Albert Outler
Most Influential Person Across History
American Methodist pastor, Professor of Church History, theologian; John Wesley Scholar
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Christian Theology
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Religious Studies
Why Is Albert Outler Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Albert Cook Outler was a 20th-century American Methodist historian, theologian, and pastor. He was a professor at Duke University, Yale University, and Southern Methodist University. He was a key figure in the 20th-century ecumenical movement.
Albert Outler's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- High level (1957) (48)
- Origen and the Regulae Fidei (1939) (31)
- Psychotherapy and the Christian message (1954) (24)
- John Wesley's Sermons: An Anthology (1983) (23)
- Theodosius' Horse: Reflections on the Predicament of the Church Historian (1988) (13)
- Practical Divinity: Theology in the Wesleyan Tradition . By Thomas Langford. Abingdon Press, 1983. 303 pp. $9.95. (1984) (12)
- Evangelism in the Wesleyan spirit (1971) (12)
- Augustine : confessions and enchiridion (1955) (11)
- The Wesleyan Theological Heritage: Essays of Albert C. Outler (1991) (8)
- Pneumatology as an Ecumenical Frontier (1989) (6)
- The "Platonism" of Clement of Alexandria (1940) (6)
- Toward A Postliberal Hermeneutics (1985) (5)
- Aquinas on Nature and Grace (1955) (5)
- THE PROTESTANT ERA By Paul Tillich. Translated and with a concluding essay by James Luther Adams. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948. Pp. 323. $4.00. (1948) (5)
- The beginnings of personhood: theological considerations. (1973) (4)
- The Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion and Certain Related Open Letters , The Works of John Wesley, Vol. 11. Edited by Gerald R. Cragg. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975. 593 pp. $29.95. (1977) (4)
- The Vindication of Tradition. By Jaroslav Pelikan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984. x + 93 pp. $10.95. (1985) (3)
- John Wesley's Sermons: An Introduction (1991) (3)
- John Wesley as Theologian--Then and Now (1974) (2)
- The Christian tradition and the unity we seek : given as Richard lectures at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia (1957) (2)
- Whither Wesleyan Theology: Wesley's Catholic spirit (1974) (1)
- Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon, by Aloys Grillmeier, S.J. 505 pp. New York, Sheed and Ward, 1965. $8.50 (1966) (1)
- Who trusts in God : musings on the meaning of providence (1968) (1)
- A Christian context for counseling (1950) (1)
- The New Iconoclasm and the Integrity of the Faith (1968) (1)
- Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture. By Jaroslav Pelikan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. xvi + 270 pp. (1987) (1)
- Venetian Phoenix: Paolo Sarpi and Some of His English Friends, 1606-1700. By John Leon Lievsay. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1973. 262 pp. $11.00 (1976) (1)
- Rufinus, A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed. Translated by J. N. D. Kelly. Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, and London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1955. Vol. XX in the series, Ancient Christian Writers. 166 pp. $2.75. (1955) (0)
- Christianity and Culture. By Georges Florovsky. “Collected Works of Georges Florovsky,” vol. 2. Boston: Nordland Publishing Co., 1974. 245 pp. $8.95 (1976) (0)
- The History of the Primitive Church, by Jules Lebreton, S.J., and Jacques Zeiller. With a Foreword by Augustin Fliche and Mgr. Victor Martin. Translated from the French by Ernest C. Messenger. 2 vols. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1949. $16.50 (1950) (0)
- Christianity and Classical Culture: A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine, by Charles Norris Cochrane. 523 pp. New York, Oxford University Press, 1944. $5.00 (1945) (0)
- Man of the month James Allan Knight (1963) (0)
- Book Review: The End of Conventional Christianity (1969) (0)
- Book Review:The Legacy of the Liberal Spirit Fred G. Bratton (1944) (0)
- St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies, by Gerald Bonner. 428 pp. Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1963. $8.50 (1965) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1957) (0)
- Whither Wesleyan Theology: salvation, faith, and good works (1974) (0)
- Through A Glass Darkly: Our History Speaks To Our Future (1990) (0)
- Book Review:Vatican Politics at the Second Vatican Council 1962-5 George Bull (1967) (0)
- Whither Wesleyan Theology: whence, what, and so what, in Wesleyan Theology (1974) (0)
- Book Review:A History of the Cure of Souls John T. McNeill (1952) (0)
- Mankind and Mother Earth By Arnold J. Toynbee, New York and London, Oxford University Press, 1976. 596 pp. $19.50 (1977) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1963) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1956) (0)
- The Perilous Vision of John Wyclif by Louis Brewer Hall Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1983. 277 pp. $23.95 (1984) (0)
- Religious Pathology and Christian Faith, by James E. Loder. 247 pp. Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1966. $5.00 (1968) (0)
