Robert A. Schwartz
American physician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Allen Schwartz is an American physician, biomedical researcher, university professor, and government official. He is Professor and Head of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Pediatrics, and Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Visiting Professor and Scholar of Public Affairs and Administration at the Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration, and serves on the Rutgers University Board of Trustees. He has made seminal contributions to medicine, including the discovery of AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma and Schwartz–Burgess syndrome. In 2019 Schwartz joined the Trump administration as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
Robert A. Schwartz's Published Works
Published Works
- The Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) (2002) (1460)
- The RHESSI Imaging Concept (2002) (486)
- RHESSI Data Analysis Software: Rationale and Methods (2002) (99)
- Waves in the Solar Atmosphere. II. Large-Amplitude Acoustic Pulse Propagation (1972) (51)
- Solar Hard X-Ray Bursts and Electron Acceleration Down to 8 keV (2001) (49)
- Hibernoma: Ultrastructural observations (1983) (14)
- Waves in the solar atmosphere. III. The propagation of periodic wave trains in a gravitational atmosphere (1973) (12)
- Waves in the solar atmosphere. IV - Magneto-gravity and acoustic-gravity modes (1975) (7)
- RHESSI Discovery of a Coronal Non-Thermal Hard X-Ray Source in the 23 July 2002 Gamma-Ray Line Flare (2003) (3)
- Enhanced effects of starlight on the interstellar medium (1975) (2)
- IPN triangulation of GRB031107 (two large error boxes). (2003) (1)
- RHESSI spectroscopy of nuclear de-excitation lines in X-class flares (2004) (1)
- Improved IPN error box for GRB021125. (2002) (1)
- IPN triangulation of GRB060928 (long, exceptionally bright). (2006) (1)
- The HESSI Spectrometer (2000) (1)
- Gamma-ray And Hard X-ray Imaging Of The 20 January 2005 Solar Flare (2006) (1)
- Recent Changes to the RHESSI Back Projection and Clean Algorithms and New Control Parameters (2004) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB020604. (2002) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB021125 (INTEGRAL BURST). (2002) (0)
- IPN triangulation of an intermediate burst from SGR1806-20. (2004) (0)
- Two New Approaches to Determining Parameter Values to Emission Spectra From RHESSI (2007) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB040425 (=H3183). (2004) (0)
- RHESSI Gamma-ray Imaging of the Flares of October/November 2003 (2004) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030725 (=H2779, small error box). (2003) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB 130228A. (2013) (0)
- IPN triangulation and energy spectrum of GRB080916C. (2008) (0)
- IPN triangulation of a burst from SGR1900+14 on November 01, 2002. (2002) (0)
- GRB 070824 - combined SuperAGILE/IPN localization. (2007) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030206 (annulus). (2003) (0)
- GRB 060425: IPN localization and KW spectrum of a short, hard burst (2006) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB 110820B (very long duration, extremely intense). (2011) (0)
- Bright short hard GRB 060303: IPN localization and Konus spectrum (2006) (0)
- Optimizing RHESSI X-ray Spectral Analysis (2007) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030223 (annulus). (2003) (0)
- High-Resolution Profiles of Gamma-Ray Lines from the X-Class Solar Flare of 23 July, 2002 (2003) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB020715 (=GRB150702). (2002) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030721 (large error box). (2003) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030422B (annulus). (2003) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030102B (portion of annulus). (2002) (0)
- Correction to IPN triangulation of GRB020603 (possible short/hard burst). (2002) (0)
- IPN triangulation of a burst from SGR1806-20. (2002) (0)
- GRB 060805B: RHESSI spectral fit. (2006) (0)
- What RHESSI Annihilation-Radiation Observations Tell Us About The Flaring Solar Atmosphere (2005) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030115C (large error box). (2003) (0)
- The Effect of Pulse-Pileup on RHESSI Image Reconstruction (2008) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB031108 (large error box). (2003) (0)
- IPN Triangulation of GRB 141207A. (2014) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB070402. (2007) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB060805B (2006) (0)
- GRB 060429: Refined IPN error box and Konus-wind spectrum (2006) (0)
- IPN detection of renewed activity from SGR1806-20. (2002) (0)
- IPN triangulation of GRB030306 (single small error box - REVISED). (2003) (0)
- IPN triangulation of an intense intermediate burst from SGR1806-20. (2004) (0)
- Impulsive 7-10 keV Solar X-ray Bursts (1996) (0)
- Hard X-ray Footpoint Source Sizes (2010) (0)
- IPN search for a GRB associated with TAROT transient on August 31. (2007) (0)
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What Are Robert A. Schwartz's Academic Contributions?
Robert A. Schwartz is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Robert A. Schwartz has made the following academic contributions: