Ruth Hall
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South African academic
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Economics Philosophy
Ruth Hall 's Degrees
- PhD Development Studies University of the Western Cape
Why Is Ruth Hall Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ruth Hall is a professor at PLAAS at the University of the Western Cape, which she joined in 2002. A political scientist by training, she specialises in the politics and the political economy of agrarian reform, land redistribution, and poverty.
Ruth Hall 's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The new enclosures: critical perspectives on corporate land deals (2012) (757)
- Towards a better understanding of global land grabbing: an editorial introduction (2011) (743)
- Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’ (2015) (436)
- Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land (2013) (399)
- Land grabbing in Southern Africa: the many faces of the investor rush (2011) (365)
- The impact of land property rights interventions on investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries: a systematic review (2017) (312)
- The politics of evidence: methodologies for understanding the global land rush (2013) (233)
- Emancipatory rural politics: confronting authoritarian populism (2018) (209)
- A Political economy of land reform in South Africa* (2004) (194)
- Regimes of Dispossession: From Steel Towns to Special Economic Zones (2013) (173)
- The Land Question in South Africa: the challenge of transformation and distribution (2010) (168)
- Plantations, outgrowers and commercial farming in Africa: agricultural commercialisation and implications for agrarian change (2017) (162)
- Indirect Dispossession: Domestic Power Imbalances and Foreign Access to Land in Mozambique (2013) (137)
- Support for smallholder farmers in South Africa: Challenges of scale and strategy (2012) (128)
- The next Great Trek? South African commercial farmers move north (2012) (101)
- Elite capture and state neglect: new evidence on South Africa’s land reform (2017) (87)
- The land question in South Africa (2006) (75)
- Land and agrarian reform in South Africa: A status report 2004 (2004) (75)
- Land Regularization in Brazil and the Global Land Grab (2013) (75)
- Another countryside? Policy options for land and agrarian reform in South Africa (2009) (65)
- Africa's land rush: rural livelihoods and agrarian change (2015) (64)
- Narratives of scarcity: Framing the global land rush (2019) (63)
- The Stories We Tell: The Lives and Friendship of Two Older Black Lesbians (2005) (61)
- Road Mapping: Megaprojects and Land Grabs in the Northern Guatemalan Lowlands (2013) (61)
- Evaluating Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: Final Report (2003) (49)
- The case for re-strategising spending priorities to support small-scale farmers in South Africa (2010) (44)
- Pesticide use among emerging farmers in South Africa: contributing factors and stakeholder perspectives (2008) (44)
- Land Redistribution in South Africa: Towards Decolonisation or Recolonisation? (2018) (43)
- The impact of land restitution and land reform on livelihoods (2007) (42)
- Farm Workers and Farm Dwellers in Limpopo Province, South Africa (2013) (39)
- Shaking the Foundation: Women of Color in Sport (2001) (39)
- FAC Working Paper 76. Narratives of scarcity: understanding the ‘global resource grab’ (2014) (37)
- Chinese Land-Based Interventions in Senegal (2013) (36)
- Evaluating Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: Rural Restitution (2003) (32)
- Land Restitution in South Africa: Rights, Development, and the Restrained State (2004) (31)
- Determinants of Home Care Utilization: Who Uses Home Care in Ontario? (2001) (31)
- A fresh start for rural development and agrarian reform (2009) (31)
- Evaluating Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: Land Redistribution (2003) (29)
- Land, Memory, Reconstruction, and Justice: Perspectives on Land Claims in South Africa (2010) (24)
- Stepping Through the Looking Glass: the Future for Women in Sport (2016) (23)
- Rights without illusions: The potential and limits of rights-based approaches to securing land tenure in rural South Africa (2011) (23)
- Policy Brief No. 41. Land grabbing in Africa and the new politics of food (2011) (21)
- Design for equity: linking policy with objectives in South Africa's land reform (1998) (21)
- Identity, Territory and Land Conflict in Brazil (2013) (20)
- The Politics of Land Reform in Post-Apartheid South Africa, 1990 to 2004: A Shifting Terrain of Power, Actors and Discourses (2010) (20)
- Reconciling the Past , Present and Future : The Parameters and Practices of Land Restitution in South Africa (2009) (20)
- The politics of evidence: A response to Rulli and D'Odorico (2013) (20)
- The shows of London. A panoramic history of exhibitions, 1600–1862 (1979) (19)
- Voices of Black Feminist Leaders: Making Spaces for Ourselves (2008) (19)
- Multiple Minority Group Oppression: Divided We Stand? (2001) (18)
- Budgeting for Land Reform (2004) (17)
- Not Any One Thing (2002) (17)
- Development of evidence-based policy around small-scale farming (2015) (16)
- Evaluating Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: Farm Tenure (2003) (16)
- Future Agricultures / PLAAS Policy Brief 56. Reframing the New Alliance Agenda: A Critical Assessment based on Insights from Tanzania (2013) (15)
- Contemporary African American families. (2003) (14)
- Sins of Omission and Commission (1996) (14)
- Farm workers and farm dwellers in Limpopo, South Africa: struggles over tenure, livelihoods and justice (2013) (14)
- Livestock and the rangeland commons in South Africa's land and agrarian reform (2013) (13)
- Land and agrarian reform in integrated development plans (IDPs) (2007) (12)
- Cultural Competence in Feminist Family Therapy (1995) (11)
