Stephen H. Davis
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Stephen H. Davis's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Stephen H. Davis Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Stephen Howard Davis was an American applied mathematician working in the fields of fluid mechanics and materials science. Davis was the McCormick School Institute Professor and the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Applied Mathematics at Northwestern University. Davis has been listed as an ISI Highly Cited researcher in Engineering. His work was acknowledged in festschrifts in 2002.
Stephen H. Davis's Published Works
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Published Works
- Long-scale evolution of thin liquid films (1997) (2404)
- On the motion of a fluid-fluid interface along a solid surface (1974) (741)
- Nonlinear stability of evaporating/condensing liquid films (1988) (619)
- Instabilities of dynamic thermocapillary liquid layers. Part 1. Convective instabilities (1983) (593)
- Nonlinear theory of film rupture (1982) (401)
- Theory of Solidification (2001) (342)
- Convection in a box: linear theory (1967) (290)
- The Stability of Time-Periodic Flows (1976) (286)
- Non-isothermal spreading of liquid drops on horizontal plates (1991) (261)
- Long-wave instabilities of heated falling films: two-dimensional theory of uniform layers (1991) (251)
- Instabilities of dynamic thermocapillary liquid layers. Part 2. Surface-wave instabilities (1983) (248)
- The spreading of volatile liquid droplets on heated surfaces (1995) (235)
- Steady thermocapillary flows in two-dimensional slots (1982) (229)
- Moving contact lines and rivulet instabilities. Part 1. The static rivulet (1980) (224)
- Linear stability theory of oscillatory Stokes layers (1974) (176)
- Nonlinear rupture of free films (1993) (173)
- Convective thermocapillary instabilities in liquid bridges (1984) (158)
- Spreading and imbibition of viscous liquid on a porous base (1998) (147)
- Energy stability theory for free-surface problems: buoyancy-thermocapillary layers (1980) (133)
- Slip over rough and coated surfaces (1994) (126)
- Bifurcation from Infinity (1979) (126)
- Viscous beads on vertical fibre (2001) (123)
- One-Dimensional Liquid Fibers (1982) (121)
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (1994) (120)
- Instabilities of three-dimensional viscous falling films (1992) (117)
- A convective Cahn-Hilliard model for the formation of facets and corners in crystal growth (1998) (116)
- Bénard convection with time‐periodic heating (1984) (116)
- Instabilities of a liquid film flowing down a slightly inclined plane (1987) (115)
- Coarsening dynamics of the convective Cahn-Hilliard equation (2003) (113)
- Periodic mass shedding of a retracting solid film step (2000) (107)
- Hydrodynamic interactions in directional solidification (1990) (104)
- Buoyancy-surface tension instability by the method of energy (1969) (103)
- The case for a dynamic contact angle in containerless solidification (1996) (103)
- Topology for Computing (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics) (2005) (101)
- Nonlinear Marangoni convection in bounded layers. Part 1. Circular cylindrical containers (1982) (101)
- Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics (1985) (96)
- Steady thermocapillary flows of thin liquid layers. II. Experiment (1990) (95)
- Interactive dynamics of convection and solidification (1992) (93)
- Linear stability theory of two-layer fluid flow in an inclined channel (1994) (92)
- Capillary instabilities in solid thin films: Lines (1996) (88)
- Convective Cahn-Hilliard models: from coarsening to roughening. (2001) (88)
- Pattern selection in single-component systems coupling Bénard convection and solidification (1984) (85)
- A mechanism for rivulet formation in heated falling films (1996) (81)
- Steady thermocapillary flows of thin liquid layers. I. Theory (1990) (80)
- Fluid-dynamic flapping of a collapsible channel: sound generation and flow limitation. (1980) (79)
- Faceting of a growing crystal surface by surface diffusion. (2003) (78)
- Self-organization of quantum dots in epitaxially strained solid films. (2003) (78)
- Nonlinear long-wave stability of superposed fluids in an inclined channel (1994) (76)
- Contact-line problems in fluid mechanics (1983) (76)
- On the principle of exchange of stabilities (1969) (75)
- Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics) (2006) (72)
- Magnetization dynamics triggered by surface acoustic waves (2010) (71)
- The dynamics and stability of thin liquid films during spin coating. I. Films with constant rates of evaporation or absorption (1991) (65)
- Bifurcation with memory (1986) (62)
- Morphological instability in rapid directional solidification (1990) (60)
- Liquid bridges with thermocapillarity (1983) (58)
- Steady growth of nanowires via the vapor-liquid-solid method (2007) (56)
- A plate oscillating across a liquid interface: effects of contact-angle hysteresis (1987) (54)
- Faceting instability in the presence of wetting interactions: A mechanism for the formation of quantum dots (2004) (54)
- On the sedimentation of a sphere in a centrifuge (1975) (54)
- Viscous attenuation of mean drift in water waves (1977) (53)
- Centrifugal instabilities during spin-down to rest in finite cylinders. Numerical experiments (1981) (53)
- The instability of sheared liquid layers (1982) (52)
- A reformulation of energy stability theory (1973) (51)
- Anisotropic interface kinetics and tilted cells in unidirectional solidification (1987) (51)
- Model for faceting in a kinetically controlled crystal growth (1999) (50)
- Two-fluid viscous flow in a corner (1993) (49)
- Freezing of supercooled water drops on cold solid substrates: initiation and mechanism (2015) (49)
- Flow induced morphological instabilities: Stagnation-point flows (1988) (48)
- Instability of capillary jets with thermocapillarity (1985) (47)
- Effects of Surface Curvature and Property Variation on Cellular Convection (1968) (46)
- Nonlinear dynamics in horizontal film boiling (1998) (44)
- Self-assembly of quantum dots in a thin epitaxial film wetting an elastic substrate (2007) (43)
- Stability in systems with moving contact lines (1986) (41)
- Moving contact lines and rivulet instabilities. Part 2. Long waves on flat rivulets (1981) (41)
- Thermal effects in rapid directional solidification: linear theory (1993) (39)
- Local fluid and heat flow near contact lines (1994) (39)
- Particle capture in binary solidification (2008) (37)
- Convective fluid flow and diagenetic patterns in domed sheets (1985) (37)
- Rupture of thin films with resonant substrate patterning. (2006) (36)
- Thermal instability with radiative transfer (1970) (35)
- The encapsulation of particles and bubbles by an advancing solidification front (2006) (34)
- Spreading and arrest of a molten liquid on cold substrates. (2014) (34)
- The Stability of Oscillatory Stokes Layers (1972) (34)
- Some a priori estimates for a singular evolution equation arising in thin-film dynamics (1996) (34)
- Nonlinear stability of Newtonian fibres (1984) (34)
- On the stability of the decelerating laminar boundary layer (1984) (34)
- On a slender dry patch in a liquid film draining under gravity down an inclined plane (2001) (33)
- Capillarity driven motion of solid film wedges (1997) (31)
- How Do Liquid Drops Spread on Solids (1985) (31)
- Flow-induced morphological instabilities: The rotating disc (1988) (31)
- Morphological instability of a whisker (1999) (31)
- Convection in a box: on the dependence of preferred wave-number upon the Rayleigh number at finite amplitude (1968) (31)
- The linear stability of plane stagnation-point flow against general disturbances (1991) (30)
- Universal pinch off of rods by capillarity-driven surface diffusion (1998) (30)
- Effects of boundary conditions on the stability of slender viscous fibers (1984) (30)
- The unsteady expansion and contraction of a long two-dimensional vapour bubble between superheated or subcooled parallel plates (1999) (30)
- Apparent surface tension hysteresis of a dynamical system (1975) (29)
- Do stresses modify wetting angles (2001) (29)
- Viscous thermocapillary convection at high Marangoni number (1983) (29)
- Radius selection and droplet unpinning in vapor-liquid-solid-grown nanowires (2010) (29)
- Shear stabilization of morphological instability during directional solidification (1995) (29)
- An analysis of convection in a mushy layer with a deformable permeable interface (2008) (28)
- Vortex flows impart chirality-specific lift forces (2015) (26)
- The effect of tri-junction conditions in droplet solidification (2004) (26)
- Coupled Lorenz oscillators (1987) (26)
- Directional solidification with heat losses (1988) (26)
- Meandering of water rivulets (1984) (24)
- Hydrodynamic theory of liquid slippage on a solid substrate near a moving contact line. (2013) (24)
- Energy stability of the buoyancy boundary layer (1971) (24)
- Multiple solutions and hysteresis in steady parallel viscous flows (1983) (24)
