Richard Florida
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American urban studies theorist
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Sociology Economics
Richard Florida's Degrees
- PhD Urban Planning Columbia University
- Masters City Planning Rutgers University
- Bachelors Urban Studies Rutgers University
Why Is Richard Florida Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Richard L. Florida is an American urban studies theorist focusing on social and economic theory. He is a professor at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and a Distinguished Fellow at NYU's School of Professional Studies.
Richard Florida's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Rise of the Creative Class : And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life (2003) (7532)
- The Rise of the Creative Class (2002) (4266)
- Cities and the Creative Class (2003) (3290)
- Toward the Learning Region (1995) (1137)
- The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent (2005) (1132)
- The Economic Geography of Talent (2002) (1084)
- Creativity and Entrepreneurship: A Regional Analysis of New Firm Formation (2004) (928)
- Inside the Black Box of Regional Development - human capital, the creative class and tolerance (2008) (822)
- Lean and Green: The Move to Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (1996) (808)
- The Geographic Sources of Innovation: Technological Infrastructure and Product Innovation in the United States (1994) (785)
- Bohemia and economic geography (2002) (744)
- The rise of the creative class, revisited (2012) (695)
- The globalization of R&D: Results of a survey of foreign-affiliated R&D laboratories in the USA (1997) (635)
- Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life (2008) (571)
- Gaining from Green Management: Environmental Management Systems inside and outside the Factory (2001) (531)
- 도시와 창조계급 Cities and the Creative Class (2010) (453)
- Beyond Mass Production: The Japanese System and Its Transfer to the U.S. (1994) (437)
- Agglomeration and Industrial Location: An Econometric Analysis of Japanese-Affiliated Manufacturing Establishments in Automotive-Related Industries (1994) (347)
- The Rise of the Mega-Region (2008) (338)
- Venture Capital, High Technology and Regional Development (1988) (336)
- Managing for creativity. (2005) (306)
- Venture capital-financed innovation and technological change in the USA (1988) (294)
- The Role of the University: Leveraging Talent, not Technology. (1999) (274)
- The city as innovation machine (2017) (252)
- Industrializing Knowledge: University-Industry Linkages in Japan and the United States (1999) (250)
- Transplanted Organizations: The Transfer of Japanese Industrial Organization to the U.S. (1991) (247)
- Engine or Infrastructure? The University Role in Economic Development (1999) (246)
- The Learning Region (2002) (218)
- The Creative Class and Economic Development (2014) (208)
- Venture capital and high technology entrepreneurship (1988) (204)
- The Happiness of Cities (2013) (193)
- America's looming creativity crisis (2004) (192)
- Creativity, Connections and Innovation: A Study of Linkages in the Montréal Region (2006) (185)
- The Breakthrough Illusion: Corporate America's Failure To Move From Innovation To Mass Production (1990) (167)
- Cities in a post-COVID world (2021) (164)
- The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity (2010) (162)
- Beyond Mass Production. (1994) (153)
- Beyond Mass Production: Production and the Labor Process in Japan (1988) (149)
- Competing on Creativity: Placing Ontario's Cities in North American Context (2002) (142)
- Density and Creativity in U.S. Regions (2008) (135)
- Happy States of America: A state-level analysis of psychological, economic, and social well-being (2009) (133)
- There Goes the Metro: How and Why Bohemians, Artists and Gays Affect Regional Housing Values (2010) (128)
- The Geography of Inequality: Difference and Determinants of Wage and Income Inequality across US Metros (2016) (123)
- Venture Capital Formation, Investment, and Regional Industrialization (1993) (121)
- Beautiful Places: The Role of Perceived Aesthetic Beauty in Community Satisfaction (2011) (121)
- Competing in the Age of Talent (2005) (114)
- Globalization and Jobs in the Automotive Industry (2000) (113)
- The organization and geography of Japanese R&D: results from a survey of Japanese electronics and biotechnology firms (1994) (112)
- When Social Capital Stifles Innovation (2002) (111)
- Here to Stay—The Effects of Community Satisfaction on the Decision to Stay (2011) (105)
- A New Industrial Revolution (1991) (102)
- Regional Creative Destruction: Production Organization, Globalization, and the Economic Transformation of the Midwest* (1996) (101)
- Silicon Valley and Route 128 Won't Save Us (1990) (101)
- Innovation, Human Capital, and Creativity (2010) (100)
- The Creative Class or Human Capital? - explaining regional development in Sweden (2007) (98)
- Cities, skills and wages (2012) (96)
- Creativity and Prosperity: The Global Creativity Index (2015) (94)
- Locating global advantage: industry dynamics in the international economy (2003) (93)
- Sonic City: The Evolving Economic Geography of the Music Industry (2009) (91)
- Megaregions : planning for global competitiveness (2009) (91)
- Japanese maquiladoras: Production organization and global commodity chains (1994) (86)
- The Globalization of Japanese R&D: The Economic Geography of Japanese R&D Investment in the United States* (1994) (84)
- Segregated city : The geography of economic segregation in America's metros (2015) (80)
- Creativity, talent, and regional wages in Sweden (2011) (76)
- The University and the Creative Economy (2006) (75)
- Handbook of Creative Cities (2011) (74)
- High-Technology Restructuring in the USA and Japan (1990) (69)
- The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy: Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Regional Economic Growth (2003) (68)
- Talent, Technology and Tolerance in Canadian Regional Development (2010) (67)
- Housing in US Fordism (1988) (67)
- The Creative Class and the crisis (2013) (67)
- Music Scenes to Music Clusters: The Economic Geography of Music in the US, 1970–2000 (2010) (65)
- The city and high-tech startups: The spatial organization of Schumpeterian entrepreneurship (2019) (65)
- Rise of the Startup City (2016) (65)
- Venture Capital, Innovation, and Economic Developmemt (1990) (63)
- The new age of capitalism: Innovation-mediated production (1993) (60)
- Up in the air: the role of airports for regional economic development (2015) (58)
- The Rise of Skills: Human Capital, the Creative Class, and Regional Development (2012) (57)
- Restructuring in Place: Japanese Investment, Production Organization, and the Geography of Steel (1992) (56)
- The Great Reset (2010) (54)
- The Global Creativity Index 2015 (2015) (45)
- Organisation vs. culture: Japanese automotive transplants in the US (1991) (44)
- Japan's role in a post-fordist age (1989) (44)
- The Japanese Transplants: Production Organization and Regional Development (1992) (43)
- Creativity, clusters and the competitive advantage of cities (2015) (41)
- 3. Globalization, Deverticalization, and Employment in the Motor Vehicle Industry (2003) (41)
- What Makes Companies Green? Organizational and Geographic Factors in the Adoption of Environmental Practices* (2001) (38)
- The Creative Class (2015) (37)
- Urban Science: Integrated Theory from the First Cities to Sustainable Metropolises (2020) (36)
- Ontario in the Creative Age (2009) (36)
- China's Development Disconnect (2012) (35)
- The Great Reset: How the Post-Crash Economy Will Change the Way We Live and Work (2011) (35)
- Challenges to technology policy in a changing world (1998) (35)
- Technology and Tolerance: Diversity and High-Tech Growth (2002) (35)
- Geographies of scope: an empirical analysis of entertainment, 1970–2000 (2012) (34)
- The creative class, post-industrialism and the happiness of nations (2012) (31)
- Technology and Tolerance (2005) (30)
- Behind the Silicon Curtain: The Seduction of Work in a Lonely Era (1989) (27)
- Global Metropolis: Assessing Economic Activity in Urban Centers Based on Nighttime Satellite Images (2012) (27)
- The patchwork metropolis: The morphology of the divided postindustrial city (2018) (25)
- The geography of COVID-19 in Sweden (2021) (23)
- The geography of music preferences (2018) (23)
- The Creative Class Goes Global (2013) (23)
- Transfer and Replication of Organizational Capabilities: Japanese Transplant Organizations in the United States (2007) (23)
- Urban Start-up Districts: Mapping Venture Capital and Start-up Activity Across ZIP Codes (2018) (22)
- Calibrating the Learning Region (1998) (22)
- Effects of the Housing Boom and Bust on U.S. Metro Employment (2013) (19)
- How Japanese industry is rebuilding the rust belt (1991) (18)
- The political economy of financial deregulation and the reorganization of housing finance in the United States (1986) (18)
- The invention that got away (1991) (17)
- Megaregions : The Importance of Place (2008) (17)
- Mega Regions and Pandemics (2020) (16)
- Montréal's Capacity for Creative Connectivity: Outlook & Opportunities (2005) (16)
- Institutions and Economic Transformation: The Case of Postwar Japanese Capitalism (1994) (15)
- Global Metropolis : The Role of Cities and Metropolitan Areas in the Global Economy (2009) (15)
- Human Capital , Quality of Place , and Location September 2000 (2000) (14)
- The Creative Class or Human Capital ? (2006) (14)
- Human capital in cities and suburbs (2016) (13)
- Organizational factors and technology-intensive industry: the US and Japan (1991) (12)
- The Politics of International Technology Transfer (1994) (12)
- The rise of urban tech: how innovations for cities come from cities (2021) (12)
- The City as Startup Machine: The Urban Underpinnings of Modern Entrepreneurship (2019) (11)
- Creativity in the City (2015) (11)
- Talent, Skills, and Urban Economies (2018) (11)
- Creative China? The University, Tolerance and Talent in Chinese Regional Development (2008) (11)
- Creative Jobs, Industries and Places (2010) (11)
- Why Do Firms Adopt Green Design?: Organizational Opportunity, Organizational Resources, Costs, or Regulation (1997) (10)
- Can Low-wage Workers Find Better Jobs? (2018) (10)
- The Geography of Economic Segregation (2018) (10)
- The geography of the global super-rich (2019) (9)
- Occam’s curse, dialectics, and the creative city (2010) (9)
- Geography as strategy: the changing geography of corporate headquarters in post-industrial capitalism (2020) (9)
- Research Note: The Globalization of Automobile Production (2002) (8)
- Place and Well-Being (2011) (8)
- Impacts of Jobs Requiring Close Physical Proximity and High Interaction with the Public on U.S. Industry Employment Change During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021) (7)
- Talent, cities and competitiveness (2015) (7)
- High-tech dynamics. (1994) (7)
- The Globalization of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Talent (2010) (7)
- Japanese Automotive Transplants and the Transfer of the Japanese Production System (1996) (7)
- Economic Restructuring and the Changing Role of the State in U.S. Housing (1990) (7)
- The New reality of municipal finance : the rise and fall of the intergovernmental city (1985) (6)
- Creative China ? The University , Human Capital and the Creative Class in Chinese Regional Development (2008) (6)
- The Creative Class Paradigm (2011) (6)
- Predictors of Resilience for High School Adolescents (2006) (6)
- Technology, talent and economic segregation in cities (2020) (5)
- Capital and Creative Destruction: Venture Capital, Technological Change, and Economic Development (1994) (5)
- Innovation-mediated production (1993) (5)
- Different creative cities: exploring Danish data to adapt the creative class argument to small welfare economies (2013) (5)
- The university's Janus face: The innovation–inequality nexus (2018) (4)
- 1| You Got a License to Run That Company? (2004) (4)
- The Diversity-Segregation Conundrum. (2017) (4)
- Location, quality of place, and outcomes: applying the ‘3Ts’ model to the UK (2013) (4)
- That’s Entertainment - scale and scope economies in the location and clustering of the entertainment economy (2009) (4)
- Discontent and its geographies (2021) (4)
- Benchmarking Miami’s Globalization (2018) (3)
- Toward A More Inclusive Region: Inequality and Poverty in Greater Miami (2019) (3)
- The Distribution of Transfers to Various Types of Cities (1986) (3)
- Miami’s Housing Affordability Crisis (2019) (3)
- Creative Class and the Creative Economy (2019) (3)
- The Psychogeography of Creativity (2013) (3)
- The Creative Class and National Economic Performance (2020) (3)
- Can Workers in Low-End Occupations Climb the Job Ladder? (2019) (3)
- Rise of the Urban Startup Neighborhood: Mapping Micro-Clusters of Venture Capital-Based Startups (2016) (3)
- Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: The Effect of Community Satisfaction on the Decision to Stay or Move (2010) (3)
- The Rise of the Global Creative Class (2015) (2)
- The future of industrializationEditors' introduction☆ (1993) (2)
- Venture Capital's Geography: A Comment on Leinbach and Amrhein * (1988) (2)
- Benchmarking Economic Development: Regional Strategy in Silicon Valley, Austin, Seattle, Oregon and Cleveland (1994) (2)
- The divided city and the patchwork metropolis (2017) (2)
- The Globalization of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Talent: The Changing Context of Venture Capital Investment (2010) (2)
- The geography of COVID-19 in Sweden (2021) (2)
- Housing costs, self‐employment, and fertility (2020) (2)
- Skill and Cross-National Economic Performance (2010) (2)
- The Industrial transformation of the Great Lakes Region (2020) (2)
- Canada’s Urban Competitiveness Agenda: Completing the Transition from a Resource to a Knowledge Economy (2015) (1)
- The Globalization of Automobile Production (2002) (1)
- The creative class, related variety and economic growth in Dutch city-regions (2013) (1)
- Book Reviews (1998) (1)
- Locational strategy: Understanding location in economic geography and corporate strategy (2022) (1)
- Place-Making After 9/11 (2005) (1)
- Music for the Masses: The Economic Geography of Music in the U.S., 1970-2000 (2009) (1)
- Globalization: Part I (2011) (1)
- Toronto in the Creative Age (2010) (1)
- The Economic Geography of Talent Richard Florida (2002) (1)
- Creativity and Cities (2020) (1)
- Stuck in Traffic: For Greater Miami to Become a Leading Startup Hub, Better Mobility Is a Must (2019) (1)
- Global talent and innovation (2005) (1)
- Do Green Businesses Benefit Communities (1999) (1)
- Robots Aren't the Problem: It's Us. (2013) (1)
- Up in the air: the role of airports for regional economic development (2014) (1)
- The Evolution of Research and Development in US Industry: From Corporate R&D Laboratory to Venture Capital Financed Startups (1989) (1)
- Innovation Goes Global (2003) (0)
- We Were Burning: Japanese Entrepreneurs and the Forging of the Electronic Age (review) (2000) (0)
- The geography of music preferences (2018) (0)
- American Enterprise in Japan.@@@Japan's California Factories: Labor Relations and Economic Globalization. (1993) (0)
- Science, Reputation, and Organization (2008) (0)
- Benchmarking Miami’s Talent Base (2018) (0)
- Innovation, Skill, and Economic Segregation (2017) (0)
- China ' s development disconnectÀ (2012) (0)
- COVID-19, the New Urban Crisis, and Cities: How COVID-19 Compounds the Influence of Economic Segregation and Inequality on Metropolitan Economic Performance (2023) (0)
- Housing and the New Financial Markets (2019) (0)
- The Martin Prosperity Institute Emergent Cities : Micro-Foundations of Zipf ’ s Lawt (2006) (0)
- “Experience the Creativity” (2008) (0)
- Preparing for the Creative Wave (2005) (0)
- Will Miami's Growth Be Cut Short by Sea-Level Rise? (2019) (0)
- French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment (review) (2000) (0)
- The University, Talent, and quality of Place (2005) (0)
- Introduction : The Creative Class Goes Global (2014) (0)
- The Creative City (2019) (0)
- Benchmarking Miami’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2018) (0)
- We Need a New National Urban Policy (2019) (0)
- Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? : How and why community satisfaction affect migration decision (2009) (0)
- The Origins of Financial Deregulation: The CMC, Heller Committee, and the Friend Study (2019) (0)
- Human capital in cities and suburbs (2016) (0)
- Economic Geography (2020) (0)
- The relationship of customer service guarantee, employees’ response and customer orientation - Focusing on the discount store’s service guarantee - (2008) (0)
- Electronic Working Paper Series Paper No . 456 Innovation , Skill , and Economic Segregation (2017) (0)
- Power couples, cities, and wages (2022) (0)
- Miami After HQ2 (2019) (0)
- A Study on the Low-Cost Fiber-Optic Gyroscope Using the Single Mode Fiber and Depolarizer (2008) (0)
- The Creative Class Around the World (2014) (0)
- Comment: Where the streets are paved with ideas (2017) (0)
- Automatic Gain Adjustment In Analoge/Digital Video Converter (2002) (0)
- Miami’s New Urban Crisis (2018) (0)
- High-Tech Innovation, Creativity, and Regional Development (2021) (0)
- 10 Transfer and Replication of Organizational Capabilities : Japanese Transplant Organizations in the United States (2007) (0)
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What Are Richard Florida's Academic Contributions?
Richard Florida is most known for their academic work in the field of sociology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and economics.
Richard Florida has made the following academic contributions: