Věra Trnková
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Czech mathematician
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Věra Trnková's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Charles University
Why Is Věra Trnková Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Věra Šedivá-Trnková was a Czech mathematician known for her work in topology and in category theory. Early life and education Trnková was born on March 16, 1934, in Berehove, then in Czechoslovakia and now in Ukraine; her father was a forester. By the time she was in high school, her family lived in Prague, and she went to Charles University for study in mathematics. There, she worked with Miroslav Katětov on general topology, earning a master's degree in 1957 with the thesis Collectionwise normal and strongly paracompact spaces on strengthened definitions for normal spaces.
Věra Trnková's Published Works
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Published Works
- Combinatorial, algebraic, and topological representations of groups, semigroups, and categories (1980) (266)
- Automata and Algebras in Categories (1990) (163)
- Some properties of set functors (1969) (81)
- On descriptive classification of set-functors. II. (1971) (80)
- Free algebras, input processes and free monads (1975) (51)
- Presentation of Set Functors: A Coalgebraic Perspective (2010) (40)
- Non-constant continuous mappings of metric or compact Hausdorff spaces (1972) (29)
- Are all limit-closed subcategories of locally presentable categories reflective? (1988) (20)
- Automate and Categories (1975) (20)
- General theory of relational automata (1980) (19)
- On a representation of commutative semigroups (1975) (19)
- Relational Automata ina Category and their Language (1977) (18)
- Unexpected properties of locally presentable categories (1990) (17)
- Dynamic Algebras which are not Kripke Structures (1980) (15)
- All clones are centralizer clones (2009) (14)
- On elementary equivalence and isomorphism of clone segments (1996) (14)
- Isomorphisms of sums of countable Boolean algebras (1980) (14)
- On minimal realizations of behavior maps in categorial automata theory (1974) (12)
- Topological reflections revisited (1990) (12)
- On products in generalized algebraic categories (1969) (12)
- Representation of semigroups by products in a category (1975) (11)
- Sum of categories with amalgamated subcategory (1965) (11)
- $X^m$ is homeomorphic to $X^n$ iff m ~ n where ~ is a congruence on natural numbers (1973) (11)
- Sums of Boolean spaces represent every group. (1975) (11)
- Dynamic Algebras with Test (1987) (11)
- Continuous and uniformly continuous maps of powers of metric spaces (1995) (9)
- Categorial aspects are useful for topology (1977) (9)
- Universal concrete categories and functors (1993) (8)
- Clones in topology and algebra (1997) (8)
- Endofunctors of Set and cardinalities (2003) (8)
- Nonconstant continuous maps of spaces and of their β-compactifications (1989) (8)
- Universalities (1994) (7)
- Automorphisms and symmetries of quantum logics (1989) (7)
- Varietors and machines in a category (1981) (7)
- Simultaneous representations in discrete structures (1986) (7)
- Productive representations of semigroups by pairs of structures (1977) (6)
- On Languages, Accepted by Machines in the Category of Sets (1977) (6)
- Recognizable and Regular Languages in a Category (1977) (6)
- Relatively terminal coalgebras (2012) (6)
- Simultaneous representations by metric spaces (1988) (6)
- Simultaneous representations in categories of algebras (1990) (6)
- Minimal realizations for finite sets in categorial automata theory (1975) (6)
- Maps between a space and its square (2004) (6)
- Some universal properties of the category of clones (2002) (5)
- Isomorphism Testing of Unary Algebras (1988) (5)
- Categorical aspects are useful for topology—after 30 years (2008) (5)
- Functor slices and simultaneous representations (1991) (5)
- Algebraic functor slices (1992) (5)
- The categories of presheaves containing any category of algebras (1975) (5)
- Clone segment independence in topology and algebra (2002) (4)
- Counting Cocomponents of a Topological Space (2004) (4)
- On clones determined by their initial segments (2008) (4)
- Representations of algebraic theories by continuous maps (1999) (4)
- Homomorphisms of unary algebras and of their expansions (1993) (4)
- Topologies on products and decompositions of topological spaces (1964) (4)
- Topological categories containing any category of algebras (1977) (4)
- On coconnected algebras (2003) (4)
- Full embeddings into the categories of Boolean algebras (1986) (4)
- Representation of algebraic theories and non-expanding maps (2000) (4)
- Homeomorphisms of products of Boolean separable spaces (1985) (4)
- Clones of topological spaces (2012) (4)
- On products of binary relational structures (1976) (3)
- Topological spaces with prescribed nonconstant continuous mappings (1980) (3)
- Isomorphisms of products of infinite connected graphs (1984) (3)
- Automorphisms of semirings and of their reducts (1992) (3)
- On categories generalizing universal domains (1999) (3)
- L-Fuzzy Functorial Automata (1979) (3)
- Behaviour of machines in categories (1979) (3)
- When the product-preserving functors preserve limits (1970) (3)
- Completions of small subcategories (1967) (3)
- On realization and boundability of concrete categories in which the morphisms are choiced by local conditions (1967) (3)
- Strong embeddings into categories of algebras (1972) (3)
- Maps of finite powers of metric spaces (recursive conditions for spaces at work) ? ? Financial suppo (2000) (3)
- Continuous maps of products of metrizable spaces (2000) (3)
- From Dynamic Algebras to Test Algebras (1984) (3)
- Simultaneous representations in categories (1988) (2)
- On universal categories of coalgebras (2010) (2)
- Varieties of groupoids with comprehensive free products (1986) (2)
- Automorphisms of orthomodular lattices and symmetries of quantum logics (1991) (2)
- Machines and their behaviour in a category (1979) (2)
- When categories of presheaves are binding (1972) (2)
- Clone segments in Top and in Unif (1996) (2)
- Isomorphism Completeness for Some Algebraic Structures (1981) (2)
- Structural properties of endofunctors (2006) (2)
- Representability and local representability of algebraic theories (1998) (2)
- Tree-group automata (1979) (2)
- Birkhoff's variety theorem with and without free algebras. (2005) (2)
- Clone Segments of the Tychonoff Modification of Space (2000) (2)
- The Clone of a Topological Space: an inspiring book by Walter Taylor (2006) (2)
- On clones of infinitary algebras and their initial segments (2010) (2)
- Isomorphisms of sums of countable bounded distributive lattices (1982) (2)
- On Representations of Dynamic Algebras with Reversion (1981) (2)
- Limit preserving full embeddings (2008) (2)
- Non-constant continuous maps of modifications of topological spaces (1988) (2)
- Analyses of languages accepted by varietor machines in category (1982) (1)
- Algebraic theories, clones and their segments (1996) (1)
- On an equivalence of system-theoretical and categorical concepts (1980) (1)
- Isomorphism and local isomorphism of clones of spaces (2008) (1)
- Metrizability and Coconnectedness (2007) (1)
- Clone properties of topological spaces (2006) (1)
- Errata: Automorphisms and symmetries of quantum logics (1990) (1)
- Arithmetical properties of the product of homeomorphism types of spaces (1984) (1)
- The HS = SH problem for coalgebras (2010) (1)
- Spaces without Nonconstant Maps into Y (2000) (1)
- The $${{\mathcal {HS}} = {\mathcal {SH}}}$$ problem for coalgebras (2010) (1)
- Universality of Categories of Coalgebras (2011) (1)
- Endomorphisms of undirected modifications of directed graphs (1992) (1)
- EU structural funds - their utilization in agriculture of the CR (1999) (0)
- Unnatural isomorphisms of products in a category (1982) (0)
- h-8 – Topological Representations of Algebraic Systems (2003) (0)
- On full embeddings of categories of algebras into categories of functors with thin domain (Preliminary communication) (1971) (0)
- Demographic structure in agriculturally problem districts of the Czech Republic (1998) (0)
- Further development of concentration and specialization of agricultural production and its effect on the living environment of rural areas. (1978) (0)
- Simultaneous representations in uniform spaces (1994) (0)
- Rural districts of CR demografic situation, regional disparities (1999) (0)
- Quasiorders on Topological Categories (2002) (0)
- The influence of scientific and technical development on the changing structure of the labour force in the agriculture and food industries (1981) (0)
- Urban and rural opinions on the environment. (1981) (0)
- Simultaneous problems of clone segments in Top and in Unif (1996) (0)
- Initial algebras and terminal coalgebras in many-sorted sets (2011) (0)
- Set Functors and Filters (2015) (0)
- Demographic structure in marginal areas of the Czech Republic (1998) (0)
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