- Book Review:Challenge... and Response; A Protestant Perspective of the Vatican Council Warren A. Quanbeck (1967) (0)
- Book Review: Challenge … and Response: A Protestant Perspective of the Vatican Council (1967) (0)
- Four Philosophies and Their Practice in Education and Religion, by J. Donald Butler. 551 pp. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1951. $4.00 (1952) (0)
- Conversions: The Christian Experience Edited by Hugh T. Kerr and John M. Mulder Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1983. 265 pp. $12.95 (1984) (0)
- The Room of Religion: Sanctification (Part 3 of 3) (1984) (0)
- The Oracles of God; An Introduction to the Preaching of John Calvin, by T. H. L. Parker. 176 pp. London, Lutterworth Press, 1947. 12s. 6d (1948) (0)
- Aquinas on Nature and Grace . Translated and edited by A. M. Fairweather. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1954. Pp. 386. $5.00. (1955) (0)
- Whither Wesleyan Theology: holiness of heart and life (1974) (0)
- Book Review: Rome—Opponent or Partner? (1966) (0)
- Readings in Christian Humanism . Edited by Joseph M. Shaw, R. W. Franklin, Kaasa Harris, and Charles W. Buzicky. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1982. 685 pp. $19.95. (1984) (0)
- Karl Menninger and the Dimensions of Sin (1974) (0)
- The Buring Heart: John Wesley, Evangelist. By A. Skevington Wood. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1967. 286 pp. $4.95. (1969) (0)
- Book Review: The Faith of a Theist (1947) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1958) (0)
- Book Review: The Right Questions (1949) (0)
- Unity in Freedom; Reflections on the Human Family . By Augustin Cardinal Bea. New York: Harper & Row, 1964. 258 pp. $5.00. (1965) (0)
- That the world may believe : a study of Christian unity (1966) (0)
- Christian Origins in Sociological Perspective: Methods and Resources. By Howard Clark Kee. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1980. 204 pp. $8.95. (1982) (0)
- The man of the month (1954) (0)
- THE INCARNATION OF THE WORD OF GOD BY ST. ATHANASIUS Translated by A Religious of C.S.M.V.S. Th. Introduction by C. S. Lewis. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1946. 96 pages. $1.50. (1946) (0)
- Better and better (1954) (0)
- Theodosius' Horse; Reflections on the Predicament of the Church Historian (1965) (0)
- After the Council: The Meaning of Vatican II for Protestantisin and the Ecumenicai Dialogue. By Edmund Schlink. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1968. x+ 261 pp. $4.95. (1969) (0)
- The Porch of Religion: Repentance (Part 1 of 3) (1984) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1957) (0)
- Book Review:John Wesley and Authority: A Psychological Perspective Robert L. Moore (1981) (0)
- Book Review: Being Ultimately Concerned (1957) (0)
- Christian Authority: Essays in Honour of Henry Chadwick . Edited by G. R. Evans. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. x + 355 pp. $72.00. (1990) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1955) (0)
- CHRISTIANITY AND CIVILISATION FIRST PART: FOUNDATIONS By Emil Brunner. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1948. Pp. xi, 172. $2.50. (1949) (0)
- THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT By George Johnston. New York: The Macmillan Co., for the Cambridge University Press, 1943. xv, 156 pages. $2.50. (1944) (0)
- Book Review: The Early Christian Doctrine of God (Richard Lectures, University of Virginia, 1965–66) (1968) (0)
- Book Review:Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man David E. Roberts (1951) (0)
- Religion and Humanism . Edited By Robbins Keith. Studies in Church History 17. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1982. xii + 365 pp. $36.00. (1984) (0)
- Interview with Dr. Robert Handy, Dr. Albert Outler, and Dr. Sidney Mead, 1985 (1985) (0)
- The Test of Orthodoxy (1962) (0)
- On Campus Video, featuring Dr. Robert Handy, Dr. Albert Outler, and Dr. Sidney Mead, three experts in the area of church history. (1985) (0)
- THE CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY By Shirley Jackson Case. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1943. viii, 222 pages. $2.00 (1944) (0)
- Readings in Christian Thought, edited by Hugh T. Kerr. 373 pp. New York, Abingdon Press, 1966. $7.95 (1967) (0)
- Alexandrian Christianity; Selected Translations of Clement and Origen with Introductions and Notes . By John Ernest Leonard Oulton and Henry Chadwick. Library of Christian Classics, vol. II. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1954. pp. 475. $5.00. (1955) (0)
- Book Review: The Protestant Credo (1954) (0)
- Book Review:On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers Friedrich Schleiermacher, John Oman (1956) (0)
- The Threshold of Religion: Justification (Part 2 of 3) (1984) (0)
- Book Review: The Method of Correlation (1951) (0)
- Faith Seeking Understanding: Essays Theological and Critical . By Robert E. Cushman. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1981. xv + 373 pp. S19.75. (1983) (0)
- Book Review:The Grandeur and Misery of Man David E. Roberts (1956) (0)
- Reviews of current books (1957) (0)
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