- Thermal singularities in film rupture (1996) (24)
- Step-flow growth of a nanowire in the vapor-liquid-solid and vapor-solid-solid processes (2008) (24)
- On falling‐film instabilities and wave breaking (1991) (23)
- Inertial effects in time-dependent motion of thin films and drops (2002) (23)
- Motion driven by surface-tension gradients in a tube lining (1974) (23)
- Long-wave morphological instabilities in the directional solidification of a dilute binary mixture (1990) (23)
- Forced versus Spontaneous Spreading of Liquids. (2016) (23)
- Effect of anisotropy on morphological instability in the freezing of a hypercooled melt (1997) (22)
- Maternal, placental blood flow: a model with velocity-dependent permeability. (1977) (22)
- Suppressing van der Waals driven rupture through shear (2010) (22)
- Modulated stagnation-point flow and steady streaming (1989) (21)
- Stability of reaction and transport processes, Morton M. Denn. Prentice‐Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 243 pages, $ (1976) (21)
- The effect of surface stress and wetting layers on morphological instability in epitaxially strained films (2004) (21)
- Flow-induced changes of the morphological stability in directional solidification: localized morphologies (1998) (21)
- The influence of oscillatory and steady shears on interfacial stability during directional solidification (1994) (21)
- Inviscid Cone Flows with Surface Mass Transfer. (1966) (21)
- Thermocapillary instability as a mechanism for film boiling collapse (2018) (20)
- Thermocapillary breakdown of falling liquid films at high Reynolds numbers (1993) (20)
- A Quasiperiodic Mathieu–Hill Equation (1980) (20)
- A new law of thinning in foam dynamics (2005) (20)
- Energy stability theory of decelerating swirl flows (1980) (20)
- Pattern selection with anisotropy during directional solidification (1996) (20)
- Fluid flow, heat transfer, and solidification near tri-junctions (1994) (20)
- Boundary-integral simulations of containerless solidification (2003) (20)
- On Bifurcating Periodic Solutions at Low Frequency (1977) (19)
- Effects of flow on morphological stability during directional solidification (1996) (19)
- Effective and microscopic contact angles in thin film dynamics (2000) (19)
- Finite amplitude instability of time-dependent flows (1971) (19)
- The dynamics and stability of thin liquid films during spin coating. II. Films with unit‐order and large Peclet numbers (1991) (19)
- Calculation of transition matrices (1975) (18)
- Instability of triple junctions in lamellar eutectic growth (2001) (18)
- Capillary instabilities of a catenoidal hole in a solid film (1997) (18)
- Moving boundary problems governed by anomalous diffusion (2012) (17)
- Bénard convection in binary mixtures with Soret effects and solidification (1992) (17)
- Fast strain wave induced magnetization changes in long cobalt bars: Domain motion versus coherent rotation (2015) (16)
- Liquid droplet dynamics and complex morphologies in vapor–liquid–solid nanowire growth (2011) (16)
- Foam mechanics: spontaneous rupture of thinning liquid films with Plateau borders (2010) (16)
- Energy stability of the Ekman boundary layer (1971) (16)
- Long-Wave Interactions in Morphological and Convective Instabilities (1990) (15)
- Buoyancy effects of a growing, isolated dendrite (1991) (15)
- Stability and topological transformations of liquid droplets on vapor-liquid-solid nanowires (2012) (14)
- The effect of compositionally-generated elastic stresses on morphological instability during directional solidification (1992) (14)
- Moffatt vortices induced by the motion of a contact line (2014) (14)
- Morphological instability of pores and tubules (2002) (13)
- Lifetime measurement in the a system (C3?3-X3?3) of TiO (1978) (13)
- Nonlinear instability of a fluid layer flowing down a vertical wallunder imposed time-periodic perturbations (1997) (13)
- Flow-induced patterns in directional solidification: localized morphologies in three-dimensional flows (2000) (13)
- Pulsatile instability in rapid directional solidification: strongly-nonlinear analysis (1992) (12)
- Oscillatory instabilities in rapid directional solidification: bifurcation theory (1991) (12)
- Two- and three-dimensional instabilities and rupture of thin liquid films falling on heated inclined plate (1993) (12)
- Thermocapillary instabilities in a horizontal liquid layer under partial basal slip (2018) (12)
- Directional solidification near minimum C∞: two-dimensional isolas and multiple solutions (1989) (12)
- Convection in a Mushy Zone Forced by Sidewall Heat Losses (2007) (12)
- The instability of a stratified periodic boundary layer (1976) (11)
- Dynamics and instability of triple junctions of solidifying eutectics: flow-modified morphologies (2002) (11)
- The equilibria of vesicles adhered to substrates by short-ranged potentials (2013) (11)
- Self-similar coalescence of clean foams (2013) (10)
- Directional solidification of a binary alloy into a cellular convective flow: localized morphologies (1998) (10)
- Mechanisms of surface alloy segregation on faceted core-shell nanowire growth (2017) (10)
- Dynamics and stability of metallic foams: Network modeling (2012) (10)
- Thermometry and thermal management of carbon nanotube circuits (2015) (10)
- Mechanisms of morphological evolution on faceted core-shell nanowire surfaces (2016) (10)
- The importance of being thin (2017) (10)
- Hydrodynamic stability of the melt during the solidification of a binary alloy with small segregation coefficient (1989) (10)
- Modeling the formation of facets and corners using a convective Cahn?Hilliard model (1999) (9)
- The effect of heat conduction in the vapor on the dynamics of downflowing condensate (2002) (9)
- The effect of glass-forming sugars on vesicle morphology and water distribution during drying (2014) (9)
- Flow-induced morphological instabilities due to temporarily-modulated stagnation-point flow (1989) (9)
- Free boundaries in viscous flows (1994) (9)
- Fluid flow beneath a semipermeable membrane during drying processes. (2012) (9)
- Stability criteria for swirl flows with free surfaces (1986) (8)
- Shear stabilization of a solidifying front: Weakly nonlinear analysis in a long‐wave limit (1996) (8)
- Stabilization mechanisms in the evolution of thin liquid-films (2015) (7)
- On the Possibility of Subcritical Instabilities (1971) (7)
- Droplet spreading: Theory and experiments (2013) (7)
- Similarity solutions for phase-change problems (1989) (7)
- Instabilities in rapid solidification of multi-component alloys (2017) (7)
- Faceted interfaces in directional solidification (2008) (7)
- Theory of Solidification: Phase-Field Models (2001) (6)
- Cellular instability in rapid directional solidification: Bifurcation theory (1992) (6)
- Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics: A Collection of Research Papers Written in Commemoration of the 65th Birthday of Stanley Corrsin (1985) (6)
- Delay of ice formation on penguin feathers (2020) (5)
- Onset of double-diffusive convection in near-critical gas mixtures. (2018) (5)
- Elastic membranes in confinement (2014) (5)
- Instability of subcooled boiling film on a vertical wall (2002) (5)
- The CN spectrum from the infrared to the ultraviolet (2005) (5)
- Frequency dependence of pressure--volume loops in isolated dog lobes. (1980) (5)
- Eigenvalues of the Rayleigh-Benard and Marangoni problems (1981) (5)
- Eckhaus instabilities in generalized Landau-Ginzburg equations (1989) (5)
- Localisation of convection in mushy layers by weak background flow (2011) (5)
- Shear Localization with an Arrhenius Flow Law (2000) (5)
- Analysis for the prediction of non-equilibrium phase formation in rapid conduction cooling (1978) (5)
- Thermal effects in rapid directional solidification: weakly-nonlinear analysis of oscillatory instabilities (1993) (4)
- Step bunching in the absence of an Ehrlich–Schwoebel barrier during nanowire growth (2010) (4)
- On asymptotic solutions of boundary value problems defined on thin domains (1985) (4)
- Inclined film boiling: Film stability and heat transfer (2019) (4)
- Nonaxisymmetric droplet unpinning in vapor-liquid-solid-grown nanowires (2013) (4)
- On long-wave morphological instabilities in directional solidification (1995) (4)
- Anomalous diffusion models in the presence of a moving interface (2013) (4)
- Instabilities in rapid directional solidification under weak flow. (2017) (4)
- Crystal growing from the melt (1987) (4)
- Convective Cahn-Hilliard models for kinetically controlled crystal growth (2000) (4)
- Unsteady Stokes flow near an oscillating, heated contact line (2001) (4)
- Microstructural effects in aqueous foam fracture (2015) (4)
- Theory of Solidification: Introduction (2001) (3)
- Shear and interfacial instabilities of oil-water flow in an inclined channel (1996) (3)
- Spreading and evaporation of liquid drops on solids (1993) (3)
- Strong Shear-Flow Modulation of Instabilities in Rapid Directional Solidification (2018) (3)
- Nonlinear Marangoni convection in bounded layers. Part 2. Rectangular cylindrical containers (1982) (3)
- Solidification of free liquid films (2008) (3)
- Strongly nonlinear theory of rapid solidification near absolute stability. (2017) (3)
- Viscous Rayleigh–Taylor instability in aqueous foams (2013) (3)
- Theory of Solidification: Pure Substances (2001) (3)
- Stability and bifurcation in a modulated Burgers system (1982) (3)
- Three–dimensional effects in directional solidification in Hele—Shaw cells (1999) (3)
- Bifurcations of Convection States in Toroidal Shells (1988) (2)
- Model Systems for Long-Scale Convection (1988) (2)
- Ice Formation Delay on Penguin Feathers (2015) (2)
- Transitions in Weakly-Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators (1983) (2)
- Transient Response of Fluid Surrounding a Hot Wire (1966) (2)
- Stability of thin liquid films (1994) (2)
- Theory of Solidification: Microscale Fluid Flow (2001) (2)
- Laws of spreading: When hydrodynamic equations are not enough (2017) (2)
- An annulus model for time-space transitions in Bénard convection (1989) (2)
- Local fluid and heat flow near contact lines (1994) (2)
- Modeling of the growth of GaAs–AlGaAs core–shell nanowires (2017) (1)
- Fundamentals of Non-Newtonian Liquid Flow on Surfaces (1983) (1)
- A simple hydrodynamic model for transition boiling (2000) (1)
- Kinetic Effects in Directional Solidification (1990) (1)
- Local effects of gravity on foams (2013) (1)
- Microscale Coupling of Solidification and Flow (1992) (1)
- Viscous Beads on Thin Vertical Fiber (2001) (1)
- Growth of vapor bubbles in nucleate boiling (2001) (1)
- Thin-film flow beneath a vesicle during adhesion processes (2015) (1)
- Steps, kinetic anisotropy, and long-wavelength instabilities in directional solidification. (1999) (1)
- Flow-Induced Morphologies in Directional Solidification (2001) (1)
- The Evolution and Self Assembly of Quantum Dots (2002) (1)
- Steady thermocapillary flows and their stability (1981) (1)
- Convective thermocapillary instabilities in liquid bridges. [for study of crystal growth in reduced gravity] (1984) (1)
- Flow-induced morphological instabilities due to temporally-modulated stagnation-point flow. [in single crystals growth by directionally-solidifying interface] (1989) (1)
- Interfaces for the 21st century : new research directions in fluid mechanics and materials sceience : a collection of research papers dedicated to Steven H. Davis in commemoration of his 60th birthday (2002) (1)
- Crack Propagation Dynamics and Film Instability in Liquid Foams (2013) (0)
- The importance of inertia in vertical film boiling stability (2018) (0)
- Coupling of morphological instability and fluid flow (1989) (0)
- Onset of double-diffusive convection in a near-critical fluid (2018) (0)
- The dynamics of foams with mobile interfaces (2011) (0)
- Symposium on Solidification (1990) (0)
- Computational analysis of fluid-structure interaction in blood vessels (2011) (0)
- A train of rising Bretherton bubbles (2011) (0)
- Lamella Thinning Laws - Fundamental Building Blocks in Foam Dynamics (2006) (0)
- Surface Acoustic Wave Induced Magnetic Switching (2010) (0)
- Interactions Between Solidification and Compositional Convection in Alloys (1998) (0)
- Effects of Elastic Stress on the Stability of a Solid-Liquid Interface (1990) (0)
- Theory of Subcooled Boiling (2002) (0)
- Low-order models of the motion of sessile droplets on highly hydrophobic surfaces (2016) (0)
- Instabilities in a Three-Dimensional Heated Draining Film (1994) (0)
- On long-wave dynamics in countercurrent two-layer flows (1996) (0)
- Thermocapillary flows and their stability (1980) (0)
- Theory of Solidification: Preface (2001) (0)
- Low-order modelling of droplets on hydrophobic surfaces (2015) (0)
- On symmetric long-wave patterns in two-layer flows (1997) (0)
- The unsteady motion of a long vapour bubble between superheated or subcooled parallel plates (1998) (0)
- Buoyant Convection in Dendritic Solidification (1990) (0)
- Morphological instabilities of rapidly solidified binary alloys under weak flow (2017) (0)
- Solidification of molten metallic foams (2011) (0)
- Theory of Solidification: Dendrites (2001) (0)
- The dynamics of a vesicle during adhesion processes (2012) (0)
- Thermocapillary flows and their stability: Effects of surface layers and contamination (1982) (0)
- Stability of vertical boiling thin film (2000) (0)
- Thinning and rupture of a thin liquid film on a horizontal heated solid surface: Progress report for period June 16, 1987--July 31, 1988 (1988) (0)
