Philip N. Howard
Canadian sociologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Philip N. Howard is a sociologist and communication researcher who studies the impact of information technologies on democracy and social inequality. He studies how new information technologies are used in both civic engagement and social control in countries around the world. He is Professor of Internet Studies at the Oxford Internet Institute and Balliol College at the University of Oxford. He was Director of the Oxford Internet Institute from March 2018 to March 26, 2021. He is the author of ten books, including New Media Campaigns and The Managed Citizen, The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, and Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Set Us Free or Lock Us Up. His latest book is Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives.
Philip N. Howard's Published Works
Published Works
- Opening Closed Regimes: What Was the Role of Social Media During the Arab Spring? (2011) (714)
- Days and Nights on the Internet (2001) (617)
- Democracy's Fourth Wave?: Digital Media and the Arab Spring (2013) (544)
- The Upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia: The Role of Digital Media (2011) (378)
- Social Media and Political Change: Capacity, Constraint, and Consequence (2012) (298)
- Network Ethnography and the Hypermedia Organization: New Media, New Organizations, New Methods (2002) (288)
- Bots, #StrongerIn, and #Brexit: Computational Propaganda during the UK-EU Referendum (2016) (272)
- Reply to Evgeny Morozov's review of The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Information Technology and Political Islam (2010) (226)
- Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics (2008) (225)
- The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy (2010) (215)
- Algorithms, bots, and political communication in the US 2016 election: The challenge of automated political communication for election law and administration (2018) (175)
- Political Bots and the Manipulation of Public Opinion in Venezuela (2015) (172)
- What Best Explains Successful Protest Cascades? ICTs and the Fuzzy Causes of the Arab Spring (2013) (171)
- Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation (2017) (170)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen (2005) (153)
- Automation, Algorithms, and Politics| Political Communication, Computational Propaganda, and Autonomous Agents — Introduction (2016) (147)
- Deep Democracy, Thin Citizenship: The Impact of Digital Media in Political Campaign Strategy (2005) (143)
- Society Online: The Internet in Context (2003) (139)
- Computational propaganda worldwide: Executive summary (2017) (139)
- When Do States Disconnect Their Digital Networks? Regime Responses to the Political Uses of Social Media (2011) (133)
- Information and Communication Technology for Development (2011) (129)
- Research Methodology (2000) (123)
- Telecommunications Reform, Internet Use and Mobile Phone Adoption in the Developing World (2009) (106)
- The IRA, Social Media and Political Polarization in the United States, 2012-2018 (2018) (103)
- Comparing Digital Divides: Internet Access and Social Inequality in Canada and the United States (2010) (87)
- Social Media, News and Political Information during the US Election: Was Polarizing Content Concentrated in Swing States? (2018) (73)
- Network ethnography and the hypermedia organization : new organizations , new media , new methods (2001) (72)
- Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Set Us Free or Lock Us Up (2015) (69)
- Political Communication, Computational Propaganda, and Autonomous Agents (2016) (63)
- Polarization, Partisanship and Junk News Consumption over Social Media in the US (2018) (62)
- Automation, Algorithms, and Politics| Automation, Big Data and Politics: A Research Review (2016) (57)
- Environmental scarcity and violent conflict : the case of Chiapas, Mexico (1996) (55)
- A Study of Misinformation in WhatsApp groups with a focus on the Brazilian Presidential Elections. (2019) (55)
- Computational Propaganda and Political Big Data: Moving Toward a More Critical Research Agenda (2017) (50)
- Digitizing the Social Contract: Producing American Political Culture in the Age of New Media (2003) (50)
- “Anything that Causes Chaos”: The Organizational Behavior of Russia Today (RT) (2020) (46)
- Method and Representation in Internet-Based Survey Tools— Mobility, Community, and Cultural Identity in Survey2000 (2000) (46)
- Chinese computational propaganda: automation, algorithms and the manipulation of information about Chinese politics on Twitter and Weibo (2019) (46)
- Introduction: New directions in internet politics research (2008) (42)
- Bots and Automation over Twitter during the Second U.S. Presidential Debate (2016) (40)
- Sourcing and Automation of Political News and Information over Social Media in the United States, 2016-2018 (2019) (39)
- TESTING THE LEAP-FROG HYPOTHESIS: The impact of existing infrastructure and telecommunications policy on the global digital divide (2007) (38)
- Embedded Media: Who We Know, What We Know, and Society Online (2004) (36)
- Castells and the Media (2011) (35)
- Sizing Up Information Societies: Toward a Better Metric for the Cultures of ICT Adoption (2009) (35)
- New Challenges to Political Privacy: Lessons from the First U.S. Presidential Race in the Web 2.0 Era (2010) (34)
- A Case of Mistaken Identity? News Accounts of Hacker, Consumer, and Organizational Responsibility for Compromised Digital Records (2007) (31)
- Sourcing and Automation of Political News and Information During Three European Elections (2019) (29)
- Junk News and Bots during the French Presidential Election: What Are French Voters Sharing Over Twitter In Round Two? COMPROP DATA MEMO 2017.4 / 4 MAY 2017 (2017) (29)
- Democracy’s Fourth Wave? Information Technologies and the Fuzzy Causes of the Arab Spring (2012) (29)
- The Dictators’ Digital Dilemma: When Do States Disconnect Their Digital Networks? (2011) (28)
- State Power 2.0: Authoritarian Entrenchment and Political Engagement Worldwide (2016) (28)
- Opening Closed Regimes: Civil Society, Information Infrastructure, and Political Islam (2010) (28)
- The Bot Proxy : Designing Automated Self Expression (2018) (27)
- Learning to Search and Searching to Learn: Income, Education, and Experience Online (2007) (25)
- Social Capital, Internet Connectedness & Political Participation: A Four-Country Study (2000) (23)
- Digital Activism and Non‐Violent Conflict (2013) (23)
- Coronavirus Coverage by State-Backed English-Language News Sources (2020) (20)
- Lie Machines (2020) (20)
- The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom. By Evgeny Morozov. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011. 432p. $27.95. (2011) (20)
- Political parties and voter privacy: Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and United States in comparative perspective (2010) (15)
- Information Technologies and Omnivorous News Diets over Three U.S. Presidential Elections (2011) (13)
- Digital Media and the Arab Spring (2013) (13)
- Digital Technology and the Market for Political Surveillance (2002) (13)
- Social media, revolution,and the rise of the political bot (2016) (12)
- Coronavirus News and Information on YouTube: A Content Analysis of Popular Search Terms (2020) (12)
- Junk News on Military Affairs and National Security: Social Media Disinformation Campaigns Against US Military Personnel and Veterans (2018) (12)
- The state of the language: English Observed (1984) (12)
- Social Media, Civic Engagement and the Slacktivism Hypothesis: Dig Data Lessons from Mexico's 'El Bronco' (2016) (12)
- The History of Ecological Marginalization in Chiapas (1998) (11)
- Conclusion: Information Technology and Democratic Islam (2010) (10)
- What to expect when you’re expecting robots: Futures, expectations, and pseudo-artificial general intelligence in UK news (2020) (10)
- Data Breaches in Europe: Reported Breaches of Compromised Personal Records in Europe, 2005-2014 (2014) (9)
- The state of the language (1984) (9)
- Can Technology Enhance Democracy? The Doubters' Answer (2001) (9)
- Richard Gunther, Jose Ramon Montero, and Hans-Jürgen Puhle. Democracy, Intermediation, and Voting on Four Continents. (2007) (8)
- Investigating Visual Content Shared over Twitter during the 2019 EU Parliamentary Election Campaign (2021) (8)
- COVID-RELATED MISINFORMATION ON YOUTUBE The Spread of Misinformation Videos on Social Media and the Effectiveness of Platform Policies (2020) (7)
- Turning Dirt Roads into Information Highways: The Conceptual Misformation of Internet Diffusion (2009) (5)
- Development-induced Displacement in Haiti (1997) (5)
- Does Social Media Make a Difference in Political Campaigns? Digital Dividends in Brazil's 2010 National Elections (2013) (5)
- Who is afraid of fake news? Modeling risk perceptions of misinformation in 142 countries (2022) (5)
- Democracy Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the Arab Spring (2013) (4)
- We thundered out: 200 years of The Times, 1785-1985 (1985) (4)
- Misinformation and professional news on largely unmoderated platforms: the case of telegram (2022) (4)
- Global Fears of Disinformation Perceived Internet and Social Media Harms in 142 Countries (2020) (4)
- Balancing Product Reviews, Traffic Targets, and Industry Criticism: UK Technology Journalism in Practice (2020) (4)
- The internet and communication studies (2004) (4)
- A Dataset of COVID-Related Misinformation Videos and their Spread on Social Media (2021) (4)
- Junk News & Information Sharing During the 2019 UK General Election (2020) (4)
- Participation, Civics and Your Next Coffee Maker: Participation, Civics and Your Next Coffee Maker (2014) (3)
- Where news could not inspire change: TRT World as a party broadcaster (2021) (3)
- Channeling Diversity in the Public Spectrum: Who Qualifies to Bid for Which FCC Licenses? (2007) (3)
- Telecom Policy Across the Former Yugoslavia: Incentives, Challenges, and Lessons Learned (2014) (3)
- Profiting from the Pandemic Moderating COVID-19 Lockdown Protest, Scam, and Health Disinformation Websites (2020) (3)
- Delivering Digital Public Diplomacy: Information Technologies and the Changing Business of Diplomacy (2014) (3)
- The Junk News Aggregator: Examining junk news posted on Facebook, starting with the 2018 US Midterm Elections (2019) (3)
- Information Technology and the Limited States of the Arab Spring (2014) (3)
- Digital Media and the 2010 National Elections in Brazil (2014) (2)
- Risk and Hyperconnectivity: Media and Memories of Neoliberalism (2017) (2)
- China's Inauthentic UK Twitter Diplomacy: A Coordinated Network Amplifying PRC Diplomats (2021) (2)
- Sociedad on line: internet en contexto (2005) (2)
- Ready to vote: elections, technology & political campaigning in the United Kingdom (2019) (2)
- The British monarchy in the twentieth century (1977) (2)
- Pax Technica (2020) (2)
- Social Media Misinformation on German Intelligence Reports: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 18-05-2020' (2020) (1)
- Getting Beyond the Usual Suspects: Policy and Culture in ICT Adoption (2009) (1)
- Data Collection and Leakage (2009) (1)
- Introduction: State power 2.0 (2013) (1)
- Environmental Scarcities and Conflict: Assessing the Evidence in the Asia-Pacific Region (1997) (1)
- Central Asia ICT Project. 'Information and Communication Technology in Central Asia: 2005 Briefing Book' (2005) (1)
- Social media and soft power politics in Africa (2016) (1)
- Information Infrastructure and the Organization of Protest (2013) (1)
- Civil Society and Systems of Political Communication (2010) (1)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Propaganda and Political Big Data. (2017) (1)
- Book Review: Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows and Jørgen Randers, Beyond the Limits: Global Collapse or a Sustainable Future (London: Earthscan Publications Limited, 1992, 320 pp., £9.95 pbk.) (1994) (1)
- Democracy's Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the Arab Spring by Philip N. Howard and Muzammil M. Hussain, eds (2013) (1)
- Creativity and Critique: Gap Analysis of Support for Critical Research on Big Data (2016) (1)
- Authoritarian Responses and Consequences (2013) (1)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Propaganda and Political Big Data. (2017) (1)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Managed Citizenship and Information Technology (2005) (1)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Introduction: The Hypermedia Campaign (2005) (1)
- Studying Politically Vulnerable Communities Online: Ethical Dilemmas, Questions, and Solutions (2018) (0)
- 運算宣傳:2019「假訊息防制工作坊」工作坊主題演講 (2020) (0)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Learning Politics from the Hypermedia Campaign (2005) (0)
- Social Media Misinformation on vi rus Origins and US Immigrants: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 11-05-2020' (2020) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on Ocular and Prison Transmission: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 20-07-2020' (2020) (0)
- Al Jazeera, Social Media, and Digital Journalism (2013) (0)
- Introduction (2018) (0)
- Social Media Junk News around Electoral Fraud in the US Election (2020) (0)
- A Case of Mistaken Identity ? Reporting Responsibility for Compromised Digital Records , 1995-2005 (2006) (0)
- 1. The science and technology of lie machines (2020) (0)
- New Social Media Practices: Potential for Development, Democracy, and Anti-democratic Practices (2016) (0)
- Lineages of the Digital State (2010) (0)
- Social Media Junk News around President Trump’s Coronavirus Diagnosis (2020) (0)
- 4. Marketing junk news operations and news we shouldn’t use (2020) (0)
- Introduction: Political Communication and Contemporary Muslim Media Systems (2010) (0)
- The Recent History of Digital Media and Dissent (2013) (0)
- Running Head : Sizing Up Information Societies Position Statement : Sizing Up Information Societies — Towards a Better Metric for the Cultures of ICT Adoption 11 / 28 / 2016 (2016) (0)
- New Media and Journalism Online (2010) (0)
- Getting a Foot in the Door: Broadcast License Auctions and Diversity in Media Ownership, 19952006 (2007) (0)
- 2. The Information Vulnerability Landscape (2020) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on the Epidemic Status of Coronavirus: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 13-07-2020' (2020) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on the Death of Justice Ginsburg Weekly Misinformation Briefing 29-09-2020 (2020) (0)
- Western News and Social Media Websites Broker Information for Iraq's Political Web (2010) (0)
- Making Book on the Language (1981) (0)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Political Communication and Information Technology (2005) (0)
- Illegal Opposition Groups Dominate Egypt's Online Public Sphere (2010) (0)
- Censorship and the Politics of Cultural Production (2010) (0)
- Conclusion: Digital Media and the Rhythms of Social Change (2013) (0)
- Prologue: Revolution in the Middle East Will Be Digitized (2010) (0)
- 5. Tracing impact and influence (2020) (0)
- Race and Class in the Colonial Bahamas, 1880–1960 by Gail Saunders (2018) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on Black Lives Matter and Coronavirus Impacts: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 07-07-2020' (2020) (0)
- Evolution and Revolution, Transition and Entrenchment (2010) (0)
- 6. Future-proof solutions for a data-rich democracy (2020) (0)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Appendix: Method Notes on Studying Information Technology and Political Communication (2005) (0)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Organizational Communication in the Hypermedia Campaign (2005) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on Self-Isolation Rules and Religious Freedom: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 01-06-2020' (2020) (0)
- In the Margins: Recounts, Victory and Error in the 2000 and 2004 U.S. Elections (2008) (0)
- Keynote Speech for the 2019 Workshop on "Fake News and Information Warfare" (2020) (0)
- Producing the Hypermedia Campaign (2005) (0)
- Predicting Engagement with the Internet Research Agency's Facebook and Instagram Campaigns around the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election (2020) (0)
- Iran's Political Parties Link to Persian Blogosphere More than News Sources (2010) (0)
- Compromising positions: organizational and hacker responsibility for exposed digital records (2009) (0)
- Prologue: The Flows of Information in Competitive Politics (2005) (0)
- The political economy of digital profiteering: communication resource mobilization by anti-vaccination actors (2022) (0)
- Social Media Junk News around Absentee Vote Counts in the US Presidential Election (2020) (0)
- Digital media and the 2010 national elections in Brazil 4 / 28 / 2011 (2011) (0)
- Social Media Junk News about the First US Presidential Debate (2020) (0)
- Conclusion (2018) (0)
- Sandoval County, New Mexico (2006) (0)
- 2. Production troll armies and the organization of misinformation on social media (2020) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on Hydroxychloroquine and Trust in Science: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 03-08-2020' (2020) (0)
- Book Review: Paul Harrison, The Third Revolution (London: Penguin Books. 1993, 377 pp., £6.99 pbk.) (1994) (0)
- The Information Vulnerability Landscape (2009) (0)
- New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen: Titles in the series (2005) (0)
- Book Review: Daniel C. Esty, Greening the GATT: Trade, Environment, and the Future (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994, 319 pp., $19.95 pbk.) (1995) (0)
- Social Media Misinformation on Hospital Fraud and Disinfectant Injections: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 04-05-2020' (2020) (0)
- Social Media Junk News on Policies Punishing US Conservatives: 'Coronavirus Misinformation Weekly Briefing 29-06-2020' (2020) (0)
- Considerations for maximising analytic performance (2013) (0)
- 3. Distribution Deceitful robots and politics in code (2020) (0)
- Political Parties Online (2010) (0)
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