
Valerie Henitiuk

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Canadian academic

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Why Is Valerie Henitiuk Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Valerie Henitiuk is a scholar researching aspects of the intersection of translation studies, world literature, Inuit literature, Japanese literature, and women's writing. She is a Canadian citizen, recently retired as Vice-president Academic & Provost at Concordia University of Edmonton. Henitiuk has been a visiting scholar at both Harvard and Columbia Universities in the US and at Kokugakuin University in Japan. She was previously executive director of the Centre for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence and Professor of English at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta, on the faculty of the University of East Anglia and Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation .

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Valerie Henitiuk's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Valerie Henitiuk?

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