
Saul Friedländer

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Israeli historian

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Why Is Saul Friedländer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Saul Friedländer is a Czech-Jewish-born historian and a professor emeritus of history at UCLA. Biography Saul Friedländer was born in Prague to a family of German-speaking Jews. He was raised in France and lived through the German Occupation of 1940–1944. From 1942 until 1946, Friedländer was hidden in a Catholic boarding school in Montluçon, near Vichy. While in hiding, he converted to Roman Catholicism and later began preparing for the Catholic priesthood. His parents attempted to flee to Switzerland, were arrested instead by Vichy French gendarmes, turned over to the Germans and were gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Not until 1946 did Friedländer learn the fate of his parents.

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Saul Friedländer's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Saul Friedländer?

Saul Friedländer is affiliated with the following schools: