Ronald DeVore
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American mathematician
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Ronald DeVore's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of South Carolina
- Masters Mathematics University of South Carolina
- Bachelors Mathematics University of South Carolina
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Why Is Ronald DeVore Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ronald Alvin DeVore is an American mathematician and academic. He is the Walter E. Koss Professor and a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Texas A&M University. DeVore is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
Ronald DeVore's Published Works
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Published Works
- A Simple Proof of the Restricted Isometry Property for Random Matrices (2008) (2442)
- Constructive Approximation (1993) (2151)
- Iteratively reweighted least squares minimization for sparse recovery (2008) (1246)
- Image compression through wavelet transform coding (1992) (1136)
- Compressed sensing and best k-term approximation (2008) (1043)
- Nonlinear approximation (1998) (1016)
- Nonlinear approximation (1998) (1016)
- Nonlinear wavelet image processing: variational problems, compression, and noise removal through wavelet shrinkage (1998) (832)
- Deterministic constructions of compressed sensing matrices (2007) (592)
- Adaptive Finite Element Methods with convergence rates (2004) (570)
- Some remarks on greedy algorithms (1996) (547)
- Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: Convergence rates (2001) (512)
- Data Compression and Harmonic Analysis (1998) (468)
- Convergence Rates for Greedy Algorithms in Reduced Basis Methods (2010) (436)
- Compression of wavelet decompositions (1992) (400)
- The Structure of Finitely Generated Shift-Invariant Spaces in (1992) (392)
- Convergence Rates of Best N-term Galerkin Approximations for a Class of Elliptic sPDEs (2010) (341)
- Approximation from shift-invariant subspaces of ₂(^{}) (1994) (321)
- Interpolation of Besov-Spaces (1988) (317)
- Adaptive Wavelet Methods II—Beyond the Elliptic Case (2002) (306)
- Approximation from Shift-Invariant Subspaces of L 2 (ℝ d ) (1994) (301)
- Approximation and learning by greedy algorithms (2008) (281)
- On the construction of multivariate (pre)wavelets (1993) (275)
- The Approximation of Continuous Functions by Positive Linear Operators (1972) (259)
- Optimal nonlinear approximation (1989) (220)
- Approximation of high-dimensional parametric PDEs * (2015) (215)
- Nonlinear Approximation and the Space BV(R2) (1999) (208)
- Approximating a bandlimited function using very coarsely quantized data: A family of stable sigma-delta modulators of arbitrary order (2003) (191)
- Analytic regularity and polynomial approximation of parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs (2010) (186)
- Tree Approximation and Optimal Encoding (2001) (184)
- Maximal functions measuring smoothness (1984) (183)
- Weak-L ∞ and BMO (1981) (183)
- Harmonic analysis of the space BV. (2003) (174)
- Hyperbolic Wavelet Approximation (1998) (152)
- Besov regularity for elliptic boundary value problems (1997) (148)
- Fast wavelet techniques for near-optimal image processing (1992) (146)
- Greedy Algorithms for Reduced Bases in Banach Spaces (2012) (142)
- Approximation by smooth multivariate splines (1983) (135)
- Nonlinear Approximation and (Deep) ReLU Networks (2019) (126)
- Fast computation in adaptive tree approximation (2004) (116)
- Adaptive Wavelet Schemes for Nonlinear Variational Problems (2003) (109)
- Sparse adaptive Taylor approximation algorithms for parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs (2011) (108)
- Nonlinear Approximation by Trigonometric Sums (1995) (99)
- Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares minimization: Proof of faster than linear rate for sparse recovery (2008) (97)
- Restricted Nonlinear Approximation (2000) (95)
- Universal Algorithms for Learning Theory Part I : Piecewise Constant Functions (2005) (93)
- Maximal Spaces with Given Rate of Convergence for Thresholding Algorithms (2001) (91)
- Instance-optimality in probability with an ℓ1-minimization decoder (2009) (89)
- Compressed Sensing and Electron Microscopy (2010) (88)
- The Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma Meets Compressed Sensing (2006) (86)
- Approximation Classes for Adaptive Methods (2002) (81)
- Nonlinear Approximation and Adaptive Techniques for Solving Elliptic Operator Equations (1997) (80)
- Approximation Methods for Supervised Learning (2006) (79)
- Interpolation spaces and non-linear approximation (1988) (77)
- Neural network approximation (2020) (75)
- Multiscale decompositions on bounded domains (2000) (75)
- Approximation of Functions of Few Variables in High Dimensions (2011) (73)
- Data Assimilation in Reduced Modeling (2015) (73)
- Capturing Ridge Functions in High Dimensions from Point Queries (2012) (71)
- Kolmogorov widths under holomorphic mappings (2015) (71)
- Sparse polynomial approximation of parametric elliptic PDEs. Part II: lognormal coefficients (2015) (69)
- A/D conversion with imperfect quantizers (2006) (68)
- Interpolation of linear operators on Sobolev spaces (1979) (67)
- Review: Hans Triebel, Interpolation theory, function spaces, differential operators (1980) (67)
- Approximation Orders of FSI Spaces in L2(Rd) (1998) (65)
- Weak interpolation in Banach spaces (1979) (62)
- Pointwise estimates for monotone polynomial approximation (1985) (61)
- Nonlinear Approximation and the Space BV � (60)
- Approximation Orders of FSI Spaces in L2(Rd) (1998) (60)
- Wavelet compression and nonlinearn-widths (1993) (58)
- Sparse Evaluation of Compositions of Functions Using Multiscale Expansions (2003) (54)
- Wavelets in Numerical Analysis (2005) (53)
- One-Sided Approximation of Functions (1968) (51)
- Besov spaces on domains in (1993) (50)
- Surface compression (1992) (50)
- Vision-based control of micro-air-vehicles: progress and problems in estimation (2004) (49)
- Degree of Adaptive Approximation (1990) (49)
- Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation (2009) (46)
- Tensor-Sparsity of Solutions to High-Dimensional Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (2014) (45)
- The Structure of Nitely Generated Shift-invariant Spaces in L 2 (ir D ) (1992) (43)
- Approximation of High-Dimensional Rank One Tensors (2014) (43)
- The averaging lemma (2000) (43)
- Approximation using scattered shifts of a multivariate function (2008) (42)
- Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients (2013) (41)
- Polynomial approximation inLp (0 (1992) (41)
- Convergence Rates of AFEM with H−1 Data (2012) (38)
- Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Under the Restricted Isometry Property (2015) (38)
- Error Bounds for Gaussian Quadrature and Weighted-$L^1$ Polynomial Approximation (1984) (37)
- Universal Algorithms for Learning Theory. Part II: Piecewise Polynomial Functions (2007) (36)
- High order regularity for conservation laws (1990) (36)
- Near Best Tree Approximation (2002) (35)
- Free multivariate splines (1987) (34)
- Classification algorithms using adaptive partitioning (2014) (34)
- Effect of wavelet bases on compressing digital mammograms (1995) (33)
- Mathematical Methods for Supervised Learning (2005) (32)
- Instance optimal decoding by thresholding in compressed sensing (2008) (32)
- Partitions of Unity and Approximation (1985) (31)
- Quantitative Korovkin theorems for positive linear operators on _{}-spaces (1978) (31)
- Adaptive Wavelet Techniques in Numerical Simulation (2004) (31)
- Nonlinear Wavelet Approximation in the Space C(Rd) (1992) (27)
- Error analysis for piecewise quadratic curve fitting algorithms (1986) (27)
- Reduced Basis Greedy Selection Using Random Training Sets (2018) (26)
- Nonlinear Approximation in Finite-Dimensional Spaces (1997) (26)
- Data compression using wavelets: error, smoothness and quantization (1991) (25)
- Tree approximation of the long wave radiation parameterization in the NCAR CAM global climate model (2011) (23)
- Data assimilation and sampling in Banach spaces (2016) (22)
- Best Basis Selection for Approximation in Lp (2003) (22)
- Optimal Reduced Model Algorithms for Data-Based State Estimation (2019) (22)
- A geometric proof of total positivity for spline interpolation (1985) (21)
- Convex Optimization on Banach Spaces (2014) (21)
- Diffusion Coefficients Estimation for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (2016) (21)
- Nonlinear Approximation and (Deep) $$\mathrm {ReLU}$$ ReLU Networks (2021) (21)
- The Theoretical Foundation of Reduced Basis Methods (2014) (20)
- Optimal Stable Nonlinear Approximation (2020) (20)
- Nonlinear approximation and its applications (2009) (19)
- Convex polynomial and spline approximation inLp, O (1996) (19)
- Optimal computation (2006) (19)
- The electrically small magnetically loaded multiturn loop antenna (1977) (19)
- Adaptive Approximation of Curves (2004) (18)
- Computing a Quantity of Interest from Observational Data (2018) (15)
- Greedy wavelet projections are bounded on BV (2006) (15)
- Polynomial Approximation of Anisotropic Analytic Functions of Several Variables (2019) (15)
- Classifying the smoothness of images: theory and applications to wavelet image processing (1994) (15)
- Strongly and Weakly Non-Poised H-B Interpolation Problems (1973) (14)
- Error Estimates for Gaussian Quadrature and Weighted-L1 Polynomial Approximation. (1984) (13)
- Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation: Dedicated to Wolfgang Dahmen on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday (2009) (13)
- On the Differentiability of Functions in RN (1984) (12)
- Approximation of Monotone Functions: a Counter Example (1997) (12)
- A Property of Chebyshev Polynomials (1974) (11)
- Saturation and Inverse Theorems for Spline Approximation (1973) (11)
- A proof of Jackson's theorem (1969) (11)
- On the size and smoothness of solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws (1996) (11)
- LP Approximation by Reciprocals of Trigonometric and Algebraic Polynomials (1990) (10)
- Nonlinear Methods for Model Reduction (2020) (10)
- High order regularity for solutions of the inviscid burgers equation (1989) (10)
- Processing Terrain Point Cloud Data (2013) (9)
- Multiscale Characterizations of Besov Spaces on Bounded Domains (1998) (9)
- Simulation of stochastic processes and applications (2001) (9)
- Newton's method and some complexity aspects of the zero-finding problem (2001) (9)
- Adaptive wavelet bases for image compression (1994) (9)
- Saturation of positive convolution operators (1970) (9)
- K-functionals for Besov spaces (1991) (8)
- On Jackson's theorem (1968) (8)
- Wavelet compression and segmentation of digital mammograms (1994) (8)
- Shorter Notes: On the Differentiability of Functions in R n (1984) (8)
- Chapter 3: The Theoretical Foundation of Reduced Basis Methods (2017) (8)
- A constructive theory for approximation by splines with an arbitrary sequence of knot sets (1976) (8)
- n-Widths for p α Spaces (1984) (7)
- Recovery of an initial temperature from discrete sampling (2014) (7)
- Data Assimilation in Banach spaces (2016) (6)
- Fundamental approximation properties of positive linear operators (1972) (6)
- Optimal Entropy Encoders For Mining MultiplyResolved Data (2000) (6)
- Multivariate rational approximation (1986) (6)
- Finding the Minimum of a Function (2013) (5)
- The degree of approximation by Chebyshevian splines (1973) (5)
- A proof of Borsuk's theorem (1988) (5)
- On monotone extensions of boundary data (1991) (5)
- Degree of Monotone Approximation (1974) (5)
- A taste of compressed sensing (2007) (5)
- Neural Network Approximation of Refinable Functions (2021) (5)
- Approximation from Shift-Invariant Subspaces of L sup 2 (R sup d) (1991) (4)
- Universal Piecewise Polynomial Estimators for Machine Learning (2006) (4)
- Convex polynomial approximation in L p (0< p <1) (1993) (4)
- Data compression and harmonic analysis (invited paper) (2000) (3)
- Mixed norm $n$-widths (1980) (3)
- Saturation theorems for discretized linear operators (1975) (3)
- Approximation by Rational Functions (1986) (3)
- Model Classes, Approximation, and Metrics for Dynamic Processing of Urban Terrain Data (2013) (3)
- Using nonlinear wavelet compression to enhance image registration (1997) (3)
- Approximation of High-Dimensional Rank One Tensors (2013) (3)
- Weak-Ly and BMO (1981) (2)
- Editorial (1983) (2)
- Approximation by Smooth Multivariate Splines Author ( s ) : (1983) (2)
- Inverse Theorems for Approximation by Positive Linear Operators (1973) (2)
- Lp [-1, 1] Approximation by Algebraic Polynomials (1978) (2)
- Quantitative Approximation: Proceedings of a Symposium on Quantitative Approximation Held in Bonn, West Germany, August 20-24, 1979 (2014) (1)
- Foundations of computational mathematics: Minneapolis, 2002 (2004) (1)
- Numerical analysis in Lie groups (2001) (1)
- The Theoretical Foundation of Reduced Basis Methods (Preprint) (2016) (1)
- Motion estimation with the redundant wavelet transform (2002) (1)
- Tree Approximation and Optimal Encoding 1 (1999) (1)
- Freud's work in constructive function theory (1986) (1)
- On a saturation theorem of Tureckii (1971) (1)
- Polynomial Approximation in Lt, (0 < p < 1) (1992) (1)
- The Averaging Lemma (Preprint) (1999) (1)
- Wavelets and Approximation (2005) (1)
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics: Minneapolis, 2002: Preface (2004) (1)
- Anisotropic smoothness spaces via level sets (2008) (1)
- Theorems of Weierstrass (1993) (1)
- Approximation of classes of functions (1972) (1)
- Wavelets (1992) (1)
- Course Notes Bilbao 2013 Numerical Methods in High Dimensions Lecture 4: Stochastic and Parametric Equations (2013) (0)
- On the Diffe rentiability of Functions in RN (1984) (0)
- Central Theorems of Approximation (1993) (0)
- Spline Interpolation and Projections onto Spline Spaces (1993) (0)
- The K functional for (H1, BMO) (1984) (0)
- Properties of Polynomials (1993) (0)
- Inverse Parameter Estimation (2017) (0)
- Harmonic map flows and image processing (2001) (0)
- Course Notes ( Paris 2009 ) (2009) (0)
- Constructive Approximation: Advanced Problems (1993) (0)
- Maple Packages and Java Applets (2004) (0)
- of 12-1-1986 Approximation by Rational Functions (2013) (0)
- Capturing Ridge Functions in High Dimensions from Point Queries (2011) (0)
- Saturation of convolution operators (1972) (0)
- Optimal Decoding by Thresholding in Compressed Sensing (2008) (0)
- A CFL-Free Explicit Scheme with Compression for Linear Hyperbolic Equations (2000) (0)
- Goals and Progress of the LWS Focused Science Topic on the CME--ICME Connection (2006) (0)
- Smoothness spaces and wavelet decomposition (1992) (0)
- 1 Lecture 3: Capturing Functions in High Dimensions (2009) (0)
- Highly Nonlinear Algorithms for Wavelet Based Image Processing With Military Applications (2001) (0)
- Mathematical Analysis for Data and Image Processing (2005) (0)
- Algebraic polynomial operators (1972) (0)
- PAGE ( SF 298 ) ( Continuation Sheet ) (2013) (0)
- Feature Extraction in Digital Mammography 1 (2017) (0)
- A Pointwise “o” Saturation Theorem for Positive Convolution Operators (1972) (0)
- of 1-1-1986 Multivariate Rational Approximation (2013) (0)
- Trigonometric polynomial operators (1972) (0)
- Greedy Wavelet Proje tions are Bounded on BV (2019) (0)
- Wavelet and Multiscale Methods (2004) (0)
- The role of approximation and smoothness spaces in compression and noise removal (1994) (0)
- Saturation in C[a,b] (1972) (0)
- Nonlinear Approximation by Deep ReLU Neural Networks (2019) (0)
- CA Special Issue on Neural Network Approximation (2021) (0)
- Spaces of Functions (1993) (0)
- K-Functionals and Interpolation Spaces (1993) (0)
- Thanks to a work of G . Kerkyacharian , D . Picard and V . N . Temlyakov ( [ 12 ] ) motivated by the work of (2019) (0)
- Polynomial Approximation of Anisotropic Analytic Functions of Several Variables (2020) (0)
- Course Notes Bilbao 2013 Numerical Methods in High Dimensions Lecture 3: Capturing Functions from Point Queries (2013) (0)
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics: Minneapolis, 2002: Some Fundamental Issues (2004) (0)
- Minimum moduli of differential operators from the viewpoint of approximation theory (1975) (0)
- Course Notes Bilbao 2013 Numerical Methods in High Dimensions Lecture 1: The Role of Approximation Theory (2013) (0)
- Course Notes Bilbao 2013 Numerical Methods in High Dimensions Lecture 2: Compressed Sensing (2013) (0)
- Real-time numerical solution to Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai equation (2001) (0)
- Advanced Wavelet Methods for Image and Signal Processing (2003) (0)
- Greedy Wavelet Projections are Bounded on BV (Preprint) (2003) (0)
- Each f ? ? ? BV has a unique wavelet expansion ? ? ? ? ? ? ? c ? ? ( f ) ? ? ? ? (0)
- Imaging and Modeling in Electron Microscopy - Recent Advances (14w5048) (2014) (0)
- Adaptive numerical methods for PDEs 1 (2002) (0)
- Heat-flow monotonicity related to some norm inequalities in analysis (2008) (0)
- Applications of the Phi-Transform (1993) (0)
- Invited Lecturers (2006) (0)
- Advanced Mathematical Methods for Processing Large Data Sets (2008) (0)
- Approximation of Classes of Functions, Müntz Theorems (1993) (0)
- 1 Lecture 4 : Capturing Functions in Infinite Dimensions (2009) (0)
- Influence of Endpoints in Polynomial Approximation (1993) (0)
- N A ] 1 F eb 2 02 0 State Estimation-The Role of Reduced Models (2020) (0)
- Approximation by Operators (1993) (0)
- Prologue to Sparsity Issue (2008) (0)
- Diffusion Coefficients Estimation for Elliptic Equations (2017) (0)
- Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Wavelet and Multiscale Methods Workshop: Wavelet and Multiscale Methods Table of Contents Ingrid Daubechies (joint with Cynthia Rudin and Rob Schapire) Combining Multiresolution Technique with a Semi–implicit Scheme for Endre Süli (joint with Abstracts A (2006) (0)
- Saturation theorems for diseretized linear operators (2005) (0)
- Greedy Wavelet Projections are Bounded on BV ∗ Pawe l Bechler , (2004) (0)
- Introduction: Wolfgang Dahmen’s mathematical work (2009) (0)
- Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No . 34 / 2004 Wavelet and Multiscale Methods (2007) (0)
- The N-Width of BV ∩ Lip α (1984) (0)
- FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Best Basis Selection for Approximation in L p (2003) (0)
- A theory of one-sided approximation in L₁[a,b] / (1967) (0)
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