Philip Phillips
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Theoretical physicist at UIUC
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Philip Phillips 's Degrees
- Bachelors Physics Stanford University
Why Is Philip Phillips Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Philip W. Phillips is a theoretical condensed matter physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. He has contributed to the studies of various topics in modern physics including high temperature superconductivity and gauge–gravity duality.
Philip Phillips 's Published Works
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Published Works
- Localization and Its Absence: A New Metallic State for Conducting Polymers (1991) (195)
- Orbital ordering induces structural phase transition and the resistivity anomaly in iron pnictides (2009) (157)
- Advanced Solid State Physics (2002) (145)
- Doped Twisted Bilayer Graphene near Magic Angles: Proximity to Wigner Crystallization, Not Mott Insulation. (2018) (143)
- Orbital ordering and unfrustrated (π,0) magnetism from degenerate double exchange in the iron pnictides (2010) (121)
- The Elusive Bose Metal (2003) (117)
- Colloquium: Identifying the propagating charge modes in doped Mott insulators (2010) (112)
- Dynamical gap and cupratelike physics from holography (2010) (92)
- Dynamically generated Mott gap from holography. (2011) (86)
- Theory of the magnetic moment in iron pnictides. (2008) (79)
- Superconductivity in a two-dimensional electron gas (1997) (64)
- Orbitally and magnetically induced anisotropy in iron-based superconductors (2011) (55)
- Phase glass is a Bose metal: a new conducting state in two dimensions. (2001) (45)
- Breakdown of one-parameter scaling in quantum critical scenarios for high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors. (2004) (44)
- Relativistic corrections for methylene (1980) (41)
- Theory of the Luttinger surface in doped Mott insulators (2007) (41)
- Absence of Luttinger's theorem due to zeros in the single-particle Green function. (2012) (40)
- Minding the gap in holographic models of interacting fermions (2014) (34)
- Universality of liquid-gas Mott transitions at finite temperatures. (2007) (34)
- Exact theory for superconductivity in a doped Mott insulator (2020) (34)
- Conjecture on the butterfly velocity across a quantum phase transition (2018) (32)
- Mottness in high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors (2009) (32)
- Non-Fermi Liquid due to Orbital Fluctuations in Iron Pnictide Superconductors (2011) (31)
- Un-Fermi liquids: Unparticles in strongly correlated electron matter (2013) (29)
- Generalized Wigner crystallization in moiré materials (2020) (27)
- Higher order corrections to effective low-energy theories for strongly correlated electron systems (2004) (27)
- Hidden charge 2e Boson in doped Mott insulators. (2006) (26)
- Pressure-induced metal-insulator transition in twisted bilayer graphene (2018) (25)
- Neutral Order Parameters in Metallic Criticality in d=2+1 from a Hairy Electron Star (2011) (25)
- Nonperturbative approach to full Mott behavior (2004) (25)
- Fluctuation conductivity in insulator-superconductor transitions with dissipation. (1999) (23)
- Doped Mott insulators are insulators: hole localization in the cuprates. (2005) (22)
- Vortex glass is a metal: Unified theory of the magnetic-field and disorder-tuned Bose metals (2005) (22)
- Experimental Detection of Sign-Reversal Pairing in Iron-Based Superconductors (2008) (22)
- Unparticles and anomalous dimensions in the cuprates (2015) (22)
- Mottness collapse and T-linear resistivity in cuprate superconductors (2010) (21)
- Stranger than metals (2022) (20)
- Pseudogap in doped Mott insulators is the near-neighbor analogue of the Mott gap. (2002) (20)
- High-temperature superconductivity (2021) (19)
- Minimal model for disorder-induced missing moment of inertia in solid H 4 e (2006) (19)
