Witold Nazarewicz
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Polish physicist
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Witold Nazarewicz's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Warsaw
Why Is Witold Nazarewicz Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Witold Nazarewicz is a Polish-American nuclear physicist, researcher, and educator. He is a John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor in Physics and Chief Scientist at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University, and a Professor at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics.
Witold Nazarewicz's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Single-particle energies, wave functions, quadrupole moments and g-factors in an axially deformed woods-saxon potential with applications to the two-centre-type nuclear problems (1987) (464)
- Microscopic study of the high-spin behaviour in selected A ~= 80 nuclei (1985) (442)
- Intrinsic reflection asymmetry in atomic nuclei (1996) (370)
- Coexistence in even-mass nuclei (1992) (353)
- The limits of the nuclear landscape (2012) (322)
- Nuclear Energy Density Optimization (2010) (289)
- Shell structure of the superheavy elements (1996) (280)
- Accurate nuclear radii and binding energies from a chiral interaction (2015) (259)
- Unexpectedly large charge radii of neutron-rich calcium isotopes (2016) (234)
- Structure of superdeformed bands in the A ≈ 150 mass region (1989) (224)
- Nuclear energy density optimization: Large deformations (2011) (219)
- Analysis of octupole instability in medium-mass and heavy nuclei (1984) (217)
- Neutron and weak-charge distributions of the 48Ca nucleus (2015) (214)
- Shape coexistence and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction (1999) (210)
- Optimized chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction at next-to-next-to-leading order. (2013) (210)
- Equilibrium deformations and excitation energies of single-quasiproton band heads of rare-earth nuclei (1990) (199)
- Error Estimates of Theoretical Models: a Guide (2014) (185)
- Information content of a new observable: The case of the nuclear neutron skin (2010) (181)
- Highly deformed intruder bands in the A≈130 mass region (1988) (174)
- Systematic study of deformed nuclei at the drip lines and beyond (2003) (173)
- Shape coexistence and triaxiality in the superheavy nuclei (2005) (168)
- Gamow shell model description of neutron-rich nuclei. (2002) (158)
- Shell corrections of superheavy nuclei in self-consistent calculations (1999) (156)
- Structure of Odd-N Superheavy Elements (1999) (153)
- Shell stabilization of super- and hyperheavy nuclei without magic gaps (2001) (152)
- β decay rates of r-process waiting-point nuclei in a self-consistent approach (1999) (146)
- Shell model in the complex energy plane (2008) (143)
- Local density approximation for proton-neutron pairing correlations: Formalism (2003) (143)
- Electric dipole polarizability and the neutron skin (2012) (142)
- Reaching for the horizon: The 2015 long range plan for nuclear science (2015) (142)
- Nuclear Shapes in Mean Field Theory (1990) (138)
- Axially deformed solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov equations using the transformed harmonic oscillator basis. The program HFBTHO (v1.66p) (2004) (135)
- Shell structure of the heaviest elements (1994) (125)
- Gamow-Teller strength and the spin-isospin coupling constants of the Skyrme energy functional (2001) (124)
- Nuclear energy density optimization: Shell structure (2013) (124)
- Spherical proton emitters (1997) (112)
- Equilibrium shapes and high-spin properties of the neutron-rich A ≈ 100 nuclei (1997) (105)
- Interplay between proton and neutron S-bands in the Xe-Ba-Ce-region (1989) (102)
- Octupole shapes and shape changes at high spins in Ra and Th nuclei (1987) (102)
- Particle-Number Projection and the Density Functional Theory (2007) (99)
- r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos (2018) (99)
- Shape coexistence and shape transitions in even-even Pt and Hg isotopes (1987) (99)
- Intrinsic dipole moments in reflection-asymmetric nuclei (1991) (96)
- Colloquium : Superheavy elements: Oganesson and beyond (2019) (96)
- One-quasiparticle States in the Nuclear Energy Density Functional Theory (2009) (94)
- Spontaneous fission modes and lifetimes of superheavy elements in the nuclear density functional theory (2012) (94)
- Rotational consequences of stable octupole deformation in nuclei (1985) (93)
- Low-energy collective E1 mode in nuclei (1986) (90)
- Bayesian approach to model-based extrapolation of nuclear observables (2018) (88)
- Nuclear ground-state properties from mean-field calculations (2002) (87)
- Multiple Superdeformed Bands in $^194$Hg and Their Dynamical Moments of Inertia (1990) (87)
- Uncertainty quantification for nuclear density functional theory and information content of new measurements. (2015) (86)
- On the origin of the Wigner energy (1997) (84)
- Variety of shapes in the mercury and lead isotopes (1993) (83)
- Variety of shapes in the mercury and lead isotopes (1993) (83)
- Identical Bands in Deformed and Superdeformed Nuclei (1995) (83)
- Self-consistent description of multipole strength in exotic nuclei: Method (2004) (82)
- Shape coexistence around 1644S28: The deformed N = 28 region (1994) (82)
- Nuclear skins and halos in the mean field theory (1996) (81)
- Proton superfluidity and charge radii in proton-rich calcium isotopes (2019) (80)
- Fission barriers of transfermium elements (1983) (80)
- Odd-Even Staggering of Binding Energies as a Consequence of Pairing and Mean-Field Effects (2000) (79)
- Rotational bands in the doubly magic nucleus 56Ni (1999) (79)
- Charge, neutron, and weak size of the atomic nucleus (2015) (78)
- Future of nuclear fission theory (2020) (78)
- Ground-state properties of exotic Si, S, Ar and Ca isotopes (1996) (76)
- Odd-even mass differences from self-consistent mean field theory (2008) (74)
- Pairing interaction and self-consistent densities in neutron-rich nuclei (2001) (73)
- Anomalous behavior of 2 ¿ excitations around 132 Sn (2002) (73)
- Hyperdeformations and clustering in the actinide nuclei (1994) (72)
- Fission barriers of compound superheavy nuclei. (2009) (67)
- Nuclear quadrupole moment of 57Fe from microscopic nuclear and atomic calculations. (2001) (66)
- A new region of intrinsic reflection asymmetry in nuclei around 145Ba (1985) (66)
- Microscopic description of complex nuclear decay: Multimodal fission (2009) (66)
- High-Spin Consequences of Octupole Shape in Nuclei around 222 Th (1984) (65)
- From finite nuclei to the nuclear liquid drop: Leptodermous expansion based on self-consistent mean-field theory (2005) (65)
- Parameters of the deformed Woods-Saxon potential outside A=110-210 nuclei (1979) (64)
- Measurement and microscopic description of odd–even staggering of charge radii of exotic copper isotopes (2019) (64)
- Orbital dependent nucleonic pairing in the lightest known isotopes of tin. (2010) (64)
- The limits of nuclear mass and charge (2018) (64)
- On the validity of the pseudo-spin concept for axially symmetric deformed nuclei (1994) (64)
- Neutron Drip Line in the Ca Region from Bayesian Model Averaging. (2019) (63)
- First observation of a collective dipole rotational band in the A∼200 mass region☆ (1992) (63)
- Broyden's Method in Nuclear Structure Calculations (2008) (63)
- ISOL science at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (2011) (63)
- Electron and Nucleon Localization Functions of Oganesson: Approaching the Thomas-Fermi Limit. (2017) (60)
- How magic is the magic 68 Ni nucleus (2002) (58)
- Energy density functional for nuclei and neutron stars (2012) (58)
- Toward a global description of nuclear charge radii: Exploring the Fayans energy density functional (2017) (57)
- Competition between triaxial bands and highly deformed intruder bands around 180Os (1990) (57)
- A systematic comparison between the Nilsson and Woods-Saxon deformed shell model potentials (1989) (56)
- Deformed Nuclear Halos (1996) (55)
- Proton-neutron coupling in the Gamow shell model: The lithium chain (2004) (55)
- Structure of superdeformed states in AuRa nuclei (1991) (55)
- Octupole deformation in 142,143Ba and 144Ce: new band structures in neutron-rich Ba-isotopes (1995) (54)
- Theoretical aspects of science with radioactive nuclear beams (1997) (54)
- Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Tin Isotopes: A Discontinuity in Charge Radii across the N=82 Shell Closure. (2019) (53)
- Theoretical description of deformed proton emitters: Nonadiabatic coupled-channel method (2000) (53)
- Shape coexistence and alignment processes in the light Pt and Au region (1986) (53)
- Infrared studies of the structure of borate glasses (1989) (52)
- Augmented Lagrangian method for constrained nuclear density functional theory (2010) (52)
- Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32 (2021) (51)
- Application of the Random‐Element Isodisplacement Model to Long‐Wavelength Optical Phonons in CdSexTe1−x Mixed Crystals (1974) (50)
- Impact of Nuclear Mass Uncertainties on the r Process. (2015) (49)
- Deformed coordinate-space Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach to weakly bound nuclei and large deformations (2008) (47)
- Nuclear Theory and Science of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (2014) (47)
- Computational nuclear quantum many-body problem: The UNEDF project (2013) (47)
- Closed shells at drip-line nuclei (1994) (46)
- Microscopic modeling of mass and charge distributions in the spontaneous fission of 240Pu (2015) (46)
- From Calcium to Cadmium: Testing the Pairing Functional through Charge Radii Measurements of ^{100-130}Cd. (2018) (46)
- Information content of the low-energy electric dipole strength: correlation analysis (2012) (46)
- Shell structure of exotic nuclei (2007) (46)
- Band crossings and near-rigid rotation in 76Kr and 78Kr (1989) (44)
- Calculation of Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants (2004) (44)
- Recoil-α-fission and recoil-α–α-fission events observed in the reaction $^{48}Ca + ^{243}Am$ (2015) (43)
- Pairing-induced speedup of nuclear spontaneous fission (2014) (43)
- Density matrix renormalization group approach for many-body open quantum systems. (2006) (42)
- Octupole instability induced by rotation in the nuclei 146,148Nd (1988) (42)
- Variation after particle-number projection for the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method with the Skyrme energy density functional (2006) (42)
- Gamow and R -matrix approach to proton emitting nuclei (2004) (41)
- Neutron radii and skins in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations (1996) (41)
- Spontaneous fission lifetimes from the minimization of self-consistent collective action (2013) (40)
- Fission modes of mercury isotopes (2012) (40)
- Quadrupole collective inertia in nuclear fission: Cranking approximation (2010) (40)
- Microscopic origin of nuclear deformations (1994) (39)
- Enhancing the interaction between nuclear experiment and theory through information and statistics (2015) (39)
- Toward understanding the microscopic origin of nuclear clustering (2012) (39)
- On the Origin of Nuclear Clustering (2012) (39)
- Threshold effects in multichannel coupling and spectroscopic factors in exotic nuclei (2007) (38)
- Excitation energy dependence of fission in the mercury region (2013) (38)
- Central depression in nucleonic densities: Trend analysis in the nuclear density functional theory approach (2017) (38)
- Probing Sizes and Shapes of Nobelium Isotopes by Laser Spectroscopy. (2018) (38)
- Empirical proton-neutron interactions and nuclear density functional theory: global, regional, and local comparisons. (2006) (37)
- Living on the edge of stability, the limits of the nuclear landscape (2012) (37)
- Shell Structure Beyond the Proton Drip Line Studied via Proton Emission from Deformed 141Ho (2008) (37)
- Proton emitters 140 Ho and 141 Ho : Probing the structure of unbound Nilsson orbitals (1999) (36)
- Microscopic analysis of the double backbending in the nucleus 160Yb (1980) (36)
- Collective oblate dipole rotational bands in 198Pb (1993) (36)
- Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems (2003) (36)
- Infrared studies of lattice vibrations in Bi12GeO20 and Bi12SiO20 crystals (1979) (36)
- Charge radii and neutron correlations in helium halo nuclei (2011) (35)
- Physics with Radioactive Beams (1996) (35)
- Excited superdeformed bands in 191Hg (1990) (34)
- Alignment processes and shape variations in 184Pt (1990) (34)
- Isospin mixing in nuclei within the nuclear density functional theory. (2009) (34)
- Get on the BAND Wagon: a Bayesian framework for quantifying model uncertainties in nuclear dynamics (2020) (34)
- Ground-state shapes and spectroscopic properties of Z ∼ 58, N ∼ 88 nuclei (1989) (34)
- α decay in the complex-energy shell model (2012) (34)
- Quantified Gamow Shell Model interaction for $psd$-shell nuclei (2017) (34)
- New discrete basis for nuclear structure studies (1998) (34)
- Nucleon localization and fragment formation in nuclear fission (2016) (33)
- Third minima in thorium and uranium isotopes in a self-consistent theory (2013) (33)
- Isospin mixing and the continuum coupling in weakly bound nuclei (2009) (33)
- Reflection-asymmetric shapes in odd-A actinide nuclei (1991) (32)
- Isospin-breaking corrections to superallowed Fermi beta-decay in isospin- and angular-momentum-projected nuclear Density Functional Theory (2012) (32)
- Foreword [Special Issue on Superheavy Elements] (2015) (31)
- Theoretical description of superheavy nuclei (2002) (31)
- Discussion of the improved parametrisation of the Woods-Saxon potential for deformed nuclei (1980) (31)
- Microscopic calculations of isospin-breaking corrections to superallowed beta decay. (2011) (31)
- High-spin octupole correlations in the N = 86, 146Nd and 148Sm nuclei (1991) (31)
- On the shape consistency in the deformed shell-model approach (1984) (31)
- Investigation of neutron-rich rare-earth nuclei including the new isotopes 177Tm and 184Lu☆ (1989) (30)
- Symmetry energy in nuclear density functional theory (2013) (30)
- Triaxiality and isospin-forbidden E1 decays in the N = Z nucleus 64Ge (1991) (30)
- Neutron skin uncertainties of Skyrme energy density functionals (2013) (30)
- The structure of high spin states in 184Hg and 186Hg (1986) (30)
- Information content of the weak-charge form factor (2013) (30)
- Twist-averaged boundary conditions for nuclear pasta Hartree-Fock calculations (2015) (30)
- First Observation of the Drip Line Nucleus 140Dy: Identification of a 7 Mu s K-isomer Populating the Ground State Band (2002) (30)
- Shape variations, influence of pairing and alignment of angular momentum in superdeformed bands in the A ≃ 150 region (1989) (29)
- Shape coexistence in the neutron deficient Pb isotopes and the configuration-constrained shell correction approach (1989) (29)
- Deformation Dependence of Single Quasiproton States in 177Re (1986) (29)
- The nuclear many-body problem 2001 (2002) (29)
- Systematic study of fission barriers of excited superheavy nuclei (2009) (28)
- Open problems in the theory of nuclear open quantum systems (2010) (28)
- Quantified limits of the nuclear landscape (2020) (28)
- Shell model Monte Carlo studies of nuclei in the A∼80 mass region (2003) (28)
- Magnetic dipole strength in superdeformed nuclei (1992) (28)
- Benchmarking Nuclear Fission Theory (2015) (27)
- Quasiparticle continuum and resonances in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory (2011) (27)
- Microscopic aspects of nuclear deformation (1994) (27)
- Formation and distribution of fragments in the spontaneous fission of 240Pu (2017) (27)
- High-spin states and shape evolution in 70,72Se (1989) (27)
- Mean-Field and Pairing Properties of Exotic Nuclei: Exploring the Nuclear Landscape (2002) (26)
- Landscape of two-proton radioactivity. (2013) (26)
- Search for correlations between prolate-shape collective and oblate-shape non-collective nuclear rotation: High-spin states in 159,160Yb (1987) (26)
- The Z = 82 shell closure in neutron-deficient Pb isotopes (2001) (26)
- Statistical aspects of nuclear mass models (2020) (25)
- Continuum effects in neutron-drip-line oxygen isotopes (2017) (25)
- First Observation of Unbound ^{11}O, the Mirror of the Halo Nucleus ^{11}Li. (2018) (25)
- On the hexadecapole anomaly at the border of the rare earth region (1981) (24)
- Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory of polarized Fermi systems (2008) (24)
- Charge Radii of Neutron Deficient ^{52,53}Fe Produced by Projectile Fragmentation. (2016) (24)
- Shell corrections for finite-depth deformed potentials: Green’s function oscillator expansion method (2000) (24)
- Continuum Coupling and Single-Nucleon Overlap Integrals (2007) (24)
- Beyond the proton drip line: Bayesian analysis of proton-emitting nuclei (2019) (24)
- Diabaticity of nuclear motion: problems and perspectives (1993) (24)
- Challenges in Nuclear Structure Theory (2016) (23)
- Shell-model description of weakly bound and unbound nuclear states (2003) (23)
- Shell corrections for finite depth potentials: Particle continuum effects (1998) (23)
- Theoretical analysis of the single-particle states in the secondary minima of fissioning nuclei (1984) (23)
- Monopole strength function of deformed superfluid nuclei (2011) (23)
- White paper: from bound states to the continuum (2019) (23)
- Large-scale self-consistent nuclear mass calculations (2006) (23)
- Structure and decays of nuclear three-body systems: The Gamow coupled-channel method in Jacobi coordinates (2017) (22)
- High-spin structure in 169W and 170W (1985) (22)
- Structure of Superheavy Nuclei Along Decay Chains of Element 115 (2014) (22)
- Skyrme‐HFB deformed nuclear mass table (2004) (22)
- Cluster formation in precompound nuclei in the time-dependent framework (2017) (22)
- Single-particle levels in the doubly magic /sup 132/Sn and /sup 100/Sn nuclei (1984) (22)
- Pairing renormalization and regularization within the local density approximation (2006) (22)
- Observation of the competing fission modes in 178Pt (2019) (22)
- Long-wavelength optical phonons in MnxHg1-xTe mixed crystals (1977) (21)
- Structural trends in atomic nuclei from laser spectroscopy of tin (2020) (21)
- Three-quasiparticle excitations in 79Kr (1990) (21)
- Nuclear charge and neutron radii and nuclear matter: Trend analysis in Skyrme density-functional-theory approach (2016) (20)
- Shape coexistence in 185Tl and 187Tl — investigation of the deformed minima (1995) (20)
- Beyond the charge radius: The information content of the fourth radial moment (2019) (20)
- Adaptive multi-resolution 3D Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solver for nuclear structure (2014) (20)
- Time-dependent density functional theory with twist-averaged boundary conditions (2016) (20)
- Theoretical study of triaxial shapes of neutron-rich Mo and Ru nuclei (2015) (20)
- Multipole modes in deformed nuclei within the finite amplitude method (2015) (20)
- Reflection-asymmetric shapes in transitional odd-A Th isotopes (1989) (20)
- Quadrupole moments of highly deformed structures in the A approximately 135 region: probing the single-particle motion in a rotating potential. (2002) (19)
- Low-energy collective modes of deformed superfluid nuclei within the finite-amplitude method (2013) (19)
- Fast multiresolution methods for density functional theory in nuclear physics (2009) (19)
- Isospin-Symmetry Restoration Within the Nuclear Density Functional Theory: Formalism and Applications (2009) (19)
- Fast multiresolution methods for density functional theory in nuclear physics (2009) (19)
- Antibound States and Halo Formation in the Gamow Shell Model (2006) (19)
- Disappearance of pairing correlations in a rotating nucleus and the role of particle-number projection discussed within a solvable model (1985) (18)
- Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Update for Nuclear Physics News (2017) (18)
- Asymptotic normalization coefficients and continuum coupling in mirror nuclei (2012) (18)
- A.I. for nuclear physics (2021) (18)
- On the question of spin fitting and quantized alignment in rotational bands (1993) (18)
- Self-consistent symmetries in the proton-neutron Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach (2009) (18)
- Nuclear rotation in the continuum (2015) (17)
- Shell effects in superdeformed minima (1997) (17)
- Mirror-symmetry violation in bound nuclear ground states (2020) (17)
- Pairing Nambu-Goldstone Modes within Nuclear Density Functional Theory. (2016) (17)
- White paper on nuclear astrophysics and low-energy nuclear physics, Part 2: Low-energy nuclear physics (2017) (17)
- Far infrared reflection spectra of MnxCd1−x Te mixed crystals (1978) (17)
- Second backbending in the yrast line of 156Er (1981) (17)
- Information Content of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Pb208 (2021) (17)
- Low-energy octupole and dipole modes in nuclei (1990) (17)
- Isospin-invariant Skyrme energy-density-functional approach with axial symmetry (2014) (16)
- Puzzling Two-Proton Decay of ^{67}Kr. (2018) (16)
- Physics at the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA): Exploring the nuclear landscape (2001) (16)
- Collective dipole rotational bands in197Pb (1992) (16)
- Evidence for a change of structure in the heavy mercury isotopes around 200Hg (1990) (16)
- Search for collective effects in very high spin states of /sup 152/Dy (1982) (16)
- Ionization Potentials of Internal Conversion Electrons for the Superheavy Elements 112, 114, 116, and 118 (2002) (16)
- Thermal properties of N=40 isotones (2005) (15)
- Colloquium : Machine learning in nuclear physics (2021) (15)
- Shape coexistence and disappearance of pairing correlations in 82Sr (1991) (15)
- Quest for superheavy nuclei (2002) (15)
- Anomalous signature splitting effects in 79Rb (1991) (15)
- Density matrix renormalization group approach to two-fluid open many-fermion systems (2009) (15)
- Structure and decay of the extremely proton-rich nuclei O11,12 (2019) (15)
- The Challenges of Nuclear Structure (1996) (15)
- Erratum: High-spin consequences of octupole shape in nuclei around Th222 (Physical Review Letters (1984) 53, 21 (2060)) (1984) (15)
- Erratum: Spherical proton emitters [Phys. Rev. C 56 , 1762 (1997)] (1998) (14)
- Nuclear charge densities in spherical and deformed nuclei: Toward precise calculations of charge radii (2021) (14)
- Cluster radioactivity of Og176118294 (2019) (14)
- Frontiers of nuclear structure (1998) (14)
- Cluster radioactivity of $^{294}_{118}$Og$_{176}$ (2018) (14)
- Fluctuation effects in the pairing field of rapidly rotating nuclei (1988) (14)
- α -decay energies of superheavy nuclei: Systematic trends (2018) (14)
- Nuclear wave functions for spin and pseudospin partners (2003) (14)
- Energy spectrum of neutron-rich helium isotopes: Complex made simple (2018) (14)
- Angular momentum dependence of the quadrupole deformation in 182, 184, 186W (1989) (14)
- Static multipole deformations in nuclei (1991) (14)
- Delayed second band crossing in 170W (1983) (12)
- Nuclear structure models (1992) (12)
- The N = 7 unfavoured superdeformed band in 193Hg; coriolis splitting and neutron shell structure at extreme deformation (1994) (12)
- Deformed i 13 2 bands and prolate-oblate shape coexistence in 185Tl and 187Tl (1994) (12)
- Self-consistent tilted-axis-cranking study of triaxial strongly deformed bands in 158Er at ultrahigh spin. (2011) (12)
- High-spin single-particle states in 193Hg (1993) (12)
- Erratum: Landscape of Two-Proton Radioactivity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 222501 (2013)] (2013) (12)
- Observation of superdeformation in 82Sr (1995) (12)
- First observation of the competing fission modes in the neutron-deficient sub-lead region. (2018) (12)
- Large-Scale Mass Table Calculations (2009) (12)
- Isospin mixing in nuclei around N=Z and the superallowed beta-decay (2010) (12)
- Octupole correlations in excited bands of superdeformed 152Dy (1995) (12)
- Efficient method for estimation of fission fragment yields of r -process nuclei (2020) (12)
- High-spin structure in154Er (1984) (12)
- Pairing reentrance phenomenon in heated rotating nuclei in the shell-model Monte Carlo approach. (2009) (12)
- Convenient Location of a Near-Threshold Proton-Emitting Resonance in ^{11}B. (2019) (12)
- The N = 7 unfavoured superdeformed band in 193Hg; coriolis splitting and neutron shell structure at extreme deformation (1994) (12)
- Landscape of pear-shaped even-even nuclei (2020) (12)
- Natural units for nuclear energy density functional theory (2010) (11)
- High spin states in 45Sc and coexistence of collective and non-collective structures in the odd-A nuclei (1997) (11)
- Bound states of dipolar molecules studied with the Berggren expansion method (2013) (11)
- High-spin rotational bands and pairing reduction in 166Hf (1983) (11)
- Possible existence of backbending in actinide nuclei (1982) (11)
- Single-particle and collective motion in unbound deformed Mg 39 (2016) (11)
- Competition between normal superfluidity and Larkin-Ovchinnikov phases of polarized Fermi gases in elongated traps (2010) (10)
- Moments of inertia of the even-even rare earth nuclei below and above N=82 (1990) (10)
- Long-wavelength optical phonons in CdSeX Te1-xmixed crystals (1973) (10)
- Publisher Correction: Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32 (2020) (10)
- High-spin states in 215Fr (1984) (10)
- Infrared Studies of Al Complexes in Zinc Sulphide (1978) (10)
- Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solution of the pairing Hamiltonian in finite nuclei (2012) (10)
- Physics of exotic nuclear states (1995) (10)
- High-Spin Intruder States in the fp-Shell Nuclei and Isoscalar Proton-Neutron Correlations (2005) (9)
- Search for excited states in O 25 (2017) (9)
- Shell Model Description of Weakly Bound Nuclei (2005) (9)
- Complex-energy approach to sum rules within nuclear density functional theory (2015) (9)
- UNEDF: Advanced Scientific Computing Collaboration Transforms the Low-Energy Nuclear Many-Body Problem (2012) (9)
- Description of 158Er at Ultrahigh Spin in Nuclear Density Functional Theory (2012) (9)
- Fission Barriers and Neutron Gas in Compound Superheavy Nuclei (2010) (9)
- Frontiers in Nuclear Structure (1997) (9)
- Low-energy M1 and E3 excitations in the proton-rich KrZr region (1993) (9)
- Optimization and supervised machine learning methods for fitting numerical physics models without derivatives (2020) (9)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Nuclear Physics (2021) (8)
- Plenary sessionNuclear structure (1999) (8)
- Quadrupole and Hexadecapole Couplings for 127I in Li127I (2001) (8)
- Infrared Absorption by Local Vibrational Modes of Boron Impurities in Germanium (1969) (8)
- Combined Theoretical Analysis of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry for ^{48}Ca and ^{208}Pb. (2022) (8)
- Lithium-related point defects in CdTe (1984) (8)
- Towards precise and accurate calculations of neutrinoless double-beta decay (2022) (8)
- {alpha} decay and shape coexistence in the {alpha}-rotor model (1997) (8)
- Nuclear Charge Radii of the Nickel Isotopes ^{58-68,70}Ni. (2021) (8)
- Kerman-Onishi conditions in self-consistent tilted-axis-cranking mean-field calculations (2013) (8)
- Structure of nuclei near100Sn and theπg9/2 →vg7/2 Gamow-Teller beta decays (1988) (8)
- Drip-line nuclei in self-consistent mean-field theory (1997) (8)
- Aluminium-related point defects in wurtzite-type ZnS (1985) (7)
- Core polarization by an intruder orbital in81Sr (1988) (7)
- The influence of pairing on the properties of “identical” superdeformed bands in Hg nuclei (1992) (7)
- Electromagnetic properties of the [303]52, 72 pseudo-spin doublet in 175Re (1992) (7)
- Pairing correlations in the superdeformed rotational bands: The frequency-deformation scaling (1987) (7)
- Possible superdeformed states in rare earth nuclei studied using the Nilsson and Woods-Saxon potentials (1982) (7)
- Isospin effects in N ≈ Z nuclei in extended density functional theory (2015) (7)
- Multipolarity of quasicontinuum γ-rays from collective high-spin states in 152Dy (1987) (7)
- Pairing correlations in high-spin isomers (2005) (7)
- Clustering and pasta phases in nuclear density functional theory (2016) (7)
- Isospin mixing within the symmetry restored density functional theory and beyond (2013) (7)
- Shell model calculations at superdeformed shapes (1991) (6)
- Anisotrophy of X-ray critical scattering in liquid NPOB crystal (1982) (6)
- Kinematical and Dynamical Moments of Inertia and the Mottelson-Valatin Effect at High Spin Excitations (1983) (6)
- The 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (2005) (6)
- Coordinate-Space Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Solvers for Super fluid Fermi Systems in Large Boxes (2012) (6)
- Towards the universal nuclear energy density functional (2009) (6)
- Pairing Properties of Superheavy Nuclei (2006) (6)
- Rotating pseudo-oscillator scheme: pseudo-spin symmetry and identical bands (1998) (6)
- A ≈ 80 and A ≈ 100 Nuclei Studied Within the Mean Field Approach (1988) (6)
- β−p and β−α decay of the 11Be neutron halo ground state (2021) (6)
- Analysis of the backbending effect in /sup 166/Yb, /sup 168/Yb, and /sup 170/Yb within the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov cranking method (1980) (6)
- Resonant spectra of quadrupolar anions (2016) (6)
- Shape coexistence, evolution and the parallel proton-neutron core breaking in 15568Er87 studied with the help of the BaF2 4π-detection system (1987) (6)
- Evidence of Two-Source King Plot Nonlinearity in Spectroscopic Search for New Boson. (2022) (6)
- Nuclear three-body problem in the complex energy plane: Complex-Scaling-Slater method (2013) (6)
- Shell model and mean-field description of band termination in the A ∼44 nuclei (2007) (6)
- Infrared Spectra of MnxZn1–xTe Mixed Crystals (1981) (6)
- Lightweight self-conjugate nucleus $^{80}$Zr (2021) (5)
- The nuclear collective motion (2001) (5)
- Hexadecapole interaction and the ΔI = 4 staggering effect in rotational bands (1994) (5)
- The Scientific Objectives of the SPIRAL2 project (2006) (5)
- Microscopic Description of Nuclear Fission: Fission Barrier Heights of Even-Even Actinides (2013) (5)
- The information content of the nuclear neutron skin (2010) (5)
- Curie Temperature and Critical Concentration of a Diluted Amorphous Ferromagnet‐ DRPHS Model (1981) (5)
- Independent Quasiparticle Analysis of Rotational Bands in 156Er (1981) (5)
- Microscopic nuclear mass table with high-performance computing (2012) (5)
- Bound and resonance states of the dipolar anion of hydrogen cyanide: Competition between threshold effects and rotation in an open quantum system (2014) (5)
- Nuclear Energy Density Optimization: UNEDF2 (2014) (5)
- Information content of the differences in the charge radii of mirror nuclei (2022) (5)
- Precision mass measurement of lightweight self-conjugate nucleus 80Zr (2021) (5)
- Strongly coupled impurity pairs in CdTe (1985) (5)
- Gamow-shell-model description of Li isotopes and their mirror partners (2020) (5)
- Dense Nuclear Matter Equation of State from Heavy-Ion Collisions (2023) (4)
- Contact Pairing Interaction for the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations (2001) (4)
- Point Defects in CdTe Containing Simultaneously Lithium and a Group IV Impurity (1994) (4)
- Universal trend of charge radii of even-even Ca–Zn nuclei (2021) (4)
- Computing Atomic Nuclei: The Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional (2007) (4)
- Calculations of the nuclear equilibrium deformations and moments using a consistency condition for the macroscopic and microscopic parts of the Strutinsky energy formula (1980) (4)
- Some remarks on surface magnetism in thin alloyed films (1982) (4)
- Resonant spectra of multipole-bound anions (2018) (4)
- Near-threshold correlations of neutrons (2013) (4)
- Quadrupole and Hexadecapole Correlations in Rotating Nuclei Studied within the Single-j Shell Model (1996) (4)
- Shell energy in the heaviest nuclei using the Green’s function oscillator expansion method (2005) (4)
- Surface disorder: A possible source of magnetism in alloys (1979) (4)
- Prospects for new science with EM devices (2003) (4)
- Evidence for octupole softness of the superdeformed shape from band interactions in 193,4Hg (1990) (4)
- Nucleon-nucleon correlations in the extreme oxygen isotopes (2021) (4)
- Coordinate-space Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov description of superfluid Fermi systems (2009) (4)
- Fermion Pair Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems. (2021) (4)
- Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional (2012) (4)
- Report from the A.I. For Nuclear Physics Workshop. (2020) (4)
- Particle-Number-Projected HFB Method (2004) (4)
- Measurement and microscopic description of odd–even staggering of charge radii of exotic copper isotopes (2020) (4)
- Identification of 183Hg. Identical bands in 183,185Hg (1993) (4)
- Infrared Studies of Defects in ZnS Crystals Double-Doped with Li and Al, Ga, and In (1981) (4)
- Peculiar Properties of Surface Magnetism in Thin Film Alloys (1980) (4)
- Large-scale HFB calculations for deformed nuclei with the exact particle number projection (2005) (3)
- Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules (2023) (3)
- Two‐Phonon Infrared Absorption in CdSexTe1−x Mixed Crystals (1975) (3)
- Proton emission from Gamow resonance (2000) (3)
- Radioactive Ion Beam Production Capabilities At The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (2011) (3)
- Nuclear Physics Exascale Requirements Review: An Office of Science review sponsored jointly by Advanced Scientific Computing Research and Nuclear Physics, June 15 - 17, 2016, Gaithersburg, Maryland (2022) (3)
- FRIB and the GW170817 Kilonova (2018) (3)
- Self‐Consistent Study of Fission Barriers of Even‐Even Superheavy Nuclei (2005) (3)
- Three-dimensional Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solver in coordinate-space representation (2021) (3)
- Skyrme mean field studies of nuclei far from the stability line (1999) (3)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Nuclear Density Functional Theory (2014) (3)
- A new approach to deformed proton emitters: Non-adiabatic coupled-channels (2001) (3)
- On the band crossing problem in the cranking model and the number-projected constrained HFB approach (1990) (3)
- Far-infrared reflection spectra of ZnxHg1−x mixed crystals (1975) (3)
- Shell Model Description of Nuclei Far from Stability (2004) (3)
- Competition between (h11/2)2 proton and neutron excitations around128Ba: Coexistence of near prolate and near oblate shapes at high spin (1988) (3)
- Localized Vibrational Modes of Al-Cu Complexes in Zinc Sulphide (1978) (2)
- Fine structure in proton emission (2002) (2)
- Nucleon localization in light and heavy nuclei (2016) (2)
- UNEDF: Advanced Scientific Computing Transforms the Low-Energy Nuclear Many-Body Problem (2011) (2)
- Nuclear structure at particle drip lines (1993) (2)
- A Vision for Nuclear Theory: Report to NSAC (2003) (2)
- Designer Nuclei — Making Atoms that Barely Exist (2010) (2)
- Bimodal Fission in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Approach (2006) (2)
- Large-Scale Calculations in Odd-Mass Nuclei (2009) (2)
- Structure of Exotic Nuclei (2004) (2)
- The observation of superdeformed structure in mass 80 nuclei (1995) (2)
- Spectroscopic factors in dripline nuclei (2021) (2)
- Long-lived high spin states in156Er: Signature for a prolate-to-oblate shape transition (1985) (2)
- Reflection-asymmetric nuclear deformations within the Density Functional Theory (2012) (2)
- Theoretical description of fission yields: Toward a fast and efficient global model (2022) (2)
- Fast multiresolution methods for density functional theory in nuclear physics (2009) (2)
- Studies of Nuclei at and Beyond the Proton Drip-Line with Stable and Radioactive Beams at HRIBF (1999) (2)
- Multidimensional Skyrme-density-functional study of the spontaneous fission of 238U (2015) (2)
- Rotational band structure in Se75 (1992) (2)
- On the non-unitarity of the Bogoliubov transformation due to the quasiparticle space truncation (2005) (2)
- Precise measurement and microscopic description of charge radii of exotic copper isotopes: global trends and odd-even variations (2019) (2)
- Nucleon localization function in rotating nuclei (2020) (2)
- International Workshop, Nuclear Structure Models, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 16-25, 1992 (1992) (2)
- First Observation of Excited States in 140Dy (2003) (2)
- Shell model analysis of intruder states and high- K isomers in the fp shell (2005) (1)
- Fine structure in one‐proton emission studied at Oak Ridge (2003) (1)
- The Hartree-Fock + BCS and generator coordinate methods (1992) (1)
- Resonances in deformed nuclei: R-matrix theory and oscillator expansion (2000) (1)
- Electron and Nucleon Localization Functions in Superheavy Elements (2017) (1)
- Current Status and Future Prospects on Super Heavy Nuclei Research ( Summary of the Symposium ) (2015) (1)
- Nilsson‐orbit and weak‐coupling model: non‐axial deformation (2003) (1)
- Alpha Decay Energies of Superheavy Nuclei: Systematic Trends (2019) (1)
- Advancing Nuclear Physics Through TOPS Solvers and Tools (2011) (1)
- Reply to “Comment on ‘ α decay in the complex-energy shell model'” (2016) (1)
- Spin-orbit contribution to the nuclear charge density (2021) (1)
- Thermal fission pathways in 232Th (2009) (1)
- 0 30 20 20 v 1 1 0 Fe b 20 03 draft Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems (2003) (1)
- Structure of Superheavy Nuclei Along Element 115 Decay Chains (2014) (1)
- The πg9/2 → νg7/2 Gamow-Teller Beta Decay of Even Nuclei Near 100Sn (1986) (1)
- Competition of Oblate and Prolate Deformation in 3469,70,71,72Se (1988) (1)
- Symmetry energy in nuclear density functional theory (2014) (1)
- Octupole Correlations, Spin Assignments and Identical Bands in $^193$Hg (2008) (1)
- Si‐Related Point Defects in CdTe (1993) (1)
- Description of weakly bound or unbound nuclear states (2004) (1)
- The ∆ I = 4 bifurcation in superdeformed bands (1994) (1)
- Refereed and selected contributions from the 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, September 12-16, 2004 (2005) (1)
- Rotational Properties of Neutron Drip-Line Nuclei (2001) (1)
- Pairing correlations in rotating nuclei and the frequency-deformation scaling (1990) (1)
- Sensitivity of the electric dipole polarizability to the neutron skin thickness in 208Pb (2012) (1)
- Microscopic origin of reflection-asymmetric nuclear shapes (2020) (1)
- Configuration-constrained Hartree-Fock method —an illustrative example (1994) (1)
- Discussion group concerning superdeformation (selected examples) (2008) (1)
- Excited states in drip line nucleus 140Dy (2002) (1)
- Statistical correlations of nuclear quadrupole deformations and charge radii (2022) (0)
- Description of Charge Radii in Halo Nuclei within the Gamow Shell Model (2009) (0)
- Oblate-prolate shape competition in Z = 34--38 nuclei (1987) (0)
- Nuclear Structure at the Limits (1997) (0)
- Orbital dependent pairing and the structure of the lightest isotopes of tin (2010) (0)
- v 1 17 J an 2 00 7 Shell Structure of Exotic Nuclei (2007) (0)
- AlZn‐VZn Pairs in Wurtzite‐Type ZnS (1984) (0)
- Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Lecture: The limits of nuclear landscape (2012) (0)
- Role of fission in the r -process nucleosynthesis (2018) (0)
- Asymptotic behavior of the wave packet propagation through a barrier: The Green’s function approach revisited (2000) (0)
- Theoretical uncertainties count: parity violating asymmetry and dipole polarizability in 208Pb (2023) (0)
- Charge Radii of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Ni</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>55</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>56</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow>< (2022) (0)
- The limits of nuclear mass and charge (2018) (0)
- Electron and Nucleon Localization Functions of Oganesson: Approaching the Fermi-Gas Limit (2017) (0)
- Optimization and Machine Learning Training Algorithms for Fitting Numerical Physics Models (2020) (0)
- Electric dipole polarizability of $^{40}$Ca (2023) (0)
- Reflection-Asymmetric Shapes in Atomic Nuclei (1992) (0)
- Deformed i{sub 13/2} bands and prolate-oblate shape coexistence in {sup 185}Tl and {sup 187}Tl. (1994) (0)
- Parameters of the deformed Woods-Saxon potential outside A=110-210 nuclei (1979) (0)
- Description of ^{158}Er at ultrahigh spin in nuclear density functional theory (2014) (0)
- Nuclear structure near the drip lines (1998) (0)
- Nucleonic Shells: a Paradigm Shift? (2006) (0)
- Collective Dipole Rotational Bands in the A $\approx$ 200 Region (1992) (0)
- Hexadecapole strength in the rare isotopes 74,76Kr (2023) (0)
- Octupole shaps in nuclei, and some rotational consequences thereof (1984) (0)
- Building a Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional (UNEDF). SciDAC-2 Project (2012) (0)
- Evaluation of the Kerman-Klein method in quantum (1993) (0)
- Mean field approach to nuclear structure (1993) (0)
- Where is the neutron drip-line for oxygen? (2017) (0)
- Nuclear Structure Models: International Workshop (1993) (0)
- Structural trends in atomic nuclei from laser spectroscopy of tin (2020) (0)
- Pairing Energies of the High-Spin Isomers in N=83 Isotones (2005) (0)
- Pairing correlations in rotating nuclei and the frequency-deformation scaling (1990) (0)
- Physics of radioactive nuclear beams: Theoretical perspective (1997) (0)
- Benchmarking nuclear fi ssion theory (2015) (0)
- Obituary of Ziemowid "Ziemek" Sujkowski (2006) (0)
- Theoretical nuclear structure and astrophysics. Progress report for 1996 (1996) (0)
- Science of rare isotopes: connecting nuclei with the universe. (2008) (0)
- ENAM'04 Fourth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (2005) (0)
- Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems (8 pages) (2004) (0)
- Temperature-Dependent Fission Barriers of Superheavy Nuclei (2009) (0)
- Perspectives in high spin physics (theoretical remarks) (1995) (0)
- Superformed Bands in Atomic Nuclei: A Fascinating Recent Discovery (1990) (0)
- FRIB Theory Users Group Report: Joint ATLAS-HRIBF-NSCL-FRIB SuperUsers Meeting 18-20 August 2011 (2011) (0)
- Fe b 20 15 Recoil-α-fission and recoil-α-α-fission events observed in the reaction 48 Ca + (2015) (0)
- Continuum coupling and spectroscopic properties of nuclei (2006) (0)
- Skyrme-QRPA calculations of multipole strength in exotic nuclei (2005) (0)
- Shell Model Monte Carlo Applications (2005) (0)
- Contributions to the NUCLEI SciDAC-3 Project (2018) (0)
- 0 40 40 77 v 1 2 7 A pr 2 00 4 Skyrme-HFB deformed nuclear mass table (2004) (0)
- Quadrupole inertia, zero-point corrections, and fission barriers in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock theory (2006) (0)
- On the Origin of Nuclear Clustering(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei) (2012) (0)
- Pushing the Limits of the Periodic Table -- A Review on Atomic Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory and Calculations for the Superheavy Elements (2023) (0)
- Mirror-symmetry violation in bound nuclear ground states (2020) (0)
- Kinematical and Dynamical Moments of Inertia and the Mottelson-Valatin Effect at High Spin Excitations (1983) (0)
- The Delta I=4 Bifurcation in Superdeformed Bands (1994) (0)
- Ju n 20 04 Axially Deformed Solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov Equations using The Transformed Harmonic Oscillator Basis . The program HFBTHO ( v 1 . 66 p ) (2004) (0)
- 0 70 10 20 v 1 9 J an 2 00 7 Shell Model and Mean-Field Description of Band Termination (2022) (0)
- Deformation Dependence of Single Quasiproton States in 177Re (1986) (0)
- Near-threshold resonances in 11C and the 10B(p,{\alpha})7Be aneutronic reaction cross section (2022) (0)
- Discovery of a sub-μs Isomer in ^140Eu (2002) (0)
- Probing the Non-exponential Decay Regime in Open Quantum Systems (2022) (0)
- High-spin states in 215Fr (1984) (0)
- Computing Heavy Elements (2011) (0)
- arXiv : First observation of the competing fission modes in the sub-lead region (2018) (0)
- Charge radius of $^{6}$He and Halo nuclei in the Gamow Shell Model (2009) (0)
- D ec 2 00 8 Odd-even mass differences from self-consistent mean field theory (0)
- Shell‐Model Description of Weakly Bound Nuclei (2002) (0)
- Testing pairing renormalization and regularization for contact forces(Poster presentation,YITP Workshop on New Developments in Nuclear Self-Consistent Mean-Field Theories (MF05)) (2005) (0)
- Spherical Gamow HFB calculations for nuclei close to driplines(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-) (2007) (0)
- Proton‐Neutron Correlation Energies From Self‐Consistent Large‐Scale Mass Calculations (2007) (0)
- New vistas in superdeformation (1992) (0)
- Multidimensional automatic integrator (MDAI) — An efficient routine for automatic integration of functions of many variables (1984) (0)
- Effects of the continuum coupling on spin-orbit splitting (2005) (0)
- Single-nucleon densities in superheavy nuclei (2001) (0)
- Obituary of Mario Stoitsov (1953-2011) (2011) (0)
- A systematic comparison between the Nilsson and Woods-Saxon deformed shell model potentials (1989) (0)
- Numerical aspects of the Gamow shell model (2005) (0)
- Ju l 2 01 1 Multipole strength function of deformed superfluid nuclei made easy (2013) (0)
- Isospin mixing within the multi-reference nuclear density functional theory and beyond - selected aspects (2013) (0)
- Theoretical nuclear structure. Progress report for 1997 (1997) (0)
- A ug 2 01 2 Spontaneous fission modes and lifetimes of super-heavy elements in the nuclear density functional theory (2013) (0)
- Editorial: RMP: Looking Forward (2019) (0)
- Towards the universal nuclear energy density functional (2009) (0)
- Gammasphere physics far from stability (1995) (0)
- Cluster radioactivity of _{118}^{294}Og_{176} (2019) (0)
- Proton superfluidity and charge radii in proton-rich calcium isotopes (2019) (0)
- Collective high spin states in the light odd f7/2 nuclei (1996) (0)
- Core Polarization Effects in Odd A ≈ 80 Nuclei (1988) (0)
- Nuclear Structure at the Limits cO & vF-Y 7 (2008) (0)
- A Recoil Separator for ReA 12 A whitepaper on the science case and proposed technical solution , ISLA Produced by the ReA 12 Recoil Separator Working Group Release date : (2014) (0)
- Odd-even Mass Nuclei in Nuclear Energy Density Functional theory (2008) (0)
- Octupole instability in the heavy barium region (1987) (0)
- Nudged elastic band approach to nuclear fission pathways (2022) (0)
- New Superdeformed Behaviour in $^193$Hg (1990) (0)
- The Systematics of Superdeformation in $^193,194$Hg (1990) (0)
- Effective Description of $${ {}}^{5-10}\text {He} $$ and the Search for a Narrow $${{}^{4}\text {n}}$$ Resonance (2018) (0)
- Ju n 19 94 Shape Coexistence Around 4416 S 28 : The Deformed N = 28 Region (1994) (0)
- Charge Radii of ^{55,56}Ni Reveal a Surprisingly Similar Behavior at N=28 in Ca and Ni Isotopes. (2022) (0)
- Continuum effects in weakly-bound mirror nuclei (2009) (0)
- From bound states to the continuum (2019) (0)
- Challenges in Nuclear Structure Physics (2002) (0)
- {pi}h{sub 9/2}-{pi}f{sub 7/2} mixing in A {le} 185 Au nuclei from high spin spectroscopy (1995) (0)
- The role of nuclear shapes in nuclear structure (from the perspective of the Daresbury Tandem) (1993) (0)
- Physics of exotic nuclear states (1995) (0)
- Meissner effect and reentrance phenomenon in heated rotating nuclei (2009) (0)
- Study of dripline nuclei via proton radioactivity fine structure (2003) (0)
- Nucleus as an open quantum system (2011) (0)
- Quantum Nuclear Pasta Calculations with Twisted Angular Boundary Conditions (2015) (0)
- Testing the interpretation of the γ-γ correlation experiments at high spins☆ (1982) (0)
- Nuclear physics in Reviews of Modern Physics (2019) (0)
- White Book on the Future of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics in Poland and the Development of the National Research Infrastructure (2020) (0)
- 2 A ug 1 99 3 JIHIR 93 – 17 Low – Energy M 1 and E 3 excitations in the proton – rich Kr – Zr region (1993) (0)
- Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, and Neutrinos (FSNN): Whitepaper for the 2023 NSAC Long Range Plan (2023) (0)
- 0 61 00 61 v 1 1 4 O ct 2 00 6 Variation after Particle-Number Projection for the HFB Method with the Skyrme Energy Density Functional (2021) (0)
- Gamow states expansion methods for mean-field and beyond(YITP Workshop on New Developments in Nuclear Self-Consistent Mean-Field Theories (MF05)) (2005) (0)
- The influence of pairing on the properties of the A=190 superdeformed bands (1992) (0)
- Combined Theoretical Analysis of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Ca</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>48</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscrip (2022) (0)
- Spin assignments for the ground states of [sup 155]Lu and [sup 157]Lu (1993) (0)
- Independent Quasiparticle Analysis of Rotational Bands in 156Er (1981) (0)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences: 356 (1744) (1998) (0)
- Prospects for Breakthroughs in Nuclear Theory (2017) (0)
- N uclearground-state properties from m ean-eld calculations (2021) (0)
- Energy levels and structure of light rare‐earth nuclei 136,138,140Sm and 132,134,136Nd, via beta decay (1987) (0)
- Exotic nuclei from a theoretical perspective (1998) (0)
- Super-Heavy Elements: Theoretical Perspective (2005) (0)
- Calculations of the nuclear equilibrium deformations and moments using a consistency condition for the macroscopic and microscopic parts of the Strutinsky energy formula (1980) (0)
- Configuration mixing and continuum coupling in weakly-bound mirror nuclei (2009) (0)
- Near-threshold resonances in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">C</mml:mi><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mn>11</mml:mn></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:math> and the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:m (2023) (0)
- Physics of drip-line nuclei (1995) (0)
- Study of spontaneous fission lifetimes using nuclear density functional theory (2013) (0)
- Theoretical Description of the Fission Process (2003) (0)
- Meeting Reports (2013) (0)
- Collective and Independent-Particle Motion of Nucleons in Nuclei (1997) (0)
- 1 30 2 . 11 65 v 2 [ nu clt h ] 2 3 M ay 2 01 3 Third minima in thorium and uranium isotopes in the self-consistent theory (2013) (0)
- Finite amplitude method for discrete collective excited states and sum rules (2014) (0)
- Hexadecapole interaction and the ΔI = 4 staggering effect in rotational bands (1995) (0)
- Fifth-force search with trapped Yb ions (2023) (0)
- Final Report on the Exascale Requirements Review for Nuclear Physics (2016) (0)
- Prompt proton decays and rotational bands in the A=60 region (1998) (0)
- Survey of Reflection-Asymmetric Nuclear Deformations (2016) (0)
- Self-Consistent Mean Field Mass Table Calculations (2003) (0)
- Detector frontier: Theoretical expectations and dreams (1992) (0)
- Improvements to Nuclear Data and Its Uncertainties by Theoretical Modeling (2013) (0)
- Ja n 20 07 Shell Structure of Exotic Nuclei (2008) (0)
- Isospin Invariant Skyrme Density Functional Approach (2013) (0)
- Closed shells at drip-line nuclei (1995) (0)
- Nucleon localization within nuclear density functional theory (2016) (0)
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