Vicki Funk
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American botanist for the National Museum of Natural History
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Vicki Ann Funk was an American botanist and curator at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, known for her work on members of the composite family including collecting plants in many parts of the world, as well as her synthetic work on phylogenetics and biogeography.
Vicki Funk's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process. (1981) (710)
- Hawaiian Biogeography: Evolution on a Hot Spot Archipelago (1995) (512)
- Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae (2009) (379)
- Everywhere but Antarctica: using a supertree to understand the diversity and distribution of the Compositae. (2005) (333)
- The Compleat Cladist: A Primer of Phylogenetic Procedures (1991) (303)
- The value of sampling anomalous taxa in phylogenetic studies: major clades of the Asteraceae revealed. (2008) (283)
- Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list (2017) (243)
- Advances in cladistics (1983) (212)
- Classification of Compositae (2009) (195)
- Mapping More of Terrestrial Biodiversity for Global Conservation Assessment (2004) (174)
- Systematic data in biodiversity studies: use it or lose it. (2002) (170)
- Biogeographic patterns in the Hawaiian Islands (1995) (162)
- Biogeographic patterns in the Hawaiian Islands (1995) (162)
- Phylogenetic Patterns and Hybridization (1985) (159)
- Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation (2018) (144)
- A target enrichment method for gathering phylogenetic information from hundreds of loci: An example from the Compositae1 (2014) (143)
- A fully resolved backbone phylogeny reveals numerous dispersals and explosive diversifications throughout the history of Asteraceae (2019) (127)
- Collections‐based science in the 21st Century (2018) (110)
- A phylogenetic analysis of the Orchidaceae (1986) (106)
- Historical Biogeography and Ecology of the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Asteraceae): New Molecular Phylogenetic Perspectives (1995) (105)
- Speaking of Forked Tongues: The Feasibility of Reconciling Human Phylogeny and the History of Language [and Comments] (1990) (96)
- Toward a phylogenetic subfamilial classification for the Compositae (Asteraceae) (2002) (86)
- Checklist of the plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) (1997) (86)
- Phylogenetic Systematics as the Basis of Comparative Biology (1990) (85)
- Xenophyllum, a New Andean Genus Extracted from Werneria s.l. (Compositae: Senecioneae) (1997) (83)
- Survey-gap analysis in expeditionary research: where do we go from here? (2005) (81)
- Collections‐based systematics: Opportunities and outlook for 2050 (2015) (81)
- Area and the rapid radiation of Hawaiian Bidens (Asteraceae) (2012) (77)
- Testing the use of specimen collection data and GIS in biodiversity exploration and conservation decision making in Guyana (1999) (76)
- The importance of vouchers (2005) (69)
- Hawaiian Biogeography: Evolution on a Hotspot Archipelago (1996) (64)
- floras: A model for biodiversity studies or a thing of the past? (2006) (59)
- 100 Uses for an Herbarium: well at least 72 (2003) (59)
- Outcomes of the 2011 Botanical Nomenclature Section at the XVIII International Botanical Congress (2011) (58)
- Using phylogenomics to resolve mega‐families: An example from Compositae (2015) (58)
- Biogeography: Where do we go from here? (2013) (58)
- Recent assembly of the global herbaceous flora: evidence from the paper daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae). (2016) (55)
- Advances in Cladistics, Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society (1982) (55)
- Insights into the evolution of the tribe Arctoteae (Compositae: subfamily Cichorioideae s.s.) using trnL-F, ndhF, and ITS (2004) (49)
- The Compositae Tree of Life in the age of phylogenomics (2017) (47)
- An analysis of Echinacea chloroplast genomes: Implications for future botanical identification (2017) (46)
- Linnaean nomenclature in the 21st Century: a report from a workshop on integrating traditional nomenclature and phylogenetic classification (2004) (46)
- Compositae Metatrees: The Next Generation (2009) (46)
- Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of the Guiana Shield (2009) (43)
- Origin and Evolution of Hawaiian Endemics: New Patterns Revealed by Molecular Phylogenetic Studies (2011) (42)
- Applications of deep convolutional neural networks to digitized natural history collections (2017) (42)
- Cladistics for the Practicing Plant Taxonomist (1978) (40)
- A search for pollen morphological synapomorphies to classify rogue genera in Compositae (Asteraceae) (2007) (39)
- Molecular phylogeny of Anaphalis (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) with biogeographic implications in the Northern Hemisphere (2012) (35)
- The controversy over the retypification of Acacia Mill. with an Australian type: a pragmatic view (2011) (35)
- A phylogeny of the Gochnatieae: Understanding a critically placed tribe in the Compositae (2014) (32)
- A newly described subfossil cultivar of Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae) (1985) (31)
- data: Improving the use of information from museum specimens: Using Google Earth© to georeference Guiana Shield specimens in the US National Herbarium (2012) (30)
- Cladistics and generic concepts in the Compositae (1985) (30)
- The importance of herbaria (2003) (30)
- Phytogeography of the Kaieteur Falls, Potaro Plateau, Guyana: floral distributions and affinities (2004) (28)
- Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia Cass. (Asteraceae: Mutisieae: Gerbera‐complex), an Asian–North American disjunct genus (2010) (27)
- Hawaiian Biogeography. Evolution on a Hot Spot Archipelago (1997) (27)
- Proceedings of the second meeting of the Willi Hennig Society (1983) (26)
- Phylogeny of the Spiny African Daisies (Compositae, tribe Arctotideae, subtribe Gorteriinae) based on trnL-F, ndhF, and ITS sequence data. (2008) (25)
- Empowering 21st Century Biology (2010) (24)
- Guidelines for collecting vouchers and tissues intended for genomic work (Smithsonian Institution): Botany Best Practices (2017) (24)
- Global Genome Biodiversity Network: saving a blueprint of the Tree of Life – a botanical perspective (2016) (24)
- Recuentos cromosómicos en Compositae de Colombia (1984) (23)
- Morphological characters add support for some members of the basal grade of Asteraceae (2013) (23)
- Biodiversity: the interface between systematics and conservation. (2002) (21)
- An empirical assessment of a single family‐wide hybrid capture locus set at multiple evolutionary timescales in Asteraceae (2019) (21)
- Pollen and the Evolution of Arctotideae (Compositae) (2008) (20)
- The origin of the bifurcating style in Asteraceae (Compositae). (2016) (19)
- Utility of QR codes in biological collections (2013) (18)
- Vernonieae (Asteraceae) of southern Africa: A generic disposition of the species and a study of their pollen (2016) (18)
- The monotypic Andean genus Fulcaldea (Compositae, Barnadesioideae) gains a new species from northeastern Brazil (2011) (17)
- Genes and tongues. (1989) (17)
- Pollen morphology and its taxonomic significance in the tribe Gochnatieae (Compositae, Gochnatioideae) (2013) (17)
- New infrafamilial taxa in Asteraceae (2007) (16)
- The problem with(out) vouchers (2018) (16)
- Plant Diversity of the Iwokrama Forest, Guyana (2001) (15)
- A phylogeny of the Munnoziinae (Asteraceae, Liabeae): circumscription of Munnozia and a new placement of M. perfoliata (2003) (15)
- Using checklists and collections data to investigate plant diversity: II. An analysis of five florulas from northeastern South America (2005) (15)
- Biogeographical Review of Asteraceae in the Espinhaço Mountain Range, Brazil (2019) (15)
- Plant Diversity of the Iwokrama Forest, Guyana (2001) (15)
- Empowering 21 st Century Biology (2010) (14)
- Phylogenomics Yields New Insight Into Relationships Within Vernonieae (Asteraceae) (2019) (14)
- An approach to designing a systematic protected area system in Guyana (1999) (13)
- Cymbonotus (Compositae: Arctotideae, Arctotidinae): an endemic Australian genus embedded in a southern African clade (2007) (13)
- A bibliography of botanical cladistics: 1. 1981 (1982) (12)
- Meta-trees: grafting for a global perspective (2007) (12)
- A prickly puzzle: Generic delimitations in the Carduus ‐ Cirsium group (Compositae: Cardueae: Carduinae) (2020) (12)
- A survey of the herbaria of the southeast United States (2000) (11)
- A Bibliography of Plant Collectors in Bolivia (1989) (11)
- Gymnanthemum koekemoerae (Compositae, Vernonieae), a new species from South Africa (2014) (11)
- Plant Diversity of the Iwokrama Forest, Guyana. Using Checklists and Collecting Data to Investigate Plant Diversity. 1: A Comparative Checklist of the Plant Diversity of the Iwokrama Forest, Guyana. Sida, Botanical Miscellany 21 (2002) (11)
- Microfluidic Enrichment Barcoding (MEBarcoding): a new method for high throughput plant DNA barcoding (2020) (11)
- North American Herbaria and their Tropical Plant Collections: What exists, what is available, and what the future may bring (2017) (11)
- New insights into the phylogeny and biogeography of the Gerbera‐Complex (Asteraceae: Mutisieae) (2016) (10)
- Dispersal and adaptive radiation of Bidens (Compositae) across the remote archipelagoes of Polynesia (2020) (10)
- A review of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature with respect to its compatibility with phylogenetic classification (2004) (10)
- Data Release: DNA barcodes of plant species collected for the Global Genome Initiative for Gardens Program, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (2017) (10)
- Phylogeny and biogeography of the tribe Liabeae (Compositae subfamily Cichorioideae) (2012) (9)
- Phylogenetics of the Chiliotrichum group (Compositae: Astereae): The story of the fascinating radiation in the paleate Astereae genera from southern South America (2012) (9)
- A Bully New Genus from the Andes (Compositae: Liabeae) (2001) (9)
- Nahuatlea: a new genus of compositae (Gochnatieae) from North America (2017) (8)
- Historical perspectives, ecology, and tiger beetles: an alternative discussion (1989) (8)
- A workflow to preserve genome-quality tissue samples from plants in botanical gardens and arboreta1 (2016) (8)
- Home at last: the enigmatic genera Eriachaenium and Adenocaulon (Compositae, Mutisioideae, Mutisieae, Adenocaulinae) (2016) (8)
- Sampera, a new genus of Liabeae (Compositae or Asteraceae) from the northern Andes (2009) (8)
- Advances in Cladistics, Volume 2 (1984) (8)
- DNA barcodes fail to accurately differentiate species in Hawaiian plant lineages (2019) (8)
- New trends in plant systematics—Introduction (2013) (7)
- Uses and misuses of floras (1993) (7)
- Home at last III: Transferring Uechtritzia and Asian Gerbera species into Oreoseris (Compositae, Mutisieae) (2018) (6)
- Home at Last II: Gerbera hieracioides (Kunth) Zardini (Mutisieae, Asteraceae) is really a Chaptalia (2018) (6)
- Thistle be a mess: Untangling the taxonomy of Cirsium (Cardueae: Compositae) in North America (2020) (6)
- A History of Research in Compositae: Early Beginnings to the Reading Meeting (1975) (2009) (6)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990-1991, Tim McDowell (2004) (5)
- An updated classification of the basal grade of Asteraceae (= Compositae): from Cabrera’s 1977 tribe Mutisieae to the present (2020) (5)
- New tribes in Asteraceae (2009) (5)
- The Value of Natural Classification (1983) (5)
- Taxonomy: naming algae, fungi, plants (2017) (5)
- (065-067) Proposals to amend Article 3.1, Article 22.3, and Article 26.3 (2004) (5)
- Bidens meyeri (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae): a new critically endangered species from Rapa, Austral Islands (2014) (5)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990-1991, Tim McDowell (2004) (5)
- Size and Growth Rate Characteristics of a Peripheral Population of Crotaphytus collaris (Sauria: Crotaphytidae) (1992) (5)
- Biogeography and relationships within the Melanthera alliance: A pan-tropical lineage (Compositae: Heliantheae: Ecliptinae) (2018) (4)
- New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae) (2019) (4)
- More on Human Phylogeny and Linguistic History (1990) (4)
- Stephanbeckia plumosa (Liabeae: Compositae): A new genus and species from southern Bolivia (2011) (4)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1989-1991, Lynn J. Gillespie (2003) (4)
- On Human Phylogeny and Linguistic History: Reply to Comments (1990) (4)
- Misbrookea, a new monotypic genus removed from Werneria s.1. (Compositae: Senecioneae) (2008) (4)
- Taxonomic Revision of the Neotropical Genus Werneria (Compositae, Senecioneae) (2020) (4)
- SSZ 1970-1989: a view of the years of conflict. (2001) (4)
- Gymnarrheneae ( Gymnarrhenoideae ) (2009) (4)
- Down with alphabetically arranged herbaria (and alphabetically arranged floras too for that matter) (2003) (3)
- Down with alphabetically arranged herbaria (and alphabetically arranged floras too for that matter) (2003) (3)
- Institutional Votes at the XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, 2017: Report of the Special Committee on Institutional Votes (2016) (3)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1995-2004, H. David Clarke (2011) (3)
- Speaking of Forked Tongues: the feasibility of reconciling human phylogeny and language (1990) (3)
- A new tribe Platycarpheae and a new genus Platycarphella in the Cichorioideae (Compositae or Asteraceae) (2009) (3)
- Heterolepis : an unplaced genus (2009) (3)
- Ecological species concepts - a reply to Andersson (1992) (3)
- Book reviews (1981) (3)
- Insights into the evolution of the tribe Arctoteae (Compositae) using trnL, ndhF, and ITS (2004) (3)
- A new genus, Nothovernonia, from tropical Africa (Asteraceae or Compositae, Vernonieae) (2011) (3)
- Insights into the evolution of the tribe Arctoteae (Compositae) using trnL, ndhF, and ITS (2004) (3)
- The compositae of the Guianas. I, Heliantheae (Heliantheae, Tageteae, Coreopsideae) (1991) (2)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guiana Shield (2019) (2)
- A Monograph of the Small Tribe Platycarpheae (Compositae: Cichorioideae) (2011) (2)
- Empowering 21 st Century Biology Gene (2010) (2)
- Ten things I learned on the way to the Mother Tree (2010) (2)
- Cuatrecasanthus (Vernonieae, Compositae): A revision of a north-central Andean genus (2012) (2)
- 1467) Proposal to conserve the name Wulffia against Tilesia (Asteraceae) (2000) (2)
- Symposium: Character weighting, cladistics, and classification (1986) (2)
- National Science Foundation Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cladistic Methodology. Organized by T. Duncan and T. Stuessy. University of California, Berkeley, 22–28 March 1981. (1981) (2)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1992–2014, Terry W. Henkel (2016) (2)
- Typification of species names in Adenocaulon and Eriachaenium (Compositae/Asteraceae, Subfamily Mutisioideae, Tribe Mutisieae, Subtribe Adenocaulinae) (2016) (2)
- Dysaster cajamarcensis, a new shrubby genus and species of Astereae (Asteraceae) from Peru (2014) (2)
- Two new species of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Senecioneae, Compositae). (2020) (2)
- Chapter 4.3 The Guiana Shield (2005) (1)
- The Importance of Vouchers in Science (2005) (1)
- Volcanological and biological observatory at Arenal Volcano (Alajuela Provience, Costa Rica) (1989) (1)
- The International Biogeography Society (2004) (1)
- Biodiversity: the interface between systematics and conservation. Introduction to the symposium (2002) (1)
- Chapter 4.3 The Guiana Shield (2005) (1)
- In Memoriam: Richard Peter Vari (August 24, 1949–January 15, 2016) (2017) (1)
- An African connection (1988) (1)
- The Guiana Shield: 20 Years and Counting (2007) (1)
- 150 years of thistles, daisies, and sunflowers (2005) (1)
- Smithsonian Plant Collections, the Guianas: 1991–1993, and 1995–2000, Bruce Hoffman (2014) (1)
- Nine species from Madagascar are moved from Vernonia to Distephanus (Compositae, Vernonieae) (2017) (1)
- An African connection (1988) (1)
- Institutional Votes for the 2017 Nomenclature Section (2013) (1)
- Tongifiss The Feasibility of Reconciling Human Phylogeny and the History of Language (2010) (1)
- Symposium: Character Weighting, Cladistics, and Classification: [Introduction] (1986) (1)
- Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador (2020) (0)
- The logical basis of phlogenetic analysis (1983) (0)
- James Lee Zarucchi (1952–2019) (2019) (0)
- Figure 3 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2020) Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador. PhytoKeys 139: 51-62. (2020) (0)
- Figure 2 from: Calvo J, Funk VA (2020) Two new species of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 139: 29-38. (2020) (0)
- Figure 1 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2018) Vernonia subgenus Austrovernonia, a new subgenus from South America (Compositae, Vernonieae, Vernoniinae). PhytoKeys 110: 123-134. (2018) (0)
- List of reviewers for volume 43 (2013) (0)
- Griffiths' Cacti glass negatives collection (1988) (0)
- Santiago Dîaz Piedrahita (1944-2014), Colombian synantherologist and historian (2014) (0)
- Figure 2 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2020) Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador. PhytoKeys 139: 51-62. (2020) (0)
- Figure 5 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2020) Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador. PhytoKeys 139: 51-62. (2020) (0)
- IAPT Participation at the VII Congreso Colombiano de Botánica (2013) (0)
- Figure 5 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- An analysis of Echinacea chloroplast genomes: Implications for future botanical identification (2017) (0)
- Figure 3 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2018) Vernonia subgenus Austrovernonia, a new subgenus from South America (Compositae, Vernonieae, Vernoniinae). PhytoKeys 110: 123-134. (2018) (0)
- Figure 4 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2020) Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador. PhytoKeys 139: 51-62. (2020) (0)
- VernoniasubgenusAustrovernonia, a new subgenus from South America (Compositae, Vernonieae, Vernoniinae) (2018) (0)
- The implications of phylogenetic analysis for comparative biology: The thirtieth annual systematics symposium (1985) (0)
- Phylogenomic loci define the generic boundaries of Gochnatieae and improve resolution at the species level in Moquiniastrum (Compositae). (2022) (0)
- Out of Africa to Madagascar - Then Back? Molecular Phylogenetics and Biogeography of tribe Tarchonantheae (Asteraceae: Tarchonanthoideae) (2023) (0)
- Pollen morphology and its taxonomic significance in the tribe Gochnatieae (Compositae, Gochnatioideae) (2013) (0)
- Original Figure Legends for Plates in Chapter 1 (2009) (0)
- Figure 1 from: Calvo J, Funk VA (2020) Two new species of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 139: 29-38. (2020) (0)
- An Explanatory message from the author Plant Conservation : A Natural History Approach by Krupnick and Kress (2010) (0)
- from the society: Nomination of IBS officers (2012) (0)
- Figure 3 from: Calvo J, Funk VA (2020) Two new species of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 139: 29-38. (2020) (0)
- Molecular phylogeny of Anaphalis (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) with biogeographic implications in the Northern Hemisphere (2012) (0)
- Figure 2 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- Eremothamneae Harold Robinson (2009) (0)
- Author Correction: Microfluidic Enrichment Barcoding (MEBarcoding): a new method for high throughput plant DNA barcoding (2020) (0)
- Figure 1 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2020) Two new species for Gochnatia Kunth (Asteraceae, Gochnatieae) and an extension of the tribal range into Ecuador. PhytoKeys 139: 51-62. (2020) (0)
- Empowering 21 st Century Biology Author ( s ) : Gene (2010) (0)
- Figure 6 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- Inspiration for Cladists@@@Phylogenetic Systematics as the Basis of Comparative Biology. (1992) (0)
- Bilogical Specimen Data in Biodiversity Studies: Use it or lose it (2002) (0)
- Figure 4 from: Calvo J, Funk VA (2020) Two new species of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 139: 29-38. (2020) (0)
- Author Correction: Microfluidic Enrichment Barcoding (MEBarcoding): a new method for high throughput plant DNA barcoding (2020) (0)
- Plant Systematics World (2018) (0)
- Chapter 22 Gymnarrheneae ( Gymnarrhenoideae ) (2010) (0)
- The lost world of Venezuela. An African Connection (1988) (0)
- Summer Reading: To While Away Some Time...Michael Pollan, the Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World (2007) (0)
- Figure 3 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- Figure 1 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- Review of: [Book review:] A monograph of the fern genus Platycerium (Polypodiaceae) (1983) (0)
- Like Death and Taxes@@@Advances in Cladistics (1982) (0)
- Compositae of Ecuador, I: Key to frequently collected genera (1997) (0)
- Figure 4 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2018) Vernonia subgenus Austrovernonia, a new subgenus from South America (Compositae, Vernonieae, Vernoniinae). PhytoKeys 110: 123-134. (2018) (0)
- Figure 2 from: Robinson H, Funk VA (2018) Vernonia subgenus Austrovernonia, a new subgenus from South America (Compositae, Vernonieae, Vernoniinae). PhytoKeys 110: 123-134. (2018) (0)
- Melanoma of the iris; case report. (1951) (0)
- The Society of Systematic Biologists' Awards in Systematics (1999) (0)
- Character weighting, cladistics, and classification (1986) (0)
- Whatever happened to Bishopanthus (Compositae, Liabeae)? (2013) (0)
- Hans Walter Lack - Recipient of the 2017 Peter Raven Award (2018) (0)
- Figure 4 from: Calvo J, Granda A, Funk VA (2019) New combinations and synonyms in discoid caespitose Andean Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae). PhytoKeys 132: 111-130. (2019) (0)
- Phylogenetic position of the South African endemic genus Perdicium in the Gerbera-complex (Compositae, Mutisieae) (2019) (0)
- Discussion and criticism: on human phylogeny and a linguistic history; reply to comments (1990) (0)
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