Rutherford Aris
Chemical engineer
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Rutherford Aris's Degrees
- Bachelors Chemical Engineering University of Cape Town
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Rutherford "Gus" Aris was a chemical engineer, control theorist, applied mathematician, and a regents professor emeritus of chemical engineering at the University of Minnesota . Early life Aris was born in Bournemouth, England, to Algernon Aris and Janet . From a young age, Aris was interested in chemistry. Aris's father owned a photo-finishing works, where he would experiment with chemicals and reactions. He attended St Martin's, a small local kindergarten and moved to St Wulfran's, a local preparatory school, now Queen Elizabeth's School. Here, he studied Latin and was encouraged to continue pursuing his interest in chemistry. Because of his achievements, he was referred to the Reverend C. B. Canning, Headmaster of Canford School, a well-known public school, close to Wimborne. On the strength of this interview, he was given a place in the newly created house that the school had provided for day-boarders. This was in 1943, when he was 14. His mathematics teacher, H. E. Piggott, had a particular influence on Aris due to "the liveliness, enthusiasm, and care that he brought to his teaching", which "were unparalleled in my experience". Piggot spent substantial time on pure and applied mathematical papers, an experience that Aris described as "extraordinary". Aris dedicated his book Discrete Dynamic Programming to Piggot 15 years later.
Rutherford Aris's Published Works
Published Works
- On the dispersion of a solute in a fluid flowing through a tube (1956) (1891)
- Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics (1962) (1393)
- A - * On the Dispersion of A Solute in A Fluid Flowing Through A Tube (1999) (595)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—I: The possibility of local control, with perfect or imperfect control mechanisms (1958) (336)
- Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical Reactors (1965) (305)
- Theoretical and linguistic aspects of the fuzzy logic controller (1979) (286)
- Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis (1969) (260)
- On the mathematical status of the pseudo-steady state hypothesis of biochemical kinetics☆ (1967) (255)
- On the limits of facilitated diffusion (1989) (249)
- On the dispersion of a solute by diffusion, convection and exchange between phases (1959) (241)
- Mathematical Modelling Techniques (1978) (180)
- On the dispersion of a solute in pulsating flow through a tube (1960) (179)
- Dynamics of Microbial Cell Populations (1966) (177)
- On the theory of reactions in continuous mixtures (1966) (162)
- The Distribution of Active ingredients in Supported Catalysts Prepared by Impregnation (1985) (146)
- Prolegomena to the rational analysis of systems of chemical reactions (1965) (141)
- Some remarks on longitudinal mixing or diffusion in fixed beds (1957) (132)
- Theory and application of hyperbolic systems of quasilinear equations (1989) (113)
- On stability criteria of chemical reaction engineering (1969) (107)
- On apparent second‐order kinetics (1987) (107)
- The mathematical theory of diffusion and reaction in permeable catalysts. Volume II, Questions of uniqueness, stability, and transient behaviour (1975) (107)
- On shape factors for irregular particles—I: The steady state problem. Diffusion and reaction (1995) (106)
- The Optimal Design Of Chemical Reactors (1961) (102)
- Dynamics of a chemostat in which two organisms compete for a common substrate (1977) (102)
- Catalyst design : progress and perspectives (1987) (101)
- Bifurcation behavior in homogeneous-heterogeneous combustion: II. Computations for stagnation-point flow☆ (1991) (100)
- Prolegomena to the rational analysis of systems of chemical reactions II. Some addenda (1968) (94)
- Bilinear approximation of general non-linear dynamic systems with linear inputs (1980) (92)
- Mathematical modeling : a chemical engineer's perspective (1999) (89)
- Coupled electromechanical model of the heart: Parallel finite element formulation (2012) (88)
- Reactions in Continuous Mixtures (1989) (87)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—II: The evolution of proportional control☆ (1958) (84)
- On the effects of radiative heat transfer in monoliths (1977) (81)
- Independence of Chemical Reactions (1963) (80)
- The stirred tank forced (1986) (79)
- More on the dynamics of a stirred tank with consecutive reactions (1983) (78)
- Some common features of periodically forced reacting systems (1986) (78)
- Ignition and extinction of flames near surfaces: Combustion of H2 in air (1993) (77)
- Variational Methods Applied to Problems of Diffusion and Reaction (1973) (76)
- Effects of cell motility and chemotaxis on microbial population growth. (1982) (75)
- Ignition and extinction of flames near surfaces: Combustion of CH4 in air (1994) (74)
- Studies in the control of tubular reactors-I General Considerations (1977) (67)
- The growth of competing microbial populations in a CSTR with periodically varying inputs (1979) (67)
- Diffusive and electrostatic effects with insolubilized enzymes. (1972) (65)
- The simulated countercurrent moving bed chromatographic reactor: a novel reactor—separator (1994) (64)
- A continuous chromatographic reactor (1980) (64)
- A stochastic analysis of the growth of competing microbial populations in a continuous biochemical reactor (1979) (64)
- On a problem in hindered diffusion (1986) (62)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction—VII The isothermal pth order reaction (1971) (60)
- Communication. Normalization for the Thiele Modulus (1965) (59)
- “Yet Who Would Have Thought the Old Man to have had so Much Blood in Him?”—Reflections on the Multiplicity of Steady States of the Stirred Tank Reactor (1986) (56)
- The longitudinal diffusion coefficient in flow through a tube with stagnant pockets (1959) (53)
- Isothermal sustained oscillations in a very simple surface reaction (1981) (52)
- Numerical computation of invariant circles of maps (1985) (52)
- Analysis and performance of a countercurrent moving-bed chromatographic reactor (1985) (51)
- On bilinear estimation and control (1981) (49)
- On shape factors for irregular particles—II.: The transient problem. Heat transfer to a packed bed☆ (1957) (48)
- Modeling the spontaneous ignition of coal stockpiles (1994) (48)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—III: The principles of programming reactor calculations. Some extensions☆ (1958) (47)
- The effects of phase transitions, surface diffusion, and defects on surface catalyzed reactions: Fluctuations and oscillations (1990) (45)
- Traveling bands of chemotactic bacteria in the context of population growth (1984) (44)
- Modelling Cubic Autocatalysis by Successive Bimolecular Steps (1988) (41)
- Rate multiplicity and oscillations in single species surface reactions (1984) (40)
- The simulated countercurrent moving bed chromatographic reactor (1990) (40)
- Structures of small metal clusters. I - Low temperature behavior. II - Phase transitions and isomerization (1992) (40)
- Observations on fixed‐bed dispersion models: The role of the interstitial fluid (1980) (39)
- Multiple oxidation reactions and diffusion in the catalytic layer of monolith reactors (1983) (38)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—VIII: The direct method of Lyapunov. Introduction and applications to simple reactions in stirred vessels (1964) (37)
- The mere notion of a model (1980) (35)
- On the dynamics of periodically forced chemical reactors (1984) (35)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction — IV Combined effects of internal and external diffusion in the non-isothermal case (1969) (35)
- Forced oscillations of chemical reactors with multiple steady states (1990) (33)
- Response of nonlinear oscillators to forced oscillations: three chemical reaction case studies (1988) (33)
- The mathematical theory of a countercurrent catalytic reactor (1982) (33)
- Traveling waves in a simple population model involving growth and death. (1980) (32)
- A note on a form of the Emden-Fowler equation☆ (1971) (32)
- Studies in optimization—VII The application of Pontryagin's methods to the control of batch and tubular reactors (1964) (32)
- Alya: Towards Exascale for Engineering Simulation Codes (2014) (32)
- Hydrodynamic focusing and electronic cell-sizing techniques. (1972) (31)
- The theory of the steady state (1975) (31)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction — IX. Internal pressure and forced flow for reactions with volume change (1973) (31)
- Studies in optimization—VI The application of Pontryagin's methods to the control of a stirred reactor (1964) (31)
- Statistical analysis of a reaction: Linear theory (1959) (31)
- Optimization of multistage cyclic and braching systems by serial procedures (1964) (30)
- Diffusion and reaction in flow systems of Turner's structures (1959) (30)
- Interpretation of sorption and diffusion data in porous solids (1983) (30)
- The continuous countercurrent moving bed chromatographic reactor (1986) (30)
- On shape factors for irregular particles-I. The steady-state problem. Diffusion and reaction: R. Aris, Chem. Engng Sci.6: 262–268, 1957 (1995) (29)
- Theory and application of single equations (1986) (28)
- Studies in optimization—I: The optimum design of adiabatic reactors with several beds (1960) (28)
- On optimum cross-current extraction (1960) (27)
- The design of stirred reactors with hollow fiber catalysts for Michaelis‐Menten kinetics (1975) (26)
- Determination of Arrhenius constants by linear and nonlinear fitting (1992) (26)
- The effect of phase transitions, surface diffusion, and defects on heterogeneous reactions: multiplicities and fluctuations (1991) (25)
- Effectiveness of catalytic archipelagos—I Regular arrays of regular islands (1983) (25)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction—I A complete parametric study of the first-order, irreversible exothermic reaction in a flat slab of catalyst (1969) (24)
- Steady states and oscillations in homogeneous—heterogeneous reaction systems☆ (1991) (23)
- Stability of Nonadiabatic Packed Bed Reactors. Elementary Treatment (1963) (22)
- Manners makyth modellers (1990) (22)
- Studies in the control of tubular reactors—II Stabilization by modal control (1977) (21)
- Studies in optimization—II: Optimum temperature gradients in tubular reactors (1960) (21)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction—II the effect of shape on the effectiveness factor (1969) (21)
- On Denbigh's optimum temperature sequence (1960) (20)
- The Ignition Criteria for Stagnation-Point Flow: SemenovFrank-Kamenetski or van't Hoff (1991) (20)
- Ignition and extinction of homogeneous-heterogeneous combustion: CH4 and C3H8 oxidation on PT (1991) (19)
- Stability estimates for the stirred tank reactor (1965) (19)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction- V Findings and conjectures concerning the multiplicity of solutions (1970) (19)
- Structures of small metal clusters. II. Phase transitions and isomerization (1992) (19)
- Products in methane combustion near surfaces (1994) (19)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—IX : Further investigations into the direct method of Lyapunov (1964) (18)
- Countercurrent Moving Bed Chromatographic Reactors (1975) (18)
- Optimal Adiabatic Bed Reactors for Sulfur Dioxide with Cold Shot Cooling (1963) (18)
- A New Continuous Flow Reactor for Simultaneous Reaction and Separation (1980) (18)
- Some Problems in Chemical Reactor Analysis with Stochastic Features. Linear Systems with Fluctuating Coefficients (1969) (18)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction - VI. The effectiveness of spherical catalyst particles in steep external gradients (1970) (17)
- Continuous lumping of nonlinear chemical kinetics (1989) (17)
- First-order partial differential equations with applications (1973) (17)
- Surveying a Dynamical System: A Study of the Gray-Scott Reaction in a Two-Phase Reactor (1996) (17)
- Diffusive and electrostatic effects with insolubilized enzymes subject to substrate inhibition. (1973) (17)
- Effects of random motility on growth of bacterial populations (1981) (17)
- Design and performance of a simulated countercurrent moving‐bed separator (1993) (16)
- What a Difference in Biomechanics Cardiac Fiber Makes (2012) (16)
- Algebra of Systems of Second-Order Reactions (1964) (16)
- Estimation of fin efficiencies of regular tubes arrayed in circumferential fins (1984) (15)
- Studies in optimization—III: The optimum operating conditions in sequences of stirred tank reactors (1960) (15)
- On simple exchange waves in fixed beds (1965) (15)
- Studies in optimization—IV: The optimum conditions for a single reaction (1961) (15)
- Ends and beginnings in the mathematical modelling of chemical engineering systems (1993) (15)
- Analysis of the counter-currernt moving-bed chromatographic reactor (1985) (15)
- Studies in optimization—V.: The bang-bang control of a batch reactor (1962) (15)
- Traveling waves in a simple population model involving growth and death (1980) (14)
- Equilibrium Theory of Parametric Pump (1969) (14)
- Isothermal oscillations in surface reactions with coverage independent parameters (1982) (14)
- Problems in Chemical Reactor Analysis with Stochastic Features. Control of Linearized Distributed Systems on Discrete and Corrupted Observations (1970) (14)
- Hierarchies of Models in Reactive Systems (1980) (13)
- Bacterial growth as an optimal process. (1966) (13)
- Academic Chemical Engineering in an Historical Perspective (1977) (13)
- Resonance in periodically forced processes (1986) (13)
- Green's Functions and Optimal Systems. Necessary Conditions and Iterative Technique (1965) (13)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and control—IV.: Mixed derivative and proportional control (1959) (13)
- Steady state multiplicity in surface reactions with coverage dependent parameters (1981) (13)
- The role of dimensionless parameters in the Briggs—Haldane and Michaelis—Menten approximations (1979) (13)
- Computer aided experimentation in countercurrent reaction chromatography and simulated countercurrent chromatography (1988) (13)
- Weakly coupled systems of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems (1982) (12)
- Studies in the control of tubular reactors—III stabilization by observer design (1977) (12)
- Comparison of small metal clusters: Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au (1993) (12)
- Geometrie correction factors for the Weisz diffusivity cell (1976) (12)
- On the behaviour of two stirred tanks in series (1982) (12)
- Pt-catalyzed combustion of CH4C3H8 mixtures (1994) (12)
- Surface diffusion and reaction at widely separated sites (1971) (12)
- On some dynamical diagrams of chemical reaction engineering. (1999) (11)
- L - *Forced Oscillations of a Self-Oscillating Bimolecular Surface Reaction Model (1988) (11)
- The mathematical understanding of chemical engineering systems: Selected papers of Neal R. Amundson (1980) (11)
- Chemical Oscillations and Instabilities. Non-linear Chemical Kinetics. : Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990, xvi + 453 pp., £50.00 (1992) (11)
- Mobility, permeability, and the pseudo-steady-state hypothesis (1972) (11)
- Dynamics of homogeneous-heterogeneous reactors (1992) (11)
- Spatial and temporal patterns in catalytic oscillations (1992) (11)
- Effectiveness of catalytic archipelagosIIRandom arrays of random islands (1983) (11)
- Second order variational equations and the strong maximum principle (1965) (10)
- Discrete dynamic programming : an introduction to the optimization of staged processes (1964) (10)
- Forcing an entire bifurcation diagram: case studies in chemical oscillators (1986) (10)
- How to Get the Most Out of an Equation Without Really Trying. (1976) (10)
- Chaos in a simple two-phase reactor (1994) (10)
- Diffusion and first order reaction in a general multilayered membrane (1975) (10)
- Patterns and Dynamics in Reactive Media (2011) (9)
- On the application of Angström's method of measuring thermal conductivity (1954) (9)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reation-III. The simulation of shape effects (1969) (9)
- Green's Functions and Optimal Systems. Complex Interconnected Structures (1965) (8)
- On the permeability of membranes with parallel, but interconnected, pathways (1985) (8)
- Green's Functions and Optimal Systems. Gradient Direction in Decision Space (1965) (8)
- Military Technology and Garrison Organization: Some Observations on Anglo-Saxon Military Thinking in Light of the Burghal Hidage (1990) (8)
- On optimal adiabatic reactors of combined types (1962) (8)
- Springs of Scientific Creativity: Essays on Founders of Modern Science (1983) (8)
- Creeping fronts and travelling waves (1979) (8)
- Multiple Indices, Simple Lumps, and Duplicitous Kinetics (1991) (7)
- Reflections on Keats' equation (1997) (7)
- Re, k and π : a conversation on some aspects of mathematical modelling (1977) (7)
- Poisoning in Monolithic Catalysts (1978) (7)
- The control of a stirred tank reactor with hysteresis in the control element - I Phase space analysis (1972) (7)
- I - *Some Common Features of Periodically Forced Reacting Systems (1999) (7)
- Transition between Regimes in Gas-Solid Reactions (1967) (7)
- Theories of precipitation induced by dissolution (1988) (6)
- The fundamental arbitrariness in stoichiometry (1963) (6)
- Bifurcations of a Model Diffusion-Reaction System. (1979) (6)
- Computational methods for the tubular chemical reactor (1976) (6)
- Transients in distributed chemical reactors: Part 2: Influence of diffusion in the simplified model (1972) (6)
- Questions of uniqueness, stability, and transient behaviour (1975) (6)
- Monotone iteration methods with adaptive collocation for solving coupled systems of nonlinear boundary value problems (1983) (6)
- Mass transfer from small ascending bubbles (1997) (6)
- Stability analysis of structured chemical engineering systems via decomposition (1979) (6)
- Tubular reactor sensitivity (1961) (6)
- G – ∗Reactions in Continuous Mixtures (1999) (6)
- Temperature Gradients in Porous Catalyst Pellets (1978) (6)
- Chemical Reactor Design (1961) (6)
- An adaptive control of the batch reactor - III : Simplified parameter estimation (1965) (6)
- THE JAIL OF SHAPE (1983) (6)
- Correspondence. Normalization for Thiele Modulus (1965) (6)
- Asymmetries generated by diffusion and reaction, and their bearing on active transport through membranes. (1972) (5)
- On a mechanism for autocatalysis (1972) (5)
- An adaptive control of the batch reactor-III (1964) (5)
- Adsorption kinetics for the case of setp and S‐shape isotherms (1995) (5)
- 1 – What is Chemical Reactor Analysis? (1989) (5)
- Studies in optimization—VIII Questing control of a stirred tank reactor☆ (1967) (5)
- Autonomous bifurcations of a simple bimolecular surface-reaction model (1988) (5)
- Control of Cold Shot Adiabatic Bed Reactor with Decaying Catalyst (1963) (5)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction—VIII Variational bounds on the effectiveness factor (1972) (5)
- Transients in distributed chemical reactors part 1: A simplified model (1971) (5)
- Continuous reactions in a non-isothermal CSTR. I: Multiplicity of steady states (1994) (5)
- The adaptive control of a batch reactor - II: Optimal path control (1964) (5)
- Discrete cell model of pore‐mouth poisoning of fixed‐bed reactors (1983) (4)
- Diffusion and reaction in a Mandelbrot lung (1991) (4)
- Studies in optimization—X Questing control with an economic criterion (1967) (4)
- Reaction of a Continuous Mixture in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed (1993) (4)
- Studies in optimization—IX The questing control of a two phase reactor☆ (1967) (4)
- An analysis of chemical reactor stability and sensitivity — XIV the effect of the steady state hypothesis (1973) (4)
- Reality Rules I. The Fundamentals; II The Frontier. (1994) (4)
- Forced oscillations of a self-oscillating bimolecular surface reaction model (1988) (4)
- Nonlinear dynamics and strange attractors (1987) (4)
- Variational Bounds for Problems in Diffusion and Reaction (1971) (4)
- Effect of catalyst loading on the simultaneous reactions of NO, CO, and O2 (1979) (4)
- Method in the Modeling of Chemical Engineering Systems (1979) (4)
- The continuous countercurrent moving‐bed separator (1989) (4)
- An elementary derivation of the maximum principle (1965) (4)
- The mathematical background of chemical reactor analysis. I. Preliminaries. Batch reactors (1986) (4)
- Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Catalyst Impregnation (1983) (4)
- The Beauty of Self-Adjoint Symmetry† (1999) (3)
- The effect of flow velocity on ignition and extinction in homogeneous-heterogeneous combustion (1994) (3)
- Continuous Reaction Gas Chromatography: The Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane over Pt/γ-Al2O3 (1982) (3)
- A note on the structure of the transient behaviour of chemical reactors (1971) (3)
- The control of a stirred tank reactor with hysteresis in the control element - II describing function analysis (1972) (3)
- A study of iterative optimization (1961) (3)
- Rationale for Optimal Reactor Design (1966) (3)
- Sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the steady state (1968) (3)
- Mathematical modeling (1999) (3)
- Optimal bypass rates for sequences of stirred tank reactors (1961) (3)
- Optimization of the countercurrent moving-bed chromatographic separator (1993) (3)
- The dynamics of reactors of mixed type: I. The nature of the steady state (1965) (3)
- D - ∗ Prolegomena to the Rational Analysis of Systems of Chemical Reactions (1999) (2)
- * *Reprinted with the permission of the editor of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, volume 415, pp. 363–387, 1988.Autonomous Bifurcations of a Simple Bimolecular Surface-Reaction Model (1988) (2)
- Optimal policies for first-order consecutive reversible reactions (1964) (2)
- On the equations for the movement and deformation of a reaction front (1972) (2)
- Some Problems in the Analysis of Transient Behavior and Stability of Chemical Reactors (1974) (2)
- Some Characteristic Nonlinearities of Chemical Reaction Engineering (1982) (2)
- MIOCARDIA: integrating cardiac function and muscular architecture for a better diagnosis (2011) (2)
- Chemical Reaction Engineering as an Intellectual Discipline (1983) (2)
- Philosophy of Physics : D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 248 pp. Dfl. 57. (1974) (2)
- A note on mechanism and memory in the kinetics of biochemical reactions (1968) (2)
- Computational Techniques for Chemical Engineers. : Pergamon Press, 1966. xv+328 pp., £4 4s. (1967) (2)
- Autocatalytic continuous reactions in a stirred tank: I. Multiplicity of steady states (1994) (2)
- The determination of optimum operating conditions by the methods of dynamic programming (1961) (1)
- Diffusion Limited Reactions (1973) (1)
- Brief - "The Algebra of Systems of Second-Order Reactions" (1964) (1)
- “Almost discrete” Γ-distributed chemical species and reactions (1994) (1)
- Hydrodynamic Focusing and Electronic Cell-Sizing Techniques (1972) (1)
- A general theory of anisotropic membranes (1987) (1)
- Dynamic programming in countercurrent systems (1963) (1)
- A First Course in the Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics. By David R. Owen;Rational Thermodynamics. By C. Truesdell (1987) (1)
- N-Segment Least-Squares Approximation (1964) (1)
- Explicatio formarum litterarum = The unfolding of letterforms : from the first century to the fifteenth (1990) (1)
- Bifurcations and Global Stability in Surface Catalyzed Reactions Using the Monte Carlo Method (1991) (1)
- Structure of small catalyst particles (1992) (1)
- R - *Chemical Engineering Greetings (1999) (1)
- Generalized Euler Equations (1965) (1)
- Studies in optimization — XI An experimental test of questing controller (1970) (1)
- Asymptotic effectiveness of a catalyst particle in the form of a hollow cylinder (2013) (1)
- Insights into Chemical Engineering. (Selected Papers of P. V. Dackwerts). : By P. V. Danckwerts. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1981. £27/$65.325 pp. (1982) (1)
- Kinetics of Facet Formation During Growth and Etching of Crystals (1991) (1)
- The mathematical understanding of chemical engineering systems. The continuouson of a bibliography (1986) (0)
- To R.S., with Affectionate Respect, R.A (2004) (0)
- 5 – The Progress of the Reaction in Time (1989) (0)
- J - *“Yet Who Would Have Thought the Old Man to have had so Much Blood in Him?”—Reflections on the Multiplicity of Steady States of the Stirred Tank Reactor (1999) (0)
- The Sciences and the Humanities. (1977) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography. Progress report, 15 January 1978--1 February 1979 (1979) (0)
- N – *A General Theory of Anisotropic Membranes† (1999) (0)
- Amundson Academic Family Tree (1980) (0)
- (Continuous chemical reaction chromatography): Progress report (1988) (0)
- Continuous chemical-reaction chromatography. Progress report, February 1, 1981-January 15, 1982 (1981) (0)
- v. Of Molecules and Galaxies 9 Algebraic Aspects of Formal Chemical Kinetics (1971) (0)
- Q - ∗Reflections on Keats’ Equation (1999) (0)
- Analysis of Inertial Effects on Electron Spin Resonance Spectra in the Slow Tumbling Region (1974) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography. Progress report, February 1, 1979-January 31, 1980 (1980) (0)
- 9 – The Tubular Reactor (1989) (0)
- Model reduction in a class of multi-phase systems (1996) (0)
- 4 – Reaction Rates (1989) (0)
- Stabilization of unstable nonlinear distributed chemical reactors by observer design (1976) (0)
- Some Interactions between Problems in Chemical Engineering and the Biological Sciences (1973) (0)
- SOME CANONICAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATASTROPHES To Stuart Churchill on his 60th Birthday (1981) (0)
- Parallel Gray–Scott reactions in a stirred vessel (1996) (0)
- P - *Two Eyes are Better than One: Some Reflections on the Importance of Having More Than One Viewpoint in Mathematical Modelling and Other Disciplines† (1999) (0)
- Communications on the theory of diffusion and reaction — X. A generalization of Wei's bounds on the maximum temperature (1974) (0)
- Fluid dynamics, Richard H. F. Pao, Chas. E. Merrill Books, Inc., Columbus, Ohio (1966). PP. XII + 497, $11.75 (1967) (0)
- Electromechanical large scale computational models of the ventricular myocardium (2014) (0)
- Science and Pseudoscience: Papers Based on Some Seminars Given under This Title at the University of Minnesota in the Winter of 1987 (1987) (0)
- B - ∗ On the Dispersion of A Solute by Diffusion, Convection, and Exchange Between Phases (1999) (0)
- Two eyes are better than one: Some reflections on the importance of having more than one viewpoint in mathematical modelling and other disciplines (1993) (0)
- De Motu Arietum (On the Motion of Battering Rams): A Festschrift in Honor of Lawrence Markus (1993) (0)
- Chaotic dynamics of counter currently cooled cstrs (1988) (0)
- An essay on contemporary criticism (1994) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography. Progress report, December 1984-December 1985 (1985) (0)
- Analysis of a continuous immobilization reactor (1996) (0)
- Algebraic Aspects of Formal Chemical Kinetics (1971) (0)
- A pr 2 01 4 Alya : Towards Exascale for Engineering Simulation Codes (2014) (0)
- Some Thoughts on the Nature of Academic Research in Chemical Engineering. (1976) (0)
- 3 – Thermochemistry and Chemical Equilibrium (1989) (0)
- Introduction and Preliminaries (1973) (0)
- 7 – The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (1989) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography. Progress report, November 1983-February 1985 (1985) (0)
- An adaptive control of the batch reactor - I: Identification of kinetics (1964) (0)
- Advances in computational and mathematical techniques in chemical engineering (1960) (0)
- A First Course in the Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics.@@@Rational Thermodynamics. (1987) (0)
- Chemical Reactor Theory—An Introduction (1965) (0)
- 8 – Adiabatic Reactors (1989) (0)
- Complementary Viewpoints: Some Thoughts on Binocular Vision in Mathematical Modeling and Latin Paleography (1995) (0)
- Dissections, transgressions, and perilous paths (1998) (0)
- Diffusion Through a Porous Medium (1973) (0)
- Introduction to chemical process control, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1965), xii plus 204 pages, $6.95 (1966) (0)
- 10 – The Batch Reactor (1989) (0)
- The Development of the Notions of Multiplicity and Stability in the Understanding of Chemical Reactor Behavior (1982) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography. Progress report, January 1989--January 1992 (1992) (0)
- Aspects of Change: Being a Selection of Lectures by Members of the Faculty of the University of Minnesota on How Change is Considered in Their Several Disciplines (1985) (0)
- Continuous chemical reaction chromatography (1992) (0)
- Waves and Pulses (1973) (0)
- 6 – The Interaction of Chemical and Physical Rate Processes (1989) (0)
- 2013-2014 Severo Ochoa : Research Seminar Lectures at BSC : book of abstracts (2014) (0)
- A global study of Kondepudi’s pitchfork (1987) (0)
- C - ∗ On the Dispersion of Linear Kinematic Waves (1999) (0)
- An adaptive control of the batch reactor - IV : A more sophisticated controller (1967) (0)
- Reality Rules I. The Fundamentals; II The Frontier. By John L (1994) (0)
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