- Use of Computers to Solve Model Equations (1966) (0)
- Convective Cahn-Hilliard Equation (2002) (0)
- Local Solutions for Capillarity-Driven Pinchoff of Rods (1997) (0)
- Effective Interface Conditions for Directional Eutectic Growth (1996) (0)
- Discussion: “Thermal Instability in Fluid Layers in the Presence of Horizontal and Vertical Temperature Gradients” (Unny, T. E., and Niessen, P., 1969, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 36, pp. 121–123) (1969) (0)
- Benard Convection in a · Partly Solidified Two-Component System (2014) (0)
- Equilibrium Shapes of Compound Vesicles (2016) (0)
- Yield Stress Model for Molten Composition B-3 (2017) (0)
- Evolution of Time Periodic Perturbations on Films Falling Down Walls (1995) (0)
- Directional solidification in an imperfect furnace (1987) (0)
- Morphological instabilities during the rapid solidification of three component systems (2016) (0)
- Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig Coarsening Dynamics for the Convective Cahn-Hilliard Equation (2003) (0)
- A New Thinning Law for Lamellae in Foams (2004) (0)
- Localisation of mushy-layer convection by background flow (2006) (0)
- Coalescence driven coarsening in surfactant-free foams (2012) (0)
- The effect of gravity on drainage and rupture in surfactant-free foams (2012) (0)
- Theinfluenceof oscillatoryandsteadyshearson interfacial stability duringdirectionalsolidification (0)
- Buoyant Convection near a Solidifying Dendrite (1992) (0)
- Theory of Solidification: Disequilibrium (2001) (0)
- Computational Study of Unsteady Viscous Flow in Flexible Vessels (2011) (0)
- Modeling Cell Desiccation with Glass Formation (2012) (0)
- Shear stabilization of solidification fronts (1994) (0)
- Low-order modelling of a drop on a highly-hydrophobic substrate: statics and dynamics (2017) (0)
- Effects During of Flow on Morphological Stability Directional Solidification (2007) (0)
- Microstructural effects in foam fracture (2015) (0)
- Theory of Solidification: Anisotropy (2001) (0)
- Corner wetting during the vapor-liquid-solid growth of faceted nanowires (2016) (0)
- A Gallery of Fluid Motion: Flows with interfaces (2004) (0)
- Singularities on Viscous Interfaces (1999) (0)
- Coarsening Dynami s for the Conve tiveCahn-Hilliard (2003) (0)
- Mesoscale Fluid Flow (2001) (0)
- Thinning and rupture of a thin liquid film on a horizontal heated solid surface: Progress report for period 9/15/86-6/15/87 (1987) (0)
- Surface-tension induced instabilities: Effects of lateral boundaries (1981) (0)
- Modeling the Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots in Thin Solid Films (2006) (0)
- Surface deformations in dynamic thermocapillary convection under partial slip. (2019) (0)
- Sidewall effects in mushy-zone convection (2005) (0)
- Droplet Solidification and Tri-junctions (1999) (0)
- Nonlinear stability analysis of a thin-melt film on its crystalline phase (2008) (0)
- Possible mechanism for apparent surface tension hysteresis in mammalian lung (1975) (0)
- Complex, Free-Boundary Problems in Materials Science. Final technical report for the period 2/1/95 - 1/31/98 (1999) (0)
- The importance of being thin (2017) (0)
- The Freezing of Free Films (2007) (0)
- Instability of Free Films with Plateau Borders (2005) (0)
- Models for metallic foam lamellae (2010) (0)
- Thinning and rupture of a thin liquid film on a heated surface (1992) (0)
- A Mathematical Model of Intracranial Saccular Aneurysms: Evidence of Hemodynamic Instability (2010) (0)
- Particle capture by a freezing front in a binary alloy (2007) (0)
- Theory of Solidification: Nonlinear theory for directional solidification (2001) (0)
- Thinning and rupture of a thin liquid film on a heated surface. Annual technical progress report, November 1, 1991--October 31, 1992 (1992) (0)
- Catalyst-particle configurations: From nanowires to carbon nanotubes. (2017) (0)
- Instabilities in Evaporating Liquid Films (1993) (0)
- Microscopic aspects of Liquid Foam Fracture (2012) (0)
- A network model for foam dynamics (2010) (0)
- Theories of Convective Instabilities Driven by Thermocapillary Forces (1988) (0)
- Shear Stabilization of a Solidifying Front (1996) (0)
- Stability and Bifurcation of Unsteady Flows. (1979) (0)
- Thinning and rupture of a thin liquid film on a heated surface. Progress report, September 15, 1992--September 14, 1993 (1992) (0)
- Thermocapillary instabilities in additive manufacturing environments (2018) (0)
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