Prakash Panangaden
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American/Canadian computer scientist
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Why Is Prakash Panangaden Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Prakash Panangaden is an American/Canadian computer scientist noted for his research in programming language theory, concurrency theory, Markov processes and duality theory. Earlier he worked on quantum field theory in curved space-time and radiation from black holes. He is the founding Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation .
Prakash Panangaden's Published Works
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Published Works
- Implementing mathematics with the Nuprl proof development system (1986) (1435)
- The semantic foundations of concurrent constraint programming (1991) (480)
- Metrics for labelled Markov processes (2004) (335)
- Bisimulation for labelled Markov processes (1997) (324)
- Metrics for Finite Markov Decision Processes (2004) (256)
- Mathematical techniques for analyzing concurrent and probabilistic systems (2004) (251)
- Anonymity protocols as noisy channels (2006) (229)
- Labelled Markov Processes (2009) (216)
- The measurement calculus (2004) (197)
- The metric analogue of weak bisimulation for probabilistic processes (2002) (172)
- Infinite Objects in Type Theory (1986) (157)
- A logic for reasoning about security (1990) (154)
- Metrics for Labeled Markov Systems (1999) (152)
- Quantum weakest preconditions (2005) (141)
- A design study of the EARTH multiprocessor (1995) (115)
- A logical characterization of bisimulation for labeled Markov processes (1998) (113)
- Scaling behavior of interacting quantum fields in curved spacetime (1982) (107)
- Bisimulation Metrics for Continuous Markov Decision Processes (2011) (102)
- The computational power of the W And GHZ States (2004) (101)
- Nuclear and trace ideals in tensored-categories (1998) (101)
- Approximating labelled Markov processes (2003) (94)
- Continuous stochastic logic characterizes bisimulation of continuous-time Markov processes (2003) (94)
- On the Bayes risk in information-hiding protocols (2008) (89)
- Approximating labeled Markov processes (2000) (84)
- Bisimulation and cocongruence for probabilistic systems (2006) (83)
- Computations, Residuals, and the POwer of Indeterminancy (1988) (78)
- Methods for Computing State Similarity in Markov Decision Processes (2006) (78)
- Bounding Performance Loss in Approximate MDP Homomorphisms (2008) (77)
- Well-behaved dataflow programs for DSP computation (1992) (73)
- A Domain of Spacetime Intervals in General Relativity (2004) (72)
- Weak bisimulation is sound and complete for pCTL* (2002) (71)
- Reengineering User Interfaces (1995) (71)
- Quantitative Algebraic Reasoning (2016) (69)
- On renormalisation of λϕ4 field theory in curved space-time. I (1980) (67)
- Stochastic processes as concurrent constraint programs (1999) (65)
- The Category of Markov Kernels (1998) (63)
- Metrics for Markov Decision Processes with Infinite State Spaces (2005) (61)
- Algebra-coalgebra duality in brzozowski's minimization algorithm (2014) (51)
- Spatial and Epistemic Modalities in Constraint-Based Process Calculi (2012) (50)
- Categorical Type Theory (1985) (48)
- Private information via the Unruh effect (2008) (45)
- Latent Variable Modelling with Hyperbolic Normalizing Flows (2020) (44)
- Parsimonious and robust realizations of unitary maps in the one-way model (2005) (44)
- The Expressive Power of Indeterminate Dataflow Primitives (1992) (43)
- Probability of Error in Information-Hiding Protocols (2007) (43)
- Discrete Quantum Causal Dynamics (2001) (43)
- Labeled Markov processes: stronger and faster approximations (2003) (41)
- Computation, Logic, Games, and Quantum Foundations. The Many Facets of Samson Abramsky (2013) (41)
- Concurrent common knowledge: defining agreement for asynchronous systems (1992) (41)
- Approximating Markov Processes by Averaging (2009) (39)
- Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime (2010) (39)
- The Essence of Concurrent ML (1997) (38)
- Probabilistic Relations (1998) (38)
- Minimization via Duality (2012) (38)
- A Logical View of Concurrent Constraint Programming (1995) (37)
- Fair reactive programming (2014) (36)
- A relational model of non-deterministic dataflow (1998) (33)
- Distributed Measurement-based Quantum Computation (2005) (33)
- Reverse engineering of user interfaces (1993) (33)
- Stream-Based Execution of Logic Programming (1984) (32)
- On the axiomatizability of quantitative algebras (2017) (31)
- Extended Measurement Calculus (2009) (31)
- Computation of aliases and support sets (1987) (30)
- Probability distribution for radiation from a black hole in the presence of incoming radiation (1977) (29)
- Well-Behaved Programs for DSP Computation (1992) (29)
- Stone Duality for Markov Processes (2013) (29)
- Concurrent common knowledge: a new definition of agreement for asynchronous systems (1988) (28)
- Fock Space: A Model of Linear Exponential Types (1994) (28)
- A Categorical Presentation of Quantum Computation with Anyons (2010) (27)
- Semantics of Networks Containing Indeterminate Operators (1984) (27)
- Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes (2005) (27)
- Equivalence Relations in Fully and Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (2009) (27)
- Taking It to the Limit: Approximate Reasoning for Markov Processes (2012) (26)
- Stability and Sequentiality in Dataflow Networks (1990) (24)
- A fully abstract semantics for a functional language with logic variables (1989) (24)
- The One Way to Quantum Computation (2006) (24)
- A Hyperdoctrinal View of Concurrent Constraint Programming (1992) (23)
- A Canonical Form for Weighted Automata and Applications to Approximate Minimization (2015) (22)
- Measure and probability for concurrency theorists (2001) (22)
- On-the-Fly Algorithms for Bisimulation Metrics (2012) (21)
- Minimal Memory Schedules for Dataflow Networks (1993) (20)
- A Domain-Theoretic Model for a Higher-Order Process Calculus (1990) (20)
- Quantum Alternation: Prospects and Problems (2015) (20)
- An Algebraic Theory of Markov Processes (2018) (19)
- Conditional Expectation and the Approximation of Labelled Markov Processes (2003) (18)
- Reasoning about Knowledge and Permission in Secure Distributed Systems (1988) (18)
- McCarthy's Amb Cannot Implement Fair Merge (1988) (18)
- Robust and parsimonious realisations of unitaries in the one-way model (2004) (18)
- Relational Semantics of Non-Deterministic Dataflow (1997) (17)
- Reasoning About Quantum Knowledge (2005) (16)
- Classifying all mutually unbiased bases in Rel (2009) (16)
- Strong Completeness for Markovian Logics (2013) (16)
- Holomorhpic Models of Exponential Types in Linear Logic (1993) (15)
- Representing Systems with Hidden State (2006) (14)
- One Loop Renormalization of Quantum Electrodynamics in Curved Space-time (1981) (14)
- The Expressive Power of Indeterminate Primitives in Asynchronous Computation (1995) (14)
- MICo: Improved representations via sampling-based state similarity for Markov decision processes (2021) (13)
- A fully abstract semantics for a first-order functional language with logic variables (1991) (13)
- Boolean-Valued Semantics for the Stochastic λ-Calculus (2018) (13)
- Representation Discovery for MDPs Using Bisimulation Metrics (2015) (12)
- A Mechanically Assisted Constructive Proof in Category Theory (1990) (12)
- Deep Inference and Probabilistic Coherence Spaces (2012) (11)
- Dagger Categories and Formal Distributions (2010) (11)
- Abstract Interpretation and Indeterminacy (1984) (10)
- Universality and quantum garvity (1984) (10)
- Security by Permission in Databases (1988) (10)
- Expressiveness of Probabilistic Modal Logics, Revisited (2017) (10)
- Towards a Portable Parallel Programming Environment (1992) (10)
- A Technique for Verifying Measurements (2008) (9)
- Knowledge Transfer in Markov Decision Processes (2006) (9)
- An approximation algorithm for labelled Markov processes: towards realistic approximation (2005) (9)
- Free complete Wasserstein algebras (2018) (9)
- Epistemic Strategies and Games on Concurrent Processes (2009) (9)
- A Categorical Characterization of Relative Entropy on Standard Borel Spaces (2017) (9)
- Type theory and concurrency (1988) (9)
- Bisimulation Metrics for Weighted Automata (2017) (9)
- Domain Theory and General Relativity (2010) (9)
- Tensor of Quantitative Equational Theories (2021) (9)
- Nonexpressibility of fairness and signaling (1988) (8)
- Fixed-Points for Quantitative Equational Logics (2021) (8)
- Probabilistic bisimulation (2015) (8)
- A Category-theoretic Semantics for Unbounded Indeterminacy (1988) (8)
- On the Expressive Power of Indeterminate Network Primitives (1987) (8)
- Game Semantics for Quantum Stores (2008) (8)
- Unrestricted stone duality for Markov processes (2017) (7)
- Basis refinement strategies for linear value function approximation in MDPs (2015) (7)
- Expressiveness of probabilistic modal logics: A gradual approach (2019) (7)
- Learning in a Changing World, an Algebraic Modal Logical Approach (2010) (7)
- Spacetime topology from causality (2004) (7)
- Singular value automata and approximate minimization (2017) (7)
- Leader Election and Distributed Consensus with Quantum Resources (2004) (7)
- Riemannian Diffusion Models (2022) (7)
- A Distributional Analysis of Sampling-Based Reinforcement Learning Algorithms (2020) (6)
- Formal Approaches to Information-Hiding (Tutorial) (2007) (6)
- A Logical Basis for Quantum Evolution and Entanglement (2014) (6)
- Causality in physics and computation (2014) (6)
- Knowledge and Information in Probabilistic Systems (2008) (6)
- Proceedings 11th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (2014) (6)
- Metrics for partial labeled markov systems (1999) (6)
- An Algebraic Approach to Dynamic Epistemic Logic (2010) (6)
- Proof Nets as Formal Feynman Diagrams (2010) (6)
- An Exact Expression for Photon Polarization in Kerr Geometry (2013) (5)
- Does Combining Nondeterminism and Probability Make Sense? (2001) (5)
- Positive and negative frequency decompositions in curved spacetime (1979) (5)
- Learning in a changing world via algebraic modal logic (1978) (5)
- A category theoretic formalism for abstract interpretation (1984) (5)
- Universal Semantics for the Stochastic λ-Calculus (2021) (5)
- The Logic BV and Quantum Causality (2008) (4)
- Bicategories of Markov Processes (2017) (4)
- 04351 Summary - Spatial Representation: Discrete vs. Continuous Computational Models (2005) (4)
- Minimisation in Logical Form (2020) (4)
- On the Formal Verification of Optical Quantum Gates in HOL (2015) (4)
- Duality in Logic and Computation (2013) (4)
- Recursively Defined Types in Constructive Type Theory (1989) (4)
- Optimal Spectral-Norm Approximate Minimization of Weighted Finite Automata (2021) (4)
- Combining Epistemic Logic and Hennessy-Milner Logic (2012) (4)
- 1-qubit versus 2-qubit measurement based quantum computing (2005) (4)
- Approximating Labelled Markov Processes Again! (2009) (4)
- Spatial Information Distribution in Constraint-based Process Calculi ( Extended Version ) (2012) (4)
- Semantics of digital networks containing indeterminate modules (1985) (4)
- Conformal Field Theory as a Nuclear Functor (2007) (4)
- Notions of State Equivalence under Partial Observability (2009) (4)
- Temporally Extended Metrics for Markov Decision Processes (2019) (3)
- Expressiveness Bounds for Completness in Trace-Based Network Proof Systems (1988) (3)
- Divergence-Least Semantics Of amb Is Hoare (2005) (3)
- Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Spacetime geometry from causal structure and a measurement (2011) (3)
- Adaptive Control of Epileptic Seizures using Reinforcement Learning (2010) (3)
- Expressiveness of Probabilistic Modal Logics (2017) (3)
- Scaling behavior of semiclassical gravity (1984) (3)
- Almost Sure Bisimulation in Labelled Markov Processes (2005) (3)
- MICo: Learning improved representations via sampling-based state similarity for Markov decision processes (2021) (3)
- The Duality of State and Observation in Probabilistic Transition Systems (2011) (3)
- Bisimulation for Feller-Dynkin Processes (2019) (2)
- On the expressive power of first-order boolean functions in PCF (2001) (2)
- Weighted automata are compact and actively learnable (2020) (2)
- Extracting Weighted Automata for Approximate Minimization in Language Modelling (2021) (2)
- Automata, Languages and Programming (1985) (2)
- Continuous MDP Homomorphisms and Homomorphic Policy Gradient (2022) (2)
- Augmenting Human Selves Through Artificial Agents – Lessons From the Brain (2022) (2)
- The Duality of State and Observations (2007) (2)
- Verification of Systolic Arrays: A Stream Function Approach (1986) (2)
- Propagators and Renormalization of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes. (1980) (2)
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Universal Algebra (2014) (2)
- Proceedings of the 11th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic, QPL 2014, Kyoto, Japan, 4-6th June 2014 (2014) (2)
- A categorical characterization of relative entropy on Polish spaces (2017) (1)
- Does Concurrency Theory Have Anything To Say About Parallel Programming? (2001) (1)
- Universal Semantics for the Stochastic Lambda-Calculus (2020) (1)
- Learning Algorithms for Automata with Observations (2007) (1)
- Discrete-time Markov chains (2004) (1)
- Stochastic Processes as Concurrent Constraint Programs (An Extended Abstract) (1999) (1)
- Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Developments in Computational Models: Causality, Computation, and Physics, DCM 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-10th July 2010 (2010) (1)
- The Search for Structure in Quantum Computation (2011) (1)
- A Metrized Duality Theorem for Markov Processes (2014) (1)
- Quantitative Equational Reasoning (2020) (1)
- Special Issue on "Quantitative Evaluation of Systems" (2010) (1)
- The 2017 Alonzo Church award (2017) (1)
- Defining Fair Merge as a Colimit: Towards a Fixed-Point Theory for Indeterminate Dataflow (1990) (1)
- Decoherent histories on graphs (2001) (1)
- Computational Structures for Modelling Space, Time and Causality, 20.08. - 25.08.2006 (2007) (1)
- A Little Book on Java (2001) (1)
- Finitary Choice Cannot Express Fairness: A Metric Space Technique (1986) (1)
- Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Developments in Computational Models: Causality, Computation, and Physics: Preface (2010) (1)
- Towards a Classification of Behavioural Equivalences in Continuous-time Markov Processes (2020) (1)
- A Metric Analogue of Stone Duality for Markov Processes (2012) (1)
- Monotone and Nonmonotone Dataaow Networks (1993) (1)
- Epistemic Strategies and Games on Concurrent Processes: Invited Presentation at the Fourth Interaction and Concurrency Experience (2011) (1)
- Advanced Topics in Bisimulation and Coinduction: Probabilistic bisimulation (2011) (1)
- Real-Time and Continuous Stochastic Logic (2009) (0)
- Domain Theory and the Causal Structure of Space-Time (2008) (0)
- Quantum Field Theory for Legspinners (2013) (0)
- Key differential equations (2004) (0)
- Dexter Kozen's Influence on the Theory of Labelled Markov Processes (2012) (0)
- The logical structure of concurrent constraint programming languages (1994) (0)
- Proceedings 17th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (2021) (0)
- Special Issue on Quantum Physics and Logic (2016) (0)
- The Meaning of Semantics (2011) (0)
- Preface (2006) (0)
- Learning in a changing world, an algebraic approach (2010) (0)
- Proceedings 9th Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic: Preface (2014) (0)
- Effect analysis in higher-order languages (2005) (0)
- Long version-Draft Fair Reactive Programming (2013) (0)
- Preface (2001) (0)
- Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime (2012) (0)
- Interpreting Lambda Calculus in Domain-Valued Random Variables (2021) (0)
- A Category of Stochastic Relations (2009) (0)
- Bisimulation metrics and norms for real-weighted automata (2020) (0)
- Quantum Physics and Logic Preface (2012) (0)
- A Proof System for Dataflow Networks with Indeterminate Modules (1986) (0)
- The Radon-Nikodym Theorem (2009) (0)
- Continuous-Time Markov Chains (2004) (0)
- Dedication (2019) (0)
- Can Systems Requiring Unbounded Memory Further Work (0)
- Invited Talks at BCTCS 2011 (2011) (0)
- Deep Inference and Probabilistic Coherence Spaces (2010) (0)
- Iterative solution methods (2004) (0)
- Preface to special issue: Developments In Computational Models 2010 (2013) (0)
- Learning and Discovery in Dynamical Systems with Hidden State (2007) (0)
- Preface (2016) (0)
- Quantum Information Channels in Curved Spacetime (2011) (0)
- A Study of Policy Gradient on a Class of Exactly Solvable Models (2020) (0)
- Edinburgh Research Explorer Free complete Wasserstein algebras (2018) (0)
- Behavioural equivalences for continuous-time Markov processes (2023) (0)
- Preface (2012) (0)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur January 14–26, 2008 (2008) (0)
- A Domain of Labelled Markov Processes (2009) (0)
- A Logic of Anonymity (2006) (0)
- Foreword (2008) (0)
- Approximating the Approximation (2009) (0)
- Óòøøòùóù× Ëøó Blockin×øø Äóóó Öö Blockinøøööþþ× (2007) (0)
- Proceedings 9th Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic, QPL 2012, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 October 2012 (2014) (0)
- Sum and Tensor of Quantitative Effects (2022) (0)
- Fond (and Frank) Memories of Frank (2016) (0)
- L O ] 1 4 M ay 2 02 1 Universal Semantics for the Stochastic λ-Calculus (2021) (0)
- From logic to stochastic processes (abstract only) (2000) (0)
- Assignment 1 Solutions (2016) (0)
- Preface (2018) (0)
- Using BV to Describe Causal Quantum Evolution (2004) (0)
- MSC volume 22 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (2012) (0)
- Semantics column (2016) (0)
- 5 Extended Measurement Calculus (2009) (0)
- Foreword (2005) (0)
- Special Issue on Quantum Physics and Logic (2016) (0)
- Foreword (2006) (0)
- qu an tph ] 10 O ct 2 01 1 Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime (2021) (0)
- Preface (2009) (0)
- 2017 LICS test-of-time award (2017) (0)
- Quantum Alternation: Prospects and Problems Costin B˘ (2015) (0)
- The Logical Structure of Concurrent Constraint Programming Languages (Abstract) (1994) (0)
- Preface (2002) (0)
- Towards a Logic for Reasoning About Learning in a Changing World (2012) (0)
- Probabilistic timed automata (2004) (0)
- Editorial comments on the short note by Barry Jay (2017) (0)
- 2017 Kleene award (2017) (0)
- Quantum Field Theory for Leg Spinners Lecture Notes 2: Review of Quantum Mechanics 1 Basic Elements of Quantum Mechanics 1.1 Tensor Product (2010) (0)
- Expressiveness in Concurrency Express '01 (0)
- 06341 Abstracts Collection -- Computational Structures for Modelling Space, Time and Causality (2006) (0)
- Edinburgh Research Explorer The Measurement Calculus (2008) (0)
- Measure theory and probability (2004) (0)
- Generating irregular partitionable data structures (2000) (0)
- Analytical differential equations (2004) (0)
- Propositional Logics for the Lawvere Quantale (2023) (0)
- Guest Editors' Foreword (2002) (0)
- MSC volume 23 issue 5 Cover and Back matter (2013) (0)
- Towards an AAK Theory Approach to Approximate Minimization in the Multi-Letter Case (2022) (0)
- Probability Theory on Continuous Spaces (2009) (0)
- 04351 Abstracts Collection - Spatial Representation: Discrete vs. Continuous Computational Models (2005) (0)
- The expressive power of delay operators in SCCS (1989) (0)
- Markov decision processes (2004) (0)
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