Tom Bridgeland
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English mathematics professor
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Tom Bridgeland's Degrees
- Masters Mathematics University of Oxford
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Oxford
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Why Is Tom Bridgeland Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Andrew Bridgeland is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Sheffield. He was a senior research fellow in 2011–2013 at All Souls College, Oxford and, since 2013, remains as a Quondam Fellow. He is most well-known for defining Bridgeland stability conditions on triangulated categories.
Tom Bridgeland's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Stability conditions on triangulated categories (2002) (842)
- Mukai implies McKay: the McKay correspondence as an equivalence of derived categories (1999) (625)
- Stability conditions on $K3$ surfaces (2003) (434)
- Flops and derived categories (2000) (364)
- Equivalences of Triangulated Categories and Fourier–Mukai Transforms (1998) (283)
- Derived categories of coherent sheaves (2006) (227)
- Quadratic differentials as stability conditions (2013) (204)
- Hall algebras and curve-counting invariants (2010) (145)
- Fourier-Mukai transforms for K3 and elliptic fibrations (1999) (141)
- T-structures on some local Calabi–Yau varieties (2005) (132)
- Dirichlet Branes and Mirror Symmetry (2009) (129)
- Complex surfaces with equivalent derived categories (2001) (129)
- Fourier-Mukai transforms for elliptic surfaces (1997) (123)
- An introduction to motivic Hall algebras (2010) (110)
- Spaces of stability conditions (2006) (104)
- Quantum groups via Hall algebras of complexes (2011) (97)
- Stability conditions and Kleinian singularities (2005) (94)
- Stability Conditions on a Non-Compact Calabi-Yau Threefold (2005) (92)
- Scattering diagrams, Hall algebras and stability conditions (2016) (85)
- Derived automorphism groups of K3 surfaces of Picard rank $1$ (2013) (73)
- Riemann–Hilbert problems from Donaldson–Thomas theory (2016) (57)
- Stability conditions and Stokes factors (2008) (53)
- Helices on del Pezzo surfaces and tilting Calabi-Yau algebras (2009) (47)
- Fourier-Mukai Transforms for Quotient Varieties (1998) (46)
- The monodromy of meromorphic projective structures (2018) (33)
- Stability conditions and the A2 quiver (2014) (32)
- Fourier-Mukai transforms for surfaces and moduli spaces of stable sheaves (2002) (26)
- Stokes factors and multilogarithms (2010) (22)
- Riemann-Hilbert problems for the resolved conifold (2017) (22)
- Mukai implies McKay (1999) (21)
- A criterion for regularity of local rings (2006) (14)
- Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants (2019) (14)
- Fourier-Mukai transforms for K3 fibrations (1999) (11)
- Complex hyperkähler structures defined by Donaldson–Thomas invariants (2020) (11)
- Riemann–Hilbert problems for the resolved conifold and non-perturbative partition functions (2020) (10)
- On the monodromy of the deformed cubic oscillator (2020) (9)
- A Quantized Riemann–Hilbert Problem in Donaldson–Thomas Theory (2019) (9)
- Hall algebras and Doanldson-Thomas invariants (2016) (6)
- Hall algebras and Donaldson-Thomas invariants (2018) (5)
- Stability Conditions on a Non-Compact (2006) (2)
- Complex hyperkähler structures defined by Donaldson–Thomas invariants (2021) (1)
- Tau functions from Joyce structures (2023) (1)
- Stability conditions and quadratic differentials (2013) (1)
- Counting invariants and wall-crossing (2009) (0)
- In the hall of the flop king: two applications of perverse coherent sheaves to Donaldson-Thomas invariants (2012) (0)
- Riemann–Hilbert problems from Donaldson–Thomas theory (2018) (0)
- Joyce structures on spaces of quadratic differentials I (2022) (0)
- Stability conditions and Stokes factors (2011) (0)
- Wall-crossing for Donaldson-Thomas invariants (2017) (0)
- Quadratic differentials as stability conditions (2014) (0)
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