
Robert Darnton

Most Influential Person Now

American historian

Robert Darnton's Academic­ Rankings

Robert Darnton
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Intellectual History
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  • History

Why Is Robert Darnton Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Robert Choate Darnton is an American cultural historian and academic librarian who specializes in 18th-century France. He was director of the Harvard University Library from 2007 to 2016. Life Darnton was born in New York City. He graduated from Phillips Academy in 1957 and Harvard University in 1960, attended Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship, and earned a PhD in history from Oxford in 1964, where he studied with Richard Cobb, among others. The title of his thesis was Trends in radical propaganda on the eve of the French Revolution . He worked as reporter at The New York Times from 1964 to 1965. He was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1965 to 1968. Joining the Princeton University faculty in 1968, he was appointed Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of European History and was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 1982. He was president of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies from 1987 to 1991, where he founded the East-West Seminar, now continued as the International Seminar for Early Career Scholars. He served as president of the American Historical Association in 1999, where he founded the Gutenberg-e Program, sponsored by Mellon Foundation.

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Robert Darnton's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert Darnton?

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What Are Robert Darnton's Academic Contributions?

Robert Darnton is most known for their academic work in the field of history. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Robert Darnton has made the following academic contributions: