How to Get an Online Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

How to Get an Online Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

A growing number of accredited colleges and universities offer online bachelor’s degrees in psychology. An online bachelor’s degree in psychology provides the same curriculum as an on-campus bachelor’s degree program. Getting your bachelor’s degree in psychology online is similar to getting your psychology degree on campus. You will need to earn the same number of credits in an online bachelor’s degree program. The online bachelor’s in psychology program will also take the same amount of time to complete as an on-campus degree program. The best online bachelor’s degrees in psychology will prepare you to work as a family therapist, addiction specialist, or mental health counselor. You can also continue into a psychology grad degree program to become a psychologist.

You can get an online bachelor’s degree in psychology at most accredited four-year colleges and universities. Many traditional colleges and universities offer fully online bachelor’s degrees in psychology. You may also be able to earn your bachelor’s degree in psychology from a fully online college. The best online bachelor’s degrees in psychology will prepare you to work as a family therapist, addiction specialist, or mental health counselor. You can also earn an online degree in psychology or counseling at the associate and master’s levels.

For a full list of top psychology schools, including schools with online psychology degrees and the best psychology schools in your state, take a look at the Best Colleges and Universities for Psychology Degrees.

You can choose the best online bachelor’s degree in psychology by focusing on key factors like cost, format, location, accreditation, and student services.

Time needed: Approximately 5 Years

Estimated Cost: $20,000 - $100,000+

The cost of an online bachelor’s degree in psychology can vary widely from one school to the next. For instance, public colleges and universities are often more affordable than private non-profit colleges. Students attending public colleges in state will also get tuition discounts versus students attending college out of state. Factors like financial aid, scholarships, and need-based grants can also impact the final cost of your online bachelor’s degree in psychology. Learn about these costs and more with a look at our Guide to Paying for College.

Tools you will need:

  • Computer
  • Textbooks

Supplies you will need:

  • Notebooks
  • Pens or Pencils
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Test Scores
  • Personal Essay
  • College Application
  • Scholarship Applications

Choose Your Degree Format

You can get a bachelor’s degree in psychology online or in person. There are also hybrid bachelor’s degrees in psychology where you’ll take some classes in person and some online. Online courses and degree programs can come in different formats, including options for asynchronous and synchronous learning. Learn more about the difference between synchronous courses (online learning in real time) and asynchronous (or self-paced) online learning.

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Choose a Location

Location is an important factor, whether you get your bachelor’s degree in psychology online or in person. There are many benefits to attending school close to home, including in-state tuition rates and convenient travel for in-person requirements. This is true even for online students. One great way to prioritize location is to search for schools by state.

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Determine Your Program’s Accreditation

Accreditation means that a college or university is meeting standards of quality, credibility, and currency. There are two types of accreditation: Regional Accreditation and National Accreditation. Regional accreditation is generally better. We strongly recommend that students choose regionally accredited online bachelor’s degrees in psychology. Jump to our complete list of regional accreditation agencies you should look for when considering a college or university to attend.

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Explore Your Program’s Student Services

Student services can be a big part of your experience, especially as an online psychology student. Find out what kind of support resources each school offers. Look for resources like Career Services, Mental Health Services, Writing Support, and more.

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Submit Your Application

Fill out and submit the following materials to your chosen school:

  • College Application
  • Transcript
  • Test Scores
  • Personal Essay
  • Letters of Recommendation

Learn more about how to submit your application.

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Apply For Financial Aid

Make sure you take advantage of all the financial aid and scholarship opportunities available to you. The first step is to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA determines your eligibility for federal student loans or need-based grants. You should fill out the FAFSA every year you plan to attend college or university. Every eligible student will qualify for some student aid, even those without financial need. Colleges also use the FAFSA to determine your eligibility for state- and college-based grants and scholarships. To learn more, check out our Guide to Financial Aid in Higher Education.

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Look for Scholarships

Scholarships can also help you pay for your online bachelor’s degree in psychology. Many different organizations offer scholarships including religious institutions, private companies, non-profit foundations, advocacy groups, professional associations, and more. Do a complete search for scholarship opportunities and find ways to lower the cost of your online bachelor’s degree in psychology. To learn more, check out our Guide to Scholarships for College and Graduate Students.

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Complete Your Coursework

As an online bachelor’s in psychology student, you can expect the same curriculum and credit requirements-120 credits-as an in-person psychology degree. The online bachelor’s in psychology program will also take the same amount of time to complete as an on-campus degree program. Most online bachelor’s in psychology students will study the same basic topics, take the same basic courses, and pursue the same basic learning objectives. You will study topics like:

  • Human Behavior
  • Mental Health Disorders
  • Stages of Development
  • Counseling Best Practices
  • Therapeutic Intervention

After you have completed your basic coursework, you can pick a specialization like:

  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Ethics in Psychology
  • Theories of Behaviorism
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Forensics Psychology
  • Research Methodologies in Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology

You can succeed in your online bachelor’s degree in psychology program by staying engaged, managing your time effectively, and using good learning resources. Start by bookmarking a few of the best psychology blogs for students:

We also have comprehensive study guides and research tools to help you succeed in your online bachelor’s degree program including:

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Featured Programs

Our Favorite Online Bachelor’s Psychology Degrees

Take a look at the complete list of the best online bachelor’s degrees in psychology.

For a dynamic, real-time listing of the most influential psychology schools in the world, use our Custom College Ranking.

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