Pierre Kaufmann
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Brazilian physicist and radio astronomer
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Pierre Kaufmann's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of São Paulo
- Masters Physics University of São Paulo
- Bachelors Physics University of São Paulo
Why Is Pierre Kaufmann Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Pierre Kaufmann was a French physicist and astronomer. He worked at Mackenzie University, Unicamp, and USP, and founded research into radio astronomy and solar physics in Brazil. Career He studied physics at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, starting in 1957, and graduating in 1961, before going to Leiden University and Groningen University.
Pierre Kaufmann's Published Works
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Published Works
- A New Solar Burst Spectral Component Emitting Only in the Terahertz Range (2004) (107)
- Metal mesh resonant filters for terahertz frequencies. (2008) (104)
- Coronal Observations of CMEs (2006) (73)
- The Pre-CME Sun (2006) (72)
- Evidence that Synchrotron Emission from Nonthermal Electrons Produces the Increasing Submillimeter Spectral Component in Solar Flares (2007) (59)
- Solar burst with millimetre-wave emission at high frequency only (1985) (58)
- Sub-second pulsations simultaneously observed at microwaves and hard X rays in a solar burst (1983) (55)
- First detection of the impulsive and extended phases of a solar radio burst above 200 GHz (2002) (47)
- Solar flare detection sensitivity using the South America VLF Network (SAVNET) (2010) (45)
- Multiple energetic injections in a strong spike-like solar burst (1982) (45)
- New telescopes for ground-based solar observations at submillimeter and mid-infrared (2008) (39)
- The South America VLF NETwork (SAVNET) (2009) (39)
- On the detectability of solar X-ray flares using very low frequency sudden phase anomalies (2006) (38)
- Can microbunch instability on solar flare accelerated electron beams account for bright broadband coherent synchrotron microwaves (2006) (33)
- Analysis of the impulsive phase of a solar flare at submillimeter wavelengths (2004) (33)
- Sub-terahertz, Microwaves and High Energy Emissions During the 6 December 2006 Flare, at 18:40 UT (2008) (32)
- Instantaneous positions of microwave solar bursts: Properties and validity of the multiple beam observations (1999) (29)
- A synchrotron/inverse Compton interpretation of a solar burst producing fast pulses at 3 MM and hard x-rays (1986) (28)
- Rapid Submillimeter Brightenings Associated with a Large Solar Flare (2001) (27)
- The effect of a total solar eclipse on long path VLF transmission (1968) (27)
- Observations of BL Lacertae from the Geodetic VLBI Archive of the Washington Correlator (1998) (26)
- The use of the large MM-wave antenna at Itapetinga in high-sensitivity solar research (1982) (25)
- A high-energy solar flare burst complex and the physical properties of its source region (1987) (24)
- Observations of OJ 287 from the Geodetic-VLBI Archive of the Washington Correlator (1999) (24)
- Origin of the Submillimeter Radio Emission During the Time-Extended Phase of a Solar Flare (2011) (24)
- Solar Radius Variations at 48 GHz Correlated with Solar Irradiance (1999) (23)
- Simulating the emission of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range by relativistic electron beams (2006) (23)
- Repetition rates of fast pulses in a solar burst observed at MM-waves and hard X-rays (1987) (23)
- Origin of the 30 THz Emission Detected During the Solar Flare on 2012 March 13 at 17:20 UT (2015) (22)
- Solar Submillimeter and Gamma-Ray Burst Emission (2002) (22)
- Analysis of daytime ionosphere behavior between 2004 and 2008 in Antarctica (2011) (21)
- Launch of solar coronal mass ejections and submillimeter pulse bursts (2003) (21)
- Properties of Fast Submillimeter Time Structures during a Large Solar Flare (2003) (20)
- Some relationships between solar X-ray bursts and SPA's produced on VLF propagation in the lower ionosphere (1969) (19)
- A multibeam antenna for solar MM-wave burst observations with high spatial and temporal resolution (1992) (19)
- A solar burst with a spectral component observed only above 100 GHz during an M class flare (2008) (19)
- Microwave and hard X-Ray observations of a solar flare with a time resolution better than 100 ms (1983) (19)
- A method for arc-second determination of solar burst emission centers with high time resolution and sensitivity at 48 GHz (1995) (19)
- The new submillimeter-wave solar telescope (2001) (19)
- Submillimeter and X-ray observations of an X class flare (2009) (18)
- Diffuse Component Spectra of Solar Active Regions at Submillimeter Wavelengths (2005) (18)
- Five minute microwave solar oscillations (1980) (18)
- Spatial positions of fast-time structures of a solar burst observed at 48 GHz (1995) (17)
- Photometry of THz radiation using Golay cell detector (2011) (17)
- POlarization Emission of Millimeter Activity at the Sun (POEMAS): New Circular Polarization Solar Telescopes at Two Millimeter Wavelength Ranges (2012) (16)
- Evolution of 3C 273 at 10. 7 GHz (1987) (16)
- The south America VLF NETwork (SAVNET): Development, installation status, first results (2009) (16)
- Submillimeter-wave atmospheric transmission at El Leoncito, Argentina Andes (2005) (16)
- Interpretation of fast ripple structure in solar impulsive bursts (1985) (15)
- Effects of the Large June 1975 Meteoroid Storm on Earth's Ionosphere (1989) (15)
- Bright 30 THz impulsive solar bursts (2015) (15)
- Analysis of cosmic ray variations observed by the CARPET in association with solar flares in 2011-2012 (2013) (14)
- Time and Space Distribution of Discrete Energetic Releases in Millimeter-Wave Solar Bursts (1998) (14)
- Persistent 1.5 s oscillations superimposed to a solar burst observed at two mm-wavelengths (1984) (14)
- On the Origin of Pulsations of Sub-THz Emission from Solar Flares (2014) (13)
- 4.7s nearly periodic oscillations superimposed on the solar microwave great burst of 28 March 1976 (1977) (12)
- Wavelet Decomposition of Submillimeter Solar Radio Bursts (2003) (12)
- The Observed Spectrum of Solar Burst Continuum Emission in the Submillimeter Spectral Range (1994) (12)
- Correlated fast time structures at millimeter waves and hard X-rays during a solar burst (2000) (12)
- Time delays in solar bursts measured in the mm-cm range of wavelengths (1981) (12)
- Night-time Anomalies in Very Low Frequency Propagation produced by a Galactic X-ray Source at Centaurus (1970) (11)
- Observation of the impulsive phase of a simple flare (1984) (11)
- Solar flares not producing sudden phase advances (2002) (11)
- VLF Propagation Effects produced by the Eclipse (1970) (11)
- Comparable energy release rates at the origin of small and large solar bursts (1985) (11)
- The simplest solar microbursts flux and circular polarization at 22 GHz (1983) (11)
- Spatial Characterization of a Flare Using Radio Observations and Magnetic Field Topology (2007) (11)
- A Burst with Double Radio Spectrum Observed up to 212 GHz (2012) (10)
- Possible long-period oscillations in solar radio emission at microwaves (1972) (10)
- Survey of water vapor sources in the southern hemisphere (1977) (10)
- Selective spectral detection of continuum terahertz radiation (2010) (10)
- Terahertz Photometer to Observe Solar Flares in Continuum (2011) (10)
- Coordinated observations of a large impulsive flare on UV Ceti (1989) (10)
- Timing analysis of hard X-ray emission and 22 GHz flux and polarization in a solar burst (1984) (10)
- Precision Clock and Time Transfer on a Wireless Telecommunication Link (2010) (9)
- Association of Mid-Infrared Solar Plages with Calcium K Line Emissions and Magnetic Structures (2007) (9)
- Low-level decimetric (1.6 GHz) solar burst activity (1987) (9)
- Some characteristics of an S-component of solar radiation identified on November 1966 eclipse at 4.28-cm wavelength (1968) (9)
- Inter-hemispheric analysis of daytime low ionosphere behavior from 2007 to 2011 (2013) (9)
- Spectral Trends of Solar Bursts at Sub-THz Frequencies (2017) (9)
- Compact sources of suprathermal microwave emission detected in quiescent active regions during lunar occultations (1992) (9)
- V.L.F. propagation across the geomagnetic anomaly during S.I.D.s (1967) (9)
- Relative changes on lower ionosphere conductivity gradients during SID events (1968) (8)
- Uncooled detectors of continuum terahertz radiation (2011) (8)
- New H2O celestial sources associated with H II regions in the Southern Hemisphere (1976) (8)
- Observations of 3C 273 with high north-south resolution (1985) (8)
- Multi-resolution wavelet analysis of high time resolution millimeter wavelength observations of solar bursts (2001) (8)
- Fast time structures superimposed to impulsive solar microwave bursts with slowly varying or stationary polarization degree (1978) (8)
- Observations of BL Lacertae Object 1803+784 from the Geodetic VLBI Archive of the Washington Correlator (2002) (7)
- Relative timing of microwave bursts and metric type III bursts. Implication on the energy of type III burst exciter (1989) (7)
- THz photometers for solar flare observations from space (2014) (7)
- Polarization changes with time during solar microwave impulsive bursts (1970) (7)
- On the Possible Emission of Polarized Microwave Radiation from the Solar Hemispheres (1969) (7)
- The July 1974 solar events: A possible lower limit for microwave activity (1975) (7)
- “A New Setup for Ground-based Measurements of Solar Activity at 10 μm” (PASP, 118, 1558 [2006]) (2006) (7)
- The New Itapetinga Radio Observatory, from Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brasil (1971) (7)
- A synchrotron/inverse Compton interpretation of a solar burst producing fast pulses at lambda less than 3-mm and hard X-rays (1986) (7)
- Small and Large Scale Magnetic Structures Involved in the Development of the 1992 October 28 Solar Flare (1999) (7)
- Time Development of Circular Polarization Solar Microwave Bursts (1974) (6)
- Lower ionosphere monitoring by the South America VLF Network (SAVNET): C region occurrence and atmospheric temperature variability (2013) (6)
- Experimental results from measurements performed during the 12 November 1966 total solar eclipse with a 4.28-cm radio polarimeter (1967) (6)
- 22-GHz continuum observations of the Carina nebula (1991) (6)
- Fast discrete emissions at hard X-rays and sub-mm-IR waves in the impulsive phase of solar bursts (1996) (6)
- SOLAR-T: terahertz photometers to observe solar flare emission on stratospheric balloon flights (2012) (6)
- Nonrecursive algorithm for remote geolocation using ranging measurements (2006) (6)
- Pulsations at the Onset of the Great Solar Burst of 22 October 1989 (1998) (6)
- Comments on fast pulses in mm-wave bursts (1985) (6)
- The correlation between sudden phase anomalies and solar microwave radio bursts (1970) (5)
- Search for continuum solar flare radiation in the terahertz range (2010) (5)
- An eruptive prominence and associated cm-mm emission outside the solar limb (1988) (5)
- The effect of slowly varying surface errors in large millimeter wave antennas: A practical verification in the Itapetinga 45-ft reflector (1978) (5)
- THz photometers for solar flare observations from space (2013) (5)
- CORONAL OBSERVATIONS OF CMEs Report of Working Group A (2006) (5)
- Possible low ionosphere response to very hard X-rays from Cygnus X-3 bursts in september 1972 (1973) (5)
- VLF ionosonde and long-distance propagation anomalies produced by galactic Cen X-4 X-ray burst in May 1979 (1983) (5)
- C-layer dependence on solar cycle and southern latitude observed by VLF propagation (1991) (5)
- Solar–terrestrial, ionospheric and natural phenomena studies using the South America VLF network (SAVNET) (2011) (5)
- A New Setup for Ground‐based Measurements of Solar Activity at 10 μm (2006) (5)
- Origin of the 30 THz Emission Detected During the Solar Flare on 2012 March 13 at 17:20 UT (2015) (5)
- Evidence for quasi-quantization of solar flare mm-wave radiation (1980) (5)
- Longitudinal dependence of ionospheric total electron content in the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (1976) (5)
- Electron Acceleration and Transport During the November 5, 1998 Solar Flare At ∼13:34 UT (2006) (5)
- Relativistic effects in the variable-screening model (1976) (5)
- Diagnostics of solar flares in the far infrared (1988) (4)
- Recent developments of the solar Submm-wave telescope (SST) (1997) (4)
- Short-period pulsations observed simultaneously by X-ray and radio waves (1983) (4)
- Comparison of 30 THz impulsive burst time development to microwaves, Hα, EUV, and GOES soft X-rays (2015) (4)
- The New Solar Submillimeter-Wave Telescope Project(SST) (1993) (4)
- Radio spectra of OH471 and OQ172 (1974) (4)
- Polarization Bursts in the Sun observed at Microwave Frequencies (1968) (4)
- Spectral peculiarities of high energy X-ray radiation, gamma radiation, and Submillimeter radio emission in the impulsive phase of a solar flare (2011) (4)
- Observations of Solar Flares from GHz to THz Frequencies (2012) (4)
- Semiclassical description of elastic heavy-ion scattering for very heavy systems (1978) (4)
- Solar physics at Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil (1968) (4)
- On Removal of the Gradual Component in Analyses of Solar Impulsive Bursts (1990) (4)
- Examination of Broadband Coherent Synchrotron Radiation to Describe THz and Sub-THz Solar Flare Spectral Emissions (2010) (4)
- Interpretation of Temporal Features in an Unusual X-Ray znd Microwave Burst (1986) (3)
- Submillimeter-wave and Hα observations of the event on 28 November, 2001 (2005) (3)
- Long-Term Power Transmission Failures in Southeastern Brazil and the Geophysical Environment (2012) (3)
- Fast Mid-IR Flashes Detected During Small Solar X-Ray Bursts (2010) (3)
- Space and Ground-Based New Tools for THz Solar Flare Observations (2015) (3)
- Solar Flare Observations at Submm-waves (2001) (3)
- Search for short-term variability in nonthermal radio sources (1982) (3)
- Observations with a 7 GHz Polarimeter (1970) (3)
- Continuum terahertz radiation detection using membrane filters (2009) (3)
- Determination of Submillimeter Atmospheric Opacity at El Leoncito, Argentina Andes* (2003) (3)
- Correction to paper by Pierre Kaufmann and Aracy M. Mendes, ‘Relative changes on lower ionosphere conductivity gradients during SID events’ (1968) (3)
- Activity of the Nucleus of the Southern Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1566 (1975) (3)
- Probing the nuclear potential by a semiclassical analysis of the elastic scattering of 40Ar + 60Ni, 120Sn and 208Pb at 44 MeV/u (1985) (3)
- Recent results on solar activity at submillimeter wavelengths (2005) (3)
- Trimpi occurrence and geomagnetic activity: Analysis of events detected at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Station (L = 2.25) (2003) (3)
- Signal Transceiver Transit Times and Propagation Delay Corrections for Ranging and Georeferencing Applications (2012) (2)
- Fast temporal variations of the circular polarization degree during a microwave solar burst (1999) (2)
- Aperture efficiency of Itapetinga 45-ft antenna at λ = 3.3 mm (1987) (2)
- THz solar telescope for detection flare synchrotron radiation (2011) (2)
- A qualitative discussion on the possibility of gravitational instabilities at the origin of explosions in magnetospheres (1977) (2)
- A New Independent GPS-Free System for Geo-Referencing from Space (2014) (2)
- Interferometric Observations of Subsecond Spikes in a Solar Microwave Burst (1979) (2)
- On the long-term behaviour of the circular polarization from coronal condensation radio emission at 4.3 cm wavelength (1972) (2)
- Heavy-ion-induced multiple Coulomb excitation within the classical S-matrix theory (1982) (2)
- Single-dish high sensitivity determination of solar limb emission at 22 and 44 GHz (1986) (2)
- Submillimeter/IR solar bursts from high energy electrons (2008) (2)
- Polarization of a periodic solar microwave burst (1976) (2)
- The apparent sky temperatures and tropospheric absorption on solar radiation at 7 GHz1 (1968) (2)
- Radio Emission of NGC 5128 at λ = 1.35 cm (1974) (2)
- A Catalog of Stellar Velocity Dispersions (1984) (2)
- Solar Observations at Submillimeter Wavelengths (2003) (2)
- Periodic and quiescent solar activity effects in the low ionosphere, using SAVNET data (2010) (2)
- The Relationship between Synchrotron and Bremsstrahlung Emission of Nonthermal Electrons during a Solar Flare. A detailed study during the August 30, 2002 X1.5 event (2005) (2)
- A note on lower ionosphere equivalent height diurnal variation (1968) (2)
- Solar Observations at THz Frequencies on Board of a Trans-Antartic Stratospheric Balloon Flight (2016) (2)
- Monitoring of atmospheric changes related to sun-earth interactions (2010) (2)
- The New 30 THz Solar Telescope in São Paulo, Brazil (2015) (2)
- Comments on pulses of characteristic energy produced in solar flare detonations and its possible application to other astrophysical plasmas (1977) (2)
- Unusual Emissions at Various Energies Prior to the Impulsive Phase of the Large Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection of 4 November 2003 (2012) (2)
- Solar Corona at Centimetre Wavelengths (1968) (2)
- A Brazilian Radio Telescope for Millimeter Wavelengths (1973) (2)
- Great solar bursts of October 19, 22 and 23, 1989 (2002) (2)
- THz solar observations on board of a trans-Antarctic stratospheric balloon flight (2016) (1)
- Search for circular polarized emission from solar hemispheres at microwaves (1973) (1)
- Polarized solar activity at mm-waves (2017) (1)
- Unpolarized impulsive solar bursts observed at 7 GHz (1969) (1)
- A statistical analysis of soft X-ray effects in the low terrestrial ionosphere and some inferences on the nature of solar flares. (1978) (1)
- Evidence for Highly Inhomogeneous mm-Wave Sources During the Impulsive Flare of May 9, 1991 (1997) (1)
- Some results obtained with v.l.f. atmospherics measurements at São Paulo, Brazil (1967) (1)
- Possible fast variability of the nucleus of Cen A at 13.5 mm (1977) (1)
- Observed flux density enhancement at submillimeter wavelengths during an X-class flare (2007) (1)
- Recent Results of Solar Activity Diagnostics at Submillimeter Wavelengths (2004) (1)
- Coupling of microwaves at a selected solar active centre (1974) (1)
- Association of time structures of solar bursts at millimetric and at metric waves (1984) (1)
- The fast explosive evaporation of mini black holes and flares at magnetospheres: An attractive speculative analogy (1978) (1)
- On the possible detection of giant quasi-periodic bursts in the nucleus of Centaurus A at mm-wavelengths (1979) (1)
- Microwave observations of the 4 January, 1973 solar eclipse (1973) (1)
- 22.2-GHz high emission nebulosities associated with the Carina Nebula central region (1974) (1)
- Some peculiar tropospheric and ground effects on solar noise radio measurements at 7 GHz (1969) (1)
- On the relation of SPA measured at VLF to solar microwave burst energies (1978) (1)
- Power reduction on QPSK modulation codings for geopositioning application using LEO satellites (2009) (1)
- Radio observations of comet Halley at 22 and 43 GHz. (1987) (1)
- First celestial water vapor sources observed at Itapetinga Radio Observatory, Brazil (1974) (1)
- Arcsecond determination of solar burst centers of emission simultaneous to high time resolution and high sensitivity at 48 GHz (1992) (1)
- Influence of the Ionosphere Model on the Solution of a VLBI Geodetic Experiment (1988) (1)
- Changes in coronal condensations emission after solar bursts at microwaves (1970) (1)
- Solar Patrol Polarization Telescopes at 45 and 90 GHz (2012) (1)
- Some new radio sources associated with the sersic peculiar galaxies (1975) (1)
- Joint Measurements of Flare Flux Densities at 210 – 212 GHz by Two Different Radio Telescopes (2014) (0)
- Terahertz Photometer to Observe Solar Flares in Continuum (2011) (0)
- Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in Laboratory Accelerators and the Double-Spectral Feature in Solar Flares (2016) (0)
- Survey of VLF-Omega transmissions received during summer in the Antarctic peninsula (1985) (0)
- Earth Ionospheric Effects of the June 1975 Meteoroid Storm (1989) (0)
- Rapid spectral and flux time variations in a solar burst observed at various dm-mm wavelengths and at hard X-rays (1986) (0)
- The negligible effect of non-Gaussian surface deviations in large MM-Lambda reflectors' aperture efficiency and the performance of Itapetinga 45-ft antenna at Lambda = 3.3 MM (1986) (0)
- Development with time of circular polarization for solar explosions in microwaves. (1974) (0)
- Dynamics of coronal magnetic fields inferred from multi-frequency radio observations of a solar flare (2002) (0)
- Microwaves and Hard X-Rays Ultrafast Time Structures at the Impulsive Phase of Solar Bursts (1986) (0)
- Solar Microwave Bursts: Homologous Events from Different Active Centres (1971) (0)
- A synchrotron/inverse Compton interpretation of a solar burst producing fast pulses at lambda 3 MM and hard X-rays (1984) (0)
- On the First Southern-Sky H2O Masers Observed at Itapetinga, Brazil (1974) (0)
- A combined report on general works and preliminary studies on solar radio emission and solar-terrestrial relationships through V.L.F. propagation in the ionosphere (1966) (0)
- High energy component of solar flares (2010) (0)
- Circular polarization of solar bursts at 22 GHz (1993) (0)
- Characteristics of solar north polar cap radio emission at lambda = 4.3 cm based on 24 December 1973 eclipse observations (1974) (0)
- Fast flux and polarization periodic time structure of microwave solar bursts (1977) (0)
- A partial solar eclipse observed at 100-cm wavelength on 12 November 1966 (1968) (0)
- Temporal Features in a Solar Flare Observed in mm-waves, cm-waves and X-rays with Fine Time Resolution (1981) (0)
- Brazil's furure plans for upper atmosphere research in Antarctica (abstract) (1985) (0)
- Atmospheric Changes Observed in Antarctica Related to the Sun-Earth Interactions (2012) (0)
- Uncooled thermal infrared detector for detection of far-infrared radiation (2004) (0)
- On the Origin of Pulsations of Sub-THz Emission from Solar Flares (2014) (0)
- Sun-Earth Interaction and its impact in the upper atmosphere (2010) (0)
- Short-lived solar burst spectral component at f g 100 GHz. (1986) (0)
- New ground-based results on solar activity emissions at submillimeter and mid-infrared wavelengths (2008) (0)
- Distribution of Circularly Polarized Emission across the Solar Disk at λ =4.3cm (1974) (0)