- LEGEND state of the debate report 2016 - Strengthening land governance: Lessons from implementing the Voluntary Guidelines (2017) (11)
- Exporting contradictions: the expansion of South African agrarian capital within Africa (2018) (11)
- The rise of BRICS: implications for global agrarian transformation (2016) (10)
- Softly Strong: African American Women's Use of Exercise in Therapy (1998) (10)
- A Toolkit for Participatory Action Research (2017) (8)
- PROTOCOL: The Impact of Land Property Rights Interventions on Agricultural Productivity in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review (2012) (8)
- Negotiating Environmental Sovereignty in Costa Rica (2013) (8)
- Pressures on land in sub-Saharan Africa: Social differentiation and societal response (2012) (7)
- Special Article: Multiple Minority Group Oppression: Divided We Stand? (2001) (7)
- Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World (2021) (6)
- Commercial farming and agribusiness in South Africa and their changing roles in Africa's agro-food system (2015) (6)
- Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill 2013 (2013) (6)
- Future Agricultures / PLAAS Policy Brief 66. Inclusive business models in agriculture? Learning from smallholder cane growers in Mozambique (2014) (5)
- International and regional guidelines on land governance and land-based investments: An agenda for African states (2014) (5)
- Comments on the Green Paper on land reform 2011 (2011) (5)
- PersPectives Political analysis and commentary from Africa The Challenges of Change image here in afriCa # 1 . 11 food seCuriTy (2011) (4)
- Farm workers versus the world market (2001) (4)
- On the Move: Exercise, Leisure Activities, and Midlife Women (2007) (3)
- Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and the New England medical scene 1894–1944 (1979) (3)
- Agricultural investment, gender and land in Africa: Towards inclusive equitable and socially responsible investment (2014) (3)
- State, Market and Community: The Potential and Limits of Participatory Land Reform Planning in South Africa (2008) (3)
- Large-scale land deals in Southern Africa: Voices of the people (2015) (2)
- 45% of black South Africans want land (2013) (2)
- Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Rural Land Tenure (2013) (2)
- Creating learning and action space in South Africa’s post-apartheid land redistribution program (2020) (2)
- The restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act of 2014: what are the real implications of reopening land claims? (2014) (2)
- Exercise and Sport in Feminist Therapy: Constructing Modalities and Assessing Outcomes (2002) (2)
- Rural resource grabs or necessary inward investment? The politics of land and water in Africa (2015) (1)
- Life on the land: new lives for agrarian questions (2023) (1)
- Ethnic identity and cross racial experiences of college athletes (1996) (1)
- FORUM ON AUTHORITARIAN POPULISM AND THE RURAL WORLD Emancipatory rural politics : confronting authoritarian populism (2017) (1)
- No-rinse bed bath and skin tears. (2003) (1)
- Landmarked: Land Claims and Land Restitution in South Africa – By Cherryl Walker (2011) (1)
- Amendment submission: National policy for beneficiary selection and land allocation (2020) (1)
- The development of a condition assessment framework for priority freshwater habitats in England. Draft final report on work undertaken under MOA BD14/15 84024 – 018 (2016) (1)
- Encyclopedia of Women and Sport in America (1998) (1)
- Revisiting unresolved questions: land, food and agriculture (2011) (1)
- Towards a national minimum wage: what do we know about wages and employment in agriculture? (2014) (1)
- Policy Brief 55: Food in the time of coronavirus: Why we should be very, very afraid (2020) (1)
- Land reform futures (2015) (1)
- Rattling Cages—Comments on “Hearing Voices” (1999) (0)
- Personal narratives of Surgery: Preparation and Recovery (2012) (0)
- Comment on the articles by Bernstein, Gcabashe (2011) (0)
- Expropriation Bill of 2015 (2015) (0)
- Commercialisation of land and ‘land grabbing’ in Southern Africa: Implications for land rights and rural livelihoods (2015) (0)
- Position papers for the national Land tenure summit (2014) (0)
- Extension of Security of Tenure Bill of 2015 (2016) (0)
- Softly Strong: African American Women’s Use of Exercise in Therapy (0)
- Review (1993) (0)
- I needed a new challenge. This is perfect (2014) (0)
- Introduction (2002) (0)
- Submission to the Constitutional Review Committee (2018) (0)
- Commercialisation of Land and ‘Land Grabbing‘: Implications for LandRights and Livelihoods in Southern Africa (2013) (0)
- Policy Brief No. 77. International and regional guidelines on land governanceand land-based investments: An agenda for African states (2014) (0)
- A Multi-Method Case Study of Collective Leadership in System Reform (2022) (0)
- PLAAS Submission on 18th Constitutional Amendment Bill (2020) (0)
- Land and Agrarian Development in South Africa (2021) (0)
- Against the Pursuit of ' Life ' s Delirium ' : Modern Queer Readings of Kate Chopin ' s " The Awakening " and Fanny Fern ' s " (2017) (0)
- Intertwined histories: JPS at 50, La Via Campesina at 30 (2023) (0)
- Made for Hollywood (1978) (0)
- Beyond the 'problem' narrative: Towards an agenda for improved policy and practice in land reform (2013) (0)
- The political economy of land governance in Africa: The role of universities in decolonising curricula and promoting critical scholarship (2019) (0)
- Book Review: LISTENING TO FEAR: HELPING KIDS FROM NIGHTMARES TO THE NIGHTLY NEWS. By Steven Marans. New York: Henry Holt, 2005, 264 pp., $15.00 (2006) (0)
- Submission to the portfolio committee on public works on expropriation bill of 2015 (2015) (0)
- Lungisile Ntsebeza and Ruth Hall (eds.), 2007. The Land Question in South Africa – The Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution. Cape Town (2010) (0)
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