
- Quantum Hall physics with cold atoms in cylindrical optical lattices (2015) (55)
- Entangling strings of neutral atoms in 1D atomic pipeline structures. (2002) (54)
- A transmon quantum annealer: decomposing many-body Ising constraints into pair interactions (2016) (53)
- The randomized measurement toolbox (2022) (53)
- New family of superconducting copper oxides: Bi cuprates of type 1212 (1992) (53)
- Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors (2010) (53)
- Simulating 2D Effects in Lattice Gauge Theories on a Quantum Computer (2020) (50)
- Non-Lorentzian laser lineshapes in intense field-atom interaction (1979) (50)
- Dynamic splitting of a Bose-Einstein condensate (2001) (50)
- The heat of fusion of 66 nylon (1984) (49)
- Cavity-Enhanced Long-Distance Coupling of an Atomic Ensemble to a Micromechanical Membrane (2013) (49)
- Dissipation-induced d-wave pairing of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice. (2010) (49)
- ac Stark splitting in intense stochastic driving fields with Gaussian statistics and non-Lorentzian line shape (1981) (49)
- Free-space photonic quantum link and chiral quantum optics (2018) (49)
- Topologically protected quantum state transfer in a chiral spin liquid (2011) (49)
- Thermal versus entanglement entropy: a measurement protocol for fermionic atoms with a quantum gas microscope (2013) (49)
- Entanglement engineering of one-photon wave packets using a single-atom source (1998) (48)
- Quantum information processing and communication Strategic report on current status , visions and goals for research in Europe (2005) (48)
- Absorption spectrum of a two-level system in a squeezed vacuum (1987) (47)
- Symmetry-resolved dynamical purification in synthetic quantum matter (2021) (47)
- Europe’s Quantum Flagship initiative (2019) (46)
- Nonclassical States of Motion in Ion Traps (1996) (46)
- Quantum Noise Reduction in Raman Lasers (1992) (46)
- Pressure—volume—temperature studies of semi-crystalline polymers (1994) (45)
- Entanglement Hamiltonian tomography in quantum simulation (2020) (44)
- Chiral quantum optics with V-level atoms and coherent quantum feedback (2016) (44)
- Photonic band structure of two-dimensional atomic lattices (2017) (44)
- Uniting Bose-Einstein condensates in optical resonators. (2001) (44)
- The equation of state and heat of fusion of poly(ether ether ketone) (1989) (43)
- Designing spin-1 lattice models using polar molecules (2006) (43)
- Analog quantum simulation of (1+1)-dimensional lattice QED with trapped ions (2016) (42)
- Laser temporal coherence effects in two-photon resonant three-photon ionisation (1980) (42)
- Nanoscale "Dark State" Optical Potentials for Cold Atoms. (2016) (42)
- The specific volume of poly(4‐methylpentene‐1) as a function of temperature (30°–320°C) and pressure (0–2000 kg/cm2) (1977) (42)
- Quantum Noise in Quantum Optics: the Stochastic Schrödinger Equation (1997) (41)
- Delayed coherent quantum feedback from a scattering theory and a matrix product state perspective (2017) (41)
- Quantum simulations of extended Hubbard models with dipolar crystals (2009) (40)
- Laser photon correlation effects in electron scattering (1980) (40)
- Laser cooling of two trapped ions: Sideband cooling beyond the Lamb-Dicke limit (1998) (39)
- A unidirectional on-chip photonic interface for superconducting circuits (2019) (39)
- ac Stark splitting in double optical resonance and resonance fluorescence by a nonmonochromatic chaotic field (1979) (38)
- Optimal metrology with programmable quantum sensors (2021) (38)
- Pressure-volume-temperature relationships of solid and molten poly(ethylene terephthalate) (1980) (38)
- Solid-state circuit for spin entanglement generation and purification. (2005) (37)
- One-dimensional quantum liquids with power-law interactions: the Luttinger staircase. (2010) (37)
- The heat of fusion of poly(4‐methyl pentene‐1) (1986) (37)
- Atomic color superfluid via three-body loss. (2009) (37)
- An experimental and theoretical study of the PVT equation of state of butadiene and isoprene elastomers to 200°C and 200 MPa (1993) (37)
- Collective laser cooling of trapped atoms (1996) (36)
- Extended molecules and geometric scattering resonances in optical lattices. (2003) (36)
- The Development of Residual Thermal Stresses in Amorphous and Semicrystalline Thermoplastic Matrix Composites (1987) (35)
- Fermi one-dimensional quantum gas: Luttinger liquid approach and spin–charge separation (2002) (35)
- Quantum technology: from research to application (2016) (35)
- Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives of Quantum Verification (2021) (34)
- Inhibition of spontaneous emission in Fermi gases (1998) (34)
- Quantum computing with atomic Josephson junction arrays (2003) (34)
- Fractional quantum Hall regime of a gas of ultracold atoms (2003) (34)
- Hexagonal plaquette spin–spin interactions and quantum magnetism in a two-dimensional ion crystal (2015) (33)
- Majorana fermions in noisy Kitaev wires (2015) (33)
- Quantum repeaters for communication (1998) (32)
- Driven-dissipative dynamics of a strongly interacting Rydberg gas (2012) (32)
- Rydberg excitation of trapped cold ions: a detailed case study (2011) (32)
- Driven-dissipative many-body pairing states for cold fermionic atoms in an optical lattice (2011) (32)
- Braiding of atomic majorana fermions in wire networks and implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. (2013) (32)
- Optical bistability from three-level atoms (1981) (31)
- A single trapped atom in front of an oscillating mirror (2009) (31)
- Condensed Matter Physics with Cold Polar Molecules (2008) (31)
- Heating dynamics of bosonic atoms in a noisy optical lattice (2013) (31)
- Cavity optomechanics of levitated nanodumbbells: nonequilibrium phases and self-assembly. (2012) (31)
- Numerical analysis of coherent many-body currents in a single atom transistor (2005) (30)
- Phase diagram of one-dimensional hard-core bosons with three-body interactions (2009) (30)
- Stark shifts and resonant multiphoton ionisation in multimode laser fields (1982) (30)
- How to Manipulate Cold Atoms (2003) (30)
- Quantum logic via optimal control in holographic dipole traps (2005) (30)
- Hardware Efficient Quantum Simulation of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories with Qudits on Rydberg Platforms. (2022) (29)
- Quantum non-demolition measurement of a many-body Hamiltonian (2019) (29)
- Observability of quantum criticality and a continuous supersolid in atomic gases. (2009) (29)
- Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks (2021) (29)
- CP(N-1) Quantum Field Theories with Alkaline-Earth Atoms in Optical Lattices (2015) (29)
- Stabilization of the p-wave superfluid state in an optical lattice. (2009) (28)
- Robust quantum state transfer via topologically protected edge channels in dipolar arrays (2016) (28)
- Spin polarization of electrons in two-photon resonant three-photon ionization (1981) (28)
- The equation of state of a polydimethylsiloxane fluid (1990) (28)
- Dissipative dynamics of atomic Hubbard models coupled to a phonon bath: dark state cooling of atoms within a Bloch band of an optical lattice (2006) (28)
- Opto-nanomechanics strongly coupled to a Rydberg superatom: coherent versus incoherent dynamics (2013) (27)
- Entangling neutral atoms for quantum information processing (2000) (27)
- Preparing and probing atomic Majorana fermions and topological order in optical lattices (2012) (27)
- Implementation of Chiral Quantum Optics with Rydberg and Trapped-ion Setups (2016) (27)
- Helical Floquet Channels in 1D Lattices. (2016) (27)
- Saturation and Stark Splitting of Resonant Transitions in Strong Chaotic Fields of Arbitrary Bandwidth (1979) (27)
- Gauge invariant interpretation of multiphoton transition probabilities (1980) (26)
- SO(3) “Nuclear Physics” with ultracold Gases (2018) (26)
- State-dependent lattices for quantum computing with alkaline-earth-metal atoms (2011) (26)
- Programmable Quantum Annealing Architectures with Ising Quantum Wires (2020) (25)
- Long distance coupling of a quantum mechanical oscillator to the internal states of an atomic ensemble (2014) (25)
- Instrumentation for impact testing of plastics (1983) (25)
- Cooling of a trapped ion coupled strongly to a quantized cavity mode (1993) (24)
- Erratum: Atomic Three-Body Loss as a Dynamical Three-Body Interaction [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 040402 (2009)] (2009) (24)
- Realizing dipolar spin models with arrays of superconducting qubits (2015) (24)
- Atomic Rydberg reservoirs for polar molecules. (2011) (24)
- Noise- and disorder-resilient optical lattices (2012) (24)
- Many-Body Chern Number from Statistical Correlations of Randomized Measurements. (2020) (24)
- Fokker-Planck equation treatment of atomic relaxation and resonance fluorescence in phase-modulated laser light (1977) (24)
- Trimer liquids and crystals of polar molecules in coupled wires. (2011) (24)
- Spectroscopy of superfluid pairing in atomic fermi gases. (2004) (24)
- The specific volume of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) as a function of temperature (30°–372°C) and pressure (0–2000 kg/cm2) (1978) (24)
- Quantum state transfer in a quantum network: A quantum-optical implementation (1997) (23)
- Fermionizing a small gas of ultracold bosons (2002) (23)
- Emission spectra of atoms strongly driven by finite bandwidth laser light (1978) (23)
- Theoretical equation of state of polymer blends: The poly(2,6‐dimethyl‐1,4‐phenylene ether)–polystyrene pair (1982) (23)
- From classical to quantum glasses with ultracold polar molecules. (2013) (23)
- Laser probing of Cooper-paired trapped atoms (2001) (22)
- Physical replicas and the Bose glass in cold atomic gases (2008) (22)
- Quantum feedback cooling of a single trapped ion in front of a mirror (13 pages) (2005) (22)
- Probing Atomic Majorana Fermions in Optical Lattices (2012) (22)
- Observation of entanglement propagation in a quantum many (2014) (21)
- Cavity-assisted nondestructive laser cooling of atomic qubits (2003) (21)
- Harmonic generation and multiphoton ionization near an autoionizing resonance (1983) (20)
- Quantum communication in a quantum network (1998) (20)
- Majorana Quasiparticles Protected by Z_{2} Angular Momentum Conservation. (2017) (20)
- Influence of configuration mixing in intermediate states on resonant multiphoton ionization (1983) (20)
- The heat of fusion of copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene (1984) (20)
- Controlled source of entangled photonic qubits (2000) (20)
- Theory of a Quantum Scanning Microscope for Cold Atoms. (2017) (20)
- Photonic tensor networks produced by a single quantum emitter (2017) (19)
- Inhibition of quantum tunneling of an atom due to the continuous observation of light scattering (1994) (19)
- Resonance fluorescence in modulated laser fields (1977) (18)
- Continuous Measurement of an Atomic Current (2017) (18)
- Erratum: Bose-Einstein Condensation in Trapped Dipolar Gases [Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1791 (2000)] (2002) (18)
- The pressure‐volume‐temperature relationship and the heat of fusion of polyoxymethylene (1988) (18)
- Atomic matter-wave revivals with definite atom number in an optical lattice (2011) (18)
- Fault-tolerant dissipative preparation of atomic quantum registers with fermions (11 pages) (2005) (18)
- One- and two-photon detachment of negative hydrogen ions: a hyperspherical adiabatic approach (1985) (17)
- Stresses and volume changes in a polymer loaded axially in a rigid die (1988) (17)
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- Cloud Outsourcing: Risiko IT-Security? (2014) (0)
- Advisory Board (2016) (0)
- Cold Atom Theory (2011) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Over the horizon: 5 trends for the future of development (2018) (0)
- Quantum Computing (1996) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Index of Authors (with Titles) (1982) (0)
- 2018 Norman F. Ramsey Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and in Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries Recipient talk: Atomic Quantum Simulation 2.0 (2018) (0)
- Advisory Board (2013) (0)
- The Watkins lecture series. (1984) (0)
- Fast quantum gates and coherent control with trapped ions (2004) (0)
- The AdP Advisory Board (2012) (0)
- Priority-Based Classification of Available Information — An Important Aspect of Future User Interfaces — (1989) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Systems of Ultra-Cold Atoms, and Advanced Computational Methods (2010) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Material : Dark state optical lattice with subwavelength spatial structure (2018) (0)
- A megabase DNA electrophoresis system (1989) (0)
- Subrecoil cooling in 2D: quantum simulations (1994) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Advisory Board (2016) (0)
- HybridQuantumProcessors:Molecular EnsemblesasQuantumMemory forSolidStateCircuits (2006) (0)
- Determination of work contexts—an important aspect of future user interfaces (1989) (0)
- Cloud Outsourcing: Risiko IT-Security? (2014) (0)
- Probing long range dipole coupling in Cold Rydberg atoms by microwave spectroscopy (2014) (0)
- General Discussion and Conclusions (2013) (0)
- Advisory Board (2013) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Advisory Board (2017) (0)
- Advisory Board (2015) (0)
- Special Issue: Seminar on Fundamentals of Quantum Optics IV (1997) (0)
- Advisory Board (2016) (0)
- Automatic configuration of telematic data traffic of a motor vehicle (2015) (0)
- Inhibition of spontaneous emission in Fermi gases (1998) (0)
- Quantum communication in a quantum network (1998) (0)
- Quantum motion of trapped ions (1995) (0)
- Inhibition of Quantum Tunneling of an Atom due to the Continuous Observation of Light Scattering (1994) (0)
- Quantum Noise Reduction in Raman Lasers (1992) (0)
- Near-threshold behaviour of multiphoton ionisation probabilities (1989) (0)
- Advisory Board (2016) (0)
- Rydberg states in laser fields: wave packets and near-threshold excitation (1987) (0)
- Robustness of digital quantum simulators against Trotter errors (2017) (0)
- S ep 2 00 9 Two-orbital SU ( N ) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms (2019) (0)
- Superconducting 3D Transmon Qubits for Analog Quantum Simulations (2017) (0)
- Self-verifying variational quantum simulation of lattice models (2019) (0)
- Quantum defect model of reactive collisions in quasi-1D and quasi-2D traps (2010) (0)
- Quantum Information Processing with Quantuim Optics (2003) (0)
- Fermi Inhibition in Inhomogeneous Atomic Gases (1999) (0)
- Coherent Deflection of Atoms by Adiabatic Passage in Multilevel Systems (1992) (0)
- Author Correction: Quantum non-demolition measurement of a many-body Hamiltonian (2020) (0)
- Quantum Kibble–Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator (2019) (0)
- Atomic Systems Driven by Colored Squeezed Light (1989) (0)
- Fluctuations and steady-state of a Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with a bath of thermal atoms (1998) (0)
- Quantum state mapping from multilevel atoms to light fields (1994) (0)
- Entanglement phase diagrams from partial transpose moments (2022) (0)
- 02 12 03 9 v 2 9 A pr 2 00 3 Entangling strings of neutral atoms in 1 D atomic pipeline structures (2022) (0)
- P o S ( L A T T I C E 2 0 1 5 ) 3 1 1 Proposal for the Quantum Simulation of the C P ( 2 ) Model on Optical Lattices ∗ (2015) (0)
- 1 2 A pr 1 99 9 Quantum computing with neutral atoms (0)
- Se p 20 10 1 D Quantum Liquids with Power-Law Interactions : the Luttinger Staircase (2010) (0)
- Long-range entanglement and coherent qubit coupling via spin transport: implications for scalability (2005) (0)
- Chapter 26. Quantum Repeater (2008) (0)
- Non-Classical States of Motion and Quantum Collapse and Revival in an Ion Trap (1994) (0)
- Quantum technology: from research to application (2016) (0)
- Quantum optics with trapped photon states: coherent memory for light (2001) (0)
- Quantum Information Processing with Quantum Optics (2003) (0)
- Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions (2017) (0)
- J an 2 00 4 Ground state cooling of mechanical resonators (2008) (0)
- A ug 2 00 0 Fast quantum gates for neutral atoms (2018) (0)
- Topologically Protected State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid (2012) (0)
- Quantum computing and quantum communication with atoms (2003) (0)
- Measuring Entanglement Spectrum via Density Matrix Exponentiation (2016) (0)
- Ultracold atoms coupled to micro- and nanomechanical oscillators: Towards hybrid quantum systems (2009) (0)
- 03 08 12 9 v 1 2 5 A ug 2 00 3 Single Atom Cooling by Superfluid Immersion : A Non-Destructive Method for Qubits (2022) (0)
- Measuring the Band Populations in a Purely Optical Dark Lattice (1996) (0)
- Designing Interactions in Polar Molecules: Towards Novel Quantum Phases (2006) (0)
- Interaction of Light with Atoms (1991) (0)
- Cold bosons in noisy optical lattices (2012) (0)
- Quantum–classical correspondences for atomic operators: a positive P representation approach (1995) (0)
- Publisher's Note: Quantum-limited velocity readout and quantum feedback cooling of a trapped ion via electromagnetically induced transparency [Phys. Rev. A 72, 043823 (2005)] (2005) (0)
- Advisory Board (2014) (0)
- Quantum Optics of Chiral Many-Body Spin Systems-a Rydberg Implementation (2016) (0)
- Resonant Multiphoton Ionization via Rydberg States - Angular Distributions of Photoelectrons (1983) (0)
- Analog quantum simulation of chemistry problems with ultra-cold atoms (2019) (0)
- Quantum and classical spin network algorithms for $q$-deformed Kogut-Susskind gauge theories (2023) (0)
- Dynamical Entanglement Creation and Measurement with Cold Atoms or Ions (2013) (0)
- Supplementary Material for “ Majorana Modes in Driven-Dissipative Atomic Superfluids With Zero Chern Number ” (2012) (0)
- Advisory Board (2013) (0)
- Optical levitation of quantum nano-mechanical resonators (2009) (0)
- Two leg bosonic ladder in an external magnetic field at unit filling (2014) (0)
- Quantum information processing and quantum simulations with alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice (2009) (0)
- Autonomous Quantum Error Correction with Application to Quantum Metrology (2017) (0)
- Synthetic physics at the edge (2015) (0)
- Beating the diffraction limit: an optical lattice of sub-wavelength barriers (2018) (0)
- Quantum Computing and Decoherence in Quantum Optical Systems (1997) (0)
- ‘Free-Space’ Chiral Quantum Optics-From Quantum Antenna to 'Free Space' Quantum Links (2017) (0)
- Erratum: Spectroscopy of Superfluid Pairing in Atomic Fermi Gases [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 080401 (2004)] (2007) (0)
- Advisory Board (2014) (0)
- Rydberg wave packets excited by laser pulses (1988) (0)
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