Stuart Kauffman
American biophysicist
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Stuart Kauffman's Degrees
- Doctorate Medicine University of California, San Francisco
- PhD Biochemistry University of Oxford
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Biochemistry
Stuart Kauffman is an emeritus professor of biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, an affiliate faculty member for the Institute of Systems Biology, a medical doctor, theoretical biologist, and researcher of complex systems. He earned his BA at University of Oxford and an MD at the University of California, San Francisco.
Among his best-known work has been his exploration of the complexity of biological systems and the origins of the Earth. He built the N-K fitness landscapes model, which expanded upon the spin glass physics models. His N-K fitness landscapes have since been used by biologists and economists to understand systems behaviors.
He is a prolific writer, with over 350 articles to his credit, as well as 6 books, including At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity, The Origins of Order: Self Organization and Selection in Evolution, and Humanity in a Creative Universe.
Kauffman is a former MacArthur Fellow, having held a fellowship from 1987-1992. He has won the Norbert Wiener Memorial Gold Medal for Cybernetics, the Gold Medal of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Trotter Prize for Information and Complexity, and the Herbert Simon Award for Complex Systems.
He was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2009.
Featured in Top Influential Biologists Today
According to Wikipedia, Stuart Alan Kauffman is an American medical doctor, theoretical biologist, and complex systems researcher who studies the origin of life on Earth. He was a professor at the University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Calgary. He is currently emeritus professor of biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania and affiliate faculty at the Institute for Systems Biology. He has a number of awards including a MacArthur Fellowship and a Wiener Medal.
Stuart Kauffman's Published Works
Published Works
- Origins of Order: self-organization and selection in evolution (1991) (8052)
- Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets. (1969) (4202)
- At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity (1995) (2984)
- Towards a general theory of adaptive walks on rugged landscapes. (1987) (1281)
- Developmental Constraints and Evolution: A Perspective from the Mountain Lake Conference on Development and Evolution (1985) (1223)
- ORIGINS OF ORDER (2019) (1065)
- The logical analysis of continuous, non-linear biochemical control networks. (1973) (1002)
- Critical transitions in nature and society (2009) (836)
- Homeostasis and Differentiation in Random Genetic Control Networks (1969) (611)
- The NK model of rugged fitness landscapes and its application to maturation of the immune response. (1989) (584)
- Random Boolean network models and the yeast transcriptional network (2003) (545)
- Coevolution to the edge of chaos: coupled fitness landscapes, poised states, and coevolutionary avalanches. (1991) (536)
- Cancer attractors: a systems view of tumors from a gene network dynamics and developmental perspective. (2009) (480)
- Antichaos and adaptation. (1991) (438)
- The postnatal growth of the rat lung II. Autoradiography (1974) (433)
- Autocatalytic sets of proteins. (1986) (392)
- At Home In The Universe The Search For The Laws Of Self Organization And Complexity (1996) (343)
- Genetic networks with canalyzing Boolean rules are always stable. (2004) (334)
- Histiocytic tumors (fibrous xanthoma and histiocytoma) in children (1961) (303)
- Optimal search on a technology landscape (2000) (276)
- Evolution before genes (2012) (275)
- Autocatalytic replication of polymers (1986) (269)
- Robustness and evolvability in genetic regulatory networks. (2007) (268)
- Autocatalytic sets of proteins (1986) (258)
- Activities and sensitivities in boolean network models. (2004) (248)
- A model of transcriptional regulatory networks based on biases in the observed regulation rules (2002) (248)
- The large scale structure and dynamics of gene control circuits: an ensemble approach. (1974) (238)
- Eukaryotic cells are dynamically ordered or critical but not chaotic. (2005) (238)
- Emergent properties in random complex automata (1984) (237)
- Control of sequential compartment formation in Drosophila. (1978) (227)
- Hemangiopericytoma in children (1960) (216)
- Gene expression dynamics in the macrophage exhibit criticality (2008) (212)
- Critical Dynamics in Genetic Regulatory Networks: Examples from Four Kingdoms (2008) (198)
- At Home in the Universe (1995) (185)
- The Production Recipes Approach to Modeling Technological Innovation: An Application to Learning by Doing (1998) (173)
- Constructing Bayesian Network Models of Gene Expression Networks from Microarray Data (2000) (170)
- No entailing laws, but enablement in the evolution of the biosphere (2012) (170)
- Gene regulation networks: a theory for their global structure and behaviors. (1971) (163)
- Histologic and ultrastructural features of the clara cell adenoma of the mouse lung. (1979) (160)
- Congenital mesenchymal tumors (1965) (157)
- Control circuits for determination and transdetermination. (1973) (154)
- Requirements for evolvability in complex systems: orderly dynamics and frozen components (1990) (153)
- On emergence, agency, and organization (2006) (151)
- Co-operative components, spatial localization and oscillatory cellular dynamics. (1972) (151)
- Cellular Homeostasis, Epigenesis and Replication in Randomly Aggregated Macromolecular Systems (1971) (148)
- Cell proliferation in the mammalian lung. (1980) (144)
- Technological evolution and adaptive organizations: Ideas from biology may find applications in economics (1995) (143)
- Lengthening of the generation cycle during embryonic differentiation of the mouse neural tube. (1968) (139)
- Articulation of Parts Explanation in Biology and the Rational Search for Them (1970) (137)
- A General Modeling Strategy for Gene Regulatory Networks with Stochastic Dynamics (2006) (137)
- Studying genetic regulatory networks at the molecular level: delayed reaction stochastic models. (2007) (136)
- Scaling in ordered and critical random boolean networks. (2002) (136)
- Why a simple model of genetic regulatory networks describes the distribution of avalanches in gene expression data. (2007) (131)
- A proposal for using the ensemble approach to understand genetic regulatory networks. (2004) (131)
- Rational evolutionary design: the theory of in vitro protein evolution. (2000) (125)
- Gene-pair expression signatures reveal lineage control (2013) (117)
- The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence (2012) (116)
- The mitotic oscillator in Physarum polycephalum. (1975) (115)
- Extraskeletal osteogenic sarcomas and chondrosarcomas in children (1963) (113)
- Lipoblastic tumors of children (1959) (113)
- Noisy attractors and ergodic sets in models of gene regulatory networks. (2007) (110)
- Propagating organization: an enquiry (2007) (106)
- The evolutionary ecology of technological innovations (2013) (106)
- On the dynamics of random Boolean networks subject to noise: attractors, ergodic sets and cell types. (2010) (106)
- Tumors of the major salivary glands in children (1963) (105)
- Control of mitosis by a continuous biochemical oscillation: Synchronization; spatially inhomogeneous oscillations (1975) (104)
- Economic Opportunity and Evolution: Beyond Landscapes and Bounded Rationality (2013) (103)
- Mutual information in random Boolean models of regulatory networks. (2007) (98)
- Required Levels of Catalysis for Emergence of Autocatalytic Sets in Models of Chemical Reaction Systems (2011) (95)
- Escaping the Red Queen Effect (1995) (93)
- Economics for a creative world (2014) (92)
- Critical networks exhibit maximal information diversity in structure-dynamics relationships. (2008) (90)
- Prebiotic network evolution: six key parameters. (2015) (87)
- Malignant hemangioendothelioma in infants and children (1961) (86)
- Is morphogenesis an intrinsically robust process? (1993) (86)
- Histogenesis of the papillary Clara cell adenoma. (1981) (84)
- The limits to prediction in ecological systems (2011) (84)
- Polyclonal polymorphic B‐cell lymphoproliferative disorder with prominent pulmonary involvement in children with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (1987) (76)
- How to escape the cancer attractor: rationale and limitations of multi-target drugs. (2013) (74)
- Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism (2020) (72)
- Modeling adaptive biological systems. (1989) (71)
- Adaptive Dynamic Networks as Models for the Immune System and Autocatalytic Sets (1987) (68)
- Criticality Distinguishes the Ensemble of Biological Regulatory Networks. (2018) (66)
- Adaptive automata based on Darwinian selection (1986) (65)
- Pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo. (1981) (64)
- The Sciences of Complexity and "Origins of Order" (1990) (62)
- Adaptive walks in a gene network model of morphogenesis: insights into the Cambrian explosion. (2003) (61)
- The global dynamics of cellular automata, by Andrew Wuensche and Mike Lesser (2000) (61)
- Complex Gene Regulatory Networks - from Structure to Biological Observables: Cell Fate Determination (2009) (60)
- An autoradiographic study of the generation cycle in the ten-day mouse embryo neural tube. (1966) (60)
- Measures for information propagation in Boolean networks (2007) (58)
- Cellular clocks and oscillators. (1984) (57)
- Approaches to the Origin of Life on Earth (2011) (56)
- Drosophila segmentation: supercomputer simulation of prepattern hierarchy. (1990) (56)
- Quantum Biology on the Edge of Quantum Chaos (2012) (56)
- Dynamical Properties of a Boolean Model of Gene Regulatory Network with Memory (2011) (56)
- Search strategies for applied molecular evolution. (1995) (55)
- Selection dynamics in autocatalytic systems: templates replicating through binary ligation. (1998) (55)
- Beyond Reductionism: Reinventing the Sacred (2007) (54)
- Adaptive walks with noisy fitness measurements (1995) (53)
- Differentiation of malignant to benign cells. (1971) (52)
- Molecular autonomous agents (2003) (50)
- Alterations in cell proliferation in mouse lung following urethane exposure. 3. Effects of chronic exposure on type 2 alveolar epithelial cell. (1972) (50)
- Dealing with the Complexity of Economic Calculations (1997) (49)
- Pulmonary infection and cavity formation caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a child with AIDS. (1988) (49)
- Developmental logic and its evolution. (1987) (48)
- Biodiversity is autocatalytic (2017) (47)
- Two Cases of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return of the Supracardiac Type with Stenosis Simulating Infradiaphragmatic Drainage (1962) (45)
- The fine structure of the embryonic mouse neural tube with special reference to cytoplasmic microtubules. (1966) (45)
- A model of sequential branching in hierarchical cell fate determination. (2009) (45)
- Niche emergence as an autocatalytic process in the evolution of ecosystems. (2018) (44)
- Applied molecular evolution. (1992) (44)
- Idiopathic infantile cardiomyopathy with involvement of the conduction system. (1972) (43)
- Design of synthetic gene libraries encoding random sequence proteins with desired ensemble characteristics (1993) (43)
- A scanning electron microscopic study of the Type II and Clara cell adenoma of the mouse lung. (1980) (43)
- Phase Transitions in Random Networks with Multiple States (1999) (42)
- Mesothelioma in children (1964) (42)
- Mycotic Aneurysms of the Intrapulmonary Arteries (1967) (42)
- Using cell fate attractors to uncover transcriptional regulation of HL60 neutrophil differentiation (2009) (41)
- Question 1: Origin of Life and the Living State (2007) (40)
- Network growth models and genetic regulatory networks. (2005) (40)
- Prolegomenon to patterns in evolution (2014) (39)
- The Role of Redundancy in the Robustness of Random Boolean Networks (2005) (38)
- Cell-cell interaction and diversity of emergent behaviours. (2011) (37)
- Phase transition in random catalytic networks. (2005) (37)
- Evolving evolvability (1996) (37)
- Correlation analysis of coupled fitness landscapes (2005) (36)
- Factor markets, actors, and affordances (2016) (36)
- Spatial harmonics and pattern specification in early Drosophila development. Part I. Bifurcation sequences and gene expression. (1990) (35)
- Robustness Analysis of a Boolean Model of Gene Regulatory Network with Memory (2011) (33)
- Kinetics of pulmonary epithelial proliferation during prenatal growth of the mouse lung (1975) (33)
- Disseminated histiocytosis and intestinal malakoplakia. Occurrence due to Mycobacterium intracellulare infection. (1979) (32)
- A stochastic model of autocatalytic reaction networks (2012) (32)
- Taking Heisenberg’s Potentia Seriously (2017) (32)
- Beyond Descartes and Newton: Recovering life and humanity. (2015) (32)
- Searching the Clinical Fitness Landscape (2012) (32)
- Divide to Coordinate: Coevolutionary Problem Solving (1994) (30)
- The ensemble approach to understand genetic regulatory networks (2004) (29)
- Whispers from carnot: the origins of order and principles of adaptation in complex nonequilibrium systems (1999) (29)
- Molecular evolution on rugged landscapes : proteins, RNA and the immune system : the proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Molecular Evolution and the Maturation of the Immune Response, held March, 1989 in Santa Fe, New Mexico (1991) (29)
- Towards a physics of evolution: critical diversity dynamics at the edges of collapse and bursts of diversification. (2007) (29)
- ASTM standards on aquatic toxicology and hazard evaluation. (1993) (29)
- Protein Folding Absent Selection (2011) (28)
- An analysis of the class of gene regulatory functions implied by a biochemical model. (2006) (28)
- Acceleration of canalicular development in lungs of fetal mice exposed transplacentally to dexamethasone. (1977) (27)
- Noise in a small genetic circuit that undergoes bifurcation (2005) (27)
- Dynamical Criticality in Gene Regulatory Networks (2018) (26)
- Evolution of Organizational Performance and Stability in a Stochastic Environment (2002) (26)
- Mean-field model of genetic regulatory networks (2006) (26)
- Ensembles, dynamics, and cell types: Revisiting the statistical mechanics perspective on cellular regulation. (2019) (26)
- Early arterial lesions in infancy and childhood and ways of prevention. (1982) (25)
- A quantum model of exaptation: incorporating potentiality into evolutionary theory. (2013) (24)
- Coupled Random Boolean Network Forming an Artificial Tissue (2006) (24)
- The law and Big Data (2017) (24)
- Chemical Patterns, Compartments and a Binary Epigenetic Code in Drosophila (1977) (24)
- Answering Schrödinger’s “What Is Life?” (2020) (24)
- A Possible Solution to the Problem of Time in Quantum Cosmology (1997) (23)
- Answering Descartes: Beyond Turing (2016) (22)
- Against Design (2015) (21)
- Gene pair signatures in cell type transcriptomes reveal lineage control (2013) (21)
- Combinatorial dynamics in quantum gravity (1998) (21)
- Cell proliferation in embryonic mouse neural tube following urethane exposure. (1969) (21)
- Prolegomenon to a General Biology (2001) (21)
- From Physics to Semiotics (2015) (21)
- The simulation of gene knock-out in scale-free random Boolean models of genetic networks (2008) (20)
- Self-referential basis of undecidable dynamics: from The Liar Paradox and The Halting Problem to The Edge of Chaos (2017) (20)
- Sequential DNA replication and the control of differences in gene activity between sister chromatids--a possible factor in cell differentiation. (1967) (19)
- On the emergence of ecological and economic niches (2020) (19)
- Understanding genetic regulatory networks (2003) (19)
- Molecular Diversity Required for the Formation of Autocatalytic Sets (2019) (19)
- Regeneration by complementary wing disc fragments of Drosophila melanogaster. (1981) (19)
- Susceptibility of fetal lung to transplacental 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea: its relation to epithelial proliferation. (1976) (18)
- Emergence of Organisms (2020) (17)
- Heuristic Approach to Sparse Approximation of Gene Regulatory Networks (2008) (17)
- Carcinogenesis in naturally tumour-resistant mice. X-irradiation versus urethane as a carcinogenic agent. (1966) (17)
- Biased Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Rules Suggest Genome Behavior Is Near Edge of Chaos (1997) (16)
- More Complex Complexity: Exploring the Nature of Computational Irreducibility across Physical, Biological, and Human Social Systems (2013) (16)
- A Simple Combinatorial Model of World Economic History (2018) (16)
- Ultrastructural changes in embryonic mouse neural tube cells after urethane exposure. (1968) (16)
- Information Transfer among Coupled Random Boolean Networks (2010) (16)
- What is Life? The Next Fifty Years: ‘What is life?’: was Schrödinger right? (1995) (15)
- Malignant Clara cell line derived from ethylnitrosourea-induced murine lung adenomas. (1983) (15)
- On the Sparse Reconstruction of Gene Networks (2008) (15)
- Toward an evolutionary-predictive foundation for creativity (2016) (15)
- Cambrian explosion and Permian quiescence: Implications of rugged fitness landscapes (1989) (15)
- Even peptides do it (1996) (15)
- The world is not a theorem (2021) (15)
- Boolean systems, adaptive automata, evolution (1986) (15)
- Jury Rigging and Supply Network Design: Evolutionary “Tinkering” in the presence of Unknown-Unknowns (2018) (15)
- Teflon embolization to pulmonary arteries. (1977) (14)
- Origin of the right pulmonary artery from the aorta. A clinical-pathologic study of two types based on caliber of the pulmonary artery. (1967) (14)
- Systematic drug perturbations on cancer cells reveal diverse exit paths from proliferative state (2016) (14)
- Measuring a mitotic oscillator: The ARC discontinuity (1974) (14)
- Complexity and the Arrow of Time: Evolution beyond Newton, Darwin, and entailing law: the origin of complexity in the evolving biosphere (2013) (14)
- Towards a Post Reductionist Science: The Open Universe (2009) (14)
- Dynamics of a birth-death process based on combinatorial innovation. (2019) (14)
- How Organisms Come to Know the World: Fundamental Limits on Artificial General Intelligence (2021) (13)
- Hypoplasia of the pulmonary arteries in infants with congenital rubella. (1971) (13)
- Combinatorial Dynamics and Time in Quantum Gravity (2000) (13)
- Premature replication of late S period DNA regions in early S nuclei transferred to late S cytoplasm by fusion in Physarum polycephalum. (1975) (13)
- Theory of chemical evolution of molecule compositions in the universe, in the Miller-Urey experiment and the mass distribution of interstellar and intergalactic molecules. (2018) (13)
- Simulation of a Chemical Autonomous Agent (2002) (12)
- Chaos in a discrete model of a two-gene system (2007) (12)
- Spatial harmonics and pattern specification in early Drosophila development. Part II. The four colour wheels model. (1990) (12)
- Autocatalytic chemical networks preceded proteins and RNA in evolution (2019) (11)
- Proliferation, growth, and differentiation of pulmonary epithelium in fetal mouse lung exposed transplacentally to dexamethasone. (1977) (11)
- Population Flow on Fitness Landscapes (1994) (11)
- Optimal Organization Size in a Stochastic Environment with Externalities (1999) (11)
- Monte Carlo simulation of a simple gene network yields new evolutionary insights. (2008) (11)
- An analysis of stage-specific protein synthesis in the early Drosophila embryo using high-resolution, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis☆ (1986) (11)
- Modeling pathways of differentiation in genetic regulatory networks with Boolean networks (2005) (11)
- Logic and connectivity jointly determine criticality in biological gene regulatory networks (2018) (10)
- Alteration in cell proliferation in mouse lung following urethane exposure. II. Effects of chronic exposure on terminal bronchiolar epithelium. (1971) (10)
- What Is Consciousness? Artificial Intelligence, Real Intelligence, Quantum Mind, And Qualia (2021) (10)
- Complexity Science and World Affairs (2013) (10)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A simple method for reverse engineering causal networks (2006) (10)
- Are Dark Energy and Dark Matter Different Aspects of the Same Physical Process? (2017) (10)
- ComplexGRN complex GeneComplex GRN Regulatory Networks – from Structure to Biological Observables: Cell Fate DeterminationGene regulation, cell fate determination (2012) (10)
- Novel behaviour of the mitotic clock in Physarum. (1977) (10)
- Effects of Guinea Pig Serum on 6C3HED and AKRLl Lymphoma Cells Implanted in Various Hosts.∗ (1956) (10)
- Studies on the human aortic bifurcation. Part 2. Predilection sites of early lipid deposits in relation to preformed arterial structures. (1980) (10)
- Beyond the Stalemate: Conscious Mind -Body - Quantum Mechanics - Free Will - Possible Panpsychism - Possible Interpretation of Quantum Enigma (2014) (9)
- Atrioventricular canal ventricular septal defect with cleft mitral valve (1982) (9)
- Dynamically Critical Systems and Power-Law Distributions: Avalanches Revisited (2015) (9)
- Systems Pharmacogenomic Landscape of Drug Similarities from LINCS data: Drug Association Networks (2019) (9)
- Cosmic Mind? (2016) (9)
- Maximal Information Transfer and Behavior Diversity in Random Threshold Networks (2009) (9)
- From the Habit of Control to Institutional Enablement: Re-envisioning the Governance of Social-Ecological Systems from the Perspective of Complexity Sciences (2014) (9)
- A Framework to Think About Evolving Genetic Regulatory Systems (1986) (8)
- Constraint Closure Drove Major Transitions in the Origins of Life (2021) (8)
- On the distribution of small avalanches in random boolean networks (2006) (8)
- Libraries of random-sequence polypeptides produced with high yield as carboxy-terminal fusions with ubiquitin (1995) (8)
- Proceedings from the Montebello Round Table Discussion. Second annual conference on Complexity and Variability discusses research that brings innovation to the bedside. (2011) (8)
- A cell surface differentiation antigen of Drosophila (1986) (8)
- Kinetics of alveolar epithelial hyperplasia in lungs of mice exposed to urethane. I. Quantitative analysis of cell populations. (1974) (8)
- Biocosmology: Towards the birth of a new science (2022) (8)
- Branching coefficient ("area ratio") of the human aortic bifurcation determined in distended specimens. (1980) (7)
- Science and Ultimate Reality: Autonomous agents (2004) (7)
- Studies on human aortic bifurcation. Part 1. Histo-architecture of the bifurcation. (1980) (7)
- Origins of Order in Evolution (1988) (7)
- Measuring a mitotic oscillator: the arc discontinuity. (1974) (7)
- Evidence of Scale-Free Topology in Gene Regulatory Network of Human Tissues (2008) (7)
- Autonomous agents, self-constructing biospheres, and science (1996) (7)
- Maximum power efficiency and criticality in random Boolean networks. (2008) (7)
- Circadian variation in the susceptibility of mouse epidermis to chemical carcinogens. (1981) (7)
- Bronchiolar Adenoma, Lung, Mouse (1985) (7)
- Of the complexity of Boolean network state trajectories (2011) (7)
- Filling Some Epistemological Gaps: New Patterns of Inference in Evolutionary Theory (1982) (7)
- Evolution of complex dynamics. (2008) (7)
- The Origin of Life, Evolution, and Functional Organization (2013) (6)
- Variegated expression of the Sgs-4 locus in Drosophila melanogaster (2004) (6)
- Influence of misonidazole on the incidence of radiation-induced intestinal tumours in mice. (1978) (6)
- Alveolar Type II Cell Adenoma, Lung, Mouse (1985) (6)
- Measuring information propagation and retention in boolean networks and its implications to a model of human organizations (2006) (6)
- Noise in Genetic Toggle Switch Models (2006) (6)
- Assessing the Probable Regulatory Structures and Dynamics of the Metazoan Genome (1979) (6)
- Biocosmology: Biology from a cosmological perspective (2022) (6)
- Correlation analysis of coupled fitness landscapes: Research Articles (2005) (5)
- Phase Transitions in Logic Networks (1997) (5)
- Evolutionary Design in Biological Quantum Computing (2013) (5)
- The Third Transition in Science: Beyond Newton and Quantum Mechanics -A Statistical Mechanics of Emergence (2021) (5)
- Steps toward a possible theory of organization (2004) (5)
- What is Life, and Can We Create It? (2013) (5)
- Adenovirus infection in a neonatal intensive care unit. (1991) (5)
- Genomic Change and Morphological Evolution Group Report (1982) (5)
- Heterotopic transplantation in the syncytial blastoderm ofDrosophila: Evidence for anterior and posterior nuclear commitments (1980) (5)
- Transition to chaos in models of genetic networks (1999) (5)
- The Search Function and Evolutionary Novelty (2019) (5)
- On Ethical and Intellectual Failures in Contemporary Economics (2014) (5)
- Growth and Acid Production by Oral Lactobacilli in the Presence of Varying Amounts of Required Vitamins (1951) (4)
- Complexity and functionality: a search for the where, the when, and the how (2000) (4)
- Complexity and Genetic Networks (2003) (4)
- Modeling Gene Regulatory Networks with Delayed Stochastic Dynamics (2010) (4)
- Changes in protein synthetic activity in early Drosophila embryos mutant for the segmentation gene Krüppel. (1988) (4)
- Playing with Casimir in the vacuum sandbox (2021) (4)
- Self-replication. Even peptides do it. (1996) (4)
- Molecular diversity comes of age ! (1995) (4)
- Systems Chemistry Sketches (2007) (4)
- Noisy random boolean networks and cell differentiation (2010) (4)
- A God of creativity (2008) (4)
- On the fate of perturbations in critical random Boolean networks (2009) (4)
- The TAP equation: evaluating combinatorial innovation (2022) (4)
- Lymphocytic infiltration of bronchioloalveolar adenomas in mice. (1983) (4)
- Innovation and The Evolution of the Economic Web (2019) (3)
- Average Fitness Differences on NK Landscapes (2019) (3)
- EROS AND LOGOS (2020) (3)
- Beyond Reductionism Twice: No Laws Entail Biosphere Evolution, Formal Cause Laws Beyond Efficient Cause Laws (2013) (3)
- Circadian rhythms in mouse epidermis: variation in the numbers of basal and differentiating cells, cell density, and cell loss. (1982) (3)
- Alterations in cell proliferation in mouse lung following urethane exposure. I. The nonvaculoated alveolar cell. (1969) (3)
- Organisational Complexity Foreword (2003) (3)
- Biological Oscillators: Their Mathematical Analysis.Theodosios Pavlidis (1975) (3)
- Protein mediated networks. Random chemistry (1994) (3)
- A Testable Theory for the Emergence of the Classical World (2022) (3)
- Quantum aspects of the brain-mind relationship: A hypothesis with supporting evidence (2022) (3)
- A stochastic model of catalytic reaction networks (2010) (3)
- Dynamic Models of the Mitotic Cycle: Evidence for a Limit Cycle Oscillator (1977) (3)
- Additional file 1 Spontaneous Formation and Evolution of Autocatalytic Sets within Compartments (2015) (3)
- Bifurcations, harmonics and the four colour wheel model of Drosophila development (1989) (3)
- Energy and criticality in random Boolean networks (2008) (3)
- Random Grammars: A New Class of Models for Functional Integration and Transformation in the Biological, Neural, and Social Sciences (2018) (3)
- Quantum Gravity If Non-Locality Is Fundamental (2021) (3)
- Commentary on "An evolutionary framework for cultural change: selectionism versus communal exchange" by Liane Gabora. (2013) (3)
- Still Against Design: A Response to Steven Calabresi, Sanford Levinson, and Vernon Smith (2016) (3)
- Different Epidermal Cell Kinetic Effects of Hydroxyurea When Injected At Two Different Times of the Day (1984) (2)
- Patterns of temperature sensitivity in Contrabithorax/Ultrabithorax heterozygotes of Drosophila. (1981) (2)
- What Is Life (2015) (2)
- Inferring evolutionary pathways and directed genotype networks of foodborne pathogens (2020) (2)
- Economics for a creative world: a response to comments (2014) (2)
- Mitotic delay following inhibition by 5'-fluorodeoxyuridine of S-phase in Physarum is not due to delay in termination of S-phase. (1982) (2)
- Mind, Body, Quantum Mechanics (2019) (2)
- Perturbation in Genetic Regulatory Networks: Simulation and Experiments (2004) (2)
- Embryonic Development. Part A: Genetic Aspects. Max M. Burger , Rudolf WeberEmbryonic Development. Part B: Cellular Aspects. Max M. Burger , Rudolf Weber (1983) (2)
- Towards a physics of evolution: Existence of gales of creative deconstruction in evolving technological networks (2007) (2)
- Online adaptation in robots as biological development provides phenotypic plasticity (2020) (2)
- Physics and Five Problems in the Philosophy of Mind (2009) (2)
- Timing of molecular processes in a synchronous Boolean model of genetic regulatory network (2009) (2)
- Natural Incarnation:: From the Possible to the Actual (2015) (2)
- Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm: A Statistical Mechanics of Emergence (2021) (2)
- The Limits of Predictability in Predefining Phase Spaces of Dynamic Social–Ecological Systems: “Command and Control” Versus “Complex Systems”-Based Policy Design Approaches to Conserve Tropical Forests (2018) (1)
- The epigenetic landscape and clinical implications (2011) (1)
- Chromosomal abnormality in prune belly syndrome (1973) (1)
- The influence of noise on the dynamics of Random Boolean Network (2009) (1)
- Attractor-Specific and Common Expression Values in Random Boolean Network Models (with a Preliminary Look at Single-Cell Data) (2022) (1)
- First post-Minkowskian approach to turbulent gravity (2022) (1)
- Dynamics of a combinatorial birth-death process based on the 'adjacent possible' (2019) (1)
- Transforming Medicine: A Manifesto (2018) (1)
- Must God Be Dead? Reinventing the Sacred (2017) (1)
- Debating Design: Prolegomenon to a General Biology (2004) (1)
- Constraints on the Sociobiologists' Program (1976) (1)
- Neonatal heart failure following rubella in utero (1966) (1)
- Phase transition in a class of nonlinear random networks. (2010) (1)
- Prebiotic Network Evolution (2015) (1)
- Fever and renal dysfunction in a renal transplant patient. (1986) (1)
- Study design and the drug development process. (2014) (1)
- A note on random catalytic branching processes. (2018) (1)
- The Expected Number of Viable Autocatalytic Sets in Chemical Reaction Systems (2020) (1)
- Antichaos and Adaptation Biological evolution may have been shaped by more thanjust natural selection . Computer models suggest that certain complex systems tend toward self-organization (2015) (1)
- Microfoundations of Resource Search (2020) (1)
- Inferred table of regulation. (2008) (1)
- The TAP equation: evaluating combinatorial innovation in Biocosmology (2022) (1)
- Modeling pathways of differentiation in genetic regulatory networks with Boolean networks: Research Articles (2005) (1)
- The evolution of future wealth. (2006) (1)
- The Types : A Persistent Structuralist Challenge to Darwinian Pan-Selectionism (2013) (1)
- Life After Death? An Improbable Essay (2017) (1)
- Maturation of the Immune Response Via Adaptive Walks On Affinity Landscapes (2018) (1)
- Is There a Fourth Law for Non-Ergodic Systems That Do Work to Construct Their Expanding Phase Space? (2022) (1)
- Transition Therapy: Tackling the Ecology of Tumor Phenotypic Plasticity (2020) (1)
- The Compartmental and Combinatorial Code Hypotheses in Drosophila Development (1979) (1)
- Action and Power Efficiency in Self-Organization: The Case for Growth Efficiency as a Cellular Objective in Escherichia coli (2019) (1)
- Emergence of Autocatalytic Sets in a Simple Model of Technological Evolution (2022) (1)
- Singularities: When Time Breaks Down . The Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Electrochemical Waves and Cardiac Arrhythmias. Arthur T. Winfree. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1987. xiv, 339 pp., illus. $60; paper, $19.95. (1987) (1)
- Origins of life : Freeman Dyson, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 81 pp., $7.95. (1987) (1)
- Contemporary work on the origin of life (2011) (0)
- What is Life? The Next Fifty Years: Speculations on the Future of Biology, Michael P. Murphy and Luke O'Neill. 1995. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY. 202 pages. ISBN:0-521-45509-X. $24.95 (1996) (0)
- Some thoughts on unprecedented conceptual challenges presented by holonic multi-agent systems (2005) (0)
- The World Is Not a Theorem (2021) (0)
- Systems Science, Cybernetics, and Complexity (2021) (0)
- Cell differentiation in noisy random Boolean network (2011) (0)
- Book Review:Topobiology: An Introduction to Molecular Embryology. Gerald M. Edelman (1990) (0)
- Obtaining of dna, rna, peptide, polypeptide or protein by recombinant dna technique (1995) (0)
- Is the World Chaos, a Machine, or Evolving Complexity? How Well Can We Understand Life and World Affairs? (2019) (0)
- List of contributors**Where a paper is by more than two authors, only the first is listed below. (1989) (0)
- On Quantum Gravity As A Recorded Quantum Arrow Of Time (2021) (0)
- From Transcendendal Phenomenology to Naturalized Phenomenology (2017) (0)
- Predicting the number of viable autocatalytic sets in systems that combine catalysis and inhibition (2020) (0)
- Extended notion of attractors in noisy random Boolean networks (2009) (0)
- Bifurcations in Insect Morphogenesis II (1981) (0)
- Meditations on the Nature of Life, Complexity, Consciousness, the Universe and Everything@@@Investigations (2003) (0)
- Adaption of the edge of chaos in cells and ecosystems (1996) (0)
- Response to Peterson, Keller, and Sweet et al. (2016) (0)
- Behaviour of randomly constructed genetic nets: binary element nets (2017) (0)
- Res Potentia And Res Extensa Linked, Hence United, By Quantum Measurement (2016) (0)
- Elsasser, Generalized Complementarity, and Finite Classes: A Critique of His Anti-Reductionism (1972) (0)
- Inhibition of two homeotic mutants of Drosophila by 5-bromodeoxyuridine and fluorouracil. (1981) (0)
- Evolution Beyond Entailing Law: The Roles of Embodied Information and Self Organization (2013) (0)
- Autonomous Agents: The Origins and Co-Evolution of Reproducing Molecular Systems (1999) (0)
- Developmental Biology: Determinants of Spatial Organization . Papers from a symposium, Madison, Wis., June 1978. Stephen Subtelny and Irwin R. Konigsberg, Eds. Academic Press, New York, 1979, xxiv, 334 pp., illus. $24. (1980) (0)
- Systeme et methode de determination de plans de production et de prediction d'innovation (1999) (0)
- A process for obtaining DNA, RNA, peptides, polypeptides or proteins dns-recombinant procedures. (1985) (0)
- Book Review:Molecular Biology of Development. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume L. (1987) (0)
- Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (2012) (0)
- The Crystallization and Selection of Dynamical Order in the Evolution of Metazoan Gene Regulation (1982) (0)
- Is Mind Quantum? (2021) (0)
- Developmental biology. (1980) (0)
- Behaviour of randomly constructed genetio nets s continuous element nets (2017) (0)
- Pseudo-attractors in Random Boolean Network Models and Single-Cell Data (2022) (0)
- Correction to: On the emergence of ecological and economic niches (2020) (0)
- The Value of Life: Biological Diversity and Human Society, Stephen R. Kellert. 1996. Island Press, Washington, DC. 280 pages. ISBN: 1-55963-317-4. $24.95 (1996) (0)
- The 'adjacent Possible' is Relational (2017) (0)
- The Nature of Life: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives from Philosophy and Science: What is life? Was Schrödinger right? (2010) (0)
- Part 2. poems (2007) (0)
- Supplementary material from "Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism" (2020) (0)
- Timing and heritability of theNasobemia transformation inDrosophila (1980) (0)
- Diversity, Economic Webs, and Growth (1994) (0)
- 'One Magisterium: How Nature Knows Through Us' by Seán Ó Nualláin – A Review (2014) (0)
- Molecular evolution on rugged landscapes (2020) (0)
- 2 2 Se p 19 98 Combinatorial dynamics in quantum gravity (1998) (0)
- What's evolving in artificial life (1988) (0)
- ECONOMICS FOR A CREATIVE WORLD* (and a response to comments) (0)
- Singularities: when time breaks down. (1987) (0)
- Selection dynamics in autocatalytic systems: Templates replicating through binary ligation (1998) (0)
- A process for obtaining DNA, RNA, peptides, polypeptides or proteins by recombinant methods DMS (1985) (0)
- The clock of chemical evolution (2018) (0)
- Report of Work Group A: Techniques and Webs (2018) (0)
- Mapping Gene Activities into Morphological Patterns in Drosophila (1993) (0)
- Estimating today's cosmological constant via the Zel'dovich-holographic connection (2022) (0)
- Section 2 Transcription State Spaces , Trajectories , Attractors , and Boolean Net Models (2007) (0)
- Evolution's final frontiers (2009) (0)
- Phase transition in non-linear random networks (2010) (0)
- Cavitary tuberculosis in a child with AIDS (1987) (0)
- A new method for studying the effect of post-irradiation hypoxia on human pancreatic tumour cells. (1980) (0)
- FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION: Competitive optimization of compressed sensing (2007) (0)
- Supplementary Methods, Figures and Tables from Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism (2020) (0)
- A Physical Analogy of the Genetic Toggle Switch (2007) (0)
- Life in the Tangled Lane@@@The Origins of Order. (1995) (0)
- Atypical myelogenous leukemia simulating tuberculous pneumonia. (1975) (0)
- Ensembles, Dynamics and Cell Types (2018) (0)
- The Molar Behavior of Cells in Development (1979) (0)
- Analog random coding (2007) (0)
- Circadian variation in the susceptibility of mouse epidermis to chemical carcinogens. (1982) (0)
- Reinventing: Building a Scientific Cathedral on the Holy Ground of Life's Origins. (2008) (0)
- CHILDREN AND STS Calculator Mania: 101 Ways to Enjoy a Calculator Without Throwing It ! !, The Editors of Planet Dexter. 1995. Planet Dexter, Reading MA. 64 pages. ISBN: 0-201-40932-1. $14.95. Ages 4-12 (1996) (0)
- Toward an evolutionary-predictive foundation for creativity (2015) (0)
- Metaphysics of the Adjacent Possible: A Critique (2022) (0)
- N ov 2 02 1 On Quantum Gravity If NonLocality Is Fundamental (2021) (0)
- The Anthropic Principle Is Testable And Appears Weak (2022) (0)
- Evolution before genes (2012) (0)
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