- Emergence of Particle-Hole Symmetry near Optimal Doping in High-Temperature Copper Oxide Superconductors (2008) (18)
- Signatures of surface states in bismuth at high magnetic fields. (2009) (17)
- Chemical potential for harmonically interacting particles in a harmonic potential (1983) (17)
- Exact Superconducting Instability in a Doped Mott Insulator (2019) (17)
- Correlated Hofstadter spectrum and flavour phase diagram in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (2021) (17)
- Repulsive binary alloys and the absence of localization: Application to Fibonacci lattices and molecularly based electronic filters (1990) (16)
- Mott transition on a triangular lattice (2008) (16)
- High gain metal grating free-electron laser (1988) (16)
- Absence of power-law mid-infrared conductivity in gravitational crystals (2015) (16)
- Interaction-induced Bose metal in two dimensions (2000) (16)
- Evolution of holographic Fermi arcs from a Mott insulator (2015) (15)
- d x 2 -y 2 pairing of composite excitations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (2000) (15)
- Size Dependence in the Disordered Kondo Problem (1996) (15)
- Absence of asymptotic freedom in doped mott insulators: breakdown of strong coupling expansions. (2004) (15)
- Power-law Optical Conductivity from Unparticles: Application to the Cuprates (2015) (14)
- Not just a phase (2016) (14)
- Towards the standard model for Fermi arcs from a Wilsonian reduction of the Hubbard model (2011) (14)
- Nonlinear transport near a quantum phase transition in two dimensions. (2003) (14)
- Impact of Dynamic Orbital Correlations on Magnetic Excitations in the Normal State of Iron-Based Superconductors (2012) (14)
- Dynamically Generated Gap from Holography: Mottness from a Black Hole (2010) (14)
- Origin of the Mott gap (2008) (13)
- Organic materials: From insulator to superconductor (2000) (13)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Index (2012) (13)
- Exact integration of the high energy scale in doped Mott insulators (2007) (13)
- Failure of scattering interference in the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors (2004) (12)
- Local dynamics and strong correlation physics: One- and two-dimensional half-filled Hubbard models (2001) (12)
- Origin of pair-tunneling states in semiconductor quantum dots (1997) (12)
- Two distinct Mott-Insulator to Bose-glass transitions and breakdown of self averaging in the disordered Bose-Hubbard model (2010) (12)
- Theory of point contact spectroscopy in correlated materials (2014) (11)
- Electron-like quasiparticles drive the superconductor-insulator transition in homogeneously disordered thin films (2001) (11)
- Colloquium : Fractional electromagnetism in quantum matter and high-energy physics (2019) (11)
- Anomalous Dimensions for Boundary Conserved Currents in Holography via the Caffarelli–Silvestre Mechanism for p-forms (2017) (11)
- Landau theory of bicriticality in a random quantum rotor system (1998) (10)
- Superdiffusion in structurally disordered systems in any spatial dimension (1990) (10)
- The role of dephasing in some recent theories of quantum localization (1988) (10)
- Vacancy-driven orbital and magnetic order in (K,Tl,Cs)$_y$Fe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$ (2011) (10)
- Pomeranchuk Instability in a non-Fermi Liquid from Holography (2012) (10)
- Cracking the Supersolid (2007) (10)
- Thermopower and quantum criticality in a strongly interacting system: parallels with the cuprates (2011) (9)
- Magnon-mediated pairing and isotope effect in iron-based superconductors (2009) (9)
- Tuning thermoelectric power factor by crystal-field and spin-orbit couplings in Kondo-lattice materials (2013) (9)
- Many‐body perturbation theory and phosphorescence: Application to CH2 (1982) (9)
- On the surface tension of liquid drops (1984) (9)
- Breakdown of self-averaging in the Bose glass (2013) (9)