- Solar System VLBI Astrometry: The Venus Balloon Experiment (1988) (0)
- Acceleration in a high-energy flare (1986) (0)
- The possible importance of synchrotron/inverse Compton losses to explain fast MM-wave and hard X-ray emission of a solar event (1986) (0)
- Some Characteristics of Ultra-Fast Time Structures Superimposed on Impulsive mm-Wave Bursts (1980) (0)
- New technique for dynamic burst position determination with high spatial definition/time resolution at a mm-wavelength (2008) (0)
- Short-lived solar burst spectral component at f approximately 100 GHz (1986) (0)
- Cosmic ray variations recorded by the CARPET facility on March 7, 2011 (2013) (0)
- 22- and 44-GHz continuum observations of extragalactic radio sources (1983) (0)
- Concept of partially overlapping multiple beams for spatial determination of solar bursts time transients at submm-IR wavelengths (2002) (0)
- Physical Questions Raised by Frequency-Increasing Sub-THz Solar Flare Emissions and a New Tool to Reveal THz Spectral Shapes (2014) (0)
- Multiple Time Scales Study Of the Modulation Of The Cosmic Ray Flux (2009) (0)
- Electron acceleration and transport during the November 5, 1998 solar flare at similar to 13 : 34 UT (2006) (0)
- Solar Emissions From GHz to Sub-THz Frequencies (2015) (0)
- The New 30 THz Solar Telescope in São Paulo, Brazil (2015) (0)
- Far Infrared and Submillimeter Continuum Observations of Solar Flares: Justifications and Prospects for Ground-Based Experiments (1994) (0)
- THE PRE-CME SUN Report of Working Group E (2006) (0)
- Unusual Emissions at Various Energies Prior to the Impulsive Phase of the Large Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection of 4 November 2003 (2012) (0)
- A Burst with Double Radio Spectrum Observed up to 212 GHz (2012) (0)
- MM-wave and X-ray observations of a Cen-A flare (1980) (0)
- The influence of spicules in the solar radius at multiple radio wavelengths (2009) (0)
- Characteristics of planetary nebulae and H II regions based on lambda = 1.35 cm continuum measurements (1975) (0)
- Radio emission of NGC 5128 and some southern radio sources at 1. 35 cm (1974) (0)
- Cosmic ray variations recorded by the CARPET facility on March 7, 2011 (2013) (0)
- Fortaleza Station Report for 2012 (2013) (0)
- POlarization Emission of Millimeter Activity at the Sun (POEMAS): New Circular Polarization Solar Telescopes at Two Millimeter Wavelength Ranges (2013) (0)
- Submillimeter and Far Infrared Emission from Solar Flares (1994) (0)
- Interpretation of temporal features in an unusual X-ray and microwave burst (1986) (0)
- Very low frequency phase advances during solar X-ray flares (2005) (0)
- Spectral Trends of Solar Bursts at Sub-THz Frequencies (2017) (0)
- Statisticial Distribution of Solar Soft X-Ray Bursts (1979) (0)
- Solar flare emission at millimeter waves, sub-THz frequencies, hard X-rays and gamma-rays (2012) (0)
- Negligible gain effects of non-Gaussian errors across a smooth reflector: Application to the Itapetinga 13.7-M antenna at 90 GHz (1986) (0)
- Progress Report of the new Solar Sub-Millimeter Telescope Installation (1998) (0)
- Imaging techniques and remote sensing of astrophysical objects using millimeter microwaves (1982) (0)
- The H-alpha Spectral Signature of Several Flare Processes (1983) (0)
- The Itapetinga Contribution on North-South High Resolution VLBI Experiments (1988) (0)
- Some comments on diurnal change of lower ionosphere equivalent height (1969) (0)
- Submillimeter Observations of an X1.2 Solar Flare (2006) (0)
- Fast polarization changes in mm microwave emission of weak multistructured solar bursts (1982) (0)
- A new class of solar burst with MM-wave emission but only at the highest frequency (90 GHz) (1984) (0)
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