Thomas K. Caughey
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Scottish-American engineer
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Why Is Thomas K. Caughey Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Kirk Caughey is a Scottish-born academic who served as a professor of applied mechanics. Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Award is named after him. Biography Born in Rutherglen, Scotland, Caughey graduated with a bacelor's degree from the University of Glasgow. Later, he moved to the United States as a Fulbright scholar and attended Cornell University. In 1954, he completed his PhD from Caltech.
Thomas K. Caughey's Published Works
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Published Works
- Classical Normal Modes in Damped Linear Dynamic Systems (1960) (905)
- Positive position feedback control for large space structures (1987) (827)
- Equivalent Linearization Techniques (1962) (586)
- A Nonparametric Identification Technique for Nonlinear Dynamic Problems (1979) (530)
- The linear theory of free vibrations of a suspended cable (1974) (510)
- On the stability problem caused by finite actuator dynamics in the collocated control of large space structures (1985) (406)
- Nonlinear Theory of Random Vibrations (1971) (268)
- Sinusoidal Excitation of a System With Bilinear Hysteresis (1960) (268)
- Random Excitation of a System With Bilinear Hysteresis (1960) (241)
- Application of Neural Networks for Detection of Changes in Nonlinear Systems (2000) (238)
- Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Neural Networks (1993) (222)
- On the stability of the impact damper. (1966) (215)
- On-Line Parametric Identification of MDOF Nonlinear Hysteretic Systems (1999) (200)
- Neural Network Approach to Detection of Changes in Structural Parameters (1996) (190)
- Transient Response of a Dynamic System Under Random Excitation (1961) (181)
- Development of adaptive modeling techniques for non-linear hysteretic systems (2002) (180)
- System identification approach to detection of structural changes (1991) (175)
- Experimental Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Centrifugal Pump With Several Vaned Diffusers (1989) (163)
- Derivation and Application of the Fokker-Planck Equation to Discrete Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Subjected to White Random Excitation (1963) (159)
- Nonparametric Identification of Nearly Arbitrary Nonlinear Systems (1982) (142)
- Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part I -- Formulation (1987) (139)
- The exact steady-state solution of a class of non-linear stochastic systems (1982) (130)
- Rotor-stator interaction in a diffuser pump (1989) (127)
- Dynamical Systems and Evolution Equations: Theory and Applications (1980) (108)
- Analysis of a Nonlinear First‐Order System with a White Noise Input (1961) (105)
- Identification of Nonlinear Vibrating Structures: Part II—Applications (1987) (96)
- On the response of non-linear oscillators to stochastic excitation (1986) (92)
- Identification of the state equation in complex non-linear systems (2004) (91)
- A method for non-parametric damage detection through the use of neural networks (1998) (91)
- On-Line Identification of Hysteretic Systems (1998) (88)
- An "Interesting" Strange Attractor in the Dynamics of a Hopping Robot (1991) (88)
- Response of a nonlinear string to random loading (1959) (84)
- Active Vibration Control of Large Civil Structures (1988) (74)
- On the Almost Sure Stability of Linear Dynamic Systems With Stochastic Coefficients (1965) (70)
- A Controversy in Problems Involving Random Parametric Excitation (1965) (61)
- Optimum Pulse Control of Flexible Structures (1981) (61)
- Structure-unknown non-linear dynamic systems: identification through neural networks (1992) (59)
- The Behavior of Linear Systems with Random Parametric Excitation (1962) (56)
- The Steady-State Response of a Class of Dynamical Systems to Stochastic Excitation (1982) (54)
- Free and forced oscillations of a dynamic system with “linear hysteretic damping” (non-linear theory) (1970) (54)
- Non‐parametric identification of a class of nonlinear multidegree dynamic systems (1982) (53)
- On-Line Control of Nonlinear Flexible Structures (1982) (49)
- Analysis of Linear Nonconservative Vibrations (1995) (49)
- Surveillance of Mechanical Systems on the Basis of Vibration Signature Analysis (2000) (46)
- Effect of Damping on the Natural Frequencies of Linear Dynamic Systems (1961) (46)
- Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers (1985) (45)
- Experimental measurements of hydrodynamic radial forces and stiffness matrices for a centrifugal pump-impeller (1985) (41)
- Optimal low-thrust, three-burn orbit transfers with large plane changes (1984) (38)
- Complex Modes and Solvability of Nonclassical Linear Systems (1993) (36)
- Training neural networks by adaptive random search techniques (1999) (36)
- On the response of a class of self-excited oscillators to stochastic excitation (1967) (35)
- The Benchmark Problem (1998) (34)
- Point mapping stability (1977) (34)
- Stochastic Problems in Dynamics (1979) (34)
- Analytical study of similar normal modes and their bifurcations in a class of strongly non-linear systems (1990) (33)
- Active Parameter Control of Nonlinear Vibrating Structures (1989) (33)
- The rotordynamic forces on a centrifugal pump impeller in the presence of cavitation (1990) (32)
- Response of Van Der Pol's oscillator to random excitation (1959) (32)
- A method for examining steady state solutions of forced discrete systems with strong non-linearities (1991) (29)
- A mathematical model of the “Rattleback” (1980) (29)
- Development of bearing friction models from experimental measurements (1991) (29)
- Rotordynamic Forces in Cavitating Inducers (1997) (27)
- Spectral density of piecewise linear first order systems excited by white noise (1968) (26)
- Stability of a Semi-Active Impact Damper: Part I—Global Behavior (1989) (26)
- Existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations (1975) (25)
- Hula-Hoop: An Example of Heteroparametric Excitation (1960) (24)
- A System Identification Approach to the Detection of Changes in Structural Parameters (1988) (21)
- Hydrodynamic Impeller Stiffness, Damping, and Inertia in the Rotordynamics of Centrifugal Flow Pumps (1984) (20)
- General theory of vibration of damped linear dynamic systems (1963) (20)
- Random Excitation of a Loaded Nonlinear String (1960) (20)
- Parametric Excitation of a Nonlinear System (1965) (20)
- A Theorem on the Exact Nonsimilar Steady-State Motions of a Nonlinear Oscillator (1992) (19)
- Instability and the energy criterion for continuous systems (1968) (18)
- Stability of a Semi-Active Impact Damper: Part II—Periodic Solutions (1989) (16)
- Comments on “On the Stability of Random Systems” (1960) (16)
- The Effect of Inlet Swirl on the Rotordynamic Shroud Forces in a Centrifugal Pump (1992) (16)
- Whirling of a heavy chain (1958) (15)
- Derivation and Application of the Fokker‐Planck Equation (1962) (14)
- On the stability of stochastic difference systems (1981) (14)
- Mean stability of stochastic difference systems (1982) (13)
- Dynamic response of structures constructed from smart materials (1995) (13)
- The Mechanics of Inertial Position and Heading Indication (1962) (12)
- Order and chaos in a discrete Duffing oscillator (1989) (11)
- The Influence of Swirl Brakes on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps (1995) (11)
- A quasi-linear vibration suppression technique for large space structures via stiffness modification (1985) (11)
- Identification and modeling of nonlinear systems (1982) (10)
- On-Line Parameter Control of Nonlinear Flexible Structures (1987) (10)
- An Experimental Study of the Active Control of a Building Model (1992) (10)
- On the stability of linear and non-linear stochastic transformations (1981) (10)
- Large Amplitude Whirling of an Elastic String–a Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem (1970) (9)
- Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump Impeller (1982) (9)
- Asymptotic Wave Theory (Vol. 20, North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) (1976) (8)
- Gain indexing schemes for low-thrust perturbation guidance. [of aerospace vehicles] (1983) (8)
- A Method for Reducing the Order of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (1984) (7)
- Rotordynamic forces on centrifugal pump impellers (1987) (7)
- Analytical and experimental studies of the modeling of a class of nonlinear systems (1979) (7)
- Control of intelligent nonlinear adaptive systems under earthquake excitation (1994) (7)
- Forced Oscillations of a Semi-Infinite Rod Exhibiting Weak Bilinear Hysteresis (1960) (7)
- A Test Program to Measure Fluid Mechanical Whirl-Excitation Forces in Centrifugal Pumps (1980) (6)
- The Turbulence Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Wall-Jet and Wall-Wake Flows (2009) (6)
- The C.I.T. Mark II electric analog type response spectrum analyzer for earthquake excitation studies (1960) (6)
- Stability analysis of the periodic solution of a piecewise-linear non-linear dynamic system (1976) (6)
- Stability of Continuous Dynamic Systems With Parametric Excitation (1969) (6)
- Neural network approach to damage detection in a building from ambient vibration measurements (1998) (6)
- First order piecewise linear systems with random parametric excitation (1968) (6)
- Measurements of the rotordynamic shroud forces for centrifugal pumps (1990) (6)
- Forced oscillations of a piecewise-linear non-linear dynamic system with several degrees of freedom (1977) (5)
- Moment stability of linear stochastic difference systems (1981) (5)
- Whirling of a heavy string under constant axial tension: A non-linear eigenvalue problem (1969) (5)
- Stability of stochastic difference systems (1981) (5)
- Nonlinear ordinary difference equations (1979) (5)
- Impeller Fluid Forces (1986) (4)
- Global analysis of a buck regulator (1978) (4)
- Vibration suppression in large space structures (1983) (4)
- Stability of Linear Dynamic Systems With Narrow-Band Parametric Excitation (1967) (4)
- On the monte carlo methodology for cumulative damage (1983) (4)
- Matrix Perturbation Techniques in Structural Dynamics (1973) (4)
- Unsteady Diffuser Vane Pressure and Impeller Wake Measurements in a Centrifugal Pump (1987) (3)
- Sub-Optimal Control of Nonlinear Flexible Space Structures (1985) (3)
- Observations on Off-Design Flows in Non-Cavitating Axial Flow Inducers (1993) (3)
- Time Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Vibration Data (1984) (3)
- Design of subsystems in large structures (1971) (3)
- Adaptive stochastic optimization using multiprocessors (1995) (3)
- A technique for modal identification of interfering modes (1991) (3)
- Vibration suppression by stiffness control (1987) (3)
- Some Experience with Identification of the Caltech Experimental Space Structure (1991) (3)
- Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Leakage Annulus of a Whirling Shrouded Centrifugal Pump (1994) (2)
- Mean-Square Response of Hysteretic Oscillators Under Nonstationary Random Excitation (1988) (2)
- Discussion: “Subharmonic Oscillations of a Pendulum” (Skalak, Richard, and Yarymovych, M. I., 1960, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 27, pp. 159–164) (1960) (2)
- An electric analog type response spectrum analyzer for earthquake excitation studies (1954) (2)
- Some Exact Solutions in the Theory of Nonlinear Random Oscillations (2018) (1)
- FORCES ON CENTRIFUGAL PUMP IMPELLERS by Belgacem Jery Graduate Student (2004) (1)
- Closure to “Discussion of ‘Response of a Nonlinear String to Random Loading’” (1960, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 27, p. 370) (1960) (1)
- Closure to “Discussion of ‘Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Radial Forces and Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump-Impeller’” (1985, ASME J. Fluids Eng., 107, p. 315) (1985) (1)
- The Existence and Stability of Periodic Motions in Forced Non-Linear Oscillations (1954) (1)
- On the effect of cavitation on the radial forces and hydrodynamic stiffness of a centrifugal pump (1986) (1)
- Discussion: “Response of a Loaded Nonlinear String to Random Excitation” (Ariaratnam, S. T., 1962, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 29, pp. 483–485) (1963) (1)
- Effect of vibration on the accuracy of a vertical reference pendulum (1967) (1)
- A Brief Note on the Interaction of an Actuator Cascade with a Singularity (1980) (1)
- Introduction (2001) (1)
- Discussion: “On the Almost-Sure Stability of Linear Stochastic Systems” (Man, F. T., 1970, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 37, pp. 541–543) (1971) (0)
- Global analysis of a buck regulator. [for voltage using discrete control law] (1978) (0)
- Impeller-Induced Rotor-Dynamic Forces (1989) (0)
- Autocorrelation finds wide application (2003) (0)
- Discussion: “On a Restricted Class of Coupled Hill’s Equations and Some Applications” (Hsu, C. S., 1961, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 28, pp. 551–556) (1962) (0)
- Discussion: “On the Stability of the Linearly Related Modes of Certain Nonlinear Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems” (Atkinson, C. P., 1961, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 28, pp. 71–77) (1961) (0)
- Steady-State Undamped Vibrations of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete Systems 1 (2011) (0)
- Attitude stability of spinning satellites (1980) (0)
- Closure to “Discussions of ‘On the Almost Sure Stability of Linear Dynamic Systems With Stochastic Coefficients’” (1966, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 33, pp. 234–236) (1966) (0)
- Closure to “Discussion of ‘Complex Modes and Solvability of Nonclassical Linear Systems’” (1993, ASME J. Appl Mech., 60, pp. 787–788) (1993) (0)
- Closure to “Discussion of ‘Classical Normal Modes in Damped Linear Dynamic Systems’” (1966, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 33, pp. 471–472) (1961) (0)
- On the Almost-Sure Stability of Linear Stochastic Systems 1 (2009) (0)
- Response of Hysteretic Oscillators Under Nonstationary Random Excitation (1986) (0)
- Studies Of Positive-Position-Feedback Control (1992) (0)
- Structural dynamics analyses testing and correlation (1982) (0)
- Identification of a Class of Nonlinear Dynamic System (2014) (0)
- Interview with Thomas K. Caughey (1992) (0)
- Saco River Local Management Advisory Committee (2008) (0)
- Closure to “Discussions of ‘On the Stability of the Impact Damper’” (1967, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 34, p. 253) (1967) (0)
- Closure to “Discussion of ‘Transient Response of a Dynamic System Under Random Excitation’” (1962, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 29, pp. 594–595) (1962) (0)
- Discussion: “Steady-State Undamped Vibrations of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete Systems” (Sethna, P. R., 1960, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 27, pp. 187–195) (1960) (0)
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