Duke University
Duke University Featured Rankings
- #1 Best Grad Schools in North Carolina 2022
- #1 The Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Doctoral Degrees
- #1 Best Christian Colleges in North Carolina 2022
- #1 Fastest Online Doctoral Degrees
- #1 Best Christian Colleges 2022
- #1 The Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
- #1 Best Research Universities in North Carolina
- #1 North Carolina's Best Online Master's Degrees
- #1 Online Master’s in Nursing-MSN
- #1 Free Online Courses for MBA Students
- #1 Best Colleges in North Carolina
- #1 Best Online MBAs North Carolina
- #1 Most Influential US Universities by State
- #1 Best Private Colleges in North Carolina 2022
- #2 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs
- #2 Most Influential Colleges in Basketball Today
- #3 Best Online Master's Programs
- #4 The 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
- #4 Online Master’s in Management
- #5 Fastest Online Master's Degrees
- #5 Education Research Universities
- #6 Schools That Offer Free Master's Degrees Online
- #6 Best Consulting MBA Programs
- #7 Nursing Research Universities
- #7 The 20 Best Business Schools for Earning an MBA Ranked for Students
- #8 Free Graduate Courses You Can Take Online
- #9 The Most Influential Colleges in Soccer Today
- #9 Anthropology Research Universities
- #9 Most Influential Colleges in Sports Today
- #11 Sociology Research Universities
- #12 History Research Universities
- #13 Best Private Grad Schools 2022
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- #13 Religious Studies Research Universities
- #13 Best Undergrad Research Universities 2022
- #14 English Research Universities
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- #15 Best Research Universities for Psychology Majors
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- #16 The Best Traditional MBA Programs
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- #16 Physics Research Universities
- #16 Computer Science Research Universities
- #16 Math Research Universities
- #16 Most Influential Colleges in Lacrosse Today
- #16 Economics Research Universities
- #16 Best US Universities 2025
- #16 Best Grad Schools 2025
- #17 Engineering Research Universities
- #18 Chemistry Research Universities
- #25 Most Influential Colleges in Golf Today
- #41 Best Universities World 2025
About Duke University
Duke began life as Brown’s Schoolhouse, on a site in what is now the town of Trinity in Randolph County, North Carolina, a little over 70 miles west of its current location in the city of Durham.
The small school experienced rapid growth in the years leading up to the Civil War, and underwent a succession of name changes: to Union Institute Academy (1841), Normal College (1851), and Trinity College (1859). In its cultural roots, the Methodist and Quaker faiths both loom large.
Finally, in 1892 the still-growing college was gifted with a major endowment from the wealthy tobacco entrepreneur, philanthropist, and devout Methodist, Washington Duke. It was at this time that its location was transferred to Durham.
A little later, Washington Duke’s son, James B. Duke, substantially increased the university’s endowment, to a total sum of about $40 million (around $580 million in today’s dollars). In honor of the contributions of the Duke family, in 1924the school changed its name one last time.
Washington Duke’s educational vision was to transform the modest teacher and minister training college into a major research university on the German model that would be capable of intellectually rivalling its Northern peers. In this, he succeeded beyond all expectation. Today, Duke is one of the premier private research universities in the South, and among the top tier of private schools in the country—effectively, the equivalent of an Ivy League school.
In addition to the influence flowing from the German research university model, Duke’s direction was also strongly shaped by its Methodist and Quaker roots, which toward the turn of the new century gave the school a decidedly progressive social impetus.
For example, Trinity College’s 1892 charter stipulated that the university’s doors be open to women on an equal basis with men. Also, in 1900, Duke became the first university in the country to host the renowned African American educator Booker T. Washington as an invited speaker. Native Americans also began to be included among its graduates around this same time.
There are some 15 Nobel laureates with Duke connections, including the:
- Physicists, Charles Townes and Gerardus ’t Hooft
- Biochemist, Robert Lefkowitz
- Cancer researcher, William Kaelin, Jr.
- Nigerian playwright, Wole Soyinka
Among other notable, Duke-associated scientists, we may mention the physicist and evolutionary theorist, Adrian Bejan. Duke can also boast of three Turing Award–winners:
- Frederick Brooks
- Edmund Clarke
- John Cocke
Among the many other famous people who have been connected to Duke, the following are very notable:
- Philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre
- Novelists, William Styron & Reynolds Price
- Historian, John Hope Franklin
- Literary theorist, Stanley Fish
- Psychologists, Jerome Bruner, Roy Baumeister, & Dan Ariely
- Economist, Allan Meltzer
- Television personalities, Judy Woodruff & Charlie Rose
- Father and son Libertarian politicians, Ron & Rand Paul
- Lawyer, judge, and Clinton-era special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr
Duke also administers two international sister colleges: a medical school in Singapore and Kunshan University in China.
According to Wikipedia, Duke University is a private research university in Durham, North Carolina, United States. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day city of Trinity in 1838, the school moved to Durham in 1892. In 1924, tobacco and electric power industrialist James Buchanan Duke established The Duke Endowment and the institution changed its name to honor his deceased father, Washington Duke.
Duke University's Online Degrees
MS in Accelerated Master'S Of Science In Quantitative Management
Degree Concentrations
- Business Analytics
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MBA in Global Executive Mba
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MSQM in Master'S Of Science In Quantitative Management
Degree Concentrations
- Business Analytics
- Health Analytics
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
Dmin in Doctor Of Ministry
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MACP in Master'S Of Arts In Christian Practice
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
DNP in Doctor Of Nursing Practice
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MSN in Master'S Of Science In Nursing
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MEM in Master'S Of Engineering Management
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MEM in Master'S Of Environmental Management
- Required Credits: None Reported
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
Duke University Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Annual Applications | Acceptance | Graduation Rate | Median SAT Score | Median ACT Score |
50,016 | 6% | 97% | 1530 | 34 |
How Much Does Duke University Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) |
$62,688 |
Income | Average Net Cost |
0 - 30K | $3,931 |
30K - 48K | $2,025 |
48K - 75K | $10,076 |
75K - 110K | $17,506 |
110K+ | $49,945 |
How Much Do Duke University Graduates Make?
If you graduate from Duke University, then you can expect to earn an average of $114,500 per year. You also have a 93% chance of being employed after 10 years.
Duke University's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads | Graduates |
18,357 | 6,953 | 11,404 |
Where is Duke University?
Duke University is located at 103 Allen Bldg, Durham NC 27708
How Safe is Duke University?
Duke University has a violent crime rate of less than .01% and a property crime rate of less than .01%.
What Is Duke University Known For?
Duke University is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:
- Nursing
- Religious Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Philosophy
- Literature
- Education
- Law
- Sociology
- Business
- Anthropology
- Medical
- Communications
- Economics
- History
- Biology
- Engineering
- Earth Sciences
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
Duke University's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered
Who Are Duke University's Most Influential Alumni?
Duke University's most influential alumni include professors and professionals in the fields of Nursing, Business, and Criminal Justice. Here are some of Duke University's most famous alumni:
- Jerome Bruner
- An American psychologist and scholar.
- Fred Brooks
- An American computer scientist .
- Ken Wilber
- An American writer and public speaker.
- Charlie Rose
- An American TV interviewer and journalist.
- John W. Campbell
- An American science fiction writer .
- Dan Ariely
- An Israeli American professor of psychology and behavioral economics.
- Paul Farmer
- An American anthropologist, 1959-2022.
- Russell Kirk
- An American political theorist and writer .
- David G. Bromley
- An American academic and sociologist .
- Michael Tomasello
- An American developmental psychologist.
- Peter J. Denning
- An American computer scientist and writer.
- Charles Tart
- An American experimental psychologist .
Who Are Duke University's Most Influential Faculty?
Duke University's most influential faculty include professors in the fields of Nursing, Business, and Criminal Justice. Here are some of Duke University's most famous alumni:
- Zephyr Teachout
- An American academic, political activist and candidate.
- Stephen Cameron
- An American economist.
- Michael Sheetz
- An American biochemist.
- Omid Safi
- An American academic.
- Jedediah Purdy
- An American legal scholar.
- Lenhard Ng
- A Chinese American mathematician.
- Sandro Galea
- An American physician.
- Hesham Sallam
- An Egyptian Vertebrate Paleontologist.
- Roxana Mehran
- An Iranian cardiologist.
- Cynthia Rudin
- An American computer scientist and statistician.
- Drew Shindell
- A Climatologist.
- Brian Hare
- An American anthropologist .