- Single-parameter scaling in the magnetoresistance of optimally doped La2−xSrxCuO4 (2019) (8)
- Anomalous suppression of the Bose glass at commensurate fillings in the disordered Bose-Hubbard model (2009) (8)
- Realizing infrared power-law liquids in the cuprates from unparticle interactions (2016) (8)
- Geodesically complete metrics and boundary non-locality in holography: Consequences for the entanglement entropy (2016) (8)
- Spectral kinks and mid-infrared optical conductivity of doped Mott insulators from strong electron correlations (2008) (8)
- Classification of nonlocal actions: Area versus volume entanglement entropy (2019) (8)
- Multiple nucleation pathways near triple points of Ar–Kr mixtures (1984) (8)
- High-energy damping by particle-hole excitations in the spin-wave spectrum of iron-based superconductors (2014) (8)
- Non-Fermi liquid behaviour at the orbital-ordering quantum critical point in the two-orbital model (2012) (8)
- Absence of phase stiffness in the quantum rotor phase glass (2003) (8)
- Interchange perturbation theory and phosphorescence: Application to CH2O (1982) (7)
- Power-law liquid in cuprate superconductors from fermionic unparticles (2017) (7)
- The relativistic correction to the excitation energy of formaldehyde (1981) (7)
- Short-range interactions and a bose metal phase in two dimensions (2002) (6)
- Dimer and rods in the conducting state of polyaniline (1993) (6)
- Hidden charge- 2 e boson: Experimental consequences for doped Mott insulators (2007) (6)
- Exchange coupling and high-temperature transport in M(phthalocyanine)I conductors (1999) (6)
- Anomalous dimension of the electrical current in strange metals from the fractional Aharonov-Bohm effect (2018) (6)
- Nearest-neighbor attraction stabilizes staggered currents in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (2001) (6)
- Effects of Coulomb interactions on the superconducting gaps in iron-based superconductors (2015) (6)
- Normal state of the copper oxide high-temperature superconductors (2011) (6)
- Discrete symmetry breaking defines the Mott quartic fixed point (2022) (6)
- Exact solution for finite center-of-mass momentum Cooper pairing (2022) (5)
- Doped Mott Insulators Break $\mathbb Z_2$ Symmetry of a Fermi Liquid: Stability of Strongly Coupled Fixed Points (2021) (5)
- The correlation length divergence of Tolman’s length (1985) (5)
- Free at last: Bose metal uncaged (2019) (5)
- Breakdown of One-Paramater Scaling in Quantum Critical Scenarios for the High-Temperature Copper-oxide Superconductors (2005) (5)
- Proposed insulating ground state of Na 0.5 CoO 2 : Squaring the triangle (2007) (5)
- Hall Conductivity near the z=2 Superconductor-Insulator Transition in 2D (2002) (5)
- Fractionalize This (2010) (5)
- Topological Mott insulator at quarter filling in the interacting Haldane model (2022) (5)
- Spectral weight transfer in multiorbital Mott systems (2011) (5)
- Two-fluid model of the pseudogap of high-temperature cuprate superconductors based on charge-2e bosons (2009) (5)
- Long‐range electron transport in random trapping models (1988) (5)
- Quasiparticle interference and resonant states in normal and superconducting line nodal semimetals (2017) (4)
- Extracting correlation effects from momentum-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy: Synergistic origin of the dispersion kink in Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+x (2020) (4)
- Absence of Luttinger's theorem for fermions with power-law Green functions (2017) (4)
- Theory of the radiative lifetime of the 3B1 state of SO2 (1983) (4)
- Beyond Particles: Unparticles in Strongly Correlated Electron Matter (2014) (4)
- Bose metal as a disruption of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D superconductors (2018) (4)
- Hopping‐to‐band transitions in disordered electronic systems (1987) (4)
- The Chemical Potential for Interacting Fermions in a Harmonic Potential (1984) (4)
- Nöther’s Second Theorem as an Obstruction to Charge Quantization (2019) (4)
- Log-rise of the resistivity in the holographic Kondo model (2017) (4)
- The Full Mottness (2003) (3)
- Transport properties near the z=2 insulator-superconductor transition (2000) (3)
- Absence of nematic ordering transition in a diamond lattice: Application to FeSc2S4 (2016) (3)
- The efficiency of photosynthetic molecularly based electronic devices (1986) (3)
- Much Ado about Zeros: The Luttinger Surface and Mottness (2006) (3)
- Comment on "Measurement of x-ray absorption spectra of overdoped high-temperature cuprate superconductors: Inapplicability of the single-band Hubbard model" (2010) (3)
- Exact Form of Boundary Operators Dual to Interacting Bulk Scalar Fields in the AdS/CFT Correspondence (2017) (3)
- Orbital resonance mode in superconducting iron pnictides (2013) (3)
- Quantum conductors in a plane. (1999) (3)
- Observation of Pines' Demon in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (2020) (3)
- Universal features of Thermopower in High Tc systems and Quantum Criticality (2011) (3)
- A dynamical flux expansion for the three-dimensional bond percolation problem (1988) (3)
- Scale invariance as the cause of the superconducting dome in the cuprates (2018) (3)
- Vanishing Hall Conductance in the Phase Glass Bose Metal at Zero Temperature (2017) (3)
- Interaction-driven spontaneous ferromagnetic insulating states with odd Chern numbers (2022) (3)
- Kinks and Mid-Infrared Optical Conductivity from Strong Electron Correlation (2007) (2)
- Violation of an f -sum rule with generalized kinetic energy (2016) (2)
- 0 10 45 04 v 2 8 O ct 2 00 1 Electron Quasiparticles Drive the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Homogeneously Disordered Thin Films (2001) (2)
- Anomalous diffusion and Noether's second theorem. (2020) (2)
- Quantum critical diffusion and thermodynamics in Lifshitz holography (2018) (2)
- Fractional Virasoro algebras (2017) (2)
- Metallic polyacetylene is a soliton lattice (1994) (2)
- Kondo Resonance and logT Conductivity in Highly Conducting Trans-Polyacetylene (1995) (2)
- Charge separation efficiencies in artificial photosynthetic systems: Application to molecularly based electronic devices (1988) (2)
- Anomalous Dimension of the Electrical Current in the Normal State of the Cuprates from the Fractional Aharonov-Bohm Effect (2016) (2)
- Inequivalence of the zero-momentum Limits of Transverse and Longitudinal Dielectric Response in the Cuprates (2018) (2)
- Absence of a charge diffusion pole at finite energies in an exactly solvable interacting flat-band model in d dimensions (2017) (2)
- Nonconservation of fermionic degrees of freedom at low energy in doped Mott insulators (2009) (2)
- Thermodynamics of an exactly solvable model for superconductivity in a doped Mott insulator (2021) (1)
- Pinch mechanism for improving proton quantum yields in model redox-initiated proton pumps (1991) (1)
- Conjecture on the butterfly velocity across a quantum phase transition (2018) (1)
- Divergent thermopower without a quantum phase transition. (2014) (1)
- Anderson localisation from a generalised master equation (1989) (1)
- Anomalous length dependence of the quantum yield in artificial photosynthetic systems (1988) (1)
- A pr 2 00 1 Electron Quasiparticles Drive the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Homogeneously Disordered Thin Films (2001) (1)
- Probing the bulk plasmon continuum of layered materials through electron energy loss spectroscopy in a reflection geometry (2022) (1)
- Can Short-Range Interactions Mediate a Bose Metal Phase in 2D? (2001) (1)
- Comment on ``Two-Electron State in a Disordered 2D Island: Pairing Caused by the Coulomb Repulsion'' (1997) (1)
- Squaring the Triangle: Insulating Ground State of $Na_{0.5}CoO_{2}$ (2005) (1)
- Deconstruction of the trap model for the new conducting state in two dimensions (1999) (1)
- Non-Fermi-liquid behavior from partial nesting in multiorbital superconductors (2015) (1)
- Anderson localization on a d=2 triangular lattice (1992) (1)
- Nonequilibrium transport in the strange metal and pseudogap phases of the cuprates (2013) (1)
- Incipient p-wave Superconductivity in a Si-MOSFET (1997) (1)
- Second-order Lovelock gravity from entanglement in conformal field theories (2019) (1)
- Magnetotransport properties near the superconductor-insulator transition in two dimensions (2001) (1)
- The origin of extended states in conducting polymers (1991) (1)
- Local entropies across the Mott transition in an exactly solvable model (2019) (1)
- 1/4 is the new 1/2: Interaction-induced Unification of Quantum Anomalous and Spin Hall Effects (2022) (1)
- Comment on "X-ray absorption spectra reveal the inapplicability of the single-band hubbard model to overdoped cuprate superconductors". (2010) (1)
- The Kondo Effect and Weak Localization (2002) (1)
- Abstract Submitted for the MAR16 Meeting of The American Physical Society Power-law Optical Conductivity from Unparticles: Application to the Cuprates1 (2015) (1)
- Breakdown of Strong-Coupling Perturbation Theory in Doped Mott Insulators (2003) (1)
- The Physics of Dilute Magnetic Alloys, by Jun Kondo, translated by Shigeru Koikegami, Kosuke Odagiri, Kunihiko Yamaji and Takashi Yanagisawa (2013) (1)
- Breakdown of Fermi Liquid Theory in Doped Mott Insulators by Dynamical Spectral Weight Transfer (2008) (1)
- Low-energy inelastic response in the superconducting phases of PrOs 4 Sb 12 (2017) (1)
- On the planar limit of Tolman's length in an Ising model (1985) (1)
- Electron localization in a hard sphere fluid (1984) (1)
- Electron localization in a hard sphere fluid (1984) (1)
- Kitaev chain with a fractional twist (2022) (1)
- 1/4 is the new 1/2: Interaction-induced Quantum Anomalous and Spin Hall Mott Insulators (2022) (1)
- Electron–lattice interactions (2012) (0)
- Abstract Submitted for the MAR17 Meeting of The American Physical Society Anomalous Dimension of the Electrical Current in the Normal State of the Cuprates from the Fractional Aharonov-Bohm Effect1 KRID- (2017) (0)
- Reply to Comment on"Signatures of surface states in bismuth at high magnetic fields" (2009) (0)
- Proof of a Stable Fixed Point for Strongly Correlated Electron Matter (2023) (0)
- Unparticles and anomalous dimensions in the cuprates (2016) (0)
- Optical Conductivity in the Cuprates and Gauge/Gravity duality (2015) (0)
- Charge 2e Boson Underlies Two - Fluid Model of the Pseudogap in Cuprate Superconductors (2009) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Preface (2012) (0)
- Anomalous length dependence of the quantum yield in chromophore-doped liquid crystals (1989) (0)
- When the Disorder is Just Right A newmodel suggests that disorder can be a crucial ingredient for producing non-Fermi-liquid behavior in a system of interacting fermions (2021) (0)
- A New Look at Hopping, Trapping and Anderson Localisation (1989) (0)
- Higher order effective low-energy theories (2004) (0)
- Anomalous Dimensions for Boundary Conserved Currents in Holography via the Caffarelli–Silvestre Mechanism for p-forms (2019) (0)
- The kondo effect and the pauli susceptibility in polyacetylene (1994) (0)
- Absence of a T=0 metallic phase in the half-filled 2D Hubbard Model (2001) (0)
- Abstract Submitted for the MAR15 Meeting of The American Physical Society The effects of Coulomb interactions on the superconducting gaps in iron-based superconductors1 (2015) (0)
- A pr 2 00 0 Quantum Conductors in a Plane (2000) (0)
- d_x^2-y^2 Pairing in the Repulsive Hubbard Model (2000) (0)
- Abstract Submitted for the MAR10 Meeting of The American Physical Society Anomalous suppression of the Bose glass at commensurate fillings in the disordered Bose-Hubbard model1 (2012) (0)
- Local magnetic moments in metals (2012) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Quantum phase transitions (2012) (0)
- Absence of power-law mid-infrared conductivity in gravitational crystals (2015) (0)
- An effective medium treatment of the random bias problem (1990) (0)
- The Full Mottness: Asymptiotic Slavery (2004) (0)
- The role of spin-exchange on transport in quantum dots (1995) (0)
- 1 2 Ju l 2 00 7 Hidden Charge 2 e Boson in Doped Mott Insulators : Field Theory of Mottness (2021) (0)
- Academic societies' role in curbing police brutality (2020) (0)
- Physics. Cracking the supersolid. (2007) (0)
- Detecting isotropic density and nematic fluctuations using ultrafast coherent phonon spectroscopy (2018) (0)
- Ju l 1 99 7 Positive MagnetoResistance in Quasi-1 D Conductors (2022) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Quenching of local moments: the Kondo problem (2012) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Second quantization (2012) (0)
- Dimers, Repulsions, and the Absence of Localisation (1991) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Electrons at strong coupling: Mottness (2012) (0)
- New transport mechanisms for conducting polymers : the role of disorder (1992) (0)
- On a class of integrable interacting electronic systems with off-diagonal disorder (1995) (0)
- Seradjeh, Wu, and Phillips Reply: (2010) (0)
- Bose Glass and Commensurate Bosons: Unhappy Marriage (2009) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Introduction (2012) (0)
- Failure of Topological Invariants in Strongly Correlated Matter (2023) (0)
- Nonlocal Conformal Theories Have State-dependent Central Charges (2020) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Quantum Hall and other topological states (2012) (0)
- 0 10 44 78 v 2 1 2 Se p 20 01 Local Dynamics and Strong Correlation Physics I : 1 D and 2 D Half-filled Hubbard Models (2021) (0)
- Turning insulators into superconductors (2000) (0)
- Are eons and spinons really in superconducting M{sub 3}C{sub 60} (1993) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Disorder: localization and exceptions (2012) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Born–Oppenheimer approximation (2012) (0)
- Reflection EELS as a probe of the bulk plasmon continuum in layered materials (2022) (0)
- Fluctuation conductivity in a phase glass: A 2D Bose metal* (2003) (0)
- Real Space Renormalization of the Bose-Hubbard Model with Inhomogeneous Trap Potential (2014) (0)
- Not Just a Phase: Bose Metal Unveiled (2016) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Superconductivity in metals (2012) (0)
- Strongly coupled fixed point in φ4 theory (2015) (0)
- Doublon-Holon binding in a half-filled band (2009) (0)
- Quantum yield of a two-site proton diffusion model: Suggestions for dominant uncoupling processes in cytochrome oxidase (1990) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Interacting electron gas (2012) (0)
- Superconducting instability in an exactly solvable model of a doped Mott insulator (2020) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Hartree–Fock approximation (2012) (0)
- 0 00 51 19 v 3 2 9 M ay 2 00 1 Interaction-induced Bose Metal in 2 D (2021) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Bosonization (2012) (0)
- Phonon-induced 2e--tunneling in GaAS quantum dots (1996) (0)
- The ``alien spirit'' of relativity (2016) (0)
- The absence of localization in certain statically disordered solids (1990) (0)
- Algebraic Scaling of the Kondo Temperature in a Luttinger Liquid (1994) (0)
- Advanced Solid State Physics: Non-interacting electron gas (2012) (0)
- Screening and plasmons (2012) (0)
- Fractional Hydrodynamics and Anomalous Diffusion (2020) (0)
- 0 10 92 69 v 1 1 4 Se p 20 01 Can Short-Range Interactions Mediate a Bose Metal Phase in 2 D ? (2008) (0)
- Evolution of holographic Fermi arcs from a Mott insulator (2018) (0)
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