Robert Haralick
American academic
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Engineering Computer Science
Robert Haralick's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering University of Washington
- Masters Electrical Engineering University of Washington
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering University of Washington
Why Is Robert Haralick Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert M. Haralick is Distinguished Professor in Computer Science at Graduate Center of the City University of New York . Haralick is one of the leading figures in computer vision, pattern recognition, and image analysis. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and a Fellow and past president of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. Professor Haralick is the King-Sun Fu Prize winner of 2016, "for contributions in image analysis, including remote sensing, texture analysis, mathematical morphology, consistent labeling, and system performance evaluation".
Robert Haralick's Published Works
Published Works
- Textural Features for Image Classification (1973) (20614)
- Statistical and structural approaches to texture (1979) (2752)
- Image Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology (1987) (2576)
- Increasing Tree Search Efficiency for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (1979) (1477)
- Digital Step Edges from Zero Crossing of Second Directional Derivatives (1984) (1185)
- Pose estimation from corresponding point data (1989) (737)
- Structural Descriptions and Inexact Matching (1981) (649)
- Review and analysis of solutions of the three point perspective pose estimation problem (1994) (599)
- Feature normalization and likelihood-based similarity measures for image retrieval (2001) (438)
- Image Segmentation Techniques (1984) (376)
- Morphologic edge detection (1986) (376)
- Analysis and solutions of the three point perspective pose estimation problem (1991) (356)
- Ridges and valleys on digital images (1983) (352)
- Computer and Robot Vision (Volume II) (2002) (326)
- The Topographic Primal Sketch (1983) (305)
- Textural features for image classification. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (1973) (286)
- The consistent labeling problem: part I. (1979) (263)
- A facet model for image data (1981) (257)
- Propagating covariance in computer vision (1994) (246)
- A Metric for Comparing Relational Descriptions (1985) (222)
- Edge and region analysis for digital image data (1980) (216)
- Recursive X-Y cut using bounding boxes of connected components (1995) (189)
- Morphological structuring element decomposition (1986) (178)
- Performance Characterization in Computer Vision (1993) (175)
- Global and local document degradation models (1993) (163)
- Glossary of computer vision terms (1990) (151)
- Using perspective transformations in scene analysis (1980) (148)
- Document image understanding: geometric and logical layout (1994) (146)
- Decomposition of Two-Dimensional Shapes by Graph-Theoretic Clustering (1979) (145)
- A Measure for Circularity of Digital Figures (1974) (130)
- Combined spectral and spatial processing of ERTS imagery data (1974) (127)
- CD-ROM document database standard (1993) (126)
- A Statistical, Nonparametric Methodology for Document Degradation Model Validation (2000) (121)
- Determining camera parameters from the perspective projection of a rectangle (1989) (120)
- The digital morphological sampling theorem (1988) (120)
- Organization of Relational Models for Scene Analysis (1982) (115)
- Computer Classification of Reservoir Sandstones (1973) (115)
- Improvement of kittler and illingworth's minimum error thresholding (1989) (111)
- Document page decomposition by the bounding-box project (1995) (108)
- Decision Making in Context (1983) (105)
- The Consistent Labeling Problem: Part I (1979) (104)
- Recursive erosion, dilation, opening, and closing transforms (1995) (98)
- A methodology for quantitative performance evaluation of detection algorithms (1995) (96)
- Some Neighborhood Operators (1981) (92)
- Greedy Algorithm for Error Correction in Automatically Produced Boundaries from Low Contrast Ventriculograms (2000) (89)
- Automatic multithreshold selection (1984) (89)
- Textural features for image database retrieval (1998) (82)
- A weighted distance approach to relevance feedback (2000) (82)
- Pattern recognition with measurement space and spatial clustering for multiple images (1969) (82)
- Table structure understanding and its performance evaluation (2004) (81)
- Optimal Sensor and Light Source Positioning for Machine Vision (1995) (79)
- Automatic sensor and light source positioning for machine vision (1990) (76)
- Probabilistic vs. geometric similarity measures for image retrieval (2000) (75)
- Understanding engineering drawings (1982) (74)
- An automatic algorithm for text skew estimation in document images using recursive morphological transforms (1994) (73)
- Document zone content classification and its performance evaluation (2006) (71)
- Maximum entropy image reconstruction (1991) (71)
- Dependence (2019) (71)
- Computer vision theory: The lack thereof (1986) (70)
- A Pairwise Event Coreference Model, Feature Impact and Evaluation for Event Coreference Resolution (2009) (70)
- Integrated Directional Derivative Gradient Operator (1987) (70)
- Topographic classification of digital image intensity surfaces using generalized splines and the discrete cosine transformation (1984) (69)
- Zero Crossing Of Second Directional Derivative Edge Operator (1982) (69)
- Optimal affine-invariant point matching (1989) (66)
- Matching three-dimensional objects using a relational paradigm (1984) (66)
- Automatic table ground truth generation and a background-analysis-based table structure extraction method (2001) (65)
- Segmentation-free word recognition with application to Arabic (1995) (65)
- Understanding mathematical expressions from document images (1995) (65)
- Efficient facet edge detection and quantitative performance evaluation (2002) (64)
- Two-view motion analysis: a unified algorithm. (1986) (64)
- A spatial clustering procedure for multi-image data (1975) (61)
- Relational matching. (1994) (59)
- A simplified linear optic flow-motion algorithm (1988) (56)
- Context dependent edge detection and evaluation (1990) (54)
- Graph-theoretic clustering for image grouping and retrieval (1999) (54)
- The Facet Approach to Optic Flow (1983) (54)
- Model-based morphology: the opening spectrum (1995) (54)
- Document Degradation Models: Parameter Estimation and Model Validation (1994) (53)
- 2D-3D pose estimation (1988) (53)
- Reduction operations for constraint satisfaction (1978) (53)
- Solving camera parameters from the perspective projection of a parameterized curve (1984) (51)
- Performance characterization in image analysis: thinning, a case in point (1992) (50)
- Extraction of lines and regions from grey tone line drawing images (1984) (49)
- Error propagation for the Hough transform (2001) (49)
- Zone classification using texture features (1996) (49)
- Nonlinear global and local document degradation models (1994) (48)
- Optimal matching problem in detection and recognition performance evaluation (2002) (48)
- A segmentation-free approach to text recognition with application to Arabic text (1996) (48)
- A Benchmark: Performance Evaluation of Dashed-Line Detection Algorithms (1995) (46)
- Estimating Piecewise-Smooth Optical Flow with Global Matching and Graduated Optimization (2003) (44)
- Experiments in segmentation using a facet model region grower (1984) (44)
- Automatic remote sensor image processing (1976) (42)
- The representation of document structure: a generic object-process analysis (1995) (41)
- An Automatic Closed-Loop Methodology for Generating Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents (1999) (39)
- Error propagation in machine vision (1994) (39)
- Monocular vision using inverse perspective projection geometry: analytic relations (1989) (38)
- Neighbor gray levels as features in pixel classification (1980) (38)
- Document layout structure extraction using bounding boxes of different entitles (1996) (37)
- Understanding Objects with Curved Surfaces from a Single Perspective View of Boundaries (1985) (37)
- An interpretation for probabilistic relaxation (1983) (37)
- Image segmentation survey (1982) (36)
- A Performance Evaluation Protocol for Graphics Recognition Systems (1997) (36)
- A statistically efficient method for ellipse detection (1999) (36)
- A Spatial Data Structure (1979) (36)
- On a texture-context feature extraction algorithm for remotely sensed imagery (1971) (36)
- Arrangements, Homomorphisms, and Discrete Relaxation (1978) (36)
- Two practical issues in Canny's edge detector implementation (2000) (35)
- The table look-up rule (1976) (35)
- The Diclique Representation and Decomposition of Binary Relations (1974) (34)
- A robust linear least-squares estimation of camera exterior orientation using multiple geometric features (2000) (33)
- Texture Anisotropy, Symmetry, Regularity: Recovering Structure and Orientation from Interaction Maps (1995) (32)
- Understanding Engineering Drawings: A Survey (1995) (32)
- Parallel Computer Architectures and Problem Solving Strategies for the Consistent Labeling Problem (1985) (32)
- Performance evaluation of document layout analysis algorithms on the UW data set (1997) (32)
- Breakpoint Detection Using Covariance Propagation (1998) (32)
- Towards a Formal Concept Analysis Approach to Exploring Communities on the World Wide Web (2005) (32)
- Corner detection with covariance propagation (1997) (32)
- Using radar imagery for crop discrimination: a statistical and conditional probability study (1970) (31)
- Estimation of optimal morphological τ-opening parameters based on independent observation of signal and noise pattern spectra (1992) (30)
- Knowledge-based computer vision-integrated programming language and data management system design (1989) (30)
- An Integrated Linear Technique for Pose Estimation from Different Geometric Features (1999) (30)
- Estimation of curvature from sampled noisy data (1993) (29)
- A Context Classifier (1986) (29)
- Multispectral image context classification using stochastic relaxation (1990) (29)
- The implementation methodology for a CD-ROM English document database (1993) (29)
- An Optimization Methodology for Document Structure Extraction on Latin Character Documents (2001) (29)
- Optical flow from a least-trimmed squares based adaptive approach (2000) (28)
- Glossary and index to remotely sensed image pattern recognition concepts (1973) (28)
- Quantitative evaluation of edge detectors using the minimum kernel variance criterion (1999) (27)
- Pipeline Architectures for Morphologic Image Analysis (27)
- Assignment problem in edge detection performance evaluation (2000) (27)
- A differential equation approach to maximum entropy image reconstruction (1987) (27)
- Content-Based Image Database Retrieval Using Variances of Gray Level Spatial Dependencies (1998) (27)
- Performance Evaluation of Document Structure Extraction Algorithms (2001) (26)
- Algorithm performance contest (2000) (26)
- A methodology for the characterization of the performance of thinning algorithms (1993) (25)
- Comparative Study of a Discrete Linear Basis for Image Data Compression (1974) (25)
- Random perturbation models and performance characterization in computer vision (1992) (25)
- Spatial Reasoning in Remotely Sensed Data (1983) (25)
- Document page decomposition using bounding boxes of connected components of black pixels (1995) (25)
- Integrated surface model optimization for freehand three-dimensional echocardiography (2002) (25)
- Document structure analysis and performance evaluation (1999) (25)
- Context dependent edge detection (1988) (24)
- Receiver operating characteristic curves and optimal Bayesian operating points (1995) (24)
- Nonlinear Manifold Clustering By Dimensionality (2006) (24)
- Linear manifold clustering in high dimensional spaces by stochastic search (2007) (23)
- Automatic text skew estimation in document images (1995) (23)
- Texture-Tone Study with Application to Digitized Imagery. (1971) (23)
- Compatibilities and the fixed points of arithmetic relaxation processes (1980) (23)
- Second-Order Bilinear Discriminant Analysis (2010) (23)
- Table Detection via Probability Optimization (2002) (23)
- Shape from shading using the facet model (1989) (22)
- Matching 'sticks, plates and blobs' objects using geometric and relational constraints (1984) (22)
- Zone classification in a document using the method of feature vector generation (1995) (22)
- Performance evaluation of two OCR systems (1994) (22)
- Document image restoration using binary morphological filters (1996) (22)
- Three-dimensional ultrastructure of the Golgi apparatus in bovine mammary epithelial cells during lactation. (1984) (22)
- Recursive binary dilation and erosion using digital line structuring elements in arbitrary orientations (2000) (22)
- Extraction of drainage networks by using the consistent labeling technique (1985) (22)
- Performance characterization of edge detectors (1992) (22)
- Computer Architecture for Solving Consistent Labelling Problems (1985) (22)
- Texture analysis of aerial photographs (1983) (21)
- Zone content classification and its performance evaluation (2001) (20)
- A statistically based, highly accurate text-line segmentation method (1999) (20)
- Sticks, Plates, and Blobs: A Three-Dimensional Object Representation for Scene Analysis (1980) (20)
- Mathematical morphological operations of boundary-represented geometric objects (1996) (20)
- UW-ISL document image analysis toolbox: an experimental environment (1997) (20)
- Texture synthesis using a growth model (1978) (19)
- Automatic generation of character groundtruth for scanned documents: a closed-loop approach (1996) (19)
- KANDIDATS: An interactive image processing system (1978) (19)
- Document zone classification using sizes of connected components (1996) (19)
- Shape from perspective: A rule-based approach (1986) (19)
- MUSER: A prototype musical score recognition system using mathematical morphology (1993) (19)
- Matching wire frame objects from their two dimensional perspective projections (1984) (18)
- Proteus system architecture and organization (1991) (18)
- The extraction of characters from cover images using mathematical morphology (1998) (18)
- Exploiting the Geometry of Gene Expression Patterns for Unsupervised Learning (2006) (18)
- A pattern recognition approach to the detection of complex edges (1995) (18)
- Spectral-Temporal Classification Using Vegetation Phenology (1980) (18)
- Matching topographic structures in stereo vision (1989) (17)
- 18 Image texture survey (1982) (17)
- A quantitative methodology for analyzing the performance of detection algorithms (1993) (17)
- Gradient threshold selection using the facet model (1988) (17)
- Prosthesis Control Using a Nearest Neighbor Electromyographic Pattern Classifier (1983) (17)
- Mining Subspace Correlations (2007) (17)
- Toward the automatic generation of mathematical morphology procedures using predicate logic (1990) (17)
- Multiscale 3D feature extraction and matching with an application to 3D face recognition (2013) (16)
- A Maximum-likelihood Approach To PET Emission/attenuation Image Registration (1993) (16)
- Statistical-based approach to word segmentation (2000) (16)
- PREMIO: an overview (object recognition) (1991) (16)
- Linear Manifold Clustering (2005) (16)
- Automatic selection of tuning parameters for feature extraction sequences (1994) (16)
- Image understanding environment (1992) (16)
- Quantitative performance evaluation of thinning algorithms under noisy conditions (1994) (15)
- Statistical estimation for exterior orientation from line-to-line correspondences (1995) (15)
- Finding corresponding points based on Bayesian triangulation (1996) (15)
- Structural pattern recognition, homomorphisms, and arrangements (1978) (15)
- Gray-scale structuring element decomposition (1992) (14)
- Ultrasound imaging simulation and echocardiographic image synthesis (2000) (14)
- On the use of error propagation for statistical validation of computer vision software (2005) (14)
- Texture pattern image generation by regular Markov chain (1979) (14)
- Robust extraction of characters from color scene image using mathematical morphology (1998) (14)
- Efficient Graph Automorphism by Vertex Partitioning (1983) (14)
- Radar Scatterometer Discrimination of Sea-Ice Types (1977) (14)
- Issues in Digital Image Processing (1980) (14)
- An optimal Bayesian Hough transform for line detection (1999) (13)
- Recursive opening transform (1992) (13)
- Gray scale structuring element decomposition (1992) (13)
- Pictorial Data Analysis (2011) (13)
- B-code dilation and structuring element decomposition for restricted convex shapes (1990) (13)
- Character Recognition Using Mathematical Morphology (1990) (13)
- A Simplex-Like Algorithm for the Relaxation Labeling Process (1989) (12)
- Visual inspection of machined parts (1992) (12)
- Computer-Vision Update (1989) (12)
- Graphics recognition - algorithms and systems - general conclusions (1998) (12)
- A hierarchical projection pursuit clustering algorithm (2004) (12)
- Left ventricle longitudinal axis fitting and its apex estimation using a robust algorithm and its performance: a parametric apex model (1997) (12)
- A simple procedure to solve motion and structure from three orthographic views (1988) (12)
- The Extraction of Characters from Scene Image Using Mathematical Morphology (1996) (12)
- A hierarchical relational model for automated inspection tasks (1984) (12)
- Design and Architectural Implications of a Spatial Information System (1982) (11)
- Accurate left ventricle apex position and boundary estimation from noisy ventriculograms (1996) (11)
- Pipeline architectures for morphologie image analysis (1988) (11)
- Peak noise removal by a facet model (1983) (11)
- Random perturbation models for boundary extraction sequence (1997) (11)
- Two-stage robust optical flow estimation (2000) (11)
- Characterization of Dirac Edge with New Wavelet Transform (2001) (11)
- The pattern discrimination problem from the perspective of relation theory (1975) (11)
- Mathematical Morphology: Theory and Hardware (1994) (11)
- Estimating optical flow using a global matching formulation and graduated optimization (2002) (11)
- Practical aspects of efficient forward selection in decomposable graphical models (2004) (11)
- Model-based morphology (1991) (11)
- Mathematical Morphology Techniques For Image Processing Applications In Biomedical Imaging (1988) (11)
- A Bayesian method for triangulation and its application to finding corresponding points (1995) (11)
- Experimental methodology for performance characterization of a line detection algorithm (1991) (10)
- Performance analysis of line and circle tting in digital images (2007) (10)
- Digital StepEdgesfromZeroCrossing ofSecondDirectional Derivatives (1984) (10)
- The bilinear brain: towards subject-invariant analysis (2010) (10)
- Affine feature extraction: A generalization of the Fukunaga-Koontz transformation (2007) (10)
- Automatic inference of elevation and drainage models from a satellite image (1985) (10)
- A probabilistic similarity framework for content-based image retrieval (2001) (10)
- Shape estimation from topographic primal sketch (1985) (10)
- Automatic delineation of drainage basins within digital elevation data using the topographic primal sketch (1990) (10)
- From depth and optical flow to rigid body motion (1988) (9)
- Binary shape recognition based on an automatic morphological shape decomposition (1989) (9)
- Constrained monotone regression of ROC curves and histograms using splines and polynomials (1995) (9)
- Pattern Recognition Approaches to Solving Combinatorial Problems in Free Groups (2006) (9)
- Optimal affine-invariant matching: performance characterization (1992) (9)
- Solving the Conjugacy Decision Problem via Machine Learning (2017) (9)
- Proteus: A reconfigurable computational network for computer vision (1992) (9)
- Vector-space solution for a morphological shape-decomposition problem (1992) (9)
- A note on "Rigid body motion from depth and optical flow" (1986) (9)
- A Study on the Document Zone Content Classification Problem (2002) (9)
- Automatic line detection in document images using recursive morphological transforms (1995) (9)
- Terrain Reconstruction from Multiple Views (1997) (9)
- Transportable package software (1980) (9)
- Approximating high dimensional probability distributions (2004) (9)
- The Facet Approach to Shape from Shading (1984) (9)
- A Computationally Simple Procedure for Imagery Data Compression by the Karhunen-Loeve Method (1973) (9)
- Correction of systematic errors in automatically produced boundaries from low-contrast ventriculograms (1996) (9)
- Extraction of text lines and text blocks on document images based on statistical modeling (1996) (9)
- Insight: a Dataflow Language for Programming Vision Algorithms in a Reconfigurable Computational Network (1987) (8)
- Model-based algorithm for designing suboptimal morphological filters for restoring subtractive-noise-corrupted images (1993) (8)
- A highly robust estimator for computer vision (1990) (8)
- Hole spectrum: model-based optimization of morphological filters (1991) (8)
- Format of Ground Truth Data Used in the Evaluation of the Results of an Optical Music Recognition System (2019) (8)
- Implementation methodology and error analysis for the University of Washington English Document Image Database-I (1994) (8)
- Object Recognition Using Prediction And Probabilistic Match (1992) (8)
- A methodology for special symbol recognitions (2000) (8)
- The application of image analysis techniques to mineral processing (1983) (8)
- Corner detection using the MAP technique (1994) (8)
- Symbol recognition without prior segmentation (1994) (8)
- Effect of edge detection, pixel classification, and classification-edge fusion over LV calibration : A two stage automatic system (1997) (8)
- Mathematical Morphology And Computer Vision (1988) (8)
- Recovering 3-D motion parameters from image sequences with gross errors (1989) (8)
- A Fast Two-Dimensional Karhunen-Loeve Transform (1975) (8)
- An operating system interface for transportable image processing software (1983) (8)
- A knowledge-based boundary delineation system for contrast ventriculograms (2001) (8)
- Relative elevation determination from Landsat imagery (1984) (8)
- FLIR ATR using location uncertainty (2000) (7)
- Binary morphology: working in the sampled domain (1988) (7)
- An Iterative Clustering Procedure (1970) (7)
- Performance assessment of near-perfect machines (1989) (7)
- An improved Hough transform technique based on error propagation (1998) (7)
- Documentation of procedures for textural/spatial pattern recognition techniques (1976) (7)
- Wigner Distribution for 2D Motion Estimation from Noisy Images (1993) (7)
- Consistent Partition and Labelling of Text Blocks (2000) (7)
- Simultaneous word segmentation from document images using recursive morphological closing transform (1995) (7)
- Power functions and their use in selecting distance functions for document degradation model validation (1995) (7)
- Image analysis of cathodoluminescent-zones calcite cements (1987) (7)
- Automatic quadratic calibration for correction of pixel classification boundaries to an accuracy of 2.5 millimeters: an application in cardiac imaging (1998) (6)
- Pattern discrimination using ellipsoidally symmetric multivariate density functions (1977) (6)
- Image Access Protocol for Image Processing Software (1977) (6)
- Logical context of nonlinear filtering (1992) (6)
- Adaptive Image Processing Techniques (1988) (6)
- Comments on performance characterization replies (1994) (6)
- Heuristics for the Whitehead Minimization Problem (2005) (6)
- A multi-threshold adaptive filtering for image enhancement (1986) (6)
- Comparing the laplacian zero crossing edge detector with the second directional derivative edge detector (1985) (6)
- Spatial reasoning to determine stream network from LANDSAT imagery (1983) (6)
- Two automatic training-based forced calibration algorithms for left ventricle boundary estimation in cardiac images (1997) (6)
- 3-D Display Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of The Spine (1988) (6)
- Morphological pattern-spectra-based Tau-opening optimization (1991) (6)
- Constrained Transform Coding and Surface Fitting (1983) (6)
- Optimal information retrieval from complex low frequency backgrounds in medical images (1989) (6)
- Performance Evaluation of Document Image Algorithms (1999) (6)
- Validating image-processing algorithms (2000) (6)
- On vector quantization for fast facet edge detection (1994) (6)
- Identifying Patterns in Texts (2009) (6)
- The Topographic Primal Sketch and Its Application to Passive Navigation (1983) (6)
- Extraction of text layout structures on document images based on statistical characterization (1995) (6)
- The discrimination of winter wheat using a growth-state signature (1980) (6)
- KANDIDATS Image Processing System (1976) (5)
- Methodology for experimental computer vision (1989) (5)
- Optimally Quantized and Smoothed Histograms (2002) (5)
- Robust visual motion analysis: piecewise-smooth optical flow and motion-based detection and tracking (2002) (5)
- A Geometric Functional for Derivatives Approximation (1999) (5)
- Differential equations for engineers (1978) (5)
- A Facet Model Based Region Growing Algorithm (1981) (5)
- Special Issue on “Performance Evaluation: Theory, Practice, and Impact” (2002) (5)
- Testing camera calibration with constraints (1999) (5)
- Model-based shape recognition using recursive mathematical morphology (1998) (5)
- ImageAnalysis Using Mathematical Morphology (1987) (5)
- Bayesian Corner Detection (1993) (5)
- Local gradient, global matching, piecewise-smooth optical flow (2001) (5)
- Morphological algorithm development case study: detection of shapes in low-contrast gray-scale images with replacement and clutter noise (1992) (5)
- Vehicle ground-truth database for the vertical-view Ft. Hood imagery (2000) (5)
- Using Area Voronoi Tessellation to Segment Characters Connected to Graphics (2001) (5)
- Dynamic programming approach for context classification using the Markov random field (1988) (4)
- A Facet Model for Image Data: Regions, Edges, and Texture (1981) (4)
- The digital step edge (1982) (4)
- Behavioral problems of deaf children: Clustering of variables using measures of association and similarity (1971) (4)
- A classification framework for content-based image retrieval (2002) (4)
- Predicting expected gray level statistics of opened signals (1992) (4)
- Computer analysis and perception, vol, 1: Visual signals (1984) (4)
- Unification of nonlinear filtering in the context of binary logical calculus, part I: Binary filters (2004) (4)
- An Approximate Linear Time Propagate and Divide Theorem Prover for Propositional Logic (1987) (4)
- Image random file access routines (1982) (4)
- Multi-image camera calibration and object-point estimation (1995) (4)
- Statistical morphology (1993) (4)
- Fast facet edge detection in image sequences using vector quantization (1992) (4)
- Image Discrimination Enhancement Combination System (IDECS) (1977) (4)
- Understanding the application of mathematical morphology to machine vision (1989) (4)
- A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Image Database Retrieval (1999) (4)
- Optimal multidimensional quantization for pattern recognition (2002) (4)
- An Associative-Categorical Model of Word Meaning (1975) (4)
- A Bayesian framework for noise covariance estimation using the facet model (2005) (4)
- Recursive Morphology Using Line Structuring Elements (1996) (3)
- A Probabilistic Graphical Model for Recognizing NP Chunks in Texts (2009) (3)
- Estimating errors in document databases (1994) (3)
- Land use classification using texture information in ERTS-A MSS imagery (1973) (3)
- Model-based linear manifold clustering (2008) (3)
- Edge Linking by Ellipsoidal Clustering (1990) (3)
- From two-view motion equations to three-dimensional motion parameters and surface structure: A direct and stable algorithm (1986) (3)
- Morphological decomposition of restricted domains: a vector space solution (1992) (3)
- Hole-spectrum representation and model-based optimal morphological restoration of binary images degraded by subtractive noise (1992) (3)
- The Pattern Complex (1990) (3)
- Comparison of a regular and an irregular decomposition of regions and volumes (1987) (3)
- Basic Concepts For Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis (2006) (3)
- Effects of Feature Normalization on Image Retrieval (2007) (3)
- The Use of the Facet Model and the Topographic Primal Sketch in Image Analysis (1988) (3)
- Using centroid covariance in target recognition (1998) (3)
- Recognition Methodology: Algorithms & Architecture (1987) (3)
- Image Analysis of Cathodoluminescent-Zoned Calcite Cements: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER (1987) (3)
- Computerized detection of cemento-enamel junctions in digitized dental radiographs (1989) (3)
- Handbook on Optical Character Recognition and Document Image Analysis, Pp. 000{000 the Representation of Document Structure: a Generic Object-process Analysis 2 Handbook on Optical Character Recognition and Document Image Analysis (1995) (3)
- Two view motion analysis, stereo vision and a moving camera's positioning their equivalence and a new solution procedure (1985) (3)
- Digital image processing : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bonas, France, June 23-July 4, 1980 (1981) (3)
- Two view motion analysis under a small perturbation (1985) (3)
- Interactive Image Processing Software (1977) (3)
- Spectral and Textural Processing of Erts Imagery (2006) (3)
- Fast correlation registration method using singular value decomposition (1986) (3)
- Automatic detection of minelike targets in severely cluttered images including other man-made objects (1995) (3)
- Estimation of morphological degradation parameters (1995) (3)
- A Bayesian corner detector (1994) (2)
- Use of thermal-infrared imagery in ground-water investigations in Montana (1977) (2)
- Model-based morphology: simple and complex shapes (1992) (2)
- Adaptive pattern recognition by using a predictive model in construction of similarity sets (1967) (2)
- A Critical Comparison Of Fast Transforms For Image Data Compression (1976) (2)
- Pattern recognition and minimal words in free groups of rank 2 (2005) (2)
- A Bayesian Approach to Robust Local Facet Estimation (1987) (2)
- Optimal grid quantization (2002) (2)
- Discovering Text Patterns by a New Graphical Model (2011) (2)
- Significance of problem solving parameters on the performance of combinatorial algorithms on multi-computer parallel architectures (1982) (2)
- Torah Codes: Redundant Encoding (2003) (2)
- Shape Estimation from Topographic Primal Sketch: an Initial Feasibility Study (1984) (2)
- Automated left ventricle boundary delineation (2000) (2)
- Content-based Image Database Retrieval Based on Line-Angle-Ratio Statistics (1997) (2)
- Noise covariance estimation in low-level computer vision (2001) (2)
- Data processing at the University of Kansas (1972) (2)
- A hybrid shape decomposition using hyperquadrics and mathematical morphology (1994) (2)
- Long Phrases in Torah Codes (2004) (2)
- Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis: The Experimental Protocol (2006) (2)
- Proteus System Architecture & Organization (1991) (2)
- The Bayesian Approach to Identification of a Remotely Sensed Environment (1969) (2)
- Modeling High-Dimensional Probability Distributions via Linear Manifold Clusters (2007) (2)
- Mathematical morphology of three-dimensional objects: the slope diagrammatic approach (1993) (2)
- Integrated surface model optimization from images and prior shape knowledge (2002) (2)
- Automated ventriculargram boundary delineation (1998) (2)
- Multi-Image Pattern Recognition: Ideas and Results. (1969) (2)
- A method for discovering knowledge in texts (2019) (2)
- Optimal single-stage restoration of subtractive noise (1993) (2)
- Inexact MDL for linear manifold clusters (2016) (2)
- Efficient and exact maximum likelihood quantisation of genomic features using dynamic programming (2010) (2)
- Contextual decision making with degrees of belief (1992) (2)
- Discrimination of water from shadow regions on SAR imagery (1990) (1)
- Image Segmentation Using The Morphological Pyramid (1989) (1)
- Finite random sets and morphology (1994) (1)
- The ISL document image analysis toolbox (1997) (1)
- A method for document zone content classification (2002) (1)
- Maximum Likelihood Quantization of Genomic Features Using Dynamic Programming (2007) (1)
- Mathematical morphology for SMD lead identification (1989) (1)
- Estimation of the position and orientation of a planar surface using multiple beams (1993) (1)
- Multi-resolution Morphology (2019) (1)
- Indecomposability problem in mathematical morphology (1993) (1)
- Extraction of text words in document images based on a statistical characterization (1996) (1)
- Ore Microscopic Studies Using the General Image Processing System (GIPSY) (1982) (1)
- An Annihilation Transform Compression Method For Permuted Images (1976) (1)
- Pattern Recognition of Remotely Sensed Data (1983) (1)
- A Knowledge Based Boundary Delineation from Left Ventriculograms (2000) (1)
- The Visual Components of an Automated Inspected Task (1985) (1)
- Estimating recombination rate distribution by optimal quantization (2003) (1)
- Proteus: Control and management system (1993) (1)
- Automating measurement from standard radiographs (1993) (1)
- Music Generation with Relation Join (2016) (1)
- Using Recursive Morphological Closing Transform (1995) (1)
- Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis: The Torah Code Effect is Real (2003) (1)
- Model-based point matching (1992) (1)
- Single view computer vision in polyhedral world: Geometric inference and performance characterization (2000) (1)
- A statistical framework for geometric tolerancing manufactured parts (1998) (1)
- Topological Structure of Linear Manifold Clustering (2019) (1)
- Diagnosis of Liver Tumor from CT Images Using Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform (2020) (1)
- Performance characterization of vision algorithms (1991) (1)
- A simulation model of a multi-computer system solving a combinatorial problem (1982) (1)
- Regression analysis and automorphic orbits in free groups of rank 2 (2004) (1)
- Automated left ventricle boundary delineation in left ventriculograms (2000) (1)
- Document Image Analysis Toolbox: an Experimental Environment (1997) (1)
- A neural net algorithm for maximum entropy image reconstruction (1990) (1)
- TR-2005001: Automatic Target Detection in E3D Images using Mathematical Morphology Techniques (2005) (1)
- Perspective projection expert (1992) (1)
- Developing an Algorithm for Mining Semantics in Texts (2012) (1)
- Recursive binary dilation using digital line-structuring elements in arbitrary orientations (1997) (1)
- Optimal ridge orientation estimator using integrated second directional derivative (2005) (1)
- Application of Mathematical Morphology to Machine Vision (1989) (1)
- Radiographs as medical documents: automating standard measurements (1993) (1)
- Integrated Surface Optimization for 3-D Freehand Echocardiography (2002) (1)
- A three-dimensional computer vision system for inspecting the geometric tolerances of circular machine features (1998) (1)
- Machine vision mensuration (1987) (1)
- A new approach to the solution of the maximum entropy image reconstruction problem (1984) (1)
- Relation Decomposition: The Theory (2013) (1)
- Automated organ recognition using 3D mathematical morphology (1993) (1)
- Discrimination of Water from Shadow Regions on Radar Imagery Using Computer Vision Techniques. (1985) (1)
- A hybrid search algorithm for the Whitehead Minimization problem (2006) (1)
- Optimal single stage restoration of split-beam sonar images via mathematical morphology (1994) (0)
- Maximum entropy spectrum estimation from noisy correlation measurements (1984) (0)
- Scene Matching Methods (1980) (0)
- CHAPTER 14 Statistical morphology (2016) (0)
- Recursive Logical Document Structure Description Using Textons: A Generic Object-Process Analysis (1995) (0)
- Author's Reply (1985) (0)
- Introduction Premio: a Model-based Vision System (2004) (0)
- Mineralogic Variations During Comminution of Complex Sulfide Ores (1982) (0)
- Guest Editorial: Special Section on Digital Document Imaging (1996) (0)
- Quadratic Discriminant Revisited (2014) (0)
- An opening system interface for trasportable image processing software (1982) (0)
- Column by Column Image-signal Enhancement Iv Abstract Column by Column Image-signal Enhancement Maribini. Thanks for Being Wonderful Role Models and for Your Assistance along My Way. I Want to Thank the Rest of the Previous Dig Members -laslo Cernetic (0)
- Height distributions in opened finite signals (1992) (0)
- Methodology for analyzing the performance of detection tasks (1992) (0)
- The use of GTFR with cone shaped kernel for motion estimation (1992) (0)
- ICPR panel discussion remarks (1991) (0)
- Discrete Half-Plane Morphology for Restricted Domains (2018) (0)
- The Generalization of Mathematical Morphology to Non-numeric Sets (2021) (0)
- RESEARCH CONTfWUTKWS Image Processing and Computer Vision Data Structures for Quadtree (1999) (0)
- Statistical Validation of Computer Vision (1996) (0)
- Principles of covariance propagation (1999) (0)
- Towards Objective Measurements from Medical Radiographs (1993) (0)
- Interpretation and automatic image enhancement facility. [digital software for processing ERTS-1 MSS data for Kansas (1973) (0)
- UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox : An Environment (1999) (0)
- Spectral and textural processing of ERTS imagery. [Kansas (1974) (0)
- TR-2003009: A Hierarchical Projection Pursuit Clustering Algorithm (2003) (0)
- Metallography," in Issues of Digital (1982) (0)
- Short Papers Breakpoint Detection Using Covariance Propagation (1998) (0)
- Error Propagation and Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software (2001) (0)
- A Quick Way For Relational Matching:: Morphology (1993) (0)
- TR-2003011: Data Modelling and Description: A Guide to Using the SYLModel Library (2003) (0)
- Dicliques: Finding Needles in Haystacks (2009) (0)
- Scene Analysis, Homomorphism, and Consistent Labeling Problem Algorithms. (1980) (0)
- The influence of image position on urban place detection (1973) (0)
- Machine vision in the 1990s: Applications and how to get there (1991) (0)
- Linguistic Connections among Torah Codes 29 November 2004 (2004) (0)
- KANDID ATS Image Processing System (1976) (0)
- Texture Based Pattern Classification (2016) (0)
- Linear vs. Quadratic Optimization Algorithms for Bias Correction of Left Ventricle Chamber Boundaries in Low Contrast Projection Ventriculograms Produced from Xray Cardiac Catheterization Procedure (1999) (0)
- Linear relations between leaf mass per area (LMA) and seasonal climate discovered through Linear Manifold Clustering (LMC) (2016) (0)
- 3 D Reconstruction of Circular Machine Features from a Single Image for Inspection (2007) (0)
- Texture Tone Study. Classification Experiments. (1972) (0)
- A comprehensive data processing plan for crop calendar MSS signature development from satellite imagery. [Kansas] (1976) (0)
- Interpretation and automatic image enhancement facility (1973) (0)
- Noise Removal on Radar Imagery Using Local Gradient and Statistics. (1985) (0)
- An algorithm of Identifying Semantic Arguments of a Verb From Structured Data (2011) (0)
- Partial Monotone Dependence (2021) (0)
- Interpretation Of Topographic Relief From Digital Multispectral Imagery (1984) (0)
- A study of adaptive image compression techniques (1980) (0)
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Study (1975) (0)
- A comprehensive data processing plan for crop calendar MSS signature development from satellite imagery: Crop identification using vegetation phenology (1978) (0)
- A Probabilistic Graphical Model for Identifying Text Patterns (2011) (0)
- First-order logic as a constraint satisfaction problem (2021) (0)
- Kansas environmental and resource study: A Great Plains model. [land use, image enhancement, winter wheat, agriculture, water resources, and pattern recognition] (1973) (0)
- Sanitation and of the staff of the Neighborhood Action Program , and the help of the residents of (2007) (0)
- Book ReviewImage Analysis and Mathematical Morphology, Volume 2: Theoretical Advances, Jean Serra (Ed.), Academic Press, New York (1988) (1988) (0)
- TR-2004017: Towards a Formal Concept Analysis Approach to Exploring Communities on the World Wide Web (2004) (0)
- Data Structures for Quadtree (1985) (0)
- I261 References (0)
- TR-2006001: The EM A lgorithm As a Lower Bound Optimization Technique (2006) (0)
- TheSystems, Man,andCybernetics Society isanorganization within theframework oftheIEEE,with professional interest intheclosely interrelated fields ofman-machine systems, systems science, systems engineering, andcybernetics. Allmembers oftheIEEEareeligible formembership andwill receive this TRANSACTIO (1981) (0)
- Use of feature extraction techniques for the texture and context information in ERTS imagery (1972) (0)
- Random Table and Its Ground Truth Automatic Generation : A Tool for Table Understanding Research (2001) (0)
- Context dependent edge detection (1988) (0)
- A general technique for automatic left ventricle boundary validation: Relation between gray scale cardioangiograms and observed boundary errors (1997) (0)
- Brief survey of the relationships between finite random sets and morphology (1994) (0)
- A pr 2 00 6 Heuristics for The Whitehead Minimization Problem (2019) (0)
- An integrated approach to surface modeling in freehand three-dimensional echocardiography (2002) (0)
- Multi-Temporal Classification of Winter Wheat Using a Growth State Model (1979) (0)
- Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision: Evaluation and Validation of Computer Vision Algorithms and Methods (2008) (0)
- The Application of the General Image Processing System (GIPSY) to Mineral Beneficiation Studies (1982) (0)
- Developing Probabilistic Models for Identifying Semantic Patterns in Texts (2011) (0)
- Investigation of Extrema in Digital Images for Texture Analysis. (1979) (0)
- Regression and rejection of automated left ventricle boundary delineation (2000) (0)
- 4 Coordination Strategies (0)
- A probabilistic matching algorithm for computer vision (1994) (0)
- UseofRangeandReflectance DatatoFindPlanar Surface Regions (1979) (0)
- Gamma-ray spectrometer study. Final contract report, Jun 1972--1 Apr 1975 (1975) (0)
- Developing probabilistic graphical models for identifying text patterns and semantics (2013) (0)
- Area measurement of land use categories in Finney County, Kansas (1973) (0)
- Implementation of Image Retrieval using Co-occurrence Matrix and Texton Co-occurrence matrix (2017) (0)
- Editorial (1980) (0)
- Site Model Construction Using Geometric Constrained Optimization (2015) (0)
- Image Processing and Computer Vision Investigating the (1990) (0)
- Video Bandwidth Compression. (1977) (0)
- Preface to Workshop on Image and Video Registration (2004) (0)
- The N-Tuple Subspace Classifier: Extensions and Survey (2021) (0)
- Interpretation and automatic image enhancement processing facility (1972) (0)
- Texture Tone Study. Category Maps, Gradient and Homogeneity Images. (1973) (0)
- Morphological image processing on a token passing pyramid computer (1992) (0)
- Robot vision: Berthold Horn. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1986, 509 pp. $39.50 (1986) (0)
- Influence of atmosphere pathlengths for different bands (1973) (0)
- Automatic Target Detection in E 3 D Images using Mathematical Morphology Techniques (2016) (0)
- A Sep2Tree Model for Recognizing Synthetic Bach Chorales (2017) (0)
- Image Analysis in the Study of Pentlandite Exsolution (1984) (0)
- Torah Codes: New Experimental Protocols (1998) (0)
- Document Structural Decomposition (2020) (0)
- Road detection on radar imagery (1985) (0)
- The Role of Machine Vision in Information Technology Systems (1993) (0)
- GIST: Graphical Interactive Display Tools Defining a Model for Interactive Search (2014) (0)
- Optimal single-stage restoration of subtractive noise corrupted images by a morphological closing (1995) (0)
- The Torah code controversy (1998) (0)
- Code Finder : Scores or Probabilities (2010) (0)
- Book-Review - Digital Image Processing - Proceedings of an Institute - Bonas, France 1980JUN (1982) (0)
- Capturing Vegetation Diversity in the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model (2013) (0)
- Recent Advances Towards a Model-Based Pattern-Recognition Approach for the Left Ventricle Boundary Estimation (1999) (0)
- Kansas environmental and resource study: A Great Plains model, tasks 1-6 (1972) (0)
- Editorial (1978) (0)
- Is 5755 Important (1997) (0)
- Mathematical Morphology and Remote Sensing (1989) (0)
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