Seymour Martin Lipset
American sociologist
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Seymour Martin Lipset's Degrees
- PhD Sociology Columbia University
Why Is Seymour Martin Lipset Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Seymour Martin Lipset was an American sociologist and political scientist. He was the president of the American Political Science Association. His major work was in the fields of political sociology, trade union organization, social stratification, public opinion, and the sociology of intellectual life. He also wrote extensively about the conditions for democracy in comparative perspective. A socialist in his early life, Lipset later moved to the right, and was considered to be one of the first neoconservatives.
Seymour Martin Lipset's Published Works
Published Works
- Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy (1959) (6042)
- Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics (1960) (3096)
- Class, citizenship, and social development (1964) (1491)
- Party systems and voter alignments : cross-national perspectives : [Contributors: Robert R. Alford and others] (1969) (1026)
- Social Mobility in Industrial Society (1959) (780)
- The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited (1995) (708)
- The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited: 1993 Presidential Address (1994) (642)
- American Exceptionalism : A Double-Edged Sword (1997) (642)
- Continental Divide: The Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada (1990) (581)
- Union Democracy: The Internal Politics of the International Typographical Union (1957) (443)
- Democracy and Working-Class Authoritarianism (1959) (434)
- Democracy in Developing Countries (1988) (400)
- The First New Nation (1964) (394)
- The Confidence Gap: Business, Labor, and Government in the Public Mind. (1984) (364)
- Bridging the Gap Between Standards and Achievement The Imperative for Professional Development in Education (2002) (354)
- The first new nation : the United States in historical and comparative perspective (1964) (352)
- The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America, 1790-1970 (1973) (298)
- Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives (1969) (267)
- The Confidence Gap (1983) (211)
- Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Party Politics in America (review) (1996) (208)
- Liberalism, Fascism, or Social Democracy: Social Classes and the Political Origins of Regimes in Interwar Europe (1991) (207)
- The divided academy: professors and politics (1976) (206)
- Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America (1989) (204)
- The New England Merchants in the Seventeenth Century. (1956) (201)
- The confidence gap : business, labor, and government in the public mind (1986) (172)
- The breakdown of class politics : a debate on post-industrial stratification (2003) (167)
- Social Structure And Mobility In Economic Development (1967) (158)
- Radicalism or Reformism: The Sources of Working-class Politics (1983) (150)
- The Indispensability of Political Parties (2000) (148)
- Rebellion in the university (1973) (134)
- The value patterns of democracy : a case study in comparative analysis (1963) (108)
- Jews and the new American scene (1995) (103)
- The Decline of Confidence in American Institutions (1983) (100)
- The Democratic Century (2004) (93)
- Politics and the social sciences (1970) (93)
- The state of American Sociology (1994) (92)
- Reexamining democracy : essays in honor of Seymour Martin Lipset (1993) (88)
- Class, status and power : a reader in social stratification (1954) (87)
- Historical Traditions and National Characteristics: A Comparative Analysis of Canada and the United States (1986) (87)
- Presidents vs. Parliaments: The Centrality of Political Culture (2008) (87)
- Agrarian Socialism: The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan; A Study in Political Sociology. (1951) (86)
- Party systems and voter alignments revisited (2001) (84)
- Elites in Latin America. (1968) (83)
- The work ethic, then and now (1992) (81)
- Professors, unions, and American higher education (1974) (80)
- Student Politics and Higher Education in the United States (1966) (76)
- Class, status, and power : social stratification in comparative perspective (1967) (76)
- The Confidence Gap during the Reagan Years, 1981-1987 (1987) (74)
- The encyclopedia of democracy (1995) (74)
- The changing class structure and contemporary european politics (1964) (74)
- Racial and Ethnic Conflicts: A Global Perspective (1992) (72)
- Does Enrollment Diversity Improve University Education (2003) (71)
- University students and politics in underdeveloped countries (1964) (68)
- The Politics of American Sociologists (1972) (67)
- The Academic Mind at the Top: The Political Behavior and Values of Faculty Elites (1982) (64)
- Revolution and counterrevolution : change and persistence in social structures (1968) (62)
- The intellectual as critic and rebel : with special reference to the Unied States and the Soviet Union (1972) (61)
- Mass politics : studies in political sociology (1972) (61)
- Students in Revolt (1970) (60)
- The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. Mccarthy and the Senate@@@The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America, 1790-1970@@@From Thurmond to Wallace: Political Tendencies in Georgia, 1948-1968 (1971) (58)
- The Radical Right: A Problem for American Democracy (1955) (57)
- Social Mobility and Occupational Career Patterns II. Social Mobility (1952) (57)
- Consensus and Conflict: Essays in Political Sociology (1987) (56)
- The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America, 1790-1970. (1972) (54)
- The future of private sector unions in the U.S. (2001) (53)
- Values and Entrepreneurship in the Americas (2000) (51)
- Failure of a dream?: Essays in the history of American socialism, (1975) (50)
- The Berkeley student revolt: facts and interpretations (1965) (50)
- Social Conflict, Legitimacy, and Democracy (1969) (49)
- Soziologie der Demokratie (1962) (48)
- The Berkeley Student Revolt. (1966) (48)
- The divided academy (1975) (44)
- Politics of academic natural scientists and engineers. (1972) (44)
- Elites in Latin America (1968) (40)
- Cleavages, parties and democracy (2001) (40)
- Anticipations of the failure of communism (1994) (40)
- Social mobility and political attitudes : comparative perspectives (1993) (37)
- American Exceptionalism Reaffirmed (1990) (36)
- Social status and social structure : a re-examination of data and interpretations (1951) (35)
- No Third Way: A Comparative Perspective on the Left (1991) (35)
- Party Systems and the Representation of Social Groups (1960) (34)
- Consensus and conflict (1985) (33)
- The Third century : America as a post-industrial society (1982) (32)
- Unions in transition : entering the second century (1987) (31)
- Culture and Social Character (1962) (31)
- American Exceptionalism. By Deborah L. Madsen. (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1998. viii, 186 pp. Paper, $18.00, ISBN 1-57806-108-3.) (2000) (31)
- The president, the polls, and vietnam (1966) (30)
- Sociology and history : methods (1968) (30)
- Racial Diversity Reconsidered. (2003) (30)
- Turner and the Sociology of the Frontier. (1969) (29)
- The Divided Professoriate (1971) (29)
- students and politics (1968) (28)
- Lonely Crowd 10 Years Later. (Book Reviews: Culture and Social Character. The work of David Riesman reviewed) (1962) (26)
- I. Malaise and Resiliency in America (1995) (25)
- Reflections on Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy (2008) (25)
- Trade Unions and Social Structure: II (1961) (25)
- Party Coalitions in the 1980s (1981) (23)
- Steady work: An academic memoir (1996) (23)
- Union Democracy: The Internal Politics of the International Typographical Union. (1958) (22)
- Culture and Economic Behavior: A Commentary (1993) (21)
- The Paradox of American Unionism: Why Americans Like Unions More Than Canadians Do, But Join Much Less (2004) (21)
- Social Stratification and 'Right-Wing Extremism' (1959) (20)
- Class, Status, and Power: A Reader in Social Stratification (1954) (20)
- Trade Union Exceptionalism: The United States and Canada (1995) (19)
- Labour and Trade Unionism. (1961) (19)
- Education And Politics At Harvard (1976) (19)
- Change and controversy in recent American sociology (1961) (19)
- Job Plans and Entry into the Labor Market (1955) (19)
- Sociology: The Progress of a Decade. A Collection of Articles (1962) (18)
- Emerging coalitions in American politics (1979) (18)
- Social Mobility and Occupational Career Patterns I. Stability of Jobholding (1952) (18)
- 12 Critical Commentary: Four Perspectives on the End of Class Politics? (1999) (18)
- Neoconservatism: Myth and reality (1988) (18)
- Social Origins and Occupational Career Patterns (1954) (18)
- Political Change in Israel@@@Political Culture in Israel: Cleavage and Integration Among Israeli Jews (1979) (17)
- The Americanization of the European Left (2001) (17)
- The Politics of Unreason: Right-wing Extremism in America 1790-1970 (1972) (17)
- Opinion Formation in a Crisis Situation (1953) (17)
- The Values of Canadians and Americans: A Reply (1990) (17)
- The new class and the professoriate (1979) (17)
- Equal Chances versus Equal Results (1992) (16)
- Passion and politics : student activism in America (1971) (16)
- Class, Status and Power: Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective (1968) (16)
- The Politics of American Political Scientists (1971) (15)
- First Jobs and Career Patterns1 (1955) (15)
- Religion in America: What Religious Revival? (1959) (14)
- American pluralism and the Jewish community (1991) (14)
- The Canadian Identity (2006) (14)
- American student activism in comparative perspective. (1970) (14)
- George Washington and the Founding of Democracy (1998) (13)
- Canada and the United States‐A Comparative View* (2008) (13)
- The Wallace Whitelash (1969) (13)
- Opening the Mexican political system: Public opinion and the elections of 1994 and 1997 (1998) (12)
- Value Differences, Absolute or Relative: the English-Speaking Democracies (1968) (11)
- The Elections, the Economy and Public Opinion: 1984 (1985) (11)
- Political philosophy : theories, thinkers, concepts (2001) (11)
- Political cleavages in "developed" and "Emerging" polities (1964) (11)
- Unions in Transition: Entering the Second Century. (1989) (11)
- Democracy in private government (a case study of the International Typographical Union). 1952. (1952) (10)
- Survey of the Social, Political, and Educational Perspectives of American College and University Faculty. Final Report. 2 Volumes. (1976) (10)
- The Significance of the 1992 Election (1993) (10)
- Comparing Canadian and American unions (1987) (10)
- Academics, politics, and the 1972 election (1974) (10)
- Rebellion in the university: A history of student activism in America (1972) (9)
- A unique people in an exceptional country (1990) (9)
- Democracy in Asia and Africa (1998) (9)
- Student Opposition in the United States (1966) (9)
- A select bibliography on students, politics, and higher education (1967) (9)
- American Student Activism. (1968) (9)
- College Generations-From the 1930's to the 1960's. (1971) (9)
- Professors, Unions, and American Higher Education. (1975) (9)
- Prejudice and society (1959) (9)
- Some Further Comments on “The End of Ideology” (1966) (8)
- Passion And Politics (1971) (8)
- A Sociologist Looks at History (1958) (8)
- Democracy in Developing Countries: Volume 3, Asia. (1989) (8)
- American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword@@@American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. (1997) (8)
- Education and politics at Harvard : two essays prepared for the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (1975) (7)
- Academia and politics in America (1972) (7)
- Democracy in Asia (1989) (7)
- Technology, work, and social change (1996) (7)
- American Union Density in Comparative Perspective (1998) (7)
- Exceptional Individualism@@@Middle American Individualism: The Future of Liberal Democracy. (1989) (7)
- Education and equality: Israel and the united states compared (1974) (6)
- 'Working-Class Authoritarianism': A Reply to Miller and Riessman (1961) (6)
- Against Exceptionalisms@@@American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. (1997) (6)
- Political Correctness, Historically Speaking. (1992) (6)
- The Nationalism of Cultural Uniqueness@@@American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. (1997) (6)
- Beyond 1984: The Anomalies of American Politics (1986) (6)
- Labor and Trade Unionism, an Interdisciplinary Reader (1962) (6)
- Class, Status, and Power: Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective (1967) (5)
- Diversity and affirmative action: The state of campus opinion (2002) (5)
- From abundance to scarcity : implications for the American tradition (1978) (5)
- Commentary: Social Stratification Research and Soviet Scholarship (1973) (5)
- Frustrated demand for unionisation: the case of the United States and Canada revisited (2001) (5)
- Labor and Trade Unionism: An Interdisciplinary Reader. (1961) (5)
- Liberalism, Conservatism, and Americanism (1989) (5)
- Failures of extremism (1982) (5)
- The Law and Trade Union Democracy (1961) (5)
- Democracy in Europe and the Americas (1998) (5)
- The End of Political Exceptionalism (1999) (4)
- Issues in politics and government (1970) (4)
- Unionizing the Professoriate. (1973) (4)
- Some thoughts on the past, present and future of American Jewry (1994) (4)
- The American Jews, the 1984 Elections, and Beyond (1984) (4)
- Introduction by Seymour Martin Lipset (1972) (4)
- Faculty Unions and Collegiality (1975) (4)
- Antisemitism today a symposium (1982) (4)
- The Myth of the "Conservative" Professor: A Reply to Michael Faia' (1974) (4)
- The possible political effects of student activism (1969) (4)
- Carter vs. Israel : what the polls reveal : a commentary report (1977) (4)
- Dialogues on American politics (1978) (3)
- Defining Moments and Recurring Myths: A Reply (2008) (3)
- Culture and Social Character: The Work of David Riesman (1963) (3)
- Critics and crusaders on neoconservatism (1989) (3)
- Trade unionism in Canada and the United States: a reply to Bowden (2008) (3)
- Democracy in Developing Countries, Vol. II: Africa (1989) (3)
- The American Creed: Does It Matter? Should It Change? (1996) (3)
- Recent Discussion Papers from the ‘ Future of Trade Unions in Modern Britain ’ Programme Centre for Economic Performance (2001) (3)
- Class and party in the Eisenhower years : class roles and perspectives in the 1952 and 1956 elections (1964) (3)
- Labor and Socialism in Canada and United States (1990) (3)
- Voluntary Activities: More Canadian-American Comparisons: A Reply (1989) (3)
- The Economy, Elections, and Public Opinion (1983) (2)
- Group Life in America: A Task Force Report of the American Jewish Committee. (1975) (2)
- A Reply To Lang (1981) (2)
- Professors, Unions, and American Higher Education.@@@Antibias Regulation of Universities: Faculty Problems and Their Solutions. (1975) (2)
- Roosevelt and clinton (1993) (2)
- Sociology and Political Science: A Bibliographical Note (1964) (2)
- Comments by Reviewers@@@The Transformation of American Industrial Relations. (1988) (2)
- The Birth and Meaning of America: A Discussion of The First New Nation* (1965) (2)
- How Education Affects the Youth Vote. (1972) (2)
- The United States : the first new nation (1964) (2)
- Class and Opportunity in Europe and the U.S. Some Myths and What the Statistics Show (1955) (2)
- The Sociology of marxism (1963) (2)
- Socialism, left and right, east and west (1958) (2)
- China in Transition: A Travel Memoir, May-June, 1984 (1984) (2)
- The emergence of the one-party South : the election of 1860 (1960) (1)
- Federalism and socialism (1985) (1)
- Whither The First New Nation (1979) (1)
- Two Americas, Two Value Systems : Blacks and Whites (1992) (1)
- Approaches Toward Reducing the Costs of Comparative Survey Research (1963) (1)
- Authors’ and Reviewers’ Preferences for Modes of Submitting and Reviewing Manuscripts (2005) (1)
- International Typographical Union Study (Union Democracy) (1966) (1)
- Who's who in democracy (1997) (1)
- The Unchanging Party System@@@Parties and Elections in an Anti-Party Age: American Politics and the Crisis of Confidence.@@@Emerging Coalitions in American Politics. (1980) (1)
- Political Participation and the Organization of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan (1948) (1)
- Sociological Future-Predicting@@@The Third Century: America As a Post-Industrial Society. (1981) (1)
- Politics and Society in the USSR: A Traveller's Report (1990) (1)
- Ideology and Mythology: Reply to Coleman Romalis (and Other Critics) (1972) (1)
- Comparative National Development Project (Puerto Rico) (1964) (1)
- From Apathy to Revolt And Back to Apathy: Student Politics in America by Philip Altbach (1974) (1)
- The Politics of the Police (1972) (1)
- On Equality: III. Social Mobility and Equal Opportunity. (1972) (1)
- Polls and Protests (1971) (1)
- Portrait of a Discipline: The American Political Science Community, Part II. (1974) (1)
- The Rural Community and Political Leadership in Saskatchewan (1947) (1)
- Harvard's Economics Department: The Storm Over Ideology (1975) (1)
- A Protest Movement Becalmed.Leo Zakuta (1965) (1)
- 3. A Comparative Study of Social Mobility, Its Causes and Consequences (1958) (1)
- 5. Israel, the X-Factor (1995) (1)
- US Revisited. A Survey Portrait of the American Political Science Community. (1978) (1)
- The Divided Academy: Professors and Politics@@@Education and Politics at Harvard (1979) (0)
- Distinctive nations: the values and cultures of Canada and the U.S. (1989) (0)
- Book Review:The American Communist Party: A Critical History (1919-1957). Irving Howe, Lewis Coser (1959) (0)
- Panel : individual and group decision (1961) (0)
- Social Structure and Political Activity (1968) (0)
- The Western Allies 50 Years Later: Malaise and Resiliency in America (1995) (0)
- 1. An Old People in a New Land (1995) (0)
- Why Wapor has a Helen Dinerman Award (2001) (0)
- Books received (1985) (0)
- The fairness trap (1993) (0)
- Is carter sure to win? (1976) (0)
- Polling and Science (1949) (0)
- Old Habits and Old Myths (2000) (0)
- In Confidence We Trust@@@The Confidence Gap: Business, Labor, and Government in the Public Mind. (1984) (0)
- Neoconservatism: myth and reality. - The short happy life of neoconservatism / Peter Steinfels (2010) (0)
- Learned journals: Social studies (1994) (0)
- Social status & social structure (1952) (0)
- 6. Still on the Left (1995) (0)
- Comparative National Development Project (Columbia) (1964) (0)
- Canada and the United States (1991) (0)
- Author Index to Volume 228, April-June 1985 (1985) (0)
- Volume Information (1968) (0)
- SOY volume 12 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1995) (0)
- Agrarian Socialism; The Coöperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan: A Study in Political Sociology . By S. M. Lipset. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press [Toronto: Oxford University Press]. 1950. Pp. xx, 315. $5.00. (1951) (0)
- More than the History of a Department@@@A History of the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University (Part I)@@@A History of the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University (Part II) (1957) (0)
- Gouldner and "The Politics of American Sociologists" (1973) (0)
- Comparative National Development Project (Yugoslavia) (1965) (0)
- From the Sixties to the Nineties: A Double-edged Sword at Work (1996) (0)
- 3. The Downside of Exceptionalism (1995) (0)
- Interpreting the Polls (1976) (0)
- Industrialization and Democracy. Karl de Schweinitz, Jr. (1965) (0)
- 4. The Riddle of the Defensive Jew (1995) (0)
- Book reviews (1976) (0)
- Failures of extremism (1998) (0)
- A unique people in an exceptional country (1990) (0)
- Consensus and conflict : collected papers (1985) (0)
- For Whom the Bell "Toils"@@@Unions in Transition: Entering the Second Century (1987) (0)
- The Political Animal: Genus Americana (1959) (0)
- Letters from readers (1986) (0)
- The Shifting Bases of American Politics (1981) (0)
- History of Lessons: The University in Society (1975) (0)
- Response to Criticism (2003) (0)
- Valores e instituciones estadunidenses desde una perspectiva occidental comparativa (1996) (0)
- Student Activism: An International Perspective. (1971) (0)
- Are Canadians Really Different from Americans?@@@Continental Divide: The Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada. (1991) (0)
- Nominating Committee Welcomes Suggestions (1987) (0)
- The State of American Sociology1 (1994) (0)
- Polling and Science II (1950) (0)
- Ken Arrow — Success without Pressure: an Interview (1987) (0)
- Opportunity and Welfare in the First New Nation. (1974) (0)
- Nonvoting and Crime Rates (1993) (0)
- Books Received (2001) (0)
- Recession and liberty (1976) (0)
- How the left failed (1993) (0)
- Response : Politics and Engineers (1973) (0)
- Comparative National Development Project (Mexico) (1962) (0)
- Comparative Analysis of Student Activism. Final Report. (1968) (0)
- Letter to the editor. (1973) (0)
- Coalitions@@@Emerging Coalitions in American Politics (1979) (0)
- 7. The Fragile Remnants (1995) (0)
- Report on 12th World Congress of Political Science, Rio de Janeiro, August 9-14, 1982 (1982) (0)
- Beyond 1984: The Future of American Politics (1986) (0)
- Introduction. America’s Tribal Dilemma (1995) (0)
- Jews and the New American Scene. By Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995. xii, 239 pp. $22.95, ISBN 0-674-47493-7.) (1995) (0)
- Political Parties in a New Nation: The American Experience, 1776–1809. By Chambers William Nisbet. (New York, Oxford University Press, 1963. Pp. 231. $4.50.) (1963) (0)
- Johnson fra colombe e falchi (1966) (0)
- The Political Relevance of Social Research (2003) (0)
- Editorial (1966) (0)
- 2. The Promise of Double Freedom (1995) (0)
- Social Stratification: Theory and Synthesis@@@The American Class Structure@@@Social Stratification@@@Class Status and Power (1957) (0)
- "Ideology and Political Bias": A Reply to Peck (1962) (0)
- Israeli Ecstasies/ Jewish Agonies.Irving Louis Horowitz (1975) (0)
- Democracy at the polls: An expository review (1982) (0)
- Comparative National Development Project (Uruguay) (1966) (0)
- The social roots of United States protectionism (1995) (0)
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What Are Seymour Martin Lipset's Academic Contributions?
Seymour Martin Lipset is most known for their academic work in the field of sociology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Seymour Martin Lipset has made the following academic contributions: