Thomas H. Cormen
American computer scientist
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Computer Science
Thomas H. Cormen's Degrees
- Masters Computer Science Stanford University
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Princeton University
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Why Is Thomas H. Cormen Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas H. Cormen is the co-author of Introduction to Algorithms, along with Charles Leiserson, Ron Rivest, and Cliff Stein. In 2013, he published a new book titled Algorithms Unlocked. He is an emeritus professor of computer science at Dartmouth College and former Chairman of the Dartmouth College Department of Computer Science. Between 2004 and 2008 he directed the Dartmouth College Writing Program. His research interests are algorithm engineering, parallel computing, and speeding up computations with high latency. In 2022, he was elected as a Democratic member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.
Thomas H. Cormen's Published Works
Published Works
- Introduction to Algorithms (1990) (13102)
- Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd edition. (2001) (3835)
- Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition (2001) (2902)
- Introduction to Algorithms, third edition (2009) (2806)
- Introduction to algorithms [2nd ed.] (2001) (2533)
- Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (2009) (834)
- The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (1990) (230)
- Introduction to algorithms. Chapter 16. 2nd Edition (2001) (84)
- Asymptotically tight bounds for performing BMMC permutations on parallel disk systems (1993) (77)
- A bridging model for parallel computation, communication, and I/O (1996) (77)
- Integrating Theory and Practice in Parallel File Systems (1993) (74)
- Introduction to Algorithms -3/Ed. (2012) (74)
- Virtual memory for data-parallel computing (1993) (58)
- Fast Permuting on Disk Arrays (1993) (54)
- ViC*: A Preprocessor for Virtual-Memory C* (1994) (53)
- Algorithms Unlocked (2013) (46)
- Introduction to Algorithms and Java CD-ROM (2003) (44)
- Early Experiences in Evaluating the Parallel Disk Model with the ViC* Implementation (1996) (38)
- Performing Out-of Core FFTs on Parallel Disk Systems (1998) (37)
- Columnsort lives! an efficient out-of-core sorting program (2001) (34)
- Model-based Learning of Interaction Strategies in Multi-agent Systems (1997) (26)
- Multiprocessor out-of-core FFTs with distributed memory and parallel disks (extended abstract) (1997) (24)
- Getting More from Out-of-Core Columnsort (2002) (23)
- ViC*: a compiler for virtual-memory C* (1998) (23)
- FG: A Framework Generator for Hiding Latency in Parallel Programs Running on Clusters (2004) (19)
- Max-flow Min-cut Theorem (1998) (18)
- Acknowledgments We Thank (1998) (18)
- Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IOPADS 1999, May 5, 1999, Atlanta, GA, USA (1999) (15)
- The Scalable I/O Initiative (1995) (13)
- Out-of-core FFTs with parallel disks (1997) (11)
- Building on a framework: using FG for more flexibility and improved performance in parallel programs (2005) (11)
- Multidimensional, multiprocessor, out-of-core FFTs with distributed memory and parallel disks (extended abstract) (1999) (10)
- Asynchronous Buffered Computation Design and Engineering Framework Generator ( ABCDEFG ) (9)
- Relaxing the problem-size bound for out-of-core columnsort (2003) (7)
- Don't Be Too Clever: Routing BMMC Permutations on the MasPar MP-2 (1995) (7)
- Oblivious vs. Distribution-Based Sorting: An Experimental Evaluation (2005) (7)
- Slabpose Columnsort: A New Oblivious Algorithm for Out-of-Core Sorting on Distributed-Memory Clusters (2006) (6)
- Determining an Out-of-Core FFT Decomposition Strategy for Parallel Disks by Dynamic Programming (1997) (6)
- A Hyperconcentrator Swith for Routing Bit-Serial Messages (1990) (6)
- Efficient design and implementation of permutation algorithms on the memory hierarchy (1996) (5)
- Parallel computing in a Python-based computer science course (2015) (5)
- Stupid Columnsort Tricks (2003) (5)
- The FG Programming Environment : Reducing Source Code Size for Parallel Programs Running on Clusters (2005) (4)
- Algorithms for Sorting and Searching (2013) (3)
- Theoretical Computer Science (1999) (3)
- Multidimensional, Multiprocessor, Out-of-Core FFTs. (1999) (3)
- Performing BMMC permutations in two passes through the expanded delta network and MasPar MP-2 (1996) (3)
- Efficient Multichip Partial Concentrator Switches (1987) (3)
- Performing BMMC Permutations Efficiently on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors with MPI (1997) (3)
- A Hyperconcentrator Switch for Routing Bit-Serial Messages (Extended Abstract), (1986) (2)
- Out-of-core distribution sort in the FG programming environment (2010) (2)
- DartCVL: The Dartmouth C Vector Library (1995) (2)
- ViC*: A Compiler for Virtual-Memory C* (Extended Abstract) (1998) (1)
- Networks beat pipelines: the design of FG 2.0 (2012) (1)
- Edna St. Vincent Millay Was Right (2004) (1)
- Dense gray codes in mixed radices (2017) (1)
- Dense Gray codes, or easy ways to generate cyclic and non-cyclic Gray codes for the first n whole numbers (2016) (1)
- 5. Discussion 4. Fast Multipole Algorithm Figure 2. Initial Code for N-body Calculation 3. Refinement Prototyping Parallel Algorithms (1992) (0)
- A Lower Bound for Sorting and How to Beat It (2013) (0)
- What Are Algorithms and Why Should You Care (2013) (0)
- How to Describe and Evaluate Computer Algorithms (2013) (0)
- 16. Greedy-Algorithmen (2017) (0)
- Directed Acyclic Graphs (2013) (0)
- Binary GCD Algorithm (2011) (0)
- 6 Related Work Pbe from Computation Traces 7 Concluding Remarks (1995) (0)
- Foundations of Cryptography (2013) (0)
- Algorithms on Strings (2013) (0)
- Eecient Multichip Partial Concentrator Switches (1987) (0)
- An Analyzer for Message Sequence Charts 15 Acknowledgements: We Thank 5 an Msc Analysis Tool 4 Mscs with Timing Constraints (1996) (0)
- When One Pipeline Is Not Enough (2020) (0)
- Workshop Reviewers (2021) (0)
- Selected Solutions Introduction to Algorithms (2022) (0)
- When One Pipeline Is Not Enough Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR 2007-596 (2007) (0)
- Acknowledgement to Referees (2005) (0)
- Dartcvl: the Dartmouth C Vector Library Currently with Digital Equipment Corporation. Work Performed While at Dartmouth College. Supported in Part by the Nasa Ames Research C Enter under Agreement N Umber Ncc 2-849 (1995) (0)
- Proceedings of the fourth workshop on I/O in parallel and distributed systems: part of the federated computing research conference (1996) (0)
- Proof: Theorem 3 and Lemmas 1 and 2 Remain Valid (1996) (0)
- US 6 , 282 , 546 B 1 Page 3 “ A Unix Network Protocol Security Study : Network Infor mation Service ' (2017) (0)
- An Analyzer for Message Sequence Charts 15 Lemma 4.1 the Timed M S C M Is Timing Inconsistent I the Graph G M 5 an Msc Analysis Tool 4 Mscs with Timing Constraints (0)
- Using FG to Reduce the Effect of Latency in Parallel Programs Running on Clusters (2007) (0)
- GAMING Connected Gaming : What Making Video Games (2017) (0)
- Enhancing Asynchronous Parallel Computing (2003) (0)
- Performing B M M C P Ermutations E Ciently on D Istributed-memory Multiprocessors with Mpi (1999) (0)
- Guest Editors' Foreword (2000) (0)
- Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IOPADS 1997, November 17, 1997, San Jose, CA, USA (1997) (0)
- We must be doing something right: or is it the Facebook movie? (2013) (0)
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What Are Thomas H. Cormen's Academic Contributions?
Thomas H. Cormen is most known for their academic work in the field of computer science. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Thomas H. Cormen has made the following academic contributions: