Robert Post
American legal scholar, (1947 - ), New York City, New York, USA
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- Bachelors History Princeton University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Charles Post is an American legal scholar who is currently a professor of law at Yale Law School, where he served as the Dean of Yale Law School from 2009 to 2017. Biography Post received his Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University in 1969 and earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1977. While at Yale, he served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal. He then clerked for D.C. Circuit Judge David L. Bazelon and Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. Post subsequently earned a Ph.D. in History of American Civilization from Harvard University, worked briefly in private practice, and started his career in law teaching at Berkeley Law in 1983. Post moved from Berkeley to Yale in 2003 and succeeded Harold Koh as Dean when Koh was appointed to serve as Legal Adviser to the U.S. State Department. Post has been quoted in the New York Times on the composition of the Supreme Court. He was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2011.
Robert Post 's Published Works
Published Works
- Personal responsibility and obesity: a constructive approach to a controversial issue. (2010) (449)
- Three Concepts of Privacy (2001) (107)
- The Social Foundations of Defamation Law: Reputation and the Constitution (1986) (94)
- Civil Society and Government (2002) (90)
- Religion and Freedom of Speech: Portraits of Muhammad (2007) (89)
- The Social Foundations of Privacy: Community and Self in the Common Law Tort (1989) (88)
- Roe Rage: Democratic Constitutionalism and Backlash (2007) (81)
- Racist Speech, Democracy, and the First Amendment (1991) (64)
- The Constitutional Concept of Public Discourse: Outrageous Opinion, Democratic Deliberation, and Hustler Magazine v. Falwell (1990) (62)
- Democracy and Equality (2006) (58)
- Popular Constitutionalism, Departmentalism, and Judicial Supremacy (2004) (53)
- Fighting Traffic (2009) (52)
- Routine Electronic Monitoring of Fetal Heart Rate and Uterine Activity During Labor (1975) (47)
- Equal Protection by Law: Federal Antidiscrimination Legislation After Morrison and Kimel (2000) (45)
- Prejudicial Appearances: The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law (2000) (44)
- Recuperating First Amendment Doctrine (1995) (43)
- Constitutional Domains: Democracy, Community, Management (1995) (43)
- Participatory Democracy and Free Speech (2011) (43)
- In context : history and the history of technology : essays in honor of Melvin Kranzberg (1991) (41)
- The Supreme Court Opinion As Institutional Practice: Dissent, Legal Scholarship, and Decisionmaking in the Taft Court (2001) (40)
- Human rights in political transitions : Gettysburg to Bosnia (1999) (39)
- Law and the order of culture (1991) (39)
- Foreword: Fashioning the Legal Constitution: Culture, Courts, and Law (2003) (39)
- Federalism, Positive Law, and the Emergence of the American Administrative State: Prohibition in the Taft Court Era (2006) (37)
- Originalism As a Political Practice: The Right’s Living Constitution (2006) (36)
- Legislative Constitutionalism and Section Five Power: Policentric Interpretation of the Family and Medical Leave Act (2003) (35)
- Meiklejohn's Mistake: Individual Autonomy and the Reform of Public Discourse (1993) (34)
- Race and Representation: Affirmative Action (1997) (34)
- "Liberalizers" versus "Scientific Men" in the Antebellum Patent Office (1976) (33)
- Between Governance and Management: The History and Theory of the Public Forum (1987) (32)
- Rereading Warren and Brandeis: Privacy, Property, and Appropriation (1991) (31)
- Censorship and Silencing (1998) (31)
- Reconciling Theory and Doctrine in First Amendment Jurisprudence (2000) (31)
- The Structure of Academic Freedom (2005) (31)
- The Constitutional Status of Commercial Speech (2000) (30)
- Informed Consent to Abortion: A First Amendment Analysis of Compelled Physician Speech (2007) (30)
- Cultural Heterogeneity and Law: Pornography, Blasphemy, and the First Amendment (1988) (28)
- Yankee Enterprise: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures (1982) (28)
- Democracy and Equality (2005) (26)
- Savages and Scientists: The Smithsonian Institution and the Development of American Anthropology, 1846-1910 Curtis M. Hinsley, Jr. (1983) (24)
- The Challenge of Globalization to American Public Law Scholarship (2001) (24)
- Regulatory Perspective of the USDA on the Use of Antimicrobials and Inhibitors in Foods. (1996) (24)
- Encryption Source Code and the First Amendment (2000) (23)
- Citizens Divided: Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution (2014) (23)
- Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural Regulation (1998) (23)
- Tramways and Trolleys: The Rise of Urban Mass Transit in Europe (1976) (22)
- High Performance: The Culture and Technology of Drag Racing, 1950–1990 by Robert C. Post (1994) (21)
- Back at the Start: History and Technology and Culture (2010) (20)
- Data Privacy and Dignitary Privacy: Google Spain, the Right to Be Forgotten, and the Construction of the Public Sphere (2017) (20)
- Protecting the Constitution from the People: Juricentric Restrictions on Section Five Power (2003) (20)
- On the Popular Image of the Lawyer: Reflections in a Dark Glass (1987) (19)
- Putting MyPlate to work for nutrition educators. (2012) (19)
- Setting the table with a healthy plate: make half your plate fruits and vegetables. (2011) (17)
- The significance of a thickened endometrial echo in asymptomatic postmenopausal patients. (2011) (17)
- Adam Smith's First Amendment (2015) (16)
- A New Approach to Dietary Guidelines Communications: Make MyPlate, Your Plate (2011) (16)
- Carcinoid tumor metastatic to the cervix and corpus uteri. Report of a case. (1966) (16)
- The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1915: A Study in American Industrial Practice (1995) (15)
- Marinating Broiler Parts: The Use of a Viscous Type Marinade (1983) (15)
- Urban mass transit : the life story of a technology (2007) (14)
- Democratic Constitutionalism and Cultural Heterogeneity (2000) (14)
- Remaking the world : adventures in engineering (1999) (13)
- Law and Cultural Conflict (2003) (13)
- Theorizing Disagreement: Reconceiving the Relationship between Law and Politics (2010) (13)
- Participatory Democracy as a Theory of Free Speech: A Reply (2011) (13)
- Introduction: After Bakke (1996) (12)
- Yankee enterprise, the rise of the American system of manufactures : a symposium (1981) (12)
- The effects of oral contraceptives on the endometrium. (1968) (12)
- Democracy, Popular Sovereignty, and Judicial Review (1998) (12)
- Managing Deliberation: The Quandary of Democratic Dialogue (1993) (12)
- What's new on MyPlate? A new message, redesigned web site, and SuperTracker debut. (2012) (12)
- Physics, Patents and Politics: A Biography of Charles Grafton Page (1978) (12)
- Defending the Lifeworld: Substantive Due Process in the Taft Court Era (1999) (11)
- The Supreme Court 2002 Term (2003) (11)
- Theories of Constitutional Interpretation (1990) (11)
- Equality and Autonomy in First Amendment Jurisprudence (1997) (10)
- Questioning Justice: Law and Politics in Judicial Confirmation Hearings (2006) (10)
- MyPlate is now reaching more consumers through social media. (2013) (10)
- Theorizing the Law/Politics Distinction: Neutral Principles, Affirmative Action, and the Enduring Legacy of Paul Mishkin (2006) (9)
- Religion and Freedom of Speech (2014) (9)
- Who Owns America's Past?: The Smithsonian and the Problem of History (2013) (9)
- Verification and trust: Background investigations preceding faculty appointment (2004) (9)
- Between Norms and Choices (1999) (9)
- Implementation of irradiation of pork for trichina control (1988) (9)
- A Narrative for Our Time: The Enola Gay "and after that, period" (2004) (9)
- "A Very Special Relationship": SHOT and the Smithsonian's Museum of History and Technology (2001) (8)
- Who's Afraid of Jurispathic Courts?: Violence and Public Reason in Nomos and Narrative (2005) (8)
- Getting plates in shape using SuperTracker. (2012) (8)
- Fetal ventriculomegaly and brain atrophy in a woman with intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection. A case report. (1986) (8)
- Legal Scholarship and the Practice of Law (1992) (7)
- A Theory of Genre: Romance, Realism, and Moral Reality (1981) (7)
- Prescribing records and the First Amendment--New Hampshire's data-mining statute. (2009) (7)
- No Mere Technicalities: How Things Work and Why It Matters (1999) (7)
- Consumers' Attitudes toward Labeling Food Products with Possible Allergens (2003) (6)
- Control biofouling in evaporative cooling systems (1998) (6)
- Tubal Sterilization by Bipolar Laparoscopy: Report of 232 Cases (1981) (6)
- The Page Locomotive: Federal Sponsorship of Invention in Mid-19th-Century America (1972) (5)
- The Management of Speech: Discretion and Rights (1984) (5)
- Constitutional Restraints on the Regulations of Scientific Speech and Scientific Research (2009) (5)
- The Classic First Amendment Tradition Under Stress: Freedom of Speech and the University (2017) (5)
- Federalism in the Taft Court Era: Can It Be “Revived”? (2002) (5)
- Chance and Contingency: Putting Mel Kranzberg in Context (2009) (5)
- Community and the First Amendment (1997) (5)
- Reconceptualizing Vagueness: Legal Rules and Social Orders (1994) (5)
- Regulating Election Speech Under the First Amendment (1999) (5)
- Making SuperTracker work for you. (2012) (4)
- Variables in Broiler Production and Processing in the U.S.A. Which Influence Yields and Nutrient Composition of Carcases Sold at the Retail Level (1985) (4)
- Reflections of American Science and Technology at the New York Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1853 (1983) (4)
- National Security and the Amended Freedom of Information Act (2008) (4)
- Stray sparks from the induction coil: The volta prize and the page patent (1976) (4)
- Judicial Management: The Achievements of Chief Justice William Howard Taft (1998) (4)
- Constitutional scholarship in the United States (2009) (4)
- An Open Letter to Congressman Gingrich (1995) (4)
- MyPlate reaches more frontiers. (2013) (4)
- Compelled Commercial Speech (2014) (4)
- The Bridge at Mackinac Straits: Another Fiftieth Anniversary (2008) (4)
- The SAE Story: One Hundred Years of Mobility (2005) (4)
- It takes a village to communicate the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate. (2013) (4)
- Blasphemy, the First Amendment and the Concept of Intrinsic Harm (1988) (3)
- Understanding the First Amendment (2012) (3)
- Legitimacy and Hate Speech (2017) (3)
- Chief Justice William Howard Taft and the Concept of Federalism. (1992) (3)
- The Fair Fare Fight: An Episode in Los Angeles History (1970) (3)
- Technology, Transport, and Travel in American History (2003) (3)
- Constitutional Domains (1995) (3)
- What Is the Constitution's Worst Provision? (1995) (3)
- The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law (1999) (3)
- Every four years (1980) (3)
- The Machine in the Garden District (2006) (3)
- Keeping food safe. (1995) (3)
- Judicial Management and Judicial Disinterest: The Achievements and Perils of Chief Justice William Howard Taft (1998) (3)
- Why Bother with Academic Freedom (2013) (3)
- Consumers' Attitudes toward Open Dating of USDA-regulated Foods (2003) (3)
- A treatise upon selected aspects of the Great International Exhibition held in Philadelphia on the occasion of our Nation's one-hundredth birthday, with some reference to another exhibition held in Washington commemorating that epic event, and called 1876, a Centennial Exhibition (1976) (2)
- Theorizing Disagreement: Re-Conceiving the Relationship between Law and Politics (2009) (2)
- The Perils of Conceptualism: A Response to Professor Fallon (1990) (2)
- Physics, Patents, and Politics: A Biography of Charles Grafton Page (1977) (2)
- Leadership in Educational Institutions: Reflections of a Law School Dean (2017) (2)
- 1. First Lecture: A Short History of Representation and Discursive Democracy (2014) (2)
- Academic Freedom and the "Intifada Curriculum.". (2003) (2)
- The Land Speed Record and the Last Green Monster (2009) (2)
- Transparent and Efficient Markets: Compelled Commercial Speech and Coerced Commercial Associations in United Foods, Zauderer, and Abood (2006) (2)
- Academic Freedom and outside Speakers (2006) (2)
- Compelled Subsidization of Speech: Johanns v Livestock Marketing Association (2005) (2)
- Democracy, Expertise, and Academic Freedom (2017) (2)
- Discipline and Freedom in the Academy (2012) (2)
- Nutrition Labeling of Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry Products and Single-Ingredient Products (2001) (2)
- A LIFE WITH TRAINS (1990) (2)
- Affirmative Action and Higher Education: The View from Somewhere (2005) (2)
- The University Counsel: A Roundtable Discussion (2001) (2)
- "The Last Steam Railroad in America": Shaffers Crossing, Roanoke, Virginia, 1958 (2003) (2)
- The First Amendment and the Right(s) of Publicity (2020) (2)
- Reply to Bender (1997) (2)
- Academic freedom and tenure: City University of New York (2004) (2)
- Tension in the Unitary Executive: How Taft Constructed the Epochal Opinion of Myers v. United States (2020) (1)
- RFRA and First Amendment Freedom of Expression (2016) (1)
- Markets in History: Economic Studies of the Past. Ed. by David W. Galenson. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. xiv + 354 pp. Cloth, $39.50; paper, $14.95.) (1991) (1)
- The Incomparable Chief Justiceship of William Howard Taft (2020) (1)
- Sustaining the Premise of Legality: Learning to Live with Bush v. Gore (2002) (1)
- Note, National Security and the Amended Freedom of Information Act (1976) (1)
- A Corner of the Nation's Attic (2001) (1)
- The Passenger Train in the Motor Age: California's Rail and Bus Industries, 1910-1941 Gregory Lee Thompson (1995) (1)
- Henry Kaiser, Troy Ruttman, and Madman Muntz: Three Originals (2006) (1)
- Rails under the Mighty Hudson: The Story of the Hudson Tubes, the Pennsy Tunnels and Manhattan Transfer (1976) (1)
- Book Review:Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology Robert Fox (1998) (1)
- 1-1-1990 Theories of Constitutional Interpretation (2013) (1)
- 1-1-1990 Theories of Constitutional Interpretation (2013) (1)
- The American Land (1979) (1)
- 8. Academic Freedom and the Constitution (2015) (1)
- Academic Freedom and Tenure: A Preliminary Report on Freedom of Expression and Campus Harassment Codes (1991) (1)
- Judge Clarence Thomas' Views on the Fundamental Right to Privacy: A Report to the United States Senate Judiciary Committee (1992) (1)
- Forman: An exchange between Bob Post and John Krige (2008) (1)
- Transit's Stepchild: The Trolley Coach (1976) (1)
- Meaning in technology [Book Review] (2000) (1)
- Consumer Attitudes Toward and Preferences for Food Standards of Identity (2004) (1)
- Book Review:The Philosophy of Railways: The Transcontinental Railway Idea in British North America A. A. den Otter (2000) (1)
- Federalism in the Taft Court Era (2001) (1)
- Gender and Inequality: Old Questions, New Answers (2001) (1)
- Academic freedom and tenure: Meharry Medical College (Tennessee) (2004) (1)
- 1-1-2005 Democracy and Equality (2013) (1)
- Privacy, Speech, and the Digital Imagination (2019) (1)
- Law Professors and Political Scientists: Observations on the Law/Politics Distinction in the Guinier/Rosenberg Debate (2009) (1)
- Conspiracy or Consumer Choice? (2009) (1)
- Defaming Public Officials: On Doctrine and Legal History (1987) (1)
- This is the history people often care about most (2003) (1)
- Academic Freedom and Legal Scholarship (2015) (1)
- Megaloblastic Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, and Associated Hypoprothrombinemia and Hypoproconvertinemia in Pregnancy. Report of a Case (1963) (1)
- It's What's for Lunch: Nectarines, Mushrooms, and Beef -- The First Amendment and Compelled Commercial Speech (2007) (0)
- The Odyssey of Thomas Condon: Irish Immigrant, Frontier Missionary, Oregon Geologist Robert D. Clark (1990) (0)
- The MyPlate message chronicle: one year and counting! (2012) (0)
- Concluding Thoughts (2018) (0)
- Henry E. Huntington and the Creation of Southern California William B. Friedricks (1993) (0)
- Awards (2001) (0)
- Law, Art, Politics, and Justice (2020) (0)
- Remarks for Robert Burt (2016) (0)
- Horsecars, cable cars, and omnibuses : all 107 photographs from the John Stephenson Company album, 1888 (1976) (0)
- A World Without Law; A World Without Politics (2018) (0)
- Misinformation and Technology: Rights and Regulation Across Borders (2020) (0)
- 3. Academic Freedom and the Production of Disciplinary Knowledge (2017) (0)
- CHAPTER 3. Freedom of Research and Publication (2017) (0)
- Yale Law School Global Constitutionalism Seminar, E-Book Volumes 1-5, 2016 (2016) (0)
- Viewpoint Discrimination and Commercial Speech (2007) (0)
- Two Enthusiasts (2007) (0)
- USDA perspective on translation of the guidelines to consumers (2012) (0)
- Introduction (0)
- Travels in Southern California John Xántus Theodore Schoenman Helen Benedek Schoenman (1978) (0)
- Lani Guinier, Joseph Biden, and the Vocation of Legal Scholarship. (1994) (0)
- Justice William J. Brennan and the Warren Court (1991) (0)
- How Does the 2007 U.S. Food Supply (FS) Relate to Federal Dietary Guidance? (2010) (0)
- Selling the True Time: Nineteenth-Century Timekeeping in America (review) (2001) (0)
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans Program Overview (2013) (0)
- Prototype vibration measurement program for reactor internals (177-fuel assembly plant). Supplement 1. [Specimen tube holders] (1976) (0)
- Graduation Speech May 2013 Dean Robert C. Post (2013) (0)
- Claude S. Fischer. America Calling: A Social History of the Telephone to 1940. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1992. Pp. xv, 424. $25.00 (1994) (0)
- CHAPTER 4. Freedom of Teaching (2017) (0)
- Response to Commentators (2000) (0)
- Black Powder and Hand Steel: Miners and Machines on the Old Western Frontier Otis E. Young, Jr. (1977) (0)
- 1-1-2003 Law and Cultural Conflict (2013) (0)
- CENTRAL AVENUE SOUNDS: Jazz in Los Angeles Clora Bryant Buddy Collette William Green Steven Isoardi Jack Kelson Horace Tapscott Marl Young (2000) (0)
- Silvio A. Bedini, 1917–2007 (2008) (0)
- An Incredible Shrunken History: A Response to Sean Shesgreen II (2009) (0)
- The Rainmakers: American “Pluviculture” to World War II. By Clark C. Spence. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1980. x + 181 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $15.95.) (1981) (0)
- Marshall as a Judge (2019) (0)
- Academic freedom and tenure: University of the Cumberlands (Kentucky) (2005) (0)
- 6. Sustaining the Premise of Legality: Learning to Live with Bush v. Gore (2017) (0)
- In Memoriam: Melvin Kranzberg (1917–1995) (1996) (0)
- Mr. Taft Becomes Chief Justice (2008) (0)
- Justice Brennan and Federalism. (1990) (0)
- Fourteenth and G, Washington, D.C., Summer of 41 (1998) (0)
- Yale Law School Dean Robert Post Commencement Remarks - May 23, 2011 (2011) (0)
- The Tancook Whalers: Origins, Rediscovery, and Revival (1988) (0)
- Law and Culture: Prohibition During the Taft Court Era (2005) (0)
- ANGELS FLIGHT. A History of Bunker Hill's Incline Railway Virginia L. Comer (1998) (0)
- Contributors to Volume 2 (1990) (0)
- Commencement Remarks, Dean Robert Post Yale Law School, May 21, 2012 (2012) (0)
- Introduction Accommodating Civil Society and Government: from Congruence to Modus Vivendi (2001) (0)
- On the Path to Changing Consumer Dietary Behavior: Measuring Myplate Challenges and Opportunities (2013) (0)
- Tradition, the Self, and Substantive Due Process: A Comment on Michael Sandel (1989) (0)
- What engineers know. An interview with Walter Vicenti (1996) (0)
- Congress & the court: the scope of national legislative power (2008) (0)
- The Job of Professors (2009) (0)
- Hot Rods and Customs: The Men and Machines of California’s Car Culture, at the Oakland Museum of California (1998) (0)
- Commencement 2010, Dean Robert C. Post Remarks (2010) (0)
- Willis Van Devanter: Chancellor of the Taft Court (2020) (0)
- How Food Science Relates to Dietary Guidance: The Dietary Guidelines for American's Challenge for Delivering Healthier Foods (PowerPoint) (2011) (0)
- American Narrow Gauge Railroads George W. Hilton (1992) (0)
- Silvio A. Bedini: 17 January 1917 * 14 November 2007 (2012) (0)
- Constitutionally Interpreting the FSM Controversy (2000) (0)
- Therivetsinasteamboilerarequitebesidethepointif allwedoiscountthem . . . but counting them may tell us things we could not learn otherwise. (2011) (0)
- Introduction: Aft er Bakke (1996) (0)
- Happy birthday, MyPlate! (2012) (0)
- Construction of Mill Dams. James LeffelSome Details of Water-Works Construction. William R. BillingsThe Manufacture of Liquors and Preserves. J. De BrevansThe Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. Dionysius Lardner (1975) (0)
- Spices and Herbs: Improving the Public Health (2014) (0)
- The Cable Car in America George W. Hilton (1972) (0)
- [87WashLRev0549] Understanding the First Amendment (2012) (0)
- Book Review:Living in a Technological Culture: Human Tools and Human Values Mary Tiles, Hans Oberdiek (1997) (0)
- Urban Railways Redivivus: Image and Ideology in Los Angeles, California (2017) (0)
- The Case for Permitting Hate Speech on Campus (1995) (0)
- Freedom in the Classroom (From AAUP Committee A Reports and Statements, 2007) (2008) (0)
- 7. Representative Democracy (2014) (0)
- Nutrition in labeling (2020) (0)
- Academic freedom and tenure: Bastyr university (Washington)' (2007) (0)
- America's Electric Railway Beginnings: Trollers and Daft Dummies in Los Angeles (1987) (0)
- Passing the Baton (1995) (0)
- British Paddle Steamers@@@The British Internal-Combustion Locomotive: 1894-1940@@@The Fairlie Locomotive (1975) (0)
- Book Review:Desideratum in Washington: The Intellectual Community in the Capital City, 1870-1900 J. Kirkpatrick Flack (1977) (0)
- CHAPTER 7. Conclusion: On Professional Responsibility (2017) (0)
- On Professional Prerogatives (1985) (0)
- Brennan and Religion (2007) (0)
- Silvio A. Bedini (2012) (0)
- 2. Democratic Competence and the First Amendment (2017) (0)
- 2. Second Lecture: Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment (2014) (0)
- CALIFORNIA RAILROADS. An Encyclopedia of Cable Car, Common Carrier, Horsecar, Industrial, Interurban, Logging, Monorail, Motor Road, Short Lines, Streetcar, Switching and Terminal Roads in California (1851-1992) Alvin A. Fickewirth (1994) (0)
- 1. Democratic Legitimation and the First Amendment (2017) (0)
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