Sander Greenland
American epidemiologist and statistician
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Medical Mathematics
Sander Greenland's Degrees
- PhD Biostatistics University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Biostatistics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sander Greenland is an American statistician and epidemiologist with many contributions to statistical and epidemiologic methods including Bayesian and causal inference, bias analysis, and meta-analysis. His focus has been the extensions, limitations, and misuses of statistical methods in nonexperimental studies, especially in postmarketing surveillance of drugs, vaccines, and medical devices. He received honors Bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley, where he was Regent's and National Science Foundation Fellow in Mathematics, and then received Master's and Doctoral degrees in epidemiology from the University of California, Los Angeles , where he was Regent's Fellow in Epidemiology. After serving as an assistant professor of biostatistics at Harvard, he joined the UCLA Epidemiology faculty in 1980 where he became Professor of Epidemiology in the Fielding School of Public Health in 1989, and Professor of Statistics in the UCLA College of Letters and Science in 1999. He moved to Emeritus status in 2012 and the following year he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Medicine by the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Sander Greenland's Published Works
Published Works
- Causal diagrams for epidemiologic research. (1999) (2525)
- Modern Epidemiology 3rd edition (1986) (2284)
- Simulation study of confounder-selection strategies. (1993) (2148)
- Modeling and variable selection in epidemiologic analysis. (1989) (2097)
- Methods for trend estimation from summarized dose-response data, with applications to meta-analysis. (1992) (2037)
- The impact of confounder selection criteria on effect estimation. (1989) (1999)
- Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations (2016) (1720)
- Scientists rise up against statistical significance (2019) (1633)
- Quantitative methods in the review of epidemiologic literature. (1987) (1590)
- Identifiability and Exchangeability for Direct and Indirect Effects (1992) (1573)
- Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis (2014) (1144)
- Generalized Least Squares for Trend Estimation of Summarized Dose–response Data (2006) (1093)
- Dose‐Response and Trend Analysis in Epidemiology: Alternatives to Categorical Analysis (1995) (1032)
- Causation and causal inference in epidemiology. (2005) (994)
- Concepts of interaction. (1980) (922)
- A critical look at methods for handling missing covariates in epidemiologic regression analyses. (1995) (900)
- Confounding and Collapsibility in Causal Inference (1999) (812)
- Estimation of a common effect parameter from sparse follow-up data. (1985) (745)
- Quantifying Biases in Causal Models: Classical Confounding vs Collider-Stratification Bias (2003) (743)
- Model-based estimation of relative risks and other epidemiologic measures in studies of common outcomes and in case-control studies. (2004) (668)
- Increased Risk of Non-Fatal Myocardial Infarction Following Testosterone Therapy Prescription in Men (2014) (624)
- Identifiability, exchangeability, and epidemiological confounding. (1986) (609)
- Sparse data bias: a problem hiding in plain sight (2016) (587)
- Maximum likelihood estimation of the attributable fraction from logistic models. (1993) (536)
- Case–Control Studies (2008) (515)
- Basic methods for sensitivity analysis of biases. (1996) (515)
- Meta‐analysis of Epidemiologic Dose‐Response Data (1993) (512)
- The table 2 fallacy: presenting and interpreting confounder and modifier coefficients. (2013) (511)
- Ecological bias, confounding, and effect modification. (1989) (505)
- A Pooled Analysis of Magnetic Fields, Wire Codes, and Childhood Leukemia (2000) (501)
- Invited commentary: a critical look at some popular meta-analytic methods. (1994) (485)
- Interpretation and choice of effect measures in epidemiologic analyses. (1987) (480)
- The effect of misclassification in the presence of covariates. (1980) (467)
- Multiple‐bias modelling for analysis of observational data (2005) (461)
- Invited commentary: ecologic studies--biases, misconceptions, and counterexamples. (1994) (460)
- Principles of multilevel modelling. (2000) (450)
- Estimators of the Mantel-Haenszel variance consistent in both sparse data and large-strata limiting models. (1986) (427)
- Estimating causal effects. (2002) (422)
- On the need for the rare disease assumption in case-control studies. (1982) (412)
- Associations between changes in hemoglobin and administered erythropoiesis-stimulating agent and survival in hemodialysis patients. (2006) (409)
- Conceptual problems in the definition and interpretation of attributable fractions. (1988) (404)
- An overview of relations among causal modelling methods. (2002) (388)
- An introduction to instrumental variables for epidemiologists. (2000) (386)
- Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables: Comment (1996) (384)
- Confounding in health research. (2001) (354)
- Good practices for quantitative bias analysis. (2014) (351)
- Causal Diagrams (2011) (341)
- Randomization, Statistics, and Causal Inference (1990) (340)
- Random-effects meta-analyses are not always conservative. (1999) (336)
- Revisiting mortality predictability of serum albumin in the dialysis population: time dependency, longitudinal changes and population-attributable fraction. (2005) (327)
- Problems due to small samples and sparse data in conditional logistic regression analysis. (2000) (324)
- Re: "The impact of confounder selection criteria on effect estimation. (1989) (322)
- Avoiding power loss associated with categorization and ordinal scores in dose-response and trend analysis. (1995) (322)
- Proper interpretation of non-differential misclassification effects: expectations vs observations. (2005) (321)
- Is controlling phosphorus by decreasing dietary protein intake beneficial or harmful in persons with chronic kidney disease? (2008) (312)
- Theoretical Epidemiology: Principles of Occurrence Research in Medicine (1986) (312)
- Bayesian perspectives for epidemiological research: I. Foundations and basic methods. (2006) (306)
- On the bias produced by quality scores in meta-analysis, and a hierarchical view of proposed solutions. (2001) (305)
- Serum and dialysate potassium concentrations and survival in hemodialysis patients. (2007) (301)
- A Procedure to Tabulate and Plot Results after Flexible Modeling of a Quantitative Covariate (2011) (285)
- A general estimator for the variance of the Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio. (1986) (285)
- Association of morbid obesity and weight change over time with cardiovascular survival in hemodialysis population. (2005) (284)
- Ecologic versus individual-level sources of bias in ecologic estimates of contextual health effects. (2001) (283)
- Tests for interaction in epidemiologic studies: a review and a study of power. (1983) (277)
- Associations of Race/Ethnicity With HIV Prevalence and HIV-Related Behaviors Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in 7 Urban Centers in the United States (2004) (274)
- An introduction to instrumental variables for epidemiologists. (2018) (270)
- A Meta‐analysis of Body Mass Index and Risk of Premenopausal Breast Cancer (1995) (257)
- Risk factors, confounding, and the illusion of statistical control. (2004) (256)
- A method to automate probabilistic sensitivity analyses of misclassified binary variables. (2005) (255)
- Invited commentary: variable selection versus shrinkage in the control of multiple confounders. (2007) (255)
- Estimation of the causal effect of a time-varying exposure on the marginal mean of a repeated binary outcome. Commentary. Authors' reply (1999) (237)
- Marijuana Use and the Risk of Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancers: Results of a Population-Based Case-Control Study (2006) (237)
- Longitudinal associations between dietary protein intake and survival in hemodialysis patients. (2006) (234)
- Confounding and misclassification. (1985) (221)
- Reverse Epidemiology of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Death in the Hemodialysis Population: The 58th Annual Fall Conference and Scientific Sessions (2005) (219)
- The fallacy of employing standardized regression coefficients and correlations as measures of effect. (1986) (218)
- Inferential Statistics as Descriptive Statistics: There Is No Replication Crisis if We Don’t Expect Replication (2018) (215)
- Multiple-imputation for measurement-error correction. (2006) (214)
- Retire statistical significance (2019) (211)
- Control of confounding in the assessment of medical technology. (1980) (210)
- Response and follow-up bias in cohort studies. (1977) (209)
- Penalization, bias reduction, and default priors in logistic and related categorical and survival regressions (2015) (207)
- Epidemiologic review of marijuana use and cancer risk. (2005) (204)
- Causation and Causal Inference (2021) (200)
- Bias Analysis (2011) (199)
- Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis and Bayesian analysis of smoking as an unmeasured confounder in a study of silica and lung cancer. (2004) (194)
- The association between Chlamydia trachomatis and ectopic pregnancy. A matched-pair, case-control study. (1990) (189)
- Hepatitis C virus and death risk in hemodialysis patients. (2006) (184)
- The role of model selection in causal inference from nonexperimental data. (1986) (183)
- Valid P-Values Behave Exactly as They Should: Some Misleading Criticisms of P-Values and Their Resolution With S-Values (2019) (183)
- Outcome modelling strategies in epidemiology: traditional methods and basic alternatives (2016) (181)
- Vasectomy, cigarette smoking, and age at first sexual intercourse as risk factors for prostate cancer in middle-aged men. (1988) (180)
- Multivariate Meta-Analysis of Controlled Drug Studies for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2002) (178)
- Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Risk Analysis, and Bayesian Uncertainty Assessment (2001) (178)
- Statistical foundations for model-based adjustments. (2015) (173)
- Alternative models for ordinal logistic regression. (1994) (172)
- Can meta-analysis be salvaged? (1994) (172)
- Bias in the one-step method for pooling study results. (1990) (171)
- A meta-analysis of coffee, myocardial infarction, and coronary death. (1993) (169)
- Bayesian perspectives for epidemiological research. II. Regression analysis. (2007) (168)
- Interactions in Epidemiology: Relevance, Identification, and Estimation (2009) (167)
- Adjusting for differential rates of prophylaxis therapy for PCP in high- versus low-dose AZT treatment arms in an AIDS randomized trial (1994) (166)
- Confounding and Exposure Trends in Case‐Crossover and Case‐Time‐Control Designs (1996) (166)
- Basic problems in interaction assessment. (1993) (165)
- Analytic methods for two-stage case-control studies and other stratified designs. (1991) (162)
- Interval estimation by simulation as an alternative to and extension of confidence intervals. (2004) (157)
- A Meta-Analysis to Assess the Incidence of Adverse Effects Associated with the Transdermal Nicotine Patch (1998) (157)
- Quality Scores Are Useless and Potentially Misleading: Reply to “Re: A Critical Look at Some Popular Analytic Methods” (1994) (157)
- When Should Epidemiologic Regressions Use Random Coefficients? (2000) (156)
- The probability of causation under a stochastic model for individual risk. (1989) (156)
- Cohort and Nested Case‐Control Studies of Hematopoietic Cancers and Brain Cancer among Electric Utility Workers (1993) (154)
- Does body mass index adequately capture the relation of body composition and body size to health outcomes? (1998) (152)
- Maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, and penalized likelihood: a primer. (2014) (151)
- Splines for trend analysis and continuous confounder control. (2011) (151)
- The Impact of Prior Distributions for Uncontrolled Confounding and Response Bias (2003) (151)
- Dietary flavonoid intake and lung cancer—A population‐based case‐control study (2008) (148)
- Influenza in the elderly: report of an outbreak and a review of vaccine effectiveness reports. (1986) (147)
- Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome in the US Collaborative Perinatal Project. (1989) (147)
- In-Home Coal and Wood Use and Lung Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis of the International Lung Cancer Consortium (2010) (146)
- Tests for trend and dose response: misinterpretations and alternatives. (1992) (145)
- Mortality prediction by surrogates of body composition: an examination of the obesity paradox in hemodialysis patients using composite ranking score analysis. (2012) (145)
- Correcting for misclassification in two-way tables and matched-pair studies. (1983) (144)
- Invariants and noninvariants in the concept of interdependent effects. (1988) (140)
- Erythropoietin, iron depletion, and relative thrombocytosis: a possible explanation for hemoglobin-survival paradox in hemodialysis. (2008) (138)
- Separation in Logistic Regression: Causes, Consequences, and Control. (2018) (138)
- Methods for epidemiologic analyses of multiple exposures: a review and comparative study of maximum-likelihood, preliminary-testing, and empirical-Bayes regression. (1993) (136)
- Variance estimation for epidemiologic effect estimates under misclassification. (1988) (135)
- Empirical‐Bayes Adjustments for Multiple Comparisons Are Sometimes Useful (1991) (134)
- How far from non-differential does exposure or disease misclassification have to be to bias measures of association away from the null? (2008) (133)
- Identifiability, exchangeability and confounding revisited (2009) (132)
- Socioeconomic status and childhood leukaemia: a review. (2006) (130)
- Cannabis smoking and lung cancer risk: Pooled analysis in the International Lung Cancer Consortium (2015) (130)
- Matched cohort methods for injury research. (2003) (128)
- Multilevel Modeling in Epidemiology with GLIMMIX (2000) (126)
- Variance estimators for attributable fraction estimates consistent in both large strata and sparse data. (1987) (124)
- Ignoring the matching variables in cohort studies – when is it valid and why? (2013) (123)
- Hierarchical Regression Analysis Applied to a Study of Multiple Dietary Exposures and Breast Cancer (1994) (121)
- Relation of probability of causation to relative risk and doubling dose: a methodologic error that has become a social problem. (1999) (121)
- Association of hemodialysis treatment time and dose with mortality and the role of race and sex. (2010) (119)
- Risk of Fractures Requiring Hospitalization After an Initial Prescription for Zolpidem, Alprazolam, Lorazepam, or Diazepam in Older Adults (2011) (118)
- Predictors of Treatment Response in Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder: Multivariate Analyses From a Multicenter Trial of Clomipramine (1994) (117)
- Invited Commentary: The Need for Cognitive Science in Methodology (2017) (117)
- Exposure-measurement error is frequently ignored when interpreting epidemiologic study results (2007) (116)
- Effects of nondifferential exposure misclassification in ecologic studies. (1992) (116)
- Standardized regression coefficients: a further critique and review of some alternatives. (1991) (114)
- Estimability and estimation of excess and etiologic fractions. (1989) (110)
- When will nondifferential misclassification of an exposure preserve the direction of a trend? (1994) (107)
- Remove, rather than redefine, statistical significance (2017) (107)
- Matched designs and causal diagrams. (2013) (106)
- Recall bias in a case-control study of sudden infant death syndrome. (1990) (104)
- Estimating Bias From Loss to Follow-up in the Danish National Birth Cohort (2011) (103)
- Risk and Rate Advancement Periods as Measures of Exposure Impact on the Occurrence of Chronic Diseases (1993) (103)
- Accurate Statistics on COVID-19 Are Essential for Policy Guidance and Decisions. (2020) (102)
- Factors associated with self-reported back-pain prevalence: A populationdashbased study (1985) (101)
- Bias formulas for external adjustment and sensitivity analysis of unmeasured confounders. (2008) (101)
- Impact of Race on Hyperparathyroidism, Mineral Disarrays, Administered Vitamin D Mimetic, and Survival in Hemodialysis Patients (2010) (100)
- Guidelines for Application of Metaanalysis in Environmental Epidemiology (1995) (100)
- A Tool for Deterministic and Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiologic Studies (2008) (99)
- Living with P Values: Resurrecting a Bayesian Perspective on Frequentist Statistics (2013) (98)
- The Value of Risk-Factor (“Black-Box”) Epidemiology (2004) (98)
- Polymorphism of Xeroderma Pigmentosum group G and the risk of lung cancer and squamous cell carcinomas of the oropharynx, larynx and esophagus (2006) (97)
- Probability Logic and Probabilistic Induction (1998) (97)
- Bias in methods for deriving standardized morbidity ratio and attributable fraction estimates. (1984) (94)
- A review of multilevel theory for ecologic analyses (2002) (94)
- HIV prevalence among foreign- and US-born clients of public STD clinics. (2002) (93)
- Chronic fetal hypoxia and sudden infant death syndrome: interaction between maternal smoking and low hematocrit during pregnancy. (1990) (90)
- Case–control matching: effects, misconceptions, and recommendations (2017) (89)
- Effect of fetal monitoring on neonatal death rates. (1978) (89)
- Role of nutritional status and inflammation in higher survival of African American and Hispanic hemodialysis patients. (2011) (89)
- Sensitivity analysis of misclassification: a graphical and a Bayesian approach. (2006) (89)
- Interpretation and estimation of summary ratios under heterogeneity. (1982) (89)
- Bayesian perspectives for epidemiological research (2006) (88)
- Null misinterpretation in statistical testing and its impact on health risk assessment. (2011) (88)
- Why Most Published Research Findings Are False: Problems in the Analysis (2007) (87)
- Absence of Confounding Does Not Correspond to Collapsibility of the Rate Ratio or Rate Difference (1996) (87)
- Types of Epidemiologic Studies (2007) (86)
- Bayesian perspectives for epidemiologic research: III. Bias analysis via missing-data methods. (2009) (86)
- Racial and ethnic differences in the association of body mass index and survival in maintenance hemodialysis patients. (2011) (84)
- Adjustments and their Consequences—Collapsibility Analysis using Graphical Models (2010) (84)
- Kalantar-Zadeh, K. et al. Revisiting mortality predictability of serum albumin in the dialysis population: time dependency, longitudinal changes and population-attributable fraction. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 20, 1880-1888 (2005) (83)
- On sample-size and power calculations for studies using confidence intervals. (1988) (82)
- Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise (2019) (82)
- Surprise! (2020) (81)
- A semi-Bayes approach to the analysis of correlated multiple associations, with an application to an occupational cancer-mortality study. (1992) (81)
- Multiple comparisons and association selection in general epidemiology. (2008) (81)
- Small-sample bias and corrections for conditional maximum-likelihood odds-ratio estimators. (2000) (79)
- Re: "Confidence limits made easy: interval estimation using a substitution method". (1999) (79)
- Bayesian regression in SAS software. (2013) (77)
- The effects of marijuana use during pregnancy. I. A preliminary epidemiologic study. (1982) (75)
- The effect of misclassification in matched-pair case-control studies. (1982) (74)
- Divergent biases in ecologic and individual-level studies. (1992) (74)
- The Residential Case‐Specular Method to Study Wire Codes, Magnetic Fields, and Disease (1998) (74)
- The need for reorientation toward cost‐effective prediction: Comments on ‘Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: From area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond’ by M. J. Pencina et al., Statistics in Medicine (DOI: 10.1002/sim.2929) (2008) (73)
- A unified approach to the analysis of case-distribution (case-only) studies. (1999) (71)
- Epidemiologic measures and policy formulation: lessons from potential outcomes (2005) (71)
- Statistical uncertainty due to misclassification: implications for validation substudies. (1988) (70)
- Absence of confounding does not correspond to collapsibility of the rate ratio or rate difference. (1996) (68)
- Empirical-Bayes and semi-Bayes approaches to occupational and environmental hazard surveillance. (1994) (67)
- Ratio of paricalcitol dosage to serum parathyroid hormone level and survival in maintenance hemodialysis patients. (2008) (67)
- Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and Neurodegenerative Disease: A Meta-Analysis (2013) (67)
- The rare-disease assumption revisited. A critique of "estimators of relative risk for case-control studies". (1986) (66)
- Hierarchical regression for epidemiologic analyses of multiple exposures. (1994) (65)
- A health study of two communities near the Stringfellow Waste Disposal site. (1988) (65)
- Matching and efficiency in cohort studies. (1990) (64)
- Limitations of individual causal models, causal graphs, and ignorability assumptions, as illustrated by random confounding and design unfaithfulness (2015) (64)
- Empirical Bayes adjustments for multiple results in hypothesis-generating or surveillance studies. (2000) (64)
- A case-control study of cancer mortality at a transformer-assembly facility (1994) (64)
- Clinical characteristics of response to fluoxetine treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (1998) (62)
- Improved estimation of controlled direct effects in the presence of unmeasured confounding of intermediate variables (2005) (62)
- Causal Analysis in the Health Sciences (2000) (62)
- Factoring vs Linear Modeling in Rate Estimation: A Simulation Study of Relative Accuracy (1998) (62)
- Marijuana Smoking and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer: Pooled Analysis in the INHANCE Consortium (2009) (61)
- Uncertainty in Clinical Medicine (2011) (60)
- Estimating effects from randomized trials with discontinuations: the need for intent-to-treat design and G-estimation (2008) (60)
- Estimability and estimation of expected years of life lost due to a hazardous exposure. (1991) (60)
- Accounting for independent nondifferential misclassification does not increase certainty that an observed association is in the correct direction. (2006) (59)
- Guidelines for application of meta-analysis in environmental epidemiology. ISLI Risk Science Institute. (1995) (59)
- Concepts and pitfalls in measuring and interpreting attributable fractions, prevented fractions, and causation probabilities. (2015) (58)
- The importance of specifying the underlying biologic model in estimating the probability of causation. (1999) (58)
- Interpreting Model Coefficients When the True Model Form Is Unknown (1993) (58)
- Planning Study Size Based on Precision Rather Than Power. (2018) (57)
- For and Against Methodologies: Some Perspectives on Recent Causal and Statistical Inference Debates (2017) (57)
- Simulation study of hierarchical regression. (1996) (57)
- Presenting statistical uncertainty in trends and dose-response relations. (1999) (56)
- On the Logical Justification of Conditional Tests for Two-By-Two Contingency Tables (1991) (56)
- A nested approach to evaluating dose-response and trend. (1997) (53)
- Additive Risk versus Additive Relative Risk Models (1993) (53)
- On the measurement of susceptibility in epidemiologic studies. (1989) (53)
- Increased risk of serious injury following an initial prescription for diphenhydramine. (2002) (52)
- Application of the case-specular method to two studies of wire codes and childhood cancers. (1999) (51)
- Relaxation Penalties and Priors for Plausible Modeling of Nonidentified Bias Sources (2009) (51)
- Factors associated with self-reported back-pain prevalence: a population-based study. (1985) (51)
- Nonsignificance plus high power does not imply support for the null over the alternative. (2012) (50)
- Causal Inference Without Counterfactuals: Comment (2000) (50)
- The relative efficiencies of matched and independent sample designs for case-control studies. (1983) (50)
- Leukemia Attributable to Residential Magnetic Fields: Results from Analyses Allowing for Study Biases (2006) (49)
- Putting Background Information About Relative Risks into Conjugate Prior Distributions (2001) (48)
- Software for hierarchical modeling of epidemiologic data. (1998) (48)
- Limitations of the logistic analysis of epidemiologic data. (1979) (48)
- An Application of Logistic Models to the Analysis of Ordinal Responses (1985) (48)
- Second-stage least squares versus penalized quasi-likelihood for fitting hierarchical models in epidemiologic analyses. (1997) (48)
- Dissecting Effects of Complex Mixtures: Who’s Afraid of Informative Priors? (2007) (48)
- Explaining the association of maternal age with Cesarean delivery for nulliparous and parous women. (2003) (48)
- On measures and models for the effectiveness of vaccines and vaccination programmes. (1988) (48)
- Estimating standardized parameters from generalized linear models. (1991) (48)
- Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults (2022) (47)
- Data augmentation priors for Bayesian and semi‐Bayes analyses of conditional‐logistic and proportional‐hazards regression (2001) (47)
- Age of minority sexual orientation development and risk of childhood maltreatment and suicide attempts in women. (2009) (46)
- Multivariate estimation of exposure-specific incidence from case-control studies. (1981) (46)
- Generalized Conjugate Priors for Bayesian Analysis of Risk and Survival Regressions (2003) (45)
- Associations between Variants of the 8q24 Chromosome and Nine Smoking-Related Cancer Sites (2008) (45)
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of One-Carbon Metabolism and Cancers of the Esophagus, Stomach, and Liver in a Chinese Population (2014) (44)
- An analysis of detection bias and proposed corrections in the study of estrogens and endometrial cancer. (1981) (43)
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms of 8 inflammation‐related genes and their associations with smoking‐related cancers (2010) (43)
- Standardized estimates from categorical regression models. (1995) (43)
- Are confidence intervals better termed “uncertainty intervals”? (2019) (42)
- Associations between NBS1 polymorphisms, haplotypes and smoking-related cancers. (2010) (41)
- Prior data for non‐normal priors (2007) (41)
- The interpretation of multiplicative-model parameters as standardized parameters. (1994) (41)
- Curious phenomena in Bayesian adjustment for exposure misclassification (2006) (40)
- Clomiphene citrate and neural tube defects: a pooled analysis of controlled epidemiologic studies and recommendations for future studies. (1995) (40)
- An investigation of the apparent breast cancer epidemic in France: screening and incidence trends in birth cohorts (2011) (40)
- Adjustment of risk ratios in case-base studies (hybrid epidemiologic designs). (1986) (40)
- Associations of maternal age- and parity-related factors with trends in low-birthweight rates: United States, 1980 through 2000. (2006) (40)
- Effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy on incident AIDS using calendar period as an instrumental variable. (2009) (39)
- Side effects as predictors of drug response in obsessive-compulsive disorder. (1999) (38)
- Using Donor-Specific Antibodies to Monitor the Need for Immunosuppression (2012) (38)
- Attributable Fractions: Bias from Broad Definition of Exposure (2001) (37)
- Do differences in relationship and partner attributes explain disparities in sexually transmitted disease among young white and black women? (2003) (37)
- Modelling Risk Ratios from Matched Cohort Data: An Estimating Equation Approach (1994) (37)
- The efficiency of matching in case-control studies of risk-factor interactions. (1985) (36)
- Interval Estimation for Messy Observational Data (2009) (36)
- Induction versus Popper: substance versus semantics. (1998) (36)
- Bounding Analysis as an Inadequately Specified Methodology (2004) (35)
- Accepting the Limits of Ecologic Studies: Drs. Greenland and Robins Reply to Drs. Piantadosi and Cohen (1994) (34)
- Intrauterine Devices and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Meta-Analyses of Published Studies, 1974–1990 (2000) (33)
- A second look at the relation between colorectal adenomas and consumption of foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. (2000) (33)
- Prevalence and clustering of metabolic risk factors for type 2 diabetes among Chinese adults in Shanghai, China (2010) (33)
- An Overview of Methods for Causal Inference from Observational Studies (2005) (33)
- Hierarchical modeling of gene-environment interactions: estimating NAT2 genotype-specific dietary effects on adenomatous polyps. (1997) (32)
- A case-control study of colorectal adenomatous polyps and consumption of foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. (1999) (32)
- A retrospective cohort study of implanted medical devices and selected chronic diseases in Medicare claims data. (2000) (32)
- Power, sample size and smallest detectable effect determination for multivariate studies. (1985) (31)
- Maximum-likelihood and closed-form estimators of epidemiologic measures under misclassification (2008) (31)
- The Performance of Random Coefficient Regression in Accounting for Residual Confounding (2006) (31)
- Approximate Bayesian Logistic Regression via Penalized Likelihood by Data Augmentation (2015) (31)
- Accounting for uncertainty about investigator bias: disclosure is informative (2009) (31)
- Estimation of Population Attributable Fractions from Fitted Incidence Ratios and Exposure Survey Data, with an Application to Electromagnetic Fields and Childhood Leukemia (2001) (31)
- Estimating standardized risk differences from odds ratios. (1991) (30)
- The relation of collapsibility and confounding to faithfulness and stability. (2015) (30)
- Modern epidemiology / Kenneth J. Rothman, SanderGreenland, and Timothy L. Lash (2008) (29)
- Closed form and dually consistent methods for inference on strict collapsibility in 2×2×K and 2×J×K tables (1988) (29)
- The importance of critically interpreting simulation studies. (1997) (29)
- The effects of marijuana use during pregnancy. II. A study in a low-risk home-delivery population. (1983) (28)
- Analysis goals, error-cost sensitivity, and analysis hacking: Essential considerations in hypothesis testing and multiple comparisons. (2020) (28)
- Generalized Mantel-Haenszel estimators for K 2 x J tables. (1989) (28)
- Classification schemes for epidemiologic research designs. (1988) (28)
- The effects of nondifferential confounder misclassification in ecologic studies. (1992) (27)
- Scientific standards of criticism: a reaction to "Scientific standards in epidemiologic studies of the menace of daily life," by A.R. Feinstein. (1990) (27)
- Transparency and disclosure, neutrality and balance: shared values or just shared words? (2012) (27)
- Confounding in epidemiologic studies. Response (1989) (26)
- Effects of marijuana on human pregnancy, labor, and delivery. (1982) (26)
- Evidence for recent growth of the HIV epidemic among African-American men and younger male cohorts in Los Angeles County. (1996) (26)
- Multilevel modeling and model averaging. (1999) (25)
- Causality theory for policy uses of epidemiological measures (2003) (25)
- Identifiability (2018) (25)
- Causal Inference as a Prediction Problem: Assumptions, Identification and Evidence Synthesis (2012) (25)
- A Study of the Effectiveness of a Workplace Violence Intervention for Small Retail and Service Establishments (2008) (24)
- A Comparison of the Performance of Model‐Based Confidence Intervals When the Correct Model Form Is Unknown: Coverage of Asymptotic Means (1994) (24)
- Problems in the average-risk interpretation of categorical dose-response analyses. (1995) (24)
- Multiple comparisons controversies are about context and costs, not frequentism versus Bayesianism (2019) (24)
- Use of receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to evaluate predictors of response to clomipramine therapy. (1996) (24)
- A case‐control study of the association of the polymorphisms and haplotypes of DNA ligase I with lung and upper‐aerodigestive‐tract cancers (2007) (24)
- Problems in Common Interpretations of Statistics in Scientific Articles, Expert Reports, and Testimony (2010) (24)
- Summarization, smoothing, and inference in epidemiologic analysis (1993) (23)
- Causal Directed Acyclic Graphs. (2022) (23)
- The mediation proportion. (2005) (23)
- Animal bites: patterns of treatment. (1981) (22)
- On correcting for misclassification in twin studies and other matched-pair studies. (1989) (22)
- The Intensity‐Score Approach to Adjusting for Confounding (2003) (22)
- Hill's Criteria for Causality (2005) (22)
- Factors Affecting Hepatitis Vaccination Refusal at a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (2003) (22)
- The use of restricted controls to prevent recall bias in case-control studies of reproductive outcomes. (1993) (21)
- Estimation of exposure-specific rates from sparse case-control data. (1987) (20)
- Commentary: on 'quality in epidemiological research: should we be submitting papers before we have the results and submitting more hypothesis generating research?'. (2007) (20)
- "Pap" testing and hysterectomy prevalence: a survey of communities with high and low cervical cancer rates. (1977) (20)
- Validity and Generalizability in Epidemiologic Studies (2005) (20)
- Methods to Explore Uncertainty and Bias Introduced by Job Exposure Matrices (2016) (19)
- Effect of Fetal Monitoring on Cesarean Section Rates (1980) (19)
- Rejoinder: Living with Statistics in Observational Research (2013) (18)
- Bayesian posterior distributions without Markov chains. (2012) (18)
- A comparison of sensitivity-specificity imputation, direct imputation and fully Bayesian analysis to adjust for exposure misclassification when validation data are unavailable. (2017) (18)
- Controlled clinical trials of manipulation: a review and a proposal. (1980) (17)
- Effectiveness of the Cavity-Rim Cervical Cap: Results of a Large Clinical Study (1989) (17)
- Correcting for Non‐Differential Misclassification in Ecologic Analyses (1993) (17)
- Inpatient treatment of depression and associated hospital charges (2002) (17)
- Comment: Cautions in the use of preliminary‐test estimators (1989) (17)
- Considerations in determining matching criteria and stratum sizes for case-control studies. (1981) (17)
- Adjusting for outcome misclassification: the importance of accounting for case-control sampling and other forms of outcome-related selection. (2013) (17)
- Characteristics of fluoxetine versus placebo responders in a randomized trial of geriatric depression. (1997) (16)
- The Case-Control Method in Medical Care Evaluation (1981) (16)
- Decline in incidence of endometrial cancer following increase in prescriptions for opposed conjugated estrogens in a prepaid health plan. (1998) (16)
- The Implications of Using Lagged and Baseline Exposure Terms in Longitudinal Causal and Regression Models (2019) (16)
- Control-initiated case-control studies. (1985) (16)
- Interpreting time-related trends in effect estimates. (1987) (16)
- Bounds on potential risks and causal risk differences under assumptions about confounding parameters (2007) (16)
- Regression Methods for Epidemiologic Analysis (2005) (16)
- Average age at first occurrence as an alternative occurrence parameter in epidemiology. (1997) (16)
- Morgenstern Corrects a Conceptual Error (1983) (16)
- A counterexample to the test-based principle of setting confidence limits. (1984) (15)
- Simpson’s Paradox From Adding Constants in Contingency Tables as an Example of Bayesian Noncollapsibility (2010) (15)
- A serious misinterpretation of a consistent inverse association of statin use with glioma across 3 case-control studies (2016) (15)
- Relationship between early side effects and therapeutic effects of clomipramine therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder. (1996) (15)
- Neither within-region nor cross-regional independence of exposure and covariates prevents ecological bias. (1991) (15)
- Assessment of the excess risk of Salmonella dublin infection associated with the use of certified raw milk. (1988) (15)
- A case-control study of prosthetic implants and selected chronic diseases. (1996) (15)
- Uncertainty analysis: an example of its application to estimating a survey proportion (2004) (14)
- On the interpretation of risk and rate advancement periods. (2016) (14)
- Weaknesses of Bayesian model averaging for meta-analysis in the study of vitamin E and mortality (2009) (14)
- Adjustment for Response Bias Via Two-phase Analysis: An Application (2009) (14)
- Sensitivity Analysis and Bias Analysis (2014) (14)
- Re: "Confounding Confounding". (1989) (14)
- Side effects and time course of response in a placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine for the treatment of geriatric depression. (2000) (14)
- Smoothing Observational Data: A Philosophy and Implementation for the Health Sciences (2006) (14)
- A case-control study of prosthetic implants and selected chronic diseases in Medicare claims data. (1998) (14)
- Are case-control studies more vulnerable to response bias? (1981) (14)
- Statistical significance gives bias a free pass (2019) (13)
- Science versus advocacy: the challenge of Dr. Feinstein. (1991) (13)
- Commentary: An argument against E-values for assessing the plausibility that an association could be explained away by residual confounding. (2020) (13)
- The Importance of Making Assumptions in Bias Analysis (2021) (13)
- Comparative effectiveness of buprenorphine-naloxone versus methadone for treatment of opioid use disorder: a population-based observational study protocol in British Columbia, Canada (2020) (12)
- Re: "P values, hypothesis tests, and likelihood: implications for epidemiology of a neglected historical debate". (1994) (12)
- To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Descriptions of Statistics (2019) (12)
- The bootstrap method for standard errors and confidence intervals of the adjusted attributable risk. (1992) (12)
- Commentary: Extending Organizational Schema for Causal Effects (2014) (12)
- On Causal Inferences for Personalized Medicine: How Hidden Causal Assumptions Led to Erroneous Causal Claims About the D-Value (2019) (12)
- Comment (2000) (12)
- Reducing Bias and Mean Squared Error Associated With Regression-Based Odds Ratio Estimators. (2012) (12)
- Adjusting for multiple-misclassified variables in a study using birth certificates. (2013) (12)
- Childhood leukemia, electric and magnetic fields, and temporal trends (2006) (12)
- Reducing mean squared error in the analysis of stratified epidemiologic studies. (1991) (12)
- Clinical effectiveness of rubella vaccine in a college population. (1985) (11)
- Self-report versus medical record - perinatal factors in a study of infant leukaemia: a study from the Children's Oncology Group. (2011) (11)
- Acceptance of HIV testing and counseling among unmarried young adults in Northern Thailand. (2002) (11)
- Endometrial cancer risk after discontinuing use of unopposed conjugated estrogens (California, United States) (1995) (11)
- Confounding due to changing background risk in adaptively randomized trials (2011) (11)
- Graphing ratio measures of effect. (1990) (11)
- Interpretation and analysis of differential exposure variability and zero-exposure categories for continuous exposures. (1995) (11)
- Inferential statistics are descriptive statistics (2018) (10)
- Comment concerning “Childhood leukemia and residential magnetic fields: are pooled analyses more valid than the original studies?” (Bioelectromagnetics 27:1–7 [2006]) (2006) (10)
- The relationship between electronic fetal monitoring and Apgar score. (1981) (9)
- Dependence of confounding on the target population: a modification of causal graphs to account for co-action. (2011) (9)
- Frailty and influenza vaccine effectiveness. (2016) (9)
- 3 Epidemiologic Study Designs (2007) (9)
- Bias in indirectly adjusted comparisons due to taking the total study population as the reference group. (1987) (9)
- Response: Defining and estimating causal effects (2002) (9)
- Historical HIV incidence modelling in regional subgroups: use of flexible discrete models with penalized splines based on prior curves. (1996) (9)
- Noncollapsibility, confounding, and sparse-data bias. Part 1: The oddities of odds. (2021) (9)
- Rewriting results in the language of compatibility. (2022) (9)
- Previous research on power loss associated with categorization in dose-response and trend analysis. (1995) (9)
- What is directionality? (1989) (9)
- Commentary: Intuitions, Simulations, Theorems The Role and Limits of Methodology (2012) (9)
- Tobacco smoking, NBS1 polymorphisms, and survival in lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers with semi-Bayes adjustment for hazard ratio variation (2013) (8)
- Estimating variances of standardized estimators in case-control studies and sparse data. (1986) (8)
- Glaucoma outcome studies using existing databases: opportunities and limitations. (1995) (8)
- Odds Ratios are far from "portable" - A call to use realistic models for effect variation in meta-analysis. (2021) (8)
- Dealing with the Inevitable Deficiencies of Bias Analysis - and All Analyses. (2021) (8)
- Useful methods for sensitivity analysis of observational studies. (1999) (8)
- Comment: The Need for Syncretism in Applied Statistics (2010) (8)
- The Causal Foundations of Applied Probability and Statistics (2020) (8)
- Bayesian interpretation and analysis of research results. (2008) (8)
- Living with Statistics in Observational Research (2012) (8)
- Technical Issues in the Interpretation of S-values and Their Relation to Other Information Measures (2020) (7)
- Confounding and interaction (2005) (7)
- Inference on collapsibility in generalized linear models (1994) (7)
- Impact of Model‐Form Selection on the Accuracy of Rate Estimation (1996) (7)
- Addressing exaggeration of effects from single RCTs (2021) (7)
- How a Court Accepted a Possible Explanation: A Comment on Gastwirth, Krieger, and Rosenbaum (1997) (7)
- Confounder Summary Score (2005) (7)
- Designs and analyses for exploring the relationship of magnetic fields to childhood leukaemia: A pilot project for the Danish National Birth Cohort (2009) (7)
- Re: "The fallacy of employing standardized regression coefficients and correlations as measures of effect". (1987) (7)
- Regarding: a cohort study of systemic and local complications following implantation of testicular prostheses. (2003) (7)
- Re: "Estimating relative risk functions in case-control studies using a nonparametric logistic regression". (1997) (7)
- To curb research misreporting, replace significance and confidence by compatibility: A Preventive Medicine golden jubilee article. (2022) (6)
- Factors associated with elevated complication rates after partial-thickness or full-thickness glaucoma surgical procedures in the United States during 1994. (1998) (6)
- Family history of non-hematologic cancers among Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia patients: a preliminary study. (2012) (6)
- Underestimating effects: Why causation probabilities need to be replaced in regulation, policy, and the law (2012) (6)
- Re: Sullivan SG, Greenland S. Bayesian regression in SAS software. Int J Epidemiol 2013;42:308-17. (2014) (6)
- Invited Commentary: Science versus Public Health Action: Those Who Were Wrong Are Still Wrong (1991) (6)
- 6.13 Causation and causal inference (2009) (6)
- Elementary models for biological interaction (1985) (6)
- The Logic and Philosophy of Causal Inference: A Statistical Perspective (2011) (6)
- Assessing bias in administrative database studies of RotaTeq vaccine completion due to exclusion of subjects with incomplete follow-up (2015) (6)
- Letter to the Editor of Biometrics (1999) (5)
- Abandon statistical inference (2018) (5)
- Variable selection versus shrinkage in the control of multiple confounders. Response. (2008) (5)
- Validity and bias in epidemiological research. (2009) (5)
- Cornfield, risk relativism, and research synthesis (2012) (5)
- Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates and null p-values (2022) (5)
- Invited Commentary on “Causes” (1995) (5)
- Noncollapsibility, confounding, and sparse-data bias. Part 2: What should researchers make of persistent controversies about the odds ratio? (2021) (5)
- Marijuana Use and the Risk of Lung and Upper-aerodigestive-Tract Cancers (2006) (5)
- Are E-values too optimistic or too pessimistic? Both and neither! (2022) (4)
- GLST: Stata module for trend estimation of summarized dose-response data (2009) (4)
- Ecologic Inference Problems in the Analysis of Surveillance Data (2003) (4)
- Choosing effect measures for epidemiologic data. (2002) (4)
- Cohorts versus dynamic populations: a dissenting view. (1986) (4)
- Why Confidence Intervals Should be Used in Reporting Studies of Complete Populations (2012) (4)
- A mathematic analysis of the "epidemiologic necropsy". (1991) (4)
- To Aid Statistical Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Descriptions of Statistics (2019) (4)
- Comprar Modern Epidemiology 3Ed | S. Greenland | 9780781755641 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2008) (4)
- Re: "Those who were wrong". (1990) (4)
- Re: "Statistical reasoning in epidemiology". (1992) (4)
- Conflicting definitions of confounding and their ramifications for veterinary epidemiologic research: collapsibility vs comparability. (1991) (4)
- Commentary: Addressing corporate influence through ethical guidelines. (2008) (4)
- Biased standard errors from complex survey analysis: an example from applying ordinary least squares to the national hospital ambulatory medical care survey. (2011) (4)
- Effects of electronic fetal monitoring on rates of early neonatal death, low Apgar score, and cesarean section. (1986) (4)
- A Lower Bound for the Correlation of Exponentiated Bivariate Normal Pairs (1996) (4)
- Survival from spinal cord injury. (1983) (3)
- Sander Greenland’s contribution to the Discussion of ‘Testing by betting: A strategy for statistical and scientific communication’ by Glenn Shafer (2021) (3)
- A correlational study of neural tube defects and infectious diseases. (1983) (3)
- Abandoning statistical significance is both sensible and practical (2019) (3)
- EPISENSRRI: Stata module for basic sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounders (2006) (3)
- A cohort study of systemic and local complications of toe prostheses. (2003) (3)
- Chronic Fetal Hypoxia and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Interaction Between Maternal Smoking and Low Hematocrit During Pregnancy (1990) (3)
- Rubella on a university campus: an evaluation of case immunity histories. (1980) (3)
- Letters on epidemiologic research methods. (1990) (3)
- Confounding of incidence density ratio in case-control studies. (2013) (3)
- Likelihood-ratio testing as a diagnostic method for small-sample regressions. (1992) (3)
- Race, age, and mortality among patients undergoing dialysis. (2011) (3)
- Measures of effect based on the sufficient causes model. (1993) (3)
- A commentary on ‘A comparison of Bayesian and Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding’ (2017) (2)
- A nested case-control study of oxytocin and sudden infant death syndrome. (1990) (2)
- Response: Bayesian perspectives for epidemiological research (2006) (2)
- Problems in Ecological Studies (1992) (2)
- Divergence versus decision P‐values: A distinction worth making in theory and keeping in practice: Or, how divergence P‐values measure evidence even when decision P‐values do not (2022) (2)
- EPISENS: Stata Module for Basic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results. Statistical Software Components (2013) (2)
- Re: "Inferences on odds ratios, relative risks, and risk differences based on standard regression programs". (1988) (2)
- Ecological bias and confounding (1990) (2)
- Discussion on "Statistical Issues Arising in the Women's Health Initiative" (2005) (2)
- Choosing sensible effect measures for practice and policy (2003) (2)
- Author's response to comments on "Epidemiologic Measures and Policy Formulation" (2005) (2)
- Re: Promoting healthy skepticism in the news: helping journalists get it right. (2010) (2)
- Vaccine failures in the epidemiology and control of measles. (1979) (2)
- Theory and methodology: essential tools that can become dangerous belief systems (2018) (2)
- Is Controlling Phosphorus by Decreasing Dietary Protein Intake Beneficial or Harmful in Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease? (2017) (2)
- Resolved: the probability of causation can be used in an equitable manner to resolve radiation tort claims and design compensation schemes. Con. (2000) (2)
- Letters to the EditorAuthors' Response (1994) (2)
- To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics (2019) (2)
- There are natural scores: Full comment on Shafer,"Testing by betting: A strategy for statistical and scientific communication" (2021) (2)
- Radiation exposure and thyroid cancer. (2006) (2)
- The Interaction of Nitrites with Food, Drugs, and Contaminants. (1978) (1)
- On the evolution of concepts of causal and preventive interdependence in epidemiology in the late 20th century (2022) (1)
- Effect Modification and Biological Interaction (2011) (1)
- Design versus directionality. (1991) (1)
- Re: "A method for combining matched and unmatched binary data: application to randomized, controlled trials of photocoagulation in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy". (1990) (1)
- An attempt at measuring the impact of sanitation and economics on health: a reanalysis of the Colombian National Health Survey. (1981) (1)
- Response to ‘dimensional errors of metaphorical measurements. Can they be resolved?’ (2006) (1)
- Falsificationism and clinical trials. (1992) (1)
- Re: "Comments on a meta-analysis of the relation between dietary calcium intake and blood pressure". (1999) (1)
- Plenary VI all inference is biased judgement (2011) (1)
- Epidemiological study designs (2007) (1)
- Black-box epidemiology. Author's reply (2005) (1)
- Uncertainly in Clinical Medicine (2011) (1)
- Fractional expected numbers. (1995) (1)
- Case-Control Studies: Overview† (2014) (1)
- Confounding and Confounder Control (2011) (1)
- Re: "Comparing Proportion Exposed in Case-Control Studies Using Several Control Groups". (1990) (1)
- Estimating multiple time‐fixed treatment effects using a semi‐Bayes semiparametric marginal structural Cox proportional hazards regression model (2018) (1)
- Reply to Roger Marshall (2006) (1)
- Estimation of differences and ratios of average age at first occurrence (1996) (1)
- Justification of Conditional Tests Two-By-Two Contingency Tables (1991) (1)
- Commentary: Lack of scientific influences on epidemiology (2008) (1)
- Different Cutpoints for Transient Elastography Lead to Different Associations With Cirrhosis (2017) (1)
- Annual predictions of adverse outcomes after glaucoma surgery in the United States. (1998) (1)
- The Authors Respond to “Lost in Estimation—Fitting Complex Bayesian Models” (2012) (0)
- Response to the letter ‘Recognizing chronological bias for what it is’ by Berger (2011) (0)
- Alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking, LIG1 polymorphisms and head and neck cancers risk (2005) (0)
- Local model uncertainty and incomplete-data bias - Discussion (2005) (0)
- Bias Modeling via Missing-Data Methods (2006) (0)
- Anencephaly and Spina bifida aperta (1983) (0)
- Causal Diagrams 2 November 2009 1 of 16 CAUSAL DIAGRAMS (2008) (0)
- Smoothing Methods in Epidemiology (2005) (0)
- Sensitivity Analysis and Bayesian Analysis of Smoking as an Unmeasured Confounder in a Study of Silica and Lung Cancer (2004) (0)
- Study finds no cancer link to electromagnetic fields (1993) (0)
- A Two-Phase Analysis of Air Pollution and Adverse Birth Outcomes (2006) (0)
- POSTRRI: Stata module to calculate posterior relative risks (2006) (0)
- "Black-box" epidemiology [2] (multiple letters) (2005) (0)
- Erythropoietin, Iron Depletion and Relative Thrombocytosis: A Possible Explanation for Hemoglobin-Survival Paradox in Chronic Kidney Disease (2017) (0)
- Statistics as a Hindrance and an Aid for Inference from Nonexperimental Data (2011) (0)
- Connecting Simple and Precise P‐values to Complex and Ambiguous Realities (2023) (0)
- Bayesian methods for highly correlated exposure data. Commentary (2007) (0)
- Epidemiologic (Observational) Studies (2014) (0)
- Letter to the editor of Biometrics (multiple letters) (1999) (0)
- Radiation exposure and thyroid cancer. Author's reply (2006) (0)
- Admission criteria for nonexperimental studies of treatments. (1986) (0)
- Greenland-pearl Causal Diagrams Greenland-pearl Causal Diagrams (0)
- Commentary: Antidepressants and breast cancer risk (2003) (0)
- A case-control study of the association of polymorphisms of hOGG1, APEX1, PCNA, XRCC1, LIG1 and LIG3 with lung cancer risk (2008) (0)
- Effect Modification and Interaction (2008) (0)
- Background There are many methods for measurement-error correction. These methods remain rarely used despite the ubiquity of measurement error. (2006) (0)
- FREE Dissecting Effects of Complex Mixtures: Who's Afraid of (2007) (0)
- 289-S: An Application of Survival Analysis Methods to the Study of Infant Birthweight (2005) (0)
- Validity and bias in epidemiological research (2021) (0)
- Statistics for Addressing Methodologic Issues in Epidemiology (2006) (0)
- Re: "The relation of electronic fetal monitoring patterns to infant outcome measures in a random sample of term size infants born to high risk mothers". (1983) (0)
- Remove, rather than redefine, statistical significance (2017) (0)
- Should a Meta-Analyst Want the Likelihood or the Posterior from Each Study? (2013) (0)
- Tobacco smoking, NBS1 polymorphisms, and survival in lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers with semi-Bayes adjustment for hazard ratio variation (2013) (0)
- Theoretical epidemiology, Olli S. Miettinen, Wiley, New York, 1985. No. of pages: 359, Price: $32.95 (1987) (0)
- Practice of Epidemiology Bayesian Posterior Distributions Without Markov Chains (2012) (0)
- Scientists rise up against statistical significance (2019) (0)
- Corrigendum (1952) (0)
- Basic Problems inInteraction Assessment (1993) (0)
- Book Reviews (2010) (0)
- A Note of Thanks (2011) (0)
- Hill's Criteria for Causality † (2014) (0)
- Table 1 Data for the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and cleft lip and palate in newborns as reported in a case-control study by Wyszynski and Wu (2013) (0)
- The discipline of epidemiology (1995) (0)
- The mediation proportion. Author's reply (2005) (0)
- Connecting Logistic Probability Models With Basic Dynamic Processes (2013) (0)
- 514: Separating The Impact of Changes in Maternal Age-Parity Distribution and Age-Parity-Specific Rates on Trends in Low Birth Weight Rates in the United States, 1980–2000 (2005) (0)
- Recreation policies and their implementation. (1976) (0)
- Attributable Fraction and Probability of Causation (2008) (0)
- A Case-Control Study of Colorectal Adenomatous Polyps and Consumption of Foods Containing Partially Hydrogenated Oils 1 (1999) (0)
- “black-box” Epidemiology (2005) (0)
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