Robert H. Frank
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Robert H. Frank's Degrees
- PhD Economics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Robert H. Frank Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Harris Frank is the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and a professor of economics at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He contributes to the "Economic View" column, which appears every fifth Sunday in The New York Times. Frank has published on the topic of wealth inequality in the United States.
Robert H. Frank's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Passions Within Reason: The Strategic Role of the Emotions (1990) (1869)
- Choosing the right pond: Human behavior and the quest for status (1986) (1557)
- Does Studying Economics Inhibit Cooperation (1993) (1373)
- The Winner-Take-All Society (1995) (1065)
- The Demand for Unobservable and Other Nonpositional Goods (1985) (951)
- If Homo Economicus Could Choose His Own Utility Function, Would He Want One with a Conscience? Reply (1987) (669)
- Perceptions of moral character modulate the neural systems of reward during the trust game (2005) (662)
- The Frame of Reference as a Public Good (1997) (505)
- The Winner-Take-All Society: Why the Few at the Top Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us (1996) (493)
- Are Workers Paid their Marginal Products (1984) (455)
- Microeconomics and behavior (1991) (441)
- Positional Externalities Cause Large and Preventable Welfare Losses (2005) (432)
- Falling Behind: How Rising Inequality Harms the Middle Class (2007) (427)
- Luxury fever : money and happiness in an era of excess (1999) (405)
- Does money buy happiness (2005) (358)
- The evolution of one-shot cooperation: An experiment (1993) (348)
- Do Economists Make Bad Citizens (1996) (276)
- Why Women Earn Less: The Theory and Estimation of Differential Overqualification (1978) (275)
- The winner-take-all society : how more and more Americans compete for ever fewer and bigger prizes, encouraging economic waste, income inequality, and an impoverished cultural life (1996) (244)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Relative Position (2000) (234)
- What price the moral high ground (2003) (207)
- Should public policy respond to positional externalities (2008) (187)
- Wages, seniority, and the demand for rising consumption profiles (1993) (173)
- What price the moral high ground? : ethical dilemmas in competitive environments (2004) (172)
- Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange (2012) (154)
- Expenditure Cascades (2010) (153)
- The Strategic Role of the Emotions (1993) (144)
- Interdependent Preferences and the Competitive Wage Structure (1984) (138)
- Preferences for Status: Evidence and Economic Implications (2008) (135)
- Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy (2016) (130)
- Why is Cost‐Benefit Analysis so Controversial? (2000) (127)
- Frames of Reference and the Quality of Life (1989) (126)
- A theory of moral sentiments. (1990) (108)
- Cooperation through emotional commitment. (2001) (107)
- Does Absolute Income Matter (2005) (105)
- How not to buy happiness (2004) (92)
- Challenging the Myth : A Review of the Links Among College Athletic Success , Student Quality , and Donations by (2004) (78)
- Luxury Fever: Weighing the Cost of Excess (2000) (73)
- Higher Education: The Ultimate Winner-Take-All Market? (1999) (71)
- Preferences for Status (2008) (66)
- The Growing Concentration of Top Students at Elite Schools (1993) (61)
- Melding Sociology and Economics: James Coleman's Foundations of Social Theory* (1992) (52)
- Feelings and Emotions: Introducing Moral Emotions into Models of Rational Choice (2004) (52)
- Distributional consequences of direct foreign investment (1978) (51)
- Microeconomics and Behaviour (2012) (51)
- The Darwin Economy (2012) (48)
- Do Americans Shop Too Much (2000) (43)
- The Economic Naturalist: In Search of Explanations for Everyday Enigmas (2007) (42)
- Family Location Constraints and the Geographic Distribution of Female Professionals (1978) (41)
- The Political Economy of Preference Falsification: Timur Kuran's Private Truths, Public Lies (1996) (41)
- 1 Preferences for Status : Evidence and Economic Implications * (2008) (37)
- Does Growing Inequality Harm the Middle Class (2000) (34)
- Winner-Take-All Markets (2013) (33)
- Principles of Economics (1956) (31)
- The Easterlin paradox revisited. (2012) (28)
- Principles Of Macroeconomics 2Nd Ed (2008) (27)
- The Economic Naturalist: Teaching Introductory Students How to Speak Economics (2002) (25)
- How Long Is a Spell of Unemployment (1978) (25)
- The Economic Naturalist Writing Assignment (2006) (23)
- Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work (2020) (19)
- When Are Price Differentials Discriminatory (1983) (19)
- The Status of Moral Emotions in Consequentialist Moral Reasoning (2006) (19)
- The Economic Naturalist: Why Economics Explains Almost Everything (2008) (19)
- Beyond Self-Interest (1989) (18)
- The Mysterious Disappearance of James Duesenberry (2006) (18)
- Shrewdly irrational (1987) (17)
- Altruists with Green Beards: Still Kicking? (2005) (17)
- What Price the Moral High Ground?: How to Succeed without Selling Your Soul (2014) (14)
- Monozygotic twins or unrelated stepchildren? On the relationship between economic psychology and behavioral economics (2012) (14)
- Microeconomics and behavior / Robert H Frank. - 5th ed. - (McGraw-Hill higher education) (2010) (14)
- Altruism in Competitive Environments (2002) (14)
- The Strategic Role of the Emotions (2011) (12)
- Group selection and “genuine” altruism (1994) (12)
- Does Context Matter More for Some Goods than Others (2007) (11)
- Economics, values, and organization: Social norms as positional arms control agreements (1998) (11)
- The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First? (1978) (9)
- Taking Libertarian Concerns Seriously: Reply to Kashdan and Klein (2006) (9)
- Context Is More Important Than Keynes Realized (2008) (9)
- Feeling Our Way to the Common Good: Utilitarianism and the Moral Sentiments (2010) (8)
- Die Strategie der Emotionen: Passions within Reason (1992) (8)
- Progressive Consumption Taxation as a Remedy for the U.S. Savings Shortfall (2005) (8)
- Consumption Externalities and the Financing of Social Services (1996) (7)
- Commitment problems in the theory of rational choice. (2003) (7)
- The Economist as Public Intellectual: A Case for Selling Pareto Improvements (2001) (6)
- On the Evolution of Moral Sentiments (2008) (6)
- In Defense of Sincerity Detection (2004) (6)
- The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide: Common Sense Principles for Troubled Times (2009) (6)
- A Brighter Future: Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation (2014) (5)
- Less is More: The Perils of Trying to Cover too Much in Microeconomic Principles (2011) (5)
- Group report : Are heuristics a problem or a solution? (2006) (5)
- 4. Can Socially Responsible Firms Survive In Competitive Environments (2014) (4)
- Lessons from Behavioral Economics (2008) (4)
- Public Infrastructure Investment, Renewed Economic Growth, and the U.S. Fiscal Position (2012) (4)
- Study guide : for use with Principles of economics, second edition (2004) (4)
- 7. Motivation, Cognition, And Charitable Giving (2014) (4)
- On the rationalizability of observed consumers’ choices when preferences depend on budget sets: comment (2013) (4)
- Inequalities, chance and success in sport competitions: Simulations vs empirical data (2019) (4)
- Honesty as an evolutionarily stable strategy (1989) (3)
- “One Bite at the apple”: Legislative bargaining without replacement (2023) (3)
- The Market for Higher Education (2002) (3)
- Not insured, and not worried. (2000) (3)
- Human nature and economic policy: lessons for the transition economies (2004) (3)
- The functional role of preferences (1988) (3)
- Under the Influence (2020) (3)
- The Wages of Stardom: Law and the Winner-Take-All Society: A Debate (1999) (3)
- Consumption Externalities (2017) (3)
- Cash on the Table: Markets, Values, and Moral Economies (2014) (3)
- Principles Of Macro Economics Brief Edition (2016) (3)
- 3. Income Inequality and the Protestant Ethic (2007) (2)
- A less-is-more approach to introductory economics (2012) (2)
- How Rising Income Inequality Threatens Access to the Legal System (2019) (2)
- Alfred E. Kahn: Regulator and Language Maven (2013) (2)
- The Tyranny of Money (2000) (2)
- Microeconomics and behavior / Robert H. Frank (1991) (2)
- A New Contractarian View of Tax and Regulatory Policy in the Emerging Market Economies (1993) (2)
- Thorstein Veblen: Thorstein Veblen: Still Misunderstood, but More Important Now than Ever (2012) (2)
- Weighing the true costs and benefits in a matter of life and death. (2006) (2)
- Cash on the table: Why traditional theories of market failure fail (2016) (1)
- Book Reviews (2008) (1)
- The Employment Impact of Direct Foreign Investment (1978) (1)
- The Empty Wealth of Nations (1997) (1)
- Microeconomics and behavier (1991) (1)
- Differential Impacts of Provincial Government Expenditures: An Application of Input-Output Analysis (1975) (1)
- The Behavioral challenge to economics (2004) (1)
- Internal commitment and efficient habit formation (1995) (1)
- Income and Happiness: An Imperfect Link (2008) (1)
- The Philosophy of Economics: Why Is Cost-Benefit Analysis So Controversial? (2007) (1)
- How Much Is That Laptop ? It Depends on the Color of the Case . And That ' s Fair (2006) (1)
- When Low Taxes Don ’ t Help the Rich (2012) (1)
- Conflicts of Interest: Conflict of Interest as an Objection to Consequentialist Moral Reasoning (2005) (1)
- 6. Local Status, Fairness, And Wage Compression Revisited (2014) (1)
- Study guide to accompany microeconomics and behavior (2000) (1)
- The Pragmatic Case for Reducing Income Inequality (2018) (0)
- In the Quest for Love , Costs vs . Benefits (2013) (0)
- 8. Being Grateful (2016) (0)
- Appendix 2: Frequently Asked Questions about the Progressive Consumption Tax (2016) (0)
- ELEVEN. Taxing Harmful Activities (2012) (0)
- The effect of unemployment dispersion on the rate of wage inflation (1975) (0)
- Measurement of Home-Foreign Substitution (1978) (0)
- 4. Envy or Context? (2019) (0)
- EIGHT. “It’s Your Money . . .” (2012) (0)
- How Growing Inequality Hurts the Middle Class (2007) (0)
- SOY volume 10 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1993) (0)
- 5. Why False Beliefs about Luck and Talent Persist (2016) (0)
- 1. Forging Commitments That Sustain Cooperation (2014) (0)
- In defense of a libertarian welfare state: response to Michael Shermer (2012) (0)
- THREE. No Cash on the Table (2012) (0)
- Epilogue The Importance Of Sanctions (2014) (0)
- CHAPTER TWENTY. Wages, Seniority, and the Demand for Rising Consumption Profiles (2004) (0)
- Micro Model Extensions (1978) (0)
- Forging Commitments That Sustain Cooperation (2003) (0)
- Strategies for solving impulse-control problems: comments on George Ainslie's Picoeconomics (1993) (0)
- NINE. Success and Luck (2012) (0)
- 4. Why the Biggest Winners Are Almost Always Lucky (2016) (0)
- Unsolicited Advice for the Obama Administration (2009) (0)
- Kapitel 6. Verräterische Spuren (1992) (0)
- The Complex Ethical Consequences of “Simple” Theoretical Choices (2016) (0)
- Alfred E. Kahn: Regulator and Language Maven (2013) (0)
- The Effect of DFI on the Occupational Composition of Domestic Employment Demand (1978) (0)
- Chapter IX – Concluding Remarks (1978) (0)
- Book Review Essay: Luck’s Expanding Footprint (2022) (0)
- Book reviews (1989) (0)
- 3. Inequality, Happiness, and Health (2019) (0)
- Food for Thought: How Many Blacks Will Reach the Top if Race-Blind Admissions is Imposed on Our Most Elite Educational Institutions? (1996) (0)
- EBOOK : Principles Of Economics, 7th Edition (2019) (0)
- 2. Can Cooperators Find One Another (2014) (0)
- FIVE. Putting the Positional Consumption Beast on a Diet (2012) (0)
- Why Do Americans Save So Little and Does It Matter (2011) (0)
- Ekonomie [Frank, 2003] (2003) (0)
- A Career in Hedge Funds and the Price of Overcrowding (2007) (0)
- 7. What Types of Consumption Are Most Sensitive to Context? (2019) (0)
- Study Guide for use with Microeconomics and Behavior (1999) (0)
- SEVEN. Efficiency Rules (2012) (0)
- TWELVE. The Libertarian’s Objections Reconsidered (2012) (0)
- Introduction Infectious Good (2014) (0)
- 2. Recent Changes in Income and Wealth Inequality (2019) (0)
- FOUR. Starve the Beast—But Which One? (2012) (0)
- TEN. The Great Trade-Off? (2012) (0)
- Write What You Know (2019) (0)
- ECONOMIC SCENE State Governments Overreach in Taking on Problems Best Solved at the National Level (2007) (0)
- SIX. Perpetrators and Victims (2012) (0)
- Microeconomics and behavior : Frank, 6th edition (2007) (0)
- 7. We’re in Luck: A Golden Opportunity (2016) (0)
- 3. Adaptive Rationality And The Moral Emotions (2014) (0)
- Growing Income Inequalities in America?: A Review Essay@@@American Unequal.@@@Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality@@@The Winner-Take-All Society. (1996) (0)
- Kapitel 4. Reputation (1992) (0)
- Short-Run Labor Market Adjustments to Unemployment Resulting from Overseas Production Transfers (1978) (0)
- 2. Why Seemingly Trivial Random Events Matter (2016) (0)
- Distilling Career Advice from the Happiness Literature (2020) (0)
- Individual Utility Depends Only on Absolute Consumption (2017) (0)
- The Long-Run Distributional Consequences of Overseas Investment (1978) (0)
- Search Unemployment, Inflation Illusion and the Phillips Tradeoff (1976) (0)
- Sex and Reason, Posner Richard. Harvard University Press, 1992, 458 + vii pages. (1995) (0)
- How Digital Platforms Increase Inequality (2018) (0)
- Books in brief (2011) (0)
- In defense of a libertarian welfare state: response to Michael Shermer (2012) (0)
- TWO. Darwin’s Wedge (2012) (0)
- Positional Externalities As A Source of Market Failure (2015) (0)
- 6. The Burden of False Beliefs (2016) (0)
- Book Reviews:Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness (2008) (0)
- Why Is Income Inequality Growing (2018) (0)
- Chapter II – Literature Survey (1978) (0)
- 3. How Winner-Take-All Markets Magnify Luck’s Role (2016) (0)
- Appendix 1: Detailed Simulation Results for Chapter 4 (2016) (0)
- Does Income Measure Happiness? (0)
- On the rationalizability of observed consumers’ choices when preferences depend on budget sets: comment (2012) (0)
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